Snappy Sounds Brochure

Page 1

Print and Online Teaching Resources make this ideal for blended learning


Grade R and Grade 1 learners

Fun, fast phonics that develop a love of reading

South Africa

A fun, fast and effective synthetic phonics approach

Synthetic phonics is a way of teaching children to read and write in a structured, systematic way. It teaches them to hear, recognise and use the 44 sounds (phonemes) of English and the combination of letters (graphemes) that represent them.

Snappy Sounds helps you deliver effective phonics instruction through:

• a unique and snappy ‘I Do - We Do - You Do’ teaching routine that will reduce your preparation time

• engaging and modern decodable readers that get learners reading independently from week 1

• a mastery teaching sequence that ensures you set the right pace for your learners

• dedicated consolidation and catch up lessons enabling every learner to progress

• an assessment check that reveals exactly where learners need further support

• built-in professional development support including classroom management tips, online support, and video to develop your knowledge of phonics and help you to teach Snappy Sounds with confidence.

These resources are organised into eight levels:

Levels 1–4 cover Foundation (Grade R) and Levels 5–8 cover Level 1 (Grade 1).


What is synthetic phonics?

Synthetic phonics is a way of teaching children to read and write in a structured, systematic way. It teaches them to hear, recognise and use the 44 sounds (phonemes) of English and the combination of letters (graphemes) that represent them.

Synthetic phonics teaches learners:

• the phonemes (or spoken sounds) of the English language

• graphemes (or written letter/s) to represent the phonemes, in a systematic and cumulative order

• how to blend the phonemes in the written word to read the word

• how to segment the phonemes in a spoken word to spell the word.

Synthetic phonics is the most widely used method of phonics instruction. Countless studies have shown that phonics instruction, when a comprehensive synthetic phonics course is followed in full, is the most effective way to teach reading. Assessments demonstrate that children learning with phonics are up to three years ahead of those that do not receive phonics instruction.






The smallest units of sound that we can hear or say in words (they are mostly one mouth movement). A phoneme can be represented in multiple ways - by single letters or by groups of two, three or four letters. There are 44 phonemes in the English language. They are usually denoted using forward slash marks (e.g. the phoneme /a/ as in ‘a-nnn-t, ant’). Learners must initially learn to say and identify these sounds in spoken words.

A letter or group of letters that represent a phoneme in written text. We read and write graphemes. Some phonemes are represented by several graphemes (e.g. /ai/ as in aim, day, game, apron, break). The same grapheme can make a different sound (an alternative pronunciation).

The process of reading words by saying individual phonemes together until you can hear the word you are reading (e.g. ‘b-lll-e-nnn-d, blend’).

The process of spelling words by hearing individual phonemes in a spoken word and attributing a grapheme to each of those phonemes to spell the word (e.g. ‘cat, c-a-t’).


The Snappy Sounds team

Kristin Anthian – Lead author

Kristin has worked in education for 30 years. Her qualifications include degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary, a Post Graduate Diploma in Early Intervention and a Master’s degree in Special Education and Inclusion.

Kristin currently works as a private practitioner consulting with schools, early childhood settings and families to support learners with diverse and exceptional learning needs. She is an accredited Consultant, as well as past Council member (2015-2017), for Learning Difficulties Australia (LDA) and a Certified Dyslexia Therapist. Additionally, she is a member of the Developmental Disorders of Language and Literacy network and the Developmental Disorder of Maths network at Macquarie University and is a certified Special Educator with the Australian Institute of Special Educators (InSpEd).

Kristin is passionate about employing good evidence based practice for learners with literacy based learning difficulties and explicit instruction, as well as supporting educators to ensure high quality teaching and early intervention for learners with complex learning needs. Kristin is also a regular presenter at schools and conferences.

Stephanie Evans & Melanie Porter – Series advisers

Certified practising speech pathologists with over 20 years’ experience in the field of children’s speech, language and literacy development, Stephanie and Melanie are directors of Better Start Education Services Speech Pathology in Adelaide. Through their practice they have witnessed many success stories when children are explicitly taught the methods to decode the words on the page, so they can become strong, independent readers.


