produktythe zawierają skali światowej productsunikatowy include awglobally unique, naturalny, wysoko skoncentrowany natural andwyjątkowo exceptionally highly concentrated wodny laminarnych SEA PLASMA® PLASMA® water ekstrakt extract ofz alg laminar algae – SEA
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WHAT DOES YOUR HAIR NEED TO BE HEALTHY AND BEAUTYFUL? To ensure proper growth and vitality of the hair, you should constantly provide it with building materials, which are amino acids. Sulphur amino acid – cystine plays a vital role here. In addition to amino acids, your hair needs for its proper growth a variety of inorganic compounds in the form of vitamins (including vitamin A, vitamin B7-Biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin B9 – folic acid), trace elements and mineral salts (incl. zinc, iron, selenium, copper). Another condition for proper hair growth is a wellstimulated micro-circulation of the scalp. Stimulated micro-circulation can provide better absorption of the above active ingredients by the hair bulbs and oxygenates the bulbs. It is important to remember that healthy hair grows from a healthy skin. To maintainor restore the health of your hair, take care of the good condition of your skin – free it from excess sebum, dandruff and dryness, soothe irritations and restore its properoxygenation and circulation.
SEA PLASMA® – UNIQUE COMPONENT – AMAZING EFFICIENCY OF SCALP AND HAIR THERAPIES The richness of the active ingredients contained in brown algae Laminaria digitata andespecially in their extremely high concentrated (more than 100,000 times) extract SEAPLASMA®, developed by André Zagozda Laboratory, meets all the above conditions.This extract is exceptionally rich in amino acids, polysaccharides, vitamins (includingvit. A, C, E and all the B family vitamins), lipids, macro and micro elements (over 100) as well as minerals (in between zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, iodine, bromine, manganese). It is very important that all the components of the SEA PLASMA® extract remain in the same proportions and harmony as in nature, which greatly increases the range of effects of the formula and further enhances its therapeutic potential. Polysaccharides and alginic acid contained in the algae have a beneficial effect on the scalp: they moisturise, soothe, accelerate the healing process, purify, and balance the functions of the sebaceous glands. The polysaccharides also improve micro-circulationin the scalp, which can effectively support the oxy genation and nourishment of the hairbulbs, as well as the penetration of the minerals into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Fatty acids contained in the algae contribute to the reconstruction of the protective lipid barrier of the epidermis and effectively eliminate the problem of dry skin. SEA PLASMA® - the flagship, natural component of dermo cosmetics by André Zagozda Laboratory guarantees superior absorption of all active ingredients, thanks to its by unusually high biochemical compatibility with body fluids, and unique synergy of these components in the formula enhances individual performance of each of them. These unique features of the SEA PLASMA® extract are essential to achieve the superb performance of the formulations and therapies performed with them, as presented in the catalogue.
Deep cleaned, well-oxygenated, moisturised and nourished skin (cellular nutrition) free from excess sebum, keratinized epidermis, dandruff, dryness and possible irritations, regains its biological balance and becomes more resistant to the adverse factors, both internal and external. The effect of these changes is perfectly healthy and beautiful hair.
2-3 times a week use:
CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO deeply purifies, repairs and regneraters
On the remaining days wash the scalp and hair with: Follow shampoo with:
DERM-SHAMPOO anti hair loss DERM-CONDITIONER algae, regenerating conditioner for all hair types
For best results use:
ALGAE MARINE CAPSULES capsules with micronized marine algae
Skin covered with keratinized epidermis. Disturbed biological functions of the skin. Limited absorption of active substances. Weakness and loss of hair.
Hair follicles clogged by keratinized epidermis and sebum. Malnutrition of hair follicles. Weakness and loss of hair.
All keratinized epidermis has been removed. Noticeable stimulation of circulation in the skin manifested by the presence of red, dilated capillaries
Cleared hair follicles. Better nourishment of hair bulbs. Hair strengthening.
Deeply cleansed skin
The guarantee of success of the anti hair loss therapy lies in: • Deep skin cleansing and clearing of hair follicles which enables and accelerates the absorption of active substances contained in the applied formulas (moisturizing, nour ishing and regenerating substances). • Microcirculatory stimulation in the scalp, which provides an intensive and immediate nourishing of the hair bulbs.
