
Page 1



Pupil’s Book Introduction

page 2

1 Friends

page 4

2 Camp stories

page 14

3 Our clothes

page 24

4 Treasure hunters

page 34

5 Sport for everyone

page 44

6 On the move

page 54

7 Animal watch

page 64

8 Singing stars

page 74

9 Celebrations

page 84


page 94

World Poetry Day

page 95

World Environment Day

page 96

Donna Shaw Course consultant Carol Read

8 Singing stars

Footprints Club News

Lesson 1  Vocabulary 1

Match the words and pictures. Listen and check.

3 Read and answer the questions.

CD4 • 01


Operation Singing Stars We want to find the best music group in Littletown. If you can sing or play an instrument well, come and perform for us.



2 5





4 3

Hi everyone, I’ve got some very exciting news. Four members of the Footprints Club are going to take part in the ‘Operation Singing Stars’ competition. Joe, Ellie, Ben and Sarah are in a rock group called Fantastic Footprints. Ellie is the lead singer, Ben is the guitarist, Sarah plays the keyboards and Joe is the drummer. Ben, Sarah and Joe are also the backing singers. The competition is on Saturday evening at the Littletown Sports Centre and Radio Littletown (103.5 fm) are going to be there to record everything. The winners will perform at the concert in the park. So come along and shout for the Fantastic Footprints! Tim

1 What kind of music do Fantastic 8 11 Saturday 7.00 pm at the Littletown Sports Centre.

A concert stage drums drummer speakers

guitarist spotlight keyboards microphone

lead singer electric guitar keyboard player backing singers

2 3 4 5 4

Footprints play? What musical instruments do they play? How many of the group sing? When is the singing competition? What are Radio Littletown going to do at the competition?

Ask and answer. Which music do you like listening to? I like listening to the Jonas Brothers. Who’s in the group?



CD4 • 02

Listen and match.

Lesson 1 Vocabulary presentation

Joe and Nick are the singers and Kevin plays the electric guitar.

Lesson 2 Story 5 1

CD4 • 03

Operation Singing Stars

Listen and read.

It’s Saturday afternoon. The Fantastic Footprints are rehearsing in the sports centre.

Hi, my name’s Brad. I’m the lead singer and guitarist in The Britney Brothers.



Hi, I’m Ellie. Do you feel nervous?

You’re ready for the competition. You sound fantastic!

We’re nervous because we haven’t sung in a competition before.

No, I don’t.

Don’t worry. We’ve sung in lots of competitions. It’s great fun.


4 Have you been on the radio before?

6 It’s time for the competition. The sports centre is full.

Have you ever played at a big concert?

The next group is called Fantastic Footprints.

Yes, we have.

Really? When did you do that? Yes, we have. We’ve been on the radio four times.


We played at a big concert in London last year. It was brilliant.

The second prize is for Fantastic Footprints and 8 the first prize goes to The Britney Brothers. The Fantastic Footprints did very well.

Ellie10: Are you online, Joe? Joe12: Yes, I am. Hi, Ellie! Ellie10: Are you disappointed that we didn’t win? Joe12: Yes, a little bit. Ellie10: What are you doing? Joe12: I’m listening to Radio Littletown. What about you? Ellie10: I’m listening to it, too. The Britney Brothers are playing now. They sound amazing. Joe12: It’s true. They were the best.

Yes, but they’re not going to play at the park concert.

Never mind!

• How did Joe and Ellie feel when they didn’t win the concert? • Are you a good loser when you don’t win?

Ellie10: And we can listen to them again at the concert next

 ls


Joe12: I can’t wait.

When is the concert? Find the 6 letters in the story and make the word.

Lesson 2 Language input and story


Lessons 3 and 4 Grammar 6

CD4 • 05

Listen and read. Act out. It’s Monday evening. Ellie is talking to a friend in the Footprints Club. Ellie: Are you interested in music, Katy? Katy: Yes, I am. What about you? Ellie: I’m mad about music. I’ve seen lots of concerts with my parents. Katy: Lucky you! What’s your favourite type of music? Ellie: I love salsa. Have you ever listened to salsa music? Katy: No, I haven’t. I prefer rock and pop music. Ellie: Have you ever played a musical instrument? Katy: Yes, I have. I’ve played the drums. Ellie: Really? Katy: Yes, and I’ve written a song. Here you are. It’s for Fantastic Footprints. Ellie: Wow! That’s amazing! Thank you very much.

