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Student’s Worksheet 1 Back to school – Lesson 1 1. Match the answers a–i to the categories 1–9.



1. Name: 2. Age:

Answers a. ice cream Frisbees, b. summer, computers

3. Brothers and sisters: 4. Favourite food: 5. Favourite sport:

c. Evo d. maths ers, three e. two broth sisters l f. basketbal ce, sing g. swim, dan

6. Favourite subject: 7. Favourite colour: 8. Three things you can do: 9. Three things you like:

h. 10 i. green

2. Match the categories 1–9 from Activity 1 to the questions.

brothers or e you got any


sisters? 3 What’s your fa

vourite sport?

What’s your name? urite colour?

What’s your favo

How old are y


avourite t’s your f



What three things do you like? What’s yo

ur favourit

What three things can

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e subject?

you do?



Student’s Worksheet 2 Back to school – Lesson 1 3. Ask your friend the questions from Activity 2. Write down the answers.

My answers:

My friend’s answers:

1. Name:



2. Age:



3. Brothers and sisters:



4. Favourite food:



5. Favourite sport:



6. Favourite subject:



7. Favourite colour:



8. Three things you can do:



9. Three things you like:



4. Complete the sentences. Four should be true about you and one false.

4 truths, 1 lie 1. I’ve got ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. My favourite .................................................................................... is


3. I can .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4. I like ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. I


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Student’s Worksheet 1 Back to school – Lesson 2 Find out how many students have got blue eyes.

Find out how many students have got a brother.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students have got more than five cousins.

Find out how many students have got a dog.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students are left-handed.

Find out how many students can count to ten in German.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students drink tea with lemon.

Find out how many students are happy today.





Number of students:




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Number of students:






Student’s Worksheet 2 Back to school – Lesson 2 Find out how many students can ice skate.

Find out how many students have got a cat.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students have got a sister.

Find out how many students like drawing.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students like spinach.

Find out how many students like maths.





Number of students:





Number of students:





Find out how many students can play a musical instrument.

Find out how many students can cook.





Number of students:




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Number of students:






Student’s Worksheet 3 Back to school – Lesson 2 Find something yellow.



1. Find something yellow. 2. Find 3 things that start with the letter s. 3. Find something round. 4. Find something with legs. 5. Find something that smells nice. 6. Find something old. 7. Find something made of plastic. 8. Find something made of glass. 9. Find something that starts with the letter l. 10. Find something new. 11. Find something made of paper. 12. Find something that your teacher likes. 13. Find something that has got corners. © Macmillan Polska 2012



Student’s Worksheet 1 Back to school – Lesson 3 Complete the gaps with the words or numbers in the boxes.



60 60

1. There are

seconds in a minute.

2. There are

minutes in an hour.

3. There are

hours in a day.




4. There are



days in a week.

5. Saturday is right after


6. Wednesday is between


7. Sunday is right before October April January June 30 February 8. There are 9.


. August July 31 months in a year.

is right before November.


is the first month.

11. March has got


12. The summer holidays are in 13.



is the last month.

14. May is between 15.



is the second month.

16. We go back to school after the summer holidays in 17. November has got winter

12 December September


days. spring

18. There are four 19. Summer is right after 20. Autumn is right before

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in a year. . .



Student’s Worksheet 2 Back to school – Lesson 3 1. When is your teacher’s birthday?


2. When is Children’s Day?


3. When is Father’s Day?






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12. When is Labour Day?


13. When is St. Valentine’s Day?



10. When is the end of the school year?

11. When is Independence Day?



8. When is Halloween?

9. When is the beginning of the school year? (In

(In 6. When is Grandfather’s Day?

7. When is Christmas?



4. When is Mother’s Day?

5. When is Grandmother’s Day?





14. When is Teachers’ Day?






Teacher’s Notes Back to school – Lesson 1 Type of activity: whole-class and pair work Focus: personal information, questions; listening, reading and speaking skills Level: elementary – pre-intermediate, grades 4–6 Time: 45 minutes Materials: Student’s Worksheets 1 and 2 – Lesson 1 Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheets 1 and 2 for each student. Procedure: 1. Greet the class. Explain that today the students are going to talk about themselves and find out a lot of things about you and their classmates. 2. Give a copy of Student’s Worksheet 1 to each student. Focus the students’ attention on Activity 1. Go through the categories with the whole class and explain anything unclear. Point to the octopus and ask students to cover the character’s answers. Encourage the students to predict what answers the octopus gave in each category. Listen to their ideas but do not confirm anything yet.

