Readers are Leaders IP Brochure

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Readers are Leaders

The Readers are Leaders graded reading scheme for the Intermediate Phase enables teachers to help learners on their way to becoming independent readers. This reading scheme emphasises the importance of a balanced approach to teaching language – as well as the value of understanding the role of stories in learners’ oral and narrative skills development. The scheme includes 12 readers per grade for Grades 4–6.

Readers are available in:

• Home Language (English, IsiZulu, IsiXhosa, Afrikaans, Sepedi, Sesotho and Setswana)

• English First Additional Language

ISBN Title

Readers are Leaders (English – Home Language)

Grade 4

9780797821729 A perfect pair



Ntombi’s song

Elizabeth’s aunt

9780797821767 A bright future

9780797821750 The birds choose a king

9780797821743 The superteam

9780797821811 The money box

9780797821804 Zanele finds a way

9780797821774 Saving the sun

9780797821798 The king of stones



Zolani makes a difference

Patricia the gardener

ISBN Title

Grade 5

9780797821958 Wood for the fire

9780797821897 The girl with no phone 9780797821941 The sly green lizard

9780797821927 Simon goes to the ballet 9780797821910 Jeffrey’s good idea

9780797821934 How things work



Kabello learns his rights

Girl’s gold

9780797821989 Let’s make a gift

9780797821965 Keo’s secret



Five technologies that changed the world

The trouble with Toddy

ISBN Title

Grade 6

9780797822023 Steve gets it right

9780797822016 A great big hug

9780797821996 Moses and the monkey

9780797822030 Blue dragonflies

9780797822054 Terrible lizards

9780797822047 Canvas city

9780797822061 Orville and wilbur

9780797822108 A nosy neighbour

9780797822078 The secret of mapungubwe

9780797822085 That’s how they did it!

9780797822009 Three days in the bush

9780797822092 A healthy you!

Lesers is leiers (Afrikaans – Huistaal)

Graad 4

9780797825864 Sylvia die tuinier

9780853203681 Die perfekte paar

9780853203698 Ntombi se lied

9780797825758 Elna se tannie

9780853203704 ’n Blink toekoms

9780853203711 Die voëls kies ’n koning

9780797825765 Die superspan

9780853203728 Die spaarbussie

9780853203735 Zanele maak ’n plan

9780797825888 Kuier by die son

9780853203742 Koning van die klippe

9780797825871 Latacia maak ’n verskil

Graad 5

9780853203759 Vuurmaak hout

9780853203766 Meisie sonder ’n telefoon

9780797825802 Die slinkse groen akkedis

9780797825741 Simon gaan ballet toe

9780853203773 Jeffrey se goeie idee

9780853203780 Hoe dinge werk

9780797825819 Etienne leer sy regte

9780797825826 Veertjie-goud

9780853203803 Kom ons maak ’n geskenk

9780797825772 Keo se geheim

ISBN Title

9780853203810 Vyf tegnologië wat die wêreld verander het

9780853203827 Probleme met Toddy

Graad 6

9780853203834 Steve kry dit reg

9780853203841 ’n Hartlike drukkie

9780797825796 Moses en die apie

9780797825789 Blou naaldekokers

9780853203858 Vreeslike reptiele

9780797825857 Tentedorp

9780853203865 Orville en Wilbur

9780853203872 ’n Nuuskierige buurman

9780797825833 Die geheim van Mapungubwe

9780853203889 So het hulle dit gedoen!

9780797825840 Drie dae in die bos

9780853203896 ’n Gesonde jy!

Abafundayo Ngabaholi (isiZulu – Home Language)

Ibanga 4

9780853207573 Izicathulo ezifanele ezingamapheya

9780853207610 Iculo likaNtombi

9780853207580 Ubabekazi kaElizabeth

9780853207566 Ikusasa eliqhakazile

9780853207511 Izinyoni zikhetha inkosi

9780853207542 Iqembu eliphuma phambili

9780853207535 Ibhokisi lemali

9780853207597 UZanele wenza icebo

9780853207559 Ukusindisa ihhotela iSun

9780853207528 Inkosi yamatshe

9780853207627 UZolani wenza umehluko

9780853207603 UNelisiwe osebenza engadini

Ibanga 5

9780853207733 Izinkuni zokwenza umlilo

9780853207634 Intombazane engenalo ucingo

9780853207641 Imbulu eluhlaza okotshani eyiqili

9780853207658 USandile uya kubhalethi

9780853207665 Icebo elihle likaJabulani

9780853207672 Izinto zisebenza kanjani

9780853207689 UKhaya ufunda amalungelo akhe

9780853207696 Igolide lentombazane

ISBN Title

9780853207702 Asenzeni isipho

9780853207719 Imfihlo kaKhuphukani

9780853207726 Ubuchwepheshe obuhlanu obaguqula umhlaba

9780853207740 Inkinga ngoToddy

Ibanga 6

9780853207788 USteve ukuthola kahle

9780853207771 Ukwangiwa okukhulu

9780853207757 UMoses nenkawu

9780853207795 Ozekamanzi abaluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka

9780853207818 Izibankwa ezesabisayo

9780853207801 Idolobhakazi lamatende

9780853207825 UOrville kanye noWilbur

9780853207863 Umakhelwane othanda izindaba zabanye abantu

9780853207832 Imfihlo yaseMapungubwe

9780853207849 Babekwenza kanjalo!

9780853207764 Izinsuku ezintathu ehlanzeni

9780853207856 Ubuwena obuphilile!

Abafundayo Ziinkokheli (isiXhosa – Home Language)

