Shire Life July 2017

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Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 23 :: July 2017

Page 4

Nominate now for Youth Awards

Pages 6–7

Budget 2017/18 in focus

Pages 10–11

Want to volunteer? Find out how Page 3

What’s on in winter

Back page

2-for-1 group fitness pass

Get cooking with the Casserole Club

Are you a home cook who loves sharing food with others?

Interested in being an Age-friendly Ambassador?

We’re looking for people aged 55 years and over to become Age-friendly Ambassadors. Age-friendly Ambassadors will act as local champions for the Over 55s Connect Facebook project, and will be involved in a range of projects and activities to make local communities more age-friendly. To express your interest, or to find out more: Rebecca on 5422 0262

Over 55s Connect on Facebook Are you interested in finding out about local programs and events for residents who are 55 years and over? Council will soon launch an exciting new Facebook project specifically tailored to Macedon Ranges residents aged over 55 years. The project will connect residents with each other, local services, activities, training opportunities and more.

Casserole Club pairs volunteers with older people in the community who are living alone, and could use a friendly chat and a homecooked meal. It’s quick and easy to get started. Simply sign up as a volunteer, complete a police check and start cooking.

Quick and easy one-pot spaghetti 500g minced beef 1 medium onion, chopped 3 ½ cups water 400g can tomato soup 2 teaspoons dried oregano ½ teaspoon sugar ¼ teaspoon pepper 2 garlic cloves or 1 teaspoon minced garlic 2 cups broken spaghetti 1 cup shredded tasty cheese 1 Brown meat, garlic and onions in a large frypan over medium-high heat. 2 Stir in water, tomato soup and spices. Bring to a boil. 3 Add spaghetti, cover pan, and simmer 10–15 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking. 4 When spaghetti is tender, top with grated cheese and serve.

To sign up as a volunteer for Casserole Club or for more information, visit

To find out more: Rebecca 5422 0262 This project is funded by the Victorian Government.

Page 02

:: Volunteering • Age-friendly communities

Give and receive: volunteering with Council Learn new skills, meet people and be part of your community by volunteering with Council.

More than 500 people volunteer their time across a range of our services, including early years, home and community care, arts, libraries, emergency management, youth, tourism and more. Join our team of valued volunteers and give back to your community today.

Social support transport

Help residents get to essential, non-surgical, medical appointments in Melbourne or Bendigo. We supply a vehicle or reimburse you for your fuel costs.

Social connection project

Assist an older person to participate in social activities around their town or just pop by for a friendly cuppa. Stephanie 5422 0258

Visitor information centres

Share your knowledge and passion for our region at our visitor information centres in Kyneton and Woodend. Christine 5422 6785

Volunteer in the arts

Volunteer as an usher at cultural and performing arts events, or help out at the Kyneton Museum with tour guides, cleaning, gardening and data entry. Robyn 5422 0319

Richard’s volunteer story If you need to know what to do in the Macedon Ranges, ask Richard Liquorish. Richard’s a volunteer at the Kyneton Visitor Information Centre, and is passionate about the local region and sharing that enthusiasm with others. “I love talking to people who’ve come from overseas and interstate, and never been here before,” he said. While Richard admits his favourite thing to do in the area is walk— whether it’s along the Campaspe River Trail, up to Piper Street for a coffee or to Black Hill Reserve to spot native wildlife—his recommendations for others are much broader. “There’s so many things to do here, from visiting gourmet eateries, to exploring history, buildings and the environment,” he said. To find out more about what’s on in winter, pop in to a visitor information centre in Kyneton or Woodend and have a chat to one of our friendly volunteers or go to Page 03

Kinder – it’s not too late to enrol for 2018 Kindergarten registrations for our three and four year old programs for 2018 are still being taken, but are filling fast. Get in quick to secure your child’s place at your preferred kindergarten.

When can my child attend kindergarten? Your child needs to have turned three before they can commence the three-year old program. For more information:

If your child turns four before 30 April next year, they are eligible to attend four-year-old kindergarten in 2018.

5422 0333

A kindergarten fee subsidy is available for Health Care Card holders and other eligible families.

