Macedon Ranges Shire Council ShireLife May 2016

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Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 17 :: May 2016

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Enrol for kinder in 2017

Page 5

Nominate a young person

Mobile black spot program Page 9

New family and children’s centre

Page 7

Have your say on the airfield

Page 8

Acknowledge a local business

Preschool fun There are a number of fantastic preschool activities on offer at our leisure centres.


Kindergym develops your child’s gross motor skills, coordination, balance, confidence and social skills through active play and organised activities in the indoor stadium. Friday, Buffalo Sports Stadium 10am: 1–3 years 11am: 3–5 years See back page for a voucher to attend a free kindergym class.


We have a variety of fantastic music classes designed specifically for pre-schoolers.

Mini Maestros Monday, Macedon Community Centre 9.30am: 6 months–5 years Thursday, Buffalo Sports Stadium 9am: 6 months–5 years Friday, Gisborne Community Centre 9am: 6 months–5 years

Our Music Connection


Preschool dance develops your child’s coordination, imagination and social skills through fun and creativity.

Tiny Tackers

Monday, Buffalo Stadium, Woodend Tuesday, Gisborne Community Centre 9.15am: 4 years 10.20am: 2 years 11am: 3 years

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Pixie Dance

Friday, Macedon Community Centre 9.45am: 3.5–5 years 10.45am: 2–3.5 years Saturday, Macedon Community Centre 9am: 3.5–5 years 9.50am: 2–3.5 years 10.30am: 5–8 years

Developmental music sessions for children up to 5 years. These classes are run by a qualified music therapist, followed by a healthy morning tea. Friday, Buffalo Stadium 10am: Session one 11.15am: Session two

During school terms, our leisure centres offer a diverse range of programs for young children including circus classes, sports clinics, swimming lessons, birthday parties, fitness classes, occasional childcare, and martial arts. For more information, visit

:: Early years

Skills for life: the benefits of swimming

Our swimming program for infants is a carefully designed progression of skills that will equip your child for independent swimming. There are many benefits in learning to swim that can be carried through their life. • Improved confidence • Increased self-awareness • Basic lifesaving skills • Language development • Brain development • Improved social skills • Parent and child bonding • Improved health • Improved sleep habits To enrol or for more information, contact Lisa Pennington at the Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre on 5421 1477.

New family and children’s centre in Gisborne

Located at 71 Robertson Street, the centre is a short walk from both the town and local parks. The modern centre offers: • three and four year old kindergarten • maternal and child health services • multipurpose space for immunisation, visiting services and community groups • a toy library.

With demand increasing across our shire for early years services, families will now be able to access a range of professionals who work collaboratively with children from birth to eight years. As they grow and move through each service, children will develop a sense of belonging and connection to the centre as well as to those around them. This will

help them to develop trust and to feel safe in their environment. If you visit the facility, you will notice a strong focus on indoor-outdoor play. Striking design features like a living wall, a bamboo forest, and a kitchen garden have been incorporated to encourage a child’s natural sense of exploration and creativity, which is important for early development. After consultation with the community in April, it is hoped the new centre’s name will be finalised and announced at the centre’s official opening in July. To discuss your family’s needs or for more information, contact centre staff on 5421 9510 or visit

It’s child’s play Enrol now for kinder in 2017 Our kindergarten program offers your child a stimulating and engaging range of learning experiences and activities. Through exploring the natural world, and being exposed to new ideas and problem-solving, your child will: • learn to work with others and make friends through group activities and cooperative play • express their creativity through art, dance and movement • build their communication skills by interacting with the teachers and other children • develop the skills they need to transition to primary school. Research shows participation in early childhood education such as kindergarten can improve a child’s learning and development outcomes and longer-term engagement in education and employment. Council’s eight kindergartens have large outdoor play spaces, qualified staff and a great community feel. Parent participation is encouraged as it supports and enhances your child’s learning and development.


Enrolments are now being taken for three and four year old programs in 2017. To register or for more information about programs, fees and enrolments, contact Council’s Early Years unit on 5422 0333 or visit Registration forms are also available at a Council service centre in Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend. Health Care Card holders may be eligible to enrol at low or no cost.

