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5 Pupil’s Book


Brainwave: the generation of bright ideas! Components

Primary Brainwave

Language Activity Book Pack

Pupil’s Book

Language Activity Book

My Progress Journal

Teacher’s Book

Test Builder

3rd Cycle Exams Practice Pack

• Digital Course - ideal for use on interactive

Cheryl Pavlik • andrea harries

Class CDs

whiteboards and pupils’ computers

• Primary Brainwave Resource Website I S B N 978-0-230-43311-3


780230 433113

Cheryl Pavlik

andrea harries





page 16


Changes In Nature page 28



Problems, Problems

Writing Strategies

Science – photosynthesis; rainforests as a natural resource; investigating the rainforest (Team Project)

Predicting; scanning; skimming; using context clues

Recognising syllables

Introduction to the writing process

Past tense with ago; present perfect with just

Adjectives describing emotions

Health and safety – accident prevention; evaluating safety in the home (Individual Project)

Analysing organisation; chronological order; scanning; using context clues

Recognising word stress

Putting events into chronological order

Present perfect simple vs. going to; present perfect with already, yet

Changes in the environment

Science – the life cycle of a butterfly; investigating and presenting a life cycle (Team Project)

Recognising genres; skimming; scanning; summarising; predicting

Recognising sentence stress

Using expressions of sequence

Second conditional

Bodies of water

Science – water as a finite resource; saving water (Individual Project)

Scanning; summarising; using general knowledge

Recognising rhythm

Putting information in a logical order

Statements with wish

Hopes and wishes

Maths – logic and problem-solving; creating and breaking a code (Pair Project)

Using general knowledge; identifying direct speech; scanning

Recognising the main stress in a sentence

Writing a letter of advice

page 40



Types of plants; parts of plants

page 4

Heroes And Emergencies

Reading Strategies





page 52

Life Skills co

me Activities that develop social, creative and decision-making skills, and encourage pupils to reflect on lifestyle choices.


munic m


learn Activities that help develop a sense of social responsibility, mutual understanding, tolerance and ethical behaviour.

Activities that develop thinking skills by encouraging pupils to notice, explore, predict, infer, explain, discuss, classify and order.

Activities that promote learner autonomy and motivation, and develop learning strategies.

Activities that develop interpersonal and collaborative skills, and promote teamwork, leadership, respect and adaptability.



Advertising page 64


Materials page 76


Unusual Occupations



Writing Strategies

Social Science – analysing advertisements; creating a TV commercial (Team Project)

Scanning; skimming; identifying statistics

Weak forms

Using mind maps

Too and enough; too and enough + infinitive

Types of materials; properties of materials

Science – properties of solids, liquids and gases; investigating changes in state and how they occur in everyday life (Team Project)

Predicting; scanning; skimming

Sentence stress in ‘wh’ questions

Taking notes; using also and too

Present perfect with for and since

Unusual jobs

Social Science – what jobs involve; interviewing someone to find out more about their job (Individual Project)

Predicting; analysing structure; scanning

Stress patterns in yes/no questions

Finding information about a topic

One and ones


Maths – reflection and symmetry; finding and evaluating examples of symmetry in the real world (Pair Project)

Predicting; scanning; summarising

Recognising linking/ word boundaries

Writing poetry

Reported speech

Personal qualities

Social Science – exploring leadership; finding out about a leader (Individual Project)

Predicting; skimming; scanning


Formal letters

page 100

Leadership page 112



Language of advertising

Shapes And Patterns


Reading Strategies

Review of comparative and superlative adjectives; comparative adverbs

page 88





A (U1, U2)

Too, but, either; present perfect with just

Parts of plants; emotions; accidents

B (U3, U4)

Present perfect simple vs. going to; present perfect with already and yet; unreal conditional with if

Changes in nature; bodies of water

C (U5, U6)

Statements with wish; comparative/superlative adjectives; comparative adverbs

Wishes; advertising

D (U7, U8)

Too and enough; too and enough + infinitive; adjectives describing materials; present perfect with for and since

Types of materials; adjectives describing materials; unusual occupations

E (U9, U10)

One and ones; nouns and adjectives; direct and reported speech; say or tell

Shapes; leadership qualities

page 124

page 126

page 128

page 130

page 132

Advertising 6• UNIT


In this unit, I will: Compare adverts and products. Read texts about the things that money can’t buy. Use a mind map to write about the things I want. Think about how adverts sell their products. Make my own TV commercial.

A Look and say what you think the advert is for.

Social Networking Find the hidden truth! ● ‘I

thought …’ fact …’ ● ‘Actually …’ ● ‘That’s not right!’ ● ‘In

Tell your friends about a TV commercial you’ve seen. What does it sell? What happens in the commercial? Have you tried the product? Was the product as good as the commercial said?


