Teacher’s notes “Games and puzzles” Type of activity: individual work/pair work/group work Focus: vocabulary connected with personal preferences (favourite sports, food, holiday destinations), making food, common proverbs (speaking/reading/writing) Level: pre-intermediate Time: 45 minutes Preparation: one copy of the worksheet “Games and puzzles” for each student, a copy of “Silent phone” and “Famous proverbs” for the teacher Procedure: Task 1 “What’s my word?”
(10 min)
Hand out the worksheets. Allow the students to read the categories and choose one word each. They read a sample answer. Explain that the students are going to present words/expressions by miming or using gestures. Choose one student (or ask a volunteer) to stand in front of the class. Explain that the students may only mime and answer questions using Yes/No. The other students try to guess the word of the student in front of them. When they finish, choose another student (take 3–4 turns). If you wish, this activity may be also done in pairs (the students present their words in turn) but this will need more supervision by the teacher (to make sure that all of the students perform the task properly). Task 2 “Be like a Top Chef – prepare your own recipe” (15 min)
The students work in pairs. Their task is to invent a recipe for a dish using the ingredients from the list. Encourage the students to read the words/ expressions on the worksheet. Make sure that they understand all of the expressions and if necessary pre-teach the words (e.g. verbs connected with making food). Explain that they have ten minutes. After the students have finished, they read their recipes to the group. Ingredients: Chicken Tomatoes Butter Spring onions Salt/pepper © Macmillan Polska 2013
Helpful language: Slice/bake/prepare/cook/fry/add/sprinkle/cut something First.../Secondly.../Thirdly.../Then.../Finally... Task 3 “Silent phone”
(5 min)
Explain the idea of the game. The students stand in a line (10 students in each line). The first student in a line will be given a piece of paper with one word on it (worksheet “Silent phone”). Their task is to read the word and whisper it to the next student. The last student in the line says the word and compares it with the word on the piece of paper. The students compare the words. Task 4 “Famous proverbs”
(15 min)
Ask the students to read the list of proverbs on the worksheet. Make sure that they understand all the proverbs (try to find Polish equivalents if possible or ask the students to try to explain the proverbs). After they have studied the list, the students cover the page with the proverbs. Then each student gets one half of a proverb from the teacher. Their task is to go around the classroom and find their pair so that the proverb is complete. When they finish, students with complete proverbs sit down and read out the proverbs to the rest of the class. A list of proverbs: When in Rome do as the Romans do No man is an island Better late than never There is no place like home Early to bed and early to rise makes you wealthy, healthy and wise Never look a gift horse in the mouth You can’t always get what you want Actions speak louder than words Practice makes perfect Too many cooks spoil the broth You can’t judge a book by its cover Two heads are better than one Task 5 Homework (optional)
Explain the task to be done at home: Choose one proverb from the list in Task 4 and describe it in your own words. Your answer should be about 60–80 words long. www.macmillan.pl
Teacher’s notes “Games and puzzles” “SILENT PHONE”
…do as the Romans do
No man…
…is an island
Better late…
…than never
There is no…
…place like home
Early to bed and early to rise…
…makes you wealthy, healthy and wise
Never look a gift horse…
…in the mouth
You can’t always…
…get what you want
Actions speak…
…louder than words
…makes perfect
Too many cooks…
…spoil the broth
You can’t judge a book…
…by its cover
Two heads are…
…better than one
© Macmillan Polska 2013