Services for Gisborne Kindergarten, Gisborne Maternal and Child Health and Gisborne Toy Library now operate from this location. Page 03

What’s on Ganagan: Waterways in Koorie life and art Coast to Coaster Friday 1 April–Sunday 26 June 11am–4pm, open Friday to Sunday Kyneton Museum Revisit an Aussie pub icon in this playful exhibition featuring pub coasters from all over Australia. Take a trip across the country and delve into Australia’s history as we celebrate this original form of advertising currency. See 2-for-1 entry voucher on back page.

Open weekdays from 9am–3pm from Monday 23 May to Friday 22 July. Official opening on Monday 23 May at 11am with a talk and exhibition tour. A Koori Heritage Trust exhibition, Ganagan—a Taunurung word meaning deep water—celebrates waterways in Koorie life and art. The Trust aims to preserve, protect and promote the Aboriginal culture of South Eastern Australia and, in doing so, bridge the cultural gap between Koories and the wider community. A special event for Reconciliation and NAIDOC Week. Free entry HIPPO! HIPPO! A Big New Musical Adventure Saturday 21 May, 11.30am and 1.30pm

Death by Soprano

Boy Out of the Country Tuesday 24 May, 7.30pm

Friday 13 May, 7.30pm Kyneton Town Hall This satirical catalogue of operatic death scenes uses slapstick, absurdism, dark-clowning and a healthy dose of prop-humour, to portray the final moments in the lives of operatic heroines. Warning: not suitable for children under the age of 15. Cabaret seating, drinks and nibbles available at the bar. BYO supper/hamper. Full $42 Concession $38 Groups (8+) $38 Youth $25

tickets Page 04

Morning Movies Friday 24 June, 11.30am

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie Friday 1 July, 7.30pm

2016 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow Saturday 2 July, 7.30pm

To buy tickets or for more information, phone 1300 888 802 or visit Gift vouchers now available. Valid for all shows during the 2016 events season.

:: What’s on • Youth events

Who are our young achievers? Do you know a local young person between 12–25 years of age who lives, works or goes to school in the Macedon Ranges and deserves to be publicly acknowledged and celebrated? Perhaps they are: • excelling in the arts • giving their all to their education • an exceptional employee or apprentice • best on ground in a sporting endeavour • flying the flag for youth mental health and wellbeing • contributing to our community in other ways. If so, then we want to hear from you.

How to nominate

Nominations will open on Friday 10 June and close on Friday 31 July at 5pm. You can nominate online at or pick up a nomination form from a Council service centre (see page 15 for locations). To find out more, contact David Hale on 5422 0226 or via Award winners will be announced at the annual Macedon Ranges Youth Awards event to be held at 7pm on Tuesday 30 August at the Kyneton Town Hall.

Battle of the Bands Register now

Music in the Sticks are looking for local young musicians to compete in their annual Battle of the Bands competition. This year’s event will be held at the Kyneton Town Hall on 27 August from 6pm. Last years’ winner Mosey (pictured) went on to place second in the state finals at the 2016 Moomba festival in Melbourne, and also won the Battle of the Band’s Award for Songwriters. To register for the Battle of the Bands heat, email, call 5422 0242 of find us on Facebook via Mosey competing at 2015 Battle of the Bands. Page 05

Leading the way

Have you ever been walking or cycling on one of the shared paths in our shire and wondered what to expect when you saw an unleashed dog coming towards you? For many people, this can be quite disconcerting, especially if you don’t know whether the dog is friendly and if it’s safe to pass by. We are fortunate to have a number of shared walking and cycling paths in our shire and these are well used by many people including dog walkers. It’s important that dog owners are responsible with their pets and keep them on a lead in shared areas so everyone can enjoy the benefits of our paths and parks. Failing to obey any signs regarding dogs on leads may incur a fine. Dog owners are reminded that they must carry a bag with them and pick up their dog’s droppings. Failing to do so may also incur a fine. There are also numerous bushland reserves and parks that provide safe habitats for wildlife that may be vulnerable to dogs. Keeping your dog on a lead in these areas will help protect our native animals.

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Keeping our footpaths free from obstructions

Overhanging branches or overgrown bushes from private property can impede safe access along footpaths particularly for people with vision impairments or mobility issues. Next time you’re out gardening, check to see if there are any branches or bushes that may cause an obstruction for pedestrians. Trimming your plants could make a huge difference to both residents and visitors. Under Local Law No 10, if a resident raises concerns with Council about overhanging branches and no action is taken, we can issue notices requesting property owners to take the required action. If this is not done, Council will undertake the work and invoice the property owner.

