Macedon Ranges Shire Council ShireLife November 2015

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Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 15 :: November 2015

Pages 2–3 What’s on

Pages 4–5

Get in the swim

Page 6

Preventing European wasps

Page 10

Council’s Rural Living Strategy

Summer fire safety Pages 8–9

Dive into


Back page

Summer swim discounts


What’s on

Events at the Rock Horse racing at the Rock

Camp out at the Rock

Saturday 2 April 2016

New Year’s Day races: Friday 1 January 2016 Australia Day races: Tuesday 26 January 2016 Gates open 11am. Visit or phone 1300 139 402.

Experience an exciting overnight camp out at the base of the Rock. Bookings essential. For more information and bookings, phone 5421 1468.

Run the Rock

Saturday 16 April 2016

Valentine’s Day film night

Saturday 13 February 2016 Celebrate Valentine’s Day under the stars and enjoy Peter Weir’s “Picnic at Hanging Rock” on the big screen. For details, phone 5421 1468 or to book, 1300 888 802.

Annual picnic and classic car display Sunday 14 February 2016

The Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club’s annual picnic day car display. To find out more, visit or contact Graham on 0419 393 023.

Choose from a 2km kids’ run, 5km run/walk, 10km run and 19km run. Visit for details or phone 9285 0600.

Night walks

Experience the mystery of Hanging Rock at night, with a guided tour of the Reserve. Tour dates: Friday 11 December 2015 Friday 15 January 2016 Friday 26 February 2016 Friday 18 March 2016 Bookings essential. To book, phone 5421 1468.

Craft Markets Australia Sunday 20 March 2016 Enjoy more than just a picnic at Hanging Rock at this special craft and produce market. Visit or phone 5976 3266.

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:: What’s on

Calling all festival and event organisers! Council has appointed a dedicated Events and Festival Officer to help you run successful, wellorganised, compliant and sustainable events or activities in the shire. To help get your idea off the ground, contact Bridgette on 5421 9521 or, or visit


Save the date From Australia Day celebrations and festivals to live performances and networking events, there’s plenty happening in the New Year to keep you entertained.

Business events

Local businesses can choose from a range of innovative and valuable seminars, training opportunities and networking events in 2016 as part of our Business Development and Training program. Visit or contact Claudette on 5421 9616.

Macedon Ranges Sustainable Living Festival Saturday 27 February, 10am–4pm Woodend Community Garden and Hub, 27 Forest Street, Woodend Discover new ways to live sustainability at this annual festival. Visit for details.

Australia Day celebrations

Tuesday 26 January Join one of our Australia Day fun runs before heading off to a celebratory barbecue and a range of other activities in townships across the shire. Visit for information and locations.

Cultural Diversity Week

Arts and Culture program launch Friday 12 February, Kyneton Town Hall, 5pm Get the scoop on what music, drama, comedy, cabaret and family fun is making its way to our shire in the New Year. Patrons will be treated to door prizes, locally-sourced wine, ciders and coffee, and 25 per cent off all tickets sold on the night. Visit or contact 1300 888 802.

Monday 14 March to Friday 18 March Kyneton Town Hall and Kyneton Museum Council is preparing an exciting program of events to highlight Japanese culture during this state-wide celebration of diversity. There will be performances from renowned drumming group TaikOz, exhibitions, a short-film festival and more. Visit to find out more.

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Outdoor Pools

The outdoor swimming pools in Lancefield and Woodend will open for the 2015/16 summer season from Saturday 5 December 2015 until Monday 14 March 2016. Both facilities will open as follows, based on temperature forecasts for Melbourne: • Under 24 degrees: CLOSED • 24–26 degrees: 3.30pm–6pm (opens 1.30pm on weekends and during school holidays) • 27–30 degrees: 11am–6pm • 30 degrees and above: 11am-6pm (possible extension of hours past 6pm dependent upon patronage and weather conditions) Council’s outdoor pools and aquatic centres will be closed on Christmas Day. To make the most of our outdoor pools, purchase a season pass from one of Council’s customer service centres or pools. For more information about opening hours and fees, visit