Decodable Readers

Fully decodable books, for use from the end of Week 1

Decodable books support learners to learn to read by ‘decoding’ words: sounding out and blending the sounds to read the word. They are a tool for application, practice and consolidation of phonics knowledge and skills.

Each Snappy Sounds decodable book gives learners the chance to practice sounds and letters taught during the week. This means learners have the knowledge and skills to read every book they are given. This builds up confidence in reading and helps develop a love of reading from an early age.

The Snappy Sounds decodable books include:

• Systematic introduction and revision of the letter-sounds correspondences, introduced by the series’ teaching sequence

• A wide variety of fiction and non-fiction text types which are designed to engage all learners’ tastes

• Age appropriate vocabulary and text that is not highly predictable, so learners are not encouraged to guess

• Guided reading notes that include before and after reading activities. These activities provide robust practice of decodable and high frequency words, as well as comprehension and vocabulary checks, and fluency activities

• Consolidation and revision books, allowing all learners to practise what they have learnt to date, whilst providing teachers with time to support learners who have not yet mastered the letters and sounds in that level.

All books are available in print and online to suit how you want to teach.

Back cover, Jake and Kate Save the Apes (Snappy Sounds Level 5) Front cover, Jake and Kate Save the Apes (Snappy Sounds Level 5)
Systematic introduction of letter-sounds correspondences

Practise tricky high frequency words

Practise letters and sounds

Practise decodable words

Vocabulary check

‘Fast phonics’ practice to preteach the new phonics content in the book, before you begin to read. Tricky, high frequency word practise Lots of repetition of the new letters and sounds Page 2, We All Joined In ( Snappy Sounds Level 4)
Pages 8-9, Such a Fright (Snappy Sounds Level 3)

Focus sounds and high frequency words

Comprehension questions: Retell, Literal, Vocabulary, Inferential / Evaluative

Check knowledge of focus letters and sounds again

Fluency activity

Engaging illustrations and photographs provide extra detail and humour

Guided reading notes Inside front cover, Loads of Things! ( Snappy Sounds Level 4) Pages 10-11, The King and the Ring ( Snappy Sounds Level 2) Pages 4 - 5, Thunderstorms (Snappy Sounds Level 4 ) Page 12, Jet to the Vet ( Snappy Sounds Level 1)
Sounds Level 1 Focus Letters and Sounds s a t m p i n d g o c h b Snappy Sounds Level 2 Focus Letters and Sounds x ck ff ll ss zz VCC and CVCC words; Suffix: -s CCVC words Snappy Sounds Level 3 Focus Letters and Sounds ai ee igh oa Snappy Sounds Level 4 Focus Letters and Sounds Suffixes: -le -ing oi ur er -er Snappy Sounds Level 5 Focus Letters and Sounds /ee/: e ea /ee/: e-e y /ai/: a ay /ai/: a-e ea Snappy Sounds Level 6 Focus Letters and Sounds /y/+/oo/: ew ue /y/ + /oo/: u u-e long /oo/: ew ue long /oo/: u-e ui
Sounds Level 7 Focus Letters and Sounds /s/: c ce se st /j/: g dge ge /z/: s ze se /er/: ir or
Sounds Level 8 Focus Letters and Sounds /u/: o; /e/: ea /o/: a; /i/: y /v/: ve /ear/: are ear ere Decodable Readers 7
e k f r u l j v w y z Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation CCCVC and CVCCC words ch tch sh qu wh th ng nk Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation ar Long oo Short oo or ow Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation ear air ure Suffix: -ed Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation /igh/: i ie /igh/: i-e y /oa/: o ow /oa/: o-e oe Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation Split vowel digraphs /ow/: ou /oi/: oy /r/: wr; /n/: kn Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation /ar/: a al /or/: a al /or/: aw au short /oo/: u ou Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation /or/: oar ore /f/: ph; /m/: mb /uh/+/l/: -el -il -al /k/: ch Revision & Consolidation Revision & Consolidation Letters within slashes, i.e. /ee/, denote the phoneme (sound) or the grapheme (letter/s) being studied. Having Fun in the School Holidays Having fun in the holidays is a breeze! Having Fun in the School Holidays Having Fun the Focus Letters and Sounds Level 7 revision and consolidation 8

Teacher Resource Books

These are superb print and digital resources which will give confindence to any teacher to deliver consistently effective lessons.

