Grammar Book for the 4th grade Blue Skies

Page 1


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o be, persona pronouns

They are my friends.


I am (I'm) you are (you/re) he is (he/s) she is (she/s) it is (ifs) we are (we/re) you are (you/re) they are (they/re)

It's a present for you. Happy birthday! ? • Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?

I am not (1 1m not) you are not (you aren't) he is not (he isn't) she is not (she isn't) it is not (it isn't) we are not (we aren't) you are not (you aren't) they are not (they aren't)

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes Yes Yes, Yes, Yes, l


you are. / No! you aren't.

I am. / No, I'm not.

he is. / No, he isn't.

she is. / NO she isn't. it is. / No, it isn't. you are. / No, you aren't. we are. / No, we aren't. they are. / No, they aren't. I

TYE VERB ~ fAa20Aom to be UMa mpu CPOPMU 3a C82aWHO 6P8M8 :


ten years old. Miss Cook

e a teacher. Mark and Dean ("t


I ,

re pupils.

SM8cmo noAHama cpopMa MO.>k8M ga ynomp86uM kpamkama cpopMa, HanpUM8p: Kpamkama cpopMa Ha I orr 8 I r , Ha I e 8 you U m.H . ~ 3a ga 3agag8M 6onpoc, nocma6FlM8 2Aa20Aa ( m! ar~ , I ) omnp8g, HanpUM8p: I m -> I? You -> you? U m.H. ~ 3a ga o6pa3y6aM8 ompuuam8AHama cpopMa, go6a6FlMe no'" CA8g am, are UAU is, HanpuM8p:

I am not a pilot.

You are not a pilot .

Kpamkume CPOPMU ca : In r

1'm not a pilot. ~



t U m.H .

You aren't a pilot.

3a ga om206opuM ompuuam8AHO Ha Bonpoc, MO.>k8M ga ynompe6uM kpamkama ¢opMa, HanpUM8p:

Is he a pilot? No! he isn't. HO k02amo om208apFlM8 nOAo.>kumeAHo, He ynompe6FlBaMe kpamkuFl om206op, HanpUM8p:

Is she a pilot? Yes, she is.


~ 3a ga nonumaM8 HFlkoo koG 8, 3anoy6aM8 Bonpoca c

h i HanpUMep:

Who are you? 11m Wiz. ~ 3a ga nonumaM8 3a H8W,O kak60 e m~, 3anoyBaM8 6onpoca c

he , HanpUM8p :

What is it? Itls a present. ~

3a ga o6pa3y6aMe 6'bnpoc c 6onpocumeAHa gYMa UAU cppa3a, nocma6FlM8 nop60 6'bnpOCUm8AHama gyMa, nOCA8 2Aa20Aa U Ha kpaFl nogAo2a:

Where is Dean?

How old are you?

When is your birthday?

ECTOl!1MEHVlR l113no/\36aMe /\UYHUme MeCmOUMeHUR ( , you, he, she, it, we, you, th I


1_ DCin['J(11

'NQ -



) 6Mecmo co6cm6eHo

UMe U/\U cow,ecm6ume/\HO, HanpUMep:

Mark is my brother. -> He is my brother. The balls are under the chair. -> They are under the chair. ~ Ynompe6RBaMe 3a Mo>ke U MOMYema, 3a >keHu U MOMUYema, npegMemu, a 6 MHo>kecm6eHo YUC/\O 3a 6CU4ku ynompe6R6aMe

Mark \ a man a boy /

Wanda \ a woman a girl /

a bear \ a flower a plane / ~ Ako 3HaeM ~oo pog e >kuBomHomo, Mo>keM ga U3nO/\36aMe I This is Sally. is Carol's cat.



3a >kuBomHu, pacmeHUFI U

boys \ girls planes /



u/\u h , HanpUMep:

I Ifitll II they I

1. Write. fhel ~ she ~ we table ... it....

Amy .. ........

· Mark and Dean .. ...... .

2. Write.



chairs ........... ' Mark ........

Mum ...... : picture ...... · brother ..... II!] children ......... ..

Iare I

re bl ue. . H·IS Jeans......

fJ ~ a

You and I ................. .

Her dress ....... red. IIA b urger, pIease. /I


What colour .. .. .. your trousers?

m Carol's hair ....... long.


Here you ........ .


m Dean and Mark ...... friends.

3. Complete.

A.~~ ... q.~ .. happy? Yes, I am. ............... a teacher? No, she isn't.

II .............

a monkey?


D .............. a


4. Ask and answer.


D ............................ tall? Yes, he is.

m...................... hungry? No, we aren't.

Yes, it is.

.............. your friends? Yes, they are.

No, she isn't.

... ....... .... her cousin?

Yes, he is.



Are they cats?

r t~e crall ...... ... ........... .... ..t. .


Wr.l. 9.t .g! .~ ... ~ .-:./? ..... ~ . .. qr~.... ..... .J.$.·.


Is it a coat?

Is he a farmer?

Is it an orange?

Have got

Have you got a magic stick?

Look at me, Wanda. I'm a magician. I've got a blue hat, blue boots and a long blue coat.

+ You He She It We You They

have got have got got ha~ got h __ got have got have got have got

? (I've got) (You've got) (He's got) (She's got) (It's got) 0/Ve've got) (You've got) (They've got)

haven't got You haven't got He sr got She hasn got It has!'"' got We haven't got You haven't got They haven't got

Have I got? Have you got? H' he got? Ha she got? Ha it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

you have.lNo, you haven't. I have.lNo, I haven't. he hc..".lNo, he asn't she hos.lNo, she I asn't. it h .INo, it h sn't. you have.lNo, you haven't. we have.lNo, we haven't. they have.lNo, they haven't.

~ Ynompe6RBaMe

u/\u L, 1 - 3a ga ka>keM, l-Ie Hewo npuHag/\e>ku Ha HRko20, HanpuMep:

I've got a computer.

She's got a cat.

2 - 3a ga onuweM l-IoBek, >kuBomHo UAU npegMem, HanpUMep:

He's got black hair.

The cot's got a long tail.

The house's got many rooms.

3 - 3a ga 2oBopUM 3a 3gpaBe UAU gpY2U npo6/\eMu, HanpUMep:

J've got a cold.

We've got many lessons today.

~ 3a ga 3agageM Bonpoc, nocmaBRMe


you got a magic stick? ~

omnpeg, HanpUMep:

she got a cat?

3a ga o6pa3y6aMe ompuu.ameAHa cpopMa, nocmaBRMe " / 1 . Kpamkume CPOPMU ca :

I haven't got a magic stick.

Me>kgy '

She hasn't got a cat.

npu kpamkume om208opu He noBmapRMe

Have you got a magic stick? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

it got a long tail? U got: sr ' ot

1. Ask and answer . .I ..I .q~ . J......g .~ t.. 0.. ..... ::..t?f9.!..................t....... . .

D (camera)

Yes he hr s.

• • •• • • • I • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• • •••••••••••••••••









(su rvg lasses)

2. Circle the correct answer.


has 0A haven 't

B haven't

c hasn't

B have

c hasn't

Have they got a big house? Yes, they ....

A haven't

B have

Has he got a bike? Yes, he ... .

A have

B has

c c

Mum ... got a long hair.

A has

B haven't

c have

A has

B have

A have

B has

c c

Has Carol got a cat? Yes, she .. ..

f) Mr Foster ... got a car.

II 0

mWe ... got many lessons today. .. , you got a pet?

has hasn't

ha sn't hasn't

3. Describe yourself, your Mum and your Dad.

hair: eyes:

long blue

short brown

yellow black

black green


I've got .................. .... .... ....... .... ............... ....... .... ..... ............ ......................... ........ ........ .

My Mum ........... ... ..................................... ...... ... .................................. .... ......... ........ .... .

My Dad ... .. ..................................... ........................................... ...... ............ .......... ....... .


And whose shoes are those?

Now look at mel Wanda . I'm a clown and this is my hat.

No, this isn't your hat, it's Dean's hat.

Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns I mine my your yours you he / she / it his / her / its his / hers / its ours our we your yours you their theirs they ~

3a ga ka>keM Ha k020 npuHag.l\e>ku Hew.o, ynompe6~8aMe npume>kame.l\HUme MecmOUMeHUfl (my, 0 , Ii , he , i , U , 1 I ) . Te 8UHa2U ce nocma8~m npeg cOw.ecm8Ume.l\HOmO UMe, HanpUMep: my name, your family, his bag, her book

~ 3a ga ka>keM, 4e Hew.o npuHagt\e>ku Ha H.Rk020, nocma8flMe ct\eg UMemo MY ' , HanpU Mep:

Mark/s shoes Dean s hat -> hi hat

Mark's shoes are big. ->

Dean ' hat

Amy's schoolbag

shoes are big.

~ 3a cowecm8Ume.l\HU HapUuame.l\HU :

V13no.l\38aMe ' 3a eguH 408ek U.I\U >ku6omHo, HanpUMep: the man's hat, the cat's tail l!13nO.l\36aMe caMO 3a g6aMa ut\u no8e4e yo6eka, HanpUMep: the girls' skirts, my parents' car Ho the children's books, the men's bags, the women's dresses ~ 3a ga nonumaMe Ha k020 npuHag.l\e>ku Hew.o, 3anoy8aMe 8onpoca c Whose is ... , a 3a 9a

nonumaMe Ha k020 npuHag.l\e>kam g8e U.I\U no6e4e Hew.a, 3an048aMe 8onpoca c Whose are ...

Whose hat is this? It's Dean's. Whose shoes are those? They're Mark's. ~ 3a ga ka>keM, ye Hew.o U.I\U HflkO.l\ko Hew.a npuHag.l\e>kam Ha HFlko20, ynompe6fl6aMe cow.o

tour s, hi , hers, I 0 : ' 1 th I I HO me ce ynompe6fl8am caMOCmOflm e.l\HO COw.ecm6umet\Homo UMe. Ct\eg mFix He ce nocma8fl cow.ecm8Ume.l\HO UMe.

It's my dress. -> It's mine.

It's your bag. -> It's yours.

Te o6ukHo8eHO ce nuwam 8 kpafl Ha U3pe4eHuemo.

This is my dress. It's mine. This bag isn't yours! It/s hers!

This dress is mine.



3aMecm8am U

D He's got a dog. II D

It's .. ... .... ....... ~ .... .... .... . dog .

She's got books.

They're .. ................... books.

We've got flowers.

They're ...... ............. flowers.

I've got a piano.

It's ............................ plano.

It's ... ............ ... ... ..... ...... tail .

It's got a long tail.

It's .................. .......... house.

• They've got a big house. IJ You've got new shoes.

They're ..................... shoes.

