1 minute read

Tech week

14 - 17 August 2023

This week-long campaign is aimed at encouraging teachers to start utilising technology to enhance their learners' learning opportunities and to create engaged, active learners who are interested in the learning objectives. To achieve this, several forms of technology should be used in the classroom. ICT integration across a range of subject areas is the main focus of Tech Week.

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Event planning and management

6 - 7 September 2023

District officials and teachers often have to arrange an event in their districts or schools or even arrange a private function. This is the workshop you have been waiting for to ease your path to planning and hosting a well-organised and memorable event. This workshop guides you through the whole process of arranging an event, from planning to hosting to reflecting on the event. Attend both sessions to learn how to plan effectively to make your event a resounding success.

Click here to register

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