The resource books inlcude:

• phonics background information

• how to say the sounds

• planning and implementation support

• full step-by-step lesson plans

• activity sheets for reading and spelling

• code to access online resources

• access to all of the digital books.

Online Lesson Support

Each Teacher Resource Book includes a code to access professional development videos on how to each explicit phonics. Your ‘go-to’ place for some quick pre-lesson preparation. Links to all of the resources you need for the lesson are organised around every Teaching Card, including:

• audio and video demonstrations of focus phonemes by speech pathologists

• links to PDF cards and tiles

• lesson-specific teaching tips

• independent practice activity sheet PDFs

• lesson starters, let’s say the word, let’s read the word, let’s write the word.

Online support includes access to all the ebooks with audio to deliver effective blended learning lessons.

Teaching Resources

Teaching Cards

These large-format cards for introducing new letters and sounds (and revising previously learnt ones) are cleverly designed to include teacher tips on the reverse side, including the lesson objective, say, hear, write, read and spell directions, and word lists.


Perfect for Snappy Words revision in your phonics lesson, use these cards to develop proficiency in sounding out and blending. Included with the 200 flashcards are instructions for card games for independent practice and small group work.

Flashcards can also be used in revision sessions and play a role in explicit introduction sessions and intervention sessions making these a great value, flexible resource.