7 Look and learn. Present perfect for experience.


you / they


he / she

I / You / We / They He / She I / You / We / They He / She

played listened written


have has

seen sung

haven’t have never hasn’t has never

the drums? to salsa? a song?

a concert. a song.




on the radio. ! Remembert = I haven’t … I have no he’s … … e I’v = I have = He’s / S He / She has = He / She hasn’t … t no s ha He / She

8 Practise your grammar. Ask and answer. Have you ever seen a concert?

Yes, I have.

Are you Joe?

No, I’m not.

1 Joe: 3 see a concert

3 play the drums 7 write a song 7 listen to salsa music

2 Ellie: 3 write a song


Lesson 3 Grammar and communication

Footp ri Grammnts ar

3 sing at a concert 3 listen to salsa music 7 play the keyboards

3 Tim: 3 see a concert

3 listen to salsa music 3 write a song 3 play the drums

4 Tanya: 3 write a song

3 sing at a concert 3 play the drums 7 listen to salsa music

See Language Guide, page 82.


CD4 • 06


Footp rints

Is Tim mad about music? Listen and find out. Do the quiz.


1 Have you ever sung karaoke?

2 Have you ever bought a music CD?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. When did you buy it?

3 Have you ever met a famous singer?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Who did you meet?

4 Have you ever read a music magazine?

Have you ever met a famous sin ger? Who did you meet? What did you say?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Did you enjoy it?

5 Have you ever learnt all the words of a song?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Which song was it?

Now check your score.


Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. When did you sing karaoke?

Score 1 point each time you answer yes. 5 points: You are totally mad about music. 3–4 points: You are very interested in music. 1–2 points: Music isn’t your favourite thing.

be buy learn meet read see sing write

been bought learnt met read seen sung written

Steps to speaking 10 CD4 • 07 Make the contractions. Listen and say the rhyme. I He She It We You They

11 Work with a partner. Find the information. Pupil A: AB p109. Pupil B: AB p110. Has Dynamo Dave ever played in America?

Yes, he has.

When did he play there?

He played there in 2002.

I’ve seen, He’s seen, She’s seen, We’ve all seen The Dream Team!

See Language Guide, page 82.

Lesson 4 Grammar, pronunciation and communication


Lesson 5 Cross-curricular learning


Footprints Club Web Page Social sciences









12 Which instruments are in an orchestra? Read the text and find out. The orchestra There are four groups of instruments in an orchestra. These groups are called families because the instruments are similar. They are made from the same material and you play them in the same way. String instruments are made of wood and have strings which you use to make sounds. You play instruments like the violin by moving a bow across the strings. You play instruments like the harp by plucking the strings with your fingers. Brass instruments, like French horns, are made of a metal called brass and you use your mouth to play them. You need to press your lips together and make them vibrate when you blow into the mouthpiece. Most brass instruments have got special buttons called valves. You change the sound by opening and closing these valves with your fingers. Woodwind instruments were made of wood in the past, but many are now made of metal, too. Clarinets are made of wood and metal and flutes are made of metal only. Woodwind instruments are long tubes with holes in them. You play a flute by blowing air across the tube and you make different sounds by covering the holes with your fingers. Many woodwind instruments, such as oboes and clarinets, have a thin piece of wood called a reed. This vibrates when you blow on it. Percussion instruments are very important because they create the rhythm in a piece of music. They are different sizes and are made of different materials. You play a percussion instrument by hitting or shaking it. A tambourine is a percussion instrument which you hit with your hand, but you hit instruments like a triangle or xylophone with sticks or beaters.

13 Read the text again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

1 All string instruments have strings. 2 You press valves to change the sound when you play most brass instruments.

3 All woodwind instruments are made of wood. 4 When you play a clarinet you need to blow. 5 You hit a triangle with your hand.


Lesson 5 Content and personalisation


CD4 • 09

Listen and say the instrument. Check.

It sounds like a harp. viola





French horn



Lesson 6 Skills development 15 Read and find out. Discuss.