Get in shape

Locations and contact details

for the 2016 aquathon series

Lancefield Memorial Swimming Pool Chauncey Street, Lancefield Phone 5429 1546 Woodend Swimming Pool Forest Street, Woodend Phone 5427 2268

Start training now for the 2016 Macedon Ranges Aquathon Series. The swim/run events will be held in Lancefield on Sunday 28 February and Kyneton on Sunday 20 March. You can enter individually or as part of a team. To help competitors prepare, six week gym-andswim boot camps will be held at Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre, Gisborne Aquatic Centre and Gisborne Fitness Centre in the leadup to each event. To register your interest in a boot camp contact each centre, or for further information on participating in an Aquathon event, phone Kerry on 5421 1228. Entry forms for the Aquathon series will be available from Council’s website early next year.

Page 04

:: Aquathon • Outdoor pools • Water safety


Putting pool safety first

Is your swimming pool or spa safe for children, and compliant with regulations? Now is the time to ensure pools are inspected and maintained by: • ensuring the gate shuts and locks correctly • adjusting and lubricating the gate • inspecting the barrier for corrosion • cleaning up around your safety barrier or pool fence • removing any objects around the safety barrier (e.g. pot plants, chairs, pool pumps) which could allow a child to climb over the fence • cutting back any overhanging trees. Owners of rental properties with swimming pools and spas are responsible to ensure the barrier is maintained. All in-ground and above ground swimming pools and spas containing a depth of water greater than 300mm (30cm)—including children’s inflatable swimming pools — require a building permit for their construction and a safety barrier or pool fence. For more information on pool safety, swimming pools, spas, safety barriers and ongoing maintenance requirements, contact Council’s Building unit on 5421 9681.

Watch around water When visiting your local pool to cool off this summer, remember to ‘Watch around Water’.

Council’s aquatic centres and outdoor pools are registered with the ‘Watch Around Water’ program, which means: • Children under 5 years must be supervised by an adult who is required to be within arm’s reach of them at all times. • Children 5–10 years must be accompanied into the facility and supervised by an adult at all times while in water. • No child under 10 years will be admitted to a facility unless they are accompanied by and supervised by an adult. The Watch around Water program aims to reduce the number of fatal and non-fatal drownings and associated injuries in Victoria, within the 0–14 year age group. It is managed by Lifesaving Victoria, and Aquatics and Recreation Victoria. Visit

Thank you

a lovely thank-you We recently received er of the Kyneton from Sue, a regular us Centre. tic ua Toyota Sports & Aq

after the “I returned to the pool inter ew short closure over th e how tic no to s ay school holid pool and e th kly clean and spar e. I have surrounding areas wer you a short nd se been meaning to anks to you note to extend my th derstand this and your team as I un se pass my ea is not an easy job! Pl am. Many te ur yo to gratitude on customer” thanks from a happy Regards, Sue

Page 05

Monitoring our native fauna

Remote cameras, spotlights and bird surveys are just a few of the methods undertaken over the last 12 months as part of Council’s fauna monitoring program. The program aims to gather data on what species are using bushland reserves across the shire and guide local species conservation and pest management programs. Council has also installed more than 250 nestboxes in partnership with local Landcare groups and men’s sheds to assist with monitoring local species. Some fascinating threatened species discovered in Council reserves include: • Brush-tailed Phascogales • Endangered Brown Toadlets • Greater Gliders • Grey Goshawks, Powerful Owls and Barking Owls For more information or updates on the program, subscribe to our Environment eNews (see page 15), or visit

Preventing European wasps Summer’s warm weather is a great time to enjoy the outdoors, but the increase of European wasp activity can have many of us running for cover. Regular inspections around your property looking for European wasp activity and signs of wasps building nests can assist in their prevention. Nests are usually found in sheltered areas, are light grey in colour and approximately the size of a football with a 2–5cm opening. They may be located in the ground, under rocks, in rubbish piles, at the base of trees and bushes, or in roofs, walls and under the eaves of houses. You can reduce wasp populations by: • trimming back bushes and over-hanging branches around buildings and fences • regularly inspecting the perimeter of any building for signs of a nest • ensuring rubbish and compost bins have tightly fitted lids. If you do locate a nest on your property, do not disturb or try to destroy the nest yourself. You should contact a local qualified pest controller who will be able to safely remove it for you. Anyone who finds a nest on public land should report it to Council on 5422 0333.