Introduce the new grapheme (letter/s)
_ck 26 Revision Do snappy sounds using Teaching Cards: j, v, w, y, z, x. Students say the sound quickly when you show the card. Do snappy words using Flashcards: yet, yes, zap, zip, fix, box. Students say the sounds and blend them to read the word. Lesson objective Share and check understanding of the lesson objective: ‘We are learning a new grapheme to read and spell new words. We are learning that two letters can make one sound. Our phoneme is /k/. Our new grapheme is “ck”.’ Say Model saying the sound: ‘We have already learnt this phoneme. Let’s practise saying it one more time: open my mouth with my tongue touching the back of my mouth. do not use my voice: /k/.’ Point to the picture on this card: ‘This is a lock. The last sound you can hear in “lock” is /k/.’ Point to the grapheme ‘ck’ on this card: ‘This is another way we can write the sound /k/. The underscore means this spelling always has graphemes before it in a word.’ Say it together: ‘/k/’. Point to the picture and then the grapheme: ‘lock, /k/, lock, /k/ ...’. Ask: ‘What is the sound?’ Write Write the grapheme ‘ck’ on the board and say the sound /k/. Repeat. ‘When point here [to “ck”] you say /k/.’ Repeat. Next, practise skywriting ‘ck’. ‘Now write it on your mini whiteboard and “chin it”.’ Read Write some words on the board using the word list on this card. Model sounding out and blending to read the word, while tracking your finger below the word. Students read words on the board, tracking with their fingers as they sound out and blend to read the word. Try with some captions listed on this card. Spell Say a word from the word list. Model segmenting to spell the word using fingers and dashes. Dictate words and captions for students to write on mini whiteboards. Ask them to ‘chin it’ to check for understanding. Play ‘Sound swap’, if time allows. Sort Write ‘ck’, ‘k’ and ‘c’ on the board. Write some /k/ words on the board. Sort a few of them under the correct grapheme. Sort the rest of the words together. ‘Which words use the grapheme “ck” for the /k/ sound?’ Review ‘Today we learnt the phoneme /k/ can be spelt using the grapheme “ck”. What did we learn, everyone?’ Ask students to read words from the list you wrote on the board earlier. ‘We can also read and write these words. Let’s read them together. What words can we read?’ Independent practice Complete the application activities. dog dog /k/ as in lock Lesson 26 Word list kick sock sack sick neck tick pack lick pick lock rock back Jack deck Mick Extension tuck black truck stuck backpack Captions A sock is on the deck. Jack can pack his bag. It is on the back of your neck. I lick the snack. Extension A big, black truck got stuck. y z _x _ck _ff _ll _ss _zz -s ch Snappy Sounds Teaching Cards, Foundation © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Snappy Sounds Teaching Cards, Foundation © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 _ck 26 Revision Do snappy sounds using Teaching Cards: j, v, w, y, z, x. Students say the sound quickly when you show the card. Do snappy words using Flashcards: yet, yes, zap, zip, fix, box. Students say the sounds and blend them to read the word. Lesson objective Share and check understanding of the lesson objective: ‘We are learning a new grapheme to read and spell new words. We are learning that two letters can make one sound. Our phoneme is /k/. Our new grapheme is “ck”.’ Say Model saying the sound: ‘We have already learnt this phoneme. Let’s practise saying it one more time: open my mouth with my tongue touching the back of my mouth. do not use my voice: /k/.’ Point to the picture on this card: ‘This is a lock. The last sound you can hear in “lock” is /k/.’ Point to the grapheme ‘ck’ on this card: ‘This is another way we can write the sound /k/. The underscore means this spelling always has graphemes before it in a word.’ Say it together: ‘/k/’. Point to the picture and then the grapheme: ‘lock, /k/, lock, /k/ ...’. Ask: ‘What is the sound?’ Write Write the grapheme ‘ck’ on the board and say the sound /k/. Repeat. ‘When I point here [to “ck”] you say /k/.’ Repeat. Next, practise skywriting ‘ck’. ‘Now write it on your mini whiteboard and “chin it”.’ Read Write some words on the board using the word list on this card. Model sounding out and blending to read the word, while tracking your finger below the word. Students read words on the board, tracking with their fingers as they sound out and blend to read the word. Try with some captions listed on this card. Spell Say a word from the word list. Model segmenting to spell the word using fingers and dashes. Dictate words and captions for students to write on mini whiteboards. Ask them to ‘chin it’ to check for understanding. Play ‘Sound swap’, if time allows. Sort Write ‘ck’, ‘k’ and ‘c’ on the board. Write some /k/ words on the board. Sort a few of them under the correct grapheme. Sort the rest of the words together. ‘Which words use the grapheme “ck” for the /k/ sound?’ Review ‘Today we learnt the phoneme /k/ can be spelt using the grapheme “ck”. What did we learn, everyone?’ Ask students to read words from the list you wrote on the board earlier. ‘We can also read and write these words. Let’s read them together. What words can we read?’ Independent practice Complete the application activities. dog dog /k/ as in lock Lesson 26 Word list kick sock sack sick neck tick pack lick pick lock rock back Jack deck Mick Extension tuck black truck stuck backpack Captions A sock is on the deck. Jack can pack his bag. It is on the back of your neck. I lick the snack. Extension A big, black truck got stuck. y z _x _ck _ff _ll _ss _zz -s ch Snappy Sounds Teaching Cards, Foundation © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Snappy Sounds Teaching Cards, Foundation © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Pre-prepared decodable word lists and captions to write on your board Condensed steps of the lesson routine Reminder of how to say the sound Introduce the new phoneme (sound) using key word / picture

Placemats and Posters


These bright and colourful reference tools will continue your learners’ letter-sound correspondences exposure during their school day.


