ShireLife Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter
Issue 41
Summer 2021
Preparing for the fire season
Community Vision and Council Plan Pages 4–5
Pages 8-9
Holiday season bin collection Page 10 Keeping your pets safe Page 14
KTH Kids presents: Electronic Music Adventure Wednesday 12 January, Thursday 13 January, Friday 14 January The Electronic Music Adventure workshop is a highly immersive and interactive creative music making experience for children. Participants will learn how to collect and manipulate sounds using intuitive apps on iPads/tablets. After exploring their own unique sonic worlds, participants will be guided into a group performance/improvisation session, which will be recorded and made available to them as downloadable finished work. Find out more,
1300 888 802 or
A Biodiversity Crisis exhibition
On now until 27 February at the Kyneton Museum Friday to Sunday, 11am to 4pm. Did you know that 376 animal species have been recorded in the Macedon Ranges? Or 1,457 varieties of native plants? At this interactive exhibition, get up close with a collection of animal specimens or take a peek inside some natural tree hollows to see who lives inside. Please be advised this exhibition contains taxidermy and may be confronting to some visitors. 5422 1228 or visit To find out more, call
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What’s on
Business Excellence Award winners
Congratulations to all the winners in the Josh’s Rainbow Eggs Macedon Ranges Business Excellence Awards 2021. To view a full list of the finalists and winners, and highlights from the gala evening held on Friday 26 November 2021, visit
Healthy Ageing Village Hub grant
Council is delighted to have been awarded $330,000 over three years by the Australian Government’s Seniors Connected Program to fund the implementation of a Village Hub. The Macedon Ranges Village Hub project will focus on bringing older people together online and in their community for activities that support good mental and physical health and enable better connections to the local community. The project will run from 2021 to 2024. The views of older residents will be integral to the design of the project and decisions about activities and programs to be offered. 5422 0333 or email To find out more, call
Storm recovery efforts continue
More than five months after the storm event, the clean-up and recovery efforts continue. Calls and site assessments conducted in September confirmed over 1,000 properties across the shire suffered damage from the high winds and storms; and revealed more than 300 people had not previously reported damaged on their property to Council or other authorities. Council would like to acknowledge the support of the emergency services, power authorities, organisations, community groups, volunteers and members of the community who have provided a wide range of support for local communities impacted.
Storm recovery support still available
Local residents have been showing admirable resilience for several months but if you, or someone you know, needs extra personal support and counselling to help fully recover, our recovery team can help with organising Bushfire Recovery Victoria’s site assessments and referrals to social support services like Sunbury Cobaw Community Health, Australian Red Cross, Victorian Council of Churches and the Salvation Army. 5422 0237, email Call or visit
Council continues to advocate to secure additional funding assistance; and is working closely with state agencies, local organisations and neighbouring councils to identify opportunities to improve the local emergency relief and recovery response for any future incidents.
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Shaping the future
Community Vision 2021
The 10-year Community Vision statement describes the community’s aspirations for the shire.
“With our unique regional identity, Macedon Ranges Shire embodies a caring, resilient approach to community through our robust local economy, protection of the natural environment and a collaborative commitment to inclusivity for all.”
We want to ensure all people of the Macedon Ranges have the opportunity to engage with Council and shape the future of our shire and community. In 2021, we have invited your feedback on a range of key strategies and plans that will guide long term priorities and goals for the Macedon Ranges over the next 10 years. We also established Council’s first Community Assembly, which was made up of 27 members who represented the broad demographics of the community. Selected by an independent consultant, the Assembly’s task was to carefully discuss and consider the big issues and explore opportunities for our future. We would like to thank everyone who has shared ideas and feedback to help shape these important plans and strategies. To find out more about Council’s many different plans and strategies, 5422 0333 or visit call
Council Plan and Financial Plan
The Council Plan is the primary vision and goal-setting document for Council. It guides how Council will work towards achieving the Community Vision over the next 10 years by focusing on four key themes: • Connecting communities • Healthy environment, healthy people • Business and tourism • Delivering strong and reliable government It sits alongside the Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2030/31, which guides how the actions in the Council Plan will be funded.
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Shaping the future of our shire
of our shire Health and wellbeing priorities
Throughout the year we asked for your thoughts on the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025, which contains Council’s goals and actions to improve health and wellbeing over the next four years. This plan was developed alongside a new Disability Action Plan, which will reduce barriers and increase inclusion and participation for people with disability. A new five-year municipal early years plan called CREATE was also recently adopted. It provides overall direction for Council’s Early Years and Maternal and Child Health services; and guides the programs, initiatives, advocacy and other work we do for children from birth to eight years old and their families.
