Publishers of high-quality professional development books and resources for education. Now a proud part of the Hachette UK and Hodder Schools group.

Schools as drivers of social and global mobility
By Dr Helen Wright
ISBN: 9781909717848
Powerful Schools is a blueprint, showing how each and every school can grow abundantly rich in opportunities for individuals to develop the skills to become more socially and globally mobile, actively supported by numerous people and organisations who are consciously working to engage them in making the most of these opportunities.
Super-charged learning through the ‘Invisible Curriculum’
Andrew Hammond
ISBN: 9781909717367
The Invisible Curriculum series gives teachers the secret ingredients that can fully unlock a child’s learning potential. In Teaching for Motivation, Andrew Hammond proves that identifying a child’s motivational needs and wants is key to powerful learning.
Great teaching in real classrooms
By Tom Sherrington
ISBN: 9781911382355
The Learning Rainforest is an attempt to capture various different elements of our understanding and experience of teaching. It is a celebration of great teaching –the joy of it and the intellectual and personal rewards that teaching brings.

By James Hollinsley
ISBN: 9781911382621
A brilliant and practical collection of essays by educators, psychologists and counsellors, highlighting the critical importance of mental health and wellbeing of students in our schools.
Research and resources for every classroom
Kate Jones
ISBN: 9781911382959
Love To Teach: Research & Resources for every classroom is an exciting book that combines the latest educational research with examples of what this can look like in the classroom. Filled with research-informed ideas to support all teachers and leaders in both Primary and Secondary this book would be great for NQTs and more experienced teachers and leaders alike. The educational research is presented in a format which is accessible, helpful and informative and will help inform educators about cutting-edge research in practical and applicable ways. The practical resources are easily adaptable and ready to be implemented in any classroom and are grounded in Kate’s own classroom practice.
Developing a dynamic learning community
Dr Kulvarn Atwal
ISBN: 9781912906024
In this book, headteacher and professional learning expert Dr Kulvarn Atwal presents a model that maximises both formal and informal opportunities for staff development. Through peer learning, modelling, coaching and mentoring, engagement in research and other professional growth activities, the thinking school creates a dynamic collaborative culture that permeates the entire learning community.

Transforming your school to outstanding … and beyond
By Andrew Morrish
ISBN: 9781909717831
The Art of Standing Out is the culmination of 18 years of experience as a Head for Andrew Morrish, who has a proven and unblemished record for transforming challenging schools – a record that few other Heads can match.
Andrew has already led two schools from special measures to an outstanding Ofsted inspection. He is aiming for a hat-trick, having taken leadership of a third school in special measures just four terms ago.
Blending personal insight with tried-and-tested strategies, The Art of Standing Out is a powerful blueprint for all ambitious Heads, senior leadership teams and governing bodies, demonstrating how schools can be led from the brink of closure to world-class centres of learning.

An evidence-informed guide for teachers
By Karen Wespieser, Tom Bennett
ISBN: 9781912906406
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings. In this edition, Karen Wespieser examines the latest research surrounding pupils with special educational needs, editing contributions from writers including Richard Selfridge; Katherine Walsh; Oliver Caviglioli; Matthew Parker and Rob Webster; Kenny Wheeler; Nicole Dempsey; Cassie Young; Sabrina Hobbs; Barney Angliss; and Cath Murray.

By Michael Pershan
ISBN: 9781913622480
Maths teacher Michael Pershan presents a selection of practical ideas for effective mathematics teaching. The ideas are presented with examples and backed up by research.
By David Didau and Nick Rose
ISBN: 9781909717855
David Didau and Nick Rose attempt to lay out the evidence and theoretical perspectives on what they believe are the most important and useful psychological principles of which teachers ought to be aware.
Bridging the gap between research and practise
By Carl Hendrick, Robin Macpherson and Oliver Caviglioli
ISBN: 9781911382379
In this thorough, enlightening and comprehensive book, Carl Hendrick and Robin Macpherson ask 18 of today’s leading educational thinkers to distill the most upto-date research into effective classroom practice in 10 of the most important areas of teaching. The result is a fascinating manual that will benefit every single teacher in every single school, in all four corners of the globe.

By Mark McCourt
ISBN: 9781912906185
In this book, Mark McCourt examines the history of a teaching for mastery approach, from its early beginnings to the modern day when cognitive scientists have been able to bring further evidence to the debate, demonstrating why a model that was first proposed in the 1910s has the incredible impact on both pupil attainment and attitudes to learning that it has had all around the world over many decades.
An evidence-informed guide for teachers
By Stuart Lock, Tom Bennett
ISBN: 9781912906413
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.
In this edition, Stuart Lock examines the latest evidence surrounding effective school leadership, editing contributions from a wide range of writers.
By Rebecca Allen, Matthew Evans and Ben White
ISBN: 9781913622879
The Next Big Thing in School Improvement brings together the unique perspectives of a policy analyst, a headteacher, and a classroom teacher, to explain why it is that the school system often resists our attempts to improve it. This is a book about educational fads, why they arise, and how we might learn to live with them.