* The photos (magnified 200 times) represent a typical picture of the problem. Descriptions of the products may be found further in the catalogue
2-3 times a week use:
CATAPLASM DERM-SHAMPOO* deeply purifies, repairs and regneraters
On the remaining days wash the scalp and hair with: Follow shampoo with:
DERM-SHAMPOO for oily skin and hair DERM-CONDITIONER algae, regenerating conditioner for all hair types
For best results use:
ALGAE MARINE ELIXIR highly concentrated marine algae extract
Sebum residing in the hair follicles impairs proper nutrition of the bulbs. The hair is getting weak.
New hair cannot grow from clogged, empty hair follicles (invisible under a layer of sebum).
Hair follicles cleansed of sebum, improved micro-circulation. Hair bulbs are better nourished. The hair is getting stronger.
Sebum layer covering the entire surface of the scalp. Impaired biological functions of the skin and the absorption of active ingredients.
Exposed and cleaned, empty follicles. New hair growth is possible
Cleansed, moisturised skin regains its biological balance.
The guarantee of success of the anti seborrhea therapy lies in: • Cleansing the skin and unclogging hair follicles to remove accumulated sebum. • Gradually calming the hyperactivity of sebaceous glands. • Antibacterial action and soothing the irritations.
* The photos (magnified 200 times) represent a typical picture of the problem. Descriptions of the products may be found further in the catalogue
2-3 times a week use:
CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO deeply purifies, repairs and regneraters
On the remaining days wash the scalp and hair with: Follow shampoo with:
DERM-SHAMPOO anti-dandruff DERM-CONDITIONER algae, regenerating conditioner for all hair types
For best results use:
ALGAE MARINE ELIXIR highly concentrated marine algae extract
Patches of keratinized epidermis clog the outlets the hair follicles.
Irritated skin. Impaired biological functions of the skin.
New hair cannot grow from clogged, empty hair follicles (invisible under a layer of keratinized epidermis).
Patches of keratinized epidermis cover the skin. Impaired micro-circulation and oxygenation of the skin. No absorption of moisturizing and nourishing substances. The hair grows weaker.
Complete removal of keratinized epidermis. Cleared hair follicles. Proper oxygenation and microcirculation restored in the skin. Better nutrition of hair bulbs. Strengthening of the hair.
Cleared, empty follicles. New hair growth is possible.
The skin is moisturized. Irritation soothed. Restoration of functions and biological balance of the skin.
The guarantee of success of the anti dandruff therapy lies in: • The removal of excess keratinized epidermis. • Curbing the growth of Malassezia furfur yeast . • Hydration of the skin, restoring its proper pH, soothing irritations and itching.
* The photos (magnified 200 times) represent a typical picture of the problem. Descriptions of the products may be found further in the catalogue
2-3 times a week use:
CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO deeply purifies, repairs and regneraters
On the remaining days wash the scalp and hair with: Follow shampoo with:
DERM-SHAMPOO for dry,sensitive scalp or frequent use DERM-CONDITIONER for all hair types algae, regenerating conditioner for all hair types ALGAE MARINE ELIXIR highly concentrated marine algae extract
For best results use:
Irritated, reddened skin covered with keratinized epidermis which blocks the absorption of nutrients. Impaired biological functions of the skin.
New hair cannot grow from clogged, empty hair follicles (invisible under a layer of keratinized epidermis).
New hair cannot grow from clogged, empty hair follicles (invisible under a layer of keratinized epidermis).
Unblocked and cleansed follicles. Improved micro-circulation and oxygenation of the skin. Hair bulbs are better nourished. The hair grows stronger.
Complete removal of keratinized epidermis. The skin is moisturised. Irritation soothed. Restoration of correct functions and biological balance of the skin.
Exposed and cleaned, empty follicles. New hair growth is possible.
The guarantee of success of the moisturising and soothing therapy lies in: • The gentle removal of excess keratinized epidermis. • A gradual moisturizing of the skin which soothes irritation, itching and skin tension. • A gradual, in-depth skin nutrition (cellular nutrition) which leads to its. “strengthening” resulting in better protection against any adverse factors.
* The photos (magnified 200 times) represent a typical picture of the problem. Descriptions of the products may be found further in the catalogue
hibernation of hair follicles ( kenogenic stage) – failure to produce new hair
2 - 3 times a week use:
CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO deeply purifies, repairs and regenerates
On the other days wash your hair with:
DERM-SHAMPOO activating hair regrowth hair regrowth activator
Follow shampoo with:
DERM-CONDITIONER for all hair types algae, regenerating conditioner for all hair types
For best results use:
ALGAE MARINE CAPSULES capsules with micronized marine algae
The treatment is designed for persons: Who do not suffer from excessive hair loss, yet their hair is thinning. It means that their hair follicles have turned dormant and failed to produce new hair. A typical problem for various types of balding and for seniors. Who suffered from excessive hair loss which is now over and they wish to restore their former, thick hair. With healthy skin who wish to accelerate their hair growth.
