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W każdym punkcie wybierz spośród trzech zawodów osobę, która nie pracuje w podanym miejscu. Następnie napisz, gdzie pracuje ta osoba. a doctor a accountant a plumber a librarian a pilot a chef a lawyer

hospital office our homes studio plane restaurant court


b politician b farmer b electrician b photographer b sales assistant b model b judge


Zawody i związane z nimi czynności

c surgeon c secretary c receptionist c painter c flight attendant c waiter c paramedic

Znajdź w wężu wyrazowym 8 zawodów. Następnie porozmawiaj z kolegą/koleżanką i napisz, co robią osoby wykonujące dany zawód. fi cerasfirefightersopannurseted sothjournalistfotwriternwmusicianghlshairdresserjuvdirectorlatpoliceof

CD1. 25 MP3 25


Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi przyimkami. Następnie posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.

My brother’s got a new job (1) a sports instructor. He works (2) a leisure company called ‘Fitness For All’ and he’s (3) charge of the fitness room. My sister is quite different! She works (4) the government, (5) their central offices in town. She’s responsible (6) local town planning applications. She works (7) a team of five and they’re always very busy. In fact, she’s still (8) work now. My younger sister works as a cashier (9) the checkout at the local supermarket – she likes working directly (10) people. As for me, well, I’m still looking (11) a job!


Dopasuj przymiotniki do wypowiedzi poszczególnych osób na temat ich pracy. Następnie dopisz po jednym dodatkowym zawodzie do każdego przymiotnika. a. manual

b. dangerous

c. monotonous

d. stressful

e. satisfying

f. tiring

1 I love my job. I’m a teacher and it’s not always easy but you get a great feeling when your students make progress. 2 I’m a businessman and sometimes I have a lot of work and not really enough time to do it. I get quite worried and sometimes I don’t know where to begin! 3 It’s a good job. I’d always wanted to be a firefighter but you have to be careful. Some of my colleagues have had bad accidents. 4 I’m a landscape gardener and I like being outside all the time. However, at the end of the day I’m usually ready for my bed! 5 I’ve been working in a factory over the summer and it’s OK but it’s always the same thing, every hour, every day! 6 I never got any qualifications – never wanted to. I’m quite happy doing what I do – building houses. I need to be using my hands – sitting in an office would kill me!


Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi słowami. rise trial contract sick pension part-time bonus

Warunki pracy i zatrudnienia career public salary promotion overtime well-paid manager


A: Congratulations on the new job! What’s it like? B: I’ve only just started – I got the job on Monday – but it seems really good. It’s only (1) for the first six months but then I go onto a full-time (2) . Then there’s a (3) period of three months, and if all goes well I join the (4) staff. A: Sounds good! Is it (5) ? B: The part-time (6) is quite low, but when I become a permanent member of staff it’s very well-paid. There’s the chance to do paid (7) and get an end-of-year (8) if the company makes a good profit! And there’s a pay (9) every year too. It may not always be enormous, but at least there is one. A: Do you get much holiday? B: Just the basic twenty five days paid holiday a year – as well as (10) holidays, of course, so in fact quite a lot of days a year I think. And we get (11) pay too. It’s a good company and they look after their workers. A: What about putting some money into a (12) ? B: It’s a bit young to start thinking about that! But I know there’s a company scheme.

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A: Is it good for (13) prospects? I mean – like chances for (14) and so on? B: Actually, my new (15) has been promoted twice in the last two years, so yes, there are good opportunities! But I don’t know if I’ll stay there very long – I’ll see how it goes. A: Well, I think it sounds perfect. I might apply there myself.


Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi słowami.

1 Jason’s doing night s s at the moment – that’s why he’s so tired. 2 Working in the restaurant’s very good because I can increase my e s with t s from the customers. 3 My grandfather’s going to r e next month, after working for the same company for thirty years. They’re going to give him a big party! 4 Safety in the w e is very important for owners of companies today. 5 My dad earns a good salary but a lot of that is taken in t x! 6 When people are working under p e they often have to take time off. 7 If your j b description doesn’t include organising business t s for your boss, then you don’t have to do it! 8 I get on very well with my c s. It’s important because my job involves a lot of t k. 9 Kathy’s going to do an i p at the hospital soon and then she’ll be a real doctor!


Pracujcie w parach. Przyporządkujcie do właściwych kategorii prace, które wykonują nastolatki (niektóre prace pasują do więcej niż jednej kategorii!). Następnie dopiszcie po jednej dodatkowej pracy do każdej grupy.

