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Maria Camila Arguello Granados Sophia de los Angeles Paramo



The cell membrane (plasma membrane ) is a thin semi-permeable membrane that sourrounds the cytoplasm of a cell. Its fuction is to protect the intergrity of the interior of the cell by allowing certain substances into the cell, while keeping other substances out. It also serves as a base of attachment for the cytoskeleton in some organims and the cell wall in the others. Thus the cell membrane also serves to help support the cell and help maintain its shape. Another function of the membrane is to regulate cell growth through the balance of endocytosis and exocytosis. In endocytosis, lipids and proteins are removed from the cell membrane as substances are internalized.

PHOSPHOLIPIDS Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes. Phospholipids form a lipid bilayer in which their hydrophilic (attracted to water) head areas spontaneously arrange to face the aqueous cytosol and the extracellular uid,while their hydrophobic (repelled by water) tail areas face away from the cytosol and extracellular uid. The lipid bilayer is semi-permeable, allowing only certain molecules to diuse across the membrane.

EUKARYOTIC CELL STRUCTURE The cell membrane is only one component of a cell. The following cell structures can also be found in a typical animal eukaryotic cell: Centrioles - help to organize the assembly of microtubules. Chromosomes - house cellular DNA. Cilia and Flagella - aid in cellular locomotion. Endoplasmic Reticulum - synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids. Golgi Apparatus - manufactures, stores and ships certain cellular products. Lysosomes - digest cellular macromolecules. Mitochondria - provide energy for the cell. Nucleus - controls cell growth and reproduction.

PROTEINS The cell membrane contains two types of associated proteins. Peripheral membrane proteins are exterior to and connected to the membrane by interactions with other proteins. Integral membrane proteins are inserted into the membrane and most pass through the membrane. Portions of these transmembrane proteins are exposed on both side of the membrane. *Receptor proteins *Transport proteins *Glycoproteins *Structural proteins BIBLIOGRAPHY:

CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are the third major component of plasmas membranes. In general, they are found on the outside surface of cells and are bund either to proteins (forming glycoproteins) or to lipids (forming glycolipids).

Updated October 12, 2017 the-plasma-membrane/a/structure-of-the-plasma-membrane

ALZHEIMER PHASES OF ALZHEIMER AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS In Alzheimer's disease it contains 3 phases or stages: Mild, Moderate and Severe. Each stage contains its characteristic. First phase: Mild This first stage lasts approximately 3 years and is shown in the deterioration of episodic memory. The one who can forget events of 10 or 15 minutes ago, can not remember if he ate or the talk he had 20 minutes ago. They may also become disoriented or not recognize those around them, for example: the same store or place where they live may pass, but the person will not recognize it and they will feel lost. They also do not remember their date of birth or the names of the people as friends. They can cause a decrease in concentration and fatigue increasingly notary, can cause mood swings and symptoms of depression with apathy, loss of initiative and lack of interest. The person begins to notice restlessness, agitation and anxiety, these symptoms occur more at night. Second phase: Moderate This second stage also lasts approximately between 3 years in this important alterations of the cerebral function take place with worrisome symptoms that call more the attention. Problems of language (aphasia), learned functions (apraxia) and recognition (agnosia) begin to arise. Aphasia is understood by difficulties in the language, the person begins to have difficulty with the way of speaking, expressing themselves and making themselves understood to others. Apraxia refers to the fact that it is difficult for her to present or carry out the learned functions, that is, she does not know how to dress herself, how to use cutlery, among others. Agnosia is the loss of the ability to recognize people with whom it shares daily, but can still recognize their families (ages, name and place of birth), the mistakes of the person are increasingly frequent. It also begins to see people who never existed, or hear noises that others can not. They begin to ask people who have already died (papa, mama, brothers, among others). They become bored, lazy, apathetic or drowsy, and perform repetitive acts. Third Phase: Serious In the last and third stage, there is a wide and marked affectation of each and every one of the intellectual faculties. The cerebral symptoms are aggravated, accentuating the muscular rigidity as well as the resistance to the postural change. Tremors and epileptic seizures may appear. The patient no longer recognizes his family and in some cases does not recognize his own face in the mirror. He totally loses his apathy as dressing, bathing, walking, eating, and presents a loss of response to pain. Later on, she has urinary and fecal incontinence, that is, the quality of life of those affected is severely altered, since sleep, daily activities and social, personal and sexual relationships are disturbed. In most cases the person ends up bedridden, with assisted feeding.

