Wonderful! Ardderchog! Hello friends, old and new. Shall we all get together for the weekend and remember how special it is to spend time celebrating the world we live in, the freedom and beauty of creative expression and the magical joy of laughing uncontrollably? That sounds like a great idea doesn’t it.
Helo ffrindiau, yr hen a’r newydd. Beth am i ni ddod at ein gilydd am y penwythnos a chofio mor arbennig yw treulio amser yn dathlu’r byd ry’n ni’n byw ynddo, rhyddid a phrydferthwch mynegiant creadigol, a llawenydd hudolus chwerthin heb reolaeth? Mae hwnna’n swnio fel syniad gwych, on’d ydy.
It’s our absolute pleasure to welcome you back to this special little place for our eighth year, and it’s hard for us to ignore that a lot has happened in the intervening time. It’s a genuine privilege for us to organise Machynlleth Comedy Festival each year and work with so many talented and exciting individuals, both on-stage and off, and we hope that it can provide you all with a much needed tonic, and in some small way help us all to refocus on the positivity and power of community.
Mae’n bleser pur gennym eich croesawu chi nôl i’r lle arbennig hwn am ein wythfed flwyddyn, ac mae’n anodd i ni anwybyddu’r ffaith bod llawer wedi digwydd yn y cyfamser. Mae’n anrhydedd i ni drefnu Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth bob blwyddyn, a gweithio gyda chynifer o unigolion talentog a chyffrous, ar y llwyfan a thu cefn iddo. Gobeithiwn y gall fod yn foddion mawr ei angen i chi, a helpu pob un ohonom i ganolbwyntio ar y cadarnhaol, a grym y gymuned.
We know we’re all going to have an absolute blast together over the May Day Bank Holiday and we can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces.
Ry’n ni’n gwybod y byddwn yn mwynhau pob eiliad gyda’n gilydd dros Ŵyl Banc Calan Mai, ac allwn ni ddim aros i weld eich wynebau llawen.
Have fun!
Mwynhewch! Henry ac Emma …a phawb yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth
Henry and Emma …and all at Machynlleth Comedy Festival
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2
Festival team & credits Tîm yr ŵyl a Chydnabyddiaethau Festival Directors / Cyfarwyddwyr yr Ŵyl Emma Butler & Henry Widdicombe Festival Manager / Rheolwr yr Ŵyl Steve Pickup Finance Manager / Rheolwr Cyllid Ali Greeley Production Manager / Rheolwr Cynhyrchu Charlie Bull Assistant Production Manager / Rheolwyr Cynhyrchu Cynorthwyol Iain Peebles Volunteer Manager / Rheolwr Gwirfoddoli Helen O’Donnell Artist Liaison Manager / Rheolwr Cyswllt â’r Artistiaid Clare Nightingale Assistant Artist Liaison Manager / Rheolwr Cyswllt Artist Cynorthwyol Sarah Hazell Box Office Manager / Rheolwyr y Swyddfa Docynnau Katy Wilkes Assistant Box Office Managers / Rheolwyr y Swyddfa Docynnau Cynorthwyol Ed Strong, Gwilym Hughes Children and Family Programme Manager / Rheolwr Plant a Theuluoedd Hazel Anderson Theatre Programme Manager / Rheolwr Theatr Lisa Heledd Jones Site Manager / Rheolwr Safle Pete Dobbing Venue Managers / Rheolwyr Lleoliadau Hugh Russell, Ros Bell, Heather Jones, Claire Coleman, Sam Roberts, Jenny Skivens, Isobel Craven, Poppy Sturgess, Marc Jones, Alex Adey, Hannah Dolan, Ans Harris, Tim Lewis, Alex Hall, Catrin Jones, Zoe Fell, Leah Roberts, Rachel Buchanan, Si Hughes, Shaun Lowthian Volunteer Leader / Arweinwyr Gwirfoddoli Andy Dudfield Info Team Leader / Arweinydd y Tîm Gwybodaeth Jonny Bull Technical Manager / Rheolwr Technegol Adam Cobley Senior Technicians / Uwch Dechnegwyr Josh Robson, Leaf Le Page, Phil Tiso, Joel Clements, Anne Wagner and James Lowey Technicians / Technegwyr Rod Edwards, Rowan Woodhouse, Misha Anker, Michael Melnyczuk, Leigh McAndrew, Sophie Ann Virgo, Lloyd Evans, Emily Shankland, Hagen Kiersch, Diana Aliyeva, Gemma Hughes, Kiera Rhodes, Harry Jordan, Sion Pugh and Tudur Jones Site Team / Tîm y Safle Kevin Bryan, Steve Merry, Mark Gittins Bar Manager / Rheolwr Bar Elwyn Edwards Security Manager / Rheolwr Diogelwch Emlyn Jones Box Office Team / Tîm y Swyddfa Docynnau Steph Grant, Eve Biard, Aiden Connolly, Toby Seagers, Sarah Trevarthen, Francesca Rooney Artist Liaison / Cyswllt â’r Artistiaid Heather Stevens, Marina Dixon, Alex Saunders Production Assistants / Cynorthwywyr Cynhyrchu Francis Breen, Em Chittock Cabaret Programming / Rhaglenni Cabaret George Orange – Mary Bijou Cabaret Info Team / Tîm y Gwybodaeth Sarah Kalwarowsky Festival Photography / Gŵyl Ffotograffiaeth Ed Moore (edshots.co.uk) Genesis Dove & Barry Eveleigh (eveleighphotography.net), MONTY TRENT Design / Dylunio lovelystuffstudio.com Festival App / Ap yr Wyl Dave Brush/James Mahoney (devfusion.net) Welsh Translation / Cyfieithu Cymraeg Steffan Alun and Lloyd Evans Volunteer Crew / Criw Gwirfoddolwyr Caroline Stanton, Hannah Amey, Katy Funnell, Josie Russell, Phil Potter, Noel Kelso, Jamie Dearden, Alex Roberts, Sam Phillips, Michael Cullen, Pat O'Donnell, Joe Murray, Sarah Vaile, Rachel Allen, Ben Kavanagh, Susan Mary Cooke, Thomas Cooke, Sophie Cooke, Laura Truelove, Hannah Richards, Rhian Jones, Rhiannon Jennings, Tequila Nixon, Lora Elliott, Bryn Daniel Thomas, Julia Hague, Erin Dove, Gareth Jones, Tracy Briscoe, Sharon Thorne, Chiara Mitchell, Kevin James Crowley, Paul Gethin Faber, Sarah Edwards, Philip Potter, Lowri Howells, Michael Davies, Nicole Pratten, Sandra Jones, Tamira Kasan, Xenia Randle, Bethan Koller, Mariliis Peterson, Emma Casburn, Kris Jones, Jem Jenkins-Jones, Sinead Wheeler, Keira Cullen and Ethan Haley (Correct at time of going to print / Yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg)
Contents Cynnwys 01 02 04 08 12 14 18 20 24 28 96 99 102 106 108 113 118 121 130
The Machynlleth Comedy Festival app is back! Brought to you by the technical legends at DevFusion you can download it right now for iPhone and Android. Including scheduling info, now and next, ticket booking, maps and more, just search for Machynlleth in your phone’s AppStore. This is so rad, you think to yourself, an app! EE are even banging on about 4G reception in Machynlleth these days, so this baby’s going to finally come into its own. Designed and coded by Dave Brush and James Mahoney www.devfusion.net
Show Tickets
Tocynnau i Sioeau
Mae ap Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth yn ôl! Wedi’i chyflwyno gan yr arwyr technolegol yn DevFusion, gallwch ei lawrlwytho ar unwaith i’ch iPhone ac Android.
This year, all advance tickets purchased will be print at home to help reduce waiting times at the festival box office.
Eleni, rhaid i bob tocyn ymlaen llaw gael ei argraffu gartref i leihau amser aros yn swyddfa docynnau’r ŵyl.
Gan gynnwys gwybodaeth amseroedd, nawr a nesaf, archebu tocynnau, mapiau a mwy – chwiliwch am ‘Machynlleth’ yn siop apiau eich ffôn.
If you buy tickets in advance, please ensure that you bring the details with you on the weekend. You will need these to hand at the venue entrance when you arrive for a show.
Os byddwch yn prynu tocynnau ymlaen llaw, sicrhewch bod y manylion gennych ar y penwythnos. Bydd angen y rhain arnoch wrth fynedfa’r lleoliad pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd am sioe.
Mae EE yn parablu am dderbyniad 4G ym Machynlleth y dyddiau hyn, felly bydd hwn yn barod i orchfygu o’r diwedd.
PLEASE NOTE: Audiences are let into each show 15 minutes before the show begins. Please make sure you arrive on time as some performances may not accept latecomers.
NODWCH: Caiff y gynulleidfa fynd i mewn i bob sioe 15 munud cyn dechrau’r sioe. Dewch ar amser – bydd rhai perfformiadau’n gwrthod caniatáu i bobl fynd i mewn yn hwyr.
Any remaining tickets for shows during the festival weekend will be available for purchase at the box office. Tickets will NOT be available to purchase from the individual venues. Please see below for the festival box office opening times.
Bydd unrhyw docynnau sy'n weddill ar gyfer sioeau yn ystod penwythnos yr ŵyl ar gael i'w prynu yn y swyddfa docynnau. NI FYDD tocynnau ar gael i’w prynu yn y lleoliadau unigol. Gweler isod am oriau agor y swyddfa docynnau.
Box Office
Swyddfa Docynnau
The Box Office will be located in the Senedd Building at the Owain Glyndŵr Centre, where it has been for the past couple of years. Opening times are as follows:
Bydd y swyddfa docynnau yn adeilad y Senedd yng Nghanolfan Owain Glwyndŵr, yr un lle â’r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Dyma fydd yr oriau agor:
Friday 28th April: 4pm - 10pm
Dydd Sadwrn 29 Ebrill: 11am - 10pm
Saturday 29th April: 11am - 10pm Sunday 30th April: 11am - 10pm We only accept cash payments on the Box Office during the weekend of the festival. There are cashpoints within a few minutes walk of the Senedd, walk towards the Clock Tower.
Enquiries We have an information point set-up on the lawns of Y Plas (opposite the Big Top) that all enquiries should be directed through this year. They will be able to answer all your queries. Only direct ticketing enquiries should go through the box office. This is to help reduce queuing at the Box Office.
Dydd Gwener 28 Ebrill: 4pm - 10pm Dydd Sul 30 Ebrill: 11am - 10pm Rydym ond yn derbyn arian parod yn y swyddfa docynnau yn ystod penwythnos yr ŵyl. Mae twll yn y wal o fewn ychydig funudau o gerdded i'r Senedd - cerddwch tuag at Dŵr y Cloc..
Ymholiadau Mae lle gwybodaeth ar lawnt Y Plas (gyferbyn â’r Big Top) a ddylai dderbyn pob ymholiad eleni. Byddant yn gallu ateb eich holl gwestiynau. Dim ond ymholiadau am docynnau uniongyrchol ddylai fynd drwy’r swyddfa docynnau. Mae hyn i leihau’r ciws yn y swyddfa docynnau.
Wedi’i dylunio a’i chodio gan Dave Brush a James Mahoney www.devfusion.net
cont i nuouseye exer ci s e al ong t he r oad f r om Y T aber nacl ,Machynl l et h
or i ela s i op l yf r aupen' gal l er ybooks hop r al l t phot ogr aphy i l l us t r at ed ar t poet r y cur r enti s s ues pol i t i cs envi r onment ar chi t ect ur e booksf orchi l dr en mus i c andaf ew l aughs
f f ot ogr af f i aet h l l yf r audar l uni adol cel f bar ddoni aet h pynci aul l os g gwl ei dyddi aet h yramgyl chedd pens aer nï aet h pensaernïaeth l l yf r aupl ant cer ddor i aet h acychydi gochwer t hi n
open t hr oughoutt he weekend f r om 10am unt i leyel i dsdr oop www. penr al l t gal l er ybookshop. co. uk
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2
FAQS Hi! It’s my first time at the Festival. I’ve heard it’s great. It is! You’re in for a real treat.
Is it just stand-up comedy? Nosiree. The Festival has always been about comedy in the widest possible sense, as we like to showcase what comedy can be, whether this is theatre, sketch, poetry, experimental standup, whatever. As the Festival has got bigger it’s allowed us to develop this further with dedicated theatre, and children’s programmes which grow every year.
Where can I stay? I’m having trouble finding accommodation in town. The town’s hotels and B&Bs can fill up pretty quickly, which is why we set up camping facilities to the rear of the Bowling Club, and close to all the venues. Equipped with hot showers and fancy toilet blocks it can be your home from home for the weekend, and if you’re looking for more comfort you can rent a yurt in advance and it’ll be waiting for you when you arrive. Another option is to take the train towards the coast, with late trains to Aberystwyth and Borth you can be by the seaside, and ride in each day.
For shows that have tickets left you will! If there are specific shows you are heading to see, it is advisable to book in advance (via our website) as many sell out in advance.
No. Because we’re based in the town of Machynlleth, the Festival site is free to roam. You then purchase tickets to the individual events that you’d like to see. Whether that’s just one show, or as much as you can cram in, you just pay for what you see.
I bought tickets on-line, where do I collect them?
What do I do when I get there? Will it be obvious? One of the great things about Machynlleth is its size. The railway station brings you into the edge of town and from then on everything is walkable. We’ve worked out that all the venues fit within a 500 metre square footprint, so you’re never more than a ten minute stroll from where you want to get to. Once you’ve located the Clock Tower, use that as your compass and think of the town as a capital T.
What about eating and drinking whilst I’m there? Because we’re based in a thriving market town there are plenty of charming cafés and warm pubs for you to refuel in, as well as our favourite food stalls based on the lawns of Y Plas and Owain Glyndŵr Centre. Our Festival bars run until late to keep you entertained.
This is all well and good but what if I have more questions on the weekend? You’re in luck! We have a dedicated information point on the lawns of Y Plas. These specialist team members have been trained in the art of dispensing information on all things MachFest. So whilst you can expect our venue stewards and box office staff to know answers on their own particular area, these information specialists will dispense (or find out) the answers to any of your questions as they occur. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 4
Will I be able to buy tickets on the Festival weekend?
So what do I need to do? Do I need a ticket to enter the Festival?
All advance tickets are print at home. If you are looking to buy shows on the weekend then head over to our box office at the Owain Glyndŵr Centre. There you’ll be able to grab a programme, see what shows are still available, purchase new tickets and chat to our superfriendly staff about all things Mach!
I need the loo. Where should I head to? We place banks of temporary toilets at Y Plas, the Owain Glyndŵr Centre and to the rear of the Tabernacle that supplement the public conveniences within the town. Check the map for your nearest port of call.
Sounds great! I’ll see you on the weekend.
Heia! Dyma fy nhro cyntaf yn yr ŵyl. Rwy wedi clywed ei bod yn wych. Ydy! Mae gwledd o’ch blaenau.
Ai comedi llwyfan yw’r cwbl? Ddim o gwbl. Mae’r ŵyl wastad wedi croesawu comedi yn yr ystyr ehangaf posib, gan ein bod yn hoffi arddangos beth gall comedi fod, boed yn theatr, sgets, barddoniaeth, comedi llwyfan arbrofol, unrhyw beth. Wrth i’r ŵyl dyfu, mae wedi caniatáu i ni ddatblygu hyn ymhellach gyda theatr bwrpasol, a rhaglenni plant sy'n tyfu bob blwyddyn.
Ble allaf aros? Rwy’n ei chael yn anodd cael llety yn y dref. Gall gwestai a llety gwely a brecwast y dref lenwi'n gyflym, felly rydym wedi sefydlu cyfleusterau gwersylla tu ôl i’r Clwb Bowlio, yn agos at y lleoliadau i gyd. Mae’n cynnwys cawodydd poeth a blociau toiled ffansi, felly gall fod yn gartref oddi cartref i chi dros y penwythnos, ac os hoffech rywbeth mwy cyfforddus, gallwch rentu pabell grwyn ymlaen llaw a bydd hi'n barod amdanoch pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd. Opsiwn arall yw mynd ar y trên tuag at yr arfordir. Gyda threnau hwyr i Aberystwyth a Borth, gallwch fod ar lan y môr, a theithio atom bob dydd.
Prynais docynnau ar lein - ble ddylwn i eu casglu?
Beth sydd angen i mi wneud? Oes angen tocyn arna’i i ddod i’r ŵyl? Nag oes. Gan ein bod yn nhref Machynlleth, mae safle'r ŵyl yn agored i grwydro. Byddwch yn prynu tocynnau i’r digwyddiadau penodol yr hoffech eu gweld. P’un a yw’n un sioe, neu gynifer â phosib, byddwch ond yn talu am beth fyddwch yn ei weld.
Fydda i’n gallu prynu tocynnau ar benwythnos yr ŵyl?
Beth ddylwn i wneud pan fyddaf yn cyrraedd? A fydd hyn yn amlwg? Un o'r pethau gwych am Fachynlleth yw ei maint. Mae'r orsaf drenau ar ffin y dref, ac mae popeth bellter cerdded ohoni. Rydyn ni wedi cyfrifo bod y lleoliadau i gyd o fewn 500 metr sgwâr, felly fyddwch chi byth yn bellach na deng munud o ble rydych am fod. Ar ôl i chi ddod o hyd i Dŵr y Cloc, defnyddiwch e fel cwmpawd, gan feddwl am y dref fel T fawr.
Beth am fwyd a diod pan fyddaf yno? Gan ein bod mewn tref farchnad ffyniannus, mae digon o gaffis hyfryd a thafarnau cynnes i’ch bwydo, yn ogystal â’n hoff stondinau bwyd ar lawntiau’r Plas a Chanolfan Owain Glyndŵr. Mae bariau'r ŵyl ar agor tan yn hwyr er mwyn eich diddanu.
Popeth yn iawn am hyn, ond beth os bydd gennyf fwy o gwestiynau ar y penwythnos? Newyddion da! Mae lle gwybodaeth pwrpasol ar lawnt Y Plas. Mae aelodau’r tîm arbenigol hen wedi’u hyfforddi i rannu gwybodaeth am bopeth sy’n rhan o Ŵyl Mach. Gallwch ddisgwyl i stiwardiaid lleoliadau a staff y swyddfa docynnau wybod atebion am eu meysydd penodol nhw, ond bydd yr arbenigwyr hyn yn rhannu (neu’n dod o hyd i) atebion i unrhyw gwestiwn fydd gennych.
Mae'r swyddfa docynnau yn y Senedd, sy'n rhan o Ganolfan Owain Glyndŵr – rhywle y dewch yn gyfarwydd iawn ag ef. Ewch yno gyntaf i gasglu’ch tocynnau, i gael rhaglen, ac i siarad a'n staff cyfeillgar iawn am ffeindio’ch ffordd.
Byddwch – ar gyfer sioeau sydd â thocynnau’n weddill! Os oes sioeau penodol yr hoffech eu gweld, cynghorir archebu ymlaen llaw (ar ein gwefan) gan fod llawer o sioeau'n gwerthu pob tocyn cyn hynny.
Mae angen y toiled arna' i. Ble ddylwn i fynd? Mae toiledau dros dro yn Y Plas, yng Nghanolfan Owain Glyndŵr, ac wrth gefn y Tabernacl, ar ben y toiledau cyhoeddus yn y dre. Defnyddiwch y map i ddod o hyd i’r rhai agosaf.
Mae'n swnio'n grêt! Wela’i chi ar y penwythnos.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 5
About the Cover This year’s cover design was drawn by Drew Millward. We’ve admired Drew’s band posters for a long time, and it was actually through a poster designed for festival favourites Martha that we discovered his work. If you’re not up to speed on your Welsh history and wondering who the figure is on the cover, that’s Owain Glyndŵr, who is arguably the last true Prince of Wales. Crowned in Machynlleth in 1404 this Welsh hero is said to be ready to return when Wales needs him again. If you want to find out more about Owain Glyndŵr then take a look at the interpretation boards in Y Senedd-dŷ (where our box office is located). And for more information on Drew just head to drewmillward.com.
Am y Clawr Dyluniwyd clawr eleni gan Drew Millward. Rydym wedi edmygu posteri band Drew ers amser hir, ac mewn gwirionedd, darganfuom ni ei waith drwy boster a ddyluniwyd i un o ffefrynnau’r ŵyl, Martha. Os nad ydych yn gwybod y cyfan am hanes Cymru ac am wybod pwy yw'r ffigwr ar y clawr, dyna Owain Glyndŵr, a gellir dadlau mae ef oedd gwir dywysog olaf Cymru. Coronwyd yr arwr Cymreig hwn ym Machynlleth ym 1404, a dywedir ei fod yn barod i ddychwelyd pan fydd ei angen ar Gymru eto. Os hoffech gael gwybod mwy am Owain Glyndŵr, yna cymerwch olwg ar y byrddau dehongli yn Y Senedd-dŷ (lle mae ein swyddfa docynnau). Ac am fwy o wybodaeth am Drew, ewch i drewmillward.com. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 6
The town of Machynlleth! We’d like to thank all the residents and businesses of the town for the continued support of the festival and being so welcoming to attendees and crew during the event. We’re proud to call Machynlleth our home. Rab Jones, Julie Humphries, Chris Roberts and all the staff of Y Plas and Town Council for their continued support of the event. Raymond Jones, Robert Price, Peter Roberts and the staff and board of MOMA for always going out of their way to accommodate the festival as we grow and develop. Allan Wynne Jones and Llion Pughe and the board of the Owain Glyndŵr Centre for all their assistance. Gail and everyone in Caffi Alys. Barry Roberts and the staff and committee of Machynlleth Bowling Club for their continued support with accommodating the festival. James at the Rag and Bone – one of the more unique performance spaces in the town. Meiner Jones and the staff and pupils of Ysgol Bro Hyddgen for opening their doors to us and allowing us the use of their hall, classrooms and canteen. Aled Davies, Pauline Johnson and the staff of the Leisure Centre for being so accommodating when we described our plans for the Mach-Arena. Dai Hennighan for his continued enthusiastic support of the event and the use of space within the Old School. Julian and Nick Fenwick for being so accommodating with their land for our campsite. All those involved in our programme of one-off shows – Richard Saffrey, Andrew Cooper and all the staff at Corris Railway; Alyson May Jones and the staff at Losin Lush; Geoff Hill, Annie Grundy, Rowan Smith and all at Smugglers Cove Boatyard; Bev Dimmock and all at RSPB Ynys-hir Reserve. Alan and Michelle Murphy and all at The White Lion Hotel for donating space to the festival during the event and for their continued on-site support. Charles and Sheila Dark and all at the Wynnstay for their support and enthusiasm for the festival. Fiona Stewart, Ben Coleman and Ian Fielder at Green Man. Paula and Gerry Jewson for your continued invaluable support of the festival. Sara Lewis from the Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit, and Julie Lewis from Powys County Council for your support for the festival. Mari Stevens and all at Visit Wales for your support and guidance. Arts and Business Cymru for their continued support of the festival. Laura Pickup for her continuous support. Jenny Hall, Mehdi Elradhi, Phil Wheeler, Jon Starbuck, Suzanne Davies, Camilla Norberg, Alex Bond and Jon Gross for local information, support and a helping hand. Haf Ap Robert at Bro Hyddgen Sixth Form. Lewis Brencher at Arriva Trains Wales, Rhydian Mason from Cambrian Rail Partnership and all our sponsors and advertisers. Louise Amery at Aberystwyth Arts Centre and Nick Bache and the Aberystwyth Arts Centre Tech Team. All at T and M Technical Services. Beck Edwards & Becky Mitchell at Aberystwyth University. Luke Doran at BBC Radio 4 Extra, Paul Forde at BBC Radio. Becky Underwood for sign-writing all our chalkboards. All the artists who perform at the festival and make it what it is. All the attendees who come together to enjoy comedy in the ancient capital of Wales.
DIOLCH I dref Machynlleth! Diolch i holl breswylwyr a busnesau’r dref am barhau i gefnogi’r ŵyl a rhoi croeso cynnes i ymwelwyr a’r criw yn ystod y digwyddiad. Rydym mor falch o alw Machynlleth yn gartref. I Rab Jones, Julie Humphries, Chris Roberts a holl staff Y Plas a Chyngor y Dref am barhau i gefnogi’r digwyddiad. I Raymond Jones, Robert Price, Peter Roberts a staff a bwyd MOMA am fynd cam ymhellach bob tro i ddarparu ar gyfer yr ŵyl wrth iddi barhau i dyfu a datblygu. I Allan Wynne Jones a Llion Pughe a bwyd Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr am eu holl gymorth. I Gail a phawb yn Caffi Alys. Barry Roberts a staff a phwyllgor Clwb Bowlio Machynlleth am barhau i ddarparu ar gyfer yr ŵyl. I James yn y Rag and Bone – un o leoedd perfformio mwy unigryw yn y dref. I Meiner Jones a staff a disgyblion Ysgol Bro Hyddgen am agor eu drysau i ni a gadael i ni ddefnyddio’u neuadd, eu hystafelloedd dosbarth a’u cantîn. I Aled Davies, Pauline Johnson a staff y Ganolfan Hamdden am fod mor gymwynasgar pan ddisgrifion ni ein cynlluniau ar gyfer Mach-Arena. I Dai Hennighan am ei gefnogaeth frwdfrydig barhaus ar gyfer y digwyddiad a defnyddio lle yn yr Hen Ysgol. I Julian a Nick Fenwick am fod mor gymwynasgar gyda’u tir ar gyfer ein gwersyllfa. I bawb sy’n rhan o’n rhaglen o sioeau untro – Richard Saffrey, Andrew Cooper a holl staff Rheilffordd Corris; Alyson May Jones a staff Losin Lush; Geoff Hill, Annie Grundy, Rowan Smith a phawb yn Iard Gychod Smugglers Cove; Bev Dimmock a phawb yng Nghanolfan Wrth Gefn Ynys-hir RSPB. I Alan a Michelle Murphy a phawb yng Ngwesty’r Llew Gwyn all am roi lle i’r ŵyl yn ystod y digwyddiad am eu cefnogaeth barhaus ar y safle. I Charles a Sheila Dark a phawb yn y Wynnstay am eu cefnogaeth a’u brwdfrydedd dros yr ŵyl. I Fiona Stewart, Ben Coleman ac Ian Fielder yng Ngŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd. I Paula a Gerry Jewson am eich cefnogaeth amhrisiadwy barhaus i’r ŵyl. I Sara Lewis o Uned Digwyddiadau Mawr Llywodraeth Cymru, a Julie Lewis o Gyngor Sir Powys am gefnogi’r ŵyl. I Mari Stevens a phawb yn Croeso Cymru am eich cefnogaeth a’ch arweiniad. Celfyddydau & Busnes Cymru am barhau i gefnogi’r ŵyl. I Laura Pickup am ei chefnogaeth barhaus. I Jenny Hall, Mehdi Elradhi, Phil Wheeler, Jon Starbuck, Suzanne Davies, Camilla Norberg, Alex Bond a Jon Gross am wybodaeth leol, cefnogaeth a help llaw. I Haf Ap Robert yn Chweched Dosbarth Bro Hyddgen. I Lewis Brencher yn Trenau Arriva Cymru, Rhydian Mason o Bartneriaeth Rheilffordd y Cambrian a’n holl noddwyr a hysbysebwyr. I Louise Amery yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Aberystwyth a Nick Bache a Thîm Technoleg Canoolfan Celfyddydau Aberystwyth. Beck Edwards a Becky Mitchell ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. I Luke Doran yn BBC Radio 4 Extra, Paul Forde yn BBC Radio. I bawb yn T and M Technical Services. I Becky Underwood am ysgrifennu arwyddion ein holl fyrddau duon. I’r holl artistiaid sy’n perfformio yn yr ŵyl sy’n ei gwneud fel y mae. I’r holl fynychwyr sy’n dod ynghyd i fwynhau comedi yn hen brifddinas Cymru.
17-2 AUGU0 ST
In Memory of Colin Wilde. In April of last year Colin Wilde sadly passed away. Colin supported the festival from the very first day we walked around Machynlleth visiting potential venues. We can honestly say that he had an answer (and joke) for every question or problem we came to him with. Colin, we wouldn’t have got here without you, and you will always be missed.
Er cof am Colin Wilde. Ym mis Ebrill y llynedd, bu farw Colin Wilde. Roedd Colin yn cefnogi’r ŵyl o’r diwrnod cyntaf oll i ni gerdded o gwmpas Machynlleth yn ymweld â lleoliadau posibl. Heb air o gelwydd gallwn ddweud y bu ganddo ateb (a jôc) i bob cwestiwn neu broblem pan oeddem yn mynd ato. Colin, allen ni ddim fod wedi cyrraedd heboch, a bydd colled ar eich ôl o hyd.
Getting to the festival by train / Cyrraedd yr ŵyl ar y trên
Trains between Machynlleth & Birmingham All services are Direct, unless stated by ‘CHANGE’ – in this instance passengers should travel on the Arriva Trains Wales service to Shrewsbury, at which point the train either divides or alternate platform details will be made clear by the guard on the train. Always check with the guard! Times correct at time of print/press. Please check with the train operator.
Trenau Rhwng Birmingham & Machynlleth Mae pob gwasanaeth yn Uniongyrchol, oni nodir ‘CHANGE’ – yn yr achos hwn, dylai teithwyr deithio ar wasanaeth Trenau Arriva Cymru i’r Amwythig, pan fydd y trên yn gwahanu neu bydd y gard ar y trên yn egluro manylion platfform. Gwiriwch gyda’r gard bob tro! Amseroedd yn gywir adeg argraffu/ mynd i’r wasg. Gwiriwch gyda gweithredwr y trên.
Arriva Trains Wales – Connecting you to what’s important Arriva Trains Wales is proud to be a partner in this year’s Machynlleth Comedy Festival supporting the local community to host a high profile event that has drawn in crowds from far afield to this stunning part of Wales. As well as providing local train services on the Cambrian line (we hope you get chance to travel along the stunning Cambrian coast route with us during your stay), the Arriva Trains Wales network extends throughout Wales and the border counties of England, providing local and long distance services to major destinations such as Swansea, Cardiff, Newport, Birmingham, Chester and Manchester. With 30.5 million passenger journeys per year, Arriva Trains Wales plays a major social and economic role in connecting people and communities throughout its network of 247 stations with a fleet of 128 trains (some of which are maintained locally here in Machynlleth) covering a route of over 1,000 miles. We hope you have a good laugh at the festival and that you come back again (by train) soon!
18:31 CHANGE
20:30 CHANGE
10:29 CHANGE
16:29 CHANGE
18:27 CHANGE
18:28 CHANGE
20:39 CHANGE
Mae Trenau Arriva Cymru yn falch o fod yn bartner yng Nghŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth eleni, gan gefnogi’r gymuned leol i gynnal digwyddiad proffil uchel sydd wedi denu torfeydd o bell i'r rhan drawiadol hon o Gymru.
10:33 CHANGE
12:31 CHANGE
Yn ogystal â darparu gwasanaethau trên lleol ar lein Cambria (rydym yn gobeithio y cewch cyfle i deithio ar hyd llwybr arfordir trawiadol Cambria gyda ni yn ystod eich gwyliau), mae rwydwaith Trenau Arriva Cymru yn ymestyn ar hyd a lled Cymru a siroedd ffiniol Lloegr, gan ddarparu gwasanaethau lleol a phellter hir i gyrchfannau megis Abertawe, Caerdydd, Casnewydd, Birmingham, Caer a Manceinion. Gyda 30.5 miliwn o deithwyr bob blwyddyn, mae Trenau Arriva Cymru yn chwarae rôl gymdeithasol ac economaidd fawr i gysylltu pobl a chymunedau ar draws ei rwydwaith o 247 o orsafoedd sydd â 128 o drenau (rhai ohonynt yn cael eu cynnal yn lleol yma ym Machynlleth) yn cwmpasu llwybr o dros 1,000 o filltiroedd.
14:33 CHANGE
16:40 CHANGE
Trenau Arriva Cymru – Eich cysylltu â’r pethau pwysig
Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn cael hwyl yn yr ŵyl, ac y byddwch yn ôl eto (ar y trên) yn fuan!
Cyrhaeddwch mewn steil ar lein y Cambrian,
where every seat is first class …
Lle mae pob sedd yn un dosbarth cynta’
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 8
Arrive in style on the Cambrian line:
Yn falch o noddi Gwyl Gomedi Machynlleth 2017
A pob golygfa’n werth y byd. @CambrianLine
Partneriaeth Rheilffyrdd y Cambrian
The Cambrian Railways Partnership Proud to sponsor the Machynlleth Comedy Festival 2017
and every view is world class.
Last trains from Machynlleth to Aberystwyth & The Cambrian Coast Trenau olaf o Fachynlleth i Aberystwyth ac Afordir Y Cambria
SAT 29 20:52 21:51 23:02
SUN 30 20:48 22:45
SAT 29 16:55 19:04 21:43
SUN 30 1855 x x Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 9
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Welsh Government: The Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit (MEU) continues to support the Machynlleth Comedy Festival allowing us to manage the growth of the event. Machynlleth Comedy Festival would like to thank the Welsh Government for continuing to support the development of a major live comedy event in Wales. Llywodraeth Cymru: Mae Uned Digwyddiadau Mawr Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gefnogi Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, gan ganiatáu i ni reoli twf y digwyddiad. Hoffai Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru am barhau i gefnogi datblygiad digwyddiad comedi byw mawr yng Nghymru.
Powys County Council: : Powys County Council’s tourism department have directly supported the event since 2013 and we would like to thank Powys County Council for their continued support. Cyngor Sir Powys: Mae adran dwristiaeth Cyngor Sir Powys wedi cefnogi’r digwyddiad yn uniongyrchol ers 2013, a hoffem ddiolch i Gyngor Sir Powys am eu cefnogaeth barhaus.
About Machynlleth Comedy Festival Gwybodaeth Am Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth
Arriva Trains Wales and the Cambrian Rail Partnership: We’re proud to be working in partnership with Arriva Trains Wales and the Cambrian Rail Partnership for a second year to deliver an event in the heart of Wales. With so many of you arriving into the town by train we’re especially pleased to announce the continuation of this fruitful partnership.
e’ve come a long way in the eight years we’ve been ellach yn ei wythfed blwyddyn, mae’r digwyddiad yn putting on Machynlleth Comedy Festival. And whilst dal i dyfu o ran maint, enw da, a chyrhaeddiad. Gyda the event continues to grow we work hard to keep selogion comedi’n teithio o Ewrop a hyd yn oed yr UDA, true to the core principles that the festival have been built on; gallwn ddweud ein bod wirioneddol ar y map eleni. A thra bo’r comedians and comedy lovers having as much fun as possible in a digwyddiad yn parhau i gynyddu mewn maint a chwmpas, creative, relaxed and experimental environment. rydym yn gweithio’n galed i gynnal ein gwerthoedd craidd; digrifwyr a phobl sy’n dwlu ar gomedi yn cael cymaint o hwyl â The fact that we have the freedom to do what we do is largely phosib mewn amgylchedd creadigol, hamddenol ac arbrofol. down to our supporters, without whom the event would be very different. Their backing of the event and belief in what Machynlleth Comedy Festival represents is absolutely key to creating what we believe is a pretty special event in the Festival calendar.
Mae’r ffaith ein bod yn rhydd i wneud beth rydym yn ei wneud o ganlyniad i’n noddwyr, a byddai’r digwyddiad yn wahanol iawn hebddynt. Mae ei cefnogaeth i’r digwyddiad, a’u cred yn yr hyn y mae Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth yn ei gynrychioli, yn allweddol i greu digwyddiad arbennig iawn yng nghalendr gwyliau.
Arriva Trains Wales a Phartneriaeth Reilffyrdd Cambria: Rydym yn falch o weithio mewn partneriaeth gydag Arriva Trains Wales a Phartneriaeth Reilffyrdd Cambria i gyflwyno digwyddiad yng nghalon Cymru. Gyda chynifer ohonoch yn dod i’r dref ar y trên, rydym yn arbennig o falch o gyhoeddi’r bartneriaeth newydd hon. Paula Jewson: Paula has supported us in both a business and personal capacity since 2010 and it’s fair to say we wouldn’t be where we are today without her continued dedication to the arts, and our event in particular. Thank you Paula.
Venue Sponsors Noddwyr Lleoliadau
BBC: Machynlleth Comedy Festival is proud to be working with BBC Radio for the sixth successive year. Our longstanding relationship with BBC 4 Extra and BBC Radio Wales is one that we’re incredibly fond of, and hope that it can continue for many years to come. BBC: Mae Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth yn falch o fod yn gweithio gyda BBC Radio am y bumed flwyddyn yn olynol. Bydd BBC Radio 4 yn darlledu rhywfaint o’r digwyddiad am y tro cyntaf, ynghyd â’r darlledu arferol ar BBC 4 Extra a BBC Radio Wales. Paula Jewson: Mae Paula wedi ein cefnogi fel busnes ac yn bersonol ers 2010 ac mae'n deg dweud na fydden ni lle rydyn ni heb ei hymroddiad parhaus i'r celfyddydau, a'n digwyddiad ni'n benodol. Diolch Paula.
Show Sponsors Noddwyr sioeau
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 12
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 13
Owain Glyndŵr Centre / Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr i
The Mach Arena
The Mach Arena
Our brand new super-size venue in the heart of the town! Located in the leisure centre next to the Plas, we have lovingly created our biggest capacity venue to date. It even has its own dedicated can and bottle bar…in the squash court!
Ein lleoliad bendigedig newydd yng nghanol y dref! Yn y ganolfan hamdden nesaf at y Plas, rydym wedi creu ein lleoliad mwyaf hyd yn hyn. Mae ganddo’i far poteli ei hun hyd yn oed…yn y cwrt sboncen
Y Plas venues i This year, Y Plas houses 4 of the festival’s indoor spaces Y Plas, Vane Tempest, The Vortex and The Colin Wilde Room.
The spiritual heart of the festival since we began in 2010! The ancient Welsh parliament building provided the inspiration for holding the festival in beautiful Machynlleth and features three venues (the Powys Room the Billiard Room and Caffi Alys).
As ever, the lawns of Y Plas play host to our live music stage, the festival Beech Bar, cafés, food stalls, an information point and the children’s area: Eleni, mae’r Plas yn gartref i 4 man dan do’r ŵyl – Y Plas, Vane Tempest, Y Vortex ac Ystafell Colin Wilde.
with all our favourite DJ’s. On Friday night, Mary Bijou Cabaret & Social Club take over for some more late night fun and frolics.
Fel arfer, mae lawntydd Y Plas yn cynnal ein llwyfan cerddoriaeth fyw, Bar Ffawydd yr ŵyl, caffis, stondinau bwyd, man gwybodaeth a’r ardal plant:
Rydym wedi dethol ein hoff berfformwyr a bandiau i ddod a pherfformio yn yr ŵyl ac, fel arfer, bydd partïon yn para’n hir i’r nos gyda’n hoff DJs. Nos Wener, mae Mary Bijou Cabaret & Social Club yn cymryd drosodd ar gyfer mwy o hwyl a sbri hwyr y nos.
The Beech Bar / Y Bar Ffawydd The Beech Bar is located in the stripy big top alongside the ancient beech tree on the lawn of Y Plas. The Beech Bar is well stocked with our incredible 60 cask festiva-ale, real cider and all the usual pub products you’d expect to find PLUS our dedicated cocktail section. Cheers! Mae’r Bar Ffawydd yn y top mawr rhesog wrth ochr y ffawydden ar lawnt Y Plas. Mae gan y Bar Ffawydd ein cwrw 60 casgen anhygoel, seidr go iawn a’r holl gynhyrchion tafarn arferol y byddech yn disgwyl eu canfod YNGHYD â’n detholiad coctels pwrpasol. Iechyd da!
Bigtop Stage / Llwyfan Top Mawr We’ve handpicked our favourite acts and bands to come and play the festival, and as always we’ll be partying long into the night Machynlleth Comedy Festival 14
Emma’s Crafty kids tent / Pabell crefftau plant Emma This is the colourful round tent on the Plas lawn filled with loads of activities for our younger festival goers. See our Children’s Programme section for more details. Dyma’r babell gron, liwgar ar lawnt y Plas lawn yn llawn gweithgareddau i fynychwyr iau’r ŵyl. Gweler ein Rhaglen Plant am fwy o fanylion.
Food court / Cwrt bwyd Providing some delicious fuel for a packed weekend, there is an array of delights on offer in the Plas grounds from The Grazing Shed, The Curry Stall, The Fratelli Brothers, The Rustic Cooks, The Pink Pod, Caffé Milo and more.
Yn darparu bwyd danteithiol ar gyfer penwythnos llawn, mae amrediad o ddanteithion ar gael yn nhir y Plas o’r Grazing Shed, y Curry Stall, y Fratelli Brothers, y Rustic Cooks, y Pink Pod, Café Milo a mwy.
In addition to the performance spaces, the Owain Glyndŵr Centre is also home to the OG bar on the lawn, our festival box office and helpdesk in the Senedd building, food stalls, seating and the usual great vibes.
Infopoint / Man gwybodaeth
Enaid ysbrydol yr ŵyl ers i ni ddechrau yn 2010! Adeilad hynafol senedd Cymru oedd yr
Whilst tickets are only available online or via the festival box office at the Owain Glyndŵr Centre, the information point at the Plas will have up to minute details of sold out shows and what still have availability. The friendly faces there will also be able to direct, advise and inform you about all aspects of the festival. Er bod tocynnau ar gael dim ond ar-lein neu drwy swyddfa docynnau’r ŵyl yng Nghanolfan Owain Glyndŵr, bydd gan y man gwybodaeth yn y Plas y manylion diweddaraf am y sioeau y mae eu holl docynnau wedi’u gwerthu a’r rhai â thocynnau ar gael o hyd. Bydd yr wynebau cyfeillgar yno hefyd yn gallu eich cyfeirio, eich cynghori a’ch llywio ynghylch pob agwedd ar yr ŵyl.
The Store / Y Storfa Accessed from the lawn at Owain Glyndŵr The Store is a new festival venue for 2017. A lovely little 40 seater room located at the back of the old red brick school. I’w chyrchu o lawnt Owain Glyndŵr, mae’r Storfa yn lleoliad gŵyl newydd ar gyfer 2017. Ystafell fach hyfryd â 40 sedd yng nghefn yr hen ysgol frics coch.
ysbrydoliaeth i gynnal yr ŵyl ym Machynlleth brydferth ac mae’n cynnwys tri lleoliad (Ystafell Powys, yr Ystafell Filiards a Caffi Alys). Yn ychwanegol at y lleoedd perfformio, mae Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr hefyd yn gartref i’r bar OG ar y lawnt, swyddfa docynnau’r ŵyl a’r ddesg gymorth yn adeilad y Senedd, stondinau bwyd, seddi a’r gwefrau gwych arferol.