High Frequency Words Poster

Lesson Sequence Poster

R) Placemats (Level 1 to 4)
Foundation (Grade
R) Placemats (Level 5 to 8)
Foundation (Grade
Level 1 h y s k c j m d r f n t p b v w g z a o e i u Snappy Sounds Placemats, Foundation Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Level 2 sh qu ch tch ng n/k th h y s ss k c ck j f ff t v x w wh a o e i u m d n p g b r z zz s Snappy Sounds Placemats, Foundation Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Level 3 sh qu ch tch ng n/k th ai ee igh oa ow oo s ss ar or a o oo e i u t m n p k c ck d g h f ff b j v r w wh y z zz s x Snappy Sounds Placemats, Foundation Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Level 4 sh qu ch tch ng n/k th oi ai ee igh oa ow oo s ss m n t ed p ure ur er ar or air ear a o oo e i u -er h y j d ed r f ff b v w wh g z zz s k c ck x Snappy Sounds Placemats, Foundation Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Level 5 ure ear -er a sh qu ng n/k b h g oi ow e i ch tch th v wh r d ed oo or f ff n ur er air j k c ck ai ay ee ea e e-e y igh ie i i-e y oa ow o o-e oe p t ed m s ss ySnappy Sounds Placemats, Year Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Level 6 ure ear a o sh qu ng n/k x y b h g oi oy ow ou u e i ch tch th v w wh r wr d ed oo or f ff n kn ew ue u u-e ur er air k c ck ai ay a a-e ea oo ew ue u-e ui ee ea e e-e y igh ie i i-e y oa ow o o-e oe p t ed m s ss ar z zz sSnappy Sounds Placemats, Year © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 47534_SS_TR_Lvl6_placemat_PRS.indd 1 25/10/2019 3:36 PM Level 7 ure ear -er a o sh qu ng n/k x y b h g oi oy ow ou u e i ch tch th v w wh r wr d ed or a f ff n kn ew ue u u-e ur er ir or air g dge ge k c ck ai ay a a-e ea oo ew ue u-e ui ee ea e e-e y igh ie i-e y oa ow o o-e oe z zz s se ze p t ed m s ss c se ce st ar a a a oo u ou aw auSnappy Sounds Placemats, Year Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 47534_SS_TR_Lvl7_placemat_PRS.indd Level 8 ure ear -er a o a sh qu ng n/k x y b h g oi oy ow ou u o e ea y ch tch th ve wh r wr d ed or aw a au ar oar ore ff ph n kn ew ue u u-e ur er ir or air are ear ere j g dge ge k c ck ch ai ay a a-e ea oo ew ue u-e ui ee ea e e-e y igh ie i i-e y oa ow o o-e oe p t ed m mb s ss c se ce st ar a a a oo u ou z zz s se ze -iSnappy Sounds Placemats, Year © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019

Phonics Assessment

Snappy Sounds Assessment supports a regular check on learners’ phonics knowledge and skills. It is specifically designed to inform phonics teaching by:

• checking mastery of the phonics knowledge and skills taught during a Snappy Sounds level

• revealing gaps in learner knowledge and identifying precise areas for extra support or intervention

• providing data to support the teacher’s decision to move on to the next level of the Snappy Sounds

• Digital codes are printed within each assessment folder to access printable assessment sheets, tracking sheets and instructional video on how to implement successful assessment in phonics.

The Assessment file includes:

• two assessments for every Snappy Sounds level

• lists of decodable words and non-words to check learner knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences

• unseen texts to check reading fluency and accuracy in context

• answers and tips in the teacher card

• a tricky high frequency word check

• tracking sheets and marking guidance.