Page 06

:: Fauna • Streetscapes • Workshops

Breathing life into our streetscapes More than 200 new trees have been planted in townships across the shire as part of Council’s annual street tree planting program.

The majority of the trees were planted during winter, improving the character and appearance of our neighbourhoods and providing natural shade, shelter and increasing biodiversity.

Environment workshops and events

During March, learn about how to manage garden pests without using chemicals and how to identify and control weeds at a series of environment workshops. For more information or to find out about other environment events, visit or contact William on 5421 9674.

Vehicles for sale on roadsides

Council is urging motorists to think twice before parking and displaying a vehicle for sale on Council roads, nature strips, footpaths and public land. It is an offence under Local Law No.10 to park vehicles for sale on roadsides. It creates hazards for motorists and causes visual distractions, traffic congestion issues and also causes damage to grass, vegetation and tree roots. Owners of these vehicles may receive on-thespot infringements of $200. For more information about Council’s laws and regulations, visit or contact 5422 0333. Page 07

Emergency preparation liftout—tear out and keep


What to do in an emergency

If an emergency such as a bushfire occurs and you need to leave your home, Council will open an Emergency Relief Centre. This centre is located well away from the affected area and the location will be broadcast on radio, social media and relevant websites. Services available at relief centres • Food and water • Personal support • Temporary accommodation • Information • A place to bring your pets (make sure you bring a leash or cage, food, water bowls and anything else they may need).

If you are unable to leave your property or choose to stay, you will need to have at least three days’ supply of food, water, fuel and other necessities. As soon as after the event as practical and where necessary, Council will open a Recovery Centre. This centre will be located as close as possible to the affected area. Services that are available at a Recovery Centre include: • Information about emergency grants • Personal support • Information on clean up, health and wellbeing • Housing, insurance Immediately following an event, Council works with other agencies to assess the impact of the event. You may receive a visit from staff or volunteers who will be checking to see how you are managing after the incident and assessing damage to your property, animals, trees and fencing. Experience shows that those people who have prepared their property and have a bushfire survival plan recover more quickly from an emergency.

Find us on Facebook Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts

Staying informed Hear

• Listen to the radio • Ring the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667


• Active patrol around your property • VicEmergency, a single all-emergencies website, • CFA warnings and incidents


Social media and sharing information with family and friends

Page 08

The Macedon Ranges Emergency Alert pages focuses on helping you to prepare for and respond to an emergency in your town or region, such as fire, flood or heatwave. This page does not replace official emergency alerts from the CFA, Victoria Police or SES.

:: Emergency ????????????????????????? preparation

Emergency preparation liftout—tear out and keep

fire safety Bushfire survival plan

Understanding your level of risk is the first step in developing your Bushfire Survival Plan. Research shows that when threatened by a fire, many people living in high risk areas will leave it too late to make critical decisions, leaving them with very few safe options. In high-risk areas, leaving early is your safest option—particularly on Code Red, Extreme and Severe days.

Where will you go?

It’s important to identify where you will go on high fire risk days e.g. to family or friends, in Melbourne or elsewhere. Neighbourhood Safer Places—Places of Last Resort should not be your ‘go-to’ place when you decide to enact your fire plan. These places are a ‘last resort’ option when all your plans have failed and the fire is about to impact your home. They are not staffed, may not have electricity or other services, and there is no guarantee that the CFA or other agencies will be able to defend the building if it is threatened by fire.