The Senedd / Y Senedd The historic Senedd building once again houses our box office from 11am – 10pm.
Unwaith eto, adeilad hanesyddol y Senedd yw cartref ein swyddfa docynnau rhwng 11am a 10pm.
Owain Glyndŵr Lawn / Lawnt Owain Glyndŵr Grab a quick bite to eat from our lovely food vendors between shows, kick back with a drink or cosy up with a blanket next to one of our fire pits in the evenings. Cewch damaid i fwyta o’n gwerthwyr bwyd hyfryd rhwng sioeau, ymlacio gyda diod neu gwtsio gyda blanced nesaf at un o’n pyllau tân gyda’r hwyr.
The Woodland Pavillion / Pafiliwn Coetir Located along the pathway linking the Owain Glyndŵr Centre and the Plas, the Woodland Pavilion is back with more events and impromptu performances taking place across the weekend. See page 106 for more info and check the chalk-boards for events throughout the weekend. Ar hyd y llwybr sy’n cysylltu Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr a’r Plas, mae’r Pafiliwn Coetir yn ôl gyda mwy o ddigwyddiadau a pherfformiadau difyfyr yn cael eu cynnal dros y penwythnos. Gweler tudalen 106 am fwy o wybodaeth ac edrychwch ar y byrddau du am ddigwyddiadau trwy gydol y penwythnos. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 15
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Y Tabernacl
This year, there are four festival venues located within the local secondary school. Take the turning by the old garage for the main hall, canteen and school room. The Youth Wing is best accessed from the bus bay entrance directly opposite Y Plas. All four venues can be accessed from either entrance. Eleni, mae pedwar lleoliad gŵyl yn yr ysgol uwchradd leol. Cymerwch y troad ger yr hen garej ar gyfer y brif neuadd, y cantîn a’r ystafell ysgol. Y ffordd orau o gyrraedd yr Adain Ieuenctid o fynedfa’r cilfachau bws yn union gyferbyn â’r Plas. Gellir cyrraedd y pedwar lleoliad o’r naill fynedfa neu’r llall.
The Youth Wing Yr Adain Ieuenctid
This stunning 300 seat converted tabernacle housed in the Museum of Modern Art Wales (MoMA) is our largest capacity festival venue. Heading North from the clock tower the Tabernacle will be on your right.
Returning for a second year with tweaks and improvements, the Youth Wing is the kind of perfect cube we love to put shows in. Located within the school grounds, between the main hall and Y Plas.
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Tabernacl addasedig â 300 sedd yn Amgueddfa Celf Fodern (MoMA) Cymru yw ein lleoliad gŵyl â’r lle mwyaf. Gan fynd i’r gogledd o’r clocdwr, bydd y Tabernacl ar y dde i chi.
Yn dychwelyd am ail flwyddyn gyda newidiadau mân a gwelliannau, yr Adain Ieuenctid yw’r math o giwb perffaith i gynnal sioeau ynddo. Ar dir yr ysgol, rhwng y brif neuadd a’r Plas.
The school’s main hall provides a wonderful 180 capacity venue just the across the main road from the Plas. Mae prif neuadd yr ysgol yn lleoliad â lle i 180 o bobl ar draws y brif heol o’r Plas.
The Canteen / Y Cantîn Directly opposite the school hall you’ll find the school canteen, and it’s going to be great!. Yn union gyferbyn â’r neuadd ysgol canfyddwch gantîn yr ysgol, ac mae’n mynd i fod yn wych!
The School Room / Yr Ystafell Ysgol Across the corridor from the Canteen, we have also commandeered a classroom. Ar draws y coridor o’r Cantîn, rydym hefyd wedi cipio ystafell ddosbarth.
Machynlleth Bowling Club Clwb Bowlio Machynlleth
The Courtyard / Y Courtyard
Located behind the Co-op and the festival campsite, the Bowling Club is a wonderful 80 seater venue to watch comedy… as well as learn how to bowl!
Lle newydd arall ar gyfer 2017, mae’r Courtyard yn lleoliad clòs â lle i 35 a garej hen garreg y tu cefn i Westy’r Wynnstay yng nghanol y dref.
Y tu ôl i’r Co-op a gwersyllfa’r ŵyl, mae’r Clwb Bowlio’n lleoliad rhyfeddol â 80 o seddi i wylio comedi… yn ogystal â dysgu bowlio!
Sponsored by Arriva Trains Wales. Noddir gan Arriva Trenau Cymru
Roger Cecil 8 April - 24 June Inside the Studio
Another new space for 2017, the Courtyard is an intimate 35 capacity venue within an old stone garage to the rear of the Wynnstay Hotel in the centre of town.
Dick Evans 1 April - 20 May Welsh Chapels
Rag and Bone Rag and bone shop by day, performance space by night - a real hit with both performers and audience alike. Siop racs liw dydd, lle perfformio liw nos - poblogaidd iawn gyda pherfformwyr a chynulleidfaoedd fel ei gilydd.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 16
MoDERn ARt in sEvEn BEAutiful GAllERiEs.
Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm Admission Free
Y Tabernacl Heol Penrallt Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8AJ
Beate Gegenwart 8 April - 17 June Always Water
^ Gwyl Machynlleth Festival August 20 - 27 Awst 2017
01654 703355 moma.machynlleth.org.uk machynllethfestival.co.uk
Official festival campsite Situated at the heart of the festival (just behind the Co-Op) and with all the little luxuries you’ve come to expect, pitch up and join us on for three nights of camping and parking at unbeatable value!
Here’s what we’ve got lined up for you: • 24 hour manned site • Private hot shower blocks • Posh flushing toilets • Complimentary phone charging facilities • Free on-site parking • Centrally located - just a few minutes walk from every venue All for the bargain price of £30per person for all 3 nights! Bring whatever size tent you like, it's still £30 per person.
Campervans, caravans and trailer tents If you've got a live-in vehicle you want to bring, that costs just £65per vehicle and includes 2 campsite wristbands (additional wristbands can be purchased at £30 pp). Pitches are 7m x 7m so include space for an awning/gazebo - you make yourselves comfortable! Book tent and live in vehicle pitches in advance via the accommodation section of our website and click on the camping link.
Freds Yurts Need even more luxury in your festival weekend? Fred’s Yurts are the answer! His collection of classic bell tents, yurts and large canvas family tents come in a range of shapes and sizes, all set up ready and waiting for you to arrive on site. Have a look through the fantastic list of optional extras including bed frames & mattresses, duvets, cushions, heaters, kettle & gas hob tea stations, wood burners and more! For the full list of options and prices go to www. yurtevents.co.uk, get in touch by email - info@ yurtevents.co.uk or call 07974 139 078
that comes from a region of Peru called Cuti. Ecotribal buys the beans directly from SANCORE (Association of Ashaninka Coffee producers) who grow the coffee at an average height of around 1,100m. The coffee is roasted in Snowdonia and distributed and stored in Machynlleth . Cuti Coffee also sell RAW chocolate Forever Cacoa which is grown in the same region from the same Sancore producers in Peru. The chocolate is also made in Wales. All the money made on the chocolate and the coffee goes back to the Ashaninka tribe.
Getting here Set your sat-nav for SY20 8AU. The campsite is just off the main street in the centre of Mach. As you are heading away from the clock tower up Maengwyn Street, turn right just before the Co-Op on to Llynlloed Lane. The campsite is approximately 100 metres on your left. Please note: this is also the route for the Dyfi Enduro campsite so make sure you keep an eye out for signs directing you to the comedy festival campsite!
Coffee Fresh coffee is now available on site from Cuti Coffee! They will be serving up Ecotribal coffee
Dyfi Enduro Machynlleth Comedy Festival 18
Gwersyll swyddogol yr ŵyl
The Dyfi Enduro is a 55km mass start MTB endurance ride around the Dyfi Forest. 2017 will be the event's 15th year and it has grown from humble beginnings to a 1000+ rider event. The event takes place on same weekend as the festival which is why you’ll see a lot of bikers around. The Dyfi Enduro site is the field opposite to the woodland pavilion and adjacent to our campsite. Be sure to cheer the riders as they set-off on Sunday morning, and then welcome them back with a well-deserved pint.
Wedi'i leoli yng nghanol yr ŵyl (y tu ôl i'r Co-Op) a chyda'r holl bethau moethus bach rydych wedi dod i'w disgwyl, dewch â'ch pabell ac ymunwch â ni am dair noson o wersylla a pharcio am bris heb ei ail! Cerbydau Gwersylla, Carafannau a Phebyll Trelar Os oes gennych gerbyd llety yr hoffech ddod â chi, mae'n costio dim ond £65 y cerbyd ac yn cynnwys 2 fand llawes gwersyll (gellir prynu bandiau llawes ychwanegol am £30 y pen). Mae’r lleoedd yn 7m x 7m, felly maennhw’n cynnwys lle am adlen/gasebo - mynnwch le cyfforddus i'ch hun! Archebwch le i babell neu gerbyd llety ymlaen llaw drwy'r adran lety ar ein gwefan, gan glicio ar y ddolen wersylla.
Freds Yurts Angen mwy fyth o foeth yn eich penwythnos gŵyl? Fred’s Yurts yw’r ateb! Mae ei gasgliad o bebyll cloch clasurol, yurts a phebyll teulu
canfas mawr ar gael mewn ystod o siapiau a meintiau, i gyd wedi’u gosod ac yn barod i chi gyrraedd y safle. Cewch gip trwy’r rhestr benigamp o fanion ychwanegol opsiynol, gan gynnwys fframiau gwely a matresi, carthenni plu, clustogau, gwresogyddion, tegelli a gorsafoedd te pentan nwy, llosgwyr pren a mwy! Am restr gyfan o’r opsiynau a’r prisiau, ewch i www.yurtevents.co.uk, e-bostiwch info@ yurtevents.co.uk neu ffoniwch 07974 139 078
Coffi Mae coffi ffres bellach ar gael ar y safle o Cuti Coffee! Bydd yn gweini coffi Ecotribal sy’n dod o Beriw o’r enw Cuti. Mae Ecotribal yn prynu ffa gan SANCORE (Cymdeithas Cynhyrchwyr Coffi Ashaninka) sy’n tyfu’r coffi ar oddeutu 1,100m o uchder ar gyfartaledd. Mae’r coffi’n cael ei rostio yn Eryri a’i ddosbarthu a’i storio ym Machynlleth. Mae Cuti Coffee hefyd yn gwerthu’r siocled craidd Forever Cacoa sy’n cael ei dyfu yn yr un rhanbarth gan yr un cynhyrchwyr Sancore ym Mheriw. Hefyd, mae’r siocled yn cael ei wneud yng Nghymru. Mae’r holl arian sy’n cael ei wneud ar y siocled a’r coffi’n mynd yn ôl i lwyth Ashaninka.
Cyrraedd yma Gosodwch eich offer llywio lloeren i gyrraedd SY20 8AU. Mae'r gwersyll oddi ar y brif stryd yng nghanol Mach. Wrth i chi fynd i ffwrdd o dŵr y cloc i fyny Stryd Maengwyn, trowch i'r dde cyn y Co-Op ymlaen i Lôn Llynlloed. Mae'r maes gwersylla tua 100 medr ar eich chwith. Nodwch: dyma'r llwybr ar gyfer maes gwersylla Dyfi Enduro hefyd, felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cadw llygad am arwyddion yn eich cyfeirio i faes gwersylla'r ŵyl gomedi!
Dyma sydd gennym i'w gynnig i chi: • Safle â chriw 24 awr • Blociau cawodydd poeth preifat • Toiledau moethus sy'n fflysio • Cyfleusterau gwefru ffôn cyflenwol • Parcio am ddim ar y safle • Lleoliad canolog - dim ond ychydig funudau o gerdded i bob lleoliad Y cyfan am bris o £30 y person am y 3 noson! Dewch â pa bynnag faint babell yr hoffwch, mae'n dal yn £30 y pen.
Mae'r Dyfi Enduro yn daith dygnwch MTB màs 55km o amgylch Coedwig Dyfi. 2017 fydd 15ed flwyddyn y digwyddiad, ac mae wedi tyfu o ddechreuad tawel i ddigwyddiad 1000+ o feicwyr. Cynhelir y digwyddiad ar yr un penwythnos â’r ŵyl, a dyna pam y byddwch yn gweld llawer o feicwyr o gwmpas. Safle Dyfi Enduro yw'r cae gyferbyn â'r pafiliwn coetir, nesaf at ein cae gwersylla. Sicrhewch eich bod yn lloni’r beicwyr wrth iddynt adael fore Sul, a’u croesawu yn ôl gyda pheint haeddiannol. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 19
Food Bwyd
Y Plas Lawns / Lawnt Y Plas 'secret recipe' chicken curry, Keema Matar (lamb & peas) - both served either mild or spicy depending on taste - and delicious vegetarian options all served with speciality rice or wraps! All ingredients are sourced locally wherever possible and served in ecofriendly containers Mae’r Curry Stall yn fusnes a reolir gan deulu sy’n frwdfrydig am fwyd stryd Indiaidd o ansawdd gwych. Mae’r seigiau arbennig yn cynnwys cyri ffowlyn ‘rysáit ddirgel', Keema Matar (cig oen a phys) - gweinir y ddau’n fwyn neu’n sbeislyd gan ddibynnu ar flas. Hefyd, mae opsiynau llysieuol danteithiol a gweinir y cyfan gyda reis arbennig neu tortillas wedi’u llenwi! Mae’r holl gynhwysion yn lleol lle bynnag y bo modd a chânt eu gweini mewn cynwysyddion ecogyfeillgar.
To keep you fully fuelled at the festival, we have two dedicated areas serving up delicious treats all weekend – one by the Beech Bar at the Plas and the other by the box office at the Owain Glyndwr Centre. I’ch cadw’n llawn yn ystod yr ŵyl, mae gennym ddwy ardal bwrpasol yn gweini danteithion trwy’r penwythnos – un ger y Bar Ffawydd yn y Plas a’r llall ger y swyddfa docynnau yng Nghanolfan Owain Glyndŵr.
Y Plas Lawns / Lawnt Y Plas The Grazing Shed At the Grazing Shed we always like to keep our finger on the pulse of festival dining habits. And without doubt, we’ve noted a sizeable shift in eating patterns over recent times. Bigger line ups across multiple stages means that people want to eat quickly more and more, but at the same time, eat well. The Grazing Shed Team wishes to react to this shift by providing a rapid food service delivery model that will ensure only the best quality locally sourced food products are used, cooked to order, then served in a flash! The perception that “fast food is bad
bwyta’n ddiweddar. Oherwydd perfformwyr mwy poblogaidd ar draws nifer o lwyfannau, mae pobl eisiau bwyta’n gyflym a mwy, ond bwyta’n dda ar yr un pryd. Hoffa Tîm y Grazing Shed ymateb i’r newid hwn trwy ddarparu model gwasanaeth danfon bwyd cyflym a fydd yn sicrhau defnyddio’r cynhyrchion bwyd lleol gorau, eu coginio’n ôl yr archeb, yna eu gweini mewn chwinciad! Mae angen anghofio’r cysyniad mai “bwyd gwael yw bwyd cyflym”. Pam ydyn ni’n cyfaddawdu ansawdd y bwyd rydyn ni’n ei fwyta oherwydd ein bod am fwyta’n gyflym? Does dim rhaid i ni wneud mwyach!
Herby - white sausage with a very rich herby flavour of a secret blend of spices ...and of course, don't forget Rustic Cooks' amazing homemade chilli bomb relish. Gyda’u stondin selsig arbennig sy’n gwerthu amrywiaeth o selsig arbennig, lleol a chyfandirol gyda llawer o flasau gwahanol, i gyd wedi’u coginio a’u gweini ar rôl fara ffres â winwns. Mae’r rhain i gyd yn cael eu coginio ar radell enfawr. Rhai o’r selsig enwog yw:
Anfonodd Mama Fratelli, heddwch i’w llwch, ei meibion yn eu blaenau - y brodyr, i ddod â’i phitsas enwog i’r werin......Gan ddefnyddio toes o waith llaw a dim ond y cynhwysion gorau, rydyn ni’n creu pob pitsa’n ôl yr archeb ac yn ceisio gweini’r pitsa gorau gawsoch chi erioed. Mae ein ffwrn glai hynod boeth yn pobi’r pitsas mewn llai na dwy funud, felly does dim rhaid i chi aros yn hir am berffeithrwydd....allwch chi ddim prynu hapusrwydd, ond gallwch chi brynu pitsa ac mae hynny’n eitha’ agos!
Giant ham - selsigen droedfedd o hyd wedi’i gwneud o 80% o gig ham Cheesy - selsigen borc â darnau o gaws y tu mewn Herby – selsigen wen â blas perlysiol cyfoethog iawn o gymysgedd dirgel o sbeisys
Caffe Milo
The Rustic Cooks With their Speciality Sausage stall they sell a variety of speciality, local and continental sausages with many different flavours and tastes all freshly cooked and served on a fresh bread roll with onions. These are all cooked on a giant griddle. Some of the famous sausages are as follows:
The Pink Pod
Big Smokey - selsigen borc wedi’i mygu ychydig
... ac wrth gwrs, cofiwch enllyn bom tsili cartref anhygoel cogyddion gwledig. to serve you the best pizza you've ever had. Our super-hot clay oven bakes the pizzas in under two minutes so you don't have to wait long for perfection....you can't buy happiness, but you can buy pizza, and that's pretty close!
Dewch i gwrdd â Milo, Estelle a Gertrude (eu cerbyd tair olwyn o 1976) ar gyfer coffi mâl ffres (sut bynnag yr hoffwch), te arbennig, siocled poeth moethus â malws melys a hufen (wrth gwrs), tritiau cartref a lemonêd ffres (wedi’i ysgwyd, heb ei droi). Rydym yn defnyddio cynhyrchion masnach deg a lleol (wedi’i ysgwyd, heb ei droi). Byddwn ar agor ar gyfer rhywbeth i’ch deffro yn y bore tan eich trît gyda’r hwyr!
Come and visit Milo, Estelle and Gertrude (their 1976 three wheeler) for Freshly Ground Coffee (however you like), Speciality Teas, Luxury Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and cream (of course), Homemade treats and Fresh Lemonade (shaken not stirred). We use fair trade and locally source products where possible. We will be open for your morning pick me up until your evening treat!
The Pink Pod serves delicious homemade Ice Cream from Aberdovey - a choice of over 24 ‘Great Taste’ award-winning ice cream flavours, 10 sorbets, and several frozen yogurts. Mae’r Pink Pod yn gweini hufen iâ cartref blasus o Aberdyfi - dewis o dros 24 o flasau hufen iâ arobryn ‘Great Taste’, 10 sorbed, a sawl iogwrt rhewedig. PLUS more to be added! Call over on the weekend for full details… A mwy i’w hychwanegu! Galwch draw ar y penwythnos am yr holl fanylion…
Big Smokey - slightly smoked pork sausage Giant ham - footlong sausage made of 80% ham meat Cheesy - pork sausage with bits of cheese inside
food” needs to be put to sleep. Why do we compromise the quality of the food we eat just because we want to eat swiftly? We don’t have to anymore! Y Grazing Shed: Yn y Grazing Shed, rydym bob amser yn dilyn y diweddaraf o ran arferion bwyta gŵyl. A heb os nag oni bai, rydym wedi sylwi ar newid sylweddol mewn patrymau Machynlleth Comedy Festival 20
Explore the town / Archwilio’r dafarn
The Fratelli Brothers – Wood Fired Pizza: Mama Fratelli, God rest her soul, sent forth her sons - the brothers, to bring her famous pizzas to the people......Using handmade dough and only the finest ingredients , we assemble each pizza to order and endeavour
The Curry Stall The Curry Stall is a family run business passionate about great quality Indian street food. Specialities include a fantastic
The town of Machynlleth has many fine pubs, restaurants, cafés and takeaways. Pick up an information sheet at box office and start exploring what the beautiful town has to offer. Mae gan dref Machynlleth lawer o dafarnau braf, bwytai, caffis a siopau cludfwyd. Mynnwch daflen wybodaeth yn y swyddfa docynnau a dechrau archwilio’r hyn sydd gan y dref brydferth i’w chynnig. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 21
Owain Glyndŵr Lawns / Lawnt Owain Glyndŵr Ele’s Little Kitchen
Mama Singh’s At Mama Singh’s Curry Shack, we love to live to work, creating simply scrumptious Indian home cooking, based on authentic family recipes with Mama Singh’s twist. As a friendly family business we make more than mouth-watering meals we make memories ensuring our customers enjoy the highest quality eating experience and have fun! With love Mama Singh and the girls X Yn Mama Singh’s Curry Shack, rydym yn dwlu ar fyw i weithio, gan greu bwyd cartref Indiaidd sy’n tynnu dŵr o’r dannedd, yn seiliedig ar ryseitiau teulu dilys gyda throad Mama Singh. Fel busnes teuluol cyfeillgar, rydym yn gwneud mwy na phrydau sy’n tynnu dŵr o’r dannedd – rydyn ni’ n creu atgofion gan sicrhau bod ein cwsmeriaid yn cael y profiad bwyta gorau ac yn cael hwyl! Gyda chariad, Mama Singh a’r merched X.
Authentic Spanish Tapas and Paella made with local Welsh produce. Our paella is handmade on site in a traditional paellero. The combination of free range Welsh chicken and Spanish Chorizo gives rise to a unique and tasty dish. We will also be grilling up some chorizo sausages and choripan which pairs perfectly with our Mediterranean salad. Our hand-made tapas include Spanish Omelette and Empanada.
: Tapas a phaëla Sbaenaidd dilys wedi’u gwneud â chynnyrch Cymreig lleol. Mae ein paëla’n cael ei wneud o waith llaw ar y safle mewn paellero traddodiadol. Mae cyfuno ffowlyn maes o Gymru a tsioriso Sbaenaidd yn creu saig unigryw a blasus. Byddwn hefyd yn grilio selsig tsoriso a choripan sy’n paru’n berffaith â’n salad Canoldirol. Mae ein tapas o waith llaw’n cynnwys omled ac empanada.
Just for the Festival: food served all day till late
Caffi Alys Housed within the Owain Gyndwr centre, Caffi Alys is a beautiful vintage tea room serving delicious food & drinks including tea, coffee, soup, sandwiches, paninis and a mouth-watering range of home-made cakes to eat in or take away. Yng Nghanolfan Owain Gyndŵr, mae Caffi Alys yn ystafell de o dras prydferth sy’n gweini bwyd a diodydd blasus sy’n cynnwys te, coffi, cawl, brechdanau, paninis ac amrywiaeth o deisennau cartref i’w bwyta yn y siop neu fynd â nhw fel cludfwyd.
Always a Barrel of Laughs At
The Wynnstay Open all day every day of the festival - Lunches 12 - 2pm Afternoon nibbles and snacks Dinner - 6pm to last orders 10 pm - (booking advisable) Bar open all day till late - Come and have a cwtch in the Cwtch Pizzeria open all day till late Damn fine food, beer & cider - We import our own wines Proud to host shows in our new venue at the rear.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 22
S R A B L A V FESTI L Y Ŵ R ’ U A BARI The Beech Bar Y Plas Big Top The Beech Bar is home to our fabulous festiv-ale – a sensational selection of more than 50 top quality ales and ciders from around Wales. A full list of what’s pouring will be available on the weekend – just make sure you leave plenty of time to check them all out! You’ll also find a great range of other drinks here including draught lager, cider wine, spirits, soft drinks and fizz. This year we also have a dedicated cocktail bar within the big top. It will be mixing up a mouth-watering menu of classics day and night, lovingly prepared by our team of professional cocktail makers. …and it’s not just a treat for your tastebuds! The Beech Bar is where you will find our lovingly curated programme of music and cabaret – all completely free to come in and enjoy across the festival weekend. See pages 99 and 113 for full details. Mae’r Bar Beech yn gartref i’n gŵyl gwrw wych – casgliad anhygoel o dros 50 o’r cwrw a’r seidr gorau o amgylch Cymru. Bydd rhestr lawn o’r diodydd ar gael ar y penwythnos – sicrhewch eich bod yn caniatáu digonedd o amser i roi cynnig ar bob un ohonynt! Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth wych o gynnyrch tafarn arferol yma gan gynnwys lager, gwin seidr, gwirodyddion, diodydd meddal a swigod. Eleni mae gennym far coctels arbennig hefyd yn y Big Top. Bydd yn cymysgu clasuron i dynnu dŵr i’r dannedd nos a dydd, wedi’u paratoi’n gariadus gan ein tîm o wneuthurwyr coctels proffesiynol.
… ac nid eich ceg yn unig fydd yn hapus! Mae Bar Beech yn gartref i raglen o gerddoriaeth a chabare wedi’i guradu – y cyfan am ddim i’w fwynhau drwy gydol penwythnos yr ŵyl. Gweler tudalennau 99 ac 113 am fanylion pellach.
Owain Gyndwr Bar Owain Gyndwr Centre The spiritual home of the festival, the Owain Glyndŵr bar is the perfect place to peruse a programme, catch up with friends or laze on the lawn. Alongside a sweet tipple, you can also indulge in mouth-watering treats from the food stalls – the finest Indian home cooking, authentic tapas and paella - whilst wood burners warm as you chill late into the night.
The Squash Bar Mach Arena We’re serving up drinks in a former squash court for the Mach Arena audience! The Squash Bar is located within the Leisure Centre by the main arena doors. Open preshow and during the intervals, the Squash Bar is perfectly placed for drinks on the go!
Bar Squash Arena Mach Ry’n ni’n gweini dioddydd mewn hen gwrt sboncen i gynulleidfa Arena Mach! Mae’r Bar Squash yn y Ganolfan Hamdden wrth brif ddrysau’r arena. Ar agor cyn y sioe ac yn ystod yr egwyl, mae’r Bar Squash yn lle perffaith am ddiodydd wrth basio!
Machynlleth Comes to Manchester Three nights of brilliantly original comedy, featuring
Max and Ivan Emma Sidi Mark Watson Birthday Girls Tim Key Brian Gittins Tony Law
Kiri Pritchard-McLean Gein’s Family Giftshop Mark Thomas Alun Cochrane Sara Pascoe SOLD OUT Brennan Reece
7-9 July
53two & International Anthony Burgess Foundation
With the box office also over at OG, it really is a festival-goers dream hang-out!
Bar Owain Gyndŵr Canolfan Owain Gyndŵr Cartref ysbrydol yr ŵyl, bar Owain Glyndŵr yw’r lle perffaith i ddarllen rhaglen, i sgwrsio â ffrindiau, neu ddiogi ar y lawnt. Ynghyd â diod hyfryd, gallwch fwynhau bwydydd blasus o’r stondinau bwyd – y coginio cartref Indiaidd gorau, tapas go iawn a paella – gyda llosgwyr pren wrth i chi ymlacio gyda’r nos.
Manchester International Festival
0843 208 1840 mif.co.uk
Gyda’r swyddfa docynnau hefyd yn OG, dyma freuddwyd o le i ymwelwyr â’r ŵyl!
Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival. In association with Machynlleth Comedy Festival.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 24
FRIDAY COMEDY COMEDI GWENER JAMES ACASTER RECOGNISE (PART ONE OF THE TRELOGY) Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £12 // 14+ Y Tabernacl Undercover cops. Jury duty. Witness protection. Comedy. All this and more as James Acaster brings a trilogy of shows to a venue near you. The shows in question are; Recognise (Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show Nominee 2014). Represent (Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show Nominee 2015). Reset (Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show Nominee 2016). So come on down. He doesn't know who he is, he doesn't know what he believes and he doesn't know what he's going to do with his life. He'll probably do material from his first three shows as well. All in all it's one huge recap.
STUART GOLDSMITH COMPARED TO WHAT? Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £10 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Heddweision cudd. Gwasanaeth rheithgor. Gwarchod tystion. Comedi. Hyn i gyd a mwy wrth i James Acaster ddod â thriawd o sioeau i leoliad agos atoch chi. Y sioeau dan sylw yw; Recognise (Enwebai Sioe Orau Gwobrau Comedi Caeredin 2014). Represent (Enwebai Sioe Orau Gwobrau Comedi Caeredin 2015). Reset (Enwebai Sioe Orau Gwobrau Comedi Caeredin 2016). Felly dewch i lawr. Dyw e ddim yn gwybod pwy yw e, dyw e ddim yn gwybod beth mae’n ei gredu a dyw e ddim yn gwybod beth mae’n mynd i’w wneud gyda’i fywyd. Mae’n debyg y bydd yn gwneud deunydd o’i dair sioe gyntaf hefyd. Rhwng popeth, mae’r cyfan yn sioe grynhoi enfawr. 'There's no one better at constructing a show than Acaster' Guardian 'Comic genius' Evening Standard If Oxford wants to study stand-up in depth, Acaster is a good place to start' Sunday Times
MARK WATSON WORK IN PROGRESS Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £8 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Almost entirely new material from a suitably nervous Mark Watson. This will be the first time he’s ever done this show. So although he has five stars from the British Theatre Guide, who said ‘a raucously funny set, one of the best this year’, you shouldn’t really pay too much attention to that. Come if you want to see the first inkling of a show emerge from a lot of faffing about.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 28
Fresh from appearances on 'Russell Howard's Stand Up Central' (Comedy Central), 'As Yet Untitled' (Dave) and a month of packed houses at the Edinburgh Fringe, Stuart Goldsmith presents a new hour of funny, not entirely about becoming a parent. The host of the 'Comedian's Comedian Podcast' (over 6 million downloads) finally shakes off an invigoratingly misspent youth. Finding himself uprooted from his adoptive city and press-ganged into a pastoral existence by a cunning girl, Stu considers the big questions and wonders: how much compromise is too much? Yn ffres o ymddangosiad ar 'Russell Howard’s Stand Up Central’ (Comedy Central), 'As Yet Untitled' (Dave) a mis o sioeau llawn yng
Ngŵyl Caeredin, bydd Stuart Goldsmith yn cyflwyno awr newydd o stwff doniol, am ychydig mwy na dim ond bfod yn rhiant . Bydd cyflwynydd ‘Comedian’s Comedian Podcast’ (dros 6 miliwn o lawrlwythiadau) o'r diwedd yn symud ymlaen o ieuenctid a gamwariwyd yn adfywhaol. Wedi gadael y ddinas a’i fabwysiadwyd ac wedi’i orfodi i fyw bodolaeth bugeiliol gan ferch gyfrwys, bydd Stu yn ystyried y cwestiynau mawr ac yn gofyn: faint o gyfaddawd sy’n ormod? ‘A charming, expert stand-up’ Sunday Times ‘Endlessly riveting’ The Guardian
GOOSE GOOSE IN MACH (PART 3 OF 5) Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest The Goose boys are back and even more punctual than last year (when they went to the wrong idyllic Welsh village). One of the best-reviewed acts of Edinburgh 2015 and 2016. Strobe-speed sketch pinball from a corybantic one-man cartoon. As seen on Comedy Central and BBC Three.
Deunydd bron yn hollol newydd gan Mark Watson mor nerfus ag y byddech yn ei ddisgwyl. Hwn fydd y tro cyntaf iddo wneud y sioe hon. Felly, er bod ganddo bum seren gan y British Theatre Guide, a ddywedodd 'a raucously funny set, one of the best this year’, ddylech chi ddim talu gormod o sylw i hynny. Dewch os hoffech weld fersiwn cyntaf o sioe yn dod i'r amlwg drwy lawer o ffwdan. ‘Raucously funny set, one of the best this year’ British Theatre Guide ‘Barely a moment the crowd wasn't laughing… there is a reason he is constantly sold out. He is a must see!’ Arts Award Voice
Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £8 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Actor Mat Ewins will make you a star in Mat Ewins: Mat Ewins Will Make You a Star. Bydd yr actor Mat Ewins yn eich gwneud yn seren yn Mat Ewins: Mat Ewins Will Make You a Star. ‘Nothing this Fringe has made me laugh more’ The Times ‘I laughed more in this show than in many this Fringe’ iNews ‘There’s a piece on a cocaine baby which I don’t think really works’ - Chortle
Mae bois Goose yn ôl a hyd yn oed yn fwy prydlon na llynedd (pan aethon nhw i’r pentref prydgerth anghywir yng Nghymru). Un o’r actiau a dderbyniodd yr adolygiadau gorau yng Nghaeredin 2015 a 2016. Pinbel sgets cyflymder strôb gan gartŵn un-dyn gwyllt. Fel y gwelwyd ar Comedy Central a BBC Three.
ELEANOR MORTON ANGRY YOUNG WOMAN 2017 Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ Rag & Bone
Eleanor Morton is mad as hell and she’s not going to take it anymore. But why? Angry Young Woman is a show about history, justice and a woman who wears too much wool. Eleanor Morton is a Scottish stand-up and writer, whose gigs include tour support 'Brilliant stuff…a niftily constructed, frenetical for Stewart Francis and Frankie Boyle, and hour' The Guardian performing with Award nominated groups 'Excellently crafted' The Sunday Times Weirdos and Comedians Cinema Club. 'Fabulous, breakneck performer who morphs Mae Eleanor Morton yn gandryll ac yn gwrthod feverishly between characters and ideas' derbyn y peth bellach. Ond pam? Mae Angry The Independent Young Woman yn sioe am hanes, cyfiawnder, a menyw sy’n gwisgo gormod o wlân. Mae Eleanor Morton yn ddigrifwr ac awdur o’r Alban, sydd wedi cefnogi Stewart Francis a Frankie Boyle ar daith, ac wedi perfformio gyda’r grwpiau arobryn Weirdos a Comedians Cinema Club. ‘The Poster Girl for Awkward’ Chortle ‘Eleanor Morton’s uncanny comedy is intelligent, enjoyable and very funny’ TV Bomb ‘One of the most exciting rising stars of the British comedy circuit’ Young Perspective. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 29
FRIDAY COMEDY / COMEDI GWENER writer and performer from the UK - who has written for stage, screen and radio. Creator of cult comedy night 'The Alternative Comedy Memorial Society'. Writer of UK TV sitcom Bull, writer for ITV's Newzoids and Radio 4's The News Quiz. He's performed his five solo shows at the Edinburgh Festival, all of which have transferred to the Soho Theatre. Trained at L'École Philippe Gaulier.
JOHN LUKE ROBERTS DREAMBOAT Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room Ahoy there! It's the dreamboat! First stop, the land of reverie where the dreambunnies live! Come on, hop aboard the dreamboat, you twat! Acclaimed clown-comic John-Luke Roberts ("breathtakingly hilarious" - Time Out) brings his unique form of one-manabsurdist-character-comedy-cabaret back to Machynlleth. Welcome to dreamboat: a nightmare performed live on stage (with no CGI, some little rubber tentacles). John-Luke Roberts is an award-winning
Newzoids ITV, a The News Quiz Radio 4. Mae wedi perfformio ei bum sioe unigol yng Ngŵyl Caeredin, pob un ohonynt wedi trosglwyddo i Theatr Soho. Wedi’i hyfforddi yn L'École Philippe Gaulier.
Kendrick Lamar “untitled 01 | 08.19.2014” A new show. I have no idea what it’s about so I thought I’d include these Kendrick Lamar lyrics so I look like a really cool dude. It’s my first show in Mach for three years. Please come.
Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Canteen “Evidence all around us the town is covered in fishes, Ocean water dried out, fire burning more tires out, Tabernacle and city capital turned inside out, Public bathroom, college classroom's been deserted, Another trumpet has sounded off
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 30
Some "expert" told Annie she has a balance of "extrovert" and "introvert" "features" in her "personality"; she is an "ambivert". Maybe that "explains" why she's so good at stand up? Not really, she hates it.
Y clown comig enwog John-Luke Roberts ("breathtakingly hilarious" - Time Out) yn dod â'i cabaret-comedi-cymeriad-un-dyn-abswrd SUNIL PATEL unigryw yn ôl i Fachynlleth. Croeso i’r cwch breuddwydion: hunllef wedi’i berfformio'n fyw ar TITAN IN PROGRESS y llwyfan (heb CGI, rhai tentaclau rwber bach). Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 16+ Mae John-Luke Roberts yn awdur a pherfformiwr The Youth Wing arobryn o'r DU - sydd wedi ysgrifennu i’r llwyfan, Am I here for a little holiday? No! I’m previewing i’r sgrin, ac i’r radio. Creawdwr noson gomedi my second show. Here’s some third-party gwlt 'The Alternative Comedy Memorial Society’. Awdur y sitcom teledu Prydeinig Bull, ysgrifennwr i validation from the first one:
(It's happening) no more running from world wars , (It's happening) no more discriminating the poor”
ANNBIVERT Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
Ahoi i chi! Dyma gwch breuddwydion! Y stop cyntaf, gwlad synfyfyrdod, lle mae cwningod breuddwydion yn byw! Tyrd ‘laen, tyrd ar fwrdd y cych breuddwydion, y twat!
and everyone heard it
“Evidence all around us the town is covered in fishes, Ocean water dried out, fire burning more tires out, Tabernacle and city capital turned inside out, Public bathroom, college classroom's been deserted, Another trumpet has sounded off and everyone heard it
Ydw i yma am wyliau bach? Nac ydw! Rwy’n perfformio rhagflas o fy ail sioe. Dyma adborth gan eraill i’r un gyntaf:
‘A clearly gifted comedian with a comfy and approachable style, he is as self-aware and structurally subversive as any of the Fringe’s great alternative comedians’ Edfestmag ‘He oozes funny like a jammy doughnut running down a diner’s chin’ Broadway Baby ‘A psychopath’ The Scotsman As seen on: 1. Channel 5 sitcom “Borderline”. I have since become overbearingly arrogant and will not physically handle any money (cos of your germs etc.) 2. An online advert for nasal spray. Facts: Awards for Comedy: three. Car: Saab. iPhone: Rose Gold
Fel a welwyd ar: 1. Sitcom Channel 5 “Borderline”. Ers hynny, rwy’n drahaus dros ben, ac yn gwrthod trin arian corfforol (oherwydd eich germau etc.) 2.Hysbyseb arlein am (It's happening) no more running from world wars , chwistrell drwynol. (It's happening) no more discriminating the poor” Ffeithiau: Gwobrau am Gomedi: 3. Car: Saab. Kendrick Lamar “untitled 01 | 08.19.2014” iPhone: Aur Rhosyn Sioe newydd. Does gen i ddim syniad beth yw’r testun, felly penderfynais gynnwys geiriau gan Kendrick Lamar er mwyn edrych yn cŵl. Dyma fy sioe gyntaf ym Mach am dair blynedd. Plis dewch.
JORDAN BROOKES BODY OF WORK (WORK IN PROGRESS) Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room In August 2015 Jordan's Nanna, Gwendoline Martha Brookes, passed away. She was 95. This show is a genuine attempt to pay tribute to her.
Annie has written and performed on ITV2, Channel 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra & BBC Radio Wales. Dave’s Top Ten Funniest Jokes of the Fringe 2016. Dywedodd rhyw “arbenigwr” wrth Annie bod ganddi gyfuniad o “nodweddion”“allblyg” a “mewnblyg” yn ei “phersonoliaeth”; mae hi’n “amlblyg”. Efallai bod hynny’n “egluro” pam fod ei chomedi llwyfan mor dda? Ddim wir, mae’n gas ganddi’r peth. Mae Annie wedi ysgrifennu a pherfformio ar ITV2, Channel 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra a BBC Radio Wales. Dave’s Top Ten Funniest Jokes of the Fringe 2016.
That can't be the whole thing can it? I thought Brookes did absurdist stuff? Like, bits that go on ‘A real master of deadpan … delightfully dry’ for ages and horrible physical stuff, daft faces, The Skinny spitting down himself etc? Is he just going to ‘The audience is at her mercy with every line she talk about his Nan for an hour? Surely not. speaks … Safe, hilarious hands’ Ym mis Awst 2015, bu farw Nanna Jordan, Edfringe Review Gwendoline Martha Brookes. Roedd hi’n 95 ‘Beautiful timing and spot-on delivery’ oed. Mae’r sioe hon yn ymgais ddiffuant i dalu The Tab teyrnged iddi.
Robin Ince, from the Infinite Monkey Cage and Book Shambles, will talk in a fast and confused manner about abstract expressionism, particle physics and Kurt Vonnegut amongst other things. Robin didn't do Machfest last year because
'Electric' - having or producing a sudden sense of thrilling excitement. 'Plum' - gently derogatory English colloquialism - 'idiot', 'fool'. Further explanation from defrocked futurologist.
Esboniadau pellach gan y dyfodolydd gwarthus. ‘Pretty funny" Bruce Dessau ‘Brilliant’ Three Weeks NATYs/So You Think You're Funny FINALIST
'Caustically funny and surprising' The Scotsman
Fri / Gwe // 8.45pm // £10 // 14+ Y Plas
Fri / Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard
'Plum' – sarhad iaith lafar ysgafn Saesneg 'idiot', ‘ffwl’.
'Breath-taking, hugely original' Fest
'Electric' - cael neu gynhyrchu ymdeimlad sydyn o gyffro gwefreiddiol.
Nid dyna fydd y cwbwl, does bosib? Ro’n i’n meddwl bod Brookes yn gwneud stwff abswrd? Fel, darnau sy’n mynd ymlaen am oesoedd a stwff corfforol erchyll, wynebau twp, poeri ar ei hun etc? Fydd e’n gwneud dim ond siarad am ei fam-gu am awr? Annhebygol.
he'd decided to retire from stand up, hmmm, well that went well then, here he is again. Bydd Robin Ince, o'r Infinite Monkey Cage a Book Shambles, yn siarad mewn ffordd gyflym a dryslyd am fynegiadaeth haniaethol, ffiseg gronynnau a Kurt Vonnegut ymhlith pethau eraill. Ni ddaeth Robin i Ŵyl Mach y llynedd oherwydd ei fod wedi penderfynu ymddeol o gomedi llwyfan, hmmm, wel aeth hynny’n dda felly, dyma fe eto.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 31
FRIDAY COMEDY / COMEDI GWENER DANIEL COOK YE-HA! (WORK IN PROGRESS) Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys The word on the street is that gangly, manchild Daniel Cook is back in Mach and this time he's broke.