2. Ask and answer.

Wh 0 ." Lu's d ..... i r" .................... .........

bag / Mark



I'........................ ~ <.. . ... .

skateboa rd / Dea n ... ... ..... .......... .. .... ........ .

cat / Carol

............................... .... .

. plane / Wanda

.......................... ......... .

computer / Mitko · car / Dad dress / Mum hats / boys • dolls / girls I

bags / children










IP ~at C;

teeth / tiger

ears / elephant

3. Circle the correct word.

-rh:'s book


my ) mIne.

This is our lours school.

My I Mine cot's name is Sally. ,

Miss Cook is their I theirs teacher. Take this present! It's your I yours.


This bag is my I mine and that bag is your I yours.


It's 's ba ........... .


resent continuous

Are you? What's that noise?

+ I am not (11m not) learning You are (You're) learning You are not (aren't) learning He is (He's) learning He is not (isn't) learn ing She is not (isn't) She is (She's) learning learning It is not (isn't) It is (It's) learning learning We are (We're) learning We are not (aren't) learning You are (You're) learning You are not (aren't) learning They are (They're) learning They are not (aren't) learning I am (I'm) learning


Am I learning?

Yes/ you are / No, you aren't. Are you learning? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Is he learning? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. Is she learning? Yes, she is. / No she isn't. Is it learning? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. Are we learning? Yes, you are. / No, you aren/t. Are you learning? Yes, we a re. / No, we aren't. Are they learning? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't


3a ga ka>keM kakBo ce cl\yYBa B MOMeHma, B koomo 20BopUM, ynompe6flBaMe ce2aWHO


npogoNkumeAHo BpeMe . 3a ga 06pa3yBaMe moBa BpeMe, U3nOA3BaMe 2Aa20l\a to be ( , I ), a H a OCHoBHUfl 21\a20l\, U3pa3flBaw. geocmBuemo, nocmaBflMe OkOHyaHUemO - 11 , HanpuMep:

I路 ~



sing ll


3a ga 06pa3yBaMe ompuuaHuemo, nocmaBflMe not cl\eg CU ocmaBa Ha Mflcmomo. Kpamkume CPOPMU ca '

m, I eu

You are not writing, you are drawing. You aren't writing, you're drawing.


3a ga 3agageM Bonpoc, 3anoyBaMe c

Are you writing?


, HanpUMep:

Are they singing?

npu kpamkume om20Bopu He noBmapflMe oCHoBHUfl

Are you drawing? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

21\a201\ :


r . OCHoBHUflm 21\a201\ n , h' u m .H.

npa80n uc

eat eat nq read read ing clos closln dane d ancing sit Sitt l l run ru nn ing

1. Write.

What's he doing? read / a comic book


fJ play /

footbal l

watch / TV

learn / Eng lish


eat / sandwich

m learn / a new song

2. Ask, then write the correct answers. What are they doing?

D Carol/talk to Miss Cook J.$..~qrQJ .t.qJk..i.r}. q....Q ..~ ...$~ ..( .9 .Q.. ! .............. No Carol isn t talkin - I I S S.h~.. ~ . r.~Q.q.i .rl ..Q..Q.Q.Q. ~ : .. ............ ............ ... .

• • •••• J •••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••

••••••• • ••• •••• •• • • •• •• •• ••• • • •


Amy and Dean / play with a ba ll


Josie / sit on a bench

eat - eat.


close - clos

Mark and Mike / talk under a tree

sit - sitt

Present simple Do you like sports, Wanda?

No, I don/t. I don't have time.

+ I play You play He plays She plays It plays We play You play They play

I do not (d r 't) play You do not (don 't) play He does not (doesn't) play She does not (doesn't) play It does not (_oesrl L) play We do not (c on play You do not (c. n t) play They do not (dvn't) play I


? Dn I play? D"-' you play? Do~s he play? Does she play? Dop;) it play? D we play? D you play? D they play? J

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

you do. / No, you don/t.

I do. / No, I don't.

he does. / No, he doesn't.

she does. / No, she doesn't.路

it does. / No, it doesn't.

you do. / No, you don't. we do. / NO we don't. they do. / No, they don't. I

~ Ce2aWHO npocmo 6peMe U3nO/\36aMe, k02amo

- 20BopUM 3a Hewo, koemo npaBuM yecmo u/\u 06ukHoBeHO, HanpUMep, k02amo 20BopUM 3a gHeBHuR cu pe>kuM : I get up at 7 o'clock every day.

- onuc6aMe nocmORHHU cumyauuu : My father works in a bank.

- onucBaMe 06w.ou3BecmHu ucmUHU U npupogHU 3akoHU:

The Earth goes around the Sun. Elephants eat leaves and grass. ~ 06pa3y6a ce c I, U h , ," ,t U oCH06HUR 2/\a20/\ lay, e U m .H. 3a 3 /\. eg oy. (J, I I ) Ha oCHoBHUR 2/\a20/\ nocma6RMe OkOHyaHUemO - , HanpuMep: I drink milk every day. He drink milk every day. I


,~ 3a ga 06pa3y6aMe ompuu,ame/\Ha cpopMa, g06a6RMe 0/ + '1 t . CokpameHume CPOPMU ca t u +n = ) , a Ha oCHoBHUR 2/\a20/\ He nocmaBRMe OkOHyaHUemO - . + no = They do not watch TV every day. -> They don't watch TV every day.

He does not drink milk every day. -> He doesn't drink milk every day. ~ 3a ga o6pa3yBaMe Bonpoc, 3anoyBaMe CoC cnOMa2ame/\HUR 2/\a20/\ (3a, '0 I , hey), HanpUMep: Do you drink milk every day? Do they watch TV every day?

u/\u D e (3a e , I. , I ), Ha oCHoBHUFI 2/\a20/\ He nocmaBRMe OkOHyaHUemO - , HanpUMep:

Does he drink milk every day?

Kpamkume om20Bopu ca: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Yes, he does. / N0 he doesn/t .


~ npaBonuc: K02amo 2/\a20Aom 3aBopwBa Ha

ss, sh, chi x, 0, g06aBFlMe - es I wash -> He wash I go -> He goP K02amo 2Aa20/\om 3aBopwBa Ha Cb2AaCHa + y, g06aBRMe - ies I cr -> He cri ,HO I pi -> He play ~ HaO-yecmo ynompe6RBaHume U3pa3U CoC ce2aWHO npocmo BpeMe: very d VI very morning, v y e , " I 1 5, , i r i the rnoon I

1. Write.


I cook - he ....... ~q.q~~.......


I fly - It .............. ~...........


I like - He ........................ ..


We study - She..................

I buy - She ....................


I do - She ............. ......... ..

You read - He ...............

m You teach - She .............. .

We walk - He ................... .


I wash - He ........................

m I watch -

She ................


I brush - She ................... .


- 2-. -W rite.

He / fish .I ... H~

.. !jk~.~.. f.i~b. 路.................... .

1/ milk

X ~ ...................... . ............ 1:1

You / mushrooms? ............................... .. ..... .


She / sausages


She / chicken? ......... .... ..........................

3. Write questions.

..P9..Y..? ~..

.? .~q.. ?~h.9. q.l.?............

D ..........................................................

B g ..........................................................

m D .................. .. .. ....................................


X .................................... ... .... ..............

mWe / spaghetti .I............................................ .


8, Apple Street London, Britain Dear friend, Than~ for your letter. I'm a pupil. I go to school every day. I live in a big house With my parents. I have one sister and one baby brother. I have many friends, too. I often play with them and sometimes we go to the cinema.

On Sundays I usually visit my grandparents. My grandpa

is a farmer. I help him in the garden. Please write soon. Yours, Mark

4. Write.

w..~q.':I. .!..~~~... 9.q.r:1).. ~YX~:D.. if.l.. t.~.~..?~y. : . lh.~ ...~~.i.'!) the


Fish swim in the sky.


The Earth goes around the Moon ................ ............................................................... the Sun.


Teachers work in supermarkets. ................................................. ...... .. .. .. ....... ...... .. .. in schools.


Elephants eat fish. ........................................................................................ leaves and grass.


Polar bears live in the jungle ................................................................................... the Arctic.


m Penguins live in the forest . .. ..... .... ......... ........................................................... in the Antarctic.


Wake up, Wiz! You must hurry. You mustn't be late for school.

Must I? What's the time?


+ 1mu


You nu He She It




hurry hurry hurry

us hurry

We 1U


You nus hurry They nus hurry



rr t (r lustr hurry t n (rlusn'l ) You r hurry He nil no (I 1 str hurry She II nc (I us t I) hurry l ( ustn ) It rl hurry We llil nc ( II stl 't) hurry You I 1l t n L ( lustr hurry They r t nc ( us n ) hurry Mil







Mu Mu

Yes, you must. / No, you mustn't. Yes, I must. / No, I mustn't. Yes, he must. / No, he mustn't. Yes, she must. / No, she mustn't. Yes, it must. / No, it mustn't. Yes, you must. / No, you mustn't. Yes, we must. / No, we mustn't. Yes, they must. / No, they mustn't.

1 hurry? t

you hurry?

Mus he hurry? Mu

she hurry?


it hurry?

Mu ' we hurry? Mu~t you hurry?



they hurry?

3a ga ka>keM kakBo HRkoo mpR6Ba ga npaBu, U3nOJ\3BaMe gYMuykama




You must hurry. ~

3a ga ka>keM kakBo HHkoO He mprl6Ba gQ npaBu, cAeg gYMuykama mu . nOCma8rlMe no Kpamkama <popMa e , HanpUMep:

You mustn't be late for school. ~ 3a ga nonumaMe kakBo HHkoo mpH68a ga npa8u, 3anoy8aMe Bonpoca c gYMuykama must


Must I hurry? Kpamkume omcoBopu ca: Yes, you must. / No, you mustn't.

e o fJ D 路

1. Write.

Imust II mustn't I

How to be an excellent pupil:

How to stay healthy:

You ... .............. be late for school.

You ... .... ... .. ..... eat lots of fruit and vegeta b les.

You ................. listen to the teacher. you ......... .. .... .. read many books. You ................. learn your lessons.


You .. ......... ...... smoke.

you .............. ... eat a lot of sweets.

You .. .. ............. play sports.

2. Write. Wiz is ill. Tell him what he must 路 or must not do. . g o to the doctor

take vitamins

eat fruit and vegetables

eat i ce-crea m

stay in bed

drink cold water

go out

3. Choose and complete.

Imust II mustn't I

I can't come with you. I .......................... do my homework.

We're late. We ........ .................. hurry.

Be quiet! You ... ... .. ... .. ........ ..... ta lk in class.


You are very fat. You ............ ......... .. ... eat many sweets.

Why ... .. ..................... I clean my room now?

My Mum/s got a birthday today. I .......................... buy some flowers.

The car is very dirty. You ......................... . wash it.