Council services on Code Red fire danger days Garbage, recycling and green bins will not be collected on Code Red days. If your collection falls on one of these days, your bins will be collected the following day, or as soon as possible after the Code Red downgrade—even on weekends. In Woodend, Macedon and Mt Macedon all services and facilities will be closed on Code Red Fire danger days. This includes: • Libraries • Neighbourhood houses and community centres • Sporting facilities and recreation reserves • Maternal and child health centres • Immunisation sessions • Kindergartens • School crossings • Woodend Service Centre • Hanging Rock • Transfer stations • Woodend Visitor Information Centre.

Fire planning tips • Pack an emergency kit, including medication. • Tell your family and friends where you will go if you plan to leave. • Consider vulnerable members of your family, such as the elderly or those living with a disability. • Plan for the welfare of your pets, horses and livestock, by considering where you might relocate your horses and register for a property identification code (PIC) to help identify and rehome your animals. For more tips, visit and

An example emergency kit.

Page 09

In the Rural Living Zone Council adopted the final ‘In the Rural Living Zone’ strategy at the September Ordinary Council meeting. The strategy includes recommendations to manage rural living opportunities in the shire to 2045. The strategy was informed by an enthusiastic response from the community to the draft report that was released in late 2014, with over 140 surveys completed and more than 80 submissions received. The strategy’s recommendations include: • providing for a 30-year finite supply of rural living land across the shire • a reduction in minimum lot sizes for nominated land in existing Rural Living Zones around Gisborne, Gisborne South and Riddells Creek and a small area in Romsey, north of Ochiltrees Road • introducing Development Plan overlays that will coordinate development in line with existing features and characteristics, and provide for an integrated pedestrian, cycle and vehicle network. • rezoning of land from the Farming Zone to the Rural Living Zone south of Kyneton, and north of Lauriston Reservoir Road. To view a copy of the strategy or for more information, visit or contact our Strategic Planning unit on 5421 9660.

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Have your say

Tourism in Macedon Ranges

It’s no secret that residents of the Macedon Ranges are spoilt–there’s our pristine natural environment, gourmet food and wine, and a strong sense of community—but what attracts visitors to the region?

The Macedon Ranges Tourism Industry Strategic Plan 2011–2016, which is the document that outlines the vision for tourism for the region, is currently under review and community input will be invited early next year. With tourism contributing $292 million annually to the Macedon Ranges Shire economy and accounting for 16.6 per cent of all jobs, touris m is one of the shire’s key industry sectors. For details on the review, contact Shane on 5421 9638 or

:: Planning and building

Can you build over an easement? An easement is a section of land that gives Council or another service authority access to this land.

An easement may have a stormwater or sewerage drain along it, be a carriageway, or have power lines over it. It may be anywhere on your property, such as in your front or back yard, along the side of your house or along a fence. To ensure access to easements is available at all times, they must be free of all obstructions, including permanent or temporary structures, trees, plants or landscaping of any kind unless a Build Over Easement permit has been granted. For more information or to apply for a permit, phone Council on 5422 0333 or visit

Your Rates at work The following road and footpath works are currently underway: Asphalt works and the installation of new street lighting and traffic islands at the intersection of Couangalt Road and Benson Road in Gisborne South. To be completed December 2015. Road widening works on Sandy Creek Road in Riddells Creek to improve traffic movement, drainage and property access. To be completed December 2015. Road reconstruction works on Redesdale Road between Kyneton-Metcalfe Road and the Cemetery in Kyneton. To be completed February 2016. Road widening works on Kyneton-Springhill Road between Harts Lane and Sebastopol Road. To be completed December 2016. Renewal of existing cross road culverts on Kyneton–Baynton Road and Mission Hill Road in Baynton. To be completed January 2016. Road widening works on Ochiltrees Road to accommodate increased traffic between Romsey Road and Ochiltree Court in Romsey. To be completed December 2015. New warning signage and guardrails will be installed along a section of Romsey Road between Springfield Road and Sheehans Lane following funding from the Australian Government’s National Blackspot Program. To be completed December 2015. The existing cross road culvert on Romsey Road located between Kerrie Valley Road and Mumfords Road in Hesket will be replaced in January 2016, ensuring a safer road crossing for motorists. To be completed March 2016. Road, drainage and footpath upgrade works at Templeton Street, Woodend (between Urquhart and Brooke streets) will commence in January 2016.

