CatĂĄlogo de Lingeries & Chinelos Primavera / VerĂŁo 2011 Lingerie & Sandals Catalogue Spring / Summer 2011
Lingeries Macassá para o dia a dia A lingerie é peça fundamental no closet feminino. Pensando nisso, a linha de lingeries da Macassá oferece a combinação perfeita para roupas íntimas do dia a dia: conforto, modelagem e sedução. Com estes atrativos, a Macassá mostra que podemos ir além quando se trata de algo tão feminino e particular. As peças têm conforto e design moderno, fazendo delas objetos de desejo para as mulheres.
Macassá lingeries for the day by day The lingerie is essencial on any woman´s closet. That´s why Macassá offers to you the perfect combiantion of intimate clothes for your day by day: confort, moulding and seduction. With those atractives, Macassá shows that we can go beyond when it´s about such an intimate and feminine deal. Our products are full of confort and modern design to make them become desire objects to any kind of women.
ref. VLG433T
- ref. VLG433B
ref. VLG447T
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ref. VLG443T
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ref. VLG432T
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ref. VLG441T
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ref. VLG436T
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ref. VLG430T
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ref. VLG425T
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ref. VLG447T
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ref. VLG434T
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ref. VLG451T
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ref. VLG447B
ref. VLG420T
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ref. VLG442T
- ref. VLG442B
ref. VLG421T
- ref. VLG422B
ref. VLG454T
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ref. VLG455T
- ref. VLG456B
ref. VLG456S
Chinelos Macassá – Elegância a seus pés! Charme e elegância andam juntos quando nos referimos à Macassá Sonhos & Aromas. Agora, além de suas linhas de homewear e lingerie, a marca lança a Chinelos Macassá. Aliando conforto, charme e beleza, esta coleção agrada a todos os gostos com variados modelos a disposição. Com estampas super charmosas e elegantes, seguem a tendência de romantismo da estação que se aproxima.
Macassá Slippers - Elegance by your feet Charm and elegance get together when we talk about Macassá Dreams & Scents. Now, in addition to the homewear and lingerie lines, the brand launches Slippers Macassá. Allying confort, charm and beauty, this collection pleases the most different wear preferences offering a great variety of models to you. With super charming and stylish prints, they follow on the romanticism tendency, which is approaching with the upcoming season.