• The National Youth Orchestra is an orchestra for young musicians in Great Britain. They meet at Easter, at New Year and in the summer holidays. • You need to be 18 years old or younger to be a member. • You must play your instrument very well. You should be very good at reading music, too. • Young musicians need to pass a test, which is called an audition, to get into the orchestra. Have you ever listened to an orchestra? Have you ever played in an orchestra?

16 Read. Are the sentencesTrue (T) or False (F)? Every year the National Youth Orchestra holds Open Days in cities around Great Britain. Young musicians can go there and spend a day with the orchestra.

1 Hi Kate, t the Music Open Day at our school on This is a quick note to tell you abou Sunday, May 15th. a musical instrument and who 2 The Open Day is for children who can play half past nine and finishes are between 10 and 17 years old. It begins at at five o’clock. gs. We can also play in an 3 In the Open Day we can learn lots of new thin It sounds great fun. orchestra with young people from our city. ed lunch. If we want to go, we 4 The day is free, but we need to take a pack e, too. need to reserve a place online. We can telephon 5 Are you interested? Love Sue

1 The Open Day lasts all day. 2 The Open Day is only for children.

3 It is for people who want to learn a musical instrument.

4 The Open Day is expensive. 5 You can buy lunch at the Open Day.

6 Sue has reserved a place at the Music Open Day.

17 Read and learn. Writing plan

Writing a note

1 Starting the note: This is a quick note to

tell you … Giving information: The Open Day is for children … 2 3 Explaining what you can do: We can … 4 Explaining what you need: We need …, We must …, 5 Finishing the note: Are you interested?

Content words

Writing check

Linkers: and, also, too

We use these linkers to add new ideas and information. • Also is usually before the main verb. We can also play in an orchestra … • Too is at the end of the sentence. We can telephone, too. • And is usually in the middle of a sentence. It begins at half past nine and finishes at five o’clock.

woodwind string brass percussion hit shake pluck blow


Lesson 6 Content and skills development


Lesson 7 Culture

Famous singers

There were many famous singers in the past. Some of these singers helped change music forever. Millions of people still buy their CDs or download their music from the internet.


CD4 • 11

Read and listen. Choose.

The Beatles 1 The Beatles were famous in the 1960s / 1970s / 1980s. 2 There were 3 / 4 / 5 people in the group. 3 They sang punk / pop / rock songs. 4 They came from Liverpool, in the north / north-west of England. 5 The Beatles recorded 214 / 240 / 314 songs between 1962 and 1970. 6 They had ten / fifteen / twenty songs that went to number 1. 19 Read and match the pictures.





My name is John and I’m from Canada. At the moment, one of the most famous singers in my country is Avril Lavigne. She writes rock songs about her life and the people around her. She sings and plays the electric guitar, too. Avril has made three albums and she has also sold millions of copies of them around the world. She has also won lots of music prizes. I like Avril’s music because it’s fast and energetic. She looks great, too.

b Hi, I’m Beth. I’m from America. One of the most popular American artists right now is Demi Lovato. She comes from a city called Dallas and she is an actress and pop singer. Demi writes and sings her own songs. She also plays the guitar and the piano. Demi started acting when she was six and she began playing the guitar when she was ten. Demi has appeared in several films, and she has recorded lots of songs. My favourite song is called ‘This is me’. My name is Emily and I’m from Australia. One of the most famous singers from Australia is Kylie Minogue. She is a singer and a songwriter and she has recorded several albums. Millions of people around the world have bought her albums and she has won many music prizes. Kylie has also received a medal from the Queen of England for her work. Kylie sometimes appears in television series in Britain. She designs fashionable clothes, too.

20 Read and answer.

4 Which singer writes songs about her friends? 1 Which singer plays the piano? 2 Which singer doesn’t play the guitar? 5 Which singer has designed clothes? 6 Which singer has made a film? 3 Which singer isn’t an actress?


21 Ask and answer. Who were the most famous singers in the past in your country? Who are the most famous singers now?


Lesson 7 Intercultural learning and personalisation

Lesson 8 Fluency 22

CD4 • 13

Guess the missing words. Listen and check your answers. Sing.

Tune into Footprints radio!

radio photos park treasure clothes played happy friends

The Footprints Club Song We’ve planted trees. 1 . We’ve found some We’ve learnt a new sport. We’ve 2 together. We’ve worked in the We’ve had a fright. We’ve taken 4 Late at night.

We’ve made some 5 For a fashion show. We’ve listened to a concert On the 6 .