Nominate someone

Looking to adopt a furry friend?

you know for a youth award Don’t miss your chance to tell us (and the world) about an amazing young person in your life by nominating them in our annual Youth Awards by Sunday 30 July. The event celebrates and recognises the incredible achievements of young people aged between 12–25 years who are doing remarkable things in our community.

Nominate today!

Pick up a nomination form from a Council service centre (see page 15 for details). To find out more:

Are you looking for a new cat or kitten? Woodend Veterinary Centre manages Council’s cat pound and shelter and has a range of kittens and adult cats available for adoption. The centre will match a cat to your needs, whether it be a young kitten full of energy or an older cat ready to snuggle up with you on the couch. All cats and kittens at the shelter are vet-checked, desexed, vaccinated, microchipped and wormed and can be adopted for a small fee.

To view any cats or kittens that are ready for adoption visit

David on 5422 0226

Did you know? If you adopt a pet from a registered animal shelter, you can register it for only $10 for the first year.

The winners will be announced on Tuesday 29 August at a special awards event to be held at Kyneton Town Hall.

Page 04

:: Family • Pets • Budget

What’s in the 2017/18 Budget

After seeking community input on its draft budget during May and June, Council adopted its 2017/18 Budget on 28 June 2017.

How are your rates calculated? Your rates contribute to the various services, facilities and infrastructure provided by Council and how much you pay depends upon the value of your property. Each year, through its annual budget process, Council determines the amount of revenue it needs for the forthcoming financial year, taking into account the Victorian Government’s two per cent rate cap. This year we need to raise $46 million from rates and charges to continue to deliver quality services and community facilities. This amount is then divided by the total value of all properties in the shire, which establishes what is called a ‘rate in the dollar’. The rate in the dollar is then multiplied by the value of your property to determine your rates. Property values are reviewed every two years. Every property in the shire has been valued based on the amount it would have sold for in the open market in January 2016 and your property value is shown on your rate notice. In addition to your rates there are also charges for garbage, recycling and garden waste collections, and a municipal charge that is applied to each property to assist Council to recover part of its administrative costs.

The budget aligns with the first year of the Council Plan 2017–2027, and identifies key priorities across three themes—liveability, sustainability and efficiency. It includes increased spending on roads, footpaths and cycling paths, community facilities and strategic planning. New strategies for youth services and arts/culture will be developed. Funds have also been allocated for several environmental initiatives, including the ongoing implementation of bushland reserve environmental management plans and the installation of more solar panels on Council buildings.

How much will your rates increase? The average property value in the shire is $529,546 and the rates on the average property value will increase by two per cent from $2,076 to $2,118 – a difference of $42. This will be the typical rates bill for a ratepayer living in a house which receives garbage, recycling and garden waste collection.

UP $42

To find out more about what’s planned in your ward, see pages 6–7. Page 05

2017/18 Budget

In 2017/18 we will spend over $18 million on new capital works projects. Some of these projects are listed below.

What’s happening in your ward East Ward

South Ward

West Ward

Main townships: Romsey, Riddells Creek, Lancefield, Newham, Hesket, Darraweit Guim, Clarkefield • Facility upgrades at Council’s kindergartens, and maternal and child health centres, in Romsey and Riddells Creek • Redevelopment of cricket practice nets in Riddells Creek • Construction of tennis courts in Riddells Creek • Installation of shade structures at Lancefield Outdoor Pool • Road upgrades at Portingales Lane in Romsey, Sidonia Road in Sidonia and Dons Road, Newham • Construction of new footpaths on Murphy Street, Park Lane and White Avenue in Romsey, and Main Road in Riddells Creek

Main townships: Mount Macedon, Macedon, New Gisborne, Gisborne, Bullengarook • Facility upgrades at JD Clifford Reserve in Macedon • Construction of a new pedestrian crossing in Aitken Street, Gisborne • Major road upgrades on Hamilton Road, New Gisborne • Car park works at Macedon Kindergarten • Upgrades to IR Robertson Reserve pavilion • Female change rooms in the netball precinct at Gardiner Reserve, Gisborne • Redevelopment of cricket practice nets in Gisborne • Installation of lighting at Tony Clarke Reserve in Macedon • Planning and development of open space and park facilities in Gisborne South