Our environment
You’ve told us what you think about our natural environment, contributing to the development of environmental management and conservation plans, climate change action plans, an updated Environment Strategy and more. Council’s Environment Strategy outlines Council’s commitment to acting on climate change and sets out priorities for creating a more sustainable shire. The previous Environment Strategy was adopted in 2016 and since that time, Council has delivered strategy actions such as preparation of a Biodiversity Strategy, Climate Change Action Plan and Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy. The Cool Changes program has facilitated community-led climate change action in Malmsbury, Woodend, Romsey and Lancefield. The draft Rural Land Use strategy also gained a lot of interest and we’d like to thank everyone who provided input.
Your feedback matters These projects are examples of the many ways in which Council regularly consults with, and invites feedback from, the community. There are a number of ways you can get involved and have your say:
Visit In person at a customer service centre (see page 15 for locations) Call 5422 0333 Email Write to PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 Contact your local Councillor (see back cover for contact details)
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Focus on planning: making the vision real How does Council consider its planning vision and decisions? With a clear commitment to its engagement policy that guides contact with property owners and the wider community.
It’s been a big year in strategic planning for the shire with a series of complex ongoing projects, such as the Kyneton Town Centre Urban Design Framework, Gisborne Futures and the draft Rural Land Use Strategy reaching crucial stages. COVID-19 restrictions have led to the use of more online forums and new methods of consultation including Q&A panel sessions, webinars and 1:1 online meetings between residents and officers to help address individual concerns. A series of new planning amendments also demonstrate Council’s commitment to protect vital heritage, landscape and environment values. It remains a constant balancing act for Council to identify local priorities, infrastructure and service needs while revitalising and protecting the identity and character of the shire.
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Focus on planning
Our strategic planners continue to prepare long-term strategic plans to plan for community and urban growth, and initiate community consultation on key projects. In 2022 we’ll be inviting your feedback and ideas to help shape a new Open Space Strategy for the shire, and progress the Romsey Structure Plan. The planning team will also: • summarise submissions for the Rural Land Use Strategy and present their recommendations and any proposed changes to a meeting of Council • review the Developer Contributions Plans for Gisborne and Romsey • implement the Significant Landscape Assessment Study across the shire. To find out more, call our Strategic 5422 0333 or visit Planning team on
Protecting our heritage
In days of old, the lowly red brick stables behind Gisborne Court House were originally home to four stalls housing the steeds of police and court officials delivering justice in the local community. The courthouse opened in 1858. The complex also included the lockup and stable and original privy which were completed by 1860. It remains one of the most intact court precincts within the region and is now protected by a local Heritage Overlay in the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme. After serving as a courthouse, the main building became Gisborne Police Station. In more recent years, local historical society volunteers have worked hard to restore and conserve the courthouse complex for community use including art exhibitions, meetings and even weddings. They restored a stall on the east end of the stables, featuring a full size horse replica and other equine heritage items. Over time the handmade brick floor through the stables has sunk and moved in places, making it more rugged to walk on and presenting a safety risk. Council’s facilities project officer and heritage officer are working closely with the society to preserve the character of the stables without compromising on safety. They have designed an accessible walkway to be suspended above the existing red bricks. Technical innovation will allow future generations to gently step over the hoof-prints of time. The works will be completed this year.
Register your swimming pool or spa
On 1 December 2019, new laws to improve swimming pool and spa safety came into effect. The Victorian Government has extended the deadline for mandatory registration of private pools and spas to 1 June 2022. This is an extension from the previous November 2021 deadline, in recognition of the limited opportunity for building inspectors to visit homes during the pandemic. Ensure you have a safe and compliant pool or spa barrier by: 1. Registering your pool or spa, 2. Getting it checked by a qualified surveyor, 3. Completing any required works to make the barrier compliant, and 4. Having your pool or spa certified. 5422 0333 or go to For more information, call
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Are you fire ready?
It pays to be ready before the extreme heat of summer is upon us. Take the time to assess and re-familiarise yourself with your safety plan ahead of the fire season.
Be prepared • Update your emergency plan.
• Pack an emergency kit, including medication. • Keep at least 72 hours worth of emergency supplies on hand. • Consider vulnerable members of your family, such as the elderly or those living with a disability. • Plan for the welfare of your pets, horses and livestock.
Prepare your property
• Maintain 20m of defendable space around your home. • Remove dry grass, leaves, twigs, and loose bark.
