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3 Pupil’s Book


Brainwave: the generation of bright ideas! Components

Primary Brainwave

Language Activity Book Pack

Pupil’s Book

Language Activity Book

My Progress Journal

Teacher’s Book

Test Builder

2nd Cycle Exams Practice Pack

• Digital Course - ideal for use

Cheryl Pavlik  • Andrea Harries

Class CDs

on interactive whiteboards

• Primary Brainwave Resource


I S B N 978-0-230-43309-0

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Contents Unit





People In History page 28


The Five Senses page 40


Fantastical Animals

Reading Strategies


Halloween costumes and traditions; holidays and celebrations

Social Science – customs and traditions Literacy – writing poems

Predicting a topic from titles and pictures

Consonant +l combinations

Relative clauses; prepositions of direction

Simple machines; verbs of motion

History – Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions Science – how things fly

Using related words to guess meaning; understanding time organisation

s+ consonant combinations

Time clauses with when; past ability with could/couldn’t; past continuous; time clauses with while

Classical music

History – researching and gathering information Literacy – writing about a famous person

Understanding time order; identifying pronouns

Consonant +r combinations

Sense verbs + adjectives; guessing with might be; so … that, such a … that; uses of feel

Senses and sensations; physical sensations and ailments

Science – optical illusions and visual perceptual development; creating interactive optical illusions

Identifying rhyming words; predicting from pictures

Word endings; –ill, –all and –le

Gerunds as subjects and objects; so and because

Adjectives to describe activities; real and mythical animals

Literacy – American Indian myths Design – designing a story book

Identifying rhyming words; identifying speakers

Word endings –nch and –tch

page 16



Tense review; adverbs of frequency; verb + infinitive

page 4



page 52

Life Skills

Activities that develop social, creative and decision-making skills, and encourage pupils to reflect on lifestyle choices.

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Activities that help develop a sense of social responsibility, mutual understanding, tolerance and ethical behaviour.

Activities that develop thinking skills by encouraging pupils to notice, explore, predict, infer, explain, discuss, classify and order.

Activities that promote learner autonomy and motivation, and develop learning strategies.

Activities that develop interpersonal and collaborative skills, and promote teamwork, leadership, respect and adaptability.

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Games And Sports


The Aztecs page 76


Natural Disasters

Music page 100


Money page 112


Things to do in a park; sports day games; sports equipment

History – origins of chess Science – inventing and designing a game

Scanning for purpose; Word using pictures to endings –ick, guess new words –ack and –ock

Verb + object + infinitive; verbs + indirect object + direct object

Natural materials. Aztec artefacts

History – Aztec writing and numbers Art – making an Aztec calendar

Understanding newspaper format; making inferences

Words with y

Should/shouldn’t; will for predictions; why?/why not?/ because

Earthquake effects and precautions; natural disasters

Science – how volcanoes are formed Art – making a model volcano

Scanning for specific information

Words with –ar

Adjectives; comparatives; Musical adjectives describing feelings; instruments superlatives

Music – The Carnival of the Animals Design – making a musical instrument

Predicting a topic from pictures; scanning for specific information

Words with –or and –ir

Comparatives with more and less; will for promises; present continuous with future meaning; comparative nouns; superlative nouns

Maths – solving problems with money; investigating probability

Making inferences; guessing vocabulary in context

Words with –er and –ur

page 88


Reading Strategies

Must/mustn’t; have to/don’t have to

page 64



Spending and saving money; currency




Tense review; adverbs of frequency; prepositions of direction; relative clauses

Celebrations and Halloween costumes; simple machines

Time clauses with when; could/couldn’t for past ability; clauses with while; past continuous; sense verbs + adjectives; so … that; such a … that

Sense verbs and adjectives; physical sensations and ailments

Adjectives with –ing; gerunds as subjects and objects; so and because; must/mustn’t; have to/don’t have to

Animal body parts; sports equipment

D (U7, U8) page 130

Verb + object + infinitive; verb + indirect object + direct object; should/shouldn’t; will for predictions and promises; why and because

Natural materials; natural disasters

E (U9, U10)

Comparative and superlative adjectives; (not) as … as; comparatives with more and less; will for promises; comparative and superlative nouns

Musical instruments; spending and saving money

A (U1, U2) page 124

B (U3, U4) page 126

C (U5, U6) page 128

page 132

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The Five Senses 1

In this unit, I will: • • • •

Talk about different senses and sensations. Use my senses to describe and identify objects. Find out about the sense of sight and explore optical illusions. Read a poem.

A  Look and say the name of each place. a

I think picture a is of the countryside.


B  Listen and say the name of each place.

I can hear a party. U4 40

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C  Describe and guess the place. c

I can smell salt in the air. I can feel the wind. Is it the beach? Yes, it is. d


L is t m a n ia Choose one and make a list: • Sounds you can hear right now. • Things you can see right now. • Things you can touch right now. Now compare your list in pairs.


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Thinking Point Think about your senses. How do you use them every day?

41 U4

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Grammar and Vocabulary A  Read and answer. Throughout the day, you use your five senses to find out about the world around you. Which parts of your body do you ... 1 hear with? 2 see with?

3 touch with? 4 taste with?

5 smell with?

B  Which senses help us to get information about the

We can see, smell and touch flowers.

things in the pictures?










C  Describe each picture in Activity B. U4 42

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Flowers smell sweet.

Grammar: sense verbs + adjectives Vocabulary: senses and sensations CLIL: Science

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Grammar p36

A  Listen and write the answers in your notebook. 1 a tennis ball / a kitten

4 rabbits / old trainers

2 a drum / a plate

5 a cactus / a lemon

3 an apple / a flower

B  Play Adjectives in Rhythm. 5

C  Draw a picture of something. Fold it so that you can only see part of it.