Ibanga 4

9780853201007 Isibini esigqibeleyo

9780853201021 Ingoma kaNtombi

9780853201014 Umakazi ka Elizabeth

9780853200994 Ikamva eliqaqambileyo

9780853201052 Iintaka zikhetha ikumkani

9780853201083 Iqela eligqwesileyo

9780853201076 Ibhokisi yemali

9780853201090 UZanele ufumana icebo

9780853201045 Ukusindisa ihotele iSun

9780853201069 Inkosi yamatye

9780853201106 UZolani wenza umahluko

9780853201038 UPatricia umlimi

Ibanga 5

9780853201687 Iinkuni zomlilo

9780853201656 Intombazana engenafowuni

9780853201663 Icikilishe eliluhlaza elinamaqhinga

9780853201649 USimon uya kwibhaleyi

9780853202257 Imbono entle kaJeffrey

9780853201618 Zisebenza njani izinto

ISBN Title

9780853202264 UKabelo ufunda amalungelo akhe

9780853201601 Igolide yentombazana

9780853201632 Masenze isipho

9780853201625 Ihlebo likaKeo

9780853201595 IIndidi ezintlanu zobugcisa obutshintshe ihlabathi

9780853201670 Inkathazo ngoToddy

Ibanga 6

9780853201762 USteve ukufumana kulungile

9780853201694 Ukwanga okukhulu kakhulu

9780853201748 UMoses nenkawu

9780853201724 Oohlabamanzi abaluhlaza

9780853201779 Amacilikishe oyikekayo

9780853201731 Isixeko saseCanvas

9780853201755 UOrville noWilbur

9780853201717 Ummelwane othanda iindaba

9780853201793 Ihlebo laseMapungubwe

9780853201786 Yindlela abayenza ngayo!

9780853201809 Iintsuku ezintathu etyholweni

9780853201700 Ukuba nempilo!

Babuisi ke Baeteledipele (Setswana – Home Language)

Kereiti 4

9781431011742  Sebedi se se tlhololo

9781431011759  Pina ya ga Ntombi

9781431011766  Rakgadiagwe Elizabeth

9781431011773  Bokamoso jo bo isegang

9781431011780  Dinonyane di tlhopha kgosi

9781431011797  Setlhopha sa maemogodimo

9781431011803  Lebokose la madi

9781431011810  Zanele o fitlhelela tsela

9781431011827  Go boloka letsatsi

9781431011834  Kgosi ya matlapa

9781431011841  Zolani o dira phetogo

9781431011858  Patricia wa molematone

Kereiti 5

9781431011865  Dikgong tsa molelo

9781431011872  Mosetsana yo o se nang mogala

9781431011889  Mokgatitswane o motala wa tsotsi

9781431011896  Simon o ya baleying

ISBN Title

9781431011902  Kakanyo e ntle ya ga Jeffrey

9781431011919 Tsela e dilo di dirang ka yona

9781431011926 Kabelo o ithuta ditshwanelo tsa gagwe

9781431011933  Gouta ya mosetsana

9781431011940  A re dire mpho

9781431011957  Sephiri sa ga Keo

9781431011964  Dithekenoloji di le tlhano tse di fetotseng lefatshe

9781431011971  Matsapa malebana le Toddy

Kereiti 6

9781431011988  Steve o a e nepa

9781431011995  Motlamparelo o mogolo

9781431012008  Moses le tshwene

9781431012015  Dintsiterakone tse ditala

9781431012022  Mekgatitswane e e bosula

9781431012039  Motsemogolo wa canvas

9781431012046  Orville le Wilbur

9781431012053  Moagisani yo o modumo

9781431012060  Mapungubwe wa sephiri

9781431012077  Ke ka fao ba dirileng ka teng!

9781431012084  Matsatsi a le mararo mo sekgweng

9781431012091  Wena yo o itekanetseng!

Babadi ke Baetapele (Sepedi – Home Language)