BRIDGET CHRISTIE BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £14 // 16+ Y Taberbacl Because a posh man told them to, the people of the UK have voted to leave the EU, even though no-one had a plan for what would happen if it did. As a result of not having a plan, the UK has gone to sh*t economically, socially and politically. If you didn’t want to leave the EU, or you did, but now don’t, because everything’s gone to sh*t, then this is absolutely the show for you. If you did want to leave the EU you will still find it funny, but for different reasons, as you witness the liberal comedian’s exasperated and despairing meltdown. Brand new show from multi-award winning stand-up, author and columnist Bridget Christie. Oherwydd i ddyn posh ddweud wrthyn nhw am wneud, pleidleisiodd pobl y DU i adael yr UE, er nad oedd gan neb gynllun am beth fyddai’n digwydd wedyn. O ganlyniad i ddiffyg cynllun, mae’r DU wedi mynd i’r cach yn economaidd, yn gymdeithasol, ac yn wleidyddol. Os nad oeddech chi am adael yr UE, neu os oeddech chi gynt ond nawr dy’ch chi ddim, gan fod popeth wedi mynd i’r cach, yna dyma’r sioe i chi. Os oeddech chi am adael yr UE, bydd y sioe’n ddoniol o hyd, ond am resymau gwahanol, wrth i chi weld y digrifwr rhyddfrydol yn toddi yn wyneb anobaith.
He (me - I started writing this in the third person and now I'm stuck with it. I don't have a person who writes these things for me. As I explained earlier, i'm broke and simply couldn't afford to pay someone to do this. I did ask my girlfriend for advice on what to write but sadly she had to go out.) is gonna deal with being broke in the only way he knows how and write an HOUR (maybe) of STAND UP COMEDY about it and absolutely BLOW your MINDS. This is a work in progress show. As seen and heard on BBC One, Channel 4, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 4. Gwrandewch. Mae’r gair ar led bod y plentynddyn trwsgl Daniel Cook yn ôl ym Mach, a’r tro hwn does ganddo ddim ceiniog. Bydd ef (fi – dechreuais ysgrifennu hwn yn y trydydd person, a nawr mae’n rhaid i mi barhau i wneud. Does gen i neb i ysgrifennu’r pethau hun ar fy rhan. Fel dywedais i gynnau, ‘sgen i ddim ceiniog, ac allwn i ddim fforddio
MARCEL LUCONT MARCEL LUCONT’S WHINE LIST Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Winner: Chortle Award 2015. Winner: Best Comedy - Fringe World 2013. The finest flâneur brings a new interactive show to the baying masses. A kind of self-help group where everyone potentially leaves more depressed. Expect louche musings, deadpan wit and Gallic superiority. As seen on BBC1’s The John Bishop Show and Sky Atlantic’s Set List. Sioe newydd sbon gan y digrifwr, awdur a Y flâneur gorau’n dod â sioe ryngweithiol cholofnydd arobryn Bridget Christie. newydd i'r dorf swnllyd. Rhyw fath o grŵp 'The most electrifying comedy I’ve yet seen on the hunangymorth lle gallai pawb adael yn fwy isel. Disgwyliwch ddoethinebau llwgr, fringe' The Guardian ffraethineb digyffro, a rhagoriaeth Galaidd. 'It’s going to be hard to do justice to just how brilliant ‘Who can resist Marcel Lucont?… pulling this show is' The Scotsman clever punchlines out of every interaction with 'An astonishingly accomplished and moving work' his audience... Sometimes, arrogance is bliss’ Arts Desk The Scotsman.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 32
talu rhywun i wneud hyn. Gofynnais i fy nghariad am gyngor ar beth i’w ysgrifennu, ond yn anffodus roedd rhaid iddi adael y tŷ ...) yn mynd i’r afael â thlodi yn yr unig ffordd y gall ac ysgrifennu AWR (efallai) o GOMEDI LLWYFAN am y pwnc a NEWID eich BYWYDAU. Mae hon yn sioe o waith ar y gweill. Gwelwyd a chlywyd ar BBC One, Channel 4, BBC Radio 2 a BBC Radio 4. ‘Cook possesses a quality that simply makes him funny’ The List ‘Had the crowd roaring with laughter’ Three Weeks Broadway Baby
Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £8 // 14+ The Canteen
Ivo Graham made a big song and dance in his 2016 blurb about how he was coming to Machynlleth even though he wasn’t doing the Edinburgh Fringe, a valiant pledge rather undermined when he then withdrew from the festival at short notice. So this year’s show (a work in progress for the Edinburgh Fringe, the bloody Bois sgets milflwyddol sy’n cofleidio gwobrau, cheek!) is mainly going to consist of him eating mae Princes of Main yn cyflwyno sioe newydd humble pie. Loads of the stuff. Please come. ar gyfer 2017. Ymunwch â’r hunllefau hardd Please forgive. He loves this town, and he’ll never hyn wrth iddynt roi cynnig ar awr o sgetshis stand it up again. Set fate to: tempted! newydd sbon er eich difyrrwch chi. Disgwyliwch Gwnaeth Ivo Graham ffys mawr yn ei froliant aflafaredd cyffredinol, sgetshis rhaglaw, a hwyl 2016 am y ffaith ei fod yn dod i Fachynlleth er nad llyngesol. oedd yn gwneud Gŵyl Caeredin, addewid glew a danseiliwyd pan dynnodd yn ôl o’r ŵyl ar fyr ‘Fresh, crafty gags for Generation Y’ TimeOut rybudd. Felly bydd sioe eleni (a gwaith ar y gweill ‘Very, very bloody funny’ Deadline.com ar gyfer Gŵyl Caeredin, er mawr cywilydd!) yn bennaf yn ei weld yn bod yn ostyngedig. Llwyth ‘Utter genius’ Broadway Baby o stwff. Plis dewch. Plis maddeuwch iddo. Mae wrth ei fodd â’r dref hon, ac ni fydd byth yn methu â dod eto. Gosodwch eich tynged i: temtio! Award-nuzzling millennial sketchboys Princes of Main present a new show for 2017. Join these three beautiful nightmares as they test-drive an hour of brand-new sketches for your amusement. Expect general raucousness, lieutenant sketches and admiral fun.
FIN TAYLOR WHITEY MCWHITEFACE Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Fin Taylor’s latest show Whitey McWhiteface took the Fringe by storm in August, with a critically acclaimed sell-out run. Fin has supported Doc Brown on tour, gigged with Louis CK in New York, and made multiple appearances on Josh Widdicombe’s XFM Show. Now Fin is taking his unique blend of gross social commentary on the road… Bu sioe ddiweddaraf Fin Taylor, Whitey
Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 16+ Rag & Bone Gary’s hair is history – now his name is under threat. The fightback possibly begins here. Join this lanky northerner and his bereft bonce for an anarchic hour treading the fine lines between miserable and uplifting, poetry and karaoke. Mae gwallt Gary wedi diflannu – nawr mae ei enw dan fygythiad. Mae’r frwydr yn dechrau yma. Ymunwch â’r boi tal o’r gogledd a’i ben moel am awr anarchaidd sydd hanner ffordd rhwng y diflas a’r dyrchafol, cerddi a charaoce. . ‘An extraordinary journey … spoken word at its finest and funniest.’ Bunbury Magazine ‘Quite the crowd pleasing treat … highlights a poet / comedian with a harpsichord’s worth of entertaining strings to his bow.’ Comedy Knights
McWhiteface, yn llwyddiant ysgubol yng Nghaeredin ym mis Awst, gyda rhediad o fri beirniadol a werthodd bob tocyn. Mae Fin wedi cefnogi Doc Brown ar daith, wedi gigio gyda Louis CK yn Efrog Newydd, ac wedi ymddangos sawl tro ar sioe XFM Josh Widdicombe. Nawr, mae Fin yn mynd â’i sylwebaeth gymdeithasol affwysol unigryw ar daith … ‘Taylor has written a big, bold hour of standup…thought-provoking and side-splitting’ The Independent ‘Fin Taylor brilliantly explodes white privilege, hilariously taking on white entitlement and linguistic bigotry…delicious satire’ The Scotsman Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 33
Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard
PHOEBE WALSH I'LL HAVE WHAT SHE'S HAVING Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
In a world mired in issues. On a globe drowning in strife. In this time at this place when everything is going pretty bad to be honest, no joke, it's not nice. Who will help us? Where do we place our hope? Who will guide us to the light of a non-religion affiliated salvation? Will Duggan. Come watch Will sort this whole mess out. Mewn byd sy’n llawn trafferthion. Ar glôb sy’n boddi mewn gwrthdaro. Yn y cyfnod hwn yn y lle hwn pan mae popeth yn mynd yn eithaf gwael i fod yn onest, dim jôc, dyw e ddim yn neis. Pwy fydd yn ein helpu? Ble ddylem roi ein gobaith? Pwy fydd yn ein harwain at oleuni iachawdwriaeth heb fod yn gysylltiedig â chrefydd? Will Duggan. Dewch i wylio yn sortio’r llanast yma’n llwyr.
We're born alone, we live with weird people we find on Gumtree, we die alone. Phoebe does some lovely, lovely jokes about the struggles of livin', workin' and findin' true love in this post truth world. Come prepared to laugh and then ‘A must see for comedy aficionados’ EdFestMag tweet about your laugh, cos Phoebe is the voice ‘A welcome addition to the comedy world’ The List of a generation … Tudors and Stuarts. ‘A master…delightfully deft mixture of low key Ry’n ni’n cael ein geni ar ein pennau ein happenings and high-end bants’ hunain, ry’n ni’n byw gyda phobl ryfedd ry’n The Times ni’n dod o hyd iddynt ar Gumtree, ry’n ni’n marw ar ein penau ein hunain. Bydd Phoebe yn dweud jôcs hyfryd iawn am drafferthion byw, gweithio, a dod o hyd i gariad pur yn y byd ôlwirionedd hwn. Dewch yn barod i chwerthin, a chwarddwch ar Twitter, gan fod Phoebe yn llais i genhedlaeth ... y Tuduriaid a’r Stiwardiaid. ‘OMFG! I wanna BE her!’ Malala ‘The show is oversold, the room is crammed full, and we are all in for one of the funniest hours of our lives.’ The Skinny ‘A kaleidoscope of delightful weirdness.’ Spoonfed
EVELYN MOK WORK IN PROGRESS Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room Evelyn Mok is an award winning swedish comedian who's been seen on BBC 3, Channel 4 & dubbed "The Swedish Amy Schumer" by Comedy Central. Her debut show is about how she lost her Machynlleth Comedy Festival 34
Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room Jonny Pelham returns to Mach with his most bold and hilarious show yet. As seen on Russell
HEDLUV & PASSMAN TWO CORNISH RAPPERS AND A CASIOTONE THREE: RURAL RUMBLE Fri / Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Youth Wing If WWE is Sports Entertainment then this is Music Entertainment: ostensibly a rap show from Cornwall, but with a high level of theatrical flourish and extravagant presentation, all for the purpose of entertaining an audience.
Mae Evelyn Mok yn ddigrifwr arobryn o Sweden a welwyd ar BBC 3, Channel 4 ac a alwyd "The Swedish Amy Schumer" gan Comedy Central. Mae ei sioe gyntaf am golli ei gwyryfdod yn 25 oed i fachgen â thwll yn ei ael heb eironi.
WHAT IS LOVE BABY DON’T HURT ME Fri / Gwe // 10:30pm // £7 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Brett Goldstein fell in love for the first time last year. He wouldn't recommend it. Watch as award winning stand up Brett Goldstein fumbles through a new show about money,
Like wrestling some people will complain that it’s not real, that it’s not real music (it is performed mainly on Casio keyboards after all). But the sweat is real, the pained expressions are real, the level of effort is very real indeed… and it’s this that just makes it so damned funny. Os yw WWE yn adloniant chwaraeon, yna mae hwn yn adloniant cerddoriaeth: sioe rap o Gernyw i fod, ond gyda lefel uchel o ffyniant theatrig a chyflwyniad afradlon, at ddiben diddanu cynulleidfa. Fel reslo, bydd rhai pobl yn cwyno nad yw'n real, nad yw'n gerddoriaeth go iawn (mae’n cael ei berfformio ar allweddellau Casio yn bennaf, wedi'r cyfan). Ond mae'r chwys yn real, mae’r boen yn real, mae lefel yr ymdrech yn real iawn ... a dyna sy’n ei wneud mor ddoniol. ‘Taking silly to whole new tiers of intensity’ The Guardian
virginity at the tender age of 25 to a boy with an unironic eyebrow piercing.
BRIAN GITTINS DON’T FEED THE MONKEY MAN (WORK IN PROGRESS) Fri / Gwe // 10:30pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
JARRED CHRISTMAS BIGGISH HITS AND GIGGLES Fri / Gwe // 10:30pm // £10 // 16+ Y Plas You always feel happier after a biggish Hit. You always feel happier after a giggle. New Zealand sensation Jarred Christmas is the really satisfying, solid and slightly funny shaped biggish hit that makes you feel good, lighter, and at peace. Also he definitely brings the giggles. Rydych chi bob amser yn teimlo'n hapusach
Howards stand-up Central and Live from the BBC. Jonny Pelham yn dychwelyd i Mach gyda’i sioe ddewraf a mwyaf doniol eto. Fel a welwyd ar Russel Howards Stand-up Central a Live from the BBC. ‘The Laughs are explosive’ Chortle The Sunday Times
power, sex and love and how it’s hard to be successful and not be a xxxx. WORK IN PROGRESS (a mess). Cwympodd Brett Goldstein mewn cariad am y tro cyntaf y llynedd. Nid yw’n argymell y peth. Gwyliwch wrth i’r digrifwr arobryn Brett Goldstein roi cynnig ar sioe newydd am arian, pŵer, rhyw, a chariad, a’r ffaith ei bod yn anodd bod yn llwyddiant a pheidio â bod yn xxxx. GWAITH AR Y GWEILL (llanast). David Earl’s alter ego, Brian Gittins is an utter prat and according to the Sussex Argus, ‘The World’s Worst Comedian’. However, Brian’s not having any of it and he’s back with a live show (sponsored by Rampoo - Shampoo for rams). It promises dancing, singing and Knock Knock jokes about an elderly lady called Joan McEnroe (sounds like John McEnroe). As well as all that there will be a section exclusively for frustrated audience members at the end of the evening called ‘Heckle Gittins’. So, if you like watching a 42 year old man prancing around like a moron, come and see the newly invigorated Brian before he’s bedridden with performance anxiety. David Earl is star of Derek (Channel 4), Gittins (Channel 4), Cumbo (Channel 4), Extras (BBC), star and co-writer of Rovers (Sky 1). Mae Brian Gittins, cymeriad David Earl, yn
brat llwyr, ac yn ôl y Sussex Argus, ‘The World’s Worst Comedian’. Fodd bynnag, mae Brian yn gwrthod derbyn hyn, ac mae nôl gyda sioe fyw (wedi’i noddi gan Rampŵ - siampŵ i hyrddod). Mae’n addo dawnsio, canu a jôcs cnoc cnoc am hen fenyw o’r enw Joan McEnroe (swnio fel John McEnroe). Yn ogystal, bydd secsiwn i aelodau rhwystredig y gynulleidfa ar ddiwedd y noson o’r enw ‘Heckle Gittins’. Felly, os y’ch chi’n mwynhau gweld dyn 42 oed yn dawnsio fel twpsyn, dewch i weld Brian wedi’i ailfywiogi cyn iddo fynd i’r gwely’n poeni am berfformio. ‘One of the best comedy characters of the decade.’ Ricky Gervais ‘A true original, and breathtakingly funny with it’ The Guardian ‘Very funny and horrifically distressing’ The Independent
ar ôl llwyddiant gweddol fawr. Rydych chi bob amser yn teimlo'n hapusach ar ôl chwerthin. Mae’r arwr o Seland Newydd Jarred Christmas yn llwyddiant gweddol fawr gwirioneddol foddhaol, cadarn, ac ychydig yn ddoniol i wneud i chi deimlo'n dda, yn ysgafnach, ac mewn heddwch. Hefyd, mae’n bendant yn dod â'r chwerthin. ‘One of the funniest men to pick up a microphone’ Time Out ‘Likeable, intelligent and full of unpredictable energy’ The Scotsman
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 35
TWINS TWO BALLS IN A BAG Fri / Gwe // 10:30pm // £8 // 16+ Y Plas Vane Tempest Identical twins Annie McGrath and Jack Barry (as seen on ITV2) bring their trademark hybrid of sketch and stand-up comedy to Machynlleth. Laugh Out London's Top 20 Sketch Comedy Shows 2015.
Fri / Gwe // 10:30pm // £12 // 18+ The Mach Arena // 120 mins (plus interval)
Yr efeilliaid unfath Annie McGrath a Jack Barry (fel a welwyd ar ITV2) yn dod â’u comedi sgetsh a standyp bring unigryw i Machynlleth. The annual Friday night showcase, packed with Top 20 Sketch Comedy Shows 2015 Laugh Out as many festival acts as we can squeeze in. Hosted by Nish Kumar. London. Arddangosfa flynyddol nos Wener yn cynnwys yr James Acaster's Top Edinburgh Comedy Picks holl actiau y gallwn ei ffitio. 2015 in the Guardian. 'Two razor-sharp comedy minds' Ed Fringe Review
Sponsored by The White Lion Hotel.Noddir gan The White Lion Hotel
STREAM INCREDIBLE STAND-UP Watch 80 shows (and counting) from great comedians you’ll know and loads for you to discover. ‘The Netflix for UK stand-up’ engadget Acts include: Tony Law, Bill Hicks, Simon Munnery, Richard Herring, Phil Nichol, Lou Sanders, John Hastings, Brendon Burns, Fern Brady Lloyd Langford, Bobby Mair, Jordan Brooks, Alfie Brown, Eleanor Mor ton, Colin Hoult .
FREE 30 DAY TRIAL WITH AN EXTRA 25% OFF FOR 3 MONTHS, ENTER CODE ’MACHFEST’ O f f e r valid unt il 3 r d M ay a t n ex t up c o m e dy.c o m
GREG WOHEAD CELEBRATION FLORIDA Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £11 // 14+ Y Plas
TEZ ILYAS MADE IN BRITAIN Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Join one of the UK’s most exciting rising stars as he heads out on his first nationwide tour … In 2015, Tez Ilyas achieved phenomenal success with his debut stand up show TEZ Talks. It was met with packed out audiences and huge commercial success at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A totally sold-out run at London’s Soho Theatre followed, with additional dates at the prestigious Southbank Centre. The show went onto be adapted into a series for BBC Radio 4 (with a second series coming in 2017). Tez is now taking his followup show, the critically acclaimed, smash hit ‘Made in Britain’ on tour. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 38
Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can’t stop thinking about, nostalgia for a place that never existed. As a way of exploring the idea of stand-ins and surrogates, connection, disconnection and alienation, the show will be performed by stand-ins for me in the form of two new unrehearsed performers each time—they will be strangers meeting for the first time on stage and will know almost nothing about the show before they perform it. They will be led by pre-recorded audio and headphones in order to perform the show. The performers would ideally be recruited locally wherever the show is performed Mae Celebration, Florida yn gwyro rhwng Ymunwch ag un o sêr mwyaf cyffrous dyfodol y DU wrth iddo ddechrau ar ei daith genedlaethol gyntaf ... Yn 2015, profodd Tez Ilyas lwyddiant ysgubol gyda'i sioe standyp gyntaf TEZ Talks. Denodd gynulleidfaoedd gorlawn a llwyddiant masnachol enfawr yng Ngŵyl Ymylol Caeredin. Dilynnodd rhediad a werthodd bob tocyn yn Theatr Soho Llundain, gyda dyddiadau ychwanegol yn y Southbank Centre mawreddog. Cafodd y sioe ei haddasu yn gyfres i BBC Radio 4 (gydag ail gyfres yn dod yn 2017). Mae Tez bellach yn mynd â’i ail sioe, ‘Made in Briatin’ arobryn boblogaidd, ar daith. Star of BBC Radio 4 and as seen on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, ITV2, Channel 4, E4, Comedy Central and Sky Arts. ‘Radiantly entertaining’ The Times. ‘Intelligent and truly hilarious’ Edinburgh Festivals Magazine.
STUART LAWS THE JOURNEY Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room 6 years ago Stuart Laws wrote a short story that no one has read. 3 years ago he decided it would work better as a play. This year he wrote it. This will be the first time it's ever performed in public. It's a romantic comedy about a couple planning their first holiday together and then being forced together, with only each other to argue with.
realiti ac efelychu, gan gylchdroi o gwmpas syniadau benthyg; amnewid i gymryd lle person ry’ch chi’n ei golli, ailgreu profiad na allwch stopio meddwl amdano, hiraeth am le nad yw’n bodoli. Fel ffordd o archwilio'r syniad o amnewid a benthyg, cysylltiad, datgysylltiad a dieithrio, bydd y sioe’n cael ei pherfformio gan amnewidiadau i fi ar ffurf dau berfformiwr newydd sydd heb ei ymarfer bob tro – byddant yn ddieithriaid sy’n cwrdd am y tro cyntaf ar y llwyfan, heb wybod bron ddim am y sioe cyn ei pherfformjack io. Byddant yn cael eu harwain gan sain a recordiwyd ymlaen llaw a chlustffonau er mwyn perfformio'r sioe. Yn ddelfrydol bydd y perfformwyr yn cael eu recriwtio’n lleol lle bynnag y perfformir y sioe.
GRÁINNE MAGUIRE GRÁINNE WITH A FADA (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Gráinne returns with a new hour show! Gráinne yn dychwelyd gyda sioe awr newydd! ‘An exceptional comedy mind with a terrific comedy intelligence’ Skinny
6 mlynedd yn ôl ysgrifennodd Stuart Laws stori fer nad oes neb wedi’i darllen. 3 blynedd yn ôl penderfynodd y byddai'n gweithio'n well fel drama. Eleni fe’i hysgrifennodd hi. Hwn fydd y tro cyntaf iddo’i pherfformio’n gyhoeddus. Mae'n gomedi rhamantus am gwpl sy’n cynllunio eu gwyliau cyntaf gyda'u gilydd ac yna’n cael eu gorfodi at ei gilydd, gyda dim ond ei gilydd i ddadlau â nhw. ‘Artfully woven throughout are a series of recurrent lines, dropped innocuously at first but building to a collective climax. Thankfully, the absurdist humour of some segments manages to stay the right side of coherent, without straying into oddity for the sake of oddity.’ Fest Magazine ‘Stuart Laws' show is intricate, creative, well structured and deftly turned.’ The Skinny
‘She crafts incredibly intelligent reflections of current affairs through a delightful charm which drives home just how hilarious Maguire is.’ Ed Fest Mag ‘Well-written and even the darkest material is delivered with charm.’ Herald
Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Canteen ‘Very friendly but fiercely political’ (Time Out) comedian Tiernan Douieb considers if ignorance is indeed bliss, and if so, surely he shouldn't know that. Tiernan tries to work out what anyone wants, and if they deserve it.
Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest Curly is convinced that appearing youthful is the answer to success in comedy and he will do whatever is necessary to get “youth”. Short knows otherwise and tries to prove that Curly shouldn’t be so concerned with his appearance. Will Short manage to convince Curly to see the light before it’s too late? Will appearing youthful make Curly’s dreams come true? Find out in this multi-sketch show from the critically acclaimed double act Short & Curly. Mae Curly yn argyhoeddedig mai edrych yn ifanc yw'r ateb i lwyddiant mewn comedi, a bydd yn gwneud beth bynnag sy'n angenrheidiol i gael "ieuenctid". Mae Short yn gwybod fel arall ac yn ceisio profi na ddylai Curly boeni cymaint am ei ymddangosiad. A fydd Short yn llwyddo i argyhoeddi Curly i weld y goleuni cyn ei bod hi'n rhy hwyr? A fydd edrych yn ifanc wireddu breuddwydion Curly? Dewch i gael wybod yn y sioe sgetsh hon gan yr act ddwbl o fri beirniadol, Short & Curly.
‘This double act throw everything at it. With loads of prop, costume and physical gags they keep us laughing consistently throughout.’ ThreeWeeks
Three Weeks
‘It’s completely hilarious and amazing.’ Broadway Baby
‘A smart yet daft, brave watershed show from an evolving comic.’ Scotsman
A new hour of satirical gags and nonsense musings. ‘Very friendly but fiercely political’ (Time Out), bydd y digrifwr Tiernan Douieb yn ystyried a yw anwybodaeth yn dod â hapusrwydd, ac os felly, does bosib na ddylai wybod hynny. Bydd Tiernan yn ceisio dod i ddeall beth sydd ei eisiau ar unrhyw un, ac os ydynt yn ei haeddu. Awr newydd o jôcs dychanol a myfyrdodau nonsens. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 39
Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard
Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £14 Y Tabernacl
I am back with my second debut show. The first one went surprisingly well. Better than most people thought. Better than everyone thought. I was nominated for BEST NEWCOMER in Edinburgh and BEST SHOW over in Australia. So, I thought I would give it another go. How hard can it be? Probably, very.
‘A National Institution … the 42nd Best Reason to Love Britain’ (Sunday Telegraph) John Shuttleworth, well-loved from his Radio 4 series, The Shuttleworths, as well as from various TV appearances including Celebrity Antiques Roadshow (BBC2), 500 Bus Stops (BBC), It’s Nice up North, Southern Softies and One Foot In The Gravy (Sky). John has recently broadcast the second series of John Shuttleworth’s Lounge Music for BBC Radio 4.
I even won English Comedian Of The Year, which means nothing in Wales. But it sounds fancy.
So come along and see me sift through the shit, and cling on to the gold.
Rwy nôl gyda fy ail sioe gyntaf. Aeth y gyntaf yn dda, er syndod. Gwell na wnaeth y rhan fwyaf o bobl feddwl. Gwell na wnaeth pawb In 1995, a 10-year old Steffan Alun buried a feddwl. Cefais fy enwebu am BEST NEWCOMER time capsule. In his solo debut, 32-year old yng Nghaeredin a BEST SHOW yn Awstralia. Steffan tells the hilarious story behind the Felly, meddyliais y byddwn i’n rhoi cynnig arall contents of that time capsule: arni. Pa mor anodd all hynny fod? Anodd iawn, Opal Fruits; a lost tooth, an Eisteddfod trophy, a mae’n siŵr. toy Smurf; a letter written to his future self. Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
Gwnes i hyd yn oed ennill English Comedian Of The Year, sy’n golygu dim yng Nghymru. Ond mae’n swnio’n ffansi. Felly dewch i fy ngweld yn pori drwy’r cachu, ac yn glynnu at yr aur.
Bisha K ALI: "Badass comedian" (MTV News) who makes the political personal with her award-losing comedy.
This show was developed in preview at the Edinburgh Festival 2016, and audience members were invited to review the show themselves:
Athena Kugblenu: Cyrhaeddodd Athena rownd derfynol BBC New Comedy Award, ac mae’n edrych am ffordd newydd i drafod gwleidyddiaeth gyda’r chwith a’r dde yn bellach o’i gilydd nag erioed.
Pecyn o Opal Fruits; Dant coll; Gwobr Eisteddfod; Tegan Smyrff; Llythyr a ysgrifennodd i’w hun.
Datblygwyd y sioe hon yng Ngŵyl Caeredin 2016, a gwahoddwyd aelodau’r gynulleidfa i adolygu’r sioe: ‘I came in because I had some time to kill, and it blew me away.’ ‘There are so few comedians who make you laugh without ever going for the cheap shot. His jokes are funny, obviously, but they're also intelligent and carefully crafted.’ ‘I loved this show, it was so funny. Best thing I’ve seen [this year].’ Machynlleth Comedy Festival 40
‘His stand up is second to none, his timing is impeccable and you can practically warm your hands on his good nature’ The Guardian Guide
Amy Annette: creator of comedy conversation “The enduringly brilliant comic creation of show What Women Want and co-author of I Call Graham Fellows” Radio Times 2016 Myself A Feminist - funny person despite serious sounding CV.
Yn 1995, gwnaeth Steffan Alun 10 oed gladdu capsiwl amser. Yn ei sioe gyntaf, bydd Steffan 32 oed yn adrodd yr hanes doniol wrth wraidd cynnwys y capsiwl amser hwnnw:
(Nodyn gyfrinachol gan Steffan i siaradwyr Cymraeg – sioe am Gymreictod yw hon mewn gwirionedd. Ond peidiwch â dweud wrth y diGymraeg, neu fyddan nhw ddim yn dod. Mae rant gwych yn erbyn yr iaith Saesneg yn y sioe.)
‘A National Institution...the 42nd Best Reason to Love Britain’ (Sunday Telegraph) John WOMEN IN PROGRESS Shuttleworth, yn boblogaidd o’i gyfres ar Radio 4, The Shuttleworths, yn ogystal ag Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 16+ ymddangosiadau amrywiol ar y teledu fel The Youth Wing Celebrity Antiques Roadshow (BBC2), 500 Bus Stops (BBC), It’s Nice up North, Southern Softies Athena Kugblenu: BBC New Comedy Award a One Foot In The Gravy (Sky). Yn ddiweddar, Finalist Athena looks for a new way to talk about politics now the left and right couldn’t be darlledodd John ail gyfres John Shuttleworth’s Lounge Music ar ran BBC Radio 4. further apart.
Bisha K ALI: "Badass comedian" (MTV News) sy’n gwneud y gwleidyddol yn bersonol gyda’i chomedi a gollodd wobr.
HARRIET DYER DYERGNOSIS MURDER Sat / Sad // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room Harriet Dyer (BBC Live at The Fringe, BBC Radio 4 Extra and that idiot that didn’t cook her chicken on ITV’s Dinner Date) for the purposes of this show to work is Detective Dyer. Expect the ending of lives, an idiot disguised as many, and tentacles. So many tentacles.
Bydd Harriet Dyer (Live at The Fringe BBC, BBC Radio 4 Extra a’r twpsyn wnaeth beidio â choginio ei chyw iâr ar Dinner Date ITV), er mwyn i’r sioe hon weithio, yn troi’n Dditectif Dyer. Disgwyliwch i fywydau ddod i ben, i dwpsyn guddio fel nifer ohonynt, a thentaclau. Gormod o dentaclau. ‘Dyer exists in a joyful equilibrium, at the point where self-depreciation and a total embracement of oddness meet in utterly likeable harmony … Beautifully, brilliantly weird… Absolutely worth a watch’ Broadway Baby
Jane Austen novel, based on an audience suggestion. Previous ‘lost works' have included Sixth Sense & Sensibility, Jurassic Mansfield Park, & Double 0 Darcy. Performed in Regency costume with live musical accompaniment; mark your dance card, fetch your bonnet and book your tickets! Swooning guaranteed! Yn dilyn taith o’r DU a werthodd bob tocyn, daw Austentatious yn ôl i Fachynlleth mewn ffordd ysblennydd!
Amy Annette: crëwr y sioe sgwrs gomedi What Women Want a chyd-awdur I Call Myself A Feminist - person doniol er gwaethaf CV sy’n swnio'n difrifol.
AUSTENTATIOUS Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Fresh from a sell-out UK tour, Austentatious return to Machynlleth in resplendent fashion! An all-star cast improvise a brand new
Cast o sêr yn creu nofel newydd Jane Austen fyrfyfyr, yn seiliedig ar awgrymiadau’r gynulleidfa. Mae 'gweithiau coll' blaenorol yn cynnwys Sixth Sense & Sensibility, Jurassic Mansfield Park, a Double-O Darcy. Perfformir mewn gwisg Regency i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth fyw. Marcio eich cerdyn dawns, gwisgwch eich boned, ac archebwch eich tocynnau! Llewygu’n sicr! ‘A potboiler of a parody, joyously performed’ The Times ‘One of the most impressive comedy shows on the Fringe’ Chortle Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 41
Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room
Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
International silly person Caroline Mabey returns to Machfest and this time she’s bringing her eyewash (and a brand new show).
A new show from Matt Winning (“Attractively impish” The Guardian) who has a PhD in climate change policy and spends every minute of the day thinking about the end of the world.
Y person gwirion rhyngwladol Caroline Mabey yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Mach, a’r tro hwn, mae hi’n dod â’i golch llygaid (a sioe newydd sbon).
Global warming is ruining both the planet and his life. He wants it all to stop and he needs your help.
‘A mischievous, kooky talent’ Time Out
‘An absolute delight to watch. Fantastically ditzy and spectacularly absurd’ The Skinny
trois between Vic Reeves, Harry Hill and Floella Benjamin’ Evening Standard
Best new comedians heading to Fringe 2015 - Radio Times
Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £10 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
with a new hour of sketch comedy. And boy, will it be great?
Sioe newydd gan Matt Winning (“Attractively impish” The Guardian) sydd â PhD mewn polisi newid i’r hinsawdd, ac sy’n treulio pob munud bob dydd yn meddwl am ddiwedd y byd.
Star of BBC’s Murder in Successville and Being Human, Colin Hoult returns as his most delightful character Ms Anna Mann in a show to put down your black dog at last or at least chuck him a bone.
Boy: No.
‘The slightly deranged offspring of a menage a
The Guardian's Recommended Shows 2016 The Metro's Top Three Sketch Shows 2016 Giants, sef Barney a Will, yn dychwelyd i Fach gydag awr newydd o gomedi sgets. A bois bach, fydd e’n dda?
Seren Murder in Successville a Being Human y BBC, mae Colin Hoult yn dychwelyd gyda’i gymeriad hyfrytaf Ms Anna Mann mewn sioe i ladd eich ci du o’r diwedd, neu roi asgwrn iddo o leiaf.
Y bois bach: Na fydd.
As seen in Derek, Life’s Too Short and creator of BBC Radio 4’s Carnival of Monsters. ‘Unique and darkly brilliant talent’ The Guardian
‘Funnier than almost all other shows at this year’s Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ Fringe’ The Daily Telegraph Y Plas Vane Tempest ‘His most joyful effort to date … Deliciously funny’ The Times Giants, aka Barney and Will, return to Mach
CHRIS BETTS BEWILDERBEEST (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Canadian Chris Betts doesn’t so much hate people as finds them inexplicable. This makes life more difficult than it need be. Our pointless disdain for the left handed, people defecating in urinals, police that refuse break dancing competitions. Chris can’t wrap his head around any of it. Combine this with a yak-like hairiness and you’ve got the Bewilderbeest.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 42
The Skinny Edinburgh Festivals Magazine Fresh Fringe Broadway Baby EdFringe Review ‘Engaging, slick up-and-comers’ Metro ‘Tightly woven and precision-timed, smartly self-aware but capable of dishing out big, daft laughs too’ The List Dyw’r Canadiad Chris Betts ddim yn casáu pobl yn gymaint â’i gweld yn anesboniadwy. Mae hyn yn gwneud bywyd yn anoddach na sy’n rhaid iddo fod. Ein dirmyg dibwrpas o bobl llaw chwith, pobl sy’n cachu mewn wrinalau, yr heddlu sy'n gwrthod cystadlaethau breg-ddawnsio. Ni all Chris ddeall dim ohono. Cyfunwch hyn gyda blew fel iacod, ac mae gennych y Bewilderbeest. Daily Telegraph Top 20 Jokes of the Fringe. NATYS 2015 Finalist ‘An enticing prospect ... off-kilter thoughts sharpened by the occasional prod at taboo topics’ The Independent
ROB AUTON THE HAIR SHOW (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ The Canteen
Mae twymo bydeang yn sbwylio’r blaned a’i fywyd. Mae am iddo stopio, ac mae angen eich cymorth chi arno.
‘Straddles the line nicely between being The Hair Show is a comedy/spoken word/ the oddball spouting nonsense and a more theatre/talking show about hair by writer and accessible comic making the surreal relatable’ performer Rob Auton. Having explored the Chortle colour yellow in 2012’s ‘The Yellow Show’, the sky in 2013’s ‘The Sky Show’, faces in 2014’s ‘The Face Show’, water in 2015’s ‘The Water Show’, sleep in 2016’s ‘The Sleep Show’ Rob now turns his attention to hair with 2017’s ‘The Hair Show’. ‘The Hair Show’ is suitable for anybody who has hair, has had hair or has seen someone who has hair. Mae The Hair Show yn sioe gomedi/gair llafar/theatr/siarad am wallt gan yr awdur a’r perfformiwr Rob Auton. Ar ôl archwilio’r lliw melyn yn ‘The Yellow Show’ 2012, yr awyr yn ‘The Sky Show’ 2013, wynebau yn ‘The Face Show’ 2014, dŵr yn ‘The Water Show’ 2015, cwsg yn ‘The Sleep Show’ 2016, mae Rob bellach yn troi ei sylw at wallt gyda 'The Hair Show' 2017. Mae ‘The Hair Show’ yn addas i unrhyw un sydd â gwallt gwallt, oedd â gwallt, neu sydd wedi gweld rhywun sydd â gwallt. ‘A genuine original. Poetical, philosophical, humane, completely charming and funny to boot.’ The Guardian ‘Limited entertainment value or indeed point.’ Chortle
‘Offbeat one-liners, strange observations and pure silliness’ Time Out
PHIL WANG KINABALU Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 The Youth Wing Stand-up comedian Phil Wang is a son of the British Empire. But in a new world suddenly intent on retreating into itself, building walls, and bolstering borders, what is a Commonwealth man to do? A blistering new hour of comedy gold – that’s what. Phil has been on Have I Got News For You, Live At The Apollo, and the short-lived but muchloved BBC3 sit-com Top Coppers. Mae’r digrifwr Phil Wang yn fab i’r Ymerodraeth Brydeinig. Ond mewn byd newydd sy’n awyddus i encilio, i adeiladu waliau, a chryfhau ffiniau, beth sydd i ddyn o’r Gymanwlad i’w wneud? Awr wych o gomedi ardderchog – dyna beth. Mae Phil wedi bod ar Have I Got News For You, Live At The Apollo, a’r sircom fer boblogaidd dros ben Top Coppers ar BBC3.
Ed Fringe Review Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 43
GABBY BEST SLEEP : A WORK IN PROGRESS Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard Gabby hasn't slept properly in years. The result is that she regularly feels like a ghost and looks like a shoe... Come and stay awake with her for yet another hour as she unpicks a decade of bed head.
A work in progress hour from Funny Women Award winning comedian, as seen in BBC3's Top Coppers / ITV2's Glitchy. Dyw Gabby heb gysgu’n iawn ers blynyddoedd. O ganlyniad, mae hi’n aml yn teimlo fel ysbryd ac yn edrych fel esgid … Dewch i aros ar ddihun gyda hi am awr arall wrth iddi drafod degawd o ben gwely. Awr o waith ar y gweill gan ddigrifwr enillodd Funny Women Award, ac a welwyd ar Top Coppers BBC3 / Glitchy ITV2.
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 14+ Bowling Club
Single, jobless and living in his parents' spare room, life isn't treating Richard Stainbank well. Underemployed and underwhelmed, he finds himself at the home of the Greatest Briton with the National Trust and wonders what Winston would do.
Is it possible for Ed Aczel to go all philosophical? Probably Not. Does he really understand the nature of infinity? It’s not as simple as switching your energy provider or whether you should update the drivers on your laptop or not?How complicated is it all then? – particularly when certain things are really complicated. In this show Ed Aczel tries to understand things he doesn't really understand - for example Eternity and Quantum Mechanics. Ed fumbles around for an hour desperately seeking a show – why not come along and fumble with him perhaps? … that is assuming by April the world isn’t beginning to end – in which case we’ll all just have a laugh (why not?) … A yw'n bosib i Ed Aczel fod yn athronyddol – annhebygol - Ydy e wir yn deall natur anfeidredd? Dyw e ddim mor syml â newid eich darparwr ynni neu penderfynu diweddaru'r gyrwyr ar eich gliniadur neu beidio? Pa mor gymhleth yw e i gyd, felly? - yn enwedig pan fydd rhai pethau'n gymhleth dros ben. Yn y sioe hon bydd Ed Aczel ceisio deall pethau nad yw wir yn eu deall - er enghraifft Tragwyddoldeb a Mecaneg Cwantwm. Bydd Ed yn ymbalfalu am ryw awr yn ceisio creu sioe – beth am ddod i ymbalfalu gyda fe? ... gan gymryd na fydd y byd wedi dod i ben erbyn mis Ebrill - ac os felly, gallwn chwerthin (pam lai?) ... Dead-pan dynamo and very funny.’ The Mirror 'Aczel is still the master of the genre.’ Kate Copstick, The Scotsman
Yn sengl, yn ddi-waith, ac yn byw yn ystafell sbâr ei rieni, nid yw bywyd yn trin Richard Stainbank yn dda. Wedi’i dangyflogi a’i siomi, mae’n cael ei hun yng nghartref y Prydeinwr Gorau gyda'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ac yn ystyried beth fyddai Winston yn ei wneud. Cyrhaeddodd Richard rownd derfynol Laughing Horse a Chortle Student, ac mae’n dod â'i sioe gyntaf i Fachynlleth. Ymunwch ag ef wrth iddo geisio trechu’r ci du a dianc rhag yr anialwch. Does ganddo ddim i'w gynnig ond gwaed, dagrau llafur a chwys. A jôcs.
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
‘Lovingly crafted and rewarding to listen to...his set is packed with punchlines and evocative turns of phrase’ Chortle
Multi award winning idiot Harriet Kemsley is back at Mach with a new show and some fresh disasters. Harriet's talked on a stage all over the world - at places like The Sky Cat Laughs Comedy Festival in Kilkenny, Oslo Comedy Festival and Just for Laughs in Montreal.
‘He has taken very easily to stand-up’ London Is Funny ‘The strongest of the lineup...natural comic timing’ Broadway Baby
She has also supported some of her heroes on their nationwide tours, like Katherine Ryan, Stephen Merchant and Isy Suttie. And she just played the role of Daisy in Jo Brand's recent Channel4 sitcom Damned. Credits include; The Radio1 Comedy Lounge, BBC3 Comedy Marathon, The One Show Edinburgh Special and Kevin Hart's LOL Live. Mae’r twpsyn Harriet Kemsley a enillodd sawl gwobr yn ôl ym Mach gyda sioe newydd a trychinebau ffres. Mae Harriet wedi siarad ar lwyfan ar draws y byd – mewn llefydd fel Gŵyl Gomedi The Sky Cat Laughs yn Kilkenny, Gŵyl Gomedi Oslo a Just for Laughs ym Montreal.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 44
Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ The Store
A former Laughing Horse and Chortle Student finalist, Richard brings his debut show to Machynlleth. Join him as he strives to beat the black dog and escape from the wilderness. He has nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat. And jokes.
to introduce the finest, funniest and most daring comedians to a camera, projector and screen. Fylm School takes comedy to cinematic proportions.