Main townships: Kyneton, Malmsbury, Lauriston, Carlsruhe, Tylden, Woodend • Building and pavilion upgrades at Gilbert Gordon Oval, Woodend • Pavilion upgrades at Kyneton Showgrounds, incorporating female friendly player and umpire change rooms • Malmsbury Common project (heritage trail project) • Lighting and court development at Kyneton Tennis Club • Installation of shade structures at Woodend Outdoor Pool • Truck park upgrades at Kyneton Livestock exchange • Establishment of a reuse shop at Kyneton Transfer Station

In addition to these projects, there will also be a range of bridge upgrades, and drainage, footpath and road works across the shire. Details of these works are listed in the 2017/18 Budget, which is available to download on Council’s website.

Page 06

:: Budget 2017/18

How is the budget spent? Council’s services are funded by rates, grants and fees. In 2017/18 we will spend almost $57 million on delivering our services to the community. This table shows how each $100 is spent.


Planning and building services


Maintenance of recreation and sports facilities Maintenance of parks, environment and open spaces

$11 $20

Maintenance of roads, drains, buildings and paths


Libraries, arts, culture and youth services


Kindergartens and maternal and child health


Garbage, recycling and garden waste collection


Emergencies, local laws and public health

Economic development and tourism

Aged and disability support services

$3 $7

Page 07

Your Councillors

Cr Natasha Gayfer East Ward It’s amazing how much has happened in the last few months, and I would like to express appreciation to all those who have communicated with Council in any form. Your input and interest is truly appreciated, and we are keen to keep tapping into local knowledge and expertise. Climate change remains a significant challenge for all of us, and I believe Council is in a unique position to work with communities to address it. Our draft Climate Change Action Plan has been on exhibition and I thank everyone for their valuable feedback. We will continue to work with interested parties and the local community to take action for now, and for future generations. The draft Hanging Rock Master Plan was endorsed for public consultation by Council in April, subject to final agreement from Traditional Owner groups and any subsequent direction from the Victorian Government. The profile and significance of this unique landmark is recognised far beyond the local level, and we are expecting that a final plan will go before Council and the Minister for Environment later this year. Thanks must also go to the large number of people who provided information to be considered in preparing and finalising the Council Plan (which incorporates the Health and Wellbeing Plan), and also those who responded to the draft 2017/18 Budget. Final versions were endorsed at the June Council meeting.

Cr Helen Radnedge South Ward I have been very fortunate to meet with many volunteers and I’m learning about some of the challenges facing our local environment, wildlife, heritage, sporting, recreation, health, welfare and equality support services; and many other volunteer organisations, who work so hard for the benefit of all in our community. Friends groups and others are looking after our wonderful public open spaces throughout the shire. The groups who do so much have a great understanding of the needs and intricacies of the areas they look after. Council would find it impossible to know every detail of every park, whereas the volunteers who have such an affinity with their places know them like the back of their hands, and are a wealth of information about the history, culture and life in them. Support groups for people and carers with health, social and equality issues in common are doing wonderful work in their fields to improve outcomes. Other groups are putting in a huge amount of time advocating to all levels of government and other authorities to provide exciting new facilities for all in the shire to enjoy. Wherever you are in the Macedon Ranges, and whatever you do, it is likely there is a volunteer group involved somewhere. Thank you to you all.

On a personal level, the Woodend Winter Arts Festival is always one of my favourite celebrations of arts, music and the community, and this year’s showcase did not fail to disappoint the audiences it brought to our region. I’m looking forward to next year’s festival already.

Page 08

:: Your Councillors • Hanging Rock

Cr Roger Jukes West Ward With the warm weather rapidly becoming a memory it’s timely to remind all road users to take more care as days get shorter and the weather provides for more challenging conditions. The face of Council is changing with seven new councillors elected, and our new Council Plan 2017– 2027 that will direct Council for the next ten years. Our Chief Executive Officer, Peter Johnston has advised us he will not be reapplying for the CEO’s position, which means we will see a new face at the helm of the organisation in 2018. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter for his tireless work as CEO, the outstanding job he has done in putting the Macedon Ranges in the fantastic position it is today. Over the last nine years with his influence and guidance we have been very successful in obtaining funding to enable us to develop many new pieces of community infrastructure and service expansion. I would like to wish Peter all the best in whatever new direction he may take. Also we recently saw the departure of two long serving staff in Kevin Keating and Matt Garner. I would like to thank them for the work they have done in building the infrastructure that we use every day without giving it a second thought. Council will be working with the community to continue to promote this region as a premier tourist destination and a region ready for economic development so we can provide jobs for those calling this region home.