Excessive keratinization blocks the absorption of nutrients.
Dehydrated, dry skin. Impaired biological functions of the skin.
The skin is moisturised. Restoration of correct functions and biological balance of the skin
New hair growth starts.
Removal of keratinized epidermis. Restoration of correct functions and biological balance of the skin.
The guarantee of success of the regrowth activation therapy lies in: Thoroughly cleanses the skin and unblocking the hair follicles, which enables and accelerates the absorption of active substances (for stimulating regrowth, nourishing and regeneration). Stimulating micro-circulation of the scalp, which results in immediate, intensive nourishing of hair bulbs and growth stimulation in hair follicles. *The photos (magnified 200x) represent a typical picture of the problem For detailed description of the products, consult further pages of this catalogue.
LONG-TERM IRRITATION due to deposition of hair dyes in the epidermis Did you know that shampoos can not completely remove the chemicals used in hair dyes? Dye residues remain in the hair follicles and calloused epidermis, and persist on the skin for several weeks after dyeing. Although they are small, they continuously irritate the skin all the time. In order to thoroughly clean the scalp, just wash it once with: CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO* deeply cleans, repairs and regenerates This preparation not only thoroughly washes the dye away from the scalp, but also cleanses the scalp, removing calloused epidermis and residual sebum from the hair follicles; it improves oxygenation of the skin and provides it with a rich variety of the elements necessary to keep the hair in good health and condition (such as easily absorbable amino acids , micro and macro elements, polysaccharides, vitamins and mineral salts). An example of a common problem with a healthy scalp: Scalp with hair dye residing in the epidermis (here: for 3 weeks) (enlarged 200x)
Dye residues remaining under dry, keratinized epidermis
Impaired microcirculation and oxygenation of the skin causes malnutrition of the hair bulbs.
Dye residues clog empty hair follicles and block hair growth.
Dye residues in hair follicles.
Skin cleansed of keratinized epidermis, moisturized. Irritation eliminated. Restoration of normal functions and biological balance of the skin.
Improved microcirculation and oxygenation of the skin. Hair follicles are better nourished. The hair grows stronger.
Epidermis and hair follicles completely cleansed of dye residues after a single use of the CATAPLASM shampoo-mask
* Scalp with hair dye residing in the epidermis (here: for 4 weeks) (enlarged 200 x). Description of the product may be found further in the catalogue
PREVENTIVE CARE OF HEALTHY SCALP AND HAIR Proper care is the guarantee of maintaining your scalp and hair in good condition: Regular cleansing of the scalp of keratinized epidermis, sebum, residues of cosmetics and dye with CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO, which provides a natural peeling, while deeply moisturizing and nourishing the scalp Washing the hair with a shampoo which is suitable for the needs and type of the scalp, which does not impair the pH of the skin or destroy the natural protective hydro-lipid barrier. We recommend five Derm-Shampoos: ANTI HAIR LOSS OILY SKIN AND HAIR ANTI-DANDRUFF HAIR REGROWTH ACTIVATOR DRY AND SENSITIVE SKIN OR FREQUENT USE The use of valuable hair conditioners. We recommend DERM-CONDITIONER for all hair types based on a highly concentrated algae extract, which ensures deep hydration and nourishment of all hair types, especially damaged and dull. Systematic stimulation of blood circulation in the scalp to maintain proper oxygenation and nutrition of the follicles. We recommend regular scalp massages (1-2 times a week) with CATAPLASM MASK DERM-SHAMPOO, our multi-directional, active formula.
All products in the AZ HAIR line include an exeptionally highly concentrated, algae extract SEA PLASMA® - the flagship, natural component of dermo-cosmetics by André Zagozda Laboratory. SEA PLASMA® guarantees superior absorption of all active ingredients, thanks to its extraordinarily high biochemical compatibility with body fluids, and unique synergy of these components in the formula, which additionally enhances the individual performance of each of them. Deep cleaned, well-oxygenated, moisturised and nourished skin (cellular nutrition) free from excess sebum, keratinized epidermis, dandruff, dryness and possible irritations, regains its biological balance and becomes more resistant to the adverse factors, both internal and external. The effect of these changes is perfectly healthy and beautiful hair.