Fylm School returns to Machynlleth for the third time, with a pick of special name guests joining Munnery in front of the camera. Simon Munnery - ‘one of the funniest, most original comedians of the past twenty years’ (Guardian) – yn troi’n gyflwynydd a chyfarwyddwr i gyflwyno’r digrifwyr gorau, mwyaf doniol a heriol i gamera, taflunydd, a sgrîn. Mae Fylm School yn rhoi comedi ar y sgrîn fawr. Daw Fylm School yn ôl i Fachynlleth am y trydydd tro, gyda gwesteion arbennig yn ymuno â Munnery o flaen y camera. .
SIMON MUNNERY FYLM SCHOOL Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Simon Munnery - ‘one of the funniest, most original comedians of the past twenty years’ (Guardian) - turns host and director
‘Surreal, whimsical and always inexplicably hilarious, this innovative show proves there’s more to comedy than one man and a microphone’ Three Weeks ‘A potboiler of a parody, joyously performed’ The Times
ELEANOR TIERNAN WORK IN PROGRESS Mae hi hefyd wedi cefnogi rhai o'i harwyr ar eu teithiau ledled y wlad, fel Katherine Ryan, Stephen Merchant ac Isy Suttie. Ac mae hi newydd chwarae rôl Daisy yng nghomedi sefyllfa diweddar Channel4 Jo Brand, Damned. 'A very funny new stand up...her style is refreshingly original and she's a seriously good writer' Time Out.
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard A stranger asks a small favour. It would seem so mean to refuse. But every action has its consequences. And when it’s too late, it’s too late. Compulsive Irish over-thinker Eleanor Tiernan previews her brand new standup show. As seen on Comedy Central’s The Alternative Comedy Experience and Irish Pictorial Weekly on RTÉ
Mae dieithryn yn gofyn am ffafr fach. Byddai’n gas gwrthod. Ond mae canlyniadau i bob gweithred. A phan mae’n rhy hwyr, mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae’r Gwyddel sy’n meddwl gormod am bopeth Eleanor Tiernan yn rhoi rhagflas o’i sioe gomedi newydd sbon. Fel a welwyd ar The Alternative Comedy Experience Comedy Central ac Irish Pictorial Weekly ar RTÉ ‘A distinctive inspired comic mind’ The Scotsman ‘Tiernan boasts a magnificent curl in her lip and snarl in her voice’ The Sunday Times Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 45
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ The Canteen
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard
Lolly's back at Mach with her sell-out criticallyacclaimed character comedy show, Lolly 2. If you only see one show this Machfest, please ask her to come with you! She's still single!
Join Dave Edwards as he gives advice concerning how to navigate the messy world of modernday dating. Edwards is a cult performer, regularly performing at Brian Gittins’ monthly night ‘Gittins to Know You’.
The Observer's Rising Stars of 2017. The Evening Standard’s Fresh Faces of 2016. As seen starring in Sky1’s Rovers and ITV2’s @elevenish, and on QI, Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled, and The Last Leg.
Ymunwch â Dave Edwards wrth iddo roi cyngor ar sut i ddeall byd anniben caru yn y byd cyfoes.
Mae Lolly yn ôl ym Mach gyda’i sioe comedi cymeriad arobryn a werthodd bob tocyn, Lolly 2. BEASTS Os byddwch yn gweld dim ond un sioe yng Ngŵyl … PRESENT MR MACHYNLLETH 2017 Mach eleni, plis gofynnwch iddi ddod gyda chi! Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £8 // 16+ Mae hi’n dal yn sengl! Y Plas Vane Tempest ‘I never wanted this show to end.’ ThreeWeeks 'With Lolly 2, she has found her comic voice and something to say. Bound for much bigger things’ Independent ‘Adefope may just be one of the best character comedians around’ Broadway Baby
Join sketch behemoths BEASTS for an epic battle of intelligence, talent, guile and brawn, where the road to glory is paved with broken friendships and shredded dignity. Who will emerge victorious and be crowned Mr Machynlleth 2017? You decide. BEASTS have appeared on BBC Three, Comedy Central and BBC Radio 4. Directed by Tom Parry. We did do a rough preview of this show at last year's festival, but it's now significantly different/better. Want proof? Ask these guys:
Ymunwch â brenhinoedd sgets BEASTS am frwydr epig o glyfrwch, talent, twyll a brôn, lle mae'r ffordd i ogoniant yn frith o gyfeillgarwch wedi methu ac urddas wedi’i rwygo. Pwy fydd yn fuddugol ac yn cael ei goroni'n Mr Machynlleth 2017? Chi fydd yn penderfynu. Mae BEASTS wedi bod ar BBC Three, Comedy Central a BBC Radio 4. Cyfarwyddwyd gan Tom Parry. Perfformion ni ragflas bras o’r sioe hon yn yr ŵyl y llynedd, ond mae bellach yn wahanol iawn (yn well). Eisiau prawf? Gofynnwch i’r bobl hyn: 'Impeccably orchestrated bedlam' The Daily Telegraph 'An expertly clowned slapstick mix of the Olympics, It's A Knockout and The Generation Game' The Times
MARK WATSON Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Oesoedd yn ôl, penderfynodd y digrifwr tenau poblogaidd Mark Watson (adnabyddus am sioeau 27 awr, arloesi yng Nghaeredin, pob Machynlleth Comedy Festival 46
‘The funniest character comedy you’ve yet to see’ Colin Hoult (Murder in Successville/Derek)
MICHAEL LEGGE AN EVENING OF HARPSICHORD MUSIC WITH MICHAEL LEGGE Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 16+ The School Room Hopefully, by the time he has to do this show, Michael will have learned how to play the harpsichord. An enchanting evening of classic harpsichord music is promised including Bach's Minuet in G Major, Rachmaninoff's Suite No.5 and Shout Out To My Ex by Little Mix. Hopefully. If not: Jokes. Erbyn iddo orfod gwneud y sioe hon, gobeithio y bydd wedi dysgu sut i chwarae’r harpsicord. Noson huolus o gerddoriaeth harpsicord glasurol gan gynnwys Minuet in G Major Bach, Suite No.5 Rachmaninoff a Shout Out To My Ex gan Little Mix. Gobeithio. Fel arall: Jôcs.
Thin, popular comic Mark Watson (well known for 27-hour shows, Edinburgh innovation, all sorts of weird shenanigans) decided ages ago to do a couple of shows at Machynlleth this year where he'd try out something new. At the time of writing it's still far from clear what form it will take. If you buy a ticket for this, you might see pretty much anything. It's almost certain that Mark Watson will be there, though. Otherwise it would be taking the piss a bit.
Mae Edwards yn berfformiwr cwlt, yn perfformio’n rheolaidd yn noson fisol Brian Gittins, ‘Gittins to Know You’.
‘Always funny, always surprising’ David Earl (Derek/Sky One's 'Rovers'/ Brian Gittins)
JACK BARRY LEGALISE IT (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 16+ The Store Jack Barry returns to Mach Fest with a show about everyone's favourite subject, drugs. In an echo of great protest shows gone by, the tour support for James Acaster and Joe Lycett is sick of government persecution for his beliefs in doing drugs. It's time for change! Mae Jack Barry yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Mach gyda sioe am hoff bwnc pawb, cyffuriau. Gan adlewyrchu sioeau protest gwych y gorffennol, mae’r digrifwr a gefnogodd James Acaster a Joe Lycett ar daith wedi cael hen ddigon o’r llywodraeth yn ei erlid am ei gred mewn cymryd cyffuriau. Mae’n amser newid! ‘An inventive flourish behind his likeable banter… a distinctive wit that should make him one to watch’ Chortle ‘Instantly likeable’ Three Weeks ‘Great charm and some lovely comic riffs... an engaging, natural comedy presence.’ Kate Copstick
NICK HELM AN EARLY CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM OLD HELM DOG math o giamocs rhyfedd) wneud un neu ddau o sioeau ym Machynlleth eleni i roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd. Ar adeg ysgrifennu hwn, mae'n dal i fod yn aneglur pa fath o beth fydd yndigwydd. Os byddwch yn prynu tocyn i weld hon, gallech weld bron unrhyw beth. Mae bron yn sicr y bydd Mark Watson yno, fodd bynnag. Fel arall, byddai'n cymryd y piss braidd.
Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £7 // 16+ The Youth Wing The first of a new annual thing that he does now. He has no idea what it will be yet, but he will be in a room. Pennod gyntaf peth blynyddol newydd mae’n ei wneud erbyn hyn. Does ganddo ddim syniad beth fydd eto, ond bydd mewn ystafell. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 47
GLOBAL PILLAGE PODCAST RECORD Sat / Sad // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vortex The Spontaneity Shop presents Global Pillage, the top twenty iTunes comedy panel show podcast all about idiom, culture and customs.
• What do the Columbians mean when they say • Beth mae’r Colombiaid yn ei olygu wrth, “cael you are “swallowed like a postman’s sock”? ei lyncu fel hosan postmon”? • What do your friends make you do if you’re • Beth mae eich ffrindiau yn gwneud i chi unmarried at thirty in Germany? wneud os nad ydych wedi priodi erbyn eich bod yn 30 oed yn yr Almaen? • What did the acronym NORWICH mean (the equivalent of sexting jargon) if sent between • Beth oedd yr acronym NORWICH yn ei olygu World War Two lovers? (rhywbeth fel jargon secstio) pe gafodd ei anfon rhwng dau gariad yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd? All the oddness of humanity is explored in this hilarious new show where TWO TEAMS Holl ryfeddod y ddynoliaeth yn cael ei archwilio OF COMEDIANS take on the HIVE MIND OF THE yn y sioe ddoniol newydd hon lle bydd DAU AUDIENCE. This show is about the diversity of DÎM O DDIGRIFWYR yn ymateb i FEDDWL human experience. Come with us as we pillage CWCH GWENYN Y GYNULLEIDFA. Dyma sioe the globe for the strange but true ways of the am amrywiaeth profiad y ddynoliaeth. Dewch human race. gyda ni wrth i ni deithio’r byd i gasglu hanesion Comedians featured so far include Sara Pascoe, rhyfeddol a gwir yr hil ddynol. Nish Kumar, Felicity Ward, Yasmine Akram, Mae’r digrifwyr sydd wedi ymddangos eisoes Jamali Maddix, Joe Lycett, Mike McShane and yn cynnwys Sara Pascoe, Nish Kumar, Felicity Avery Edison. The show is hosted by Deborah Ward, Yasmine Akram, Jamali Maddix, Joe Frances-White – co-host of The Guilty Feminist Lycett, Mike McShane ac Avery Edison. podcast and from BBC Radio 4’s Deborah FrancesCyflwynir y sioe gan Deborah Frances-White – White Rolls the Dice. cyd-gyflwynydd podlediad The Guilty Feminist ac o Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice The Spontaneity Shop yn cyflwyno Global BBC Radio 4. Pillage, podlediad sioe banel yn 20 uchaf iTunes am idiomau, diwylliant, ac arferion.
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DEBORAH PEARSON HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY Sat / Sad // 5.15pm // £12 // 16+ Y Plas (90mins)
Theatre Theatr
In 1956, there was a popular uprising against the USSR in Hungary. The battle was fought primarily from the Corvin Cinema, and the uprising lead to one of the largest refugee crises of the twentieth century. In a live commentary screening of a 1956 comedy about football, scheduled to premiere at the Corvin Cinema the week of the uprising, Deborah Pearson unlocks a surprisingly personal story. A documentary, performed live, the performance runs the length of and is timed alongside the film, using interviews with the exiled screenwriter and people involved with the film to playfully reflect on immigration, suppression, and our personal links with history. This is a show for lovers of cinema, and for anyone who has stared at pictures of their ancestors a little too long. With dramaturgy by Daniel Kitson, and outside eye work by Tania El Khoury and Laura Dannequin.
Ym 1956, roedd gwrthryfel boblogaidd yn erbyn yr Undeb Sofietaidd yn Hwngari. Ymladdwyd y frwydr yn bennaf o Sinema Corvin, ac arweinodd y gwrthryfel at un o argyfyngau ffoaduriaid mwyaf yr ugeinfed ganrif. Mewn dangosiad sylwebaeth fyw o gomedi 1956 am bêl-droed, a drefnwyd i gael ei ddangos gyntaf yn Sinema Corvin wythnos y gwrthryfel, mae Deborah Pearson yn datgloi stori rhyfeddol o bersonol.
Developed in part at the National Theatre Studio.
Rhaglen ddogfen, a berfformir yn fyw, mae’r perfformiad yn rhedeg ar hyd y ffilm, ac wedi’i
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 48
hamseru ochr yn ochr â hi, gan ddefnyddio cyfweliadau gyda'r sgriptiwr alltud a'r bobl gysylltiedig â’r ffilm i fyfyrio’n chwareus ar fewnfudo, gormes, a’n cysylltiadau personol ni gyda hanes. Mae hon yn sioe am bobl sy'n hoffi’r sinema, ac am unrhyw un sydd wedi syllu ar luniau o'u hynafiaid ychydig yn rhy hir. Gyda dramateg Daniel Kitson, a gwaith llygad allanol Tania El Khoury a Laura Dannequin. Datblygwyd yn rhannol yn Stiwdio’r Theatr Genedlaethol.
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NISH KUMAR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, UNLESS YOU SHOUT THE WORDS REAL LOUD Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £10 // 14+ Y Tabernacl A comedy show about history, democracy and capitalism.
Nominee 2015. Rose d’Or winner – Best Radio Comedy. ‘Utterly brilliant’ Time Out ‘A masterclass by a no-frills standup at the height of his powers’ The Guardian Best reviewed show of 2015 - British Comedy Guide Top Ten Comedy shows of 2015 - The Guardian The five best comedy acts of 2015 – The Telegraph
Sioe gomedi am hanes, democratiaeth a chyfalafiaeth. As seen on Live at the Apollo & Have I Got News For You. Edinburgh Comedy Award Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
Best Newcomer nominees – Fosters Edinburgh Comedy Award 2014
Like persistent dandruff Gein’s Family Giftshop are back, and they are itching to show you what they’ve come up with. Skin ailments aside, Gein’s Family Giftshop are a multi-award winning 4 strong, 5 star sketch group who’ll be hawking out yet another hour of “fluid and twisted” (The Guardian) sketch comedy, performed with “the kind of sensibility that would unsettle even the darkest League of Gentlemen fan” (The Sunday Times).
Fel cen pen parhaus, mae Gein’s Family Giftshop yn ôl, ac maent yn ysu i ddangos i chi beth maen nhw wedi’i baratoi. Ar wahân i anhwylderau croen, mae Gein’s Family Giftshop yn grŵp sgets 5 person gyda 4 person, sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr, a byddan nhw’n perfformio awr arall o gomedi sgets "fluid and twisted" (The Guardian), wedi’i berfformio gyda “the kind of sensibility that would unsettle even the darkest League of Gentlemen fan” (The Sunday Times).
Let these four warts entertain you with a “A blistering debut hour of twisted, surreal humour” (The Metro) for an evening. Or at least watch them bumble around trying out some hot ass new sketches.
As seen on Inside No.9 (BBC2) and Sky Arts Christmas Comedy Shorts and as heard on BBC Radio 4’s Sketchorama
Best Newcomer – Chortle Awards 2015
Gadewch i’r pedwar dafaden eich difyrru gyda “blistering debut hour of twisted, surreal humour” (The Metro) am noson. Neu o leiaf gwyliwch nhw’n rhoi cynnig ar sgetsis cyffrous newydd. The Sunday Times ‘A joy to watch’ The Skinny
ARTHUR SMITH ARTHUR SMITH IS STANDING UP Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Stories, jokes, poems, ranting and Leonard Cohen, this show will be a bit like last year's except that nothing now is like last year. Straeon, jôcs, cerddi, rhefru, a Leonard Cohen. Bydd y sioe hon ychydig fel un y llynedd, ar wahân i’r ffaith nad yw dim eleni fel y llynedd. ‘There are fringe legends and then there is Arthur Smith’ Bruce Dessau Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 51
GREATEST HITS Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £8 // 14+ The Canteen
Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £8 // 14+ Bowling Club The Beef And Dairy Network Podcast is the number one podcast for those involved or just interested in the production of beef animals and dairy herds. Watch as this acclaimed comedy podcast by Benjamin Partridge is translated into live form. Gasp as it emerges, like a liberated veal calf, blinking into the light. Featuring Mike RICHARD TODD Bubbins, Tom Neenan and more TBA. The Beef And Dairy Network Podcast yw’r podlediad Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ gorau i bobl sy’n ymwneud â – neu sydd â Rag & Bone diddordeb mewn - cynhyrchu anifeiliaid cig eidion a buchesi godro. Gwyliwch wrth i’r podlediad 'How much happier the man who believes his native town to be the world than he who aspires comedi enwog hwn gan Benjamin Partridge gael to be greater than his nature will allow.' so said ei berfformio’n fyw. Synwch iddo ddod, fel llo cig wedi’i ryddhau, yn amrantu yn y goleuni. Gyda Mike Dr Frankenstein to himself, in his head, after making a botch job of building a man. Richard Bubbins, Tom Neenan, a mwy i’w cyhoeddi. concurs. A master of menial tasks, it is a tragedy ‘A gorgeously absurd comedy podcast by Benjamin that he ever meddled with ambition. But now Partridge. Played completely straight, it offers total it's alive and he must appease it. Fresh from the immersion in one man's comedy world.’ The 50 best bath, flibbertigibbet Richard Todd blurts out an podcasts of 2016, The Guardian debut show no greater than his nature allows. ‘This is a lovely, funny show.’ The Observer ‘How much happier the man who believes www.beefanddairynetwork.com his native town to be the world than he who aspires to be greater than his nature will allow.' Dyna ddywedodd Dr Frankenstein wrth ei hun, yn ei ben, ar ôl gwneud potsh o adeiladu dyn. Mae Richard yn cytuno. Meistr tasgiau gwasaidd, mae’n drasiedi ei fod wedi chwarae gydag uchelgais. Ond erbyn hyn mae'n fyw ac mae’n rhaid iddo ei fodloni. Yn ffres o'r bath, mae’r fflibertijibet Richard Todd yn poeri sioe gyntaf i Gaeredin sy’n ddim mwy na mae ei natur yn caniatáu. 'An inventive comic thinker’ Chortle 'A smart surrealist’ The Independent
JORDAN BROOKES THE MAKING OF Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Following a successful debut hour show, Brookes returns with a new bundle of silly faces, uncomfortable poses and unnecessary confessions in a highly-acclaimed show about a thoroughly eventful gap year. 2016 Chortle Award Best Newcomer nominee. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 52
Yn dilyn sioe awr gyntaf lwyddiannus, mae Brookes yn dychwelyd gyda chyfres o wynebau gwirion newydd, ystumiau anghyfforddus, a chyfaddefiadau diangen mewn sioe o fri beirniadol sylweddol am flwyddyn fwlch llawn digwyddiadau.. 'Highly inventive, a compelling performer' Chortle ‘a tricksy nugget of meta-comedy’ The Guardian
Comedian and legendary rock, pop and techno artist - but mainly comedian - Rob Deering returns to Machfest with all his hit-paradetopping smash hits.
ALEXIS DUBUS ALEXIS DUBUS VERSES THE WORLD Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £8 // 14+ The School Room Winner, Chortle Award 2015. More lyrical tales from the road mixed with iffy wordplay and first-rate bullshit. As seen on BBC One's The John Bishop Show, C4's Derek and Sky Atlantic's Set List. Mwy o straeon telynegol o’i deithiau, ynghyd â chwarae ar eiriau mewn ffordd amheus a chelwydd o’r radd flaenaf. Gwelwyd ar The John Bishop Show BBC One, Derek C4 a Set List Sky Atlantic. ‘Does what great stand-ups do but does it in verse… Uniquely funny’ The Scotsman ‘A highly entertaining hour packed with stand-up, verse, storytelling and sketch… Dubus is a phenomenal performer, be sure to see him while you can’ The Music, Adelaide Fringe ‘Wry, thoughtful, a lovely way with language... A comedy highlight you have to see’ The Independent
Creating “a highly impressive one-man soundscape powered mainly by energy and excellent guitar skills' (The Scotsman), this JOHN KEARNS is the comedy of a global musical superstar WORK IN PROGRESS trapped in the body of a middle-aged comedian, featuring tales of excess - well, Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ excessive use of beverages - life lived to the Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard very extreme - temporarily, for charity - and "He meanders, he loses his track, he overshoots wild adventures with his entourage - ok, wife his mark, he drops his glasses, he meets himself and two children. coming back, he digresses, he alters direction, “One of the best performers on the circuit” he sinks in at the knees, he rolls over like a log, (Independent), Rob has toured extensively, he forgets the drift, he drops someone flat, he both nationally and internationally, as well exaggerates, oversimplifies, falsifies, evades the as winning ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ (BBC One) issue; he dawdles, he dwindles, he trips over and appearing on ‘Comedy Rocks with Jason his own feet, he runs away with himself, he implicates others, he misses the point, he ends Manford’ (ITV). up at the same place.” So you might have already seen him on TV or heard him on the radio - but he wouldn't have Double Edinburgh Comedy Award Winner been playing any of these classic hits - hits "Mae’n ymdroelli, yn colli ei ffordd, mae'n mynd like... well, you'll have to come and hear for yn rhy bell, mae'n gollwng ei sbectol, mae'n yourself. cwrdd â’i hun yn dod yn ôl, mae'n crwydro, mae’n newid cyfeiriad, mae'n cwympo i’w Y digrifwr a’r artist roc, pop a thecno ben-gliniau, mae'n rholio fel boncyff, mae'n chwedlonol - ond digrifwr yn bennaf - Rob anghofio’r drifft, mae’n gollwng rhywun yn fflat, Deering yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Mach â'i oreuon o gorddweud, yn gorsymleiddio, yn celwydda, yn frig y siartiau. osgoi'r mater; mae’n tin-droi, edwino, mae'n Gan greu “a highly impressive one-man baglu dros ei draed ei hun, mae’n rhedeg i ffwrdd ag ef ei hun, mae’n enllibio eraill, mae’n soundscape powered mainly by energy and excellent guitar skills” (The Scotsman), dyma methu'r pwynt, mae’n cyrraedd yr un lle yn y gomedi seren gerddorol fyd-eang yn gaeth pen draw. " ‘Heading for the comedy stratosphere... you're in yng nghorff digrifwr canol oed, yn cynnwys hanesion gormodedd - wel, gormod o the hands of a master' The Guardian, 2016
INGRID DAHLE WINGRID (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room Ingrid Dahle brings you Wingrid. Wingrid is a lifestyle choice. Winners are made of people who have strived to become a better person by reading self-help books, who are always “nice“, but have realised, it’s all rubbish! You can’t change who you fundamentally are, but you
ddiodydd - byw bywyd i'r eithaf - dros dro, i elusennau - ac anturiaethau gwyllt gyda'i entourage – ocê, gwraig a dau o blant. “One of the best performers on the circuit” (Independent), mae Rob wedi teithio'n helaeth, yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol, yn ogystal ag ennill 'Celebrity Mastermind' (BBC One) a ymddangos ar 'Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford' (ITV). Felly efallai y byddwch eisoes wedi ei weld ef ar y teledu neu ei glywed ar y radio - ond nid oedd yn chwarae unrhyw un o'r goreuon clasurol hyn – goreuon fel ... wel, bydd rhaid i chi ddod i glywed drosoch eich hun. ‘Ingenious and hilarious’ The Guardian
can change the rules and be the winner you were meant to be! Wingrid superior human excelling at life. Ingrid Dahle yn cyflwyno Wingrid. Mae Wingrid yn ffordd o fyw. Mae enillwyr yn bobl sydd wedi ymdrechu i fod yn bobl well drwy ddarllen llyfrau hunangymorth, sydd bob amser yn "neis", ond sydd wedi sylweddoli, sbwriel yw’r cyfan! Ni allwch newid pwy ydych chi’n sylfaenol, ond gallwch newid y rheolau a bod yr enillydd roeddech chi i fod! Wingrid, person uwchraddol yn rhagori ar fywyd.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 53
WILLIAM ANDREWS WILLY Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 16+ The Youth Wing
Cyn i mi ddechrau, dwy ddim mor ddigalon a mae fy llun yn gwneud i mi edrych. Hynny yw, rwy’n drist weithiau, fel pob un ohonom – ond Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ nid dyma’r lle. Yn ail, diolch am ystyried dod The Store i weld fy sioe. Dwy ddim yn gwneud llawer I, Ali Brice, am making my Machfest debut with ohonynt, ond peidiwch â cholli hyder, wnes i a brand-new show. It will be very, very silly and ddim – rwy’n taflu popeth ato. Mae hwn yn contain precisely one Monk. swnio fel ymddiheuriad, a d’ych chi ddim i fod i wneud hynny mewn broliant, felly sori am Part of the Weirdos comedy collective of alternative comedians, I like nothing more than hynny. Mae’n gomedi ac yn adrodd straeon ond nonsense and good time. Join me for an hour of ychydig yn fwy gweledol efallai – gan fod gen i ridiculous characters, heartfelt wondering, and bethau yn fy nwylo. O diar, dwy erioed wedi bod little sing-song at the end. yn dda yn ysgrifennu’r rhain. Plis dewch. I can’t wait! Byddaf i, Ali Brice, yng Ngŵyl Machynlleth am y tro cyntaf gyda’m sioe newydd sbon. Bydd yn wirion dros ben, ac yn cynnwys un mynach yn union. Rhan o gylch digrifwyr amgen Weirdos, dwy’n mwynhau dim mwy na nonsens ac amser da. Ymunwch â fi am awr o gymeriadau chwerthinllyd, meddyliau diffuant, a chân fach ar y diwedd. Dwy’n methu aros! ‘a twinkle-eyed comedy natural’ ShortCom.co.uk ‘a side-splittingly comical entity’ The Upcoming ‘joyously bonkers…the perfect level of exaggerated oddness’ Chortle ‘like The Mighty Boosh and Reeves & Mortimer, with a bit of Phoenix Nights’ Broadway Baby
‘Half cerebral, half physical, entirely hilarious’ The List ‘All hail the comedians you could never clone. William Andrews’ mix of stand-up, sketches and (let’s call it) performance art bursts with ideas.’ The Times
KAT BOND LOO ROLL (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sat / Sad // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard Image: Ed Moore
Straight off the bat, I’m not as glum as my picture makes me look, I mean I get sad, we all do - but this isn’t the forum. Secondly, thanks for thinking about coming to the show. I don’t do many, but don’t let that put you off, it hasn’t me - I’m throwing everything at it. This reads like an apology, which you aren’t supposed to do in blurbs so sorry about that. It’s stand up and storytelling but a bit more visual maybe - as in i have things in my hands. Oh god , I've never been good at these. Come, do.
Kat has lost her family. They left her in a bin outside a Domino's in Luton years ago. She's made a comedy show to try and find out who, what and where they are. Armed with only several Loo Roll's as a prop she combines stand up, character and clowning to bring her imagined family to life. A debut solo show from critically acclaimed comic Kat Bond (Call the Midwife, C4 Blaps, Radio 4). One half of 'sublime' duo That Pair. Mar Kat wedi colli ei theulu. Gadawon nhw hi mewn bin tu allan i Domino's yn Luton flynyddoedd yn ôl. Mae hi wedi creu sioe gomedi i geisio darganfod pwy a beth ydyn nhw, a ble mae nhw. Gyda dim ond rholiau papur tŷ bach fel prop, mae hi’n cyfuno comedi llwyfan, cymeriadau a chlownio i greu ei theulu dychmygol. Sioe unigol gyntaf gan y digrifydd arobryn Kat Bond (Call the Midwife, C4 Blaps, Radio 4). Hanner y pâr 'sublime' That Pair. Broadway Baby
“Hilariously gifted, truly funny” Rhod Gilbert
WalesOnline EBRILL 29 APRIL
Machynlleth Comedy Festival, www.machcomedyfest.co.uk
Theatr y Grand Abertawe/ Swansea Grand Theatre, 01792 475715
Theatr Brycheiniog, 01874 611622
Cardigan Castle / Castell Aberteifi, 01239 621 200
'Off-beat brilliance… beautiful skits and bonkers characters' The Times
as heard on Radio Waleslogo.pdf
‘completely bizarre…deadpan, yet totally offthe-wall’ ThreeWeeks
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 54
REPRESENT (PART TWO OF THE TRELOGY) Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £12 // 14+ Y Tabernacl
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room
Multi award-winning comedian Simon Munnery offers up a new stand-up show. An opening to die for, seven wry observations, a tone poem, four fresh skits and two new commandments.
See page 28 for info about the show
David Kay, one of the hidden gems of the Scottish comedy circuit delivers a show of quirky, surreal and delightful ramblings, as seen on The Alternative Comedy Experience: Comedy Central and heard as the reluctant wizard in Modrin McDonald 21st Century Wizard on BBC Radio 4, 'Kay arrives looking as though he should be in an art school indie band yet talking as if he’s a senior citizen' (Scotsman). Kay’s appeal comes from the left field, his ambling style has 'an uncanny ability to traverse normal boundaries between the weird and the familiar' (Skinny).
Gweler tudalen 28 am wybodaeth am y sioe
SEAN MCLOUGHLIN YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME FOREVER Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Y digrifwr arobryn Simon Munnery yn cynnig sioe gomedi newydd. Agoriad anhygoel, saith arsylwad slei, pedwar sgetsh newydd, cerdd dôn, a dau orchymyn newydd.
CONTENT PROVIDER Sat / Sad // 7:00pm // £14 // 16+ The Mach Arena 120 mins (including interval)
Enwebwyd Simon am British Comedy Award, Perrier Award ac enillodd Chortle Award. Mae’n seren Alternative Comedy Experience Comedy Central - fel a welwyd ar Culture Show BBC2 ac a glywyd ar News Quiz Radio 4, ymhlith eraill. ‘A genuine innovator in the land of the samey, and an annual must-see for any comedy connoisseur’ The Guardian
After four years writing and performing his TV ‘Simon Munnery is as bold and brilliant as ever’ show Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, Content The Scotsman Provider is Stewart’s first brand new full-length show since the award-winning Carpet Remnant World. Ar ôl pedair blynedd yn ysgrifennu a pherfformio ei sioe deledu Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, Content Provider yw sioe lawn newydd gyntaf Stewart ers Carpet Remnant World arobryn. ‘The most consistently funny show of his brilliant career … I laughed till it hurt.’ The Times ‘Characteristically twisty and frequently brilliant’ The Guardian ‘Venomously funny’ Standard ‘The delusional ravings of a man who has lost his way in the world’ Mail on Sunday
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £12 // 16+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Simon is a British Comedy Award nominee, Perrier Award nominee and Chortle Award winner. He’s a star of Comedy Central’s Alternative Comedy Experience - as seen on BBC2’s Culture Show and heard on Radio 4’s News Quiz, amongst others.
Come witness the resurrection of 'The best comedian you haven't heard of yet' Time Out As seen on Russell Howard's Stand-Up Central and Comedy Central At The Comedy Store.
Dewch i weld atgyfodiad 'The best comedian you haven't heard of yet' Time Out
Tour support for Ricky Gervais.
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £10 // 14+ Y Plas (75mins) Mike Bubbins, “one of Wales’ finest comedians” (Wales Online) calls into Mach as part of his Welsh tour with an unmissable crowd-pleasing compilation of his best bits so far. The “hilariously gifted, truly funny” (Rhod Gilbert) Bubbins can regularly be heard on BBC Radio Wales and is the star of hit radio show and podcast The Unexplainers (with GLC’s Eggsy). Bydd Mike Bubbins (“one of Wales’ finest comedians” - Wales Online) yn galw ym Mach fel rhan o’i daith o Gymru gyda sioe o’r goreuon hyd yma i blesio’r dorf. Mae Bubbins (“hilariously gifted, truly funny” Rhod Gilbert) i’w glywed yn gyson ar BBC Radio Wales, ac mae’n seren y sioe radio boblogaidd a’r podcast The Unexplainers (gydag Eggsy o GLC).. “A true raconteur and a fine observational comedian… regales his fans with the sublime and the surreal” Wales Online “Sets the bar ridiculously high” Buzz Magazine
'A terrifically intense and eloquent hour of comedy' The Independent 'One brilliant punchline after another' The List 'At once hilarious and painfully revelatory’ Chortle
PAT CAHILL D.O.T.T. Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £8 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard ‘Everybody knows, it's just the way it goes, all sorts can happen, and that's the way it goes!’ Welcome to D.O.T.T, a box set of optimistic bollocks from Pat Cahill (Nominee Best Show Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival 2016). Will he go behind the candelabra for you? Let you peak inside his velvet curtains? One thing's for sure, from start to finish he’ll mean well, and no matter what happens, you can bet your life he'll enjoy it!
David Kay, un o drysorau cudd comedi’r Alban, yn cyflwyno sioe o siarad rhyfedd, swreal a hyfryd, fel a welwyd ar The Alternative Comedy Experience: Comedy Central ac a glywyd fel y dewin amharod yn Modrin McDonald 21st Century Wizard ar BBC Radio 4, 'Kay arrives looking as though he should be in an art school indie band yet talking as if he’s a senior citizen' (Scotsman). Daw apêl Kay o’r annisgwyl, mae gan ei arddull 'uncanny ability to traverse normal boundaries between the weird and the familiar' (Skinny). 'Wonderfully improbable' Scotland on Sunday
‘Everybody knows, it's just the way it goes, all sorts can happen, and that's the way it goes!’ Croeso i D.O.T.T, blwch o nonsens optimistaidd gan Pat Cahill (Nominee Best Show Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival 2016). A fydd yn mynd tu ôl i'r seren ganhwyllau i chi? Gadael i chi gael golwg y tu mewn i’w lenni melfed? Mae un peth yn sicr, o'r dechrau i'r diwedd bydd yn bwriadu’r gorau, ac waeth beth fydd yn digwydd, gallwch fod yn sicr y bydd yn ei fwynhau! ‘Delicious, silly and surreal underbelly’ Leicester Mercury ‘True star quality’ Evening Standard
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 56
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 57
enillydd Chortle Award dair gwaith, mae Joseph Morpurgo yn dychwelyd gyda rhywbeth newydd.
‘That rare thing, a high-concept, unashamedly arty production that also has entire rooms laughing’ Evening Standard
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Canteen Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee and threetime Chortle Award winner Joseph Morpurgo returns with something new. Enwebaid Edinburgh Comedy Award ac
Number 1 Comedy Show of 2015 Time Out ‘High-concept comedy, terrifically well executed' The Guardian
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ The Store
Real-life sisters Sarah and Lizzie Daykin reunite once again to perform their unique brand of dysfunctional, offbeat comedy. If only it could all go right, but then the course of sibling love never did run smooth.
Come join current hot shot as he desperately tries to sustain momentum from last year’s 5 star sell-out Fringe smash.
Stars of Josh (BBC 3), Together (BBC 3), Live at the Electric (BBC 3), Anna and Katy (Channel 4). Mae’r chwiorydd go iawn Sarah a Lizzie Daykin yn dod at ei gilydd unwaith eto i berfformio eu comedi camweithredol rhyfedd unigryw. Byddai’n wych pe bai popeth yn mynd yn iawn, ond wrth gwrs, dyw cariad chwiorydd byth yn hawdd.
BECKY BRUNNING BEAMING Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ Rag & Bone
Debut solo show from (non-boy) comedian and Broadchurch actor Becky Brunning. Edgy and average: the lovechild of rock n roll Sêr Josh (BBC 3), Together (BBC 3), Live at the and cardigans. Becky is conflicted - about Electric (BBC 3), Anna and Katy (Channel 4). everything. Whether it’s choosing a sandwich, 'Toby are poles apart from the peppy revue offered knowing how straight to be or whether to take yet another driving test. Join her on a road trip elsewhere' FEST of the mind, a coming of age story that took 'The pacing of these oddball, original sketches is a few extra years to finish. Puts the comfort expert' Independent in comedy and the toothpaste lid on the tube because that’s where it lives. The Guardian The Scotsman UK Funny Women Finalist. Winner Stand up The Skinny and Get Heard. Guardian's Pick of the Festival 2014 Sioe unigol gyntaf gan y comedïwr (nad yw’n fachgen) a'r actor o Broadchurch Becky Brunning. Arloesol a chyffredin: plentyn roc a rôl a chardiganau. Mae Becky rhwng dau feddwl - am bopeth. Boed yn ddewis brechdan, gwybod pa mor syth i fod, neu p’un ai i gymryd prawf gyrru arall ai peidio. Ymunwch â hi ar daith ar ffordd y meddwl, stori aeddfedu a gymerodd ychydig o flynyddoedd ychwanegol i’w chwblhau. Rhoi cysur mewn comedi a’r caead past dannedd ar y tiwb, gan mai dyna lle mae’n byw. "Original, inventive and exciting" Sara Pascoe Machynlleth Comedy Festival 58
I wanted to call this show ‘Locker Room-Talk’ but my girlfriend quite rightly pointed out that it’s January now and maybe we should just wait to see how bad things get before I rubber stamp that. How many ways are there to make you laugh and hate yourself at the same time? Come find out you hemp-burning draft-dodgers. Dewch i ymuno â’r meistr wrth iddo geisio cadw’r momentwm o sioe 5 seren a werthodd bob tocyn yng Nghaeredin y llynedd. Ro’n i am alw’r sioe hon yn ‘Locker Room-Talk’, ond nododd fy nghariad bod hi’n fis Ionawr ar hyn o bryd, a dylwn i aros a gweld pa mor wael fydd pethau cyn cadarnhau hynny. Sawl ffordd sydd o chwerthin a chasáu eich hun ar yr un pryd? Dewch i weld, chi sy’n llosgi hemp ac osgoi’r drafft. ‘The most relevant comedian at the Fringe’ Edinburgh Festivals ‘Gleefully provocative, occasionally insightful, and packed with big, hard laughs…a bull in a china shop’ The Guardian
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £8 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room A live version of Cariad’s morbidly joyful podcast where comedians discuss death, grief and loss in a cheery way. Guest to be announced but hopefully it’ll be some great comedians talking about funeral arrangements. Fersiwn byw o bodlediad llawn morbid Cariad lle mae digrifwyr yn trafod marwolaeth, galar a cholled mewn ffordd hwyliog. Gwestai i’w gyhoeddi, ond gobeithio y bydd digrifwyr gwych yn trafod trefniadau angladd.
Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ The Youth Wing YES. BACK AGAIN. I HAD A YEAR OFF LAST YEAR. I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I DID BUT HENRY SAID IT WAS THE BEST YEAR EVER BECAUSE I WASN'T THERE WHICH HURT MY FEELING. I WILL BE IN A SMALL ROOM SHOUTING AT A PROJECTOR SCREEN. IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS SO I DON'T RECKON IT'LL BE VERY SMOOTH BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE SHIT SO I'LL CHUCK IN SOME STUFF - ACTUALLY, I TELL YOU WHAT, I'LL DO LAURA LEXX WHAT I WANT SHALL I? YOU LOT ARE ALL FINE WITH THAT. COME ON DOWN, HAVE SOME FUN, TYRANNOSAURUS LEXX IF YOU WANT TO, BRING A BUN. I LIKE BUNS. IT Sat / Sad // 7:30pm // £8 // 16+ WON'T BE ABOUT BUNS AND I DO NOT MEAN The Courtyard BUTTOCKS. HENRY, DID YOU GET THE SONG I JUST SENT YOU WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME? BYE BYE Laura Lexx brings her Amused Moose Award LOVE BYE BYE HAPPINESS HELLO LONELINESS Nominated show Tyrannosaurus Lexx to I THINK I WANT TO CRY BYE BYE MY LOVE Machynlleth. GOODBYE DON'T CRY MY LOVE DON'T CRY. Laura aims her trademark comedy YDW. NÔL UNWAITH ETO. CES I FLWYDDYN O kaleidoscope at marriage, feminism, identity WYLIAU LLYNEDD. ALLA’I DDIM COFIO BETH and the grinning idiots that built Stonehenge. WNES I HYD YN OED, OND DYWEDODD HENRY MAI DYNA’R FLWYDDYN ORAU ETO GAN NAD O’N Indulge in a whirlwind celebration of I YNO, WNAETH FRIFO FY NHEIMLAD. BYDDAF everything that’s right about slowly turning into your mother and everything that’s wrong MEWN YSTAFELL FACH YN GWEITHI AR SGRÎN DAFLUNYDD. MAE’N WAITH AR Y GWEILL, FELLY with town criers. FYDD E DDIM YN HYWLUS IAWN, OND DYDW Daw Laura Lexx â’i sioe Tyrannosaurus Lexx, I DDIM AM I’R PETH FOD YN GACH, FELLY NA’I a enwebwyd am Amused Moose Award, i GYNNWYS STWFF – WEL, WEDI MEDDWL, WNA’I Fachynlleth. BETH RWY’N DYMUNO, IE? RY’CH CHI’N HAPUS Drwy ei chaleidosgop comedi cyfarwydd, bydd I FI WNEUD. DEWCH I GAEL HWYL, OS HOFFECH Laura’n bwrw golwg ar briodas, ffeministiaeth, CHI, DEWCH Â BYNSEN. RWY’N HOFFI BYNS. NID BYNS FYDD Y PWNC, A DWY DDIM YN GOLYGU hunaniaeth, a’r twpsod hynfyd a adeiladodd Gôr y Cewri. Dewch i’r dathliad cyflym o bopeth PEN-ÔL. HENRY, GEST TI’R GÂN ANFONAIS I, PAM WYT TI’N FY ANWYBYDDU? TA TA CARIAD TA TA sy’n iawn am droi mewn i’ch mam yn araf, a HAPUSRWYDD HELO UNIGRWYDD RWY’N CREDU phobeth sydd o’i le â chrïwyr trefi. MOD I AM GRÏO TA TA FY NGHARIAD TA TA PAID ‘Real comedic steel’ Guardian CRÏO FY NGHARIAD PAID CRÏO. ‘Incredibly engaging... it’s difficult to see what will stop her success’ Skinny ‘Hilarious, kind-hearted and genuine comedy’ Arts Award Voice
Edinburgh Festivals Magazine TV Bomb Short Com Fest Mag Broadway Baby
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 59
SATURDAY COMEDY / COMEDI SADWRN consciousness as this magnificent fucking trailblazing Shire Horse of a man goes to work tilling the fields of comedy again as he creates his first full brand new show since 2013’s One Man Mega Myth! to create something that will one day form the very foundations for our future society that we will come to call “Home”. Trust in one thing. Trust in the Helm.