Simon says:


Stop! Don't run!

Go! Stop!

(' I. don't like L0is game. Don't go! Don't stop! Don't talk! Let's Let's go to the cinema. Let's play football. Let's make a cake.


KOMaHgum8 U3nOI\3BaM8, 3a ga ka>k8M Ha HRko20 ga HanpaBu UI\U ga H8 Hanpa8u H8LU,O, HanpUM8p: K02amo uckaM8 ga 3anoBRgaM8 ga HanpaBu H8W,O, ka3BaM8:

S and up!

Sit ow


Clo e the doo


K02amo uckaM8 ga 3anoBRgaM8 ga H8 npa6u H8W.O, ka36aM8: Don' stand up! Don't sit down! Dor 't close K02amo uckaM8 ga npegl\o>kuM ga Hanpa6uM H8W,O, ka3BaM8 :

Le 's go!

Le' watch TV.

the door!


1. Match to the pictures.

cS~h hh-hh!) ------足

Help me! Be quiet!

IWash your hands! !

I Take this pill! !

2. Write.

09. ...'.t.. t;? .. .~. t.,... . th.~ ..99. :.......... .

P.Qn~.~ ..................

d choose an d comp Iete. 3. Rea,

,.~' . ".


0 .9.0.'....................

~ I stop ~

.~ ....... ........ .......... .

Ii touchilbe l


What's that, Dean?


No! ................... . touch it! It's my new computer. .... .... ... .. ...... .. ... careful!


Oh, Mark, ...................... be silly . .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. playa game.


... ................... .. ! Don't ... .... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . it!


Sorry, Dean ...... .... ... .. .. ... .. ... go to the park then.


4. Rea d an d comp Iete. ~ AMY: C AROL:


Itake I r;ddl I mix II don't I I listen I ~

.. .... ........ .. ........ make a fruit salad!

What's the recipe?

OK ......... .. .... ... ....... !

.... .. .................. some apples, lemons and oranges .

.. ... ................... some sugar .

..... .......... ......... everything together.

.. ...... ... .. ... .. ... ... forget the cream.

Th e salad is ready!

I I 0 Iare I

1. Read and complete. am

Hi, I ... ... ... .... . Dean! I ..... ......... in the 4th grade. We ............ .. a big class,

10 boys and 8 girls. Our school .............. great! We like it very much! Our

classroom .............. not very big but it .............. clean and nice . The desks

.............. new and there are many flowers. Mark and Mike ... .. ... ... .. . my

friends. My teacher's name ............ .. Miss Cook. My favourite subjects

.............. English and Sports.

What about you? ... ........... you in a big class? Who .............. your friends?

What .............. your teacher's name? What .............. your favourite subjects?

2. Now a nswer Dean's letter. Write about:

your school, your classroom, your friends, your teacher's name, your favourite subjects

.Ij}.'.. !~!}....................................................................................................................................



3. Read and complete.

Dear Mark,

This is ......)...... favourite photo. We are on holiday

with .............. friends Ben and David. We're at

~~1••:.....?.....U.Q.OJ.1.0. •.....?QL (Ben / SWimming

pool). Look at ............................................................

(Ben / swimming hat). It's so funny! Look at

........................................................ (David / glasses).

He is so funny, too. This little boy is

.......................................................... (David / brother).

.................. name is John.

He's three years old and he can't swim.

We're having a great time. Ben and David are

............... best friends.

Please, tell me about .............. .

Love, Mike


4. Choose and write. !bel ~

. ...... 1.......

Idon'tll get Illookllciosellsrtllopenlllet's I L:.::J


............ .. at this photo. This is my family.

It's very cold ............... the window.

II .............. quiet! The baby is sleeping.


make a cake.

5. Write the House rules.

make a noise


run in the house

.............. your books on page 6 .

............. . run down the stairs! It's dangerous.

Imust Ilmustn'ti




X late X

. play loud music 路

.............. up! You're late for school.

You .. .I. .. J.. . .:. .... .. make a noise .

be quiet .I go to bed




clean your rooms.l You .................................................. .


6. Put the verbs in brackets into present continuous. It's a hot summer day. The sun ..................... (shine).

The children are on the beach . Carol and Amy ............ .

....... ............. ..... (play) with a ball. Mark and Dean ...... ..

.................... (swim) in the sea . Mr Foster ...................... .

(sail) a boat. He .... ... .. ...... ... ... ....... .. .. .. .. (watch) the girls.

7. Write a letter. My summer holiday







Things you do play with friends watch more TV go to the seaside listen to music

Things you don't do get up early go to school go to bed early study

Want to

OK. Do you want to fly the plane?

I want to go to Paris, Wanda. I want to see the Eiffel Tower.


+ I want to go You want to go He wants to go She wants to go It wants to go We want to go You want to go They want to go


~ ~

I do not (don 't)

3a ga ka.>keM kak60 uckaMe ga Hanpa6uM UI\U H}"1koO gpY2 ga Hanpa6u, U3nOl\36aMe want U

oCHo6Ha cpopMa Ha 21\a 201\, HanpUMep: to be, to go, to see, to fly

I want to go to Paris. They want to see the Eiffel Tower.

3a he, sh , it - go6aB}"1Me 5, HanpuMep: want - wants

He wants to see the Eiffel Tower.

3a ga ka>keM kakBo He uckaMS ga HanpaBuM UI\U HFikoo gPY2 ga He Hanpa6u, 1I3nOl\3BaMe

do/ does + not + wan , HanpUMep: do not want, does not want

V1I\U kpamkume CPOPMU : don't want, doesn't want

I don't want to eat a pizza. ~

Yes, you do. I No, you don't. Yes, I do. I Do you want to go? No, I don't. Does he want to go? Yes, he does. I No, he doesn't. Does she want to go? Yes, she does. I No, she doesn't. Does it want to go? Yes, it does. I No, it doesn't. Do we want to go? Yes, you do. I No, you don't. Yes, we do. I Do you want to go? No, we don't. Do they want to go? Yes, they do. I No, they don't. Do I want to go?

want to go You do not (don't) want to go He does not (doesn't) want to go She does not (doesn't) want to go It does not (doesn't) want to go We do not (don't) want to go You do not (don't) want to go They do not (don't) want to go

He doesn't want to fly the-plane.

3a ga nonumaMe kakBo uckaM8 ga Hanpa6uM UAU HFikoo gPY2 9a HanpaBu, 3anoy6aM8

6onpoca c do/ does, HanpUMep:

Do you want to fly the plane? Does he want to see the Eiffel Tower?

Kpamkume om2oBopu ca : Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

1. Write.


w.q nJ .. .~.. $.~~ ..............


I ...


He .......... .... .... ...... .......... .. ... .


You ................ .. ............... ... ..

....\. ...

n..... :0.'..........~Q ..$.~.~.

D') . . I.... ....w........................................................... nt t ~ .




study We .. ......... .. ....... ... .... .. ...... .. .

drink They .............................. .... .

2. Write.


.sh~.. WO.fl.t.S....O... ..\.0......... D ... .. ..........................................

th.~.. pjO.D.O......... .... .. ........... .... ........... ................................

3. Write.


She / be a singer ~ He / go to school



They / visit Sofia ~


It / eat grass


..s.b.~ . W.qD.t~ ... Q.. '... ~ ....... j... a.:-: ...... .


Wiz / fly the plane ?

m Wanda and Wiz / visit London?


You / be a famous football player? ........................................................

I"lI L


4. Fill in.

Iwant I Iwantsl I. don/t want I.

Dear Mitko,

It's Christmas Holidays. I have plans for this week. First, I ................................ to visit

my grandmother and grandfather. My friend Dean ................................ to come with

me. My cousins ................................ to come with us, they ................................ to stay

in London.

What about your plans? What do you ................................ to do?



Prepositions of place Where is... ? Where are.. ? Where is it?

( I_t's near the l !arliament.

Prepositions of place:

Where is Mark? He

I 1,

on, under, near, in front of, b etween( opposite, next tOt behind

Where are the children? They are ...

IS ...

~ Ynompe6RBaMe npegl\03ume ,n, on , und

, ne r, in front of, between, opposite, next to,

behind, 3a ga ka>keM koge ce HaMupa HFlkoo UI\U Hew.o. in - B n ar ­ 61\U30 go in fran of - npeg on - Ha, Bopxy between ­ Me>kgy opposite ­ cpew.y

next to ­ go behind ­ 3ag

~ 3a ga nonumaMe koge ce HaMupa HFlkoo UI\U Hew.o, 3agaBaMe Bonpoca Where is .. .1,


Where is Mark? He is ~in front of the hotel. Where is the hotel? It is opposite the Parliament. ~ 3a ga nonumaMe koge ce HaMupam HRkOl\ko yoBeka UI\U Hew.a,

3agaBaMe Bonpoca Wher are .... , HanpUMep: Where are the children? They are in Sofia.

1. Find and write.


a I'te

Itls under the robot.

Ifs between the snake and the slide.

Ifs next to the jar.

They're under the frogs.

Now write four more sentences.




(between) .. .. .... .... .... ................. ................................. ............ .


(next to)



2. W rite the names of the children.


Michaela is next to Ben.

Andrew is next to Wendy.

Andrew is between Lucy and Wendy. Kate is in front of Lucy.

Wendy is behind Ben. Lucy is next to Andrew.

There is, there are

This is a post card of Sofia.

Look, there is a hotel.

There are two banks.

Are there any ~hops ?

Yes, there's a clothes shop next to the bank.


+ There is (There's) There are

There is not (There isn't) There are not (There aren't)

~ K02amo ka36aMe, Lie HRkoge UMa egHo Hewo, U3nOA36aMe here

a k02amo ka36aMe, Lie UMa HFlkOl\ko Hew.a, U3nOA36aMe

There is a restaurant next to the hotel. ~

Kpamkama cpopMa Ha





Is there? Are there? ,

rp, HanpUMep:

There are two banks.

ere's There are HFlMa kpamka cpopMa .

~ OmpULJ,amel\Hama cpopMa 06pa3y6aMe, kamo go6a6uM

Kpamkume CPOPMU ca h i , 1 There isn't a cinema in the picture.


cl\eg here I UAU there are HanpUMep:

There aren't any cars in the street.

~ 3a ga 3agageM 6onpoc, nocma6FlMe 2Aa20l\a (IS,

I there a cinema in the picture?

a ) npeg e e Ar there any cars in the street?

~ Kpamkume om206opu ca: Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.

Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. ~ C Hew.ama, koumo M02am ga ce npe6poRm, 6UH82U ynompe6FlBaMe here ar eo, HanpUMep:

there are apples, there are crayons ~ C Hew.ama, koumo He M02am ga ce npe6pOFlm, 6UHa2U ynompe6Fl6a Me

there is water, there is milk

ere is, HanpUMep:


1. Complete. i there is

D ....................................

