
Page 1




S 1 2

page 4

Let’s communicate!

page 8

Meet the family


page 32

Learning for life

this / that

Languages, countries and nationalities Adjectives

be: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns, possessive ‘s Question words

have got: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers How many ...?

Family Describing people

■ ■

Free time activities Daily routines

Wonderful wildlife

■ ■

School subjects Skills and abilities

■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■

Endangered animals Adverbs of manner

page 60

page 72

Present simple: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers ■ Word order ■ Time expressions: at, on, in ■ Adverbs of frequency ■

Vocabulary and Language Focus

page 48

Days out


REVISION 1–3 page 44


Classroom objects Colours Times, days, dates

■ ■ ■

Places to visit Food and drink

■ ■ ■

REVISION 4–6 page 84


Look into the past


Jobs Irregular verbs

Present continuous: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers Present simple and continuous Time expressions

there is / there are: affirmative and negative, questions and short answers Prepositions of place Countable and uncountable nouns a/an, some and any

Past simple: negative, questions and short answers ■ Past time expressions

be going to Future time expressions ■ How …? questions ■ must / mustn’t

page 100

■ ■

It’s summer!

page 112

REVISION 7–9 page 124

Olympic sports Clothes and accessories

The weather and seasons Landscape features

Communicative activities A page 128

Voices_SB1_PL_Contents.indd 2

Vocabulary and Language Focus

R: An article – The Boehmer Family Jugglers L: A short talk – describing the family R: An online article – Turn your free time into cash! L: A short talk – The weekend

R: A brochure – Send my friend to school L: A radio interview with a blind athlete

R: An article – Manor School chooses our charity of the yea L: A talk about animals R: A brochure – Welcome to London! L: Conversations in shops and restaurants

Exam Practice

Past simple be: affirmative, regular and irregular verbs there was / there were

R: An article – World languages L: Short talks on learning languages

Exam Practice

love, hate, (don’t) like +-ing Object pronouns Review of question forms: word order Why …? / Because ...

Vocabulary and Language Focus ■

page 88

Team spirit


Reading & Listening

page 20

Free time


Language Focus

■ ■

R: An article – Wonders of the Ancient World L: An audio guide from the Titanic Museum R: A website article – The Olympic Games L: A conversation during a tour of Wembley Stadium

R: A message board – Camp Active L: A weather forecast L: Holiday plans

Exam Practice

Answers to quizes page 129

Communicative activities B page 130

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Speaking & Pronunciation ■ ■ ■

Britain ■

Multilingual Britain

The USA ■

The Red Earth Festival

Ireland ■

Ireland’s Young Musicians

Scotland ■

Going to school on a Scottish island

Australia ■

Australia’s weird and wonderful wildlife

England ■

A day out at the Summer Show

Wales ■

Castles and dragons

New Zealand ■

_ in New Zealand!

Canada ■

Welcome to Canada!

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■


Language in Action

Exam Builder

Greetings and introductions The alphabet and spelling English in the classroom


Exchanging personal information /w/

Talking about your family /θ/ /ð/

Talking about your daily routine /s/ /z/ /ɪz/

Talking about likes and dislikes can / can’t

Describing an animal verb + -ing

Placing locations on a map Syllable stress

Talking about an excursion /t/ /d/ /ɪd/

Talking about sports Sentence stress

Talking about holiday plans must / mustn’t

A personal profile Capital letters

A description Apostrophes

An email and, but

A questionnaire so

A web project Using adjectives

A guide for tourists also

A biography Time connectors

A class survey Question forms

An informal letter Prepositions of place and time

Giving personal information What’s your name? What’s your email address?

E Rozumienie

Talking about shopping Can I help you? Have you got…?

E Rozumienie

Giving instructions and explanations Can you give me a hand? Don’t forget to…

E Znajomość funkcji

Making suggestions Let’s… How about…?

E Rozumienie

Making arrangements What are you doing tomorrow? What time are you going?

E Rozumienie

Ordering food Can I have…? How much is a…?

E Znajomość funkcji

Asking for information Where’s the…? Is there a…?

E Rozumienie ze

Talking about past events and expressing opinions Did you have a good weekend? What did you do? That sounds amazing!

E Rozumienie

Exchanging information – buying tickets Can I have a … ticket to …, please? Single or return?

E Znajomość funkcji

ze słuchu prawda/fałsz

tekstów pisanych wybór wielokrotny



językowych dobieranie ICT E Znajomość środków językowych dobieranie

ze słuchu wybór wielokrotny

tekstów pisanych dobieranie

językowych wybór wielokrotny E Znajomość środków językowych wybór wielokrotny

słuchu dobieranie

tekstów pisanych dobieranie

językowych wybór wielokrotny E Znajomość środków językowych wybór wielokrotny







Irregular verbs page 131

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