NICK HELM MASTERWORKS IN PROGRESS 17' Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £12 // 18+ Y Tabernacl The Master is at Work again in a super early Masterworks In Progress ahead of his first National Tour in the Autumn. Expect a shambolic collection of ideas, thoughts and stream of
BIRTHDAY GIRLS SH!T HOT PARTY LEGENDS Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £10 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Party legends of Wales assemble! Fresh from taking the Edinburgh Fringe by storm, Birthday Girls are on the party bus to Machynlleth with their nips-out, body-rocking sketch show that will leave you pumped and ready for a night out. We promise you funny shit. We promise you try-hard dancing. We promise you everything.
Mae’r meistr wrth ei waith eto mewn sioe hynod gynnar Masterworks In Progress cyn ei daith genedlaethol gyntaf yn yr hydref. Disgwyliwch gasgliad di-drefn o syniadau, meddyliau a llif ymwybod wrth i’r dyn hwn sy’n debycach i geffyl gwedd arloesol godidog fynd i’r gwaith yn trin meysydd comedi eto wrth iddo greu ei sioe newydd sbon lawn gyntaf ers One Man Mega Myth! Yn 2013 i greu rhywbeth a fydd, un dydd, yn ffurfio union sylfeini ein cymdeithas yn y dyfodol y byddwn yn dod i’w alw’n gartref. Ymddiriedwch mewn un peth. Ymddiriedwch yn Helm.
Ar ôl stormio drwy Ŵyl Caeredin, mae’r Birthday Girls ar y bws parti i Fachynlleth
BRIAN GITTINS DON’T FEED THE MONKEY MAN Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys See page 35 for info about the show Gweler tudalen 35 am wybodaeth am y sioe Machynlleth Comedy Festival 60
THE DEATH HILARIOUS THE SCUM ALWAYS RISES Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
What The Death Hilarious? The Death Hilarious are a Welsh, working-class comedy duo that do sketches. They’re not a cult. They inhabit a menagerie of otherworldly characters: Creole exorcists, apelike weirdos, a homemade sex Y Birthday Girls yw Beattie Edmondson (yr un robot and plenty more. But they’re not a cult. doniol), Rose Johnson (yr un doniol) a Camille Forget the news reports. Also, forget your family Ucan (yr un doniol). Mae nhw wedi bod ar and friends. Don’t think, honey. Thought is like Sketchorama BBC Radio 4, Absolutely Fabulous a bouncer stopping you from getting into the BBC1 ac @elevenish ITV1. best nightclub in the world: The Death Hilarious! ‘Raucously funny... The most entertaining hour Shed thought and invest your life savings! Come of the Fringe’ What's On London bask in their beauty, their horror, their terrible majesty! (No mobile phones)
Dewch ynghyd, arwyr partïon Cymru!
Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £8 // 15+ Rag & Bone
gyda’u sioe nips-mas, rocio’r-corff a fydd yn eich cyffroi yn barod am noson barti. Ry’n ni’n addo y bydd shit doniol. Ry’n ni’n addo y bydd dawnsio sy’n trio’n rhy galed. Ry’n ni’n addo’r cyfan.
Birthday Girls are Beattie Edmondson (the funny one), Rose Johnson (the funny one) and Camille Ucan (the funny one). They have featured on BBC Radio 4’s Sketchorama, BBC1’s Absolutely Fabulous and ITV2’s @elevenish.
Beth yw’r Death Hilarious? Mae'r Death Hilarious yn ddeuawd comedi dosbarth gweithiol Cymreig, sy'n gwneud sgetshis. Nid cwlt ydynt. Maen nhw’n byw mewn cyfres o gymeriadau arallfydol: consurwyr Creole, epa-bobl ryfedd, robot rhyw cartref a llawer mwy. Ond nid cwlt ydynt. Anghofiwch yr adroddiadau newyddion. Hefyd, anghofiwch eich teulu a'ch ffrindiau. Peidiwch â meddwl, cariad. Mae meddwl fel bownser sy’n eich rhwystro rhag mynd i mewn i'r clwb nos gorau yn y byd: The Death Hilarious! Stopiwch feddwl a buddsoddwch eich cynilion oes! Dewch i dorheulo yn eu harddwch, eu harswyd, eu mawrhydi ofnadwy! (Dim ffonau symudol) As heard on BBC Radio 4. London Sketchfest Sketch Screen Winners 2016. ‘Immersive and brilliant comedy… amongst the funniest double acts I’ve ever seen.’ The Bristol Post
Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £8 // 16+ The Canteen
Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
'Tired? Depressed? Your gender getting you down? Experience what this world would be like if it were a matriarchy! Character comedy! *187ish? Like a holiday for your gender binary! Come celebrate Holly's comedy birthday with all Lasting results! the best bits. And some of the worst. Because Metabolism will continue to burn calories while Rownd derfynol So You Think You're Funny, they in a way, are the best. watching! rownd derfynol BBC New Comedy Award, One FREE seat to sit in. to Watch Time Out, One to Watch Independent Bye bye. Xxx ''Wedi blino? Teimlo’n isel? Eich rhyw yn eich ac enillydd The Piccadilly Comedy Club's 10 mlynedd, 7 sioe, 10000000000oedd* o digaloni? Dewch i brofi sut le fyddai’r byd pe New Comedian. Bydd Amir Khoshsokhan yn aelodau cynulleidfa, 1 ferch. Llawer o lanast, bai’n fatriarchaeth! perfformio comedi standyp i chi. sŵn, a pherygl posib. Comedi cymeriadau! As heard on BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 4 Pick *187ish? Fel gwyliau i’r rhyw ddeuol! of the Week. Dewch i ddathlu pen-blwydd comedi Holly Canlyniadau parhaol! 'An act that mixed the clever with the accessible... gyda’r goreuon i gyd. A rhai o’r gwaethaf. Mewn Bydd eich metaboledd yn parhau i losgi calorïau he got funnier and funnier' Bruce Dessau wrth i chi wylio! ffordd, nhw yw’r gorau. Sedd AM DDIM i eistedd ynddi. ‘A forensically meticulous routine in which every Da bo. Xxx elongated pause was precision timed, every line ‘The Fringe’s answer to car crash television. Burn ‘Since experiencing a matriarchy I have felt constantly sad because I wish I lived in one.’ One leading up to something with further impact’ reminds me of a hybrid of Eddie Izzard and Carrot of many satisfied customers Chortle Top’ 1 star - Three Weeks So You Think You're Funny finalist, BBC New Comedy Award finalist, Time Out's One to Watch, Independent's One to Watch and The Piccadilly Comedy Club's New Comedian winner, Amir Khoshsokhan does some stand-up comedy for you.
OWEN NIBLOCK PLACEHOLDER Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
10 years, 7 shows, 10000000000's* of audience members, 1 girl. Lots of mess, noise and possible danger.
Hello. I missed performing at the festival last year but I was here, lurking in the shadows. I took a year out to find myself. I didn't go to India or Stoke on Trent; I sat in my room and wrote in a book. It turns out I'm quieter and grumpier than I thought. It turns out I'm not a real man. It turns out I'm difficult to get to know. So I'm writing a personal show about where I'm at right now. It contains some flute and some beatboxing (in moderation). It's not just this show that's a work in progress but my whole life... Helo. Ro’n i’n gweld eisiau perfformio yn yr ŵyl y llynedd, ond ro’n i yno, yn cuddio yn y cysgodion. Cymerais flwyddyn i ddod i nabod fy hun. Wnes i ddim mynd i India neu Stoke on Trent;
eisteddais yn fy ystafell ac ysgrifennais lyfr. Dysgais fy mod yn dawelach ac yn fwy piwis na ro’n i’n meddwl. Dysgais nad ydw i’n ddyn go iawn. Dysgais fy mod yn anodd dod i fy nabod. Felly rwy’n ysgrifennu sioe bersonol am fy mywyd ar hyn o bryd. Mae’n cynnwys ffliwr a bîtbocsio (o fewn rheswm). Nid dim ond y sioe sy’n waith ar y gweill, ond fy holl fywyd ... [STAR RATING] [STAR RATING] [STAR RATING] ‘Words taken out of context; says Owen is very funny’ Someone Famous ‘Words... with the bad bits cut out’ A Newspaper ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet’ Cicero Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 61
Sat / Sad // 10:30pm // £12 // 18+ The Mach Arena // 120 mins (plus interval)
An extraordinary look into the future to see how the world changed, according to Olive...
The annual Saturday night showcase, packed with as many festival acts as we can squeeze in.
Golwg ryfeddol i’r dyfodol i weld sut mae’r byd wedi newid, yn ôl Olive ...
Arddangosfa flynyddol nos Wener yn cynnwys yr holl actiau y gallwn ei ffitio.
‘Perhaps she got struck by lightning. Perhaps she was born this way. Whatever the reason there can be few more gigantic idiots on the Fringe.’
Few fun facts to sweeten the deal: Matthew, 36, was told off by security at last year's festival for taking his shirt off in the marquee when DJ Henry Widdicombe played Super Furry Animals. About ten minutes later he was told not to stand on the picnic benches inside that very same marquee by that very same security guy when DJ Tom Parry played Mr Brightside. So he's clearly a lot of fun. Legal warning: Friendship with Mr Crosby is not legally binding and can be terminated without notice.
MATTHEW CROSBY LET’S BE FRIENDS AGAIN Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £8 // 14+ The School Room How would you like to become friends with a real life comedian? Matthew returns to Mach to offer you- the Machfest audience- that opportunity. Matthew is a member of sketch heroes Pappy's, he wrote and starred in BBC 3's Badults, he's been on 8 out of 10 Cats (both Countdown and the normal one) and recently supported Josh Widdicombe on tour; so obviously you'd want to be friends with him, right?
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 62
SCOTT GIBSON LIFE AFTER DEATH Sat / Sad // 9:15pm // £8 // 16+ The Youth Wing This show tells the story of the three weeks that changed Scott's life forever. On returning from a stag weekend in Blackpool, Scott's brain exploded – he had suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. So he did what any selfrespecting Glaswegian man would do and went back to bed for 4 days.
Sut hoffech chi ddod yn ffrindiau gyda digrifwr go iawn? Mae Matthew yn dychwelyd i Fach i A darkly hysterical, inspiring show, delivered gynnig y cyfle hwnnw i chi – cynulleidfa Gŵyl with the trademark filthy charisma that Scott is known for; Life After Death is a tale of love Fachynlleth. and pain, fear and hope. Its about overcoming Mae Matthew yn aelod o arwyr sgetsh Pappy’s, insurmountable odds, and how comedy can ysgrifennodd a serennodd yn Badults BBC3, bring you back to life. mae wedi bod ar 8 Out Of 10 Cats (yr un Mae'r sioe hon yn adrodd hanes y tair wythnos Countdown a'r un normal), ac yn ddiweddar a newidiodd fywyd Scott am byth. Ar ôl cefnogodd Josh Widdicombe ar daith; felly dychwelyd o benwythnos stag yn Blackpool, mae'n amlwg y byddech am fod yn ffrindiau ffrwydrodd ymennydd Scott – roedd wedi gydag ef, yn byddech? dioddef gwaedlif ymennydd enfawr. Felly Ambell ffaith ddiddorol i ddangos gwerth gwnaeth beth byddai unrhyw ddyn â y cyfle: cafodd Matthew, 36 oed, stŵr gan hunanbarch o Glasgow yn ei wneud, ac aeth yn y dyn diogelwch yng ngŵyl y llynedd am ôl i'r gwely am 4 diwrnod. dynnu ei grys yn y babell pan chwaraeodd DJ Henry Widdicombe y Super Furry Animals. Sioe ddoniol, dywyll ac ysbrydoledig, wedi’i gyflwyno gyda charisma budr nodweddiadol Ddeng munud yn ddiweddarach, dywedwyd Scott; mae Life After Death yn stori am gariad wrtho am beidio â sefyll ar y meinciau picnic a phoen, ofn a gobaith. Mae’n sôn am oresgyn yn yr un babell gan yr un boi diogelwch pan chwaraeodd DJ Tom Parry Mr Brightside. Felly yr anorchfygol, a sut y gall comedi ddod â chi nôl yn fyw. mae’n amlwg ei fod yn llawn hwyl. Rhybudd: Nid yw cyfeillgarwch gyda Mr Crosby ‘A natural gifted storyteller’ Frankie Boyle yn addewid cyfreithiol, a gellir ei derfynu heb rybudd.
THE PADDOCK Sat / Sad // 9:30pm // £10 // 14+ Y Plas (75 mins) Machynlleth Comedy Festival is proud to present The Paddock; an experimental, mixed-bill, new material night showcasing some of the most exciting and and innovative performers at this year's festival. Line-up includes Daphne, Fin Taylor, Beard, Lolly Adefope, Phil Dunning, Twins, Patrick
Turpin, Mat Ewins, Phoebe Walsh, Giants, Jordan Brookes, I Am Wario plus more acts TBC. Mae’n bleser gan Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth gyflwyno The Paddock; noson arbrofol, gymysg o ddeunydd newydd yn arddangos rhai o'r perfformwyr mwyaf cyffrous ac arloesol yn yr ŵyl eleni.
Sponsored by Coors Light. Noddir gan Coors Light
Mae’r noson yn cynnwys Daphne, Fin Taylor, Beard, Lolly Adefope, Phil Dunning, Twins, Patrick Turpin, Mat Ewins, Phoebe Walsh, Giants, Jordan Brookes, I Am Wario a mwy i’w cadarnhau. Edinburgh Festival Fringe. A stand-up routine that goes to the depths of who he is – and what it means to be a Man. Bydd Richard Gadd yn herio genre gydag un o'r perfformiadau mwyaf cofiadwy ers blynyddoedd, gyda’r sioe boblogaidd o Ŵyl Ymylol Caeredin 2016. Rwtîn comedi sy’n archwilio dyfnderoedd ei hunaniaeth - a beth mae'n ei olygu i fod yn ddyn. Winner: Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Show 2016. Nominee: Total Theatre Award 2016.
RICHARD GADD MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO Sat / Sad // 9:45pm // £12 // 16+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Richard Gadd brings one of the most memorable, genre-busting performances in years with the undoubted hit show of the 2016
‘This is comedy-as-personal-catharsis taken to a whole new level – his charisma and commitment to his art is extraordinary’ The Telegraph ‘Raw, intense and heartfelt. This show marks Gadd out as a mercurial talent’ The Independent ‘A wildly inventive hour’ The Times
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 63
Previous guests include James Acaster, Alan Davies, Gary Delaney, Nick Helm, Nish Kumar, Sarah Millican, Phil Nichol, Andi Osho, Lucy Porter, Frank Skinner, Greg Davies, Josh Widdicombe, Tim Vine and many, many more. Rob Deering holds and brings this all together, his skills as master of ceremonies as important as his improvisation, musicianship and encyclopaedic knowledge of pop. He knows it all so you don’t have to. Y cwis pop comedi cerddorol byw, yn cynnwys pedwar o ddigrifwyr gorau’r DU.
ROB DEERING ROB DEERING’S BEAT THIS Sat / Sad // 11:30pm // £10 // 15+ Y Plas The live music-based comedy pop quiz, featuring four top UK stand-ups. ‘Employing live music mash-ups, megamixes (not enough of them nowadays) and music trivia, the nimble-fingered Deering pits comedians and the audience against each other’ Comedy Central. A cult festival favourite – from the Big Chill, Machfest, The Green Man and five years on the Edinburgh Fringe – Rob Deering’s Beat This is never the same twice, an alchemical mix of Deering’s ‘highly impressive one-man soundscape powered mainly by energy and excellent guitar skills’ (The Scotsman), an up-for-it and everinvolved audience and an impressive roster of fabulous – and equally up-for-it – contestants.
ARRIVA TRAINS WALES LATE NIGHT LOCK IN Sat / Sad // 11:00pm // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Free with a valid train ticket to Machynlleth // Am ddim gyda thocyn trên dilys i Fachynlleth An exclusive late night comedy club for all those that have caught the Cambrian Line to get to the festival! There are two ways to claim tickets. For first dibs simply tweet a picture of your journey to the festival on the Cambrian Line @machcomedyfest, @arrivatw & @cambrianline. The best pictures will get a Machynlleth Comedy Festival 64
Ffefryn cwlt sawl gŵyl - o'r Big Chill, Gŵyl Mach, Green Man a phum mlynedd yng Nghaeredin – mae Beat This Rob Deering wastad yn wahanol, yn gymysgedd o ‘highly impressive one-man soundscape powered mainly by energy and excellent guitar skills’ (The Scotsman), Deering, cynulleidfa barod am unrhyw beth yn cymryd rhan, a chriw o gystadleuwyr gwych – sy’r un mor barod. Mae gwesteion blaenorol yn cynnwys James Acaster, Alan Davies, Gary Delaney, Nick Helm, Nish Kumar, Sarah Millican, Phil Nichol, Andi Osho, Lucy Porter, Frank Skinner, Greg Davies, Josh Widdicombe, Tim Vine a llawer, llawer mwy. Mae Rob Deering yn cyflwyno ac yn dod â’r cyfan ynghyd, ei sgiliau fel meistr seremonïau mor bwysig â’i allu byrfyfyr, cerddorol a’i wybodaeth wyddoniadurol am bop. Mae'n gwybod y cyfan fel nad oes rhaid i chi. ‘An evening in his company is nothing less than a joy’ The Independent on Sunday ‘A highly impressive one-man soundscape powered mainly by energy and excellent guitar skills’ The Scotsman pair of tickets. Otherwise head to the Box Office with your valid train tickets once you’ve arrived to receive a pair of tickets for the show (subject to availability – first come, first served).
CHRISTOPHER BLISS ROB CARTER IS CHRISTOPHER BLISS Sat / Sad // 11:00pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Christopher Bliss, a charming misfit from Shropshire, thinks he is the writer of his generation. He writes two to three ‘novels’ a day including such classics as his 2-man whodunit: A Murder And A Robbery At The Same Time On The Train From London To Shropshire. In reality, Christopher’s stories have been neither published nor enjoyed by anyone outside his immediate family. Spurred on by a throwaway compliment from his auntie, he’s decided to leave his village for the first time in his life and come to Machynlleth to showcase his unique brand of storytelling. Mae Christopher Bliss, allanwr hyfryd o Sir Amwythig, yn credu ei fod yn awdur gorau ei genhedlaeth. Mae'n ysgrifennu dwu neu dair 'nofel' y dydd, gan gynnwys clasuron megis ei whodunnit dau ddyn: A Murder And A Robbery At The Same Time On The Train From London To Shropshire.Mewn gwirionedd, dyw straeon Christopher heb gael eu cyhoeddi na’u mwynhau gan unrhyw un ar wahân i’w deulu agos. Wedi’i sbarduno gan ganmoliaeth ei fodryb, mae'n penderfynu gadael ei bentref am y tro cyntaf yn ei fywyd a dod i Fachynlleth i arddangos ei frand unigryw o adrodd straeon.
Sponsored by Arriva
Clwb comedi unigryw hwyr y nosi’r holl Trains Wales. bobl sydd wedi dal trên Llinell y Cambrian i Noddir gan Arriva Trenau Cymru gyrraedd yr ŵyl! Mae dwy ffordd o hawlio tocynnau. I fachu’r rhai cyntaf, trydarwch lun o’ch taith i’r ŵyl ar Linell y Cambrian @machcomedyfest, @arrivatw & @cambrianline. Bydd y lluniau gorau’n cael pâr o docynnau. Fel arall, ewch i’r Swyddfa Docynnau gyda’ch tocynnau trên ar ôl i chi gyrraedd i gael pâr o docynnau i’r sioe (yn amodol ar argaeledd – y cyntaf i’r felin, gaiff falu).
Pascoe and Nish Kumar) to take sides and help them fight it out over a number of stupid games.
Sun / Sul // 12:00pm // £7 // 14+ Y Tabernacl
Try out the podcast - all episodes are FREE - at comedy.co.uk/pfs
Pappy’s Flatshare Slamdown is the hilarious and anarchic panel game hosted by award winning sketch team Pappy’s and featuring great comedian guests. Set in Pappy’s flat with landlord Matthew in charge - each show sees unruly tenants Ben and Tom battle to avoid doing an annoying household chore.
Pappy’s Flatshare Slamdown yw’r gêm banel anarchaidd ddoniol a gyflwynir gan y tîm sgetsh arobryn Pappy's, gyda digrifwyr gwych yn westeion gwadd. Wedi’i leoli yn fflat Pappy’s - gyda’r landlord Matthew wrth y llyw - bydd y sioe’n gweld y tenantiaid afreolus Ben a Tom yn brwydro i osgoi gwneud gwaith tŷ blinedig.
To help them in this exciting high stakes contest they force their houseguests (who have previously included the likes of Adam Buxton, Bridget Christie, Mike Bubbins, Sara
Theatre Theatr
JACK ROOKE GOOD GRIEF Sun / Sul / 12:30pm // £10 // 14+ Y Plas
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 66
SPENCER JONES AUDITION (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
RACHEL PARRIS A WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Er mwyn eu helpu yn y gystadleuaeth gyffrous hon, byddant yn gorfodi gwesteion i’r tŷ (yn y gorffennol, pobl fel Adam Buxton, Bridget Christie, Mike Bubbins,
Sara Pascoe a Nish Kumar) i gymryd ochrau a brwydro dros gyfres o gemau twp.
With a coffin full of sympathy snacks, Jack Rooke and his 85-year old Nan Sicely invite you to the happiest town in Britain, where Dad’s dead and the only thing to eat is lasagne. Celebrating finding happiness after tragedy, Rooke’s critically acclaimed debut blends comedy, storytelling and film to explore how we treat the bereaved and the state of welfare for grieving families. Another compelling production from Soho Theatre, Good Grief was shortlisted for the Best Show by an Emerging Artist in the Total Theatre Awards 2015. Jack Rooke is a comedian, writer and regular panellist on BBC Radio 1’s The Surgery. He has presented a BBC Radio 4 comedy adaptation of Good Grief and his own BBC Three documentary about happiness, due to air in early 2017. Cynhyrchwyd gan Soho Theatre a Jack Rooke Gydag arch yn llawn byrbrydau cydymdeimlad, mae Jack Rooke a'i famgu 85 oed yn eich gwahodd i'r dref hapusaf ym Mhrydain, lle mae Dad wedi marw, a'r unig beth sydd i'w fwyta yw lasagne. Yn dathlu hapusrwydd ar
ôl trychineb, mae sioe gyntaf arobryn Rooke yn cyfuno comedi, adrodd straeon a ffilm i archwilio sut rydym yn trin galarwyr a chyflwr lles i deuluoedd sy’n galaru. Cynhyrchiad cymhellol arall gan Soho Theatre, cyrhaeddodd Good Grief y rhestr fer ar gyfer Best Show by an Emerging Artist yn Total Theatre Awards 2015. Mae Jack Rooke yn ddigrifwr, awdur a phanelydd rheolaidd ar The Surgery BBC Radio 1. Mae e wedi cyflwyno addasiad comedi BBC Radio 4 o Good Grief a rhaglen ddogfen ei hun i BBC Three am hapusrwydd, a ddarlledir tua dechrau 2017. ‘Engaging, frank and humorous’ The New York Times‘ Good Grief wins you over with openness and hilarity’ The Guardian ‘Rooke is a delight to spend an hour with, cheerily but sensitively tackling the most painful of subjects and finding hope in them.’ The Scotsman
Rhowch gynnig ar y podlediad – mae pob pennod AM DDIM – comedy.co.uk/pfs
Rachel Parris (Austentatious, The IT Crowd, Murder in Successville) presents a brand new work-in-progress show about filling in forms and also, love. It will involve comical songs, stories and stand-up and is bound to be an absolute riot. Rachel Parris (Austentatious, The IT Crowd, Murder in Successville) yn cyflwyno sioe newydd sbon o waith ar y gweill am gwblhau ffurflenni, a chariad hefyd. Bydd yn cynnwys caneuon digrif, straeon a chomedi, a bydd yn lot o hwyl heb os. ‘Tears of laughter ... endearingly frank and funny’ The Guardian ‘A gifted performer’ The Times
This work in progress show is the very start of an idea I have about doing a kind of play. But with routines with in it. So there will be props and music. Don't worry. I'm 88% sure I haven't disappeared up my own arse. There will be a story. All set in a bedsit. A story about a man (me) playing a man (Herbert) who is worried about an audition (Job interviews for dickheads). So that's the big idea. I've no idea how it will pan out. So make sure there's nothing else on at the same time you fancy seeing. Lots of love Spencer xxx Mae’r sioe gwaith ar y gweill hon yn ddechrau i syniad sydd gen i am wneud rhyw fath o ddrama. Ond gyda rwtinau. Felly bydd props a cherddoriaeth. Peidiwch â phoeni. Rwy 88% yn sir nad ydw i wedi troi’n rhodresgar. Bydd stori. Mewn bedsit. Stori dyn (fi) yn chwarae dyn (Herbert) sy’n poeni am glyweliad (cyfweliad swydd i dickheads). Felly dyna’r syniad mawr. Dim syniad gen i sut fydd yn datblygu. Felly gwnewch yn siŵr nad oes dim ymlaen yr un pryd os ydych am ei weld. Cariad mawr Spencer xxx
COLIN HOULT AS ANNA MANN WORK IN PROGRESS - A SKETCH SHOW FOR PACIFISTS Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 16+ The School Room She returns, that lady of the stage Embattled, ready, full of rage Angered by the warlike fools Who shake their flabby bloated tools Hitler's heirs beware her wrath Prepare your dreary epitaph As the rest of you sit back and laugh And something else about a giraffe The point is I couldn't write this blurb As of show I've so far written not a word I really don't have any specifics Except it will be a show for Pacifists For who else can stop he whose name means farts But an actress with 35+ years in the arts Into the tyrants works who will throw a spanner? Who else? The fearless Mann, Anna.
‘Brutally funny’ The Skinny
BEARD WHAT HAPPENED TO BEARD? Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest BEARD are back, but things have changed. .. Mae BEARD yn ôl, ond mae pethau wedi newid ...
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 67
HARD MODE Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 16+ The Canteen
JOHNNY WHITE REALLY-REALLY PIGEONS Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ Bowling Club Pigeons' takes the audience, not on a journey, as the performance is seated and in a fixed location, but on an adventure of sorts through time. From the dawning of humanity all the way through to the end of the world via witches, a surprising amount about rivers and letters to Godzilla. The big questions (life, death etc) are handled with a complete lack of regard for stories that have defined endings. Lengthy imaginings about James Nesbitt snuggle up against tall tales about magic mirrors.
George Egg, the stand-up comedian who cooks onstage using absurd and innovative techniques, returns. A follow-up to his sell-out and award-winning first show (‘George Egg: Anarchist Cook’), ‘Anarchist Cook Two: Second Helpings’ sees George throwing convention aside again as he prepares more dishes in a variety of unexpected environments. New material, new methods and of course a whole new menu. If you like food and you like comedy then come to this and bring your appetites. Mae George Egg, y digrifwr sy’n coginio ar y llwyfan gan ddefnyddio technegau abswrd ac arloesol, yn ôl. Yn dilyn ei sioe gyntaf arobryn a werthodd bob tocyn (‘George Egg: Anarchist
Mae rhai jôcs mwy arferol hefyd am archfarchnadoedd a'r math yna o beth. Rhywbeth i bawb, felly! Welwn ni chi yno!
STUART GOLDSMITH WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Store The manticore joke is currently the best bit but apparently no-one knows what a manticore is,
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 68
Deunydd newydd, dulliau newydd, ac wrth gwrs, bwydlen newydd sbon. Os ydych chi’n hoffi bwyd ac yn hoffi comedi, dewch i hon i lenwi eich boliau. ‘My find of the Fringe’ The Independent ‘Absolutely glorious’ The Scotsman raze the venue and salt the Earth. I am Sean Morley and none may travel in my wake. As heard on BBC Radio 2, 4 & 4 Extra.
There are also some more run-of-the-mill jokes about supermarkets and that kind of carry-on. Something for absolutely everyone, then! See you there! Mae Pigeons yn mynd â'r gynulleidfa, nid ar daith, gan fod y perfformiad mewn lleoliad sefydlog, ond ar antur o ryw fath dros amser. O ddechrau’r ddynoliaeth hyd at ddiwedd y byd, gan drafod gwrachod, syndod o lot am afonydd, a llythyrau at Godzilla. Y cwestiynau mawr (bywyd, marwolaeth ac ati) yn cael eu trin â diffyg ystyriaeth llwyr i straeon sydd wedi diffinio terfyniadau. Dychmygion hir am James Nesbitt ochr yn ochr â straeon celwydd golau am ddrychau hud.
Cook’), yn ‘Anarchist Cook Two: Second Helpings’ bydd George yn anwybyddu’r confensiynol unwaith eto, wrth iddo baratoi mwy o brydau mewn amgylchiadau annisgwyl amrywiol.
Helo! Waw! Dyma fi! Y “top lad” Sean Morley. Yn barod i fynd gyda rhai o’r jôcs gorau, yn barod i gael gig gwych, i godi’r to, i losgi’r lleoliad a halltu’r ddaear. Fi yw Sean Morley, ac ni chaiff neb deithio ar fy ôl.
SEAN MORLEY EARNED HELPLESSNESS Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard Hi! Wow! It's me! Top lad Sean Morley. Ready and raring with some of the biggest best jokes, really ready to smash the gig, raise the roof, so I'll be amazed if it's still in the show by the time you see it. Y jôc am fanticor yw’r darn gorau ar hyn o bryd, ond mae’n edrych fel nad oes neb yn gwybod beth yw manticor, felly byddai’n synnu os bydd y darn yn dal i fod yn y sioe erbyn i chi ei gweld. ‘A master of the form’ i, 2017
CHARACTER COMEDIAN Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // £7 // 14+ The Youth Wing
Imagine how you’d act if you were always being This show is about education, intrusive watched? Imagine if you could not speak freely? thoughts and Andy Partridge from XTC. Imagine if the Chinese government bought There will be dancing. the BBC? ‘Everyone is an artist’ J Beuys Hard Mode is a provocative new satire about ‘You’re not an artist’ My Dad censorship in which the audience experiences life as an artist in an authoritarian regime. Yay! ‘Neary is a character actress par excellence; not only are her characters well observed and Comedy meets immersive theatre in a brand immaculately performed, but they are well new show from award winning comedian written and, most importantly, funny.’ Guardian Louise Reay. Nominee- Edinburgh Fringe Groundbreaker Award 2016 Nominee- Brighton Fringe Award 2016 Dychmygwch sut byddech chi’n ymddwyn pe baech chi’n cael eich gwylio trwy’r amser. Dychmygwch pe na allech chi siarad yn rhydd. Dychmygwch pe bai llywodraeth Tsieina’n prynu’r BBC.
Andy Partridge o XTC.
‘Joanna Neary’s Faceful Of Issues, A Village Hall Fundraiser’ was nominated for Best Show at Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival in 2016.
Bydd dawnsio.
I am a housewife and ex-art student whose interests include politics, the roots of creativity and clearing out my drawers.
Rwy’n wraig tŷ ac yn gyn-fyfyriwr celf, ac mae fy niddordebau’n cynnwys gwleidyddiaeth, gwreiddiau creadigrwydd, a glanhau fy nroriau.
Dyma sioe am addysg, meddyliau ymwthiol, ac
‘Everyone is an artist’ J Beuys ‘You’re not an artist’ fy nhad
Mae Hard Mode yn ddychan newydd pryfoclyd ynghylch sensoriaeth lle mae’r gynulleidfa’n profi bywyd fel artist mewn cyfundrefn awdurdodaidd. Hwre! Comedi wedi’i gyfuno â theatr trochi mewn sioe newydd sbon gan y digrifwr arobryn Louise Reay.
Fel a glywyd ar BBC Radio 2, 4 a 4 Extra.
‘Louise Reay can legitimately claim to be unique.’ The Independent
'Giddily hilarious. And he told not one joke' Vibrations Magazine
‘Truly fantastic, utterly out there.’ Al Murray
'Setting the bar for alternative comedy' Our Favourite Places
The Skinny
'Brilliant' Broadway Baby
JOSH WIDDICOMBE & FRIENDS Sun / Sul // 2:00pm // £12 // 14+ The Mach Arena Josh Widdicombe hosts a special show featuring a line up of hand-picked guests. This gig is a fundraiser for the Festival. By attending, not only will you have a brilliant time, but you'll also be directly supporting the
festival and ensuring that we can continue to do what we do in the way that we do it. Josh Widdicombe yn cyflwyno sioe arbennig yn cynnwys gwesteion wedi’u dewis yn ofalus. Mae'r gig yn codi arian i’r Ŵyl. Trwy fynychu, byddwch yn cael amser gwych, ac ar yr un pryd yn cefnogi'r ŵyl yn uniongyrchol ac yn sicrhau y gallwn barhau i wneud yr hyn rydym yn ei wneud yn y ffordd rydym yn ei wneud.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 69
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vortex
NICK HELM LAST YEAR'S SHOW: PART 2 Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £12 // 18+ Y Tabernacl Last year, Multi-Talent and future Welsh Emblem Nick Helm started a show that was so epic in scale, scope and vision, so magnificent and so well received that it simply wouldn’t fit into an hour. This Titan of all round entertaining smashed it so hard that through laughter alone the show miraculously doubled in length and he had to cut it short in order to only run over his one-hour time allotment by fifteen minutes. Join this rare and noble beast as he attempts to finish off the second half of a story that people have literally been hanging onto a cliff for for the last year. Not since illiterate people waited in torment for the final Harry Potter film to come out and finish off international Teen Wizard Potter's adventures has there been a wait this agonizing. Join Him. Join Him or DIE!!! This is a one hour show. Y llynedd, dechreuodd Nick Helm, digrifwr amlddoniog ac emblem Cymru’r dyfodol, sioe mor epig ei maint, ei chwmpas a’i gweledigaeth, mor fendigedig ac wedi cael croeso mor gynnes na fyddai’n ffitio mewn awr. Gwnaeth y cawr hwn ym maes adloniant cyffredinol ei bwrw mor galed i hyd y sioe ddyblu oherwydd chwerthin yn unig a bu’n rhaid ei gorffen yn gynnar er mwyn mynd dros ei ddyraniad o awr o bymtheng munud yn unig. Ymunwch â’r bwystfil prin ac urddasol hwn wrth iddo geisio gorffen ail hanner stori y mae pobl wedi bod ar ymyl eu seddi ar ei chyfer ers y llynedd. Nid ers i bobl anllythrennog aros mewn artaith am y ffilm Harry Potter derfynol a gorffen anturiaethau’r dewin rhyngwladol yn ei arddegau Potter y bu arhosiad mor ingol â hyn. Ymunwch ag Ef. Ymunwch ag Ef neu wynebwch y canlyniadau!!! Machynlleth Comedy Festival 72
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £8 // 16+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
Live at Mach, The Comedian's Comedian Podcast returns in the new [REDACTED] format! Join Goldsmith and guests for a top secret, non-recorded, never-to-be-broadcast, [REDACTED]-bending hour of conversation, mind-games, [REDACTED], unskilled pseudotherapy, [REDACTED] and great big fucking [REDACTED]. [REDACTED], or be square! Yn fyw ym Mach, daw The Comedian's Comedian Podcast yn ôl ar ffurf [REDACTED]! Ymuwnch â Goldsmith a’i westeion am ddarllediad cyfrinachol, heb ei recordio,
He’s stand-up’s angriest man and she’s the woman who’s forgotten how to play the bassoon more times than you’ve had hot breakfastses. Join these two huge and awful comedic talents, Michael Legge (“often copied, never matched” – Time Out) and Caroline Mabey (“oddball genius” -Chortle), as they join forces to become this season’s must-have double-act comedy super-group team.
na chaiff ei ddarlledu, i herio’r [REDACTED] – gan gynnwys sgwrsio, gemau meddwl, [REDACTED], therapi ffug heb sgil, [REDACTED] a [REDACTED] ffycing enfawr.
Horrifying, stupid, messy, stupid, shambolic, convoluted nonsense.
[REDACTED], neu byddwch [REDACTED]! linear and geographical way. He’ll also seek out a bit of personal foreign policy which everyone can relate to. When will China get a Blue Water Navy? And who cares? Can Russia ever get a warm water port and why Ukraine? What about North Korea then? And what can I really do for Britain if it can’t do anything for me? ‘Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian’ (The Guardian) yn mynd I’r afael â’r pwnc anodd Polisi Tramor.
ED ACZEL FOREIGN POLICY Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £10 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard ‘Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian’ (The Guardian) wades head long into the thorny issue of Foreign Policy. Ever thought that maybe your relationship with your next-door neighbour is in fact a foreign policy? No? Well that’s lesson number one from dead pan critic’s favourite Ed Aczel. If we all practised good manners, what a lovely world we would live in. Join Ed to see how this relates to the current global maelstrom, whatever that is. The show is a proper chance for the anticomedian to run through the major foreign policy conundrums of our age, in a strictly,
Theatre Theatr
Dyma ddin blinaf comedi, a’r fenyw sydd wedi anghofio sut i chwarae'r basŵn yn amlach na’r y’ch chi ‘di cael brecwasts poeth. Ymunwch â’r ddau dalent comedi enfawr ac ofnadwy, Michael Legge (“often copied, never matched” – Time Out) a Caroline Mabey (“oddball
genius” - Chortle), wrth iddynt ymuno i greu tîm uwch-grŵp comedi act ddwbwl hanfodol y tymor. . ‘A mirror image of a normal comedy hour… If there's a criticism of this show it's that Legge and Mabey are of such a calibre that Two Stupids is too good – their shit-lists bettering many setlists on offer’ The Skinny
Erioed wedi meddwl efallai bod eich perthynas â’ch cymydog drws nesaf yn ryw fath o bolisi tramor? Naddo? Wel, dyna’r wers gyntaf gan ffefryn digyffro’r beirniaid Ed Aczel. Pe bawn ni oll yn dangos cwrteisi, dyna fyd hyfryd fyddai’n gartref i ni. Ymunwch ag Ed i weld beth sydd gan hyn i’w wneud â’r sefyllfa fydeang ar hyn o bryd.
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ Bowling Club
The Big Fat Running Show is show about.... running.
Entertainment Combined harvester Charlie Baker sings his nostalgic love letter to pop music. Part Comedy, Part Cabaret his jokes and reimagining of throwaway hits will send you away with a happier soul
Mae’r sioe’n gyfle go iawn i’r gwrth-ddigrifwr drafod cwestiynau caletaf polisi tramor yr oes sydd ohoni, mewn ffordd gwbwl linol a daearyddol. Bydd hefyd yn ceisio rhywfaint o bolisi tramor personol y gall pawb uniaethu ag ef. Pryd fydd gan China Lynges Dŵr Glas? A phwy sy’n becso? All Rwsia hawlio porth dŵr twym, a pham Wcráin? Beth am Ogledd Corea, felly? A beth alla’i wneud i Brydain os nad yw’n gallu gwneud dim i mi?
Why do 10.5 million people in the UK run? We don’t know, but we decided it’s high time we made a show about it!
‘One of the most memorable and inventive comics working today’ The Scotsman ‘His meanderings are apparently the evidence of pure genius’ The List ‘Everyone needs to see Aczel at least once in their life’ Fest
It’s an entertaining comedy show with songs for runners, wannabe runners, non-runners and anyone who’s ever done a brisk walk.
The show takes and irreverent but thought provoking look at running culture and the history of running through storytelling, songs, clowning and physical theatre. Some of the material draws on our own personal running battles and triumphs as well as personal stories from runners across the world.
Yn fedelwr adloniant cyfun, mae Charlie Baker yn canu ei lythyr serch hiraethus at gerddoriaeth bop. Yn rhannol gomedi, yn rhannol gabare, bydd ei jôcs a sut mae’n ailddychmygu caneuon poblogaidd untro’n eich anfon oddi yno ag enaid hapusach. ‘A superior take on the modern showman’ The Guardian
Mae'n sioe gomedi ddifyr gyda chaneuon i redwyr, darpar redwyr, di-redwyr ac unrhyw un sydd erioed wedi cerdded yn gyflym. Pam fo 10.5 miliwn o bobl yn y DU yn rhedeg? Dy’n ni ddim yn gwybod, ond penderfynon ni ei bod hi’n hen bryd gwneud sioe am y peth! Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 73
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Oh my! I tried to write a show about growing up but I got distracted and wrote a show about my balls. Enjoy!
Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee 2016 and New Act of the Year award winner Bilal Zafar brings us his highly anticipated debut show Cakes.
O diar! Truais ysgrifennu sioe am dyfu’n oedolyn, ond anghofiais ganolbwyntio, gan ysgrifennu sioe am fy ngheilliau. Mwynhewch!
Join Bilal as he takes you on a fascinating and hilarious journey of how his Twitter handle, @zafarcakes, became a focal point for the misguided rage of the global far right when it was mistaken for the account of a Muslim-only bakery. Having provoked the outrage of such defenders of Britishness as Katie Hopkins, EDL supporters and the Daily Star, Cakes shows how BILAL used humour to respond to the prejudice and abuse increasingly faced by British Muslims today.
‘Impressively funny’ The Scotsman
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ The Store
‘Maverick physical comedian (and Edinburgh Best Newcomer nominee)’ The Guardian
‘Just imagine there was no Ben Target. The world would unquestionably be a darker, less interesting place’ Chortle
WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ The Canteen
Nigel Ng
Nigel Ng is a Malaysian comic who won Amused Moose Laugh Off in 2016. He is now based in the UK, and can be seen performing in comedy clubs all over the UK.
Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard
Come listen to him perform a half hour of jokes about Malaysia, the UK, and how clean the tap water is around these parts.
Kiri Pritchard- McLean follows up her critically acclaimed debut hour with a brand new show about kids, adoption and how volunteering is boring but none of us want to admit it.
Mae Nigel Ng yn ddigrifwr o Malaysia a enillodd Amused Moose Laugh Off yn 2016. Mae bellach yn byw yn y DU, a gellir ei weld yn perfformio mewn clybiau comedi ar hyd a lled y DU.