How to make a positive difference in the classroom
By Rob Potts
ISBN: 9781913622909
Whether you’re new to the profession or an experienced practitioner, teaching can be the most rewarding career imaginable but it has never been more demanding. This book is filled with practical advice relating to pastoral care and classroom management, with a firm focus on building effective relationships.
How to teach, lead, and learn like the world’s best educator
By Oliver Lovell
ISBN: 9781915261069
Over the past five years, Ollie Lovell has spoken to 60 of the world’s most prominent teachers, leaders, and education researchers. This book summarises the most useful techniques, tactics and mental models from these conversations, and presents them in a clear, practical, and actionable form for you to start improving your teaching and learning.
How to build a culture of effective study in your school
By Helen Howell and Ross Morrison McGill
ISBN: 9781913622930
Have you ever wondered why your students don’t revise? Or why they revise ineffectively? Often, they simply don’t know how. This is where The Revision Revolution comes in. This book guides you step by step through how to start and sustain a revision revolution in your school, building a culture of effective study.

Managing stress and anxiety to thrive in the classroom
By Jamie Thom
ISBN: 9781913622220
Teaching is a wonderful profession, but it is one that requires huge amounts of physical, mental, and psychological reserves. Inner resilience is a vital part of this, and the dialogue about how to develop it has been missing in conversations about teacher wellbeing. Resilience is ultimately the difference between being overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, and finding calm, purpose and joy in the work we do with young people. Teacher Resilience explores how we can build a more resilient mindset, and what practical actions we can take to be the best version of ourselves in the classroom. From self-talk to collaboration, conflict management to lesson planning and differentiation, no trigger of potential teacher stress and anxiety is left unexplored. With practical tools to implement immediately, this is the book that all teachers need to thrive in a demanding profession.

Why children bully others and what schools can do about it
By Dr Graham Ramsden
ISBN: 9781912906932
Are children born to bully others or is upbringing and schooling to blame? The answer is clearly not straightforward. Dr Graham Ramsden addresses these and other important questions in an attempt to explore what schools can do to address this very damaging and endemic social act.
The Bully in The Greenhouse puts the child who bullies at the very centre of this exploration and scrutinises the act of bullying from a range of perspectives. As we circle the greenhouse – a metaphor for looking at things from different perspectives – the book explores how societies create their own bullies as well as what some of the key components of child development tell us about why some children choose to bully others.
Written in an easy-to-read and often humorous style, The Bully in the Greenhouse uses social and psychological research to identify what schools, parents, and children themselves can do to reduce bullying in schools.

Ideas & activities for the classroom
By Kate Jones
ISBN: 9781913622541
As part of the successful and popular Retrieval Practice collection by Kate Jones, this practical resource guide is the go-to guide for a wide range of retrieval practice tasks that teachers can use in their classrooms.
There are over fifty evidence-informed and creative, tried and tested, classroom resources and strategies to support retrieval practice. These include starter tasks, tasks to support literacy and revision as well as a range of recommended online quizzing tools.
For each resource, there is an explanation with top tips and visuals for easy implementation.
All of the resources provided aim to be low effort, high impact: low effort for the teacher in terms of workload but high impact on student learning. Regardless of the subject or age range taught there are plenty of takeaways for every teacher – a handy retrieval resource guide for every teacher and every classroom.

A comprehensive framework for teaching digital citizenship in schools
By Tom Harrison, Gianfranco Polizzi, Sophie Murfin and Lee Peachey
ISBN: 9781915261120
Futureproof shows school leaders and teachers how they can educate for digital citizenship through the adoption of a new, comprehensive and coherent framework. The book addresses a gap as there are currently no well-known frameworks that provide a comprehensive approach to teaching digital citizenship education in UK schools. This is surprising given how digital technologies are part and parcel of most young people’s lives today and will continue to be so in the future. Given that the technologies are constantly changing, it might be said that those responsible for teaching digital citizenship are shooting in the dark whilst trying to hit a moving target. The book brings clarity by explaining the theory and research behind the Futureproof framework, and through its focus on how it can be implemented in primary and secondary schools. The book includes details of the digital citizenship framework, an overview of learning and teaching outcomes and examples from practice throughout.

STOP TALKING ABOUT WELLBEING A pragmatic approach to teacher workload
By Kat Howard
ISBN: 9781912906482
As statistical figures of teachers leaving the profession reaches an alarming level, and teachers’ mental health becomes a fundamental concern, wellbeing has been pushed to the top of the national agenda in a bid for schools to consider how to look after their staff.
However, wellbeing has become a tokenistic feature within the education sector, as staff participate in compulsory wellbeing-linked activities that have very little impact on their workload or their ability to do what they came into the profession to do: teach young people. With this book, Kat aims to flip the narrative on wellbeing completely.
In a critical consideration of research both in and outside of education, Kat explores the key factors of a teacher’s role within school, outlining a series of tools that teachers can use to take ownership of their workload, and achieve wellbeing through purposeful job fulfilment. Interviewing experts in the educational sector, Kat provides practical strategies for teachers in a bid to drive instrumental change to workload within schools at a grassroots level, but additionally, a range of case studies for teachers to use to challenge the norm so that we can create a profession built to last.