card, Level 3 Assessment A Learner card, Level 1 Assessment A Phonics Assessment Foundation (Grade R) and Year 1 (Grade 1) Learner card, Level 1 Assessment A
card, Level 3 Assessment
Letters and sounds check Say: ‘What sounds (phonemes) do these graphemes represent?’ s as in sun a as in ant t as in tap m as in mat p as in pan i as in ink n as in net d as in dog g as in gap o as in orange c as in cat h as in hat b as in bat e as in egg k as in kit f as in fan r as in rat u as in up l as in leg j as in jam v as in van w as in web y as in yum z as in zip Reading check: decodable words Say: ‘Read these words aloud for me. You can sound them out before trying to read the word. I’m going to write down what you say on my sheet.’ zip yet wag van jam red kid bus hog fun cut let Level 1 Assessment A Student name: 1 2 SnappySounds Phonics Assessment © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Teacher Mullick Anthian Teaching Cards Snappy Sounds is a fun, fast and reliable synthetic phonics program for Foundation and Year 1. This Phonics Assessment has been designed to check that students have mastered each level of Snappy Sounds before moving on, and also to identify areas for further support. It will also enable you to track and show your students’ progress. It includes: instructions and marking guidance assessments for phoneme–grapheme correspondences, decodable words, non-words and tricky high frequency words unseen texts to assess fluency and accuracy with connected texts tracking sheets digital versions of resources for printing. Posters, Flashcards, Placemats Decodable Readers Teacher Resource Books This Phonics Assessment is designed for use alongside these Snappy Sounds resources: Levels 1-8 Levels 1-8 Foundation and Year 1 Phonics Assessment Foundation and Year 1 Phonics Assessment Phonics Assessment Foundation and Year Kristin Anthian Anita Mullick Keeping everybody on track to success! 47640_SS_TR_Assessment_cvr_PRS.indd SnappySounds Phonics Assessment © Macmillan Science and Education Australia, 2019 Teacher Grey high frequency tricky words new phoneme–grapheme correspondences Reading check: non-words Say: ‘These words are not real words. They are made up words and do not mean anything. Read these words aloud. I’m going to write down what you say.’ vil v as in van and rhymes with ill jeb as in jam and rhymes with web wun w as in web and rhymes with sun dat d as in dog and rhymes with mat sem s as in sun and rhymes with gem paf p as in pan and rhymes with pilaf zad as in zip and rhymes with sad cam c as in cat and rhymes with ham yup y as in yum and rhymes with cup rus as in rat and rhymes with Gus heg h as in hat and rhymes with beg ked k as in kit and rhymes with fed Reading and fluency check: unseen text Can I get a fat jam bun, Zog? Can I get a cup of hot wet mud, Vok? Yes Get it at the red lab Word count: 25 words 3 4 Non-words are a great way of assessing decoding progression 12

Titles and ISBNS

Create your own bespoke packages to meet the needs of your classrooms.


9781380084958 Foundation

Level 1: Sam

9781380084972 Foundation

Level 1: Sam and Nip

9781380084996 Foundation

Level 1: Dip In, Dad!

9781380085016 Foundation

Level 1: Is It Big?

9781380085030 Foundation

Level 1: Kim and Kat Get Fit

9781380085054 Foundation

Level 1: The Fun Run

9781380085078 Foundation

Level 1: Jet to the Vet

9781380085177 Foundation

Level 1: Zak the Dog

9781380085207 Foundation

Level 1: Get the Rat!

9781380085238 Foundation

Level 1: A Fun Hat

9781380085887 Foundation

Level 1 Book 1a: At the Mat

9781380085900 Foundation

Level 1 Book 2a: Nit and Nat

9781380085917 Foundation

Level 1 Book 3a: Dig and Pat

9781380085924 Foundation

Level 1 Book 4a: Hit and Hop

9781380085931 Foundation



Level 1 Book 5a: Get Set, Get Fit

Level 1 Book 6a: Pet Rat

9781380085955 Foundation

Level 1 Book 7a: Jam Fun

9781380085962 Foundation

9781380085979 Foundation

9781380085863 Foundation

9781380085252 Foundation

9781380085276 Foundation

Level 1 Book 8a: Zap!

Level 1 Book 9a: Mud!