:: Local law • Have your say

Draft design guidelines for Macedon and Mt Macedon Council has developed draft guidelines for the commercial centres of Macedon and Mt Macedon and is inviting you to have your say. The draft guidelines have been shaped by an analysis of the townships’ existing building character, and by feedback received at the community drop-in session held in March. The guidelines will inform future planning controls that will guide future decision-making and streetscape improvements to ensure that village character is respected. Visit for further details including the closing date for making submissions.

Draft Kyneton Airfield Master Plan Council is developing a draft master plan for the Kyneton Airfield and will invite you to have your say. The draft master plan will be guided by previous studies and discussions with residents and interest groups. It will provide an analysis of the site and its future potential for further airfieldrelated development including emergency services. Once adopted, the Kyneton Airfield Master Plan will inform the development of planning controls that will guide decision making for the future development of the site. For more information, visit

Budget update Do you agree with our priorities? Council’s 2016/17 draft budget will be placed on public exhibition from Friday 29 April–Friday 27 May. This is an important public process where Council presents to the community how it proposes to spend ratepayer and grant funding to support local services, facilities and infrastructure in the forthcoming financial year. Everyone has the chance to have their say about Council’s draft budget. To see the full draft budget, visit or drop into a Council service centre (see page 15 for locations). While it won’t be possible to implement every suggestion in this year’s budget, your feedback will be considered and could be referred to future years’ budget processes. If you support or object to any aspect of our draft budget, make sure you let us know by sending us a submission. Submissions are accepted in the following ways: • Post: PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 • Email:

Key dates Friday 27 May, 11am Submissions due Wednesday 1 June, 7pm Council meeting for those who wish to present their submission in person Wednesday 22 June, 7pm Council meeting to consider submissions and adopt the budget The Council meetings will take place at the Council service centre, 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne.

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Macedon Ranges

Business Excellence Awards

Winter warmers What’s on in the Macedon Ranges Now that we’re more than half way through another spectacular autumn, we can look forward to a heart-warming winter. With the change of seasons comes new things to see and do. Enjoy the serenity of Mount Macedon after the leaves have fallen and breathe in the crisp air while admiring the views from the top of Camel’s Hump or Black Hill Reserve. Visit Conglomerate Gully in Riddells Creek to experience the peace and varied terrain. If an indoor experience is what you’re after, there are plenty of cultural events on offer. Pick up a program for the Woodend Winter Arts Festival, and catch a show with the Mount Players or at the Kyneton Town Hall. Listen to chamber music at the Church of Resurrection or checkout Duneira’s cultural calendar. Sit by an open fire at one of our many cafes and restaurants while indulging in fresh local food accompanied by a local wine. And to finish, don’t forget to add a dash of retail therapy at one of our many shopping precincts! For more information, call into your nearest Visitor Information Centre in Woodend or Kyneton, call 1800 244 711 or go to

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Get your nominations in for the 2016 Bendigo Bank Macedon Ranges Business Excellence Awards as nominations will close on Friday 27 May. Our businesses are vital as they provide local products, services and jobs. With more than half our working population leaving the area for work each day, supporting local business development and growth is our priority. Acknowledge your favourite business by nominating them in this year’s awards. Nomination forms are available at or at a Council service centre (see page 15 for locations). Elliott Midland Newspapers successfully ran the business awards for more than a decade with Council as a major sponsor and partner. To enable the awards to continue with further success, we are pleased to announce a new media partnership with Elliott Midland Newspapers. Council will provide management and support to ensure the event’s long-term sustainability, with Elliott Midland continuing to promote the awards.

Meet our local producers This expo-style event will connect growers and suppliers, showcase homegrown produce and bring together businesses in the Macedon Ranges. Date: Monday 30 May 2016 Venue: M acedon Ranges Hotel and Spa, 652 Black Forest Drive, Macedon Cost: Free for Macedon Ranges residents To book or for more information, visit or contact Claudette on 5421 9616. Bookings are essential.