RELATIONSHIPS OF THE ALZHEIMER WITH THE CELLULAR CYCLE The general objective of this thesis has been to deepen the study of the mechanisms that regulate proliferation / survival / cell death processes in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Neuronal death is one of the most important characteristics of AD, without the causes of the selective loss of neurons in specific areas of the brain being fully known until now. In a disease as complex as AD, symptoms and diagnosis occur when there is already significant neuronal loss. However, there is evidence that the neuropathological characteristics of the disease begin to appear much earlier in the patient's life and that they are influenced by different genetic and environmental factors. The cellular response to these stressful stimuli is not exclusive of the neurons, but, as numerous studies indicate, the CNS and the immune system are affected in a similar way by processes dependent on AD.

IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF ALZHEIMER AND ITS IMPACT Alzheimer's disease is among the most serious socio-economic problems of the aging population of industrialized countries, which is why early identification of risk factors is particularly important since the neurodegenerative processes of this disease could begin in middle age. The identification of such factors can clarify certain aspects of the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease as well as provide new advances in its prevention and treatment. There are some sectional studies that have investigated the relationship of blood pressure and cholesterol levels with the cognitive function of elderly people, obtaining contradictory results. In addition, one of the limitations of sectional studies is that they can not determine causality easily. cumentos%20multimedia/PAM245%20FACTORES%20DE%20RI ESGO%20EN%20ALZHEIMER.PDF


CHARACTERISTICS OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS This disease is not contagious because it manifests from the moment of birth. It is a genetic and incurable disorder of the mucous and sweat glands that causes the accumulation of thick and sticky mucus. This disease affects the lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, paranasal sinuses and sexual organs. It can be caused in both men and women, especially in young adult children. After two years, children can be diagnosed with CF. In some cases, the disease is not diagnosed until the age of 18 or older. Currently, the average life span of people suffering from this disease is approximately 40 to 50 years. This disease occurs more in Mexico City, around 400 children are born every year in Mexico with Cystic Fibrosis, 15% of them are diagnosed with life, the rest die before reaching 4 years of age due to respiratory complications and malnutrition. h ps:// cas_de_la_ďŹ brosis_q uis ca.htm

IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND ITS IMPACT Since the discovery of the CF gene on the long arm of chromosome 7 in 1989, more than 1800 mutations have been described, of which most are variants that do not produce CF disease. Around 30 to 40 of them induce the lack of production, or the defective production of the protein CFTR (of the English cystic ďŹ brosis transmembrane regulator), that regulates the passage of the chlorine ion in the cellular membranes, reason why also it is known him like the chlorine channel. 1704072

PORCINE STRESS SYNDROME The porcine stress syndrome is a hereditary disease that is a heritage recessive of the

domestic pig, this disease is a mutation that make the animal homozygous recessive and heterozygous, also a great frequency of pale, soft and exudative meats (PSE) of very low quality for the meat industry. The evidence of the manifestation of the disease or the mutation of the genes Ryr1 it can be found in the starts of the century 20 in Aleman, the syndrome is associated with the blood crosses, stress of manage and transport of animals. They die when they are transported to the refrigerator because the high density of the pigs in the transport or in hot summers. Malignant Hyperthermia: can be induced in susceptible animals by anesthetics such as halothane, which lead to an increase in body temperature above 41º C, metabolic acidosis, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia and death. With the pale, soft and exudative flesh, the United States loses about 100 million dollars a year due to this type of white, acid and watery meats, which are perceived in the slaughter tables of the refrigerators. Before, the diagnosis of the disease was made with the halothane test. but this change, now in the field of molecular genetics have clearly shown the discovery of the equivalence between the pig stress syndrome and the mutation of the Ryr1 gene. By means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from DNA, pigs are now diagnosed as healthy (homozygous dominant), healthy carriers (heterozygotes) and sick carriers (homozygous recessive) clearly differentiating the three genotypes with a 100% security. (anonymous, without year, Síndrome de estrés porcino, )

CANCER IN PLANTS The cancer in plants, is a disease that can

occurred in humans, animals and plants, but there are many types of cancer not only in plants. The cancer in plants, isn´t worst because the physiological composition of the plant but the development of these disease is similar to all in human and animals. The characteristics of the cancer in plants are, one is that the cancer can´t expands because the cell membrane have a cell wall and that helps to the plant to have the cancer in only one part of the body and other characteristic is that the development of these is similar to the development of the cancer in humans and animals. And is difficult to know what type of cancer is. The relation of the cancer with the cell membrane is that is a mutations in the DNA and also that the cells reproduce faster than normal so the cell cycle go faster and that produce more cells but there in not space to keep and that generates tumors but according to the last paragraph the plants know how to control it or to keep it only one place. The cancer also can start with a virus called Agrobacterium tumefaciens this virus introduces a cell infected by a plasmid and this make that the levels of reproduction start to elevate and produce cancer this can be a mutation in the cell cycle of the plant. (Roberto M, 2015, ¿Sabías que las plantas pueden llegar a tener cáncer? Así se reproduce y este es su aspecto , )

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