Level 1 Book 10a: A Nap in a Bag

Level 2: Jack and His Pack

Level 2: Nell and Jeff Will Be Back

9781380085290 Foundation

9781380085313 Foundation

9781380085337 Foundation



9781380085375 Foundation

9781380085382 Foundation



9781380085405 Foundation

9781380084699 Foundation

9781380084712 Foundation



9781380084743 Foundation



9781380084767 Foundation

Level 2 Book 16a: Match the Ships

9781380084774 Foundation

9781380084781 Foundation

Level 2 Book 17a: A Quick Snack

Level 2 Book 18a: Hanging with Sloths

9781380084798 Foundation

9781380084804 Foundation

Level 2 Book 19a: The Big Fang

Level 2 Book 20a: In Go the Fish

9781380085412 Foundation

Level 3: The Snail Trail

9781380085429 Foundation Level 3: Lots to See at the Pond

9781380085436 Foundation

Level 3: Such a Fright

9781380085443 Foundation Level 3: Loads of Things!

9781380085450 Foundation Level 3: Off to the Market

9781380085467 Foundation Level 3: Look at Wool

9781380085474 Foundation

Level 3: A Fort in the Storm

9781380085481 Foundation Level 3: Bow to the Crowd

9781380085498 Foundation Level 3: From Zoo to Zoo

9781380085504 Foundation Level 3: Towns at Night

9781380084897 Foundation Level 3 Book 21a: Wait with Paint

9781380084910 Foundation Level 3 Book 22a: Lee Gets a Pet

9781380084934 Foundation Level 3 Book 23a: Night Flight

9781380084941 Foundation Level 3 Book 24a: The Goat Cup

9781380084965 Foundation Level 3 Book 25a: Park Run

Level 2: Ants at Camp

Level 2: Grab the Flag!

Level 2: Stand Still, Bug

Level 2: Fish and Chips

Level 2: The Best Nest Quest

Level 2: The King and the Ring

Level 2: Plan the Trip

Level 2: Plum Buns

Level 2 Book 11a: A Fox in a Box

Level 2 Book 12a: Huff! Puff!

Level 2 Book 13a: The Best Deck

Level 2 Book 14a: Gran and the Tram


Level 2 Book 15a: Sand Block Splat

9781380084989 Foundation Level 3 Book 26a: Zoom to the Moon

9781380085009 Foundation Level 3 Book 27a: Popcorn

9781380085023 Foundation Level 3 Book 28a: Cow and Owl

9781380085047 Foundation Level 3 Book 29a: Zoom Deep Down

9781380085061 Foundation Level 3 Book 30a: A Starfish Wish

9781380085511 Foundation Level 4: Running Kitten + Little Rabbit

9781380085528 Foundation Level 4: Point!

9781380085535 Foundation Level 4: Surf's up

9781380085542 Foundation Level 4: Thunderstorm!

9781380085559 Foundation Level 4: Bam's Big Fear

9781380085566 Foundation Level 4: Up in the Air

Please note that when referring to the table Foundation is equivalent to Grade R and Year 1 is equivalent to Grade 1.