5. The students put Student’s Worksheet 1 face down on their desks. Hand out the copies of Student’s Worksheet 2. Write the questionnaire categories from Activity 3 on the board. Explain that you will give students your true answers if they ask you the correct questions. Choose different students to ask you the questions. If a question is grammatically incorrect, ask other students for help. With a lower level class, allow students to ‘cheat’, i.e. look at Activity 2. Write your answers in note form on the board as an example. 6. The students write down their answers in the second column of the questionnaire in Activity 3. Set a time limit of 5 minutes. 7. Put the students into pairs, making sure that close friends do not work together. The students ask each other the correct questions and write down the answers they hear. Monitor the activity, providing help if necessary.

*If you are going to use the Evolution series, explain that the octopus is a character from the Students’ Book.

8. Ask each student 1–3 questions about the classmate they have interviewed, e.g. How old is Klaudia? What’s her favourite sport? Accept oneword answers unless students are capable of making full sentences in the third person singular.

3. Ask the students to look at the answers. Explain any words that are unfamiliar. Point out that the answers are in mixed order. The students match them to the correct categories and check their predictions. In pairs, they compare their answers. Check the answers with the whole class.

9. Point to Activity 4. Explain that you are going to complete the sentences about yourself. Four will be true and one false. Say the sentences and encourage the students to identify the false one. Then the students complete the sentences about themselves, making one of them false.

Answers: 1c, 2h, 3e, 4a, 5f, 6d, 7i, 8g, 9b 4. Point to Activity 2. Explain that an interviewer asked the octopus these questions in order to complete the questionnaire. The students match the questions to the correct categories in Activity 1. Check the answers with the whole class. With a higher level class, elicit the questions first. Then refer the students to Activity 2 to check if they were correct. Answers: Have you got any brothers or sisters? – 3, What’s your favourite sport? – 5, What’s your name? – 1, What’s your favourite colour? – 7, How old are you? – 2, What’s your favourite food? – 4, What three things do you like? – 9, What’s your favourite subject? – 6, What three things can you do? – 8 © Macmillan Polska 2012

10. In pairs, the students take turns to read out the sentences to each other and try to identify the false one. Extension The students choose a character from their course book, favourite cartoon, film or book and make a copy of the questionnaire from Activity 3. They think of their character’s answers to the questionnaire. Then, in pairs, they pretend to be their chosen characters and interview each other, following the same procedure as in Activity 3.



Teacher’s Notes Back to school – Lesson 2 Type of activity: whole-class and pair work Focus: personal information, objects in the classroom, questions with to be, can, have got and auxiliary do; listening, speaking and reading skills Level: elementary – pre-intermediate, grades 4–6 Time: 45 minutes Materials: Student’s Worksheets 1, 2, 3 – Lesson 2 Preparation: Copy Student’s Worksheets 1 and 2 and cut them up into cards; one card per student. If there are more than 16 students in the class, make more copies of the worksheets. Make a copy of Student’s Worksheet 3 per each pair. Procedure: 1. Explain that today students are going to conduct a search to find out more about their classmates and their classroom. 2. Copy the following onto the board, choosing the answer that is true about you: (have got/brown eyes?) Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. (be/tired?) Yes, I am./No, I’m not. (can/swim?) Yes, I can./No, I can’t. (like/football?) Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Explain that these are your true answers and the students’ task is to build the questions these refer to, using the prompts in the brackets. In pairs, the students have 3 minutes for the task and then they compare their questions with another pair. Next, elicit the questions onto the board as well as the alternative short answers. *With an elementary class, write the questions and the two possible answers on the board simply as a model for the next stage of the activity. 3. Give out the cards from Student’s Worksheets 1 and 2. The students read the tasks on their cards. Clarify any words they might not know. Explain that to complete the task each student needs to write the correct question, interview everyone in class and count the positive answers. Refer the students to the question patterns on the board so that they can choose the correct one for their task. Walk around the class and make sure everyone’s questions are correct.