II there are II is there II are there II there aren't I

a restaurant next to the hotel. '

fJ ................................... . a cinema?

lEI .................................... many cars .

B .................................... a shop near the bank.

13 ....................................

many cars?

.................................... any trees?

ID ................................. ... a Cathedral?

II ... .................................



two banks.

2. Look and say. What's in the picture? Is there a ball? ............~~~ ... b.':"":r.~ . L~


Are there three dogs? .................................................... ..


How many mice are there? .............................. .............. ..

Now write 4 more questions.

II ......... .................................................................................

D .... .... ... .......... .....................................................................



3. Look around and answer the questions.

How many posters are there on the wall?


How many pencils are there in your pencil case?


What is there on your desk?


What is there next to your desk?

What is there in your school bag?

Present simple and present continuous


:9, He's getting up now.

Wiz gets up at 6.30 every day.

Pres nt sim Ie He gets up at 6:30 every day They play in the park every afternoon

Present continuous He's getting up now.

They're playing in the park today

Present simple

Present continuous


Ce2aWH O npocmo 8peMe U3nOA38aMe : - 3a ga onuweM geocm8ue, koemo ce cAyy8a yecmo UAU o6ukHo8eHO

He gets up at 6:30 every day. - 3a ga onuweM nocmORHHO CbcmORHue

They live in London.

- 3a 06WOU38ecmHU ucmUHU U npupogHU


Pilots fly planes.

Elephants eat leaves and grass.



Ce2awHo npogOJ\>kumeAHo 8peMe u3noA38aMe: - 3a ga onu weM geocm8ue, koemo ce cAyy8a ce2a, 8 MOMeHma Ha 208opeHemo

He's getting up now . ~ lI13noA38aMe c 8peMe8u U3pa3U kamo:

now, todaYI at the mom ent

He's going to school now.

He's having breakfast at the moment.

lI13noA38aMe c 8peMe8u U3pa3U kamo:

every day, every week, every month

on Sundays, on Mondays

in t he morning, in the afternoon,

in the evening always, usually, often, sometimes, never

Present simple and present continuous ~ K02a mo 206opUM 8 ce2aWHO 8peMe, mpFl68a ga pewuM gaAu onuc8aMe Hewo, koemo o6ukHo8eHo

ce cAyy8a (present simple) UAU Hew,o, koemo ce cAyy8a 8 MOMeHma (present cont inuous).

Bu>k npUMepume u omkpuo pa3Aukama:

He usually does his homework in the afternoon, but today he's playing in the pa rk.

Every day he goes to school at 8 o'clock but now he's sleeping. It's Su nday.

f B II


1. Complete. every day

II now I

... ...... ....... she has breakfast at 7 o'clock.


I'm sitting in front of the Library ............... ..

Mum is cleaning the house .. ........ .. .. ....... .


We go to the park and ride a bike ............ .

Carol goes to bed at 9:30 .. .. ................. .. Dad is washing the car ................ .......... ..


Mark's having a birthday party ................. .


2. Circle the correct answer.

Usually I / I'm wear jeans.


We're watching TV ............. ......... ..... ......... ..


He / He's learning a new song.

Dad washes / is washing the car on Sunday. Today she's play / playing the piano.



She's play / playing with a ball.


Usually he / he's wears comfortable shoes.

3. Ask and answer.

you / live / near your school ....I;-...... , ........ ........... ~ ....-....... ~r. .?~h.9.9.1.:


..y~.$.I.. L .~9 ...................... he / play computer game / now .. .? .D.f ...~ J.~ ... JD...........~ .. .J .. ~.l .. ~r . g9..T.I.~ . D.QW.?.. y.~~ ..h~.. i. ~ ~

you / like / English .... ................................................................................................................... .

D she /

do her homework / at the moment .......................................... .. ..... .......... .... ........ ........ .... ..

pandas / eat fish ............. .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ... .. ... ..... .............................................................. .... .

• your teacher / speak / now ..... ..... ......................................... ...................................................... .

Mike / want / a bike .. ................................................ ... ..... ... ... .. .... .... .. ....... .... .... ......................... .

Mark / often / visit his grandparents .......................................................................................... .

· it / ra in / now ......... .. ................ ....... ............................................................................................. .



4. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

Dear Carol,

Here I .......... (be) at the seaside. The weather .............. (be) fantastic.

We .................. (have) a wonderful time. At the moment I .................................. (lie)

at the swimming pool with mlJ friends. I .................................... (drink) lemonade.

'" We ..................... (SWim) every day and at night we ........................ (eat) in a restaurant and ......................... (Walk) by the beach. Hugs and kisses, Vera

Can for ability, can for permission

But I can. With your plane.

Can for ability

Birds can fly but they can't swim.

I can speak Bulgarian but I can't speak English.

Con for permission

- Can I come in? - Yes, you can.


- Can I have some chocolate, please? - No, you can 't.

- Can I have a burger, please?

- Here you are.

HaO-yecmo ynompe6R8aMe or , 3a 9a ka>keM kak80 HRkoo Mo>ke U/\U He Mo>ke 9a Hanpa8u. HanpUMep:

I can speak English. He can play tennis.

Can you speak English? Can he play tennis?

I can't speak English. He can't play tennis.

~ Vnompe6R8a ce cow,o, 3a 9a ka>keM ga/\u HRkoo Mo>ke ga 8ugu (see), yye (hear),

nOMupuwe (smell) Hew,o, HanpUMep:

Can you see the girl? ~

Can you hear the music?

Can you smell my perfume?

V13no/\38aMe can, 3a ga nouckaMe u/\u gageM pa3peweHue, HanpUMep: Can I come in? Yes, you can. Can I sit down? No, you can't.

~ V1/\u ga cu nouckaMe u/\u nOpoyaMe Hew,o, HanpUMep:

Can I have a drink, please? Can I have a burger, please?

1. Ask and answer. bears / fly .. ......... ....... ~q.~ .


.l? .........f.I.,.7................................. ... 9~ ... ~ .~. .. ~9.!!... ..... ..

fI lEI

dogs / sing .................. ......... ............ ......... .... ........................ .


horses / talk ..... ................................ ............................... .... .. .

babies / write ..... .... .... .... ... .. ... .............................. .. .............. .

tigers / run ................... ......... .... .... ... ..................................... .


monkeys / climb trees ...................................................... ... ..

2. Match, then write the question.

Can you stand on your head?

Can you stand

Wiz swim

Can he ride

can you Jump


on your head

Can you swim

a bike

How far

like a fish



3. Ask and answer. 1/ go to Dean's house

I - 0 r D . . o...

r •










.. . . . .

It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LI ..........



.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..



.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..


. . . . . . ..



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ............ ..

can .

~ 10.. ........ .... . ... . . ...........

We / listen to music in my room

N I / bring friends to the house .


I / play in the park 1/ have a party I / come with you 1/ watch TV in the evening

1. Fin in, then ask and answer. see the Eiffel tower

be a famous football player




./ ./





Dean Mark and Amy Caml

buy a new comf2uter game

-~~ r ~~




Does Dean w t t r e ~ .e T'Jvver" ...................................................... ....... , ..t"pl ",."., ...................... .

Mark and Amy




2. Write. opposite

II between II next to II in front of I

Where is it?

D The

restaurant is ....... .. .......... .. ... ..... . to the post office.

f) The bank is ............................. . the toy shop and the supermarket. The bank is ............................ ..

th e post offi ce.

D Amy

is ............................ .. the book shop.

No he doesr't.

.••••• J•••• ••••• •. • • •• •• • • • • •••••• • ••• ••

,.... 3. Read and draw.

Hi, I'm Betty. This is our house. There's a tree in front of it. Dad's car is under the tree. Look, my cat is on the tree. There is a supermarket next to our house. There is a hotel opposite the supermarket. There's a big park next to the hotel. We often play there. Our school is near our house. It's between the park and a bank. Now write about your house. Tell your partner and ask him to draw a picture. Then check if it is correct.

Hj ..!~ .m .............................................................................................................................................

4. Match, then write the questions. . Have you


Whafs your Would you like

some apple juice? go home?

Have you got a cO!!JE=u=~ te r?===~==--=i

got a computer?

favourite animal?

Dean got a bike?


g D fJ

5 Circle the correct answer.

Look at him! He ... in the sea.



B swimming

. C



. . sWimming

He usually ... football in the afternoon. A plays

B play


is playing

What ... in your room, Mark?


you do




do you

B are you doing

... dinner now.


are having


Be quiet! The teacher ....



B speaks

c is speaking

I ... a letter now.



B am writing


D They



Prepositions of time, adverbs of frequency Time markers Hovv often... ? Prepositions of time in in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in November (months)

in summer (seasons)

on on Monday (days) on Tuesday on October 4th (dates)

at at 7 o'clock

at 8 o/c1ock

~ Ynompe6RBaMe

in, k02amo 2oBopUM 3a:

- Lfacmume om geHR : In the morning , in the afternoon , in the evening

- Meceuume: in June, in April , ...

- ce30Hume: in spnng / in summer, In autumn , in winter

We watch TV in the evening. We go to the seaside in summer.

My birthday is in June.

~ Ynompe6RBaMe on , k02amo 2oBopUM 3a:

- gHume om cegMuuama : My birthday is on Sunday.

- gamu : My birthday is on June 15th .

~ Vnompe6RBaMe at, k02amo 2oBopUM 3a LfacoBeme no LfacoBHuka, HanpUMep:

He goes to school at 8 o'clock.

~ 3a ga nonumaMe k02a HRkoo npaBu Hew.o, 3anOLfBaMe Bonpoca c When , HanpUMep:

When do you watch TV? In the evening.

~ 3a ga nonumaMe B kOAko Lfaca HRkoo npaBu Hew.o,

3anoyBaMe Bonpoca c When UAU c Wha

When do you get up? At 7 o'clock.

Ime, HanpUMep:

What time do you get up? At 7 o'clock.

Adverbs of frequency


always ././././ sometimes ./ often ././ usually ./././ ~ Vnompe6RBaMe never, sometimes , often , usually, always , 3a ga onuweM kOAko yecmo never

Hew.o ce cAyyBa. V13noA3BaMe 2U CoC ce2aWHO npocmo BpeMe U 2U nocmaBRMe npeg 2Aa20Aa .

I always sleep 8 hours a day. We often play in the park.

I usually play sports in the afternoon. I never drink coffee.