Kiri Pritchard- McLean yn dilyn ei hawr gyntaf arobryn gyda sioe newydd sbon am blant, mabwysiadu, a sut mae gwirfoddoli’n ddiflas ond does dim un ohonom am gyfaddef hynny.
Dewch i wrando arno’n perfformio hanner awr o jôcs am Malaysia, y DU, a pha mor lân mae'r dŵr tap yn y rhannau hyn. ‘Natural funnybones… as slick as they come’ Chortle Jake Lambert Jake Lambert (Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year nominee, English Comedian of the Year Finalist, Amused Moose Laugh Off Finalist), performs half an hour of short stories, one-liners and word play as heard on BBC Radio 4. Jake Lambert (Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year nominee, English Comedian of the Year Finalist, Amused Moose Laugh Off Finalist), yn perfformio hanner awr o straeon byrion, jôcs un llinell, a chwarae ar eiriau, fel a glywyd ar BBC Radio 4. 'Brilliant one-liners' Chortle 'Could easily be a TV star' Beyond The Joke
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 74
zafarcakes, yn dod yn ganolbwynt cynddaredd cyfeiliornus y dde eithaf byd-eang pan gafodd ei gamgymryd am gyfrif becws Mwslimaiddyn-unig. Wedi ysgogi dicter amddiffynwyr Prydeindod fel Katie Hopkins, cefnogwyr EDL a'r Daily Star, mae Cakes yn dangos sut wnaeth Bilal ddefnyddio hiwmor i ymateb i'r rhagfarn a’r gamdriniaeth sy’n wynebu mwy a mwy o Foslemiaid Prydain heddiw. ‘Rising Muslim comic Bilal Zafar tackles Islamophobia from a disarmingly daft angle. Catch him before he hits the mainstream’ The Guardian “Witty and absorbing...highly entertaining’ The Times ‘Fascinating and hilarious in equal measure’i-D
Enwebai Edinburgh Comedy Award 2016 ac enillydd New Act of the Year, daw BILAL ZAFAR â’i sioe gyntaf y bu mawr ddisgwyl amdani, Cakes.
‘Zafar really delivers on the absurdity of an escalating social media farce running in parallel with growing prejudice and tensions, joyously exposing the stupidity on all sides’ The Skinny
Ymunwch â Bilal wrth iddo’ch tywys ar daith ddiddorol a doniol o hanes ei bersona Twitter, @
‘Endearing, relaxed and naturally funny... hilarious’ EdFest Mag
CATRIONA JAMES WORSE THINGS HAPPEN Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £9 // 14+ The Youth Wing
Theatre Theatr
I was looking at the sea. I was thinking about how easy it would be to disappear. Can you love your biggest failure? Part storytelling and dance, part ritual, Worse Things Happen is a solo performance about life with depression. It may make you uncomfortable. It may help you understand. It may make you feel less alone.
JOHN HASTINGS JOHN HAS-ORK IN PROGRESTINGS Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // £7 // 16+ The School Room John Hastings is a fence sitting former drag queen. He will yell. He will shout. He will be proving the following people right.
“Beautiful, brutal, honest” - audience comment, March 2016. Catriona is an actor, a lover of true stories, a physical performer and a depressive. She devised and wrote this piece with dramaturgical and directorial support from Louise Os-born, and movement direction from Lara Ward.
John Hastings yn gyn-frenhines drag sy’n eistedd ar y ffens. Bydd yn gweiddi. Bydd yn bloeddio. Bydd yn profi bod y bobl ganlynol yn gywir. 'This fast-growing comic is a pleasure to watch' The Times 'Hastings' bold dramatic delivery is what really stands out when he is hammering a point home' The Mirror
'Well crafted' The Herald
Worse Things Happen was first performed at Chapter Arts Centre, 10-12 March 2016. The creation of the show was funded by the Arts Council of Wales, the Welsh Government and the
National Lottery, and developed with the support of Chapter Arts Centre and WalesLab, National Theatre Wales artist development initiative with support of the Arts Council of Wales. Allwch chi garu eich methiant mwyaf? Adrodd straeon a dawns wedi’i gyfuno â defod, mae Worse Things Happen yn berfformiad unigol am fyw gydag iselder. Efallai y bydd yn eich gwneud yn anghyfforddus. Efallai y bydd yn eich helpu i ddeall. Efallai y bydd yn gwneud i chi deimlo'n llai unig. Mae Catriona yn actor, yn hoffi straeon gwir, yn berfformiwr corfforol ac yn dioddef o iselder.
Dyfeisiodd ac ysgrifennodd hi’r darn hwn gyda chefnogaeth dramategol a chyfarwyddol Louise Osborn, a chyfarwyddiaeth symud o Lara Ward. Perfformiwyd Worse Things Happen yn gyntaf yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter, 10-12 Mawrth 2016. Ariannwyd creu’r sioe gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Loteri Genedlaethol, ac fe’i datblygwyd gyda chefnogaeth Canolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter a WalesLab, menter datblygu artistiaid Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 75
SUNDAY COMEDY / COMEDI SUL attractively impish spirit’ (Guardian), and Stuart Laws, ‘chronically funny stand up’ (Time Out), plus Anne Klein (‘from Luxembourg’ – her passport).
JOHN ROBINS WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £7 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Matt has been fired from seven other sketch groups, whilst Stuart and Anne happily work at Five Guys burgers. Stuart chose the name I Am Wario. 6 words (123 characters) remaining.
Hammer legend, vibe magnet and the countries leading John Deacon apologist yells into a well for approximately fifty five minutes. Theatre Theatr
Yr “hammer legend”, “vibe magnet”, ac apolegwr John Deacon mwya’r wlad yn gwaeddi mewn i ffynnon am ryw 55 munud.
JOHN OSBORNE Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £11 // 14+ Y Plas
SUZI RUFFELL BE LUCKY (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 16+ The Canteen I’m coming to Mach to do a WIP of my new show ‘Be Lucky’ (title may change), it’s about class, injustice and how much my Mum wants me to have a baby. I also have a great routine about being argumentative after white wine. It’s January so I am not sure what else I’ll talk about yet but it will* be funny.
Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ The School Room Peter Brush returns to Mach (hooray?) with a brand new show after various acclaim for his last one. This one is about dreams, nostalgia, terrorism, The Muppets, and trying to save an octopus from western oppression. Machynlleth Comedy Festival 76
Tom Parry returns for a one off sixty minute hour of stand up, chat and bollo fuelled by fear, love of this goddamn festival and a delight in the sound of his own voice. I'm not gonna lie to you team- I've had a speed wobble. We all have. Let's get back on track somehow. Bydd Tom Parry yn dychwelyd am chwe deg munud o gomedi, sgwrs a bolo wedi’i fwydo gan ofn, cariad at yr ŵyl hon, ac ymhyfrydu yn llais ei hun. Wna’i fod yn onest, dîm – rwy ‘di cael speed wobble. Ry’n ni gyd wedi. Rhaid i ni ddod dros y peth rywsut.
A new storytelling show by John Osborne (John Peel's Shed) about finding a pile of old copies of The Radio Times and piecing together someone's life by the programmes that have been circled. Sioe adrodd straeon newydd gan John Osborne (John Peel’s Shed) sy’n sôn am ffeindio pentwr o hen gopïau o The Radio Times a rhoi at ei gilydd darnau o fywyd rhywun o’r rhaglenni sydd wedi cael eu cylchi.
Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Bydd Peter Brush yn dychwelyd i Fach (hwre?) gyda sioe newydd sbon ar ôl bri beirniadol i’r un ddiwethaf. Mae hon am freuddwydion, hiraeth, terfysgiaeth, The Muppets, a cheisio achup octopws rhag gormes gorllewinol. ‘Compellingly hilarious... an original and achingly funny voice’ 1/2 Chortle ‘Unique observations which stand-ups crave’ The Guardian
*subject to change Rwy’n dod i Fach i wneud gwaith ar y gweill o fy sioe newydd ‘Be Lucky’ (gallai’r teitl newid). Mae’n trafod dosbarth cymdeithasol, anghyfiawnder, a faint mae Mam am i mi gael babi. Mae gen i rwtîn gwych am ddadlau ar ôl yfed gwin gwyn hefyd. Mae’n fis Ionawr, felly dwy ddim yn siŵr beth arall fyddaf yn ei drafod, ond bydd* yn ddoniol. *gallai hyn newid The Skinny Chortle
BETH VYSE OLIVE HANDS IN ALL HANDS TO THE PUMP... Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ Bowling Club Beth Vyse's sassy, leopard print clad alter ego: Olive Hands (Britain's number 2 in the morning!), daytime TV wannabe resurrects her career on a cruise ship. After a terrible stint performing on land she takes to the seas, when she begins to sink. What depths will she go to save her show?
Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
JAMES MEEHAN COGS (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £7 // 18+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room A new hour of stuff from James Meehan (Gein's Family Giftshop, Funz and Gamez) including photos, story telling, a torch and a dance routine.
Cafodd Matt y sac gan saith grŵp sgets arall. Mae Stuart ac Anne yn gweithio’n llawen yn Five Guys Burgers, a fe ddewisodd yr enw I Am Wario. 6 gair (123 symbol) ar ôl.
Sketch comedy from Matt Winning, ‘an
CHRIS KENT MOVING ON Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Cork comedian Chris Kent presents his fifth solo show, Moving On. Returning with his charming and surreal style, Chris has a new perspective on life. Having moved to the UK and become a Personoliaeth arall sasi Beth Vyse mewn print llewpart: Olive Hands (rhif 2 Prydain yn y bore!), dad for the first time, adult life is leaving him more confused than ever... sydd am fod yn frenhines teledu’r dydd, yn atgyfodi ei gyrfa ar long mordaith. Ar ôl cyfnod Y digrifwr o Gorc Chris Kent yn cyflwyno erchyll yn perfformio ar y tir, mae’n mynd i’r ei bumed sioe unigol, Moving On. Gan môr, lle mae’n dechrau suddo. Pa mor bell fydd ddychwelyd gyda'i arddull swynol a swreal, hi’n mynd i achub ei sioe? mae gan Chris bersbectif newydd ar fywyd. Ar ôl symud i'r DU a dod yn dad am y tro cyntaf, ‘Hands down the funniest thing I've seen at the mae bywyd fel oedolyn yn ei adael yn fwy fringe’ BroadwayBaby dryslyd nag erioed ... ‘This show has cult written all over it, a ‘Compelling storyteller, truly surprising, formidable comic actress’ beautifully delivered’ The Scotsman Chortle ‘Vyse is an extraordinary physical clown with a ridiculous imagination’ The Skinny
Comedi sgets gan Matt Winning, ‘an attractively impish spirit’ (Guardian), a Stuart Laws, ‘chronically funny stand up’ (Time Out), gydag Anne Klein (‘from Luxembourg’ – ei phasbort).
‘Breathes new life into anecdotal comedy’ The List
‘Carefree, comedic bulls-eye’ The Dubliner Magazine 'Fresh and original material, extremely endearing performer’ Broadway Baby ‘Original hilarious material...Among the best acts I’ve seen’ The Mirror
Awr newydd o stwff gan James Meehan (Gein's Family Giftshop, Funz and Gamez) gan gynnwys ffotograffau, adrodd straeon, torch, a dawns. ‘More than great comedy, it is a call to stand up for others and ourselves’ EdFestMag ‘A diatribe against injustice rather than an hour of comedy’ The List
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 77
SUNDAY COMEDY / COMEDI SUL BBC Radio 4 series Rolls The Dice has had two series. She has toured several solo shows and regularly performs her entertaining seminar How to Be a Charismatic Woman in a Man’s World for women in business.
PIERRE NOVELLIE WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £7 // 16+ The Courtyard
Erioed wedi teimlo y dylech wneud ffeministiaeth yn well?
Pierre Novellie keeps writing "observational comedy" apparently, even though that means he will never be cool and people with blogs will snark at him. He has decided to embrace this and write a show with that in mind. A pure-hearted attempt to entertain people and if you leave having learned something then that's your own damn fault. Mae Pierre Novellie yn ysgrifennu “comedi arsylwadol” drwy’r amser, yn ôl y sôn, er bod hynny’n golygu na fydd e byth yn cŵl ac y bydd pobl â blogs yn ei feirniadu. Mae wedi penderfynu derbyn hyn ac ysgrifennu sioe gyda hynny mewn cof. Ymgais wirioneddol i ddiddanu pobl, ac os byddwch yn gadael wedi dysgu rhywbeth, eich bai chi yw hynny.
PAUL F TAYLOR Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Store HE HAS RETURNED! The award winning and brilliantly imaginative Paul F Taylor is BACK for a work in progress hour of stand-up.
MAE WEDI DYCHWELYD! Mae Paul F Taylor arobryn ac arbennig o ddychmygus YN ÔL am awr o gomedi waith ar y gweill.
WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £7 // 14+ The Youth Wing Comedian, presenter and professional fool (profoolssional), Bec Hill, brings an hour of new (and old) material, musing on technology, eggs and other awesome subjects. May contain pop-ups.
‘Bec Hill: exuberant, daft and inventive’ Scotsman ‘There's something special about Bec Hill’ Times
PODCAST Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vortex Ever felt like you should be better at feminism? Join comedian Deborah Frances-White for her comedy podcast, recorded in front of a live audience. Each episode Deborah and her guests discuss topics ‘all 21st century feminists agree on’ while confessing their insecurities, hypocrisies and fears that underlie their lofty principles. The podcast has been a huge success with over 5,000,000 downloads in its first year.
MARK WATSON Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
LADSLADSLADS Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £10 // 14+ Y Tabernacl
Week, Have I Got News for You?, QI, Room 101, Buzzcocks ac 8 out of 10 Cats. ‘Always clever and sometimes exquisite’ The Independent ‘Pascoe’s lively mind teases out big questions with intelligence, silliness and self-deprecation’ The Guardian
Ym mhob pennod, bydd Deborah a’i gwesteion JONNY & THE BAPTISTS yn trafod y pynciau ‘mae pob ffeminist yr 21ain ganrif yn cytuno arnynt’ tra’n cyfaddef EAT THE POOR eu hansicrwydd, eu rhagrith, a’u hofnau eu hunain wrth wraidd eu hegwyddorion aruchel. Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // // 14+ Mae’r podlediad wedi bod yn llwyddiant £10 // Ysgol Bro Hyddgen ysgubol, gyda dros 5,000,000 yn ei lawrlwytho yn ei flwyddyn gyntaf. Mae Deborah Frances-White yn awdur, yn bodlediwr, ac yn ddigrifwr llwyfan, gyda dwy gyfres o’i rhaglen arobryn ar BBC Radio 4 Rolls The Dice. Mae hi wedi bod ar daith gyda sawl sioe unigol, ac yn perfformio ei seminar difyr How to Be a Charismatic Woman in a Man’s World yn gyson i fenywod ym myd busnes. ‘Very funny… pure guilt-free pleasure.’ The Guardian ‘Screamingly funny’ Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Deborah Frances-White is a writer, podcaster and stand-up comedian whose award-winning
A stand-up comedy show is someone talking; Gwyliwch Paul yn cymryd peg sgwâr comedi saying stories and telling lies and trying to be arsylwadol ac yn defnyddio morthwyl rhesymeg funny. This show is exactly like that, performed dirdro i’w osod yn nhwll crwn abswrdiaeth. by the comedian Sara Pascoe. Gallwch ddisgwyl jôcs un llinell swreal, rwtinau As seen on Live at the Apollo, Mock the Week, rhyfedd, a geiriau eraill. Have I Got News for You?, QI, Room 101, Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats. ‘A welter of daft, Harry Hill-like ideas and diversions’ The Independent Sioe comedi llwyfan yw rhywun yn siarad; adrodd straeon a dweud celwydd a cheisio ‘Beautifully odd one-liners and observations’ bod yn ddoniol. Mae’r sioe hon yn union fel’na, The Skinny wedi’i pherfformio gan y digrifwr Sara Pascoe. 'Taylor is a comic maverick' Three Weeks Fel a welwyd ar Live at the Apollo, Mock the
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 78
Y digrifwr, cyflwynydd a ffwl proffesiynol (proffwlsiynol) Bec Hill yn cyflwyno awr o ddeunydd newydd (a hen), myfyrdodau am dechnoleg, wyau, a phynciau anhygoel eraill. Gall gynnwys popyps.
Behold as Paul takes the square peg that is observational comedy and hammers it with twisted logic it into the round hole that is absurdity. Expect surreal one liners, flights of fancy and other words.
Ymunwch â’r digrifwr Deborah Frances-White am ei phodlediad comedi, wedi’i recordio o flaen cynulleidfa fyw.
Thin, popular comic Mark Watson (well known for 27-hour shows, Edinburgh innovation, all sorts of weird shenanigans) decided ages ago to do a couple of shows at Machynlleth this year where he'd try out something new. At the time of writing it's still far from clear what form it will take. If you buy a ticket for this, you might see pretty much anything. It's almost certain that Mark Watson will be there, though. Otherwise it would be taking the piss a bit. Bu i Mark Watson, digrifwr tenau, poblogaidd (adnabyddus am sioeau 27 awr, arloesedd Caeredin, pob math o bethau rhyfedd) benderfynu oes yn ôl y byddai'n gwneud cwpl o sioeau ym Machynlleth eleni lle byddai'n
rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd. Ar adeg ysgrifennu, mae'n bell iawn o fod yn glir ar ba ffurf y bydd. Os prynwch docyn, gallech weld unrhyw beth mewn gwirionedd. Ond, mae bron yn sicr y bydd Mark Watson yno. Neu byddai'n cymryd y pis braidd.
Sponsored by Mid Wales Refugee Action
Three quarters of MPs are millionaires. A third of the country lives below the poverty line. Whatever your politics, Jonny & the Baptists think it’s worth talking about. Returning to the Machynlleth Comedy festival, masters of musical satire, Jonny & The Baptists present a riotous epic about friendship, inequality and betrayal. Setting out to explore the gap between rich and poor, Jonny & the Baptists’ lives turn upside down when Jonny betrays Paddy for financial gain. As Jonny enjoys the highlife with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Jerry Hall, Paddy falls into homelessness and despair. Mae tri chwarter o Aelodau Seneddol yn filiwnyddion. Mae traean o'r wlad yn byw mewn tlodi. Beth bynnag yw eich gwleidyddiaeth, mae Jonny & the Baptists yn meddwl bod gwerth sôn amdano. Yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, mae’r meistri dychan cerddorol Jonny & the Baptists yn cyflwyno epig terfysglyd am gyfeillgarwch, anghydraddoldeb, a brad. Gan geisio archwilio'r bwlch rhwng y cyfoethog a'r tlawd, mae bywydau Jonny & the Baptists yn newid yn llwyr ar ôl i Jonny fradychu Paddy am elw ariannol. Wrth i Jonny fwynhau bywyd y crachach gydag Andrew Lloyd Webber a Jerry Hall, mae Paddy yn cael ei hun yn ddigartref mewn anobaith. ‘Spirited comedy… broad, daft and punchy.’ The Guardian ‘Wickedly amusing.’ The Times Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 79
SUNDAY COMEDY / COMEDI SUL EDD HEDGES WONDERLAND Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room Hello. My name is Edd Hedges and I would like to tell you a story. It's the first time I've done an hour but I think I can do it because I once won an award. Winner of So You Think You’re Funny, tour support for Sofie Hagen and heard on Radio
LAZY SUSAN THE BEST (AND WORST) OF LAZY SUSAN Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest If you don't want us at our worst you don't deserve us at our best!! New material and old from these precocious teen model socialites. As seen and heard on Channel 4, ITV 2, BBC Three and BBC Radio 4.
4 Extra’s Comedy Club, Edd Hedges marks his debut solo show with this intriguing hour delivered in his unique affable style. Helo. Fy enw i yw Edd Hedges, a hoffwn ddweud stori wrthych. Dyma’r tro cyntaf i fi wneud awr, ond rwy’n credu y galla’i wneud, gan i mi ennill gwobr unwaith. Enillydd So You Think You’re Funny, cefnogi Sofie Hagen ar daith, ac a glywyd ar Radio 4 Extra’s Comedy Club, bydd sioe unigol gyntaf Edd Hedges yn awr ddiddorol yn ei arddull cyfeillgar unigryw.
gorau!! Deunydd newydd a hen ddeunydd gan y gymdeithaswyr fodeli ifanc henffel hyn. Fel a welwyd ac a glywyd ar Channel 4, ITV 2, BBC Three a BBC Radio 4.
DIGNITY/I'VE FOLLOWED THROUGH AGAIN (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £7 // 16+ Rag and Bone
‘A breath of comic fresh air’ Fest ‘Comedy that shuns conventions and is forging it’s own unique comedic identity’ Edinburgh Festivals Magazine
Dyma hanes byw adref gyda’i rieni yn 33 oed tra bo’i ffrindiau’n cael babis, yn priodi, ac yn prynu eu tai eu hunain. A fydd Tom yn gwylio bywydau pobl eraill yn ei oddiweddyd am byth?
Comedi arsylwadol milain gyda mwynhad fel Dickens o’r abswrd a’r gwirion.
Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
JETHRO BRADLEY & PHIL COOPER THE BRADLEY & COOPER MACHYNLLETH SPLIT SHOW PHENOMENON Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ The Courtyard Why invest an hour of your precious life in just one stand-up comedian, when you can experience two for the price of one. That’s at least one comedian every 30 minutes. JONNO & LIAM DO SOME Introducing: A world of absurd deadpan from COMEDY IN A ROOM Jethro Bradley, winner of the BBC Radio New Comedy Award 2016. Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard And introducing: A tidal wave of whimsy and observational humour from the incredible, The shortest two guys from Sheeps, People Phil Cooper. Time, Year Friends will be - well, you already know - doing some comedy in a room. It might Pam buddsoddi awr o'ch bywyd gwerthfawr i ddim ond un digrifwr, pan y gallwch brofi be very, very good. It might only be okay. dau am bris un. Dyna o leiaf un comedïwr bob Bydd y bois byrraf o Sheeps, People Time, Year 30 munud. Friends yn - wel, ry’ch chi’n gwybod yn barod – Yn cyflwyno: Byd abswrd tawel Jethro Bradley, gwneud comedi mewn ystafell. Efallai y bydd yn enillydd BBC Radio New Comedy Award 2016. dda dros ben. Efallai y bydd yn ocê. Ac yn cyflwyno: Ton llanw o hiwmor Machynlleth Comedy Festival 80
Tom Allen yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Mach am y tro cyntaf gyda’i sioe newydd Absolutely.
Os nad oes arnoch ein heisiau ni ar ein gwaethaf, dy’ch chi ddim yn haeddu ni ar ein
Watch Cahill try again, this time with dignity. TOM ALLEN Having previously spent hours with his bells on and helmet out, this year Pat aims to discover if ABSOLUTELY there's anything in the idea of being very cool. Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ He's got hair gel, musk and a dry cleaned suit The Canteen ready for you. Tom Allen makes his Mach Comedy Festival Gwyliwch Cahill yn rhoi cynnig arall arni, debut with his new show Absolutely. gydag urddas y tro hwn. Ar ôl treulio oriau gyda’i glychau ‘mlaen a’i helmed mas, eleni It’s the story of living at home with his parents bydd Pat yn ceisio darganfod os oes unrhyw at the age of 33 while his friends are having beth i’r syniad o fod yn cŵl iawn. Mae ganddo babies, getting married and owning their own jel gwallt, mwsg, a siwt wedi’i sychlanhau yn homes. Is he destined to be stuck watching barod i chi. other people’s lives pass him by? Nominee- 'Best Show' Leicester Comedy Acerbic observational comedy told with Festival 2016 Dickensian relish of the absurd and ridiculous. ‘Cahill has produced a near perfect absurdist As seen on: Live at the Apollo, 8/10 Cats Does fringe hour’ Edfestmag Countdown, Just a Minute, Great British Bake Off’s Extra Slice
mympwyol ac arsylwadol gan yr anhygoel Phil Cooper. Praise for Jethro Bradley: ‘Witty and hilarious’ Broadway Baby ‘Excellent jokes’ Marcus Brigstocke Praise for Phil Cooper: ‘Rung every laugh to be had’ Fosters Comedy
Hear Amy Annette (I Call Myself A Feminist) in conversation with great guys Evelyn Mok ("The Swedish Amy Schumer" Comedy Central), Tessa Coates ("I love Tessa Coates" Caitlin Moran) and Stuart Goldsmith ("The British answer to Maron" Independent) in What Women Want: Return (of the) to Mach. What Women Want asks comedians to share their personal response to this age-old question- discussed over the eons by philosophers, rom-com scriptwriters and many a helpful internet meme- before being interviewed by Amy. They’ll be talking misconceptions, misadventures, misogyny, and mystique (the feminine one). Then, like all good comedy shows, Amy and her guests open to questions from the audience. Questions like... What DO women want? and answers like: Two tickets to this great sounding show, please. It was sold out last year, I heard, and this guy wants in for 2017! or answers like: Gender Equality, an intersectional understanding of the world's problems, and two tickets to this great sounding show please. Dewch i glywed Amy Annette (I Call Myself A Feminist) yn sgwrsio gyda’r bobl wych Evelyn
As seen on: Live at the Apollo, 8/10 Cats Does Countdown, Just a Minute, Great British Bake Off’s Extra Slice. ‘Gives the tradition of camp comedy a firmly 21st Century twist’ The Guardian Mok ("The Swedish Amy Schumer" Comedy Central) a Stuart Goldsmith ("The British answer to Maron" Independent) yn What Women Want: Return (of the) to Mach. Mae What Women Want yn gofyn i ddigrifwyr rannu eu hymatebion personol i’r hen gwestiwn – a drafodwyd dros yr eons gan athronyddion, awduron rom-coms, a llawer i jôc ar y we – cyn i Amy gyfweld â nhw. Byddant yn trafod camsyniadau, anffawd, rhywiaeth, a dirgelwch (benywaidd). Yna, fel pob sioe gomedi dda, bydd Amy a’i gwesteion yn derbyn cwestiynau gan y gynulleidfa. Cwestiynau fel ... beth MAE ei eisiau ar fenywod? Ac atebion fel: Dau docyn i’r sioe wych hon, plis. Gwerthodd bob tocyn y llynedd, clywais i, a hoffwn i fod yno yn 2017! Neu atebion fel: cydraddoldeb rhywiol, dealltwriaeth groestoriadol o broblemau’r byd, a dau docyn i'r sioe wych hon, plis.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 81
Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 18+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room Between quantum physics and a cache of dick pics, Desiree Burch’s high-octane standup debut straddles the profound and the profane—exploring sex, death, relationships, race, body image and social change at a time when she, like much of Western culture, is trying not to shit the bed in the middle of ‘adultlescence’. NYC-to-London transplant Desiree Burch has exploded onto the London comedy scene on shows like 8 Out of 10 Cats’ and Frankie Boyle’s American Autopsy. She was the 2015 Funny Women Stage Award winner, as well as claiming a Fringe First Award and Amnesty International Commendation that same year. Rhwng ffiseg cwantwm a llwyth o luniau o bidynnau, mae sioe gyntaf egnïol Desiree Burch yn cyfuno’r dwys a'r anghysegredig – gan archwilio rhyw, marwolaeth, perthnasau, hil, delwedd y corff, a newid cymdeithasol ar adeg pan mae hi, fel llawer o ddiwylliant y Gorllewin, yn ceisio peidio â chachu’r gwely yng nghanol 'adultlescence'.
work-in-progress of his fourth solo show. There is, at the very least, a joke about sledding. At last year’s Mach fest he managed to play to a full room, despite a lamb risotto cooking demonstration being on at the same time.
Sun / Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ The Youth Wing
Mae Ian Smith (Sweat the Small Stuff BBC3, The Ark BBC1) yn ddigrifwr arobryn. Dyma waith ar y gweill tuag at ei bedwaredd sioe unigol. Mae yna jôc am sledio, o leiaf. Yng Nghŵyl Mach y llynedd, llwyddodd i berfformio i ystafell lawn, er gwaetha’r ffaith bod arddangosiad coginio risoto cig oen yn digwydd ar yr un pryd.
This bit's called the 'blurb' whatever the fuck that means? Anyway, I'm an idiot and I like being stupid so if that sounds like your kind of thing then get yourself down to wherever I'm on and laugh at me without feeling bad about it...or don't...it's kind of up to you really...I mean, I know I'm not everybody's cup of tea... anyway, fuck it! Come, don't come, whatever. God I'm shit at self promotion. Y ‘broliant’ yw’r darn yma, be’ ffwc yw un o’r rheina? Ta waeth, rwy’n dwpsyn ac rwy’n mwynhau bod yn dwp, felly os yw hynny’n swnio at eich dant, dewch i ble bynnag ydw i a chwerthin arna’i heb deimlo’n ddrwg. Neu beidiwch. Penderfynwch chi, wir. Dwy ddim
Amused Moose Comedy Award Nominee 2015
IAN SMITH WORK IN PROGRESS at ddant pawb, rwy’n gwybod. Wel, ffyc it! Dewch, neu beidio, beth bynnag. O, rwy’n shit yn hyrwyddo fy hun.
STEWART LEE CONTENT PROVIDER Sun / Sul // 7:00pm // £14 // 16+ The Mach Arena 120 mins (including interval)
Wedi symud o Efrog Newydd i Lundain, mae Desiree Burch wedi ffrwydro ar sîn comedi Llundain ar sioeau fel 8 Out of 10 Cats a Frankie Boyle’s American Autopsy. Hi oedd enillydd Funny Women Stage Award 2015, yn ogystal â hawlio Fringe First Award ac Amnesty International Commendation yn yr un flwyddyn.
See page 56 for info about the show Gweler tudalen 56 am wybodaeth am y sioe
Dyma ddyfyniad am y peth: 'It took me 3 weeks of reviewing shows to find the funniest comedian I have ever seen in person.' Scotsgay
JAMES ACASTER RESET (PART 3 OF THE TRELOGY) Sun / Sul // 7:30pm // £12 // 14+ Y Tabernacl See page 28 for info about the show Gweler tudalen 28 am wybodaeth am y sioe
Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys Ian Smith (BBC3’s Sweat the Small Stuff, BBC1’s The Ark) is an award-winning comedian. This a
FERN BRADY MALE COMEDIENNE Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Last year Fern Brady wasn’t invited to the Annual Female Comedians Brunch. She was devastated. This show lists every reason she might not have been invited. After selling out for a second year at the Fringe with no advertising or PR, Fern brings her critically acclaimed show about gender, class and Catholicism to Mach. As seen on Russell Howard’s Stand Up Central, 8 Out of 10 Cats and Stewart Lee's Alternative Comedy Experience. Llynedd, ni chafodd Fern Brady wahoddiad i’r Annual Female Comedians Brunch. Torrodd ei chalon. Mae’r sioe hon yn rhestru pob rheswm posib pam na chafodd wahoddiad. Ar ôl gwerthu pob tocyn am ail flwyddyn yn yr ŵyl heb hysbysebu na PR, daw Fern â’i sioe arobryn am ryw, dosbarth cymdeithasol a Chatholigiaeth i Fach. Fel a welwyd ar Russell Howard’s Stand Up Central, 8 Out of 10 Cats a Stewart Lee's Alternative Comedy Experience. ‘An astounding hour from an act with identity issues and a past worth mining’ The List ‘Quick witted, acerbic stand up from someone
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 82
‘You’d do well to catch him now before his inevitable jump to the big time’ The Telegraph
Theatre Theatr
INVERTIGO THEATRE MY BODY WELSH Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £11 // 14+ Y Plas
‘Ian Smith’s carefully crafted five-star act is one One tall, skinny Welshman with an agenda of of the best you will see at the festival’ The Mirror national importance: there’s a truth behind every good story. ‘Proper star quality’ The Guardian Jones and Davis are fighting. There’s a skeleton The Mirror in the well. There’s more to being Welsh than having the accent, isn’t there? Three Weeks who could soon be a household name’ The Skinny ‘A needlessly violent ending’ The National
Accompanied by a live soundscape artist creating a river of sounds in front of you, join performer Steffan Donnelly on a watery lyrical thriller as he guides you through Llanfair¬pwll gwyngyll¬gogery¬chwyrn¬drobwll¬llan¬ty silio¬gogo¬goch and into his world of slippery small-town myth-making.
‘Solid gold material on top of a beautifully brutal Pontio’s new associate company, the awardturn of phrase’ Fest winning Invertigo Theatre (Y Tŵr, My People), and ‘Top five young comedians to watch’ The Telegraph The Conker Group’s Tara Robinson, present My ‘Appealingly acidic... a great comic sensibility Body Welsh – a vibrant, part-bilingual piece of with moments of sparkling verve’ The Guardian contemporary theatre that investigates the role storytelling plays in constructing national identity. ‘Bold, whip-smart and unabashedly honest’ The Herald
Un Cymro tal, tenau gyda agenda o bwysigrwydd cenedlaethol: mae gwir i’w ddarganfod tu ôl i bob stori.
Mae Jones a Davis yn ffraeo. Mae sgerbwd yn y ffynnon. Mae mwy i Gymreictod nag acen, ond oes? Yng nghwmni artist seinwedd byw yn creu afon o sain o flaen eich llygaid, ymunwch â’r perfformiwr Steffan Donnelly ar anturiaeth delynegol ddyfriog wrth iddo eich tywys drwy Llanfair¬pwllgwyngyll¬gogery¬chwyrn¬drob wll¬llan¬tysilio¬gogo¬goch, heibio ffynnon o chwedlau i’w fyd llithrig, brodorol. Mae cwmni theatr arobryn Invertigo (Y Tŵr, My People), cwmni cysylltiol newydd Pontio, a Tara Robinson o The Conker Group, yn cyflwyno My Body Welsh – drama gyfoes, fywiog, rannol-ddwyieithog, sy’n ymchwilio sut mae creu chwedlau yn chwarae rhan mewn llunio ein hunaniaeth genedlaethol. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 83
DAPHNE THE BEST OF DAPHNE Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest
PHIL JERROD WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room Phil Jerrod’s third debut show isn't written yet. But so far seems to be about how it's still worth trying to be happy, even though everything's patently terrible. When I rang him yesterday he seemed pretty confident there’d be a joke about Hilary Clinton in it - but he might just have been trying to sound relevant. Not too sure. Whole thing sounded a bit woolly if I’m honest.
Nid yw trydedd sioe gyntaf Phil Jerrod wedi cael HENRY. GWNA’R SIOE MOR RHAD Â PHOSIB. RWY ei hysgrifennu eto. Ond hyd yn hyn, ymddengys Daphne are Phil Wang, Jason Forbes and George AM I BOBOL DDOD OND HEFYD HOFFWN GAEL mai’r pwnc yw’r ffaith ei bod hi dal werth ceisio Fouracres – the UK’s most racially diverse bod yn hapus, er bod popeth yn gwbl erchyll. CEBAB AR ÔL. X. sketch trio. Pan ffoniais i e ddoe, roedd e’n eithaf hyderus y byddai jôc am Hilary Clinton ynddi – ond This year they bring to Machynlleth their first efallai ei fod yn ceisio swnio’n berthnasol. Ddim “Best Of” show, featuring a heady mix of yn siŵr. Roedd yr holl beth yn swnio’n eithaf sketches from their 2015 Edinburgh Comedy amwys os ydw i’n onest. Award-nominated debut Daphne Do Edinburgh, and their critically-acclaimed 2016 follow-up, ‘Insightful, despairing wit’ The Scotsman Daphne’s Second Show. ‘Razor sharp timing’ Ed Fest Mag In 2016 Daphne created, wrote and starred in their very own BBC Radio 4 show, Daphne Sounds Expensive, and are now working on its second series.
‘Casual brilliance’ The Guardian ‘A very funny hour of stand-up’ Broadway Baby
Daphne yw Phil Wang, Jason Forbes a George Fouracres – triawd sgets mwyaf amrywiol y DU o ran hil.
Heroes don’t come more heroic and treasures don’t come more national. A narrative storytelling show about the life, ambitions and adventures of the world’s greatest living naturalist, broadcaster and adventurer David Attenborough. From acclaimed character comedian Tom Neenan.
Eleni, mae’n nhw’n dod i Fachynlleth gyda’u sioe gyntaf o oreuon, gan gynnwys cyfuniad cyffrous o sgetsis o’u sioe gyntaf Daphne Do Edinburgh a enwebwyd am Edinburgh Comedy Award 2015, a’u hail sioe Daphne’s Second Show a enillodd fri beirniadol. Yn 2016, creodd, ysgrifennodd, a serenodd Daphne yn eu sioe eu hunain ar BBC Radio 4, Daphne Sounds Expensive, ac maent bellach yn gweithio ar ei hail gyfres. ‘This has to go down as one of the best sketch shows at the Fringe in years.’ Chortle Machynlleth Comedy Festival 84
TOM NEENAN ATTENBOROUGH Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // All Ages The Canteen
Nid oes arwr mwy arwrol, na thrysor mwy cenedlaethol. Sioe adrodd stori naratif am fywyd, uchelgeisiau, ac anturiaethau naturiaethwr, darlledwr ac anturiaethwr byw gorau’r byd, David Attenborough. Gan y digrifwr cymeriad o fri Tom Neenan. ‘Very funny...Neenan inhabits the rogues’ gallery of characters with great panache’
SARAH BENNETTO SARAH BENNETTO’S FUNERAL Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ Rag & Bone Stop all the clocks. Together we honour the life of Sarah Bennetto: comedian, bon viveur, Australian. A comedy show, and proof positive that if you want something done right, you’d better do it yourself.
You'll laugh, you'll cry (it's what she would have wanted). Starring Sarah Bennetto as Sarah Bennetto. Stopiwch y clociau. Gyda'n gilydd rydym am anrhydeddu bywyd Sarah Bennetto: digrifwr a bon viveur o Awstralia. Sioe gomedi sy’n profi, os ydych am wneud rhywbeth yn iawn, byddai’n well i chi ei wneud eich hun.
16+, inner children only. *No refunds.
Turpis returns to Wales to rodger the 'system' firmly in the poo-poo place. He'll talk about clothes, life as full-time sissy, death and (as always) love and romance.
Bydd Turpis yn dychwelyd i Gymru i stwffio’r 'system' yn y lle pŵ-pŵ. Bydd yn trafod dillad, bywyd fel sisi llawn amser, marwolaeth, ac (fel bob amser) cariad a rhamant. Sioe/perfformiad/pen-ôl yn fflapio yn y gwynt newydd gan y llanc ifanc a fu ar Pop Sludge (Channel 4) a Climaxed (BBC Three).
Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
I can’t promise much, but I will say that if you attend this innovative, one-of-a-kind, unlicensed and unofficial Grü™ Ptherapy™ session™, all of your dreams will literally come true*.
Chomping at the bit to be babysat? Foaming at the gills to be gently burped?
Torri eich boliau eisiau cael eich gwarchod? Ysu am gael eich byrpio?
Struggling to navigate the new world order? Obsessed with self-obsession? How’s your Byddwch yn chwerthin, byddwch yn crïo (dyna mother? Exactly. beth fyddai hi wedi bod eisiau). I’ve now read several of Freud’s early works (including the one about dreams and stuff like that, sex and whatnot) and I'm pretty confident that I can probably help. Plus, you don’t have to be a doctor to give out unsolicited psychiatric advice.
Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ The Store
A new show/performance piece/arse-flappingin-the-wind from the youthful swain that appeared in Pop Sludge (Channel 4) and Climaxed (BBC Three).
Cael trafferth yn dod i ddeall trefn newydd y byd? Obsesiwn gyda hunan-obsesiwn? Sut mae eich mam? Yn union.
‘A comic on the crest of a wave’ Fest ‘Turpin is clever, charismatic and brilliantly funny’ Arts Award Voice ‘Look out for this rising star within the comedy circuit’ Reviews Hub ‘Intriguingly clever’ The List
Rwy bellach wedi darllen nifer o weithiau cynnar Freud (gan gynnwys yr un am freuddwydion a phethau fel 'na, rhyw ac ati), ac rwy'n eithaf hyderus y gallaf helpu, siŵr o fod. Hefyd, does dim rhaid i chi fod yn feddyg i roi cyngor seiciatrig na ofynnwyd amdano. Alla’i ddim addo llawer, ond mi wna’i ddweud os byddwch yn dod i’r sesiwn™ Grü™ Ptherapy™ arloesol, unigryw, heb drwydded ac answyddogol hon, bydd eich holl freuddwydion yn dod yn wir yn llythrennol*. 16+, plant mewnol yn unig. *Dim ad-daliadau.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 85
Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £7 // 16+ The Courtyard
Sun / Sul // 7:30pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
I will introduce my funny friends and then do a long bit at the end.
Phil Kay. The legendary Scottish Storyteller and master of mirth. Come and hear all the best stories from very creative comedian. Still wild, anything could happen. Come see a man from whom the words just flow in a bawdy stream of comic consciousness.