:: Business • Tourism

Equine Centre Feasibility Study The next steps

The Equine Centre Feasibility Study was endorsed by Council in May 2015. Since then, Council has met with state and federal members of parliament, government departments and industry bodies to determine funding options for the next stage, which is to develop a full business case. In January 2016, Council coordinated a National Equine Industry Forum attended by local members of parliament and representatives from national peak bodies. The purpose of the forum was for members of parliament to gain an understanding of the national equine industry and to discuss options and next steps. It was agreed that a partnership approach with the Victorian Government to develop the full business case was the best chance for the project’s success. Council has referred future support of the project to the 2016/17 budget process, subject to funds provided by the Victorian Government and industry. For more information, contact Leanne Davey on 5421 9617 or

The Macedon Ranges official visitor website has had a makeover!’s new look is stylish and user friendly and will inspire you to experience what’s in your very own backyard. More than a million people visited the Macedon Ranges last year, so we must be doing a lot right! If you’re looking to get out and explore, or if your family and friends are up for a visit, jump on to to see what our shire has to offer. To register your business, visit or for more information, contact 5421 9616.

Connectivity is crucial Mobile black spots

Extensive consultation with our community has highlighted the need for telecommunication infrastructure that supports local emergency services, business, education, recreation and general connectedness. Council developed the Macedon Ranges Black Spot Register and partnered with Regional Development Australia to produce the Mobile Phone and Device Black Spots Connectivity Assessment Report.

Mobile phone connectivity was tested at 61 locations across the Macedon Ranges over a distance of 526kms. Federal Government’s Mobile Black Spot Programme Round One Council supported Telstra’s application for new infrastructure in the Pipers Creek area. This program was highly-competitive and considered applications nationally. Project costs ranged from $500,000 to $2 million, so a limited number of projects were supported. Round Two This round will provide funding of $60 million and will focus on new mobile infrastructure in small communities that have little or no connectivity, are prone to natural disasters, or where infrastructure would normally not be commercially viable. Council’s advocacy work has ensured all Macedon Ranges black spots are registered, and are therefore eligible under the new round of funding. Council has agreed to contribute $50,000 funding toward Round Two of the Federal Black Spot Programme which closes in June 2016, and will also refer future support to its budget process. For more information, visit or contact us on 5421 9616.

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Major projects Dixon Field pavilion

Works on the Dixon Field pavilion in Gisborne have been completed. The $880,000 pavilion has been funded in partnership by the Victorian Government and Council ($440,000 each). The pavilion includes change rooms, meeting space, kiosk, storage and accessible toilet. The project will address the needs of both female and male users at Dixon Field.

Kyneton Showgrounds lighting

Lighting has been installed at the Kyneton Showground’s top oval and netball courts. With the completion of the $542,000 project, the showgrounds can now host evening football and netball matches. Funding was provided by the Victorian Government ($200,000), Council ($272,000) and Kyneton Football Netball Club ($70,000).

Sports fields summer success

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Council’s irrigated ovals were in excellent condition this summer despite the dry weather conditions.

participation. In recent years a turf crew has been established, existing plant upgraded, and additional funding provided to enable fertilising, aerating, top dressing and associated works.

The Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve oval is also in prime condition following resurfacing two years ago.

This reflects the significant effort and investment Council, water authorities, and both Victorian and Australian governments have made over a 10 year period to provide recycled water and irrigation systems. In fact 16 of the 17 irrigated sports fields maintained by Council across the shire do not rely on valuable drinking water supplies. The remaining one at Tony Clarke Reserve, Macedon is remote from the nearest recycled water supplies. Council believes that by investing additional resources into our ovals, sports clubs, local schools and the wider community will benefit by greater

Sports fields across the shire were in tip top condition over the 2015/2016 summer with a number of local teams taking out cricket premierships, most notably the Gisborne Cricket Club in the top grade McIntyre Cup. The Woodend Cricket Club enjoyed a return to a much-improved Gilbert Gordon Oval after a year off in which the oval was completely reconstructed by Council at a cost of $800,000. This followed many years of the oval being in poor condition, particularly during winter, which led to a number of football games being relocated.