Time markers ~

li1Ma U gpY2U ¢pa3u 3a BpeMe (c noBeye om 1 gYMa), koumo u3noA3BaMe CoC ce2aWHO npocmo BpeMe, 3a ga ka*eM kOAko yecmo ce cAyyBa Hew.o. Te BUHa2u ce nocmaBRm B HaLfaAomo UAU kpaR Ha U3peLJeHUemo: - k02amo Hew.o ce cAyyBa Bceku geH, BCRka cegMuua u m.H., u3noA3BaMe every, HanpuMep:

every week, every unday, every morning , every day, every month I visit my grandparents every week . k02amo Hew.o ce cAyyBa BegKb>k Ha geH, Ha cegMuua U m.H., U3nOA3BaMe once, HanpUMSp: once a day, once a week k02amo ce cAyyBa gBa nomu Ha geH, Ha cegMuua U m.H, U3nOA3BaMe twice, HanpUMep: tWice a day, twice a weev k02amo ce cAyyBa noBeye om 2 nomu, ka3BaMe kOAko nomu ce cAyyBa, HanpUMep:

three times

day, our ti



~ 3a ga nOnUmaM8 ko/\ko Y8CmO ce c/\yy6a Hew.O~ 3aga6aMe 6onpoca c How ofte



How often does Vera play tennis? She often plays tennis.

She plays tennis every week.

1. Fill in.

0 B 0

....~0..... Saturday fJ .. ........... July .... .. ... ... . the morning

. .. ........ 9 o'clock

1m .......... 7.30 am

........ autumn

g .......... September 15th

........ the evening

B ... .. ... Monday

g .......... summer

m.......... June 15th

1m ..........


2. Answer the questions.

.....Qr!.. ~.~P.. ~.~ .9.~F ..1 .?~~ .................

When does the school start?


When is your birthday?


What time do you go to bed?


g D

When do you watch TV?

When is your school closed?













.. ..


• • • II


• • • • II • • • • •



When do you do your homework?

3. Match the adverbs with the time expressions.

I every morn Ing

always .I






every day not at all every month every Sunday

4. Answer the questions.


How often does Mitko play football? (often)

H.~ ..Qft~.Il ... 10. .~ .f.~~.tQ~ .I.I................................................................ ........................................

How often does Mitko play tennis? (sometimes) How often does Vera play football? (never)


How often does Wanda mend her prane? (once a month)


How often does Wanda fly her paine? (every day)

Some, any, someo e, anyone Countable and uncountable nouns Wanda, listen! There's somebody in the kitchen.

Countable and uncountable nouns ~ 5POUMU cow.ecmBumeAHU ca me3U, koumo Mo>keM ga npe6poUM (one pencil, two pencils)

pencil - pencils

glass - glasses

child - children

~ He6pouMu cow,ecm8umeAHu ca me3U, koumo He Mo>keM ga npe6pouM (milk, t 路,UO mi lks )

Some, any


+ countable uncountable ~

There are some books. There is some water.

There aren't any books. There isn't any water.

Are there any books? Is there any water?

8 nOAo>kumeAHume U3peyeHUR ynompe6R8aMe orne, kakmo 3a 6pOUMU, maka U 3a He6pouM u cow.ecmBumeAHu, HanpUMep:

There are orne apples in the basket. ~ ~

There is some water in the cup. B ompuuameAHume U3peyeHUR ynompe6R8aMe any, HanpUMep: There aren't any apples in the basket. There isn't any water in the cup. B08 BonpocumeAHume U3peyeHUR COW,O ynompe6RBaMe any, HanpUMep: Are there any apples in the basket? Is there any water in the cup?

~ some

+ one/thing = someone / something any + one/thing = anyone / anything no + one/thing = no one / no!hing ~ 8 nOAo>!<umeAHume U3peyeHUR ynompe6R8aMe someone u something, HanpUMep: There's someone in the kitchen. There's something on your head. ~ 8 nOAo>kumeAHume U3peyeHUR ynompe6R8aMe cowo no one U nothing, HanpUMep: There's no one on Mars. . There's nothing in the fridge . ~ 8 ompuuameAHume U3peyeHUR ynompe6RBaMe anyone U anything, HanpUMep: There isn't anyone in the kitchen. There isn't anything in the fridge. ~ 808 8onpocumeAHume U3peyeHUR Cow,o ynompe6R8aMe a yone U anything, HanpUMep: Is there anyone in the kitchen? Is there anything in the fridge?

1. Choose and write.






...............~h.i.l. q ...................


2 . Compe I t e. some

o D








... ..............milk .... .. .......... .. ... .........

I~ ~

There is ... .... .... .. bread on the table.

!I B

Have you got ............. brothers or sisters?


There are ....... ... ... flowers in the vase .

There aren't ............ . bananas in the basket.

We haven't got ............. milk.

Is there ............. ice cream in the fridge?

3. Write.

D Is there

....Qn.... milk in the fridge? (tea)

There isn't an nlilk but Lne e


sorne tea.


Are there ............. books on the desk? (pens)


Is there ............. bread, Mum? (chips)


Have we got ......... .. .. apples? (bananas)


4. Write.



I'm hungry. Let's cook ..... . ........... ! (something / anything)

Has .................. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...... in your class got a pet? (someone / anyone)

Have we got .......................... .... ..... for homework? (somethi'ng / anything)

B No, we haven't got ........................... for homework. (something / anything)

Has ... ..... ... .......................... got a skateboard? (someone / anyone)

. Does .......... ....... ... .. ... ..... ....... come to school by bus? (someone / anyone)

D No, ................................. .. .. comes to school by bus. (som eone / no one)

IJ There's ..................................... on the table ( anything / nothing)

Adverbs of manner How well ... ? Hurry up, Wiz. You're walking very slowly.

bad - badly quick - quickly good - well slow - slowly ~

HapeYURma 38 HaYUH ca gYMU, koumo onuc8am HaYUHa, no koomo ce npa8u He~o. Te ce o6pa3y8am kamo koM npuAa2ameAHomo ce npu6a8u OkOHyaHUemO - Iy

bad - bad ly quick - quickly slow - slowly Cocks fly baply.

Horses run quickly. Cows run slowly.

(u3kA!oyeHUe good - well)

Birds fly well.

~ 3a ga nonumaM8 kOAko go6pe HRkoo npa8u He~o, 3aga8aMe 8onpoca

How well ... ?

How well does she play tennis? She plays tennis very well. How well does he play football? He plays football badly.

1. Choose and answer the questions.! very well!! badly !!quickly!! slowly! How well can you speak English?

fJ How well

can you run?

D How well can your Dad drive? D How well can penguins fly? How well can monkeys climb?

.J.. ~-Q..! ..?P~.g.~.. ~n .1.i.?h..y~ry .w~.l.L ...................

Object pronouns

Personal pronouns

Object pronouns

Where are you, Wiz? I can't see you .


















I pronoun U3nOA3BaMe, 3a ga 3aMecmUM c mFix nogAo2a (u3Bopwumet\F1 Ha

geocmBuemo), koomo BeLie e 6UA cnOMeHam. ~ Object pronouns u3noA3BaMe, 3a ga 3aMecmUM gonoAHeHuemo (o6ekma Ha geocmBuemo),

koomo BeLie e 6UA cnOMeHam, HanpUMep:

Roger is behind Professor Potter . Amy is in front of Mark and Dean . can't see Carol.

He is behind him . She is in front of hem . I can't see her .

m..,............ ?

I can't carry this bag. Can you help .... .....

o The ball is between you and me. It's between .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .

Open the box! Open .......................... !

D 13

Can you see the birds? Can you see ......... .. ... ............ ?


Listen to Miss Cook! Listen to ..................... .. ... !

Drink your milk! Drink ......... .. .. ... .. .... .. .. !

Amy is pretty. I like .......................... .


We are going to the park. Come with .. ............. ........... !

• He is so funny. Look at ..... ..... ... .. ...... .. ... !

• Open your books! Open .......................... !

Where are you? I can 't see .......................... .

1. Answer the questions.


How often does he eat pizza? (never)

H.~. Xl e.v.~ r. .~.ot.$... .I.Z.Z... :...................................................................................................... ..... .

How often do you eat pizza?


How often does Mark's Mum cook spaghetti? (every week)


How often does your Mum cook spaghetti? How often does Dean wear a hat? (always)


How often do you wear a hat?

2. Choose the correct answer. My lesson starts on / at five o'clock.


My Dad usually reads his newspaper in / on the evening. We wear warm clothes on / in winter. I usually visit my grandparents on / in Sunday. Mark's birthday is on / at August 16th .

mThe TV program starts in / at 8:30. B II ·


The school is closed on / in summer. School starts in / on September 15 th . It's wet in / at autumn. The Christmas party is on / in December 24th.

,..... 3. Look at the picture. Ask and answer.

D D II ·


.~. ~~....~~.(~. S~.r}. y .... q. I. I. ::, .qr.'.~.? y.~.~.'..~.~~.~~.... r~..~.g!'n~.. qS~~J.C?q.r:1? : ...... ....


............................ .... .... .... ..... ....

a birthday cake ...... ..... ..... ..... .. . ... ... .. .. ..... .... ..... sandwiches candles

• Cola



..... .... .. .. .. ... ........ ................... ... .................... . ..... ... .............. ................... .......................... .

4. Circle the correct answer.


There's anyone / no one on Mars.


Is there someone / anyone at the door?

I've got something / anything for you.

I can't see . There's something / anything in my eye.


There's no one / anyone on Mars.


She's got something / anything in her hand.

o There's nothing / anything interesting on TV this evening. 5. Writ e.

How well can you ... ?


speak English




very well


'.. ~9.!! .. ?P. .~. q.~..~.~ 9.1.~ ~ h..Y'!. ~ .1.1 :................... ... ........... .... .

ride a bike

play basketball

do sums


How well can ... ? . birds / fly



~.i. ~9.? ~9.!! ..f!y...q.y. i. ~k~y.: ............................................

cocks / fly

cows / run

6. W rite.


tigers / run


Listen to your Dad. Professor Potter is behind Roger . The ball is under the bed.

. I visit my grandparents.

Please, help your Mum.


I don't like vegetables. Can you drive this car? Come with me and my friend.



Call Dean!

Look at this monkey!

m I live near Carol.

Listpn to him.

Was, were

Where's my ball, Wanda? It was on the shelf yesterday.

Now it's under your bed.

+ I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were

? I was not (wasn't) you were not (weren't) he was not (wasn't) she was not (wasn't) it was not (wasn't) we were not (weren't) you were not (weren't) they were not (weren't)

~. MUHaJ\o npocmo 8peMe Ha 2J\a20J\a to b

WE're 3a you, we, they. It was on the shelf yesterday.

Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

you were. / No, you weren't.

I was. / No, I wasn't.

he was. / No, he wasn't.

she was. / No, she wasn't.

it was. / No, it wasn't.

you were . / No, you weren't.

we were. / No, we weren't.

they were. / No, they weren't.

e wa 3a I, he, she, it


We were at home last night.