3 . We’ve made new

7 .

We’ve had good fun. We’re 8 to be In the Footprints Club. Yes, we’re happy to be in the Footprints Club. By Katy What other activities have the Footprints Club done?

23 Talk about a favourite group. (AB p81) Prepa ration · Find out some information about your favourite group. · Find a picture in a magazine. · Think about the group and make some notes.

My favourite group is Coldplay. They come from London and they play rock music.

P resen tation · Show the picture to your friends. · Talk about your favourite group. Tip: Ask your friends to speak more loudly if you can’t hear them.

Exten sion · Listen to your friends’ questions. · Answer their questions.

Lesson 8 Fluency and project work


Unit 8

Review Grammar


1 Present perfect for past experience

A concert

Have Has

you / we / they he / she




1 drums

7 microphone

2 drummer

8 speakers

3 electric guitar

9 keyboards

4 guitarist

10 keyboard player

5 lead singer

11 stage

6 backing singers

12 spotlight

Yes, I / you / we / they have. No, I / you / we / they haven’t. he / she


I / You / We / They He / She I / You / We / They He / She

has. No, he / she have has


haven’t have never has never hasn’t




a pop star.

Remember! • We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in the past. • We can use ever in questions. • We can use never in the negative.

2 Irregular past participles Infinitive be buy learn meet read see sing write

Past was / were bought learnt met read saw sang wrote

Past Participle been bought learnt met read seen sung written

3 Present perfect and past simple Have you ever seen the Jonas Brothers? Yes, I have. When did you see them?

I saw them in 2009.

Remember! We use the past simple when we want to find out specific information about an experience.


Language review / The World Around Me Portfolio Booklet

Musical instruments string instrument


woodwind instrument blow brass instrument percussion instruments hit


Language Guide


Grammar practice

Grammar practice

1 Read and choose.

4 Work with a friend.

1 I have / has met a famous singer. 2 Have / Has Emma ever played the violin? 3 I have / haven’t never been to a concert. 4 Peter haven’t / hasn’t written a song. 5 Have / Has you ever bought a CD? 6 Sam and Tony have / haven’t never played the drums.

What’s the past participle of write? How do you spell it?



2 Write the question. Answer Yes, I have or No, I haven’t.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Have you ever (meet) an English person?

Vocabulary practice

Have you ever (see) wild animals?

5 Order the letters. Write your answers.

Have you ever (be) to Paris?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Have you ever (write) a postcard? Have you ever (buy) a computer game? Have you ever (read) Harry Potter?

3 Complete the dialogue. Act out. Katy: Have you ever 1) wrote / written a song, Tim? Tim: Yes, I have. I 2) wrote / have written one when I was younger.

Do you want to play the ratigu? Have you ever played the smurd? Have you ever appeared on a tsega? Who’s your favourite segirn? Have you ever used a cropihomen? Do you want to be a kingcab sergin?

6 Complete the questions. Write the answers.

Katy: Why 3) have you written / did you write a song?

1 Name four s _ r _ ng

Tim: Because I 4) have wanted / wanted to be famous. What about you, Kate?

2 Name four p_ rc _ ss _ _ n

Katy: I 5) have written / wrote a song, too.

3 Name three br _ s _

Tim: That’s great. When 6) have you ever written / did you write your song? Katy: I 7) have written / wrote it yesterday. Fantastic Footprints are going to sing it.

instruments. instruments. instruments.

4 Name three w _ o _ w _ nd instruments.

Now do the test for Unit 8.

Language review / The World Around Me Portfolio Booklet


Pupil’s Book

For the pupil • Pupil’s Book • Activity Book • Portfolio Booklet • Stories and songs CD • CD-ROM

Donna Shaw

For the teacher • Teacher’s Book • Tests and Photocopiable Resources CD-ROM pack • Audio CDs

Pupil’s Book

In each unit children learn new language and subject-specific information. Additional components include a portfolio booklet to help pupils evaluate their work, extra practice activities, progress tests and preparation tasks for the Trinity and Cambridge young learners exams.


Footprints 5

Footprints is a new six-level primary course for learners of English at a higher level. This innovative story-based course integrates cross-curricular content and cultural awareness with learning English (CLIL).

I S B N 978-0-2300-1230-1

www.macmillanenglish.com / younglearners

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