• Review your home insurance to ensure you are properly covered. • Maintain your property over the fire season. • For more tips visit or
• Slash grass and keep it under 75mm. • Remove any rubbish or flammable material. • Remove any overhanging tree branches, and shrubs over one metre high next to or below windows. • Store flammable liquids well away from the house.
Staying informed • Listen to the radio.
• Ring the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226. • Download the VicEmergency app, or visit VicEmergency, a single all-emergencies website at • The Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts Facebook page aims to help you to prepare for, and respond to, an emergency, such as fire, flood, or heatwave. This page does not replace official emergency alerts from VicEmergency, the CFA, Victoria Police or the SES.
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Are you fire ready?
Insure to be sure If you and your family were affected by an emergency, could you repair, replace or rebuild your most valued possessions? Make sure you and your family are ready if things go wrong. Insurance gives you peace of mind and helps you bounce back financially if an emergency does affect you. Getting insurance is easy if you follow four steps: 1. Know your risk. 2. Calculate the value of your belongings. 3. Insure what matters. 4. Protect your important documents.
Beat the heat
Heat kills more Australians that any other natural disaster. Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
Our experience in supporting residents affected by emergencies is that those who are well insured, have a better experience when they are trying to get their lives back on track. Now is the perfect time to check your cover and increase your insurance if needed. For more information go to
• Drink water, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Always take a bottle of water with you. • Hot cars kill. Never leave kids, adults or pets in hot cars. The temperature inside a parked car can double within minutes. • Keep cool. Seek out air-conditioned buildings, draw your blinds, use a fan, take cool showers and dress in light and loose clothing made from natural fabrics. • Plan ahead. Schedule activities in the coolest part of the day and avoid exercising in the heat. If you must go out, wear a hat and sunscreen, and take a bottle of water with you. • Help others. Look after those most at risk in the heat—your neighbour living alone, the elderly, the young, people living with a disability or with a medical condition, and don’t forget your pets. • Chill out. On days of extreme heat consider going to our air-conditioned libraries in Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend. COVIDSafe to principles will apply. Visit check library opening hours.
Relief and recovery centres
In some emergencies, Council will open an emergency relief centre as soon as possible, located a safe distance from the affected area. The location will be broadcast on radio, social media, and relevant websites. Services available at relief centres may include: • Food and water • Personal support • Assistance with temporary accommodation • Emergency updates and information • A place to bring your pets (make sure you bring a leash or cage, food, water bowls and anything else they may need). A recovery centre may be opened after the emergency to provide information and services such as emergency grants, property clean-up, health and wellbeing, housing and insurance.
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Four bin service milestones
It’s nearly two years since we first launched the four bin system. The roll out to all townships and rural properties is now complete. Together we have saved 14,130 tonnes of organic waste from landfill which has been turned into nutrientrich compost used on farms, parks and gardens across the state. Throughout the year, schools, early learning centres and residents won loads of compost to help their gardens grow. The introduction of FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) has resulted in a reduction of 45,485.20 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions, compared to the previous year. This would provide enough electricity to power 1,544 houses for one year or removing 2,788 cars off the road. Our glass-only bins have saved 3,198 tonnes of glass from landfill which has been used in Victorian roads and construction. By removing glass from the recycling bin, this has resulted in 2,305 tonnes of recycling being able to be processed and recycled locally here in Australia. *Data is reflective from beginning February 2020 to end of October 2021.
Holiday season bin collections and 2022 calendars Residents can put their bins out on their usual collection day as there will be no changes to bin collection days over the 2021 holiday season.
Bin calendars are available upon request, but are not automatically distributed to all households. By sending calendars out as requested, we save an enormous amount of precious resources and reduce costs. Feedback from community members has also told us that many people prefer the convenience of looking up their bin days online or on the MRSC Waste App. If you would like a printed calendar, call into one of our customer service centres or request online by visiting You can also print one from the website using the online mapping tool.
Download our Waste app Never forget bin day by downloading the MRSC Waste App on your smartphone.
You can set up push notification reminders to put your bins out the night before, as well as finding your calendar and more information about recycling. The App is available for both Apple and Android users. Download the App by searching MRSC Waste App.
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Bins and healthy landscapes
Caring for land and livestock The Healthy Landscapes program supports you to identify and implement practical land management practices to help you improve your land, soil, water and livestock.
The program is being delivered as a partnership between Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Hepburn Shire Council, the City of Greater Bendigo, A Healthy Coliban Catchment project (North Central Catchment Management Authority and Coliban Water), Melbourne Water and the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network.