Hanging Rock update

Exciting things are on the way for Hanging Rock. Council, with the Victorian Government will be releasing a master plan options paper in the coming months. The paper explores a range of improvements and upgrades including the possibility for a new visitor centre at the site. We will be seeking community feedback on the paper and the options for the future of the precinct.

For updates on Hanging Rock, visit

Page 09

What’s on

There’s plenty to see and do in winter in the Macedon Ranges


Kings of Croon


Friday 28 July, 7.30pm Kyneton Town Hall Cost: $45 adult, $40 concession and $15 child The Melbourne Ballet Company take inspiration from the ageold classic Swan Lake in this emotionally charged production.

Friday 4 August, 11.30am Kyneton Town Hall Cost: $25 adult, $20 concession and $15 child Three tuxedo-class stars of the stage and screen croon their way through a repertoire that ranges from Frank Sinatra to Adele.

Friday 18 August, 7.30pm Kyneton Town Hall Cost: $45 adult, $40 concession and $15 child Based on a series of real and intimate conversations with strangers, this theatre work gives a candid portrait of everyday life where personal anxieties are never far from the surface. (see backpage for discounted tickets)

To buy tickets or for more information:

1300 888 802

The Storybook Characters of Dromkeen Kyneton Museum Friday 28 July to Sunday 15 October Entry fees apply It’s story time at the museum. From lovable possums, dirty dinosaurs, cheeky tom cats and slobbering gorillas, explore Dromkeen Homestead’s wonderful collection of original children’s picture book illustrations.

1300 888 802

Battle of the Bands (see backpage for special entry offer) Saturday 5 August, 6.30pm Kyneton Town Hall Tickets available at the door Don’t miss your chance to catch some of the region’s finest emerging young talent as they compete in Battle of the Bands.

Page 10

:: What’s on • Business awards

5422 0242

Events for businesses Instagram for beginners Tuesday 8 August, 9.30am–12pm Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House, 59 Main Road During this free half-day workshop, participants will learn how to set up and use Instagram for business. Bring a laptop or tablet.

Facebook for beginners Thursday 10 August, 9.30am–12.30pm Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House, 59 Main Road Participants will learn how to promote their business on Facebook in this free half-day, hands-on workshop. Bring your laptop or tablet.

Considering employing an apprentice or trainee pop-ups • Tuesday 15 August, 9.30am–12.30pm (Romsey Community Hub) and 2pm–5pm (Gisborne Administration Centre) • Tuesday 22 August, 9.30am–12.30pm (Woodend Community Hub) and 2pm–5pm (Kyneton Administration Centre). Come along to this free information session to find out about the process and assistance available for employers looking to take on a trainee or apprentice.

Planning an event or festival Tuesday 22 August Session 1: 5pm–6pm or Session 2: 6pm–7pm Gisborne Administration Centre, 40 Robertson Street Learn what assistance Council can provide if you are running an event. One-on-one advice is available to ensure your event is successful, sustainable and compliant. To book your place: 5421 9616

visit a Council service centre (see page 15 for locations).

Council, Bendigo Bank and the community bank branches in Gisborne, Lancefield and Romsey wish all the 2017 Bendigo Bank Macedon Ranges Business Excellence Awards nominees the best of luck. The judging process is now complete with finalists to be announced in the Midland Express on Tuesday 1 August. Winners will be revealed at the Awards Gala Dinner at Kyneton Town Hall on Wednesday 20 September. 2016 Business of the Year runner-up, Colenso

Visit to find out more. Page 11

Put safety first: check your deck and balcony If you have a deck or balcony at your place, it’s important that you regularly inspect these structures to reduce the risk of injury to you, family and friends. In recent times a number of incidents have occurred across the state where decks and balconies have collapsed, causing injury to people on these structures. Also slippery surfaces, broken boards or poorly constructed steps can be hazardous. Things to look out for: • puddles of water at the base of posts or on the deck surface • rotting or loose balustrades or handrails • loose or rusted brackets and bolts • rust staining to timber beams • soft or spongy timber when pressed • stress fractures in glass balustrades/barriers. Professional advice from a registered builder or structural engineer should be sought if you suspect the condition of the deck could be compromised. Replacing damaged beams or rebuilding a deck or balcony may require a building permit.

