Grade 7 novels

Afrikaans First Additional Language
Felicia, die gelukskind
Graad 7 | ISBN: 9781431019397
Maak kennis met Felicia Abrahams – ʼn pragtige 13-jarige dogter met ʼn onvergeetlike glimlag, oë wat skitter, vol lippe en, bo en behalwe dit, ʼn sagte geaardheid. Haar pa is die dominee op die vissersdorpie waar hulle woon en Felicia is welvoeglik en beleefd grootgemaak. Felicia se grootste droom is om eendag ʼn dokter te word. Felicia ontmoet Vince Jacobs, een van die gewildste seuns in die skool, en hulle word goeie vriende. Maar waarom hou Felicia se pa dan nie van Vince nie? Sal haar vriendskap met Vince haar toekomsplanne verongeluk?
Vind uit wat Felicia se Graad 7-jaar vir haar by die skool inhou. Sy leer baie van haarself en haar familie. Sy leer ook baie van grootword en vriende – die konflik wat Patricia in haar lewe veroorsaak en ondersteuning van ware vriende soos Vince en Rosalinda. Lees dit alles in hierdie aksiebelaaide boek wat spesifiek uit die oogpunt van ʼn Graad 7-leerder geskryf is.

English First Additional Language
Macmillan Senior Phase English FAL Novels is a series of novels that introduces readers to a range of literary works, from well-known classics to new contemporary writing. The series contains novels from various countries and time periods. Each novel in the series is presented within an accessible and user-friendly full-colour format, with illustrations that aid understanding. Each novel contains the following useful features:
• A summary that provides a brief outline of the plot of the novel
• Pre-reading activities, which guide learners’ understanding of the novel and its themes
• A glossary, which provides definitions of unfamiliar words and phrases as well as examples of literary terms to aid a better understanding of the novel
• Notes on the novel, which provide assistance with understanding the novel and its themes as well as help with analysing the literary techniques used by the author
• Activities, which help learners to develop literature analysis skills
The Big Match
Grade 7 | ISBN: 9781431019090
‘Why should you always have the ball?’ Thandi asked … ‘We want to play soccer too.’
‘Girls don’t play soccer,’ Sipho told her.
The Big Match tells the exciting story of Sipho and Nola, cousins who attend the same boarding school. At school, the boys and girls fight over whether or not girls should be allowed to play soccer. Miss Rabakela and Mr Donkor, two new teachers, are not getting on either. Miss Rabakela starts a girls’ soccer team, which the boys think is silly. But she teaches the girls skills and tactics, and they take on the boys in a match. Who will win this ground-breaking game? Can the girls change the boys’ minds about soccer being only for boys?
The Department of Basic Education has approved this novel for English First Additional Language Grade 7 learners.

English Home Language
Macmillan Senior Phase English Home Language Novels is a series of novels that introduces readers to a range of literary works, from well-known classics to new contemporary writing. The series contains novels from various countries and time periods. Each novel in the series is presented within an accessible and user-friendly full-colour format, with illustrations that aid understanding. Each novel contains the following useful features:
• A summary that provides a brief outline of the plot of the novel
• Pre-reading activities, which guide learners’ understanding of the novel and its themes
• A glossary, which provides definitions of unfamiliar words and phrases as well as examples of literary terms to aid a better understanding of the novel
• Notes on the novel, which provide assistance with understanding the novel and its themes as well as help with analysing the literary techniques used by the author
• Activities, which help learners to develop literature analysis skills
Treasure Island
Grade 7 | ISBN: 9781431019120
Sometimes I wake up from these dreams and I swear I can hear the voice of Long John Silver’s parrot, Captain Flint calling – ‘Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!’
This abridged retelling of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novel introduces learners to the world of classic English literature. Treasure Island is the exciting story of young Jim Hawkins, who discovers a map that shows where the treasure of the notorious pirate, Captain Flint, is hidden. Jim takes a job working alongside a ships’ cook, Long John Silver, on board the Hispaniola, and they set sail in search of the treasure. And so begins Jim’s adventure to Treasure Island!
The Department of Basic Education has approved this novel for English Home Language Grade 7 learners.

Setswana Home Language
Mmadikotsi kwa sekolong
Mophato wa 7 | ISBN: 9781431019243
Itsana le Mmadikotsi Moraka – lekgarejana le lentlenyane la dingwaga di le 13, la mongebo o montle, matlho a a phatsimang, dipounama tse di kgolokwe, mme a le maitseo. Rraagwe ke moruti wa kereke ya Tšhatšhe mme kgodiso ya ga Mmadikotsi e dirile gore a nne ditlhong le molemo. Mmadikotsi o eletsa go nna ngaka mo isagong. O kopana le Masego Motswaledi, mosimane yo o itsegeng tota mo sekolong, mme e nna ditsala. Goreng rraagwe Mmadikotsi a sa rate Masego? A botsalano jwa ga Mmadikotsi le Masego bo tlaa kgoreletsa tšhono ya gagwe ya go nna ngaka motsi mongwe?
Ikutlwele gore go diragala eng ka ga Mmadikotsi mo tsamaong ya ngwaga wa gagwe ya Mophato wa 7 kwa sekolong. O ithuta go le gontsi ka ga botsalano, ka ntlha ya kgotlhang e e magareng a gagwe le Matlakala, mmogo le tshegetso e a e bonang go tswa go Boitumelo le Masego. Mmadikotsi o ithuta go le gontsi le ka ga ena ka namana, le ka ga ditsala tsa gagwe le losika – le ka ga go gola – mo pading e, ya bašwa, e e tletseng tiragatso, e e totileng bogolosegolo morutwana wa Mophato wa 7!