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Major projects Gilbert Gordon Oval, Woodend The pitch is rolled, the cricketers whites are out and games are underway at Gilbert Gordon Oval this season following the completion of works to rejuvenate the site. The $800,000 project ($662,000 Victorian Government and Council $142,000) to completely reconstruct the oval saw the cricket pitch, goal posts, coach’s boxes, sub-surface drainage and turf surface overhauled.

Woodend Detention Basin

Construction of a detention basin at 21 Quarry Road in Woodend is scheduled to begin early next year, with the aim to reduce the risk of flooding to properties located downstream, and the commercial area of Woodend. Scheduled for completion in April 2016, the works will involve the reshaping of the Quarry Road site to enable it to temporarily hold back floodwaters. During this time, there will be increased truck traffic along Quarry Road, High Street and Black Forest Drive.

Gisborne Early Learning Centre update

Concrete foundations have been laid, framing has been installed and work on a roof has begun as construction at the site of the new Gisborne Early Learning Centre continue. The $3.7 million space will provide two rooms for three and four year old kindergarten, two Maternal and Child Health consulting rooms, a toy library and shared community space for use by playgroups, visiting services, immunisation programs and other community activities. It is anticipated that the centre will be completed by early 2016.

Macedon Ranges Netball Complex

Works to construct a new netball pavilion at the Macedon Ranges Netball Complex in New Gisborne are now complete. The pavilion includes a multipurpose room, internal storerooms, kitchen, change rooms, kiosk, storage facilities and public toilets. The pavilion is the second and final stage of the $2.5 million netball complex, which also comprises eight netball courts including two show courts, lighting, entrance and car parking.

Gilbert Gordon Oval construction

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:: Major projects

East Paddock picnic shelters

Hanging Rock works Improvements to visitor facilities at Hanging Rock are well underway, with the replacement of ageing barbeques and the upgrade of the central toilet block in the main reserve now complete. Other recently completed works include electrical and water supply upgrades, and stage levelling works in the East Paddock to support events, concerts and picnicking.

At the September Ordinary Council Meeting, Council formally adopted the concept plans for two new picnic shelters in the East Paddock. The concept plans were developed by design consultants with input from the Hanging Rock Development Advisory Committee and the wider community, and are part of a long term vision to reduce usage pressure on areas closer to Hanging Rock and encourage picnicking and events in the East Paddock. The project will now proceed to detailed design, tender and construction, which is expected to commence in early 2016.

Draft Environmental Management Plan Submissions have been received following public exhibition of a Draft Environmental Management Plan for Hanging Rock Reserve. The draft plan establishes principles and a set of actions that ensure the site’s environmental values are conserved and enhanced while supporting Hanging Rock’s recreation and tourism roles. Public comment was invited on the draft plan during September and October 2015, and submissions are now being reviewed.

Examples of the picnic shelter designs.

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Rates instalments Rates and charges must be paid in four instalments by no later than the due date. Instalment reminder notices will be sent prior to each instalment date. If an instalment is not paid by the due date it will be charged with penalty interest. Instalment dates for 2015/16 are: • 30 November 2015 • 28 February 2016 • 31 May 2016 You can pay your rates online with Visa or Mastercard via Council’s website,

You can now pay your rates and animal registrations using BPAY View®.

Operating hours over Christmas and New Year Council service centres in Kyneton, Gisborne, Romsey and Woodend will be closed from 12.30pm on Thursday 24 December 2015 and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2016.

BPAY View ®

Register for BPAY View® and you can receive, pay and store your notices in your online banking. BPAY View® will send your rates and animal registration notices straight to the same online bank you use to pay them. To sign up for BPAY View®: • Log into your online banking account. • Look for the BPAY View® or View Bills section. Paper rate notices will no longer be issued to you once you’ve registered with BPAY View®. Instead, you will receive an electronic copy which is saved in your online banking records for you to view and keep. For more information, visit If you have any questions about rates payment methods, or if you have difficulty paying your rates on time, contact the Rates department on 5422 0322.