Detailed description of the product is available further on in the catalogue.
A mask in a form of shampoo. Deeply purifies and detoxifies the scalp and hair, restoring the skin’s proper functioning in conditions like: hair loss, seborrhoea, dandruff, dry and sensitive scalp. The Cataplasm formula is based on the globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA® (the flagship Laboratory’s component) and on a high content of deep sea sediments (more than 50%), which make the mask extremely rich in natural, easily absorbed oligoelements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (with the whole range of B vitamins, from B1 to B12). A rich content and perfect synergy of the components ensure thorough cleansing of the hair and scalp, deep nourishment, moisturising, re-mineralisation and intensive regeneration. The unique SEA PLASMA® extract regulates the production of sebum, and strongly stimulates the micro-circulation and aeration of the scalp, which immediately causes the nourishment of hair bulbs, strengthening them, stopping hair loss and accelerating its growth.
In case of excess hair loss, oily skin and hair, dandruff, dry, sensitive or irritated scalp - apply 2-3 times a week. On the remaining days, wash the scalp and hair with a suitable AZ derm-shampoo until the problem subsides Preventive use – for efficient and constant improvement of scalp and hair condition apply once a week.
How to use:
Apply the mask on wet hair (the formula’s high concentration requires a lot of water) and massage the scalp and hair until foam is created. Add more water if necessary. Massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes to activate all components and allow them to be absorbed. Rinse and follow with AZ Derm-Conditioner. Leave in for 1-2 minutes. Rinse well. Due to essential oils present in the formula avoid contact with the eyes. In case of eye contact, wash them immediately with a generous amount of lukewarm water.
A regenerating conditioner for hair, which is damaged or difficult to comb. Its formula is based on the globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, the flagship component of the Laboratory, which guarantees the highest efficiency of this derm-conditioner. SEA PLASMA® with its extremely high concentration of natural, easily absorbed oligo-elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (including the whole range of B vitamins) is combined with highly concentrated corn and soy proteins, gentian, extract and provitamin B5 (Panthenol). This highly advanced, rich formula and synergy of all components ensure a deep moisturising and nourishing effect, regenerating damaged hair fibres. Its comprehensive action and fast penetration of the active components makes the hair more flexible and smooth, easy to comb and wonderfully lustrous. Due to its exceptional regenerating properties, this conditioner is recommended also for persons prone to have an oily scalp. How to use: Suitable for daily use. Apply on wet hair washed with an appropriate AZ shampoo (highly compatible with the shampoos, also due to SEA PLASMA® extract present in the formulae). Comb the hair to apply the conditioner evenly. Leave in for 1–2 minutes. Rinse well.
Developed for weakened hair to prevent excessive hair loss. Includes a globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, the flagship component of the Laboratory, which guarantees the highest effectiveness of this derm-shampoo. SEA PLASMA® has extremely high concentrations of natural, easily absorbed oligo-elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (including the whole range of B vitamins). The advanced formula and exceptional synergy of the components ensure a gentle cleansing action, restore proper biological functions of the scalp and strengthen hair bulbs. Lavender and niaouli essential oils accelerate micro-circulation, which additionally improves skin oxygenation and nourishment, and results in increased hair strength and growth stimulation. How to use: Suitable for daily use. Apply on wet hair and massage through hair and scalp for 2-3 min. allowing all components to be absorbed. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary. Follow with AZ Derm-Conditioner for deep regeneration and easy combing. Leave in for 1-2 min. Rinse well. Due to essential oils present in the formula avoid contact with the eyes. In case of eye contact, wash them immediately with a generous amount of lukewarm water. * The upper layers of the skin.