Work in pairs. Answer your partner’s questions. Can they guess what it is?



It might be a rabbit. Does it feel soft? Yes, it does. Does it look cute?


Yes, it does.


Is it a rabbit? Yes, it is. Grammar: sense verbs + adjectives; guessing with might be CLIL: Science

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43 U4

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CLIL: Science U4 44

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4 & 5 Optical Illusions A  Look at the picture for one minute. Then close your book and answer the questions about it in your LAB.

CLIL: Science – optical illusions and visual perceptual development; creating interactive optical illusions.


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B  Read and answer. Our eyes (helped by our brains) are very powerful and can take in a lot of information, but do our eyes always tell the truth? 1 Which line is longer, a or b?

M y Wo r l d n i Me Not everyone thinks

the same things are beautiful. Find a picture of something you think is beautiful. Show it to your friends. What do they think of it?

a b

2 Are the lines straight?

3 What can you see?


I n v e st i g a t e A  Explore the way your eyes work.

4 Which tree is taller, a or b?

b a

C  Answer the questions. 1 Use a ruler to check your answers for questions 1 and 2. Were you right? 2 Work in pairs. Compare your answers to questions 3 and 4. Do you have the same answers? 3 Why do you think your eyes trick you in the drawings?

You need: • a pen with a lid • a glass of water • a marker pen • a cardboard tube 1 Close one eye and put the lid on the pen.

2 Look at the marker pen through the glass. 3 Put the tube to your right eye. Place your left hand alongside the end of the tube, as shown in the photo. Keep both eyes open.


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45 U4

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Grammar p39

A  Read and guess the answers. seal



butterfly moth

Which animal has got … 1 such sensitive hearing that it can hear sounds from several kilometres away? 2 such a sensitive sense of smell that it can smell another animal more than a kilometre away? 3 eyes that are so good that it can see things from high in the sky? 4 such a strange sense of taste that it tastes food with its feet? 5 such a good sense of touch that it can find food 180 metres away?

B  Listen and check your guesses. C  Find out. What can these animals do that people can’t? bat

swan butterfly


U4 46 Grammar: so … that, such a … that CLIL: Science

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Language Grammar and Vocabulary p40

My father is so strong that he can pick up a car with one hand.

A  Tell a tall story.

Rufus is such an intelligent dog that he can understand three languages.

B  Choose a word. Act it out. headache thirsty tummy ache hungry backache cold toothache hot tired

C  Work in pairs. What can you do for each problem in Activity B? Practise in pairs.

What’s the matter?

I’ve got such a bad headache that I can’t work.

Why don’t you take some medicine?

Grammar: so … that, such a … that; uses of feel Vocabulary: physical sensations and ailments CLIL: Science

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47 U4

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Skill Builder

A Look at the picture. Is this an ordinary town? Why or why not? B Listen and read the poem. Were your guesses right? C Does the picture help you to understand any new words? Which words? D Find and write the rhyming words. Have the same sounds always got the same spellings? E Work in pairs. Think of two more lines with rhyming words.


U4 48

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To p  y Tur v y Town s Here in Topsy Turvy Town, Many things are the wrong way round. Dogs sound like cats, cows sound like pigs, Elephants are small and ants are big. Stars look like apples and apples look like stars, The sun is near and the moon is far. Plums taste like chocolate and sugar tastes like salt, Kangaroos can’t jump, but snails do somersaults. The wind smells like strawberries, rain smells like cheese, The sun feels cold and it makes you sneeze! I love Topsy Turvy Town, Where so many things are the wrong way round. It may make you laugh, it may make you frown, But that’s how things are in Topsy Turvy Town.

Say what things in Topsy Turvy Town … 1 smell different. 2 look different. 3 feel different. 4 taste different. 5 sound different.

The animals look different. 25


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49 U4

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e k i u nd s L En g l i sh

A  Listen and read.

Millie and Jack find the fourth clue in the crown. They sit at the table to read it.

Word endings –ill –all and –le

Ride your bikes to the top of the hill — There you’ll find an old windmill, A tree with apples that never fall, A dog that never answers your call, An eagle with a twinkle in its eye, Sitting in a place that’s very high. One of them holds the fifth clue. The person who decides which one is you !

Millie and Jack get on their bikes again and off they go!

B  Answer the questions. 1 Which thing on the top of the hill has got parts that move? 2 Why don’t the apples fall from the tree? 3 Why doesn’t the dog answer your call?

C  Where is the next clue? D  Find and say words that end with –ill, –all or –le.


E  Make lists of other words you know with these endings. U4 50

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10 Review A  What is it? Listen and write.


ice cream




B  Work in pairs. Say what you think these parcels might be. 3



Number 1 might be a big plate. 4

C  Match the sentence endings to the pictures. Then complete the sentences using so or such.






1 ... that she wants to buy some.

4 ... that Jane can’t climb it.

2 ... that she is crying.

5 .. that she can’t sleep.

3 ... that the food is falling out. 1d The pastries smell so delicious that she wants to buy some.

p43 Talking Point Work in pairs. Talk about one of these animals: • a butterfly • a hawk What senses have they got? How do they use them?

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51 U4

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3 Pupil’s Book


Brainwave: the generation of bright ideas! Components

Primary Brainwave

Language Activity Book Pack

Pupil’s Book

Language Activity Book

My Progress Journal

Teacher’s Book

Test Builder

2nd Cycle Exams Practice Pack

• Digital Course - ideal for use

Cheryl Pavlik  • Andrea Harries

Class CDs

on interactive whiteboards

• Primary Brainwave Resource


I S B N 978-0-230-43309-0

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780230 433090

Cheryl Pavlik  Andrea Harries 09/Dec/2011 10:36

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