Just wanted to send you a note of thanks for the work done in providing excellent ovals during the cricket season just completed. Considering the lack of rain over the last six months, the ovals in the MRSC region were in great condition for cricket and many visiting clubs and umpires commented on the condition of the grounds and surface during matches played at Gisborne, Romsey, Riddell, Macedon and Woodend... Rob McIntyre, Secretary Gisborne & District Cricket Association

:: Major projects • Hanging Rock update



The Stadium one year on Since opening in May last year, The Stadium has enjoyed extensive use by a range of sporting and community groups. After only 12 months, the centre is operating at approximately 84% capacity with only limited morning and weekend times still available. On offer are netball, soccer and basketball competitions with the Macedon Ranges Netball Association, Gisborne Bulldogs Basketball Club, Macedon Ranges Futsal and Sunbury Basketball Association. Metafit exercise classes are also available three mornings a week. Features of The Stadium include two courts and a meeting room with kitchen that can be hired for community programs, children’s birthday parties and meetings. Over the next 12 months, there are plans to introduce women’s daytime basketball, all abilities netball and preschool programs. The Stadium in Gisborne was developed with the hard work and dedication of the Gisborne community, Council and Gisborne Secondary College. For more information, visit contact staff on 5428 1619 or via

In partnership with the community and the Victorian Government, Council is working to achieve a thriving and resilient Hanging Rock. One of two key projects has commenced with the establishment of a new Hanging Rock advisory committee now underway. Meanwhile, preparation of a new master plan for the Hanging Rock precinct will commence soon. Macedon Ranges Shire Council has appointed consultants to undertake an independent review and guide the development of the new committee, which will replace the current Hanging Rock Development Advisory Committee. Consultants PPB Advisory will meet with relevant local groups and residents and form recommendations on the makeup and establishment of the new committee. The review will be undertaken over the next six to eight weeks and will involve engagement with government agencies, registered Aboriginal parties, other relevant groups and users of the precinct. The new committee will provide input in to the master plan to be developed for the Hanging Rock precinct. The committee’s ongoing role will be to advise and assist Council in relation to strategic directions and issues regarding the precinct. It will be a forum where proposals and ideas can be discussed and members will also assist with implementing the new Hanging Rock Master Plan. The new master plan will direct future activities and improvements for the precinct and will involve extensive public consultation with the community. For updates, visit The Hanging Rock precinct is highly valued for its environmental, tourism, recreation and cultural assets, all of which need to be balanced to ensure a sustainable future for the site. The committee review and master plan process are being jointly funded by Council and the Victorian Government. Council staff and appointed consultants will work closely with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on the projects.

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Your Councillors Page 12

Cr John Connor West Ward

Cr Graham Hackett East Ward

This is the last year of the current councillor term, and it is also the last year that I will be serving as your West Ward representative. This term will complete my fourth term as a councillor for the Macedon Ranges Shire—two years as Mayor and two years as Deputy Mayor. Since 2000 I have seen many changes in this shire, not only in the population growth but also in the appreciation of people outside our shire who have seen the success of our health and wellbeing programs, the improvement of our infrastructure and our good financial management. I want to thank all the volunteers throughout the shire. Without your contribution and hard work we would have great difficulty servicing all the programs and services that Council provides to the community. To the Executive, officers and staff, thanks for your guidance and support. We are fortunate to have an organisation that is cohesive, forward-thinking and ground-breaking in our attitude toward gambling machines, family violence, youth suicide, Meals On Wheels, aged care and provision of sporting complexes. These are made possible by our hard working staff who are highly-regarded by all spheres of government. We have our critics, but I am yet to find a person who does not want to live here in the Macedon Ranges. I hear from people who are amazed at the high standard of our arts and culture programs, our parks and gardens, the cleanliness of our towns and the ‘can do’ attitude of our community. And who are impressed with the Woodend Children’s Park, the Bluestone Theatre, our monthly markets, our cycling and walking clubs and of course, our hard working Landcare groups, men’s sheds, Thursday Crew and many others. To our customer service staff, who always greet with a smile and endeavour to make contact with this organisation as pleasant as possible: you are the voice, eyes and ears of this shire. To my fellow councillors: sometimes we are not in agreement and our paths travel down different byways, but we still communicate with each other and I thank you all for your help, advice and, above all, your friendship. Thank you to all the people who have given me the opportunity to serve as your representative.