FOR OILY SKIN AND HAIR A shampoo for comprehensive care of oily hair and scalp. The formula includes a globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, the flagship component of the Laboratory, which guarantees the highest effectiveness of this derm-shampoo. SEA PLASMA® with its extremely high concentration of natural, easily absorbed oligo-elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (including the whole range of B vitamins) is combined in the formula with highly concentrated sage essential oil, renowned for its cleansing and aseptic properties and the ability to regulate sebum secretion. The shampoo thoroughly cleanses the scalp from sebum excess and reduces the development of harmful micro-organisms. It also improves micro-circulation and aeration, which effectively strengthens the hair bulbs. Systematic use of the shampoo reduces excess sebum production, soothes irritations, strengthens hair and stimulates its growth. How to use: Suitable for daily use. Apply on wet hair and massage through hair and scalp for 2-3 min. allowing all components to be absorbed. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary. Follow with AZ Derm-Conditioner for deep regeneration and easy combing. Leave in for 1-2 minutes. Rinse well. Due to essential oils present in the formula avoid contact with the eyes. In case of eye contact, wash them immediately with a generous amount of lukewarm water. In case of increased seborrhoea - use shampoo alternatively with Cataplasm Mask Derm-Shampoo (up to 2-3 times a week).
A formula developed specifically to eliminate dandruff and prevent its formation. It includes a globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, the flagship component of the Laboratory, which guarantees the highest effectiveness of this derm-shampoo. SEA PLASMA® with its extremely high concentration of natural, easily absorbed oligo-elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (including the whole range of B vitamins) is combined with highly concentrated rosemary essential oil, renowned for it’s cleansing and aseptic properties. This combination of ingredients helps to clean the scalp, removes excess calloused epidermis, restores the balance of the micro-flora, thus preventing the multiplication of micro-organisms and efficiently neutralising skin irritations. The shampoo helps to restore the biological balance of the scalp as well as a healthy appearance and lustre of the hair. Recommendations: For dandruff: use daily. For intensive dandruff: use shampoo alternatively with Cataplasm Mask-Shampoo (up to 2-3 times a week). Preventive use (for persons prone to recurring dandruff); use Derm-Shampoo once a week and once a week Cataplasm Mask-Shampoo. How to use: Apply on wet hair and massage through hair and scalp for 2-3 min. allowing all components to be absorbed. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary. Follow with Algae Hair Derm-Conditioner–for deep regeneration and easy combing. Leave in for 1-2 minutes. Rinse well. Due to essential oils present in the formula avoid contact with the eyes. In case of eye contact, wash them immediately with a generous amount of lukewarm water.
FOR DRY, SENSITIVE SKIN OR FREQUENT USE A shampoo for frequent use. Particularly recommended for persons with a dry, irritable scalp and for daily hair care. Perfect for sportsmen and excellent for baby hair care. Includes a globally uniqe, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, the flagship component of the Laboratory, which guarantees the highest effectiveness of this derm-shampoo. SEA PLASMA® with its extremely high concentration of natural, easily absorbed oligo-elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides and vitamins (including the whole range of B vitamins), naturally moisturises*, nourishes, re-mineralises and strengthens the scalp and hair. Its gentle cleaning base with three essential oils: lavender, cedar and niaouli, sooths any scalp irritations. This comprehensive care restores the biological balance of the scalp and the natural, highest quality components guarantee safe, daily use. How to use: Suitable for daily use. Apply on wet hair and massage through hair and scalp for 2-3 min. allowing all components to be absorbed. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary. Follow with AZ Derm-Conditioner for deep regeneration and easy combing. Leave in for 1-2 minutes. Rinse well. Due to essential oils present in the formula avoid contact with the eyes. In case of eye contact, wash them immediately with a generous amount of lukewarm water. * Upper layers of the epidermis
Innovative shampoo which combines a globally unique, natural, highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae - SEA PLASMA®, Pelvetia canaliculata algae extract,
organic silicon ( macro-element which is a component of the connective tissue and hair follicles) and specially selected essential oils of pine, rosemary and lime. It has been designed specifically for persons whose follicles are unable to produce new hair. The life cycle of hair consists of the growth phase, the transition phase and rest phase, during which the hair falls out. Between these cyclically recurring phases, the follicle can turn dormant (ketogenic stage), that is stop its activity and remain empty. As a result of this pathological tendency, the hair is gradually thinned as the hibernating follicles are unable to generate new hair. To reactivate them, adequate stimulation is needed. The active, intensely nourishing and energizing, yet natural ingredients of this shampoo (such as amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins, and more than 100 micro and macro elements) and high absorptivity resulting from the perfect compatibility of the SEA PLASMA® extract with the skin, powerfully stimulate growth in the empty hair follicles. This shampoo is designed for persons with impaired hair replacement processes or for those who suffered excessive hair loss which is now over and they wish to regain their former, thick hair. It is also recommended for healthy skin in order to accelerate hair growth. How to use: Can be used daily. Apply to wet hair, generate foam and massage the scalp for 2 min. Rinse. Apply the AZ Derm-Conditioner for deep regeneration. We recommend using the Cataplasm Mask Derm-Shampoo once a week for deep moisturizing, nourishing as well as thorough peeling and improved micro-circulation in the scalp.
