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Cross-curricular – Geography SOS Australia 4 Read the articles again and write questions for these answers. 1 How long are Australians usually in the shower? Seven minutes.

3 Read the articles and match them with the photos. a b c d a

r. stop singing in the showe Australians will need to d water. A company an Why? To save electricity ans are usually in the ali str Au t tha ed ver co has dis a day. This is because tes nu shower for seven mi ging in the shower. So the many Australians like sin to save water. Australia gs idea is to sing shorter son nt in the world. There ne nti co est dri d on sec is the ich is why there are water are frequent droughts, wh country. the restrictions in all parts of

2 Because they like singing in the shower. 3 Because the camels haven’t got enough water. 4 Approximately one million. 5 Because a lot of Australians live on or near the coast. 6



Because they are very dry.

The recent drought in Australia has been terrible. Even Australia’s wild camels have suffered. They are so thirsty that they are going mad. They are beginning to atta ck other animals and destroy plants to get wat er. Australians imported thousands of camels from India in the 19th century. Tod ay, the total wild camel population is approximat ely one million, possibly the biggest in the wor ld. Global warming is a big problem for Australia. The sea level is going up and this may have a very big impact on cities and towns on the coast. For Australia, this is very serious because 80% of the total population lives on or near the coast. If the ice cap melts faster than predicted, the consequences will be disastrous.


7 Millions of tonnes. 5 What about you? 1 What information in the texts surprises you? Why? 2 Do you think Australia has more serious environmental problems than your country? Why? The idea of singing short songs to save water surprises me.


Because I think it’s silly! d

any parts of rural Australia are incredibly dry and hot. Fires, called bush fires, are very common and dangerous there. These disasters sometimes begin by accident, but sometimes they are the result of arsonists, people who deliberately start fires. In February 2009, bush fires in the area of Victoria killed


173 people and millions of animals. Some bush fires have generated the power of more than 100 atomic bombs and created millions of tonnes of pollution. In fact, bush fires are responsible for more pollution than all of Australia’s industry and cars together. You can see big bush fires from space.

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Cross-curricular – Geography: SOS Australia Warmer In pairs, students write a list of all the environmental problems they can think of, e.g. air/water pollution, mammal extinction, destruction of the rainforests, climate change, droughts, fires, floods, overpopulation, waste, etc. Set a time limit of 2 minutes. The pair with the longest list wins the game. Write up on the board 5 of the environmental problems that most pairs have listed. Ask the class to put them in order, from the most to the least serious. Encourage students to present their arguments to the class. Elicit different expressions for agreeing/disagreeing and write them on the board. 3 Students read the articles and match them to the photos. Set a time limit of two minutes to encourage students to skim the text for general meaning. Recording: Unit 6 p75 Click onto … on

Word booster Students match the words and definitions before reading the text in more detail. Key 1 d 2 a

5 What about you? Students discuss the questions in pairs. For question 1, draw attention to the model dialogue. Elicit answers from the class.

Extra reading Students can download a complete chapter or read an abridged and adapted version of A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute (Intermediate level). You can find materials to use this reader in class at this website: Teacher’s Resource Multi-ROM: See Unit 6 CLIL worksheet Climate investigators.

DVD (optional) Australia (director: Baz Luhrmann; 2008) Themes: Outback Australia; Racism against Aboriginal people; World War II; Love Plot: Set during World War II, this film tells the story of a rich English woman and her experiences on a cattle station in Northern Australia. While there, she befriends a young Aboriginal boy and discovers the cruel way his community is treated by white people. Gallipoli (director: Peter Weir; 1981)

3 c 4 e

5 6

f g

7 b

4 Students read the articles carefully and write questions for the answers. Draw attention to the example question.

Fast finishers Students write one more answer, e.g. India, for the class to guess the question (Where did the camels come from?).

Themes: Australia’s role in World War I; Friendship Plot: The story of a group of young Australian men who leave their various backgrounds behind and sign up to join the ANZACs in World War I. They are sent to Gallipoli, where they encounter the might of the Turkish army.

Homework Refer students to the Workbook, page 97.

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