~ OmpUu.ameJ\Hama ¢opMa o6pa3yBaMe, kamo go6aBuM CPOPMU ca wasn U we ~ l'

It wasn't on the shelf yesterday. ~

3a ga 3agageM Bonpoc, nocmaBFlM8

Was it on the shelf yes erda / ?

not cJ\eg wa~/were . Kpamkume

We weren't at home last night. / were 6 HaLfaJ\omo Ha u3peLf8Huemo: We"e we at home last night ?

~ C MUHaJ\O npocmo BpaMe U3nOJ\3BaM8 ¢pa3u kamo yesterday, yesterday morning, last

year, last Monday.

1. Write.

o I. !~ Q

. ......$.:...... ........ balls.


~ I fl owers .

.. ..............-: ...............

............. ................. .. a letter.

.................. .... .... ..... . a kite .

.... .. ............ ............ .. a balloon .

.......... ...................... a cat.

2. Write.


D ................................

pencils .

........... .... .... , .. .......... rockets.


+ I was pretty.

.. ... .... . ,. ............................... .

........ WS~ .. ..I.. p r~.t ..? ........

You were hungry.


He was my friend. She was happy. It was tasty.

• We were at home. You were in London.


They were at the seaside... .......... .... .... ,....................... .

3. Write was or were.

I yesterday I Where ......... ~ .. the cats yesterday?

. They ....... ...... under the table.

There ............ . a clock on the table. Where .. ....... .... the boy?

There .. ... .. .. .. .. flowers in the vase.


He ....... ...... behind the armchair.

Past s·mple - regu ar verbs

at did you do last night?

Did you play a game, too?

I was on the Internet. I played a game.

No, I didn't. I watched an interesting film.

+ I played you played he played she played it played we played you played they played

I did not (didn't) play you did not (didn't) play he did not (didn't) play she did not (didn't) play it did not (didn't) play we did not (didn't) play you did not (didn't) play they did not (didn't) play

Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did

? I play? you play? he play? she play? it play? we play? you play? they play?

Yes, you did. / No, you didn't. Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. Yes, he did. / No, he didn't. Yes, she did. / No, she didn't. Yes, it did. / No, it didn't. Yes, you did. / No, you didn't. Yes, we did. / No, we didn't. Yes they did. / No, th ey didn't. t

~ 3a ga onuw eM kak60 ce e cl\yYUI\O B MU Hal\ MOMeHm, U3nOA36aMe MUHal\O npocmo 6p8Me.

~ 3a ga 06pa3y6aM8 MUHal\O npocmo 8peM8 Ha npa6UI\HU me 2Aa20l\U, nocma8T1M8 OkOHyaHU8mO

play - played watch - watch ed I played a computer game last night.




I watched an interesting film last night . OmpUu.amel\Hama ¢opMa 06pa3y8aM8, kamo npu6a6uM did + not npeg 21\a20l\a , a Ha 21\a 20l\a H8 nocma6T1Me OkOHyaHU8. Kpamkama ¢opMa e didn't did not play didn't play f did not playa computer game last night. I didn't playa computer game last night. 3a ga 3agageM 6onpoc, nOCmaBrlM8 did 6 Ha yal\Omo Ha U3p8Y8HU8mO, a Ha 21\a20l\a omHo60 He nocma8RMe OkOHyaHUemo.

Did you playa computer game? Kpamkume om206opu ca : Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.


-ed play - played visit - visited

-d live - lived close - closed

-ied study - studied carry - earned

1. W rit e.

D walk

o open

fJ lift ..... .... ........... ....


D study

B wash B brush

..... .... .... ... ...

. enter


close .................. .................. ........... ... .. .


carry .. ............... ..

mplay .................. .. clean ................ ..


............... ..

IE reach

... ..... .. .. .. ...... .

1m sca re .. .. .. ..... ... ....... . IE marry .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .

mcontin ue

.. ..... ........ .

2. Now put the verbs in t he right column.





3. W rit e.

We danced at the party............. ........ ............. .... ... .. ........ ..

Ca'rol cleaned her room .................................................... .


Mark washed his Dad's car ......................................... ..... .

They walked to school. ..................................................... ..

路 They entered the pyramid .................................................

f fJ

4. Answer t he questions.

The Pyramid of Doom

Did Professor Potter and Roger find a Mayan pyramid? ......y~.~,1.. t.D.~

... 9.i.9:........................

Did they enter it? ............................................................................................ ..... .. ... ... ....... ... ..

Did they find a mummy in it? ...................................................... ............. .. ... .... .... .................. .


Did the door close? ................................................................................... ........ ..... ... ........ .... .. . Did an old man help them? ................................................................. ... ... ....... .................... .. .

路 Did the old man go with them? ............................................................................................. ..

Past simple - irregular verbs

What did you do ~~ last night?

+ I went you went he went she went it went we went you went they went

? I did not (didn/t) go you did not (didn/t) go he did not (didn't) go she did not (didn't) go it did not (didn't) go we did not (didn't) go you did not (didn't) go they did not (didn't) go

Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did

I go? you go? he go? she go? it go? we go? you go? they go?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

you did. / No, you didn't. I did. / No, I didn/t. he did. / No, he didn't. she did. / No, she didn 't. it did. / No, it didn 't. you did. / N0 you did n't. we did. / No, we didn't. they did . / No, they didn't. 1

~ 3a ga 06pa3y6aMe MUHaAO npocmo 6peMe Ha HFikou 2Aa20AU, He nOCma6F1 Me okoHyaH uemo

a 2U npOMeHFlMe, HanpUMep: go cmaBa went have cmaBa had

I went to my grandparents' house last night. ~ OmpUuamel\Hama cpopMa 06pa3yBaM e, kamo npu6aBuM

They had a party. did + not npeg 21\a201\a,

a 21\a20Aa He npOMeHFlM e. Kpamkama cpopMa e didn't

did not go didn't go I did not go to my grandparents' house last night. I didn't go to my grandparents' house last night. They did not have a party. They didn't have a party. ~ 3a ga 3agageM 6onpoc, nOCma6F1Me

did 6 HayaAOmO Ha U3peyeHU emO,

a 2Aa20l\a omH060 He npoM eHRMe.

Did you go to your grandparents' house last night? Kpa mku me om2060pu ca : Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

- ed,


1. Write. PAST TENSE










met put



bite built

rode ran

fly gIve went

buy can

say see

grew caught


swam take










2. Write the negative and question.


We went to the cinema .


Mark rode his bike yesterday.

......w.~..~f.q D.I.t. . 9. .t9..tD.~ ..~.i.C1 ~rn::. ; .... . ......P~~.. '!'!.~.. 9.S? .~9....'.. ~.. ~! ~.~ ..0.~. : ....... .


He caught a fish.


Roger had a fever.


Roger told me a story.


The Dales bought a new flat.

A mango fell from the tree.

m They saw dolphins in the sea.


1. W rite th . sentences. Use was or were.


D ,

m g


my father / at work / yesterday t/ it / very interesting story t/

~.. Y.! .. ~~.~~..~~.~..~~ . ~.~~~ . Y~.~.~~.~~.<?Y: ........................... ..... .... ..... ...... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..

you / at home / last night ? ........................................ .. ... ... .. .. .. .......... ..

Carol/at school/yesterday ~ ........ ..................... .. .. ..... .. ......................... .

Mark and Dean / at the Zoo last Sunday? ... ....... .. .. .. ............... .. ...... .......... ......... .. ... ..

I / very hungry X .......................... .. .... .................... ..............

2. Writ e .

Iwasl Iwere I


Dear friend,

, .................. in Mexico last 'lear with Professor Potter. We

.................. in the jungle. There .................. a hill. It ..................

a Mayan pyramid. There .................. a big stone inside.

There .................. some pots on the stone. These ..................

Mayan pots. Professor Potter .................. very happy.

Do you want to know what happened?

Where .................. you last year?



3. M atch the a nswers to the questions.


D .

What did Carol do yesterday?


Did Vera play tennis? Did you play tennis yesterday? What did Mark do yesterday?


Did Mark and Dean play football? • What did you do on Sunday?


No, they did n't. I went to th e cinema. He went to the Zoo .

o She visited her grand mother. E No, she didn 't . F Yes, I did.

4. Write.

Yesterday Carol had a busy day.

She .. ,..'.":'.1.'") ,',.,.. (go) to school.

She ................. (study) her lessons.

She ................. (clean) the house.


路 She ........ .. ....... (go) to the supermarket.

She ... .. ....... ..... (play) tennis.

She ................. (watch)


Yesterday Mark and Amy had a busy day, too.

They ...... ........... (go) to school.

They ................. (have) lunch.


They ................. (finish) their homework.

~~., I

He ............... .. (clean) his bike.

He ................. (play) football.

What did you do yesterday?


They .. .............. . (watch)


5. Circle the correct answer. Mrs Martin didn't went / went to the post office.


Did they buy / bought books? The Dales didn't buy / bought a new house. The family meet / met at a restaurant.


They eat / ate lunch. ·

Did Wanda see / saw any seashells in the sea?

Where did Wanda and Wiz go / went?

6 . Put th ever b· · Ie or post sImp · Ie an d fell· s Into pres en tsImp I In. I finish

Usually Mr Foster usually .. .. ....... .. . work at 5 p.m . He usually .. ............ home by car. H He usually ............. . dinner at home. He usually .............. to bed early.


Yesterday Yesterday he Yesterday he Yesterday he Yesterday he

... ........ ... .......... .. .. .............. ..............

I Igo II have I

work at 5:30 p .m.

home by bus.

dinner in a restaurant.

to bed late.



7. Ask and answer. go for a walk have a party watch TV

./ ./

Dean Mark and Amy Your friend 1 Your friend 2

play tennis

... ....... .. ... .. .


What did they do last Sunday? Dean./ go for a walk ~'............. ~ . ~ .. .... ....(... .".... J.I.. .' .0. ~ ... ~~ ..}. ~.q ..? ........................................... .

I. ~... ~. ! ..": ..... :.'n.. .'.. ~ ........... .c;..).~ .;... ... ~ ..~ .! ... J J~ y...q ..t.~.r:1r1 i?·.........................

Mark and Amy / play tennis .............. .... ,..................................... .... ............................ .. .. ...... .

Now ask your friends and fill in the table. you / go for a walk? .. P.i.q......... .J~........Q. .w. ...... k......~.L ... ;.Y . J................................................ .

you / have a party? ..... .... ...................... ....... .... ,..................................... .... .................. .......... . .

you /watch TV? ... ..................... .... .... .... ... ............................. ... ... ............................... .... ......... .

you / play tennis? ............. .... .. .................................. ... .. ............................ .. ... ... ..................... ..

you / ......... ...... .... ... ..................................... .............................. ... .... ... .................................. ...