By Dame Kate Dethridge
ISBN: 9781911382133
A Practical Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage has been written in order to support colleagues in gaining an understanding of what excellent provision looks like and offers tools and resources to help you manage, improve and sustain high quality provision in your setting. Pick up a book about Early Years education and too often it is heavily weighted to research and theory. These are important of course, but for many of us who are busy and time poor, we want to be able to open a book and find it full of good ideas and easily accessible resources, easy to read and written by someone who does the job day in and day out. Whether you are a child minder, work in a nursery or in a school, this book will offer you sensible, practical advice about what you can do to improve the experience for the children in your care, meet their individual needs and sustain improved learning outcomes. Written in a clear and easily accessible way, each chapter focuses on a key area of provision and offers a wealth of practical ideas and resources to help you:
• Understand what excellent provision looks like and should include
• Audit your own provision and identify strengths and areas to improve
• Develop resources and guidance for staff to ensure that your setting offers all the necessary support and skills to ensure the children in your care are stimulated, develop excellent attitudes to learning and make progress.

A handbook to prompt thinking around primary curriculum
By Lekha Sharma
ISBN: 9781913622213
Curriculum to Classroom is the ideal book for senior leaders and curriculum leads who are in the process of establishing, refining and reviewing their school curriculum. It provides an overview of the curriculum design and delivery process in the Primary Phase in its entirety.
This book will enable you to consider the many facets of curriculum design and support strategic decision making so your curriculum is meeting and exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum as well as being unique and bespoke to your school community.
An easy-to-read handbook to prompt thinking and reflections on your school’s curriculum and provide practical tools and strategies to take it forward.

How to create a sustainable digital strategy for your school
By Philippa Wraithmell
ISBN: 9781913622855
The Digital Ecosystem will take you on a journey to develop your own sustainable digital strategy – one that is right for your school and yours alone, acknowledging that every school is different, just like every child.
Covering all elements in order to blend your school’s core values and ethos with the reality of today’s digital world, this book will take you through building your digital governance, tightening up on your safeguarding in our changing digital world and supporting you to have the confidence to build on and develop your digital pedagogy and systems.
With insights from schools globally into all areas of the digital ecosystem, the book intends to inspire and allow you to develop your own digital vision.

Why teaching is a profession like no other
By Ian Stock
ISBN: 9781911382577
In the past three decades, teaching has seen more change than it had in the previous hundred years. Gone is the ill-defined transmission of academia and in its place now stands a clear, focused and productive system for equipping young people with ... bits of paper. Is this system any better than its predecessor in developing the people that we are told society needs in the 21st century?
Ian Stock, an experienced and practising teacher for more than 30 years, argues that it is worse. We are now turning out many compliant workplace drones instead of the dynamic, high-aiming innovators that a post-industrial society truly needs.

Choosing to stay in the classroom and banishing a negative mindset
By Haili Hughes
ISBN: 9781913622008
Thousands of amazing, experienced teachers are choosing to leave the profession, depriving generations of students of their passion and expertise. But it doesn’t need to be this way.
Preserving Positivity explores the reasons why people are choosing to leave the classroom and draws on the voices of other experienced teachers who tell us how they turned their careers around and give practical, adaptable strategies that will help you reignite your passion for teaching and bring the positivity back into your classroom.

A manifesto for enhancing feedback in education
By Michael Chiles
ISBN: 9781913622190
In The Feedback Pendulum, Michael Chiles aims to explore how the use of feedback has evolved over time, drawing on a combination of research and sharing experiences, and examples of best practices across the different phases of education to establish a culture of efficient and effective feedback that supports the teaching and learning cycle.
This book will unpick the research, the experience of expert practitioners, and practical strategies in the different phases of education, including: the evolution of feedback over time; pre-school feedback; primary and secondary school feedback; specialist education feedback; parental feedback; and CPD feedback.

By Tom Bennett
ISBN: 9781913622404
In Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour, Tom Bennett rewrote the book on behaviour management, and outlined the psychology and dynamics underpinning student habits. In this companion, he goes into more detail about how to apply those principles to the classroom.

A wholeschool approach to finding the balance
By Nansi Ellis
ISBN: 9781909717893
It is acknowledged that the quality of teaching is the critical factor in raising standards of learning. And yet teachers’ workload has rocketed in recent years, leaving morale for many at rock-bottom.
Recent DfE analysis shows that primary teachers work around 60 hours a week and school leaders even longer. This is not sustainable. Teachers need an end to excessive working hours.
Edited by Nansi Ellis, assistant general secretary at leading teaching union ATL, Managing Teacher Workload brings together leading educationalists to discuss real, practical ways to solve the biggest problem in the profession.

What every secondary teacher needs to know about reading
By James Murphy and Dianne Murphy
ISBN: 9781911382683
In this highly accessible book James and Dianne Murphy combine more than 50 years of experience to provide teachers with a thorough, easy-to-use introduction to the extensive research on reading and its effects on student achievement. Drawing on the work of experts from around the world, the authors explore how we learn to read, how the many myths and misconceptions around reading developed, and why they continue to persist.