Dietary supplement with nutritive and regulating properties. Contains only natural ingredients.
The capsules contain several species of micronized sea algae known for their nutritive and metabolism regulating properties. The formula is rich in easily absorbed oligoelements (including: iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, iron, sodium, cooper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum), vitamins (with the whole range of B vitamins), amino acids, polysaccharides and mineral salts. Active elements accelerate the metabolism and toxin excretion. They also facilitate the absorption of many nutrients protecting the organism from shortages resulting from an incorrect diet. Active elements present in formula play a key role in all biochemical reactions in the organism therefore are of essential importance in the repairing processes of many types of problems such as: tiredness, weak blood circulation, dry and undernourished skin, weak hair and nails, excessive sebum secretion or ineffective convalescence. The formula is composed of natural ingredients only, free from preservatives and artificial pigments. Regular use of the supplement visibly improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
Dietary suplement. 100% natural formula with stimulating and energising properties
This 100% natural formula contains highly concentrated extracts from algae species known for their powerful metabolism stimulating and energy releasing properties. The algae provide exceptionally easy to absorb oligoelements including iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum as well as vitamins (with the whole group of B vitamins), amino acids, polysaccharides and mineral salts. The active ingredients accelerate metabolism and toxin excretion (detox) and facilitate the absorption of many nutrients. Such comprehensive action protects the organism from shortages of oligoelements, electrolytes (rich ion environment) and mineral salts resulting from incorrect diet, slimming efforts or intensive physical training. Active ingredients perform the key role in all biochemical reactions in the organism, and therefore are of primary importance for the repair processes of all kinds of irregularities such as fatigue, blood circulation disorders, dry and undernourished skin, weak hair and nails, excessive sebum secretion or ineffective convalescence.
with treatment drafts and illustrations presenting 4-6 week progress of each treatment
the products include a globally unique, natural and exceptionally highly concentrated water extract of laminar algae – SEA PLASMA®
all treatments have proved to be expectionally effective
all treatments are performed using professional products by André Zagozda Laboratory only
Interested professionals are requested to contact: laboratory@andrezagozda.com
One week after the 2nd treatment:
One week after the 3rd treatment:
Slight amounts of scales near the hair follicles
application on the scalp, 3-5 min. massage
peeling fluid
2 DERM-SHAMPOO anti-dandruff:
washing the scalp
application on the scalp
serum for dry scalp and dry or damaged hair
LED session
4 Medical Light System: new generation LED system
10-21 min depending on the selected program Slight amounts of scales near the hair One week after the 4th treatment:
hair follicles are cleansed
Next scalp washing:
after 24 h at the earliest once
Treatment frequency: Treatment quantity:
minimum 4
Home treatment - regular:
The skin is cleansed from excess keratinized epidermis
DERM-SHAMPOO anti-dandruff DERM-CONDITIONER for all hair types DERM-SHAMPOO anti-dandruff
followed by:
DERM-CONDITIONER for all hair types
diet supplement:
A residual layer of keratinized epidermis covering the entire area of the scalp
BEFORE THE TREATMENT State of the skin 18H after washing
A residual layer of keratinized epidermis covering the entire area of the scalp
Singular keratinized areas
Skin after 1 treatment:
alternately with:
Skin before treatment
Home treatment - intensive:
Highly irritated skin. A residual layer of keratinized epidermis covering the entire area of the scalp
Highly irritated skin
Slight amounts of scales near the hair follicles
Skin after the 3rd treatment:
Skin after the 2nd treatment:
Slight amounts of scales near the hair follicles
The skin is cleansed from excess keratinized epidermis
One week after 1st treatment
The guarantee of success of the anti dandruff therapy lies in: • The removal of excess keratinized epidermis • Curbing the growth of Malassezia furfur yeast • Hydration of the skin, restoring its proper pH, soothing irritations and itching Singular keratinized areas
Skin after the 4th treatment:
Immediately after 1 peeling
hair follicles are cleansed
After 4 treatments with the application of Cataplasm Mask Derm-Shampoo at home a definitive improvement was achieved. Additionally diminished hair-loss was observed.
all treatments have proved to be expectionally effective