Leicester Comedian of the Year, Laugh Factory Los Angeles Finalist Byddai’n cyflwyno fy ffrindiau doniol ac yna’n gwneud darn hir ar y diwedd. ‘Sheer class, looking more at ease than I've ever seen him’ Chortle ‘Great writing, very authentic, tremendous confidence... you'll eventually get the Woody Allen of Wales’ Richard Lewis (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
JOSIE LONG SOMETHING BETTER Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £14 Y Tabernacl This is a show about optimism and hopefulness and about looking for people and things to look up to. It’s about wanting more from life than it might be up for giving out. It’s about struggling with realising what you are, who you are and what you can’t change about yourself, and about really feeling like an outsider for the first time. I’m 34, I wanted to have kids by now, and be in love, and have a country that didn’t vote with the far right parties to march us all off a cliff. And be able to do all the awesome stuff that activists do, that I can’t do, too. I thought we would have won by now. And I wanted to be taller and better looking. Following the international sell-out success of her previous show Cara Josephine across the UK, Europe, in Australia and New York, the star of BBC Radio 4’s Romance and Adventure, All of the Planet’s Wonders and presenter of Shortcuts, tours her eighth solo stand-up show nationwide. Dyma sioe am optimistiaeth a gobaith a am chwilio am bobl a phethau i fyny atynt. Mae'n ymwneud â bod eisiau mwy mewn fywyd nag yw’n barod i’w roi. Mae'n ymwneud â chael trafferth yn sylweddoli beth ydych chi, pwy ydych chi, a beth na allwch ei newid amdanoch eich hun, ac am deimlo fel rhywun ar y tu allan am y tro cyntaf. Rwy'n 34, ro’n i am fod â phlant erbyn hyn, a bod
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 86
Sponsored by Arts Emergency
Sun / Sul / 7:30pm // £8 // 14+ The Youth Wing Winner - Best International Show - New Zealand Comedy Festival 2016 Last year, Felicity wrote a show about mental illness and irritable bowel syndrome. Much to her surprise, more people saw it than her immediate family and a guy called Gavin. Always one to flog a dead horse, she has written another one about mental illness, well that, and losing her bag on the bus. From suicidal construction workers to the fury of public swimming pools, 50% More Likely To Die is the next installation in the exploration of mental health, losing everything and letting go of control.
mewn cariad, a byw mewn gwlad na fyddai’n pleidleisio gyda'r pleidiau asgell dde eithaf i’n harwain ni oll oddi ar glogwyn. A gallu gwneud yr holl bethau anhygoel mae gweithredwyr yn eu gwneud, na allaf i ei wneud, hefyd. Ro’n i'n meddwl y byddem wedi ennill erbyn hyn. Ac ro’n i am fod yn dalach ac edrych yn well. Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol rhyngwladol gyda’i sioe blaenorol Cara Josephine ar draws y DU, Ewrop, yn Awstralia ac Efrog Newydd, mae seren Romance and Adventure, All of the Planet’s Wonders, a chyflwynydd Shortcuts are BBC Radio 4, ar daith gyda’i hwythfed sioe unigol ledled y wlad. ‘An original and unflagging spirit, oozing enthusiasm and intellect… Josie Long builds delightful comedy worlds’ The Times ‘Every bit as funny as heartfelt’ The Guardian
Y llynedd, ysgrifennodd Felicity sioe am salwch meddwl a syndrom coluddyn llidus. Er mawr syndod iddi, daeth mwy o bobl i’w gweld na'i theulu agos a boi o'r enw Gavin. Byth eisiau colli cyfle i gymryd rhywbeth yn rhy bell, mae hi wedi ysgrifennu un arall am salwch meddwl – wel, hynny, a cholli ei bag ar y bws. O weithwyr adeiladu hunanddinistriol i lid pyllau nofio cyhoeddus, 50% More Likely To Die yw’r nesaf yn yr ymchwiliad i iechyd meddwl, colli popeth, a rhoi’r gorau i reolaeth. Winner - Best International Show - New Zealand Comedy Festival 2016 Nominee - Best Club Comic - Chortle Awards 2016
Cyclist...father and renowned follower of the nose…Phil Kay is a cosmically iconic comic storytelling mind on legs...speaking about his day and his adventures, calamities and hair-brained schemes...Buying Machetes in Venezuela...Primal Scream threatening his Puppy...Arguing with the police whilst in his bath…'Trainspotting' Rap-Party It just doesn't stop, the man may improvise a song of his journey to the gig or of his love of the room…And You Too...Its Planet Anecdote…and positivity is Wholly Viable… Sneaking into the James Bond Premier… Join with Phil in sixty minutes of heaven… Phil Kay. Y storiwr chwedlonol a’r meistr llawenydd o’r Alban. Dewch i glywed yr holl
straeon gorau gan ddigrifwr creadigol iawn. Mae’n dal i fod yn wyllt - gallai unrhyw beth ddigwydd. Dewch i weld dyn sy’n adrodd geiriau mewn llif anweddus o ymwybyddiaeth gomig.
‘Rare indeed is the tale of taking crack on a Megabus that manages to be both tender, poignant and fitfully hilarious... a comic in touch with the deepest wellsprings of his humanity.’ Jay Richardson,Fest Magazine 2016
Beiciwr ... tad a dilynwr trwyn enwog ... mae Phil Kay yn adroddwr straeon comig cosmig eiconig ... yn siarad am ei ddiwrnod a'i anturiaethau, ei ddamweiniau, a’i gynlluniau gwallgof ... Prynu Machetes yn Venezuela ... Primal Scream yn bygwth ei gi bach ... Dadlau gyda'r heddlu tra’i fod yn y bath ... Parti Rap 'Trainspotting' Dyw e ddim yn dod i ben, efallai y bydd y dyn yn creu cân fyrfyfyr o'i daith i'r gig neu ei gariad at yr ystafell ... A Chi Hefyd ... Hanesyn Ei Blaned ... ac mae agwedd gadarnhaol yn Hollol Bosib ... Sleifio i mewn i Premier James Bond ... Ymunwch â Phil am chwe deg munud o’r nefoedd ... ‘Mesmerising headfuck Genius’ TimeOut London ‘Phil Kay’s been doing storytelling in his standup since before it was recognised as a sub-genre of the current scene…’ The Times 2011 ‘The man remains one of the most consistently brilliant and uncompromising comedians of his and future generations.’ The Metro
ELIS JAMES AND JOHN ROBINS Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £10 // 14+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Ales! Ales! Jaegerbombs! Ales! Regret! (plus Q&A) Cwrw! Cwrw! Jägerbombs! Cwrw! Edifeirwch! (a sesiwn holi)
ALUN COCHRANE ALUNCOCHRANISH (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard Paleo ish, minimalist ish, mindfulness ish, Stoic ish, pragmatist ish, foolish, self improver ish, surprising introvertish seeks similar people to laughingly navigate a way through this somewhat tedious somewhat joyful often confounding journey we call a life. People like
us buy tickets for stuff like this. No hashtags he's still not on any of it. Paleo ish, minimalydd ish, ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar ish, stoicaidd ish, pragmatydd ish, ffôl ish, hunanwellwr ish, person mewnblyg annisgwyl ish yn chwilio am bobl debyg i chwerthin eu ffordd drwy siwrnai eithaf diflas eithaf llawen bywyd. Mae pobl fel ni’n prynu tocynnau i bethau fel hyn. Dim hashtags, dyw e’n dal ddim ar unrhyw un ohonyn nhw.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 87
SUNDAY COMEDY / COMEDI SUL PHIL DUNNING WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul // 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ The Courtyard He’s the guy that men wanna be and women wanna be as well. It’s Phil Dunning’s work in progress show! This year is Phil's debut in Mach and he’s made up to do it. He's coming to the end of his Invisalign treatment and his confidence is through the roof. His straight teeth and tight ass make for a five-star show.
GARETH RICHARDS BRENNAN REECE DO NOT ADJUST YOUR STAGE THE WUNDERKAMMER Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £8 // 14+ Y Plas Vane Tempest DNAYS return for 2017 - Improvised comedy inspired by TED-style guest speakers. Recommended by TimeOut, Metro, Londonist, ToDoList.
Sell-out shows in UK, Europe and US, including EVERGLOW residency at the Natural History Museum. Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £8 // 16+ Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys DNAYS yn dychwelyd yn 2017 – comedi byrfyfyr wedi’i ysbrydoli gan siaradwyr gwadd Hello! I'm the English Comedian of the Year ar arddull TED. and this is my debut show. In Australia it sold out – I know that sounds like bragging, but I Everything Theatre, don't know another way to explain that people LondonTheatre1, liked it. I've also appeared on BBC, ITV, E4 and Remote Goat, supported Joe Lycett on tour. Three Weeks. Still bragging. I just really like doing comedy and if you come and see me, I reckon you'll like it too. Best Newcomer - Edinburgh Fringe (Nominee)
Best Show - Australian Fringe (Nominee)
Helo! Fi yw’r English Comedian of the Year a dyma fy sioe gyntaf. Yn Awstralia, gwerthodd bob tocyn – rwy’n gwybod bod hynny’n swnio fel brolio, ond does gen i ddim ffordd arall o esbonio fod pobl wedi ei hoffi. Rwy hefyd wedi bod ar BBC, ITV, E4 ac wedi perfformio gyda Joe Lycett ar daith.
Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ Rag & Bone Things you never knew were annoying, analysed in detail you never thought necessary. Millerick makes his Mach debut with his most acerbic, snarling and painfully funny hour yet. Pethau nad oeddech yn sylweddoli sy’n mynd ar eich nerfau, wedi’u dadansoddi ar lefel pell o fod yn angenrheidiol. Millerick yn dod i Fach am y tro cyntaf gyda’i awr fwyaf milain, chwyrn, a poenus o ddoniol eto. 'The result is watching a man slaughter one sacred cow after another with the fervour of a wild preacher who has been stuck alone in a room for an inconsiderate period of time.' The List 'It's delivered exquisitely and is beautifully funny' TV Bomb 'Angry, Intelligent Stand Up' Time Out Machynlleth Comedy Festival 88
IDIOT WIND (WORK IN PROGRESS) Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 14+ The School Room
‘A quietly clever craftsman with a big future’ Bruce Dessau, Evening Standard
As heard on Radio 1 and Frank Skinner’s Sony Award-winning Absolute Radio show.
Ymunwch â Gareth Richards, (Foster’s Edinburgh Comedy Awards Best Newcomer Nominee 2010) am “waith ar y gweill” ei seithfed sioe unigol o gomedi doniol, a chaneuon comedi diymhongar.
WORK IN PROGRESS Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 14+ The Store
Fel a welwyd ar Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) a Live at the Electric (BBC3). Fel a glywyd ar Radio 1 a sioe Absolute Radio Frank Skinner a enillodd Sony Award. Stuart does all the comedy at Turtle Canyon Comedy and supported James Acaster on tour loads. He's got a best of show to present to you - skimming the cream from his first four hours to present an absolute surefire hit.
The Sunday Times The Scotsman The List Fest
'His baby-faced rudeness is delightfully wrong' The Journal
‘Richards is a charming, engaging performer’ Kate Copstick, The Scotsman
As seen on Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3) and Live at the Electric (BBC3).
Arts Award
'Hilarious rubber faced bright young talent' The Stage
‘A delightful hour of comedy’ The Guardian
Join Gareth Richards, Foster’s Edinburgh Comedy Awards best newcomer nominee 2010 for a “Work In Progress” of his Seventh solo show of hilarious stand-up, and low-key comedy songs.
Dal i frolio. Rwy jyst wir yn mwynhau gwneud comedi, ac os dewch chi i fy ngweld i, rwy’n credu y byddwch chi’n ei hoffi hefyd.
Beyond The Joke
Whaddaya waiting for? Dyma’r boi mae dynion am fod ac mae menywod am fod hefyd. Dyma sioe gwaith ar y gweill Phil Dunning! Eleni yw sioe gyntaf Phil ym Mach, ac mae wrth ei fodd am y peth. Mae’n nesáu at ddiwedd ei driniaeth Invisalign, ac mae ei hyder yn uwch nag erioed. Mae ei ddanedd syth a’i ben-ôl tynn yn golygu sioe bum seren. Am beth y’ch chi’n aros? ‘Tremendously entertaining... a very special show’ BroadwayBaby ‘A wonderfully oddball night out... Slick, silly, and surreal’ GrumpyGayCritic
STUART LAWS BEST OF Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £8 // 16+ The Canteen
Elf Lyons is doing a one woman production of swan lake. In an hour. In french. Probably. Elf hasn't made up her mind yet. Elf originally asked her siblings to be in it so they could bond but they said they were "too busy" because they are "Doctors" and have "proper jobs". So Elf has found two fire extinguishers to replace them. A new show from one of British Vogue's Top Twenty Names of Now.
Mae Elf Lyons yn cynhyrchu perfformiad un fenyw o Swan Lake. Mewn awr. Yn Ffrangeg. Siŵr o fod. Dyw Elf heb benderfynu eto. Yn Stuart sy’n gwneud yr holl gomedi yn Turtle wreiddiol, gofynnodd Elf i aelodau ei theulu Canyon Comedy ac mae wedi cefnogi James Acaster ar daith llwyth. Mae ganddo sioe oreuon fod ynddo er mwyn bondio, ond mae nhw’n “rhy brysur” gan eu bod yn “ddoctoriaid” a bod i’w chyflwyno i chi – gan gymryd yr hufen o’i ganddyn nhw “swyddi go iawn”. Felly mae Elf bedair awr gyntaf i gyflwyno hit go iawn. wedi dod o hyd i ddau ddiffoddwr tân yn eu lle. 'A chronically funny stand up' Sioe newydd gan un o Top Twenty Names of Time Out Now British Vogue. 'A brilliant semi-surrealist stand up' Fest ‘A gleefully messy hour’ The List Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 89
I’ve written jokes.
Mae Angela Barnes (Mock the Week, News Quiz Radio 4 a chyflwynydd Newsjack ar BBC Radio 4 Extra) ar fin siarad yn y person cyntaf, gan fod hyn yn teimlo’n rhyfedd.
Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ The Youth Wing Angela Barnes (Mock the Week, Radio 4’s News Quiz and host of Newsjack on BBC Radio 4 Extra) is about to switch to 1st person because this feels weird. So, I’m taking my 3rd solo show to the Edinburgh Fringe and I’m excited to bring it to beautiful Machfest to work it out in front of the best comedy fans in the country. (Yes, I am sucking up a bit). Please come and join me,
Felly, byddaf yn dod â fy nhrydedd sioe unigol i Ŵyl Caeredin, ac mae’n gyffrous dod â hi i ŵyl brydferth Machynlleth i weithio arni o flaen rhai o ffans comedi gorau’r wlad. (Ydw, rwy’n crafu rhywfaint). Felly ymunwch â fi, rwy wedi ysgrifennu jôcs.
Sun / Sul // 9:15pm // £7 // 16+ Caffi Alys It started as a simple idea – put on a Welshlanguage show, but provide live translation for non-Welsh speakers. But, thanks to budgetary constraints, translation services will be provided by the comedians themselves. Come and see what MAY be a unique cultural event, but will PROBABLY be a car crash of mischief and passive aggression. WELSH- AND NON-WELSH-SPEAKERS WELCOME!
“HELLO GANG” SHOW! 10 YEARS IN "SHOWBIZ” Sun / Sul / 9:15pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room I did my first ever stand up gig in May 2007, and just because I haven’t had any major successes since I don’t see why I shouldn’t still have a star-studded 10th anniversary show with a bunch of my pals, especially when they’re also some of the very best comedians in the country. Confirmed acts so far include: David Trent! Nick Helm! James Acaster!* and others???
Sun / Sul / 10:45pm // £8 // 16+ Y Plas Vane Tempest This spring, wildflowers burst into life, woodland creatures return to trash your vegetable patch and the long-lost Storytellers' Club returns to Mach. Fresh from touring arts
‘She’s just a gloriously down-to-earth, straight talking and extremely funny comic’ The Guardian
A perfect Sunday night treat! *All acts are subject to change if they lose their way to venue, get distracted, or forget. Fe wnes fy gig standyp cyntaf erioed ym mis Mai 2007, ac er nad wyf wedi cael unrhyw lwyddiannau mawr, dwy’n gweld dim rheswm pam na allaf gynnal sioe 10 mlynedd llawn sêr gyda fy ffrindiau, yn enwedig pan maent hefyd yn rhai o’r digrifwyr gorau yn y wlad. Mae’r actiau sydd wedi'u cadarnhau hyd yn hyn yn cynnwys: David Trent! Nick Helm! James Acaster!* ac eraill??? Nos Sul berffaith! * Gallai unrhyw act newid os byddant yn colli eu ffordd i'r lleoliad, yn colli canolbwyntio ar y ffordd, neu’n anghofio.
Roedd yn syniad yn un digon syml – sioe Gymraeg gyda gwasanaeth cyfieithu ar gael i’r di-Gymraeg. Yn anffodus, does dim digon o arian i gyflogi cyfieithwyr, felly mae’r digrifwyr eu hunain am roi cynnig arni. Dyma sioe a fydd NAILL AI yn ddigwyddiad diwylliannol hanesyddol NEU yn sbloets llawn direidi a dryswch. CROESO CYNNES I SIARADWYR CYMRAEG A DI-GYMRAEG!
PAPPY’S PRESENTS… SECRET DUDES SOCIETY Sun / Sul / 10:30pm // £12 // 14+ Y Plas PAPPY’S (two-time Edinburgh Comedy award nominees and stars of BBC Three's Badults) bring their comedy club BACH TO MACH for a very special show. Live music, sketches, games, and dicking around! They'll also be inviting their best pals in comedy to provide slightly better value for money. Come and join the Secret Dudes Society! Featuring songs, sketches and general ledgelike behaviour from PAPPY’S. Plus special guest appearances from some of the best comedians in the world. With live music from our house band PUDDINCUP & THE DUDETTES (featuring members of Spook School). Previous guests include Josh Widdicombe, Katherine Ryan, Joe Lycett, Aisling Bea, James Acaster, Sara Pascoe, David O'Doherty, Bridget Christie. Daw PAPPY’S (enwebeion gwobr Caeredin ddwywaith a sêr Badults BBC Three) â'u clwb comedi NÔL I FACH am sioe arbennig iawn. Cerddoriaeth fyw, sgetshis, gemau, a chwarae o gwmpas! Byddant hefyd yn gwahodd eu ffrindiau gorau o fyd comedi i ddarparu ychydig mwy o werth am arian. Dewch i ymuno â'r “Secret Dudes Society”! Gan gynnwys caneuon, sgetshis, ac ymddygiad lej-llyd gan PAPPY’S, ac ymddangosiadau gwadd arbennig gan rai o gomediwyr gorau’r byd. Gyda cherddoriaeth fyw gan ein band tŷ PUDDINCUP & THE DUDETTES (yn cynnwys rhai
and music festivals all over the land, Sarah Bennetto and her comedy comrades bring you a very special live comedy storytelling night. A selection of your most-loved Mach Fest comedians bring you a late-night tales of adventure, love and intrigue. Expect some of the most original and beguiling names in comic storytelling. Storytellers' Club could contain secrets, confessions, ghost stories, wild travel anecdotes, love and laughs, and is most definitely for adults. Y gwanwyn hwn, mae blodau gwyllt dod yn fyw, mae creaduriaid coetir yn dychwelyd i sbwylio eich llysiau, ac mae’r Storytellers’ Club colledig yn dychwelyd i Fach. Yn ffres o daith o wyliau celfyddydol a cherddoriaeth ledled
y wlad, daw Sarah Bennetto a'i chyd-filwyr comedi â noson arbennig iawn o adrodd straeon comedi byw. Casgliad o’ch hoff ddigrifwyr yng Ngŵyl Mach yn cyflwyno straeon hwry y nos am anturiaethau, cariad, a dirgelwch. Gallwch ddisgwyl rhai o'r enwau mwyaf gwreiddiol a hudolus ym maes adrodd straeon comig. Mae’r “audience short-short-short-story competition” enwog yn ôl, yn ogystal â thrac sain indi rhyfedd wedi’i guradu’n arbennig i gyfynd â’r noson. Dychweliad nerthol mewn lleoliad hudolus iawn. ‘Particularly lovely, the perfect way to spend an early autumn night’ The Guardian
o aelodau Spook School). Gwesteion blaenorol yn cynnwys Josh Widdicombe, Katherine Ryan, Joe Lycett, Aisling Bea, James Acaster, Sara Pascoe, David O'Doherty, Bridget Christie. ‘One of the finest sketch troupes of the last decade’ The Guardian
JAMES ACASTER RECAP Sun / Sul / 11:00pm // £7 // 14+ Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room James Acaster uses old material to explain a gap in The Trelogy. He basically saw Rogue One and thought it was really cool so is now trying to do a comedy show like Rogue One. This show might only make sense if you’ve seen his other three shows at the festival. Most of the material in this show is from his 2011-2013 shows. Rogue One was so cool! James Acaster yn defnyddio hen ddeunydd i esbonio bwlch yn The Trelogy. Gwyliodd Rogue One, a chredu ei fod yn cŵl, felly nawr mae’n ceisio gwneud sioe gomedi fel Rogue One. Efallai y bydd y sioe hon ond yn gwneud synnwyr os ydych chi wedi gweld ei dair sioe arall yn yr ŵyl. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r deunydd yn y sioe hon o’i sioeau 2011-2013. Roedd Rogue One mor cŵl! Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 91
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JACK ROOKE GOOD GRIEF Sun 30 Apr Y Plas, 12.30pm
Gay Times
Here we are! Me drinking a three ginger tea, Trump tweeting something harrowing and you looking through the listings of a comedy festival in Mid Wales. How we all ended up here involved a series of incremental decisions, non-decisions (is that a word?) and probably some Grade A procrastination. It is these incremental moments that binds this year's theatre programme through stories of war, disney towns, fake news and pens.
Dyma ni! Fi’n yfed te sinsir, Trump yn trydar rhywbeth erchyll, a chi’n bwrw golwg dros restrau gŵyl gomedi yng Nghanolbarth Cymru. Cyrhaeddon ni yma drwy lu o benderfyniadau, diffyg penderfyniadau (os yw’r fath beth yn bod), a siŵr o fod gwastraffu amser o’r radd flaenaf. Yr adegau bach hyn sy’n clymu rhaglen rheatr eleni drwy straeon rhyfel, trefi Disney, newyddion ffug ac ysgrifbinnau.
Sort of. Stick with me.
Rywsut. Arhoswch gyda fi.
In History History History, mega award winner and theatre hero Deborah Pearson brings us a documentary, performed live alongside a Hungarian comedy film about football. It's a magnetic and poignant performance that makes for an extraordinary show rooted in the past and utterly relevant today. Everyone should see it. Even people from Celebration, Florida – a town designed by Disney and introduced to us by two un-rehearsed performers wearing headphones who meet for the first time on stage. A beguiling new show from Greg Wohead about what happens when we miss a person, place or time.
“Rooke is a delight to spend an hour with, cheerily but sensitively tackling the most painful of subjects and finding hope in them.” The Scotsman.
Yn History History History, mae’r arwr theatr arobryn Deborah Pearson yn cyflwyno sioe ddogfen ochr yn ochr â ffilm gomedi o Hwngari am bêl-droed. Mae’n berfformiad atyniadol a theimladwy sy’n creu sioe arbenig o’r gorffennol sy’n gwbl berthnasol heddiw. Dylai pawb ei gweld.
Catriona James is an actor, a lover of true stories, a physical performer and a depressive. Sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes funny and always engaging Worse Things Happen combines all of those elements and does what all good theatre should do – it makes us look again.
Hyd yn oed pobl o Celebration, Florida – tref a ddyluniwyd gan Disney ac a gyflwynir i ni gan ddau berfformiwr heb ymarfer sy’n gwisgo clustffonau ac sy’n cwrdd am y tro cyntaf. Sioe hudolus newydd gan Greg Wohead am beth sy’n digwydd pan fyddwn yn gweld eisiau person, lle or time.
the fact that Jack Rooke and his 85 year old Nan Sicely (great name) invite you to the happiest town in Britain to explore death and lasagne.
“It burns slow and sure, leaving both sadness and 1 billion pairs of running shoes were bought last hope hanging fog-like in the room.” The Stage year. Nicola Burgess has two of those. Runner, theatre maker and Machynlleth resident Nicola Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllexplores in this new show how running sneaks lantysiliogogogoch. I don't need to say anything into our lives and what is means to people all else to get you to come and see My Body over the world. Welsh do I? Any show that has that in its blurb is a bold as brass winner. A contemporary look Finally after all this plundering into what at national identity accompanied by a livemakes us human – come and have a go soundscape. Erm, yes please. at a musical coconut shy made of massive balloons. Composer Timothy Tate and artist John Osborne is a writer of non-fiction books, Jay Harrison met at last year's Machynlleth a tv show and good old Radio 4 and sold out his Comedy festival over an electromechanical Mach debut with John Peel's Shed a few years lithophone (great words) and went on to make ago. In this new show Osborne has found a a giant balloon based interactive musical series of clues in a pile of Radio Times magazines instrument (great idea) and now you can wang – each day timetabled with deliberate red balls at it (great vibes). It's a genuine delight. circles. See it here first – toot toot. Tea drunk. Harrowing tweet sent. Trainers on. Good Grief was named one of New York Times' four highlights of the Edinburgh Fringe. Four highlights seems a strange number of highlights, but don't focus on that. Focus on Machynlleth Comedy Festival 94
See you at the clock.
Lisa Jones - MCF Theatre Manager
anghofiwch am hynny. Canolbwyntiwch ar y ffaith bod Jack Rooke a’i famgy 85 oed Sicely (enw gwych) yn eich gwahodd i’r dref hapusaf ym Mhrydain i archwilio marwolaeth a lasagne. “Rooke is a delight to spend an hour with, cheerily but sensitively tackling the most painful of subjects and finding hope in them.” The Scotsman.
Mae Catriona James yn actor, yn dwlu ar straeon gwir, yn berfformiwr, ac yn dioddef o iselder. Weithiau’n anghyfforddus, weithiau’n ddoniol, a wastad yn werth ei weld, mae Worse Things Happen yn cyfuno’r holl elfennau hynny ac yn gwneud beth ddylai holl theatr da “It burns slow and sure, leaving both sadness and wneud – gwneud i ni edrych eto. hope hanging fog-like in the room.” The Stage Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Does dim angen i mi ddweud dim mwy i’ch annog i weld My Body Welsh oes ‘na? Mae unrhyw sioe sydd â hwnna yn ei froliant yn enillydd hyderus. Golwg gyfoes ar hunaniaeth genedlaethol gyda seinweddfyw. Ym, ie plis. Mae John Osborne yn awdur llyfrau ffeithiol, sioe deledu a ‘rhen Radio 4, a gwerthodd bob tocyn i’w sioe gyntaf ym Mach gyda John Peel's Shed rai blynyddoedd yn ôl. Yn y sioe newydd hon, mae Osborne wedi dod o hyd i gyfres o gliwiau mewn pentwr o gylchgronnau Radio Times – pob diwrnod wedi creu amserlen gyda chylchoedd coch bwriadol. Dewch i’w gweld hi yma gyntaf – tŵt tŵt!
Prynwyd 1 biliwn o barau o esgidiau rhedeg y llynedd. Mae gan Nicola Burgess ddwy o’r rhain. Rhedwr, gwneuthurwr theatr, a thrigolyn Machynlleth – yn y sioe newydd hon, bydd Nicola’n archwilio sut mae rhedeg yn sleifio i’n bywydau, a beth mae’n ei olygu i bobl dros y byd. Yn olaf, ar ôl ystyried beth sy’n ein gwneud ni’n bobl ddynol – dewch i roi cynnig ar stondin cnau coco cerddorol wedi’i wneud o falwnau enfawr. Gwnaeth y cyfansoddwr Timothy Tate a’r artist Jay Harrison gwrdd yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth y llynedd dros lithoffôn electrofecanyddol (geiriau gwych) ac yna gwnaethon nhw greu offeryn cerdd rhyngweithiol ar sail balwnau (syniad gwych) a nawr gallwch daflu peli ato (dirgryniant gywch). Mae’n hyfryd dros ben.
Meddw ar de. Neges drydar erchyll wedi’i Enwyd Good Grief yn un o bedwar uchafbwynt hanfon. Trainers ymlaen. New York Times yng Ngŵyl Caeredin. Mae Wela’i chi wrth y cloc. pedwar yn nifer rhyfedd o uchafbwyntiau, ond Lisa Jones - Rheolwr Theatr GGM Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 95
TUDUR OWEN CELWYDDGI Sad // 9.15pm // £8 // 16+ Caffi Alys Mae Tudur yn dychwelyd i Machynlleth gyda rhagolwg Gymraeg o’i sioe newydd Saesneg ‘Fabulist’, fydd yn cael ei pherfformio yng Ngwyl Caeredin eleni. Mae rhywfaint o’r hyn fydd yn cael ei adrodd yn wir ond mae’r gweddill yn gelwydd noeth.
PHIL COOPER Gwe // 8:45pm // £7 // 14+ Caffi Alys
Yn dilyn llwyddiant ysgubol ei berfformiad yn y gyfres bresennol o “Gwerthu Allan” mae Phil Cooper yn un o ser dyfodol comedi Cymraeg. Mae Phil Cooper yn lais unigryw o’r Rhondda, ond yn bwysicach na hyn, mae’n lais unigryw o fyd comedi. Mae’r sioe newydd yn adeiladu ar llwyddiant ei sioe Caeredin eleni .
BETH JONES, JOSH ELTON A CALUM STEWART SIOE’R DIGRIFWYR NEWYDD Gwe // 7:00pm // £7 // 14+ Caffi Alys Mae hi’n gyfnod cyffrous i standyp Cymraeg. Dewch i weld rhai o wynebau newydd y sîn, gan gynnwys Beth Jones, Josh Elton a Calum Stewart.
LLYGAID Y BYD (SIOE NEWYDD) Sul // 5:45pm // £8 // 16+ Caffi Alys
Yn dilyn llwyddiant Rhacs Jibiders, y sioe Gymraeg cyntaf i Elis ysgrifennu i S4C, ymunwch ag un o gomediwyr mwyaf adnabyddus Cymru yn paratoi sioe Gymraeg newydd sbon. (Bydd ambell i joc hen fel bo chi'n cael gwerth eich arian).
Ar y wyneb, mae Phil yn dyn gwylaidd, hamddenol ac optimistaidd o'r cymoedd. Ond yn ei sioe cyntaf i S4C, mae Phil yn archwilio beth sy'n digwydd yn ei feddwl mewn gwirionedd, ac yn rhannu ei farn gwreiddiol, ddyychymygol, ac yn aml anghywir, ond wastad doniol o'r byd maent ond yn dechrau i ddeall.
Sul // 7:30pm // £7 // 14+ Caffi Alys Rhai o ffefrynnau sioeau Cymraeg y llynedd yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Machynlleth 2017. Ymunwch â Steffan Alun, Sarah Breese, a Chris Chopping am awr o gomedi gwych a gwreiddiol.
Fel y gwelwyd ar Mock the Week (BBC1) Josh (BBC3), ac ar Radio X a Radio 4 (News Quiz, The Unbelievable Truth).
DAN THOMAS Sad // 7.30pm // £7 // 14+ Caffi Alys Yn ei sioe awr Gymraeg gyntaf, bydd Dan Thomas yn archwilio hanes gwir(ish) anhygoel ei rieni a'i anturiaethau fel ymladdwyr rhyddid Cymreig yn y 1970au - gan drafod ei brofiadau ei hun fel rhiant, ailgylchu, a babŵns yn taflu cachu.
COMEDI (GYDA CHYFIEITHIAD!) Sul // 9.15pm // £7 // 16+ Caffi Alys Roedd yn syniad yn un digon syml – sioe Gymraeg gyda gwasanaeth cyfieithu ar gael i’r di-Gymraeg. Yn anffodus, does dim digon o arian i gyflogi cyfieithwyr, felly mae’r digrifwyr eu hunain am roi cynnig arni. Dyma sioe a fydd NAILL AI yn ddigwyddiad diwylliannol hanesyddol NEU yn sbloets llawn direidi a dryswch. CROESO CYNNES I SIARADWYR CYMRAEG A DI-GYMRAEG!
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 96
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 97
machbeerfest.com TH
MARY BIJOU CABARET AND SOCIAL CLUB PRESENTS… THE END OF, CABARET; Gwe // 10:00pm // Free / Am Ddim Beech Bar (Y Plas Big Top)
One fierce night of perverse irreverence shouting into the dark that surrounds us.
Un noson wyllt o ddiffyg parch yn bloeddio i’r tywyllwch o’n hamgylch.
Come on a late night date with Mary Bijou and join with us to turn this darkness from that of the tomb to that of the womb.
Dewch am ymweliad hwyr y nos â Mary Bijou ac ymunwch â ni i droi’r tywyllwch o dduwch y bedd i dduwch y groth.
Be renewed by this immigrant driven cavalcade of talent.
Bydd y parêd o dalent mewnfudwyr yn eich hadnewyddu.
Watch the Circus folk frolic as you have a lovely pint in the beer tent.
Gwyliwch bobl y syrcas yn chwarae wrth i chi fwynhau peint yn y babell gwrw.
Free admission.
Mynediad am ddim.
HEOL PENTREHEDYN, 01654 703 455
@machthewhite whitelionhotel.co.uk
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 99
Llynedd cynorthwyodd Cymorth i Ferched Cymru yn agos i 12,000 o bobl mewn gwasanaethau lleol, a gwnaed dros 28,000 o alwadau am help a chefnogaeth i’n llinell gymorth.
Last year Welsh Women’s Aid supported nearly 12,000 people in local services, and over 28,000 calls for help and support were made to our helpline.
Os ydych chi’n poeni am deulu, ffrindiau neu gydweithwyr a allai fod angen help oherwydd trais rhywiol neu gam-drin domestig, dywedwch wrthyn nhw y gallan nhw ffonio Llinell Gymorth Byw Heb Ofn Cymru am gymorth, bob dydd, 24 awr y dydd, yn gwbl gyfrinachol.
If you are concerned about family, friends or colleagues who might need help for sexual violence or domestic abuse, let them know they can call the Wales Live Fear Free Helpline for support, every day, 24-hours, in confidence.
“Mae trais yn erbyn menywod yn dinistrio bywydau a chymunedau. Drwy gefnogi Cymorth i Ferched Cymru gallwn weithio gyda’n gilydd i greu cymdeithas lle mae pawb yn byw’n rhydd rhag cam-drin.” Sian Harries, Llysgennad Cymorth i Ferched Cymru
“Violence against women devastates lives and communities. By supporting Welsh Women’s Aid we can work together to create a society where everyone lives free from abuse.” Sian Harries, Welsh Women’s Aid Ambassador
Gyda’n gilydd gallwn ddileu trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol yng Nghymru. Dewch yn gefnogwr Cymorth i Ferched Cymru heddiw neu gallwch roi cyfraniad drwy decstio MACH17 £10 i 70070
Together we can end violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales. Become a Welsh Women’s Aid supporter today or donate by texting MACH17 £10 to 70070
Rhif elusen gofrestredig: 1140962
Registered charity number: 1140962
MORE … / MWY …
MARK OLVER’S DIFFICULT QUIZ Sun / Sul // 11.00am // Free // 14+ The Beech Bar (Y Plas) A show of strength for those that really know their comedy! This really is a difficult quiz. Sioe o nerth i’r rhai sy’n adnabod eu comedi’n wirioneddol! Mae hyn yn wir yn gwis anodd.
THE BOY JOHN Sat / Sad // £12 // 14+ Pick-up: 1.00pm Y Plas Car Park Return: 3.30pm Y Plas Car Park Avast, me hearties! Join an audience of 20 in the hull of The Boy John – a large rescued wooden boat which rests permanently on the foreshore at Smugglers Cove near Aberdovey . Disclaimer: This boat experience involves no sailing.
CORRIS RAILWAY Sat / Sad // £12 // 14+ Pick-up: 9.15am Y Plas Car Park Return: 1:00pm Y Plas Car Park Saturday 29th April All-aboard the Machynlleth Express! Travel along mid-Wales’ first narrow gauge railway to this Saturday morning festival favourite.
On arrival the handful of lucky ticket holders will be steam hauled to the 138 year old engine shed-cum-comedy club. Toot-toot!
Daliwch arni, fechgyn! Ymunwch â chynulleidfa o 20 yng nghorff llong y Boy John – cwch pren mawr a achubwyd sy’n aros yn barhaol ar y blaendraeth yn Smugglers Cove ger Aberdyfi.
Ymwadiad: Nid yw’r profiad cwch hwn yn Pawb ar Drên Cyflym Machynlleth! Teithiwch ar cynnwys hwylio. hyd rheilffordd gul gyntaf Canolbarth Cymru i’r ffefryn gŵyl bore Sadwrn hwn. Ar ôl cyrraedd, bydd y llond llaw o ddeiliaid tocynnau lwcus yn cael eu hanfon ar long ager i’r sied injan 138 oed sy’n troi’n glwb comedi. Bib-bib!
Dychweliad ein dosbarth celf blynyddol!
Sun / Sul // 10:00am (120mins) // £12 14+ // Y Tabernacl
Fore Sul, bydd Carl yn arwain dosbarth portreadu yn y Tabernacl gyda nifer o gomedïwyr yn eistedd i chi eu hanfarwoli mewn siarcol.
Our annual art class returns! On Sunday morning, Carl will lead a portraiture class at the Tabernacle with a number of comedians sitting for you to immortalise them in charcoal. About the tutor: Wales based artist Carl Chapple has many years experience and has had exhibitions of his work displayed across the UK. About the models: A selection of models (comedians) will pose for your drawing pleasure. The class will be tailored to all levels of ability and experience and all materials will be provided. Work from the class will be displayed in a festival exhibition in the Beech Bar on Sunday evening.
Sat / Sad // £12 // 14+ Pick-up: 4.15pm Y Plas Car Park Return: 6.45pm Y Plas Car Park
Sun / Sul // £12 // 14+ Pick-up: 10.30am Y Plas Car Park Return: 1.00pm Y Plas Car Park
Fly the festival nest for a couple of hours as we pack a small audience and four acts into a bird hide at the spectacular RSPB reserve at Ynys-hir. An absolute treat!
An absolutely stunning spot located in the Centre for Alternative Technology. After a short ride on the Centre's amazing water-balanced cliff railway (one of the steepest cliff railways in the world), you’ll head for an open air gig against a spectacular backdrop.
Gadewch nyth yr ŵyl am gwpl o oriau pan fyddwn yn llenwi cynulleidfa fach a phedwar perfformiwr mewn cuddfan adar yng nghanolfan d wrth gefn RSPB yn Ynys-hir. Trît gwirioneddol!
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 102
THE HAUNTED CELLAR Sat / Sad // 11:00pm // £12 // 14+ Y Plas Venture down the staircase to a spooky late night show in the depths of the Plas. Mentrwch i lawr y grisiau am gwpl o oriau i sioe fwganllyd hwyr y nos yn nyfnderoedd y Plas.
Please note: this show requires a short walk up (and down) slopes and uneven terrain. Lle cwbl drawiadol yn y Ganolfan Dechnoleg Amgen. Ar ôl tro bach ar reilffordd anhygoel glogwyn ddŵr y ganolfan (un o’r rheilffyrdd clogwyn serthaf yn y byd), ewch i gig awyr agored yn erbyn cefndir trawiadol.
Ynghylch y tiwtor: Mae gan yr artist yng Nghymru Carl Chapple lawer o flynyddoedd o brofiad ac mae arddangosfeydd o’i waith wedi’u cynnal ar draws y DU. Ynghylch y modelau: Bydd detholiad o fodelau (comedïwyr) yn sefyll er mwyn eich pleser darlunio. Caiff y dosbarth ei addasu i bob lefel o allu a phrofiad a darperir yr holl ddeunyddiau. Bydd gwaith o’r dosbarth yn cael ei arddangos mewn arddangosfa gŵyl yn y Bar Ffawydd nos Sul. Sylwer: Mae’r sioe hon yn cynnwys gwaith cerdded byr i fyny ac i lawr llethrau a thir anwastad.
LOSIN LUSH Sun / Sul // 4:00pm // £ Golden Ticket 14+ // Losin Lush Will you be one of the lucky 20 to join four comics at a very special intimate gig at Machynlleth’s own traditional sweet shop? To be in with a chance of winning a pair of golden tickets head to Losin Lush and purchase a handmade festival chocolate bar. Fyddwch chi’n un o’r 20 lwcus i ymuno â phedwar digrifwr mewn gig glòs arbennig iawn yn siop losin draddodiadol Machynlleth ei hun? Am gyfle i ennill pâr o docynnau aur, ewch i Losin Lush a phrynwch far siocled gŵyl o waith llaw. Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 103
MORE … / MWY … SONIC BALLOON Free // The Tannery (Y Tabernacl) Roll up, roll up, roll up for the most ginormous, magical, spectacular musical coconut shy in the world! The Sonic Balloon is a fun, interactive musical installation incorporating music technology, multi-instrumental composition, five three-foot helium balloons, and buckets upon buckets of balls. You, the audience are invited to take over the orchestra and conduct a miniature symphony of brass, strings, piano, guitars and drums. Take a handful of rubber bouncy balls, bounce them off the floor and try to hit a giant helium balloon to bring in a section of the 'orchestra'. Connected to each balloon are sensors which trigger a musical track which can be brought in or silenced at any time. As conductor, you shape the texture, dynamics and instrumentation, all the while experiencing music in a whole new light. This piece was created by Timothy Tate, musician and composer in collaboration
with Jay Harrison, electromechanical music technologist, commissioned by LLAWN Arts Weekend 2016. No rehearsal, practise or musical expertise required . . . Step right this way and let the fun and music commence!
Dewch yn llu ar gyfer y stondin taro coconyts! Mae’r Sonic Balloon yn osodiad cerddorol difyr, rhyngweithiol sy’n cynnwys technoleg cerddoriaeth, cyfansoddiad amlofferynnol, tri balŵn heliwm tair troedfedd, a bwcedi a bwcedi o beli. Gwahoddir chi, y gynulleidfa, i gymryd dros y gerddorfa chynnal symffoni fach o bres, llinynnau, piano, gitarau a drymiau. Cymerwch lond llaw o beli adlamol rwber, eu hadlamu oddi ar y llawr a cheisio bwrw balŵn heliwm enfawr i gyflwyno adran o’r ‘gerddorfa'. Cysylltir synwyryddion â phob balŵn sy’n sbarduno trac cerddorol y gellir ei gyflwyno neu ei ddistewi ar unrhyw adeg. Fel arweinydd, chi sy’n llywio’r ansawdd, y ddeinameg a’r offeryniaeth, a’r cyfan wrth brofi cerddoriaeth mewn goleuni newydd sbon.
Little Wander UK Tours Little Wander are currently booking the following tour shows into venues across the country for Autumn 2017-Spring 2018
Cafodd y darn ei greu gan Timothy Tate, cerddor a chyfansoddwr ar y cyd â Jay Harrison, technolegydd cerdd electrobeiriannol, ei gomisiynu gan Benwythnos Celfyddydau LLAWN 2016. Nid oes angen ymarfer nac arbenigedd cerddorol . . .Camwch i’r cyfeiriad hwn a gadewch i’r hwyl a’r gerddoriaeth ddechrau! www.thesonicballoon.com
Brian Gittins Do Not Feed The Monkey Man
Fern Brady Suffer, Fools
Ed Aczel Infinity
If you’re interested in booking these shows for your venue contact sam@littlewander.co.uk to discuss things further.
Little Wander Comedy Clubs Little Wander currently run sell-out monthly gigs at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Swansea Grand Theatre and Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon. If you’re a venue manager looking for a regular, high-quality comedy night then email Live@littlewander.co.uk to discuss it with us. littlewander.co.uk
WOODLAND PAVILION Y PAFILIWN COETIR The woodland pavilion is better than ever this year, and for the first time we’ve put the schedule in the programme, so you know exactly who’s on when. When you put it like that it seems weird that we haven’t done it like this before.