Ready…Set… U6 64

B Answer. 1 Is this advert for radio, television or a magazine? 2 How do you know? 3 Do you think this advert is for children or adults? 4 Who will buy this product? 5 Who will use this product? 6 Do you like it the advert? Why or why not?

C Read and answer. 1 How many adverts do you think you see every day? a less than 20 b between 20 and 40 c more than 40 2 How many commercials (on radio and TV) do you think you hear every day? a less than 20 b between 20 and 40 c more than 40

D Describe your favourite advert. LAB A

! Go 速

for active kids

p 54

Thinking Point


Do adverts always tell the truth?

65 U6


Grammar and Vocabulary

A Look at the advert. Answer. 1 What product is the advert selling? 2 Who is the advert aimed at? 3 How does the advert make you feel? 4 How do the people in the picture look? 5 Do you think the product could make you popular?


p 55

B Look at the three Techno Sports adverts. Answer. 1 Which advert is ... a the most effective? b the most interesting? c the most honest?


2 Which advert would make you buy the product? Why? 3 Create a fourth advert for Techno Sports, for the radio. Present it to the class.

Brain Teaser What clothes does a house wear?

U6 66

Grammar: review of comparative and superlative adjectives Vocabulary: language of advertising CLIL: Social Science


Grammar and Vocabulary

B A Listen and answer. 1 What’s the name of the product? 2 Which of these adjectives is not used to describe the product?

reat fun cheap fantastic g

cool better than TV

3 Listen again. Which of these things can you do with the product? a make phone calls b solve maths problems c take photos d listen to music e record music f play video games

B Work in groups. Write an advert for one of these products.

a new fruitflavoured drink

Answerman a tiny handheld computer that gives you the right answers

o o oo SuperGoo sticky stuff that bounces

C Compare three adverts for similar

products. Which advert explains the product most effectively? Why?



Grammar: comparative adverbs Vocabulary: language of advertising CLIL: Social Science

p 56

67 U6

Good Reading Strategies Skimming – reading the text quickly to identify the main idea. Scanning – reading the text quickly to find specific information. Identifying statistics – finding and understanding percentages in the text.

A Read the statements and write Agree or Disagree in your notebook. 1 ‘I’d like to spend more time with my friends 2 ‘Friends and family are much more important than material things.’ 3 ‘I’d rather have fun with my parents than go shopping.’ 4 ‘My parents work too much.’ 5 ‘I wish my parents earned more money.’

B Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Then scan the text to find out the opinions of American children.

U6 68

The Center for a New American Dream says that American kids aged 9–14 want more time with friends and family. 90% of kids say friends and family are ‘much more important’ than material things. In fact, 60% say they would rather spend time with their parents than go shopping. 25% say that their parents work too much. Only 13% wish their parents made more money.



and family.’

What Do Kids


Before You Read



What do you want that money can’t buy?

This was a hard question! There are lots of things that I want when I see them, but then I forget about them when they aren’t around. That thing that I talk about wanting the most is time. I wish that I had more time in a day to play. I would really like more time to learn about interesting things. When I am doing something fun, I feel sad when it’s over. If I could have more time when I wanted, I could make fun things last as long as I wanted them to. I know that there are a lot of people who would like to be able to have more time. Wouldn’t it be cool if it was possible? Wayde Jones, 9 Moreno Valley, California, USA


While You Read

C Read and answer.

Really Want?

1 What does each writer want? 2 Do you agree?

D Skim and find the main idea in each text. Write it in your notebook.


After You Read

E Discuss. 1 Which text did you like the most? Why? 2 What do you really want? Make a list of three things and compare with a friend. 3 What do you think adults really want? Make a list. Then check with your teacher.

F Work in groups. Copy. Then ask and

answer about what you really want and why.


What do I want that money can’t buy? A raindrop, a dewdrop, the Fourth of July. The pride that comes with a job well done, My name on the honor roll or a medal I’ve won. My mum’s bedtime stories – whether funny or scary, A nighttime visit from the generous Tooth Fairy. Snow days that keep me home from school, The sand between my toes and the public pool. Fireflies lighting a dark summer night, The perfect autumn day to fly a kite. Wrestling with my brothers or hugging my dad, Helping my little sister read makes me feel so glad. What I really want more than anything, Are the things that money can’t buy, Like love, laughter, happiness – And the beauty of a sunset that makes me just sigh. Mary Siobhan Glowacz, 9 Chicago, Illinois, USA

People say that money buys everything. I know that’s not true. Money can never buy you love or happiness. You cannot go into a shop and pay a person to be your friend. I mean you could, but I would rather meet them under a big apple tree. Happiness is one of the most important things in a person’s life. It brings joy and love to a person’s heart. I learnt this when I was little and I will never forget the saying ‘Money can’t buy you everything.’ Rebekah McConnell, 11 Meridian, Indiana, USA

p 57


money happiness health love friendship

G Write a poem about what you all want. LAB C


69 U6

5 Look, I finished writing these lyrics last night. Do you want to hear them?

Yeah, OK!