Xitsonga Home Language
Nhlalala exikolweni
Giredi 7 |
ISBN: 9781431019366
Nhlalala Cuma i nhwanyana wo saseka wa malembe ya 13, wo tshama a ri karhi a n’wayitela, wa mahlo yo saseka, wa milomo yo ringanela na ku tikhoma kahle hi ntumbuluko. Tatana wa yena i mufundhisi wa kereke ya Anglican. Nhlalala u kurisiwile a ri na ku nyuma na nhlonipho. Nhlalala u lava ku va dokodela siku rin’wana. U hlangana na Tlangelani Mashele, wun’wana wa vafana vo tiveka exikolweni, kutani va va vanghana. Hikokwalaho ka yini tatana wa Nhlalala a nga tsakeli Tlangelani? Xana vunghana bya yena na Tlangelani byi nga n’wi onhisela ku va a humelela evuton’wini.
Kuma leswaku ku humelela yini hi Nhlalala eka lembe ra yena ra Giredi 7 exikolweni. U dyondza swo tala hi vunghana eka nyimpi ya vatswari na Ntshikeleni na ku pfuniwa loku a ku kuma ko huma eka Tintswalo na Tlangelani. Nhlalala u tlhele a dyondza swo tala hi yena n’winyi, hi vanghana va yena na hi vandyangu, hi mhaka ya makulele. Hlaya swa tala eka novhele leyi ya vantshwa yi nga tala hi migingiriko leyi yi nga kongomisiwa ngopfu eka vadyondzi va Giredi 7.
English First Additional Language

Macmillan English FAL Novels for Grades 7–9 is a series of novels approved by the Department of Basic Education for English First Additional Language Senior Phase learners. This series includes both classics and original writing from different countries and time periods. Each novel in the series contains a summary, pre-reading activities, a glossary, notes on the novel, and activities, all of which aid understanding and help learners to develop literature analysis skills. The Grade 7 and 8 novels also contain illustrations that aid understanding.
The Magic Box
Grade 7 |
ISBN: 9781431019939
In The Magic Box, we read about Dan, a popular learner at a school in Swaziland, who loses his school bag. This is the second bag that he has lost, and his parents are very angry. Dan is upset – he thinks that the bag has been stolen, and he has a suspicion about who the thief might be. Then Dan hears about the inyanga, who, some say, has magic powers. Will the inyanga help Dan to find the thief?

Afrikaans First Additional Language
Nee is ook ’n antwoord
Graad 7 |
ISBN: 9781431019694
Zukile Mbane loop amper vir Lindiwe onderstebo toe hy een oggend laat is vir skool en hulle vriendskap begin in die detensieklas! Die twee maats kom gou agter wat ware vriendskap beteken as Zukile in sy Graad 7-jaar met ’n klomp probleme te doen kry.
Pieter, een van die Graad 7-boelies, praat vir Zukile om om aan ’n kaalvuisboksgeveg deel te neem. Al is Zukile doodbang vir die bakleiery kan hy vir niemand anders as vir Lindiwe van die geveg vertel nie. Hoekom wil sy familie hom nie toelaat om te boks nie? Groepsdruk … Onderwysers … Graad 7 is nie maklik nie! Soos wat die aksie en drama ontvou, moet die twee maats mekaar help om hulle Graad 7-jaar te oorleef.

English Home Language
Pan Macmillan English Home Language Novels for Grades 7–9 is a series of novels approved by the Department of Basic Education for English First Additional Language Senior Phase learners. This series includes both classics and original writing from different countries and time periods. Each novel in the series contains a summary, pre-reading activities, a glossary, notes on the novel, and activities, all of which aid understanding and help learners to develop literature analysis skills. The Grade 7 and 8 novels also contain illustrations that aid understanding.
Sugar Baby
Grade 7 | ISBN: 9781431019960
In Sugar Baby, we read about Prudence and her friend, Janna, who are fans of the TV programme, Pop Stars. Janna likes one of the contestants, Sugar Baby, and when he wins the competition, she becomes even more obsessed with him. She refuses to believe reports of his bad manners and his abuse of alcohol and drugs. Her behaviour changes and she finds herself in conflict with her family, friends and teachers. Can Prudence and Janna’s friendship survive Janna’s crush? Will Janna find out the truth about her hero?