Unlocking the mysteries of the Cobaw State Forest Remote cameras, wildlife traps and spotlight surveys are just a few of the methods used by Council over recent months to find out more about the types of wildlife living in the Cobaw State Forest. For the first time in 30 years, a detailed fauna monitoring program was undertaken in this environmentally significant area, with the project aiming to develop an inventory of species found in the state forest. The data will contribute to a broader understanding of the importance of the Cobaw State Forest as habitat for significant species, such as the Brush-tailed Phascogale and the Barking Owl.

For more information or to apply for a permit: 5422 0333

Page 12

:: Environment • Permits

Photo by Mary Ward

So far, there have been some interesting discoveries, including sightings of the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale, along with the Mountain Brushtail Possum. Observations have also been made of the rare Feathertailed Glider. The Agile Antechinus, a small native carnivore was also widespread throughout the forest. The results from the program will be submitted to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas. The data collected highlights the presence of existing threatened species and other wildlife. The full report of findings from the program will be released in September 2017, and contribute to the development of Council’s Biodiversity Strategy. The Cobaw Wildlife Research Program has been conducted in partnership with Deep Creek Landcare and the Victorian Government. To find out more: 5422 0333

Living with echidnas

Echidnas are often seen in the Macedon Ranges, including in backyards. If you encounter an echidna on your property, it is important to leave it alone and keep your dog restrained until the animal has left. Like the platypus, echidnas are monotremes, which are mammals that lay eggs. Once the egg hatches, the baby echidna, called a puggle, takes refuge in the mother’s pouch. When the puggle starts to develop spikes, the mother leaves it alone in a shallow burrow. For eight months, the mother will visit the young puggle once a week to allow it to feed on her milk. Echidnas have been known to travel as far as one kilometre for food. While it may seem like the right thing to do, relocating an adult can move an animal into unfamiliar surroundings where it can become lost. If the echidna is a female, she may not be able to find her way back to her young.

For more information about living with wildlife: Page 13

Helping you get connected Council is working in many ways to advocate for improved telecommunications and to address the major black spots in the shire. We have responded to the first and second round of the Australian Government’s Mobile Black Spot Programme, which has resulted in new infrastructure being installed in Pipers Creek and Benloch/Lancefield. The National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout is also well underway and due for completion this year. If you are unsure about how to connect, the NBN Co. website, offers a list of retailers. You can also check your address to see when the service will be switched on near your home or business. Looking ahead, we will be updating the Macedon Ranges Telecommunications Black Spots Report later this year, so we can continue to have the evidence to advocate on your behalf. To find out more: 5421 9616

Page 14

Major projects Major projects Tony Clarke Reserve set to shine

User groups at Tony Clarke Reserve in Macedon are set to benefit from a $428,000 lighting upgrade to oval and court facilities. The funding will be used to upgrade the oval and court lighting to game standards. Council will contribute $258,000 towards the project, in addition to a $70,000 contribution from the Macedon tennis, cricket and football netball (senior and junior) clubs, and a $100,000 grant from the Victorian Government.

Gilbert Gordon Oval

Come and play at Kyneton Community Park The main works at the Kyneton Community Park, based at the Kyneton Botanic Gardens, have been completed with play elements, feature plantings and nature-based elements installed. Council is currently working on new toilet facilities to replace the old red brick toilet block, and regular visitors to the park will notice some additional artistic features appearing over the coming months. There will be an official community celebration held at the park in spring to celebrate it’s opening, with details to be announced shortly.

Local sporting groups are embracing the revitalised surface of Gilbert Gordon Oval in Woodend. For years, the oval had been significantly impacted by wet winters, with the Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club forced to relocate a number of their home games each season due to the poor conditions of the ground. Now, a year on from the oval’s full reconstruction, the surface has become one of the best oval surfaces in the shire, with the Woodend Junior Football Club and the Woodend Masters Football Club also enjoying using the surface.