A Listen and read. As I was walking in the forest of dreams, I saw a giant dragon eating some cream. I froze on the spot and was about to scream. When I suddenly realised he wasn’t what he seemed: Swiftly he turned into a silver submarine. An old tree bent down to me and spoke very low, ‘You can do anything you want to here, you know. Do you want to turn into a cloud or a rainbow? You could go for a ride on a chocolate pillow, Or spin around the world on the wings of a tornado.’

B Read and answer. 1 Where is the narrator? 2 How did the narrator feel when he saw the dragon? 3 Why was there no danger? 4 Why are the trees in the forest unusual?

C Listen to how these words are said in the poem.

D Listen again and say how the poem is different this time.

E Listen and repeat. Remember to keep a regular beat.

U6 70


p 58

6 You are going to write a paragraph about things that you want that money can’t buy. Your paragraph will be included on your school’s website.

Emily’s Mind Map: My Favourite Things playing games


things I like doing with my family

walking swimming

things I like doing with my friends

feeding animals


picking vegetables

things I like doing on my grandparents’ farm

playing basketball

drawing animals skating

Write Now



A Look at Emily’s mind map and answer.

C Read your paragraph and answer.

Find one activity that Emily …

1 Have you written it in paragraph form?

1 only does with friends. 2 only does with her family.

2 Does every sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop?

3 does with her friends and family.

3 Are the words spelt correctly? 4 Have you read it out loud?


B Use the steps in the LAB to write your paragraph.

5 Has every sentence got a subject and a verb? 6 Are the verbs in the correct tense? 7 Are the pronouns correct?



p 59

D Rewrite your paragraph neatly. Sharing

E Work in pairs. Read each other’s

paragraphs. Do you want the same things?

Writing Strategy: using mind maps Purpose of Text: narrative

71 U6



Analysing Adverts A



A Look at the pictures of TV commercials and answer.

1 What is being advertised? 2 Who will buy each product? 3 Which products do you think will cost a lot of money? 4 Which products won’t cost much? 5 Which of these products do you buy for yourself? 6 Which products do your parents buy for you?

B Write slogans for the commercials. C Listen and point to the correct commercials.

U6 72


D Read and answer.


Some people love them and some people hate them: adverts are all around us, every moment of our lives. TV commercials use a lot of different techniques to get our attention. They use bright pictures, positive language, catchy music, and famous or beautiful people with luxurious lifestyles. They try to make us feel that if we buy their products, we can be like the people or characters in the commercials.

Connection Listen and discuss. What do these words mean? loyalty creativity organisation vision tidiness Choose and write the qualities you think Steve Jobs had.

Look at the commercials opposite. Which commercial suggests that the product will ‌ 1 make you popular? 2 make you intelligent? 3 make you successful? 4 Do you think that any of these products will make you a better person or change your lifestyle if you buy them?


A Make a TV commercial. LAB A


p 60

B Act it out for the class.

p 61

C Vote for the best commercial. CLIL: Social Science – analysing adverts Project: creating a TV commercial

73 U6

9 A Say which item from each group you would prefer to buy and why. 1

€ 250 a

€ 800

€ 100 b



€ 3

€ 2 a


€ 5 c


€ 30

€ 30 a


B Listen and point to what the people buy.

U6 74

€ 30 c

10 C Say what you are good at and find

someone who is similar to you. Use these words.

Scientists estimate that children see about 40,000 television commercials a year. Most of these are for sweets, cereal, toys and fast-food restaurants.

LAB A I can solve difficult maths problems quickly. So can I.

p 63

A Look and answer. a

D Work in pairs. Make sentences to compare yourselves.


Jon tells better jokes than I do, but I can sing better than him. I remember things more easily than Mary, but she solves problems more easily than I do.

E Work in pairs. Interview each other about one of these topics:

A commercial you like. ● The last thing you bought and why you bought it. ● What you want that money can’t buy. ●


p 62

Talking Point


Discuss in pairs. Is advertising useful? Why or why not?

1 Which photo was taken by a professional food photographer? 2 Which photo was taken by a customer? 3 Which photo is more realistic? 4 Which photo would you probably find in an advert? Why?

B Discuss. 1 How do TV commercials convince us to buy products? 2 Have you ever been disappointed with a product because it was very different to how it looked in an advert?


75 U6

5 Pupil’s Book


Brainwave: the generation of bright ideas! Components

Primary Brainwave

Language Activity Book Pack

Pupil’s Book

Language Activity Book

My Progress Journal

Teacher’s Book

Test Builder

3rd Cycle Exams Practice Pack

• Digital Course - ideal for use on interactive

Cheryl Pavlik  • Andrea Harries

Class CDs

whiteboards and pupils’ computers

• Primary Brainwave Resource Website I S B N 978-0-230-43311-3


780230 433113

Cheryl Pavlik  Andrea Harries

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