Discounted online course for horse owners
Central Victorian climate: Today, Tomorrow and the future webinar
Do you want to improve the health of your horse and your land? Equiculture – short for equine permaculture – is a holistic horse property management program that promotes sustainable farm and pasture management techniques designed with your horse’s welfare and natural behaviour in mind. Taught by renowned equine experts, Jane and Stuart Myers, the program is delivered digitally, with participants able to learn at their own pace. Learn all about healthy soil and pasture, managing weeds, mud and erosion, property design and layouts as well as managing optimal equine health.
Tuesday 7 December 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Join Felicity Gamble, Senior Climatologist from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), who will present the forecasts for the upcoming three months and the future (~2035) for Central Victoria. Felicity will also share some useful tools and materials that have been developed by the BoM and AgVic. Register at or call 5421 9721.
Council and Melbourne Water are offering a $100 discount on the online course. Places are limited. Register at or call 5421 9721.
Coming up in 2022
Moveable Water and Fencing Field Day
Do you want to learn how to use grazing to be more effective, efficient and productive? We’re currently planning a practical and hands on field day where you can hear about how to use moveable troughs and fences to help you graze better.
Stock Water Workshop
Early next year, Martin Hamilton from Agriculture Victoria will host a workshop about the most efficient way to set up your stock water on your property. A number of events are being planned for next year. To find out more about these and other events, sign up to the Healthy Landscapes eNews at and we’ll let you know when dates and times have been locked in.
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Outdoor pool season starts
The Woodend and Lancefield outdoor pools will open for the summer season in early December. Pool opening hours are determined according to Bureau of Meteorology temperature forecasts for Kyneton at 4.30pm the day prior. Monday–Friday (during school terms) • 26 degrees and above: 3.30pm to 6pm (possible extension of hours past 6pm, dependent on attendance and weather conditions) • Under 26 degrees: CLOSED Monday–Friday (during school holidays), weekends and public holidays* • 26 degrees and above: 12noon to 6pm (possible extension of hours past 6pm, dependent on attendance and weather conditions) • Under 26 degrees: CLOSED *The outdoor pools are closed on Christmas Day. For more information, visit or call 5429 1546 (Lancefield) or 5427 2268 (Woodend).
Shared Trails
Progress continues as planned as we work towards a unique shared trails Macedon Ranges experience for visitors. The $9.75 million project will deliver a 24 kilometre trail for walking, running and low-volume cycling—running from Woodend to Riddells Creek. Work to refine the staged delivery plan for the path network is continuing; and discussions with land owners, traditional owners and land managers are underway. For the latest project updates, visit
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Outdoor pools and project updates
Livestock Exchange and Truck Park
The Macedon Ranges Livestock Exchange and Truck Park upgrades have successfully been completed. Council would like to thank the community for their input during the planning and consultation stages These upgrades ensure that this facility meets industry standards, reflects that changing nature of agriculture in our region, improves animal welfare and allows for sustainable practices. The funding for the upgrades was a combined effort involving Council funding, and a significant contribution from the Victorian Government’s Building Better Regions funds representing a total investment of around $1.74m. Movement of stock through this facility is now safer and more efficient which is expected to attract more use and economic benefit to the region.
47 Victoria Street, Macedon
A collaborative project between the Council and the local community. The building at 47 Victoria Street Macedon is ready for use as a community house for the Macedon and Mount Macedon Community. The weatherboard house was originally constructed in the 1940s and opened in the 1960s as a Maternal and Child Health facility, and provided a home for various playgroups and a kindergarten. Renovations and additions completed over the past 18 months are now finished and both Council and the community are looking forward to the next chapter for this historic community building.
Upgrades to public amenities
The provision of clean, safe, accessible public toilets benefits local residents and visitors. Council provides public toilets to support active participation by the community in social, recreational and commercial activities. In the coming months, residents will benefit from Council’s ongoing renewal program with outdated facilities at Buffalo Reserve in Woodend, and public toilets at Darraweit Guim and the Kyneton Aerodrome being replaced with new, modern facilities.
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Let’s talk cats and dogs New draft plan for managing pets What does the plan do?
The four-year pet plan will outline our priorities and services to promote responsible pet ownership in the shire.
Get involved and have your say
Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas and feedback in the initial consultation stage earlier this year. This feedback will help shape the draft plan, which we’ll be inviting your feedback on soon. Sign-up for project updates and we’ll let you know when the draft plan and survey is released. or call Sign-up at 5422 0333.