Praca dorywcza

babysitting supermarket assistant fruit picking summer camp supervisor working at an animal rescue centre tour guide lifeguard shopping for elderly people newspaper delivery boy/girl dog walking 1 2 3 4

Seasonal work: Weekend job: Before or after school job: Voluntary work:

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rynek pracy

Dopasuj początki zdań do ich zakończeń. a b c d e f g h i j

You’ll need to fill in this application form and ... It’s getting difficult for school leavers ... The company went bankrupt last year ... At the job interview, ... Don’t forget to enclose ... In Thursday’s paper, ... I think the private language school in town is taking on It’s important to get career’s advice ... The manager offered the job ... Read the contract through carefully ...











to find work these days. before you sign it. three men asked me a lot of questions. there is always a page of job vacancies. send it to the address at the top. before choosing a subject to study at university. your CV with the application form. to the best candidate. and a lot of people lost their jobs. extra staff for the summer months.

Watch out! Zwróć uwagę na słowo pension, które jest fałszywym przyjacielem polskiego słowa „pensja”. Słowo pension oznacza „emeryturę” lub „rentę”, zaś „pensja” w języku angielskim to salary, pay lub wages.

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Zakreśl właściwe słowa, aby uzupełnić wpisy na blogu.

1 I work in (1) human/people resources and we are always looking for strong candidates who have both a lot of (2) experiments/ experience and good qualifications. Of course, (3) descriptions/references are extremely important too. (4) Recruitment/Selection is done through the local (5) job/work centre or our own website, and we expect to fill vacant (6) positions/places within weeks of (7) promoting/advertising them. 2 My father (8) ran/made his own business from the age of twenty-one after getting (9) resigned/sacked from his first job. I’m an (10) entrepreneur/employee too and I enjoy working for myself. I have always been (11) own/self-employed – first as a (12) freelance/ temporary journalist and now I have my own small publishing business. I definitely like being my own (13) employer/boss! 3 I’m (14) unemployed/off working. I was made (15) fired/redundant when my previous (16) employer/colleague sold the company and the new owners (17) reduced/downsized. I’ve been (18) out of work/off work for about six months. I’ve applied for hundreds of jobs but I haven’t had one interview. It’s not because of a (19) miss/lack of experience – I just think people are not (20) hiring/ advertising new staff at the moment. If I don’t receive a job (21) chance/offer soon, I think I shall start working from (22) house/home.

Vocabulary overview CD1. 26 MP3 26


Przeczytaj ogłoszenie i wybierz właściwe opcje a, b lub c, aby uzupełnić tekst. Następnie posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.

New Job Opportunities at Alice’s Restaurant Our restaurant chain Alice’s is opening a new restaurant in Marwell this summer and we are starting to (1) new (2) . There will be several (3) for both experienced and inexperienced employees. The restaurant chain has a good reputation for offering excellent (4) conditions and (5) as well as good opportunities for (6) within the chain. We shall be looking for (7) who have their own abilities but who are also happy to work in a (8) . The jobs below will also be advertised at local (9) centres and in the press. Please go online for more details and to download the application (10)


Chefs Alice’s will need three chefs. We expect all three chefs to (11) experience in cooking French and Italian food. We are looking for two full-time chefs and one (12) (hours to be arranged). We expect the restaurant to be very busy, particularly at weekends, so this will mean that our chefs must be able to work (13) pressure. Restaurant Manager We also have a (14) for a restaurant manager. We are looking for someone with previous experience and who is well-organised and with good interpersonal skills. The successful applicant will also have (15) in business management. Waiters and waitresses We have vacancies for three (16) waiters/waitresses and three additional staff for evenings and weekends only. These positions would be suitable for students in education who want to (17) some extra money. Experience would be welcome but is not essential as necessary (18) will be given to successful applicants. Please send your applications to the address on our website, and enclose your full (19) and (20) from previous employers where possible. Applicants will attend (21) in July and successful candidates will receive job (22) at the beginning of August. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

a advertise a staff a situations a workplace a incomes a career a applications a team a occupation a papers a need

b recruit b applicants b places b working b payments b promotion b graduates b line b labour b CVs b make

c look c volunteers c vacancies c work c salaries c contracts c applicants c pairs c job c forms c have

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

a part-time a at a position a grades a full-day a win a teaching a DVs a advertisements a interviews a requests

b temporary b under b space b exams b full-time b bring b learning b GVs b references b meetings b offers

c permanent c through c vacant c qualifications c full-work c earn c training c CVs c notes c chats c choices

Word Map STEP 2 Wróć do strony 60 i kolorem zielonym dopisz do mapy wyrazowej słowa i wyrażenia, które zapamiętałeś/zapamiętałaś.

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