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Garbage, recycling and green bin collection During the Christmas/New Year period the following changes will be in place for bin collection: • If your normal bin collection day falls on Friday 25 December, your bin/s will be collected on Saturday 26 December. • If your normal bin collection day falls on Friday 1 January, your bin/s will be collected on Saturday 2 January. • Bins will be collected as normal on Monday 28 December. For service problems with garbage, recycling and green bins, contact Wheelie Waste on 1800 999 690. For more information about other service changes during this time, visit Emergency after hours contact number: 5422 0333.

:: Christmas/New Year Hours • Rates • Subscribe to eNews

Subscribe to eNews

Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your mailbox. Visit and subscribe to one or more of the following: • Aquatics and Leisure: fitness classes, sporting activities, lane availability, swim lessons, school holiday activities and membership specials. • Arts and Culture: arts and cultural events, festivals, exhibitions, and funding opportunities in the Macedon Ranges. • Business: events, support and other opportunities for businesses and tourism in the Macedon Ranges. • Disability: Council programs and local service providers that cater to people with a disability. • Environment: environmental projects and events happening in the shire. • Family: information for local families with children aged from birth to eight years. • ShireLife: receive our bi-monthly newsletter and other Council news via email. Great if you want more regular updates or don’t receive ShireLife in your letterbox or PO Box.

Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres

Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre

Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture

Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts

Macedon Ranges Equine Industry Network

Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool

Macedon Ranges Youth

2016 Immunisation program Free immunisation sessions are held in Gisborne, Kyneton and Woodend on the first Thursday of every month (except January, when it is the second Thursday) and in Riddells Creek and Romsey on the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, visit or contact 5422 0333.

Sessions on fire danger days

Immunisation sessions will be cancelled on ‘Code Red’ and possibly on ‘Extreme’ and ‘Severe’ fire danger days. Check our website or contact us to confirm if a session has been cancelled.

Contact Council

You can contact Council by: Phone 5422 0333 or 1300 656 577* Email Website Post PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 * Our 1300 number offers residents living in the south of the shire the ability to contact us without incurring an STD call rate. Visit one of our service centres: 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 129 Mollison Street, Kyneton 96−100 Main Street, Romsey Cnr High and Forest Streets, Woodend. Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact Council through the National Relay Service:

• TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 03 5422 0333 • Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 5422 0333 • Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see for details) and then ask for 03 5422 0333.

If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a large print version of this newsletter, contact us on 5422 0302 or email

Printed responsibly ShireLife is produced on 100% recycled paper from post consumer waste, and printed by a printer who operates and is certified under the ISO14001 Environmental Management System standards and ISO9001 Quality Management System. Page 15

Enter one Aquathon event during the 2016 season and a friend receives 50% off.

To redeem this voucher, visit and use the code AQUA16 when booking. Valid for the 2016 Aquathon season. Limit one per person.

Outdoor Pools Present this voucher at either the Lancefield or Woodend outdoor pool to receive a 10% discount on your summer season pass. Valid until 31 December 2015. Limit one per person.


Pool Pass Present this voucher at either the Lancefield or Woodend outdoor pool to receive free entry. Valid for 1 adult or 1 child during the 2015/2016 season. Limit one per person.

Cr Ian Ellis Mobile: 0400 025 455 Cr Graham Hackett Mobile: 0408 287 788

Cr Henry McLaughlin Mobile: 0400 028 507

Macedon Ranges Shire Council Newsletter :: Issue 15 :: November 2015

South Ward Cr John Letchford Mobile: 0401 682 364

Cr Russell Mowatt Mobile: 0418 531 281

Cr Sally Piper Mobile: 0400 865 543

West Ward

Your Councillors

Voucher Voucher Voucher


East Ward

Cr Jennifer Anderson Mobile: 0408 273 670

Cr John Connor Mobile: 0412 870 500

Cr Roger Jukes Mobile: 0400 647 445

Summer fire safety Pages 8–9

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