What did your friend do last Sunday? Friend 1: Friend 2:


'. ".

8. Read and put the verbs in brackets into present simple. My grandpa ........... (be) a farmer. He ................. (get up) at 5 o 'clock in the

morning. He ................. (wash) and ................. (dress). Then he ................. (make)

breakfast and ............. (eat) it. He ................. (put on) his coat and ................. (go)


My grandma ..... .......... .. (be) a vet. She ................. (not get up) early. She

............ ..... (get up) at 7 o'clock. She .... ... .... .. .. .. (make) some tea and ............. ... .

(go) to work. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon she ............. .. .. (come) home from work.

She ....... .......... (make) the dinner and then she and grandpa ... .. .. .. ........ (watch)

TV. They ................. (go) to bed at 10 o'clock. They ................. (be) very tired .

9. Now write what did they do yesterday. Yesterday my grandpa .... ~ . ~I.~ .. . (get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning. He

... .... .... .... .. (wash) and .. .. ............. (dress). Then he ............... .. (make) breakfast

and ................. (eat) it. He .............. ... (put on) his coat and ................. (go) out.

My grandma ...... ........... (not get up) early. She ................. (get up) at 7 o'clock.

She ................. (make) some tea and ... ... .... ... .... (go) to work. At 5 o'clock in the

afternoon she ... .. .. .. .. ... ... (come) home from work. She ................. (make) the

dinner and then she and grandpa ................. (watch) TV. They ................. (go)

to bed at 10 o'clock. They ................. (be) very tired.

1 O. Put the verbs in brackets into past simple. Where did they go?

to the mountains

to the sea

to London

Mitko and Vera ................. (have) a great holiday. They ... ............ .. (see) Big

Ben. They ................. (visit) a big museum and ................. (go) to a theatre.

Where did they go?

fJ Carol

............... ..

and Dean ................. (have) a great holiday. They ................. (swim)

and ................. (play) with the sand. It .... ............. (be) sunny and hot.

Where did they go?

................ .

Mark and Amy ... .... .. ........ (go) on holiday. They ................. (climb) trees. They .. .. ...... ....... (pick) flowers. They ... ............ .. (not see) any buildings or cars. Where did they go?

.. ... .. ..... ... ..

Prepositions of movement

We're going on a trip to the seaside.

Stop! We aren't going by plane, e're going by motorbike.




~ Up, down, across, over, under, to noka38am nocokama, 8 kORmo HFlkoo

HanpUMep: up (Ha2ope) down (HagoI\Y) across (npe3) over (Hag) under (nog)

go go go go go

up down across over under

The The The The The

men men men men men



are are are are are

marching marching marching marching marching


H8LUO C8 g6u>ku,

up the hill.

down the hill.

across the fields.

over the bridge.

under the bridge.


on foot = walk

by car

by taxi

by train

by bus

by motorbike

by bike

by plane

1. Read and underline. How do people travel? Today people travel around the world every day. They travel for work and for holidays. When they go abroad, they cannot walk to another country. They cross the sea by. ship or by plane. You can also take your car by train in a tunnel under the sea.

2. Read the poem. Then tick.

On the move On the move

Millions of people Are on the move They're going to work By bike and car They're going to work From near and far They're going abroad By bus and train They're going abroad By boat and plane

A lot of, a few, a little How much? How many? How much milk have we got? We've got a little but it's for you. I'm not hung .


+ countable


lot of I many / a f w He's got a lot of friends. He's got many friends. He's got a few friends.

a 10 0 I much / a Ii


We've got a lot of sugar. We've go~ much sugar. We've got a little sugar. ~

m ny He hasn't got many friends.

h{)w many How many friends has he got?

much We haven't got much sugar.

how muc How much sugar have we got?

a 10 of V13noA36aMe a I )t of, k02amo 206opUM 3a 20AFlM 6poo UAU kOAUyecm60 om Hew,o (6pOUMU U He6pouMu).

He's got a lot of friends. ~


He's got many friends.


c , k02amo 206opUM 3a MaAOk 6poo om Hew,o, HO gocmamOYHO (6pOUMU) He's got a few friends. ~ a Ii Ie

I113noA36aMe little, k02amo 206opUM 3a MaAko kOAUyecmBo om Hew,o, HO gocmamoYHO



We've got a little milk lin the fridge .

~ V13nol\3BaMe '0 of, of , a It I _caMO 6 nOl\o>kumel\HU U3peyeHuFI . B ompuu.amel\HUme U3nOl\36aMe m ny 3a 6POUMU, fT1UC 3a He6pouMu . He hasn't got many friends. We haven't got much sugar. ~

how m ny, how much

V13nol\3BaMe ow manyt 33 ga nonum3Me kOl\ko 6poFl UMa om Hew,o (6pOUMU)

How many pupils are there in your class? Twenty-five.

V13nol\3BaMe ho, ch, 3a ga nonumaMe kakBo kOAUyecmBo UMa om Hew,o (He6pouMu)

How much milk have we got?

~ nOHFlko2a Hew,a, koumo ca He6pouMu ce kOM6uHupam t


cl\egHume cppa3u:

a bo Ie , IeeE:. 0 , n I sot" ,. rl , box of, a kilo of, carton of a bottle of milk, a piece of chocolate, a glass of water, a packet of sugar, a box of sweets, a kilo of oranges, a carton of orange juice

1. Ask.

How much

I I How many I

D ....... ti.9.W. .rD.9............ computer games have you got?

fJ .................................... bread have we got?

D .................................... birds are there in the sky?

. . can you d'fin k?.

.................................... JUice .. ....... ........... ................ burgers can you eat?

D .. ..................................

rooms are there in your house?

2. Circle the correct answer.

o o D D D

I've got a few / a little toys in my room. There's a little

I many orange juice in that glass.

Rabbits eat a lot of We've got a few

I many grass every day.

I a little eggs for the cake .

She hasn't got a few / many friends.

• There are a lot of / much books in the library.

3. Match, then write a shopping list. Make a dialogue. orange juice sugar

milk salt


a a a a

carton of packet of box of kilo of

sweets tomatoes bananas oranges

H9.Y'!. ..II! ~.\J ~ ......i.J...1.).. . /':7...~ ..-:.. .. :..... .. ..... ......... .. ... .

Amy: ..... W.~..h.9. . :~.r:...~ . ~... !... ~ .... l :..................................... .


Mother: ... .I.~

..... ~.. m.~ ..... b.~\ ...~...t~,:.I\ .~ .....~~ . n . I.~~k: ..............

fI ................................................................................................

Shopping list



Will future Wil for requests Tomorrow is



+ I will (I'll) go you will (you'll) go he will (he'll) go she will (she'll) go it will (it'll) go we will (we'll) go you will (you'll) go they will (they'll) go

I will not (won't) go you will not (won't) go he will not (won't) go she will not (won't) go it will not (won't) go we will not (won't) go you will not (won't) go they will not (won't) go

Willi go? Will you go? Will he go? Will she go? Will it go? Will we go? Will you go? Will they go?

Yes, Yes/ Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

you will. / No, you won/to I will. / No, I won't. he will . / No, he won't. she will. / No, she won't. it will. / No, it won't. you will. / No, you won't. we will. / No, we won't. they will. / No, they won't.

~ Koeamo 206opUM 3a Hew,o, koemo we ce CAYYU B 6ogeW8, U3nOA3BaMe will + 2Aa20A.

Kpamkama cpopMa e


we will go (we'll go) We'll go to the beach tomorrow.

I will visit (I'll) visit

I'll visit my grandparents next week.

~ OmpUu.ameAH ama cpopMa o6pa3yBaMe, ka mo nocmaBuM not Me>kgy


U 2Aa20Aa

(will not go).

Kpa mkama cpopMa Ha will + not e wo 't .

They won't come with us.

We won't go to school tomorrow. It's Sunday.

~ 3a ga 3agageM Bonpoc, nocmaBFlMe will omnpeg, HanpUMep:

Will they come with us?

Will you go to school tomorrow?

Kpamkume om2oBopu ca: Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

~ HaO-yecmo ynompe6F1BaHUme cppa3u c 60gewe BpeMe ca:

tomorrow next w eek, next month, r ex year


Will Mo>keM ga u3noA3BaMe, 3a ga U3pa3UM MOA6a, HanpUMep:

Will you give me the ball, please?

1. Write.



I'll swim in the sea . .. .. .... ........ ............................................. .

I'll help grandpa in the farm .............................................. .

路 They'll paint the garage.................... .. .. ........ .. ... .. .. .. .. ....... .


He'll plant an apple tree . .. .. ................................ .............. ..



2. Answer.

t.b~.Y .'!!.9.0~~~ .......................... ....................

Will Amy and Carol come with us?



Will you take your ball to the beach?

Yes, ... ............................... ...... .......... ..... ... ...... ... . .


Will it be a big tree?

Yes, ............................................ ............. .... ..... ...


Will we eat mangoes from the tree?


Will Mark read a book in the evening?


n Will he watch TV?

Yes, ............ ................................. ...... ..... .......... ...

3. Ask. you / bring something to drink / please?

.W.!!!..Y9.l:l.. p.r.i.~... ?9.~~.. b.i.r:1 .. t.9..qr.i.D~J...... .. .. J. ..s.e7............................................................


you / come with me / please?

you / help me / please?


you / post this letter / please?


Yes! o questions

Do you like English?

Yes/No questions Are you a pupil?

Yes, I am.

Have you got a brother?

No, I haven't.

Is he reading a book?

Yes, he is.

Do they live in London?

Yes, they do.

Does she speak English?

No, she doesn't.

Can you ride a bike?

No, I can't.

Must we go now?

Yes, you must.

Are you watching TV now?

Yes, I am.

Do you want to visit Sofia?

Yes, I do.

Will you go on holiday next summer?

Yes, I will.

Did they find a treasure?

Yes, they did.

Were you at home last night?

No, I wasn't.

1. Ask and answer.


He can play football.


1'm Bulgarian.

Can he

la football?

Yes he can .

I] He's got a sister.


They haven't got a car.

We're not watching TV now.


He's reading a book.


They don't speak English.


She doesn't speak Bulgarian. We must listen to the teacher.

• They were scared.

..................... ............. .. ... ........ .

He worked in a ban k last year. ................. ... ... ....................... .

She saw penguins at the Zoo.

We'll paint the garage.

2. Complete .

.......p.. q.~$.... .. ...

she live in London?

... ...................... he go to bed early last night?

No, he didn't.

..... .................... you hungry?

Yes, I am.

D ......................... they got a .

Yes, she does .


No, they haven 't .

...................... ... she ride a bike?

No, she can't.

.. ....................... he a beautiful baby?

Yes, he was.

......................... I wash my hands?

Yes, you must.

Wh-questions What's your favourite subject?