5. Elicit the results. The first student says, for example, Ten students have got blue eyes. Check if the fact is correct by saying to the whole class, for example, Stand up if you have got blue eyes. If necessary, use L1 to explain what the students need to do. Count the students standing and check if the number is the same as that given by the first student. Repeat the procedure with all of the students’ results. 6. Explain that now the students are going to conduct another search, but this time for objects in their classroom. Divide students into pairs. Give each pair a copy of Student’s Worksheet 3. Point to the heading and explain what a scavenger hunt is – a game to find objects in the categories written on a list. 7. Go through the categories on the worksheet with the whole class. Explain any vocabulary students may not know. Then the students look around the classroom and find the objects in each category. However, they can only write down the objects whose names they know in English. They should not worry about spelling at this point. Set a time limit of 10 minutes. Point out that the task is not competitive. 8. When the time is up, read out the first category and elicit the answers onto the board so that the students can check their spelling. You can provide the students with clues if they cannot think of an object for a given category. Extension In pairs, the students write another classroom scavenger hunt list with 5 categories. They exchange their list with another pair and try to complete the task. Alternatively, students can write a scavenger hunt list for you. Each pair then reads out a category. If you give a correct answer within 20 seconds, you score a point. If not, the class gets one point. If you win, students have to speak only English for the first 5 minutes of the next lesson. If the students win, they can choose a game or a fun activity to do in the next class.

4. The students mingle and ask their question to all of their classmates. They put a tick at the bottom of their card for each positive answer. When they have interviewed everyone, they count the ticks and write the total number in the space provided. © Macmillan Polska 2012



Teacher’s Notes Back to school – Lesson 3 Type of activity: whole-class, group and pair work Focus: time, days of the week, months, seasons; speaking, listening and reading skills Level: elementary – pre-intermediate, grades 4–6 Time: 45 minutes Materials: Student’s Worksheet 1 – Lesson 3, an egg timer, (for the Extension activity) Student’s Worksheet 2 – Lesson 3. Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheet 1 per student. (For the Extension activity) Copy and cut out the cards from Student’s Worksheet 2 – one set for each group of 4 students. Procedure: 1. Explain that today’s lesson is about time and the calendar. Write the following words on the board, in mixed order: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, season, year. In pairs, the students put these in order from the shortest to the longest amount of time. Set a time limit of 3 minutes. Check the answers with the whole class. Make sure everybody understands all the words. 2. Teach or review the days of the week. Say the days in order a few times. The students repeat after you and then join in. Then say the first syllable of each day and students finish the words on their own. Finally, mouth the words and the students say them aloud. Repeat the whole procedure with the days in backward order: Sunday, Saturday, etc. 3. Put the students into pairs. Student A has to say the days of the week in the correct order from memory as many times as possible within 2 minutes. Student B counts how many times their friend says the complete sequence. Set the egg timer to 2 minutes. Then students change roles. Student B tries to beat Student A’s record. 4. In their pairs, the students repeat stage 3 above, but say the sequence backwards, starting with Sunday. 5. If the students have not studied the days of the week previously, write those on the board in mixed order. The students reorder the days and copy the sequence into the notebooks. 6. Teach or review the months of the year, using the same procedure as for the days of the week in Stages 2–5.

the gaps. Explain any words they do not understand. Go through the example with the whole class. The students then complete the sentences with the words in the boxes. 8. In pairs, the students compare their answers. Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask the students to put their worksheets face down on their desks. Read out the gapped sentences from the worksheet, inserting the beep sound where the gaps are. Pause after each sentence and wait for the students to call out the correct answer, e.g., There are (beep) seconds in a minute (60). Answers: 1. 60, 2. 60, 3. 12, 4. 7, 5. Sunday, 6. Tuesday, Thursday, 7. Monday, 8. 12, 9. October, 10. January, 11. 31, 12. July, August, 13. December, 14. April, June, 15. February, 16. September, 17. 30, 18. seasons, 19. spring, 20. winter Extension Pre-teach: Labour Day and Independence Day. With an elementary class, introduce the Saxon genitive. Put students into groups of 4. Give each group a set of cards from Students’ Worksheet 2. Groups read the questions and write the correct month for each event as it is celebrated in Poland. Point out that some of the holidays may fall on different dates around the world. Either give students a Polish calendar for reference or group representatives can ask you the questions from the cards if necessary. Check the answers with the whole class. Then the groups mix the cards and put them face down. Group members take turns to pick a card and read out the question. The first student to call out the correct answer receives the card. The person with the most cards at the end, wins. Answers: 1. teacher’s own answer, 2. June, 3. June, 4. May, 5. January, 6. January, 7. December, 8. October, 9. September, 10. June, 11. November, 12. May, 13. February, 14. October. Additionally, quiz your students on their school timetable. Explain that we say on + day of the week and ask various students about different classes they have, e.g., When is English/Polish/maths? etc.

7. Give each student a copy of Student’s Worksheet 1. Pre-teach: right after, right before. Ask the students to read the sentences, ignoring © Macmillan Polska 2012



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