Toro ya go ba Ramatswele
Mphato wa 7 | ISBN: 9781431019489
Phuti Maupi o be a šaletše sekolong, ge a tla kopana le Mmabane. Segwera sa bona se thoma ge ba swanetše go dira mošongwana wa kotlo mmogo. Ge bophelo bja Phuti bo thoma go hlakahlakana, segwera seo sa golela pele.
Lethabo, yo mongwe wa sehlopha sa go tšhabega sa bašemane ba Mphato wa 7, o gapeletša Phuti go dumela go tšea karolo phadišanong ya tša boramatswele. Phuti o tšea diiri tše mmalwa a tshwenyegile ka ga se, gomme ga a kgone go bolela le motho ka ga sona, ntle le Mmabane. Ke ka lebaka la eng ba lapa la gabo ba sa nyake gore Phuthi a tsenele tša boramatswele?
Kgatelelo ya sethaka. Barutiši. Mphato wa 7 ga e bonolo! Ge tiragatšo e dutše e tšwela pele, gomme ditiragalo di tšwelela ka go latelana ga tšona, re ithuta kudu ka ga bagwera ba babedi ba, le ka moo ba thušanago ka gona go tšwelela ngwageng wa Mphato wa 7!

Setswana Home Language
Rramabole tota?
Mophato wa 7 | ISBN: 9781431019540
Ditiro Mogale o ne a le thari go ya kwa sekolong, fa a tla rakana le Keneilwe. Botsala jwa bona bo simologa fa ba ne ba tshwanetse go sala kwa sekolong go tsweletsa kotlhao ya bona mmogo. Fa botshelo jwa ga Ditiro bo simolola go raraanela kwa pele, ya nna tšhono ya go godisa botsala joo.
Lemao, yo e neng e le tokololo ya setlhopha sa basimane ba ba neng ba tshabega ba Mophato wa 7, o kgerisa Ditiro gore a dumele go tsenela setlhopha sa bona le go tsaya karolo mo ntweng ya mabole a a sa sireletswang. Bogolo jwa nako ya ga Ditiro bo tsewa ke go tshwenyega ka kgang e mme ga a kgone go e bolelela ope fela fa e se Keneilwe. Ke ka ntlha ya eng balelapa la ga Ditiro ba sa rate fa a ka tsenela mabole?
Kgatelelo ka balekane. Barutabana. Ruri Mophato wa 7 ga o bonolo! Fa kgang e ya magoletsa, re ithuta thata ka ga ditsala tse pedi tse, le ka fa ba neng ba thusana mathata a bona le go phologa mo Mophatong wa 7!

Siswati Home Language
Litfuba Lekulwa
Ibanga 7 | ISBN: 9781431019571
Sthembiso Mahlalela besekashiywe sikhatsi sekuya esikolweni ngalesikhatsi sekabeka ngelitubane sekajahe Lindiwe. Bungani babo bacala ngalesikhatsi banikwe sigwebo kanyekanye. Ngalesikhatsi imphilo yaSthembiso icala kuba sicakacaka, lobungane babo basimama batfutfuka kakhulu.
Bonani, longulomunye welicembu lebafana labasabekako belibanga 7, besabisa Sthembiso ngekumfaka esivumelwaneni sekutsi ahlanganyele nabo emdlalweni wekucudzelana ngesibhakela lodlalwa badlali labangcunu. Sthembiso kwamtsatsa ema-awa lamanyenti loku latjelwa kona, kumudla kamatima. Wabona kwekutsi akekho umuntfu langamcocela ngaloku ngaphandle kwaLindiwe. Kungani bemndeni wakhe bangamvumeli kwekutsi adlale umdlalo wesibhakela?
Ngabe kucindzetelwa ngebangani kumbe bothishela? Imphela libanga 7 limatima! Ngalesikhatsi lomdlalo uchubeka kucatululeka emafindvo, safundza lokunyenti ngalabangani lababili nangendlela labasitana ngayo bobabili kute bakwati kuphumelela kulomnyaka wabo welibanga 7!

Xitsonga Home Language
Nkateko tlangu wa xibakele
Giredi 7 |
ISBN: 9781431019663
Musa Mbane a a xwerile ku ya exikolweni, loko a hlangana na Tintswalo. Vunghana bya vona byi sungurile loko va panichiwile swin’we exikolweni, va sele loko vana van’wana va yile emakaya. Loko vutomi bya Musa byi ya byi hlangahlangana, vunghana bya vona a byi ya byi tiya.
Vonani, wun’wana wa ntlawa wo chavisa wa vafana va Giredi 7, a sindzisa Musa ku nghenela ntlangu wo ba xibakele u nga ambalanga swo tisirhelela. Musa a a tshama nkarhi wo leha a ri eku vileleni hi mhaka leyi a tlhela a nga swi koti ku yi byela munhu un’wana handle ka Tintswalo. Hikokwalaho ka yini vandyangu wa ka vona va nga swi lavi leswaku a nghenela tlangu wa xibakele?
Loko ntlangu na leswi swi humelelaka swi ya swi ya, hi dyondza swinene hi vanghana lava vambirhi na hi ndlela leyi va pfunanaka ha yona ku kota ku tiyisela lembe ra vona ra Giredi 7!