THE PHIL WHEELER 45 Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // Free / Am Ddim Woodland Pavilion Ivor Cutler on Valium. With guests. Ivor Cutler ar Valium. Gyda gwesteion.
Mae’r pafiliwn coetir yn well nag erioed eleni, ac am y tro cyntaf ry’n ni wedi rhoi’r amserlen yn y rhaglen, fel eich bod yn gwybod yn union pwy fydd ymlaen pryd. Wedi dweud hynny, mae’n rhyfedd nad ydyn ni wedi gwneud hyn o’r blaen. MARK OLVER’S WOODLAND CURIOSITIES Sat & Sun / Sad & Sul // 3:00pm-4:30pm Free / Am Ddim Woodland Pavilion Join Olver for his regular woodland comedy club where he cajoles/bribes/blackmails the finest festival comics to do short sets for your enjoyment, and all for free! Ymunwch ag Olver am ei glwb comedi coetir rheolaidd, lle mae’n annog/llwgrwobrwyo/ gorfodi rhai o ddigrifwyr gorau’r ŵyl i berfformio setiau byr i chi eu mwynhau, oll am ddim!
Sun / Sul // 4:30pm // Free / Am Ddim Woodland Pavilion
Sun / Sul // 6:00pm // Free / Am Ddim Woodland Pavilion
Gavin dawdles over to the Woodland Pavilion after his Big Top set, possibly with a pint of cider, to continue belting out the hits.
John reads from his new book of poems which will be an absolute treat.
Bydd Gavin yn cerdded i’r Pafiliwn Coetir ar ôl ei set yn y Big Top, efallai gyda pheint o seidr, i barhau i godi’r to yn yr awyr agored.
John yn darllen o’i lyfr cerddi newydd, a fydd yn brofiad hyfryd.
CHRISTOPHER BLISS’ LITERARY SALON Sat / Sad // 5:00pm // Free / Am Ddim Woodland Pavilion 1 hour, 30 mins Christopher Bliss writes 2 to 3 novels a day. His novels are fairly well known amongst his family and friend, and he’s fairly certain he’s the best writer in his village. Luke Courtier - a turtleneck-clad literary obsessive - discovered a copy of Christopher’s 2-man whodunit ‘A Murder And A Robbery At The Same Time On The Train From London To Shropshire’ in a local bookshop (put there by Christopher himself), and what began as mere bookish curiosity developed quickly into a full blown intellectual fascination. The pair of them host this unique literary salon, and are joined by guest novelist Julia Forster, to discuss her novel ‘What A Way To Go’. Christopher will interview her about her highly acclaimed novel, offering totally unwarranted feedback and misunderstanding the plot. He will also attempt to improve on literary classics, while Courtier is on hand with excellent footnotes and a stonking claret.
EdInBuRgH FrInGe PrOdUcTiOn
ToUrInG ShOwS MoNtHlY LoNdOn MiXeD-BiLlS
OnLiNe CoNtEnT • HeAd MaSsAgEs
Mae Christopher Bliss yn ysgrifennu 2 neu 3 nofel y dydd. Mae ei nofelau’n eithaf adnabyddus ymhlith ei deulu a’i ffrind, ac mae’n weddol hyderus mae ef yw’r awdur gorau yn ei bentref. Darganfuodd Luke Courtier – boi mewn turtleneck ag obsesiwn â llenyddiaeth – gopi o nofel ddirgelwch 2-ddyn Christopher, ‘A Murder And A Robbery At The Same Time On The Train From London To Shropshire’ mewn siop lyfrau leol (lle roedd Christopher wedi’i adael), ac arweiniodd y chwilfrydedd hwn at ddiddordeb deallusol sylweddol. Bydd y pâr yn cyflwyno’r salon lenyddol unigryw hon, gyda’r nofelydd gwadd Julia Forster, i drafod ei nofel ‘What A Way To Go’. Bydd Christopher yn cyfweld â hi am ei nofel arobryn, gan gynnig adborth diwarant a chamddeall y plot. Bydd hefyd yn ceisio gwella clasuron llenyddol, tra bo Courtier wrth law gyda troednodiadau gwych a chlaret o safon.
CoNtAcT iNfO@rAbBiTrAbBiTcOmEdY.cOm fOr mOrE RaBbItRaBbItCoMeDy.cOm
!( Machynlleth Comedy Festival 106
PHIL KAY GIMME YOUR LEFT SHOE Sun / Sul // 11:15pm // 5+ Y Plas Vortex Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4 Every kid gives Phil their left shoe then does a skit to get it back. A show of shoe-shows within a show…and the left is the right one to give. Give the right one and be left with the right one. Bring along something daft from the garage or under the stairs and with silly props we'll do
JAMES ACASTER BABYSITS Sat / Sad // 12:30pm Age recommendation 3 – 11 (but all ages welcome) // Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4
VAGABONDI A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME Sat / Sad // 10:45am // 3+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4 Calling all adventuresome land lubbers - come join the good ship Vagabondi with their popular family show A Pirates Life for Me.
James Acaster gets the audience to write and perform a play and the audience are kids. Last time it got really out of hand and he nearly had a nervous breakdown onstage. This is ill advised at best. Adults welcome.
Sun / Sul // 12:30pm // All ages Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4 How great is music? We all have our favourite tunes, but what makes sound into music, and what is sound anyway? Come along with your curiosity turned up to 11, and join Gaz Smith from science made simple for a science show with a difference, including lots of demonstrations and audience interactions.
James Acaster yn cael y gynulleidfa i ysgrifennu a pherfformio drama, a phlant fydd y gynulleidfa. Y tro diwethaf, aeth y peth yn rhy bell, a bu bron iddo gael chwalfa nerfol ar y llwyfan. Mae hyn yn annoeth a dweud y lleiaf. Croeso i oedolion.
Let Captain Mary Mcguire and first mate Annie Greengrass tell you tall tales about life on the high seas. With the help of piratical puppets, a crumpled old map and a hidden ship they will help you find and recognise the most precious treasure in the world.
Cyclops, survive the sweet-singing Siren Sisters and overcome a sucking and spewing Whirlpool to save the day with the cleverest Greek hero of all time — Odysseus (he of Wooden Horse fame).
They have docked with great mischief and merriment in many a port from National Library of Wales to the Just So Festival, from Brixham Pirate Day to Theatre Clwyd.
A Pandora’s Box of storytelling, theatre, song and buffoonery, puppets, props and participation.
Yn galw ar bobl y tir sy’n chwilio am antur dewch i ymuno â llong Vagabondi gyda'u sioe deulu boblogaidd A Pirate’s Life for Me.
Antur anhygoel o Chweld a Moderniaeth gyda chlasur Groeg Hynafol.
Gadewch i’r Capten Mary Mcguire a’i dirprwy Annie Greengrass adrodd straeon celwydd golau MICHAEL LOADER am fywyd ar y môr. Gyda chymorth pypedau GLORIOUS GREEKS! môr ladraidd, hen fap trysor, a llong cudd, Sat / Sad // 2:15pm // 5+ byddant yn eich helpu i ganfod a chydnabod y Y Plas Vortex trysor mwyaf gwerthfawr yn y byd. Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4 Maent wedi docio gyda drygioni a miri mawr mewn llawer i borthladd, o Lyfrgell An awesome adventure of Myth and Modernity Genedlaethol Cymru i Ŵyl Just So, o Ddiwrnod with an Ancient Greek classic. Môr-ladron Brixham i Theatr Clwyd. Outwit greedy Monsters, escape the savage
Blwch Pandora o adrodd straeon, theatr, cân a ffolineb, pypedau, props a chyfranogiad.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 108
An awesome adventure of Myth and Modernity with an Ancient Greek classic.
Trechwch y bwystfilod, dihengwch rhag y seiclops ffyrnig, goroeswch y chwiorydd seiren, a goresgynnwch drobwll dieflig i achub y dydd gyda'r arwr Groegaidd mwyaf clyfar erioed Odysseus (yn enwog am ei geffyl pren).
‘Rude, witty, gory and silly with a big dollop of artistic licence, the epic tales of Odysseus have never been so alive and kicking’ St George’s Bristol 2016
From making instruments with straws to sending sounds with lasers, you’ll be amazed at what you will discover. Come on
pancake tennis … water pistol art...crazy skits and everyone is safe in the limelight … Pob plentyn yn rhoi ei esgid chwith i Phil ac yna’n gwneud sgets i'w gael yn ôl. Sioe o sioeau ‘sgidiau o fewn sioe ... a’r un chwith yw'r un cywir i'w roi. Rhowch yr un cywir a gadewch gyda'r un cywir. Dewch â rhywbeth dwl o'r garej neu o dan y grisiau a gyda phropiau gwirion fe wnawn dennis crempog ... celf dryll dŵr ... sgetshis gwallgof ac mae pawb yn ddiogel yn llygad y cyhoedd ... ‘Phil Kay was born to work with children…’ The Age, Melbourne
Machynlleth – LET’S MAKE SOME NOISE! Warning: you may be required to sing along to tunes from The Sound of Music! Pa mor wych yw cerddoriaeth? Mae gennym oll ein hoff ganeuon, ond beth sy'n gwneud sain yn gerddoriaeth, a beth yw sain beth bynnag? Dewch â'ch chwilfrydedd ‘di troi i 11, ac ymunwch â Gaz Smith o Science Made Simple am sioe wyddoniaeth gyda gwahaniaeth, gan gynnwys llawer o arddangosiadau a chyfraniadau cynulleidfa. O wneud offerynnau gyda gwellt i anfon synau gyda laserau, byddwch yn synnu at yr hyn y byddwch yn ei ddysgu. Dewch i Fachynlleth DEWCH I NI WNEUD SŴN! Rhybudd: efallai y bydd gofyn i chi ganu gydag alawon o The Sound of Music!
PADDLE BOAT THEATRE COMPANY ACCORDING TO ARTHUR Sun / Sul // 2:15pm // 3+ Ysgol Bro Hyddgen Tickets: £4/£12 for family of 4 Meet Arthur –an odd old man who lives all alone in his attic. He never ventures into the outside world; instead he spends all of his time with his only friend - the Moon. But now, Arthur needs your help! The clouds have covered the sky and the Moon is nowhere to be seen, and without it Arthur’s life suddenly feels empty. PaddleBoat Theatre Company invite you to bring your unbounded imagination as together we try to help Arthur find the Moon. With your help, who knows what else he might discover outside his front door …
Dyma Arthur - hen ddyn rhyfedd sy'n byw ar ei ben ei hun yn ei atig. Nid yw byth yn mentro i’r byd y tu allan; yn hytrach mae'n treulio ei holl amser gyda'i unig ffrind - y Lleuad. Ond yn awr, mae angen eich help ar Arthur! Mae'r cymylau wedi llenwi’r awyr, a dyw’r Lleuad ddim i’w weld yn unman, ac hebddo mae bywyd Arthur yn sydyn yn teimlo'n wag. Mae Cwmni Theatr PaddleBoat yn eich gwahodd i ddod â'ch dychymyg diderfyn wrth i ni geisio helpu Arthur i ddod o hyd i'r Lleuad. Gyda'ch help chi, pwy a ŵyr beth arall y gallai ddarganfod y tu allan i'w drws ffrynt ... ‘One of the most magical and captivating children’s shows I have seen’ Broadway Baby ‘A wonderful, heart-warming show, that gently brings out the imaginative adventurer in all of us’ Primary Time
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 109
Emma’s Crafty Kids
Free kids workshops on the Plas lawn
Gweithdai plant am ddim ar lawnt y Plas
On Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes, we have some free and fun workshops programmed on the Plas lawn. No booking required, just turn up and get involved!
Amser cinio ddydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul, mae gennym weithdai am ddim a llawn hwyl ar lawnt y Plas. Dim angen cadw lle, dewch draw a chymerwch ran!
The team at Emma’s Crafty Kids just loves encouraging folks of all ages to use their imaginations and create things using a huge variety of materials. There are always lots of fabulous things to make and take away when you visit our workshops. Our friendly family team are always on hand to help out, give you crafty ideas and welcome you with a smile. Look out for our drop-in craft workshops at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival, and come along for crafty family fun!
Buy your tokens on arrival at our colourful round marquee, situated on Plas lawn, and exchange them for different craft activities. It costs just £5 for 3 tokens, and there are lots of crafty things for you to choose from.
ar gael i helpu, rhoi syniadau crefftau i chi a’ch croesawu â gwên. Cadwch lygad am ein gweithdai crefft galw heibio yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth, a dod draw ar gyfer hwyl i deuluoedd gyda chrefftau!
Mae tîm Emma’s Crafty Kids yn dwlu ar annog pobl o bob oed i ddefnyddio’u dychymyg a chreu pethau gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth enfawr o ddeunyddiau. Mae llawer o bethau bob amser i chi eu gwneud a mynd â nhw pan ymwelwch â’n gweithdai. Mae ein tîm teuluol cyfeillgar bob amser
Prynwch eich tocynnau wrth gyrraedd ein pabell fawr gron, liwgar, ar lawnt y Plas, a’u cyfnewid am weithgareddau crefft gwahanol. Mae’n costio £5 yn unig am 3 thocyn, ac mae llawer o grefftau i chi ddewis ohonyn nhw.
Come and watch the Sp Troupe do a dazzling arkle’s Hoop hooping routine followed by an oppo rtu to have a go yourse nity for you lf! Not only have Sparkles Hoop Troup e taken Cardiff by storm with amazing cla been nominated for sses they have two World Hoopie Awards 2017.
Dewch i wylio Spark le’s yn perfformio act cyl Hoop Troupe chy cyn cael cyfle i roi cyn n syfrdanol nig arno! Yn ogystal ag ennill cal on Ca dosbarthiadau rhyfed erdydd gyda do Hoop Troupe wedi cae l, mae Sparkle’s l ei enwebu ar gyfer dwy Wobr Wo rld Hoopie 2017.. ‘The hoop troupe are the and most dynamic act funniest, finest in Cardiff!’ We are Cardiff
Saturday/Sadwrn Badge making / Gwneud bathodynnau
Tokens / Tocyn
Tokens / Tocyn
Badge making / Gwneud bathodynnau
Mini craft box decorating / Addurno blychau crefft bach
Mini ceramic fridge magnets / Magnedau oergell seramig bach
Pebble decoration / Addurno cerigos
Pebble decoration / Addurno cerigos
Suncatchers / Dalwyr haul
Key rings / Cylchoedd allweddi
Tube people finger puppets / Pypedi bys pobl tiwb
Tube people finger puppets / Pypedi bys pobl tiwb
Mask decoration / Addurno mygydau
Ceramic gnomes / Corachod seramig
Tile coasters / Matiau diod teils
Glass jar decorating / Addurno jariau gwydr
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 110
gle with two of Come and learn to Jug This 45 min session rs. che tea top Ciromedia’s al gton, an internation is led by Darryl Carrin lled Juggler. ski hly performer and hig gler too! sion you will be a jug By the end of this ses on lo gyda dau o athraw d nu Dewch i ddysgu jyg mu 45 n iw ses y ir ein gorau Ciromedia. Arw n, perfformiwr gto rrin Ca l rry hon gan Da r hynod fedrus. rhyngwladol a jyglw chi’n iwn hon, byddwch Erbyn diwedd y ses jyglwr hefyd!
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 111
FARM HAND Sat / Sad // 3:15pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top Since 2016 Farm Hand has been the solo guise of Mark Daman Thomas. Working with field recordings, a sampler, analogue synths and drum machines; the music is influenced by the hills of Radnorshire and the reality of rural life.
THE SURFRAGETTES Fri / Gwe // 8:00pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top Machynlleth-based lounge core aficionados The Surfragettes kick off the Big Top party for us this year. They play Dave Brubecks 'Take 5' in 4/4 Ska. They subvert traditional musical ideas and have found a musical thirteenth semitone that no one else has discovered. They play Pulp fiction grooves
and their own blend of originals and covers. Mae’r Surfragettes, dilynwyr craidd lolfa sy’n gweithio ym Machynlleth, yn dechrau parti’r Top Mawr i ni eleni. Maen nhw’n perfformio 'Take 5' gan Dave Brubeck mewn Ska 4/4. Maen nhw’n tanseilio syniadau cerddorol traddodiadol ac wedi canfod trydedd hanner tôn gerddorol ar ddeg nad oes neb arall wedi’i darganfod. Maen nhw’n chwarae rhigolau Pulp Fiction a’u cymysgedd eu hunain o ganeuon gwreiddiol a rhai pobl eraill.
Ers 2016, Farm Hand fu unig wedd Mark Daman Thomas. Gan weithio gyda recordiadau maes, a samplwr, synthetigion analog a pheiriannau drwm; dylanwad y gerddoriaeth yw bryniau Sir Faesyfed a realiti bywyd go iawn. “Music with reverent, almost religious overtones” WIRE Magazine “His droney-church-organ shifts and scapes, together with deeply voiced singing by his silver-coated figure, made for an other-worldly experience.” CCQ Magazine
DAVID TRENT’S REGGAE BREAKFAST Sat / Sad // 10:00am-12:00pm Free / Am Ddim // The Big Top
WIDDICOMBE BROTHERS DJ SET Sat / Sad // 11:00pm-close Free / Am Ddim // The Big Top
JONNY AND ANDY’S CLOSING DISCO Sun / Sul // 10:30pm-close Free / Am Ddim // The Big Top Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 113
GAVIN OSBORN FAITH ELIOT Sat / Sad // 5:00pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top Faith Eliot grew up in Minneapolis, MN and moved to Edinburgh just over 10 years ago. She writes songs, draws, makes sculptures, hoards stuff and encrusts things with beads and googly eyes. Tyfodd Faith Eliot i fyny ym Minneapolis, MN a symud i Gaeredin ychydig dros 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae hi’n cyfansoddi caneuon, yn darlunio yn creu cerfluniau, yn cronni stwff ac yn crawennu pethau â gleiniau a llygaid gwgli.
COLOUR ME WEDNESDAY Sat / Sad // 7:45pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top An Indie Pop DIY Punk band from West London who like: Feminism, Veganism, Anti-Capitalism, beating S.A.D., Being Queer, Catchy tunes. Political Pop Punk for Punks who Love Pop. Band pync DIY Indi-pop o Orllewin Llundain sy’n hoffi ffeministiaeth, feganiaeth, gwrthgyfalafiaeth, curo S.A.D., bod yn hynod, alawon bachog. Pop-pync gwleidyddol i byncwyr sy’n dwlu ar bop.
TENDER PREY Sat / Sad // 8:30pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top Tender Prey is Cardiff-based musician Laura E Bryon – she plays a distinctive brand of playful, surprising and dirty art-rock that fuses sleazy, spider-like guitar lines, primitive, pounding drums and colourful lyrics to a 60s girl-group sound. Purveyors of sweet and dreamy indie –pop one minute and threatening, sleazy, hoodoo swamp music the next, Tender Prey has a sting in her tail. She was nominated for the 2015 Welsh Music Prize for her debut LP 'Organ Calzone' and has recorded two 6 Music sessions for Marc Riley. Tender Prey yw Laura E. Bryon sy’n byw yng Nghaerdydd – mae hi’n chwarae brand gwahanol o gelf-roc chwareus, syfrdan a brwnt sy’n cyfuno llinellau gitâr slebogaidd, corynnaidd, cyntefig, yn pwno drymiau a geiriau lliwgar i sain grŵp merched o’r 60au. Yn arlwywyr indi–pop melys a breuddwydiol un funud a cherddoriaeth cors, melltith, fygythiol, slebogaidd y nesaf, mae gan Tender Prey bigiad yn ei chynffon. Cafodd ei henwebu ar gyfer Gwobr Cerddoriaeth Cymru 2015 ar gyfer ei LP cyntaf 'Organ Calzone' ac wedi recordio dwy sesiwn 6 Music i Marc Riley. “Great hooks and teasing details” - The Quietus “Sharp lyrical observations and angular guitar lines” – UNCUT
Iolo Penri Photography
Sat / Sad // 10:00pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top After much anticipation, the forecasts have arrived from the North... This spring, Y Niwl are finally coming down from the mountains to blow away audiences across the country, with Machynlleth Comedy Festival 114
their unique brand of instrumental surf and a new album on the way in 2017. Ar ôl disgwyl mawr, mae’r rhagolygon wedi cyrraedd o’r gogledd... Y gwanwyn hwn, mae’r Niwl o’r diwedd yn dod i lawr o’r mynyddoedd i syfrdanu cynulleidfaoedd ar draws y wlad, gyda’u brand unigryw o syrffio offerynnol ac albwm newydd ar y ffordd yn 2017.
Sun / Sul // 3:15pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top
Sun / Sul // 5:00pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top
Gavin Osborn loves the drive up here. Especially the B4518. That's an absolute belter. There's a roadside café which has an all-day breakfast the equal of anywhere on Earth. Then he gets to Machynlleth and gets to sing songs to strangers. What a world. If you've heard him on BBC 6Music or alongside Isy Suttie or Daniel Kitson, it'll be as good as that. Without those guys dragging him down.
Formed in the Summer of 2011, South Wales four-piece soon came to the attention of BBC Introducing with the distinctive Cymrucana sound of their critically acclaimed 2013 debut album Hebron. In 2016 the band released the Welsh Music Prize-shortlisted Borders and we’re delighted to welcome them back to the festival.
Mae Gavin Osborn wrth ei fodd yn gyrru i fyny yma. Yn enwedig y B4518. Dyna glasur. Mae caffi ar ymyl yr heol sy’n cynnig brecwast trwy’r dydd cystal ag unrhyw le ar y ddaear. Yna mae’n cyrraedd Machynlleth ac yn cael canu caneuon i ddieithriaid. Am fyd. Os ydych wedi gwrando arno ar BBC 6Music neu wrth ochr Isy Suttie neu Daniel Kitson, bydd cystal â hynny. Heb y rheini’n ei lusgo i lawr. "A genuine wistful treat for anyone finding themselves past thirty and seeking a soundtrack to a good brew. Completely wonderful" - The Quietus
Sun / Sul // 8:30pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top We’re thrilled to welcome back festival favourite Sweet Baboo to wrap up the music stage for us. “When you feel the need for space, run away from place to place,” sings Stephen Black offering an irresistible invitation: “Here’s two train tickets, let’s go!” Out on this summer, 'Wild Imagination', Black's new album as Sweet Baboo is the perfect pick-me-up antidote to the winter of our discontent.
“Marvellously expansive ... a wonderful spell they've cast over the entire nation” - Adam Walton, BBC Radio Wales
THE SPOOK SCHOOL Sun / Sul // 6:45pm // Free / Am Ddim The Big Top The Spook School are back for a third year running. Let’s face it, they’ve become a MachFest institution. Since forming in 2012 they’ve become increasingly involved with the DIY queer punk scene. The Spook School are a band in the most communal sense of the word. The songwriting is split between all four members, giving a different perspective and energy to each song. Mae’r Spook School yn ôl am drydedd flwyddyn olynol. Dewch i ni fod yn onest, maen nhw
Wedi’i ffurfio yn haf 2011, daeth y band pedwar aelod o Dde Cymru i sylw’r BBC yn gynnar, yn cyflwyno sain Cymrucana benodol Hebron, eu halbwm cyntaf yn 2013 a gafodd ganmoliaeth feirniadol. Yn 2016, cyhoeddodd y band Borders, a gyrhaeddodd restr fer Gwobr Cerddoriaeth Cymru, ac mae’n bleser gennym eu croesawu’n ôl i’r ŵyl.
wedi dod yn ddefod Gŵyl Machynlleth. Ers ffurfio yn 2012, maen nhw wedi dod yn fwyfwy cysylltiedig â’r sîn bync hynod DIY. Mae’r Spook School yn fand yn ystyr mwyaf cyffredin y gair. Rhennir y gwaith cyfansoddi caneuon rhwng y pedwar aelod, gan roi safbwynt ac egni gwahanol i bob cân.
This is his first gig of 2017 and the first to feature songs from his new album. Rydyn ni wrth ein boddau’n croesawu’r ffefryn gŵyl Sweet Baboo yn ôl i orffen y llwyfan cerddoriaeth i ni. “When you feel the need for space, run away from place to place,” mae Stephen Black yn canu gan gynnig gwahoddiad anorchfygol: “Here’s two train tickets, let’s go!” Yr haf hwn, caiff 'Wild Imagination', albwm newydd Black, ei gyhoeddi gan mai Sweet Baboo yw’r gwrthwenwyn perffaith i aeaf ein hanfodlonrwydd.
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 115
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BBC We’re thrilled to welcome back the BBC to Machynlleth this year with three fantastic completely free events for you to enjoy. Mae’n bleser gennym groesawu’r BBC yn ôl i Fachynlleth eleni gyda thri digwyddiad am ddim i chi eu mwynhau.
BBC WRITERSROOM WALES PRESENTS: HOW TO KICK START YOUR BBC COMEDY CAREER Sat / Sad // 10:45am // Free (ticketed) Vortex // 14+ Join Rachel Williams, Development Producer, and a panel of industry guests to learn about the exciting opportunities coming up in the newly launched BBC Writersroom Wales. This session will focus on practical advice and insight into getting your work on the BBC and will be followed by a Q&A. Ymunwch â Rachel Williams, Cynhyrchydd Datblygu, a phanel o westeion o’r diwydiant i ddysgu am y cyfleoedd cyffrous sydd i ddod yn BBC Writersroom Wales sydd newydd ei lansio. Bydd y sesiwn yn canolbwyntio ar gyngor ymarferol a gwybodaeth am gael eich gwaith ar y BBC, a bydd sesiwn gwestiynau i ddilyn.
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 118
Sat / Sad // 11:00am // Free (ticketed) Machynlleth Bowling Club // 14+ Mike Bubbins showcases some of the best acts appearing at the festival over the weekend from established names to up-and-coming talent. Mike Bubbins yn cyflwyno rhai o’r actiau gorau sy’n ymddangos yn yr ŵyl dros y penwythnos, o enwau cyfarwydd i dalent newydd.
BBC RADIO 4’S COMEDY CLUB LIVE AT MACH Sat / Sad // 1:30pm // Free (ticketed) Machynlleth Bowling Club // 14+ The BBC Radio 4 Extra Comedy Club is back in Machynlleth – and this year, Rob Deering and Laura Lexx are your hosts. They’ll be chatting to some festival favourites, taking your questions, and testing their guests’ music and film knowledge in a fiendish mash up of Rob’s live music comedy pop quiz Beat This and Laura’s cinematic podcast Cinemastermind. Come join us for live comedy, music, and chat! Mae BBC Radio 4 Extra Comedy Club nôl ym Machynlleth – ac eleni, Rob Deering a Laura Lexx fydd eich cyflwynwyr. Byddant yn sgwrsio â rhai o ffefrynnau’r ŵyl, yn ateb eich cwestiynau, ac yn profi gwybodaeth eu gwesteion o gerddoriaeth a ffilm, gan gyfuno cwis pop comedi cerddorol Rob, Beat This, a phodlediad sinema Laura, Cinemastermind. Ymunwch â ni am gomedi, cerddoriaeth, a sgwrsio byw!
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James Acaster - Recognise (Part One Of The Trelogy)
Y Tabernacl
Mark Watson - Work in Progress
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Stuart Goldsmith - Compared to What?
Owain Glyndŵr - Billiard
Mat Ewins - Mat Ewins Will Make You a Star
Owain Glyndŵr - Powys
Goose - Goose in Mach (Part 3 of 5)
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Eleanor Morton - Angry Young Woman 2017
Rag & Bone
John Luke Roberts - Dreamboat
The School Room
Nish Kumar - Untitled Unmastered Unfinished (Work in Progress)
The Canteen
Sunil Patel - Titan in Progress
The Youth Wing
Jordan Brookes - Body of Work (Work in Progress)
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Annie McGrath - Annbivert
The Store
Pete Dobbing - Electric Plum (Work in Progress)
The Courtyard
Robin Ince - Pragmatic Insanity
Y Plas
Bridget Christie - Because You Demanded It
Y Tabernacl
Daniel Cook - Ye-Ha! (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Marcel Lucont - Marcel Lucont’s Whine List
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Fin Taylor - Whitey McWhiteface
Owain Glyndŵr - Billiard
Princes of Main - Work in Progress
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Jonny Pelham - Just Shout Louder (Work in Progress)
The School Room
Gary from Leeds - Garibaldi
Rag & Bone
Ivo Graham - Work in Progress
The Canteen
Phoebe Walsh - I'll Have What She's Having
The Store
Will Duggan - Perspicuator
The Courtyard
Hedluv & Passman - Two Cornish Rappers and a Casiotone Three: Rural Rumble
The Youth Wing
Evelyn Mok - Work in Progress
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Brett Goldstein - What Is Love Baby Don’t Hurt Me (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Brian Gittins - Don’t Feed the Monkey Man (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Jarred Christmas - Biggish Hits and Giggles
Y Plas
Twins - Two Balls in a Bag
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Machynlleth Comedy Festival Showcase
The Mach Arena
Tel: 01654 705900 mach@salopleisure.co.uk
www.salopleisure.co.uk Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 121
Greg Wohead - Celebration Florida
Y Plas
Tez Ilyas - Made in Britain
Owain Glyndŵr - Billiard
Gráinne Maguire - Gráinne with a fada (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr - Powys
Stuart Laws - The Journey
The School Room
Short & Curly - Young at Start
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Tiernan Douieb - Miserable Happy (Work in Progress)
The Canteen
Steffan Alun - Time Capsule
The Store
Brennan Reece - Everlong (Work in Progress)
The Courtyard
Harriet Dyer - Dyergnosis Murder
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Athena Kugblenu, Bisha K. Ali and Amy Annette - Women in Progress
The Youth Wing
John Shuttleworth - Live
Y Tabernacl
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Colin Hoult / Anna Mann - A Sketch Show for Depressives
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Chris Betts - Bewilderbeest (Work In Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Giants - Work in Progress
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Rob Auton - The Hair Show (Work in Progress)
The Canteen
Caroline Mabey - Flamflim (Work in Progress)
The School Room
Gabby Best - Sleep : A Work in Progress
The Courtyard
Matt Winning - A lecture on climate change
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Richard Stainbank - The Wilderness Years
The Store
Phil Wang - Live
The Youth Wing
Simon Munnery - Fylm School
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Eleanor Tiernan - Work in Progress
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Ed Aczel - Infinity (Work in Progress)
Bowling Club
Beasts … present Mr Machynlleth 2017
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Global Pillage
Y Plas Vortex
Mark Watson - Something Happens, Twice
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Michael Legge - An Evening of Harpsichord Music with Michael Legge
The School Room
Lolly Adefope - Lolly 2
The Canteen
Jack Barry - Legalise It (Work in Progress)
The Store
Dave Edwards - Looking For Love
The Courtyard
Harriet Kemsley - Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Nick Helm - An Early Christmas Present ...
The Youth Wing
Deborah Pearson - History History History
Y Plas
Nish Kumar - Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Unless You Shout The Words Real Loud
Y Tabernacl
Richard Todd
Rag & Bone
Beef and Dairy - Beef And Dairy Network Podcast - LIVE!
Bowling Club
Alexis Dubus - Alexis Dubus Verses the World
The School Room
Jordan Brookes - The Making Of
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Rob Deering - Greatest Hits
The Canteen
Ingrid Dahle - Wingrid (Work in Progress)
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Kat Bond - Loo Roll (Work in Progress)
The Courtyard
Ali Brice - Ali Brice’s Never-Ending Pencil (Work in Progress)
The Store
William Andrews - Willy
The Youth Wing
Stewart Lee - Content Provider
The Mach Arena
James Acaster - Represent (Part Two Of The Trelogy)
Y Tabernacl
Simon Munnery - Standing Still
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Mike Bubbins - Solid Gold
Y Plas
Sean McLoughlin - You Can't Ignore Me Forever
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Pat Cahill - D.O.T.T.
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Joseph Morpurgo - Work in Progress
The Canteen
David Kay
The School Room
Toby - Mach-in It Up
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Becky Brunning -Beaming
Rag & Bone
Fin Taylor - Work in Progress
The Store
Cariad Lloyd - Griefcast
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Laura Lexx - Tyrannosaurus Lexx
The Courtyard
The Youth Wing
Nick Helm - Masterworks In Progress 17
Y Tabernacl
Birthday Girls - Sh!t Hot Party Legends
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
The Death Hilarious - The Scum Always Rises
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Brian Gittins - Don’t Feed the Monkey Man (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Amir Khoshsokhan - Shhhhhh
Rag & Bone
Holly Burn - Best of the Burn
The Canteen
Owen Niblock - Placeholder
The Store
Cam Spence - Matriarchy Experience
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Beth Vyse - Beth Vyse presents Olive Hands for President (Work in Progress) The Courtyard
Matthew Crosby - Let’s Be Friends Again
The School Room
Scott Gibson - Life After Death
The Youth Wing
The Paddock
Y Plas
Richard Gadd - Monkey See Monkey Do
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Machynlleth Comedy Festival Showcase
The Mach Arena
Christopher Bliss - Rob Carter is Christopher Bliss
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Arthur Smith - Arthur Smith is standing Up
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
John Kearns - Work in Progress
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Arriva Trains Wales Late Night Lock in
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Rob Deering - Rob Deering’s Beat This
Y Plas
Gein's Family Giftshop - Work in Progress
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 122
Y Plas Vane Tempest
*Free with a valid train ticket to Machynlleth // Am ddim gyda thocyn trên dilys i Fachynlleth
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 123
Jonny & the Baptists - Eat the Poor
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Mark Watson - Something Happens, Twice
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Pappy’s - Pappy’s Flatshare Slamdown
Y Tabernacl
Edd Hedges - Wonderland
The School Room
Jack Rooke - Good grief
Y Plas
Lazy Susan - The Best (and Worst) of Lazy Susan
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Rachel Parris - Work in Progress
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Jethro Bradley & Phil Cooper - The Bradley & Cooper Machynlleth …
The Courtyard
Spencer Jones - Audition (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Daran Johnson & Liam Williams - Jonno & Liam Do Some Comedy in a Room Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
BEARD - What happened to BEARD?
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Pat Cahill - Dignity/I've Followed Through Again (Work in Progress)
Rag and Bone
Colin Hoult as Anna Mann - Work in Progress - a Sketch Show for Pacifists
The School Room
Tom Allen - Absolutely
The Canteen
Johnny White Really-Really - Pigeons
Bowling Club
Amy Annette - What Women Want: Return (of the) to Mach
The Store
George Egg - Anarchist Cook 2: Second Helpings (Work in Progress)
The Canteen
Desiree Burch - This is Evolution
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Sean Morley - Earned Helplessness
The Courtyard
Seymour Mace - Seymour Mace's Magical Shitcakes from Heaven
The Youth Wing
Stuart Goldsmith - Work in Progress
The Store
Stewart Lee - Content Provider
The Mach Arena
Louise Reay - Hard Mode
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
James Acaster - Reset (Part 3 Of The Trelogy)
Y Tabernacl
Jo Neary - Character Comedian
The Youth Wing
Ian Smith - Work in Progress
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Josh Widdicombe & Friends
The Mach Arena
Fern Brady - Male Comedienne
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Nick Helm - Last Year's Show: Part 2
Y Tabernacl
Invertigo Theatre - My Body Welsh
Y Plas
Y Plas Vortex
Daphne - The Best of Daphne
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Ed Aczel - Foreign Policy
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Bowling Club
Nicola Burgess - The Big Fat Running Show
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Phil Jerrod - Work in Progress
The School Room
Ben Target - Lions and tigers, and Ben Target
The Store
Tom Neenan - Attenborough
The Canteen
Michael Legge & Caroline Mabey - Two Stupids
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Sarah Bennetto - Sarah Bennetto’s Funeral
Rag & Bone
Charlie Baker - The Hit Polisher (Work in Progress)
Bowling Club
Patrick Turpin - Itty Bitty Little Titty Piece (Work in Progress)
The Store
Nigel Ng and Jake Lambert - Work in Progress
The Canteen
Charlie Dinkin - Grü Ptherapy
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Kiri Pritchard-Mclean - Appropriate Adult
The Courtyard
Matt Rees - Matt Rees with Friends
The Courtyard
John Hastings - John Has-ork in progrestings
The School Room
Felicity Ward - 50% More Likely To Die
The Youth Wing
Bilal Zafir - Cakes
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Josie Long - Something Better
Y Tabernacl
Catriona James - Worse Things Happen
The Youth Wing
Elis James and John Robins
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
James Meehan - Cogs (Work in Progress)
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Alun Cochrane - AlunCochranish (Work in Progress)
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
John Robins - Work in Progress
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Do Not Adjust Your Stage - The Wunderkamme
Y Plas Vane Tempest
John Osborne - Circled in The Radio Times
Y Plas
Brennan Reece - Everglow
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Tom Parry - Speed Wobble
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Billiard
Garrett Millerick - Facts I Wish I'd Invented
Rag & Bone
Suzi Ruffell - Be Lucky (Work in Progress)
The Canteen
Gareth Richards - Idiot Wind (Work In Progress)
The School Room
Peter Brush - Dreams with Advert Breaks
The School Room
Stuart Laws - Best Of
The Canteen
Beth Vyse - Olive Hands in All Hands to the Pump...
Bowling Club
Elf Lyons - Work in Progress
The Store
I Am Wario - Wario with a Vengence
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Phil Dunning - Work in Progress
The Courtyard
Chris Kent - Moving On
Owain Glyndŵr Centre - Powys
Angela Barnes - Work in Progress
The Youth Wing
Paul F Taylor - BACK!
The Store
Nathaniel Metcalfe’s “Hello Gang” Show! 10 Years in Showbiz”
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Pierre Novellie - Work in Progress
The Courtyard
Comedy - (Translation Provided!)
Caffi Alys
Bec Hill - Work in Progress
The Youth Wing
Pappy’s presents… Secret Dudes Society
Y Plas
Sara Pascoe - LadsLadsLads
Y Tabernacl
Sarah Bennetto’s Storytellers’ Club
Y Plas Vane Tempest
Guilty Feminist - Podcast
Y Plas Vortex
James Acaster - Recap
Y Plas - The Colin Wilde Room
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 124
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 125
MORE... / MWY...
Corris Railway
Corris Railway
The Boy John
Smuggler's Cove Boatyard
Beth Jones, Josh Elton a Calum Stewart - Sioe’r Digrifwyr Newydd
Caffi Alys
Sat/Sad Sat/Sad
Ynys-Hir Bird Hide
Phil Cooper
Caffi Alys
The Haunted Cellar
The Haunted Cellar
Dan Thomas
Caffi Alys
Portrait Drawing
Y Tabernacl
Tudur Owen - Celwyddgi
Caffi Alys
The Quarry
Centre for Alternative Technology
Elis James - Llygaid y Byd (Sioe Newydd)
Caffi Alys
Mark Olver's Difficult Quiz
The Beech Bar
Free/Am Ddim
Steffan Alun, Sarah Breese & Chris Chopping ABC Comedi! (Alun, Breese, Chopping)
Caffi Alys
Losin Lush
Losin Lush
Golden Ticket
Comedi (Gyda Chyfieithiad!)
Caffi Alys
Fri/Gwe - Sun/Sul
Sonic Balloon
Free/Am Ddim
Sat/Sad -Sun/Sul
The Woodland Pavilion
BBC Writersroom Wales Presents: How to kick start your BBC comedy career
Y Plas Vortex
Free/Am Ddim (ticketed)
BBC Radio Wales/4 Extra Machynlleth Comedy Festival Showcase
Machynlleth Bowling Club
Free/Am Ddim (ticketed)
BBC Radio 4’s Comedy Club Live at Mach
Machynlleth Bowling Club
Free/Am Ddim (ticketed)
Free/Am Ddim
The Surfragettes
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Farm Hand
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Faith Eliot
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Vagabondi - A Pirate's Life for Me
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
£4/£12 family ticket
James Acaster - Babysits
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
£4/£12 family ticket
Colour Me Wednesday
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Tender Prey
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Michael Loader - Glorious Greeks!
Y Plas Vortex
£4/£12 family ticket
Y Niwl
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Phil Kay - Gimme Your Left Show
Y Plas Vortex
£4/£12 family ticket
Gavin Osborn
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Gaz Smith (Science made Simple) - The Music of Sound
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
£4/£12 family ticket
Paddle BoatTheatre Company - According to Arthur
Y Plas
£4/£12 family ticket
Climbing Trees
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
The Spook School
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Sweet Baboo
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Machynlleth Comedy Festival 126
Mary Bijou Cabaret
Big Top
Free/Am Ddim
Gŵyl Gomedi Machynlleth 127
1. Mach Arena Y TABERNACL
2. Y Plas
3. Vane Tempest 4. The Vortex and 5. The Colin Wilde Room
6. Big Top Stage 7. Beech Bar
8. Emma’s Crafty Kids 9. Owain Glyndŵr Centre
10. Powys Room
13 14
11. Billiard Room
12. Caffi Alys
13. The Senedd
14. Box office 23
16. Y Tabernacl 17. The Store OFFICIAL FESTIVAL CAMPSITE & YURTS 27
15. Information
18. Woodland Pavillion 19. Ysgol Bro Hyddgen 20. The Youth Wing 21. The Canteen
22. The School Room 23. Machynlleth Bowling Club 18
19 20 21 22
25. Rag and Bone
26. Losin Lush 27. Official Festival Campsite
24. The Courtyard
ATM Toilets
7 15
Picnic benches Sofas Food stalls Official Bar
Dyma flwyddyn ein chwedlau. Ydy, mae tirwedd Cymru’n hynafol â miloedd o flynyddoedd o hanes a chwedlau. Ond mae hefyd yn wlad y meddylfryd epic a’r antur fawr. Lle bynnag ewch chi mae syniadau disglair newydd mewn hen, hen fannau. Mae’n lle gwych i fwynhau y presennol.
This is our Year of Legends. Yes, Wales is an ancient landscape, with thousands of years of history and myth. But it’s also a land of epic thinking and high adventure. Everywhere you go, there are innovative ideas, in old places. It’s a great place to enjoy here and now.
Eleni rydym yn creu chwedlau newydd. Beth am greu eich chwedl eich hun?
This year we’re creating new legends. Want to come and find yours?
Croeso. Gwlad! Gwlad!
Welcome to our Epic Land.
Pe bai’r coed yma’n clebran fe glywem chwedlau epic. If these trees could talk they would have some epic tales to tell.
#GwladGwlad croeso.cymru #FindYourEpic visitwales.com