This will be my last message in this newsletter prior to the Council election later this year. I am honoured to be Mayor and have thoroughly enjoyed my role as a councillor but, as always, there is a lot of unfinished work. I would like to highlight one of our key economic development aims, which is to progress the next steps for the Macedon Ranges Equine Centre Feasibility Study and to undertake a full business case to scope the possibilities. We are following a process recommended by the Victorian Government to attract funding and investment for major infrastructure projects. If this goes ahead, it would be a multi-purpose venue situated on approximately 120 hectares in the east of our shire, providing for a broad range of equine competitions, events and education opportunities as well as other activities such as exhibitions, dog shows and agricultural expos. The benefits to the local community would be considerable as visitors to the centre will need accommodation, food and access to services. Imagine the jobs that would be created, even just the part-time and casual opportunities for local kids! The equine industry is already a major employer in our region, valued at around $140 million per annum. If the centre is built, it is conservatively estimated that it would generate a further $9 million into the local economy each year. When we consulted with the community, more than 800 submissions were received, with 95% supporting the proposal. Some of the key themes were focused around creating opportunities for employment as well as education and training options, not just equinerelated activities. The consultation also highlighted the need for a model that would allow affordable access for the broad range of community users such as pony and adult riding clubs; and that we need to ensure that the venue has accessible facilities for riders with disabilities, which is sadly lacking Australia-wide. These are just some of the matters the full business case will address. Thank you for allowing me to be your representative at Council for the last four years.

:: Your Councillors • Environment

Cr Russell Mowatt South Ward This year has started with earnest in the South Ward, as many community groups and organisations have come forward with new initiatives and requests for our evergrowing communities. New residents in the south of the shire have put forward to Council a proposal and vision to build a unique and iconic multi-purpose community hub in Gisborne South. Council officers are currently reviewing this request and exploring the potential options for the future of this area. In New Gisborne, the Ross Watt Recreation Reserve Master Plan for its future use has been out for public consultation and comment by the local community. The Macedon Villages Volunteers Inc. have done an excellent job in revitalising the Macedon Railway Station gardens and this shows the strength of this community in working towards and taking pride in their township gateway to that part of our region. The group has also submitted an expression of interest to the Victorian Government’s Regional Arts Small Town Transformation Grant. In essence, this grant is about keeping small towns connected to community and place. The Dixon Field Pavilion upgrade has been completed. This includes construction of change and referee rooms, a meeting room, kitchen, accessible facilities, storage and a multi-purpose room. Finally, roundabout upgrades at the New Gisborne bypass on Station Road have begun. This has been a long journey over the last five years with a completion date of December 2016.

Workshop Indigenous plants for creating a bird friendly garden Join local horticulturalist Kerri Mewett and learn how to use native plants to build an interesting garden that is both beautiful and attractive to local birds. Saturday 28 May 2016 10am–11.30am Romsey Community Hub 98–100 Main Street To book or for more information, contact William on 5421 9674 or via

Recycling: can I or can’t I? Did you know that glass can take up to 4,000 years to decompose yet it can be recycled indefinitely? Manufacturing new products from recycled materials takes far less energy, resources and water than using new materials. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what can be recycled.

Tips for getting it right

No Soft plastics such as cling wrap

Yes Take away containers


Pizza boxes

Plastic bags

Bottle caps

Broken glass

Yoghurt containers

To find out more about recycling, pick up Your Guide to Recycling and Waste Services from a Council service centre (see page 15 for locations), or visit Page 13

Your rates at work The following works are jointly funded by Council and the Australian Government’s Road to Recovery program: • Road widening works to improve safety on Kyneton-Springhill Road between Coliban and Brady roads. To be completed by the end of May. • Reconstruction works of Redesdale Road, Kyneton between Kyneton-Metcalfe Road and the Kyneton Transfer Station. To be completed June 2016. • Road-widening works to improve safety throughout curves and crests on Pipers Creek-Pastoria Road between Kyneton-Baynton Road and Pipers Creek Road. To be completed June 2016.