Wh-questions What's your name? How old are you? How are you? Who's that woman? When's your birthday? Where are you going? Whose car is that?

How much money have you got?

How many toys have you got?

Why do you want to go there?

How well can you play tennis?

How often do you go to the cinema?

What's your favourite subject?

My name is Mark. I'm ten. I'm fine, thank you. She's my teacher. It's in May. I'm going to the Zoo. It's my Dad's car. I've got 1 pound. I've got many toys. Because I want to see the Eiffel Tower.

How do you go to school?

I can play tennis very well. I go to the cinema every Sunday. I go to school by bus.

Where were you yesterday morning?

What did you do last Sunday?

What will you do next Sunday?

I was at school. I visited my grandparents. I' ll make a picnic with my friends .


Wh-questions Te3U Bonpocu BUHa2U 3anoyBam c 8onpocumeAHa gYMa UAU ¢pa3a kam o where, who , who,

ho e, when , haN, how m y, where - koge what - kakBo how - kak how many / how how well - kOAko go6pe

mu h, now uften , who - koo much - kOAko why - 3aLU,O

how well , why whose - yuO when - k02a how often - kOAko yecmo which - kOG, kOrl, koe

What are you doing? How old is your sister?

How many toys have you got? Where are my shoes?

~ BonpocumeAHama gYMa I Ich U3nOA3BaMe, 3a ga ymOYHU M 3a eguH yoBek UAU npegMem om ocmaHaAume 2oBopUM.

Which bike is yours?

1. Match t he answers t o the questions.

fJ II ,


How do you come to school?

a. Badly

How many legs has it got?

b. A lot

Where was it made?

c. In England

How high is the Eiffel tower?

d. By bus

How often does Vera play football?

e. 320 m

mHow much grass do elephants eat?

f. Never


g. Four

How well can Wiz sing?

2. Match, then write the questions. What's


How old Who , Where When

路 What fJ Whose

are you?

What's your name?

is your birthday? your name? is this bike? colour is Carol's hair? is this man? are you going?

3. Write. What / your name? How old / you? Where / you live?


Which / your favourite subject?


When / your birthday?

What / you / do / tomorrow?

.. ~Y.~. ~.~~~. 'y.c?'':-!.~..'! .. .~.~? .................................. .. .. .

(I.:.". ".

1. How do you go to school?

~'.. You Friend Friend Friend


2. Fill in.

Imuch Ilmanylia lot ofl

There are ..... !l.~.... ..... birds in the sky. We haven't got .............................. ............ homework today. Are there .................. ... .. ... .... .. ....... ... apples on the tree? Mitko hasn't got ..................................... .. ... money. There aren/t .. ........................................ cars in the street.

Hurry up! We haven't got .......................................... time.

3. Circle the correct answer. Have you got many / much / a lot of friends? There are much / a little / a lot of people on the beach. Can I have a few / a little / much bread, please? How many / a few / much oranges are there on the table? How many / much / a lot of money have you got? 路

I haven't got many / much / a lot of. There isn't a few / a little / much juice in the carton . There aren't a few / a little / many sausages for dinner.


4. Write. They .......


:i.l.L9.0............... (do) their homework in the afternoon.

I ........ .. .. .. .. ... .. ....... .. .. (not go out). I'm ill.

My friends and I ................................ (make) a picnic on Sunday.

· We ................................ (go) to the river.

mThey .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... (not go) to the park. It's raining.

D ................................ you

................................ (watch) the World Cup on TV?

................................ you ................................ (come) with us to the Zoo?

,..... 5. Read and write.

Dear Mitko,

We have a day off today. My friends and I ...w..U ... Q•• (go)

to the country. We ........................... (make) a picnic by the

river. We ........................... (swim) in the river.

We .......~................... (take) our kites and a ball.

We ........................... (travel) by train. We ...........................

(take) some food. I know we ........................... (have) a good

time. What ............................ you ........................... (do) next

Sunday? love, Mark ,..... 6. Read and write.

Dear Vera,

Tomorrow is 1st of June - the Children's day. There

.w.JJ.L.p..€............ (be) a fancy-dress pONy at school. There

........................... (be) many balloons and flowers. There ........

................... (be) a lot of surprises and presents. We .............

............ (wear) different costumes. I ........................... (dress)

as Cinderella. Do you have fancy-dress pONies? When

........................... it ........................... (be)? How ...........................

you ........................... (dress)?

Love, Amy

• • eVlslon 1. Read and put the verbs into past simple.

The unhappy prince

nce upon a time, there was a prince. He ...... .. ......... (live) ......!:..:L~"""'"-- in a beautiful palace. His father ................. (be) the king. The king .............. (be) very rich and .. ............ (have) a lot of servants. But the prince ........... ..... .. .. .. (be) unhappy. He ........................ (look) at the children playing in the fields outside the palace. He .............. .. ... .. .. . (want) to play with them, but he couldn't because he .. ... ........ ... .. .............. (is) a prince and couldn't leave the palace. The prince ........................ (have) no friends and he ............. .... .... (be) very lonely. The prince's servants .......................... (do) everything for him. They ........................ (brush) his hair, they .......... .............. (dress) him, they ..................... (clean) his shoes, they ......................... (cook) his dinner, they ................ (tidy) his room, they even ................. (read) his books to him. The prince was bored. ..I

2. Read and put the verbs into past simple.

• The ha py prince

One day, there was a terrible earthquake. The palace ................ (fall)

down. The king ............................. (lose) everything.

The king couldn't pay his servants, so they ................................ (go)

to work in other palaces. The king and his family ................ ....... (go)

to live in a forest near a river. They had to build their house with wood from the trees, drink water from the river, eat fruit from the forest and grow vegetables in the fields. They ..... ... .. .. ..... ... ... ... .... .. (don't have) any servants to help

them. The prince .. ......... ................. .. .. (be) poor, but he ........................... (be) ~~,~~ very happy because he could swim in the river, play in the fields and climb trees in the forest.

He .................................. .... (have) a lot of friends in a nearby village.



3. Ask and answer.

The unhappy prince Did the prince live in a house? .................................... .... .... ..

Did he look at the children? .. .. ...... ... ................................. .... ..

Did he play with the children? .............................................. .


Did he stay in the palace? ....... .... ......... ....... .. ................ ..... .. . Did he brush his own hair? .......... ... .. ... ........ .... .... .... ............ ..


Why was the prince unhappy?

.1;: .:.............. ................................................................................... .

Why was he lonely?

' . [] Why was he bored?

The happy prince 路 What four things did the king and his family do in the forest?


What three things did the prince do in the forest?

Why did the prince's life change?

.e. ,-... ,........ ~ .... ,...........,................................................................................,...................................


Are rich people a lways happy?

4. Read and put the verbs into past simple. Idrinkllswimllbuildllhavellclimbllplayllgrowllgolleatl The king and his family .... ............ ........ ... .. . to live in a forest. They

........ .. .. ..... ...... ....... their house with wood from the

trees. They .............................. water from the river.

They ................... .. .. .... ... fruit from the forest,

and ........ .... ..... ......... vegetables in the fields .

Every day, the prince .... .. .. ... .... .............. . in the

river and ... ... .. .. ... .. ............ ... in the fields. He

......... ..................... trees in the forest.

He ..... ......................... a lot of friends.

Pupil's name: ... .... ............................................................................................................. .

School : ..... .... .... .... ... ..... .... ................................................................................................. .

Class: .... ..... ... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ............................................................................ .

Teacher: .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .. ... .... .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... .... ........ ............................................... .









Round-Up 1 _.








Round-Up 2




Round-Up 3




Round-Up 4






Round-Up 5





© POH XOl\m , 2005

© D*Yl\u AHgepCbH - xygo*Huk Ha zpa¢uL1HuR gU3aOH, 2005 © D*Yl\u AH gepCbH - xygo*Huk Ha uAlocmpauuume, 2005 © Pearson Education Limited 2005, Bcuyku npa6a 3ana3eHU ISBN 1405 83754 3

Blue Skies for Bulgaria AH2AUOcku e3uk - fpaMamUyecka mempagka 3a 4. k!\ac ABmop - POH XOAnl Pegakmop - EAeHa DUMumpoBa Cmape8a Xygo*Huk Ha gU3aOHa - D*YAU AHgepCbH Xygo*Huk Ha ul\locmpauuume - D*YAU AHgepCbH Kopekmop - EAeHa D,uMumpoBa Cmape8a AH2AuOcka. Vl3gaHue 13a 5bl\2apufi/ 2005 . CDopMam 60x90x8. neLfamHu kOAU 8. Pearson Education Limited EdInburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the World neLfamHuua


ABC" 000, BapHa

Blue Skies for Bulgaria e Ylle6eH kOMnl\ekm 30 6bl\aopcku gel\O, U3Yll060U4U OHal\uucku e3uk 6 HOllOl\eH kypc. Tpemomo Hu 60 HO Blue Skies for Bulgaria e npegH03HolieHo 30 6bl\zo pckume YlieHUl\U om lIem6bpmu kl\oc. To e p03f,) oomeHO 6 cbom6emcmBue C u3uckBoHuRmo HO H060mo Ylle6tro npoapOMO HO MOH no OHal\uucku e3uk 30 4 kl\oc.

Blue Skies for Bulgaria 30 4 kl\oc 6kl\k>lI60 6culiku 60>kHU OCHP~HU apoMomulIHu, l\ekcukol\HU U kOMYH ko mu6Hu ynpo>kHeHuR, Heo6xoguMU 30 Hogapo>kgoHe HOU3YlleHomo f3b B Bm opu U mpemu kl\oc. B kpOR HO kypco YlieHUl\Ume npugo6u60m Cm0 6UI\HU 3HOH R ":t oCHoBHume cm pykmypu 6 OH21\UuckUR e3uk, koumo nocm06Rm 6030mo 30 nocl\eg60U4omo My u3YlloBoHe B npoaUMH03UOl\HUR emon HO oCHoBHomo 06p030Bomel\HO cmeneH. yg06HO p03npegel\eHo cmpykmypHO' npoapOMO • MHOZoo6p03ue om ynpo>kH~HUfi B Ylle6Huko, Ylle6Homo mempogko U zpoMomUlieckoma mem pogko • l\BemeH kopmUHeH neliH k U OH2l\Uucko-6bl\aOpcku peliHuk B Y4e6Huko

• RC HO ,


• l\eCHU 30 npenogoBoHe MOmepUOl\u C nogpo6Hu nl\oHoBe 30 6ceku Ylle6eH lIOC • ynpo>kHeHuR 30 COMOOl\eHko B Ylle6Huko • mecmo6e 30 P03MHo>koBoHe U ol\mepHomuBHU ynpo>kHeHuR U geuHOCf1) U B Mem ogulleckomo Pbko60gcmBo

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