Planning to provide game standard lighting to the football oval and the netball court is progressing, with works anticipated to begin over summer. The lighting upgrades have been made possible with contributions from Council ($205,000), the Victorian Government ($100,000) and local clubs ($70,000). Construction of a new $1.2 million femaleand-umpire-friendly pavilion to replace the currently facility will begin later this year. These works have been funded through Council’s 2016/17 and 2017/18 Capital Works program.

:: Telecommunications • Major projects

Subscribe to eNews Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your inbox. Subscribe to one or more of the following:

Aquatics and Leisure: fitness classes, sporting activities, lane availability, swim lessons, school holiday activities and membership specials. Arts and Culture: arts and cultural events, festivals, exhibitions and funding opportunities in the Macedon Ranges. Business: events, support and other opportunities for businesses and tourism in the Macedon Ranges. Disability: Council programs and local service providers that cater to people with a disability. Environment: environmental projects and events happening in the shire. Family: information for local families with children aged from birth to eight years. ShireLife: receive our bi-monthly newsletter and other Council news via email. Great if you want more regular updates or don’t receive ShireLife in your letterbox or PO Box.

Find us on social media

Receive regular updates about Council’s services, projects, events and activities via our social media channels.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts Macedon Ranges Equine Industry Network Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool Macedon Ranges Youth @MacedonRangesSC @MacedonRangessc Macedon-Ranges-Shire-Council

ents Rates instalm id in four instalments

st be pa Rates and charges mue date. Instalment reminder du the date. by no later than or to each instalment notices will be sent pri it paid by the due date If an instalment is not nalty interest. pe h wit ed will be charg 2017/18 are: Instalment dates for | 30 November 2017 30 September 2017 | 31 May 2018 28 February 2018 via BPAY View®, online You can pay your rates via Council’s website, with Visa or Mastercard ents or in person at a Council service centre. t ns about rates paymenrates on If you have any questio g your yin pa y ult fic dif ve ha u 22. methods, or if yo department on 5422 03 time, contact the Rates

Contact Council 5422 0333 or 1300 656 577* PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444

* Our 1300 number offers residents living in the south of the shire the ability to contact us without incurring an STD call rate.

Visit one of our service centres: Gisborne: 40 Robertson Street Kyneton: 129 Mollison Street Romsey: 96−100 Main Street Woodend: Cnr High and Forest Streets Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact Council through the National Relay Service: • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for (03) 5422 0333 • Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (03) 5422 0333 • Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see for details) and then ask for (03) 5422 0333.

If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a large print version of this newsletter, contact us on 5422 0302 or email

Printed responsibly ShireLife is produced on 100% recycled paper from post consumer waste, and printed by a printer who operates and is certified under the ISO14001 Environmental Management System standards and ISO9001 Quality Management System.

Page 15

2-for-1 entry

Come along to the Battle of the Bands at Kyneton Town Hall on Saturday 5 August at 6pm and present this voucher at the door to receive 2-for-1 entry. Not valid for pre-purchased tickets.

Intimacy Purchase a ticket online to see Intimacy on Friday 18 August and enter Promo Code INTIMACY25% to receive 25 per cent off. Offer valid for full price tickets only. Maximum of 2 tickets per purchase.

Group Fitness Class 2-for-1 entry

Purchase a group fitness class at either Gisborne Fitness Centre or Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre and bring a friend for free. For class timetables, visit or call 5422 0333. Limit one per person. Valid to 31 August 2017.

Cr Henry Bleeck Mobile: 0400 028 507 Cr Natasha Gayfer Mobile: 0436 407 401

Cr Bill West Mobile: 0400 025 455

South Ward Cr Mandi Mees Mobile: 0448 814 442

Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 23 :: July 2017

Your Councillors

Voucher Voucher Voucher

Battle of the Bands

East Ward

Cr Helen Radnedge Mobile: 0437 386 922

Cr Andrew Twaits Mobile: 0429 066 000

West Ward

Cr Jennifer Anderson (Mayor) Mobile: 0408 273 670

Cr Roger Jukes Mobile: 0400 647 445

Want to volunteer? Find out how Page 3

Cr Janet Pearce Mobile: 0437 282 096

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