Keeping your pets safe
During the warmer, longer days of summer we usually see an increase of wandering pets. If your pet is found wandering, our rangers will first check the animal for its registration tag and microchip. So ensuring your pet wears their tag (it’s also a legal requirement) and the microchip details are up-to-date is the fastest way for our rangers to reunite pets with their owners. If you need a new tag, you can purchase one for $8.50 from one from our customer service centres during business hours. Tips for keeping your pets secure: • Many dogs escape through insecure fencing. Keep your fences in good condition and check regularly. • Some dogs try to escape due to anxiety, fear, or boredom. Providing regular behaviour enrichment for your dog can also reduce escaping behaviours. If your dog is fearful of noises such as thunder and fireworks, seek advice from your veterinarian or a behaviourist about things you can do to support your dog and keep it safe during noise events. • Desexing can help reduce the desire for both dogs and cats to escape and roam. • Many cat owners allow their cats to roam outside, which is unsafe for cats and also local wildlife they may prey upon. The safest place for your cat is secure to your premises.
Own a cat?
If you find a stray dog or cat, call Council on 5422 0333.
From 1 July 2020:
• You must keep your cat contained to your property between sunset and sunrise. • Cats are prohibited from these sensitive environmental areas: Mount Gisborne Reserve, Malmsbury Common, Gisborne Marshlands, Woodend Grassland and Hanging Rock Reserve.
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Keeping your pet safe
Subscribe to eNews
Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your inbox. Subscribe to one or more of the following enewsletters: Aquatics and Leisure: get the latest on fitness classes, sports programs, swimming and more. Arts and Culture: find out about festivals, exhibitions, arts events and opportunities. Business: discover events, support and other opportunities for local business. Environment: find out more about local environmental projects and events. Family: information for local families with children aged up to eight years.
Rates instalments
Rates and charges must be paid in four instalments by no later than the due date. Instalment reminder notices will be sent prior to each instalment date. The instalment dates for 2021/22 are: 30 November 2021 28 February 2022 31 May 2022 You can pay your rates via BPay View®, online with or Visa or Mastercard at in person at a Council customer service centre during opening hours. If you have any questions about rates payment methods, or if you have difficulty paying your rates on time, call the 5422 0322. Rates department on
Healthy Landscapes: information and events about sustainable land management and regenerative agriculture. Over 55s: regular updates about local events and opportunities for over 55s. ShireLife: seasonal newsletter featuring Council projects, activities, opportunities and more. 5
Find us on social media
Get regular updates about our services, projects, events and activities via our social media channels. Macedon Ranges Shire Council Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre Macedon Ranges Over 55s Connect Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool Macedon Ranges Youth @MacedonRangesSC @MacedonRangessc and @VisitMacedonRanges Macedon-Ranges-Shire-Council
Contact Council 5422 0333
PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 Visit one of our service centres 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 129 Mollison Street, Kyneton 96−100 Main Street, Romsey Cnr High and Forest streets, Woodend Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact us through the National Relay Service: • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 03 5422 0333. • Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 5422 0333. • Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see relayservice. for details) and then ask for 03 5422 0333. If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a 5422 0302 large print version of this newsletter:
ShireLife is produced on 100% recycled paper from post consumer waste, and printed by a printer who operates and is certified under the ISO14001 Environmental Management System standards and ISO9001 Quality Management System.
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East Ward
Cr Annette Death Mobile: 0427 956 117 Cr Geoff Neil Mobile: 0419 244 776
Autumn Festival 2022
Autumn may seem like a long way off, but planning is well underway for the 2022 Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival. We are now taking registrations from community groups, businesses and creatives who are interested in running an activity or event and being a part of the 2022 festival program. You don’t have to create a big event to take part. Whether you ‘autumnup’ your retail window or promote an autumn inspired menu item, it all contributes to a festival feeling and provides an incentive for visitors—and locals—to explore further, stay longer and spend locally. – Submit an event for the festival program – Register a pastry for the Autumn Pie & Tart Trail – Submit a menu item for Autumn Eats & Drinks promotion – Start planning your autumn shop window display now Register or find out more at
Cr Bill West Mobile: 0400 025 455
South Ward Cr Dominic Bonanno Mobile: 0419 829 867 Cr Rob Guthrie Mobile: 0419 309 953 Cr Anne Moore Mobile: 0419 917 278
West Ward Cr Jennifer Anderson Mobile: 0408 273 670 Cr Janet Pearce Mobile: 0437 282 096 Cr Mark Ridgeway Mobile: 0437 938 766
Your Councillors
26 MAR - 25 APR