Page 14

The following road and drainage works are currently underway: • Underground drainage and a new retention basin are being constructed at a reserve near Bowkett Close, Romsey. To be completed by the end of May. • Culvert replacement works including installation of new guardrail on Romsey Road, Romsey near the intersection of Portingales Lane. To be completed June 2016. • Reconstruction of the bluestone gutter in Sturt Street, Kyneton from Edgecombe Street heading west. To be completed June 2016. • A new 1500mm diameter underground drainage pipeline is being constructed in an easement near Templeton Street, Woodend between Urquhart and Brooke streets. To be completed June 2016. • Drainage improvement works in High Street, Lancefield including the construction of a new 375mm diameter underground pipeline. To be completed July 2016.

:: Your rates at work • Contacts

Other works: • Additional CCTV cameras will be installed at rubbish dumping hotspots around the shire. Over January and February, Council received 54 reports of dumped rubbish. This adds to the almost 100% increase in 2015 of illegal dumping, with Council responding to an average of 32 individual reports per month; up from less than two per month on average in 2014. • Construction of a new 2.5 metre shared pathway between the Gisborne Railway Station and Macedon Ranges Regional Netball Complex is underway. This new pathway will connect the new sporting complex and neighbouring schools in New Gisborne. It will be finished by June 2016 and is jointly-funded by Council ($105,000) and VicHealth ($50,000). • More than 850 kilometres of sealed roads are set for a refresh as Council begins its annual line marking program. Each year we spend approximately $140,000 on line marking, working to ensure centrelines, fog lines and delineation marks on roads are clear for the safety of road users.

Subscribe to eNews

Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your mailbox. Visit and subscribe to one or more of the following: • Aquatics and Leisure: fitness classes, sporting activities, lane availability, swim lessons, school holiday activities and membership specials. • Arts and Culture: arts and cultural events, festivals, exhibitions and funding opportunities in the Macedon Ranges. • Business: events, support and other opportunities for businesses and tourism in the Macedon Ranges. • Disability: Council programs and local service providers that cater to people with a disability. • Environment: environmental projects and events happening in the shire. • Family: information for local families with children aged from birth to eight years. • ShireLife: receive our bi-monthly newsletter and other Council news via email. Great if you want more regular updates or don’t receive ShireLife in your letterbox or PO Box.

Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres

Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre

Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture

Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts

Macedon Ranges Equine Industry Network

Final rates minder instalmpaeidnin tfourre

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Contact Council

You can contact Council by: Phone 5422 0333 or 1300 656 577* Email Website Post PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 * Our 1300 number offers residents living in the south of the shire the ability to contact us without incurring an STD call rate. Visit one of our service centres: 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 129 Mollison Street, Kyneton 96−100 Main Street, Romsey Cnr High and Forest Streets, Woodend.

Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact Council through the National Relay Service: • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for (03) 5422 0333 • Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (03) 5422 0333 • Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see for details) and then ask for (03) 5422 0333.

If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a large print version of this newsletter, contact us on 5422 0302 or email

Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool

Macedon Ranges Youth

Printed responsibly ShireLife is produced on 100% recycled paper from post consumer waste, and printed by a printer who operates and is certified under the ISO14001 Environmental Management System standards and ISO9001 Quality Management System.

Page 15

Purchase a full price to ticket to the Coasnt at the Coaster exhibitio and Kyneton Museum e. receive one for fre 6. Valid until 6 June 201 per household. Limit one voucher ions and opening For current hours visit

Kindergym Free pass

Present this voucher to receive a free kindergym class.

Visit for times and location of classes. Limit one per family. Valid until 26 June 2016.

Request a New Resident Kit

Are you new to the shire?

Contact us to request a New Resident Kit to be sent to you! Submit a request online at call 5422 0333 or visit a Council service centre in Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey or Woodend.

Cr Ian Ellis Mobile: 0400 025 455 Cr Graham Hackett (Mayor) Mobile: 0408 287 788

Cr Henry McLaughlin Mobile: 0400 028 507

South Ward Cr John Letchford Mobile: 0401 682 364

Cr Russell Mowatt Mobile: 0418 531 281

Cr Sally Piper Mobile: 0400 865 543

West Ward

Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 17 :: May 2016

Your Councillors


Voucher Voucher Voucher

Coast to r Coaspate ss

East Ward

Cr Jennifer Anderson Mobile: 0408 273 670

Cr John Connor (Deputy Mayor) Mobile: 0412 870 500

Cr Roger Jukes Mobile: 0400 647 445

Mobile black spot program Page 9

New family and children’s centre

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.