9781380085573 Foundation

Level 4: A Sure Cure

9781380085580 Foundation Level 4: We All Joined In

9781380085597 Foundation Level 4: The Best Picnic

9781380085603 Foundation Level 4: Shearing Sheep

9781380085160 Foundation Level 4 Book 31a: Helping is Fun

9781380085191 Foundation Level 4 Book 32a: The Scrapbook Coin

9781380085221 Foundation

Level 4 Book 33a: Surf

9781380085245 Foundation Level 4 Book 34a: Flower Power

9781380085269 Foundation Level 4 Book 35a: What Can I Hear?

9781380085283 Foundation Level 4 Book 36a: The Hair Flair Fun Fair

9781380085306 Foundation Level 4 Book 37a: Cure the Fish

9781380085320 Foundation Level 4 Book 38a: Cooked, Cracked and Smashed!

9781380085344 Foundation Level 4 Book 39a: Clever Critters

9781380085368 Foundation Level 4 Book 40a: A Letter in a Bottle


Year 1 Level 5: Beans

9781380085719 Year 1 Level 5: Spooky Sporty Party

9781380085726 Year 1 Level 5: Day on a Train

9781380085733 Year 1 Level 5: Kate and Jake Save the Day

9781380085740 Year 1 Level 5: In the Skies

9781380085757 Year 1 Level 5: Mike's Bike

9781380085764 Year 1 Level 5: Old Things Make Us Think






Year 1 Level 5: Let's Grow for the Town Show

Year 1 Level 5: On the Coast

Year 1 Level 5: Pete and the Baby Hippo

Year 1 Level 6: A New Day

Year 1 Level 6: The New Student

Teacher Resources








Snappy Foundation Teaching Cards

Snappy Year 1 Teaching Cards

Snappy Foundation Teacher Resource Book

Snappy Year 1 Teacher Resource Book

Snappy Sounds Level 1 Placemat

Snappy Sounds Level 2 Placemat

9781380085672 Snappy Sounds Level 3 Placemat

9781380085689 Snappy Sounds Level 4 Placemat


Snappy Sounds Level 5 Placemat



Year 1 Level 6: Sue's Shoot

9781380085832 Year 1 Level 6: Fruit Drink Mess

9781380085849 Year 1 Level 6: The X Prize

9781380085856 Year 1 Level 6: Look Out for Mr Trout!

9781380085870 Year 1 Level 6: Toys

9781380085894 Year 1 Level 6: Bunny Kick Knack


Year 1 Level 6: Stay in My Town

9781380084620 Year 1 Level 6: The Boy and His Big Kite

9781380084637 Year 1 Level 7: Lucy Visits the Palace

9781380084644 Year 1 Level 7: Kakadu Ranger

9781380084651 Year 1 Level 7: Miles and Sneeze

9781380084668 Year 1 Level 7: First Bird Catches the Worm

9781380084675 Year 1 Level 7: Last to the Class on Mars

9781380084682 Year 1 Level 7: A Walk and a Talk

9781380084705 Year 1 Level 7: Jigsaw

9781380084729 Year 1 Level 7: You Should Try Bush Tucker!

9781380084811 Year 1 Level 7: Jen and the Porridge Pot

9781380084828 Year 1 Level 7: Keep Busy in School Holiday

9781380084835 Year 1 Level 8: Health Month at Feathertop

9781380084842 Year 1 Level 8: The Myth of the Crystal Egg

9781380084859 Year 1 Level 8: Cave Diving

9781380084866 Year 1 Level 8: Bear Scare At The Fair

9781380084873 Year 1 Level 8: Fly

9781380084880 Year 1 Level 8: Funny Photo Day

9781380084903 Year 1 Level 8: Candle Holder

9781380084927 Year 1 Level 8: Chloe the Musical Star

9781380085085 Year 1 Level 8: The Pyramids of Eygpt

9781380085092 Year 1 Level 8: King of the Rivers






Snappy Sounds Level 6 Placemat

Snappy Sounds Level 7 Placemat

Snappy Sounds Level 8 Placemat

Snappy Sounds Foundation Flashcards Set

9781380085139 Snappy Sounds Year 1 Flashcards Set


Snappy Sounds Foundation Poster Pack

9781380085122 Snappy Sounds Year 1 Poster Pack


Snappy Sounds Assessment Kit

Please note that when referring to the table Foundation is equivalent to Grade R and Year 1 is equivalent to Grade 1.


South Africa


Sibonelo Mkhasibe

Head of National School Sales

Cell: 066 474 3793


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Cell: 076 994 0986



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Cell: 066 138 2746


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Cell: 060 908 8209



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Cell: 079 877 4995



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Cell: 078 804 0612



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Cell: 078 803 9918



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Cell: 071 399 1337



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Cell: 071 441 9144



Liezl Abrahams

Sales and Marketing Representative

Cell: 071 441 9144


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Sales and Marketing Representative

Cell: 066 211 4352



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Cell: 076 994 0985


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Agency and Digital Sales Consultant

Cell: 082 944 6968


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