7 minute read

The Reading Trolley and Reading Corners Grades 1–3 Inventories

Includes books and a Teacher’s Guide designed for the South African classroom and curriculum


• Trendy trolley that will appeal to learners and create a curiosity for books

• Strong and durable with mesh panels

• Light weight with 4 swivel casters (2 lockable) for safe and easy moving and storing

• Lockable

• Adjustable shelves with dividers to keep books of diff erent sizes in order

• Dimensions: Height – 1 300 mm; Length – 1 000 mm; Width – 300 mm

• Colour: Red (Lead free powder coating)

• The slogan on the header board can be customised and sponsor details added if required

• Includes 4 additional A4 shelves that hook onto the side panels

Create a comfortable and inviting setting in your classroom to encourage a love for books and reading.


Floor Mats PVC foam fl oor mats in blue, green, red and yellow Dimensions: 40 mm thick, 1 m × 1 m

Cushions PVC round cushions in various colours with Velcro closure

Browsing Boxes Red wooden browsing boxes

Easel Red wooden easel for big books/posters

Foundation Phase Poster Pack Full colour A1 posters linked to Foundation Phase CAPS Life Skills topics

Alphabet Frieze Full colour A4 alphabet cards

Book Packs * Grade R English Reader Box – 40 books Grade 1 English Reader Starter Pack – 90 books Grade 2 English Reader Starter Pack – 120 books Grade 3 English Reader Starter Pack – 140 books * Each pack available with the grade specifi c corner ordered.

• Selected titles integrate with the CAPS Life Skills topics relevant to Grades R–3

• Age appropriate books carefully selected for boys and girls

• Diff erent genres: fi ction, non-fi ction and dictionaries

• Attractive and colourful material that will attract and hold the learners interest

• Books can cater for both English First Additional Language (FAL) and Home Language (HL) according to the level of reading ability

• The graded books allow opportunities for intervention and extension for the diff erent ages (Grades R–3)

• The non-fi ction books encourage an early interest in Science, and the informative text promotes easy understanding in a visual way

• The reading strategies in the Foundation Phase forms an integral part of the Balanced Reading and Language approach. The books are selected to facilitate this process

1. Guide: How to use the Reading Trolley and Reading Corners • The importance of books in a classroom • More about the books in the Reading Trolley and Reading Corners • Keeping an inventory • Teach your learners how to treat and handle books with care • Your schools reading policy • Tips on how to manage the Reading Trolley and Reading Corners • Ideas on how to promote the reading of books in the Reading Trolley and Reading Corners

2. Manual: How the Reading Trolley supports the CAPS Reading Strategies • Shared Reading • Group Guided Reading • Paired and Independent Reading • Read Aloud • Drop All and Read

3. Big Book: Books are your best friend • A big book to teach learners how to take care of, and value their books

4. The Reading Trolley and Reading Corners Grades 1–3 Inventories

ETDP•SETA Accreditation Number: ETDP10512 SACE Provider Number: PR10690

Grade R and Foundation Phase Workshops

All workshops meet CAPS requirements For more information or a quotation, contact Macmillan Teacher Campus: G r a d e R W o r k s h o p 3 G r a d e R W o r k s h o p 2 F o u n d a t i o n P h a s e F o u n d a t i o n P h a s e F o u n d a t i o n P h a s e F o u n d a t i o n P h a s e G r a d e R W o r k s h o p 1 ( F o u r h a l f d a y t o p i c s t o c h o o s e f r o m ) A n I n t e g r a t e d A p p r o a c h t o t h e D a i l y P r o g r a m m e ( F u l l d a y ) E ff e c t i v e G r a d e R F u n t a s t i c F A L L a n g u a g e –B a l a n c e d M a t h e m a t i c s –A s s e s s m e n t i n a C l a s s r o o m ( F u l l d a y ) F o r m u l a ( H a l f d a y ) L a n g u a g e A p p r o a c h ( F i v e h a l f d a y t o p i c s t o c h o o s e f r o m ) I n t e r v e n t i o n T r e a s u r e s i n M a t h e m a t i c s ( T e n h a l f d a y t o p i c s t o c h o o s e f r o m ) c o o k i e j a r ( F u l l d a y ) S c h o o l R e a d i n e s s

Rebecca Moloi Tel: 011 731 3409 | Fax: 011 731 3570 | Email: mtc@macmillan.co.za


Reading Corners are available for Grades R, 1, 2 and 3. Each Reading Corner consists of the following components: • 10 cushions • 4 mats • 1 easel for big book • 2 browsing boxes • 1 poster set (30 posters) • Alphabet Frieze • Teacher’s Pack (excluding Grade R)

Each Reading Corner also contains one of the following English Reader Starter Packs: • Grade R English Reader Box (40 books) • Grade 1 English Reader Starter Pack (90 books) • Grade 2 English Reader Starter Pack (120 books) • Grade 3 English Reader Starter Pack (140 books)

GRADE R READING CORNER ISBN: 9781431052912 Price: R6 121.95 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 1 READING CORNER ISBN: 9781431052677 Price: R12 124.95 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 2 READING CORNER ISBN: 9781431052684 Price: R14 573.95 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 3 READING CORNER ISBN: 9781431052691 Price: R16 435.95 (VAT incl.)


ISBN: 9781431051878

Components: • Trolley • 350 books – 90 Grade 1 books – 120 Grade 2 books – 140 Grade 3 books • Teacher’s Pack

Price: R27 777.95 (VAT incl.) (Please allow six weeks’ lead time for delivery of Reading Trolleys.)


TROLLEY ISBN: 9781431052752 Price: R5 344.95 (VAT incl.) (Please allow six weeks’ lead time for delivery of Reading Trolleys.)

CUSHIONS (SET OF 10) ISBN: 9781431052714 Price: R2 159.95 (VAT incl.)

MATS (SET OF 4) ISBN: 9781431052721 Price: R1 831.95 (VAT incl.)

WOODEN EASEL ISBN: 9781431052738 Price: R250.95 (VAT incl.) WOODEN BROWSING BOX ISBN: 9781431052745 Price: R418.95 (VAT incl.)

1 POSTER SET (30 POSTERS) ISBN: 9781431052769 Price: R328.95 (VAT incl.)

ALPHABET FRIEZE ISBN: 9781431052776 Price: R56.70 (VAT incl.)

TEACHER’S PACK ISBN: 9781431052783 Price: R137.48 (VAT incl.) GRADE R ENGLISH READER BOX (40 BOOKS) ISBN: 9781431052905 Price: R621.42 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 1 ENGLISH READER STARTER PACK (90 BOOKS) ISBN: 9781431052868 Price: R6 086.95 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 2 ENGLISH READER STARTER PACK (120 BOOKS) ISBN: 9781431052875 Price: R8 393.95 (VAT incl.)

GRADE 3 ENGLISH READER STARTER PACK (140 BOOKS) ISBN: 9781431052882 Price: R10 155.95 (VAT incl.)

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