Kreiti 4



Bobedi bja go hloka phoša

Koša ya Ntombi

9781431012138  Mmane wa Elizabeth


Bokamoso bja go phadima

9781431012152  Dinonyana di kgetha kgoši

9781431012169 Sehlopha sa go loka



Lepokisi la tšhelete

Zanele o hwetša tsela

9781431012190 Go lota letšatši

9781431012206 Kgoši ya matlapa


Zolani o dira phapano

9781431012220 Patricia wa molemi

Kreiti 5

9781431012237 Dikgong tša go gotša mollo

9781431012244 Mosetsana wa go se be le mogala

ISBN Title

9781431012251  Mokgaritswane yo motalamorogo wa sehwirihwiri

9781431012268  Simon o ya go palete

9781431012275  Kgopolo ye botse ya Jeffrey

9781431012282  Ka mokgwa wo dilo di šomago

9781431012299 Kabello o ithuta ditokelo tša gagwe

9781431012305 Gauta ya mosetsana

9781431012312 A re hlame mpho

9781431012329 Sephiri sa Keo

9781431012336 Ditheknolotši tše tlhano tšeo di fetotšego lefase

9781431012343 Mathata le Toddy

Kreiti 6

9781431012350 Steve o e hweditše gabotse

9781431012367 Kgokaro ye kgolo ye botse

9781431012374 Moses le Kgabo

9781431012381  Ntšhitsetse ye talalerata

9781431012398  Mokgaritswane wa go tšhoša

9781431012404 Toropo ya Canvas

9781431012411  Orvillle le Wilbur

9781431012428  Moagišane lešata

9781431012435  Sephiri sa Mapungubwe

9781431012442  Ke ka mokgwa wo ba e dirilego!

9781431012459  Matšatši a mararo ka sethokgweng

9781431012466  Wena yo a phetšego gabotse!

Babadi ke Baetapele (Sesotho – Home Language)

Kreiti 4

9781431012480 Bobedi bo phethahetseng

9781431012497 Pina ya Ntombi

9781431012503 Mmamoholo wa Elizabeth

9781431012510 Bokamoso bo kganyang

9781431012527 Dinonyana di kgetha morena

9781431012534 Sehlopha se hlaheletseng ka mahetla

9781431012541  Lebokose la tjhelete

9781431012558 Zanele o fumana tsela

9781431012565 Ho boloka ‘The Sun’

9781431012572 Morena wa majwe

9781431012589 Zolani o tlisa phapang

9781431012596 Patricia, molemi wa tshingwana

ISBN Title

Kreiti 5

9781431012602 Patsi ya mollo

9781431012619  Ngwanana ya senang mohala

9781431012626  Mokgodutswane o maqiti o motala

9781431012633 Simon o ya motantshong wa balei

9781431012640 Mohopolo o motle wa Jeffrey

9781431012657 Kamoo dintho di sebetsang kateng

9781431012664 Kabello o ithuta ditokelo tsa hae

9781431012671  Kgauta ya ngwanana

9781431012688 A re etseng mpho

9781431012695 Sephiri sa Keo

9781431012701 Dithekenoloji tse hlano tse fetotseng lefatshe

9781431012718 Bothata ba Toddy

Kreiti 6

9781431012725  Steve o e nepile

9781431012732  Ho kopa ho hoholo

9781431012749  Moses le Tshwene

9781431012756 Bomanthorumo ba botala ba lehodimo

9781431012763 Mekgodutswane e mebe

9781431012770  Motse wa ditente

9781431012787  Orville le Wilbur

9781431012794  Moahisani ya itshunyatshunyang

9781431012800 Mapungubwe ya sephiri

9781431012817 Ke kamoo ba entseng sena ka teng!

9781431012824 Matsatsi a mararo morung

9781431012831 Wena ya phetseng hantle!

Readers are Leaders (English – First Additional Language)

Grade 4

9781431011339 A perfect pair

9781431011346 Ntombi’s song


Elizabeth’s aunt

9781431011360 A bright future

9781431011377 The birds choose a king

ISBN Title

9781431011384 The superteam

9781431011391 The money box

9781431011407 Zanele finds a way

9781431011414 Saving the sun

9781431011421  The king of stones

9781431011438 Zolani makes a difference

9781431011445  Patricia the gardener

Grade 5

9781431011452 Wood for the fire

9781431011469  The girl with no phone

9781431011476  The sly green lizard

9781431011483  Simon goes to the ballet

9781431011490  Jeffrey’s good idea

9781431011506  How things work

9781431011513  Kabello learns his rights

9781431011520 Girl’s gold

9781431011537  Let’s make a gift

9781431011544  Keo’s secret

9781431011551  Five technologies that changed the world

9781431011568  The trouble with Toddy

Grade 6

9781431011575  Steve gets it right

9781431011582  A great big hug

9781431011599  Moses and the monkey

9781431011605  Blue dragonflies

9781431011612  Terrible lizards

9781431011629  Canvas city

9781431011636  Orville and Wilbur

9781431011643  A nosy neighbour

9781431011650  The secret of mapungubwe

9781431011667  That’s how they did it!

9781431011674  Three days in the bush

9781431011681  A healthy you!

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