Minerva Newsletter

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September 2018

The Minerva

Vol 15 Issue 1

Monthly Newsletter of the Memphis Alumnae Chapter




President Maya Lee welcomes all sorors to engage in a new and exciting biennium full of Sisterhood and Service. p. 02

A new chapter administration was installed in June 2018. Learn more about who's working to maintain MAC's great legacy. p. 03

Memphis Alumnae sorors stayed busy over the summer at the 46th Southern Regional Conference, Leadership Collaborative and the 2018 Reclamation! pp. 04-07

September 2018

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Issue 15

How can you align with the vision?

Strengthen Our Sisterhood by...

THEÂ PRESIDENT'S PEN I am so very Delighted, Ecstatic, gLeeful, "Turned-up" & in Awe about the opportunity to serve as president of the most dynamic and outstanding chapter in Delta - Memphis Alumnae! Thank you for putting your confidence in me to continue to move MAC forward and build on this great foundation that has stood for over eighty years as a staple in the Memphis community. Our work over the next biennium will center around the theme of "Strengthening Our Sisterhood, Honoring our Legacy, Empowering Our Communities". I am encouraging all sorors to embrace this theme as you continue to serve in our illustrious sorority. For the last few years, there's one quote that has been etched in my mind, "She believed she could, so she did". I believe that this chapter has the power to enact major change in this city. I believe that each and every one of you has a special set of skills, talents and abilities that are so very valuable and crucial in making that change happen. So gear up for the work that we have in store, my sorors, because effectively tackling the issues that our community faces will call for some hard work. We'll have to roll up our sleeves and get a little dirt under our nails, but when it's all said and done, we will look back and be able to say, "We believed we could so we did!"

Encouraging at least three inactive sorors to return to the fold to share their talents & skills and immerse themselves in that good old Delta Spirit!

Honor Our Legacy by... Spending some time getting perspective and insight from a past chapter president or Delta DEAR who has been in the chapter for a while.

Empower Our Communities by... Joining and being actively engaged in committees that align with your interests, skills, and talents.

Love, Maya Page 2 September 2018

Issue 15

NEW BEGINNINGS Every other year, the chapter comes together to select its officers for the ensuing biennium. The May and June chapter meetings provided moments of celebration and fellowship as the new officers were announced and installed. Nineteen out of twenty of our living past chapter presidents were on hand to witness the installation of officers and offer loving support. Each soror on the 2018-2020 Executive Committee is charged and ready to lead with a servant's heart and a passion for Delta.Â

2018-2020 Elected & Appointed Officers and Positions

April Hubbard First Vice President

L. Angela (L.A.) Webb Second Vice President

Maya Lee, President

Jami Fowler-White Recording Secretary

Candace Tate Financial Secretary

Yvonne Morton Corresponding Secretary

Audrey Conley Asst. Financial Secretary

Annie Lewis Parliamentarian September 2018

Shera Caviness Treasurer

Elaine Taylor Asst. Financial Secretary

Adrienne Dobbins Sergeant-at-Arms

Dianna Crawford Asst. Treasurer

Pat Jones Journalist

Sheronda Smith Chair, Nominating Committee

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Georgia Dumas-Whiting Asst. Treasurer

Janice Hansbrough-Eason Chaplain

Monee Dahmer Chair, Internal Audit Committee Issue 15

Memphis Alumnae

Represents at the Southern Regional Conference One hundred, twenty-six MAC Sorors were included in the delegation of over three thousand Deltas that converged on the city of Nashville to fellowship, learn, and continue the mission of our Founders. From June 28th to July 1st, we reunited with line sisters, attended meaningful workshops, elected new officers and representatives to national & regional committees. We just had a grand ole' time being in the company of our sorors from around the region! We bade farewell to Regional Representative, Jessica Shotwell and celebrated her amazing service to our chapters. Our very own Alleshia White was elected to represent the Southern Region as a member of the National Nominating Committee and we brought home one of the region's "Highest of Five" awards. Make plans now to head on down to "The Big Easy" for our 54th National Convention in New Orleans!

Alleshia White Elected as Member, National Nominating Committee

(l-r) Sorors Stephanie Scurlock, Yolaundia Cofield, Glynis Williams, Wanda Woodruff, Lucy Stansbury, Deborah Harris, and Sue Roberts Foster (seated) after the Sisterhood Luncheon.

Jessica Shotwell, takes her last walk down the red carpet as Southern Regional Representative. Photo Credit: G.D. Whiting

(l-r) Sorors Rosalyn Pruitt, Sonya Richardson, Lois Gilder -18th Southern Regional Director, Casandra Clark and Sondra Brooks-Whitfield after the Closing Banquet.

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Pam Clary (white) and Regina Echols (red top) moving to Delta's beat! Photo Credit: G.D. Whiting

Shelby County Mayoral Candidates' Forum Memphis Alumnae in Action

July 2018 - Shelby County Mayoral Candidates Lee Harris and David Lenoir were on hand at the National Civil Rights Museum to share their platforms and address questions & concerns from citizens. Holding true to our Oath, members of Memphis Alumnae and other sorors were in attendance to learn more about each candidate's plans to improve education, decrease crime and address economic growth in Shelby County. Certified election results show that Lee Harris received 55.32% of the 153,627 votes cast and on August 31st, he was installed as the new mayor of Shelby County. The mid-term elections are just around the corner and MAC's Social Action Committee has planned a number of ways for Deltas and the community to get involved in affecting change.

Newly Elected Shelby County Mayor, Lee Harris

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Shelby County Mayoral Candidate, David Lenoir

Leadership 2018 Collaborative

Executive Board members match Delta Leadership Competencies with their respective descriptions.

Over sixty-five members of the Executive Board gathered together on August 11th at The LeMoyne Owen College to participate in the 2018 Leadership Collaborative. Normally known as the leadership retreat, the event was re-branded to emphasize that it provides an opportunity for all committee chairs and executive committee members to work together to develop effective chapter programming and plan exciting events. Attendees learned about the Delta Leadership Competencies, MAC Policies and Procedures, financial policies and procedures and the use of technology.

Dr. Qadriyyah Debnam (EMBODI Chair), Stephanie McDowell (EMBODI Co-Chair), and Pamela Bruce (Delta Academy Co-Chair) collaborate on how their programming can be integrated.

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Recording Secretary Jami Fowler-White and Financial Fortitude Co-Chair, Dr. Tracey Phillips, discuss calendar options.



How do you spell fun? R-E-C-L-A-M-A-T-I-O-N! There was not an unhappy soul in the building when Reclamation 2018 got under way! Second Vice President L. Angela (L.A.) Webb and the Membership Services Committee hosted a phenomenal event that was full of great food, laughter, camaraderie, and that sweet, sweet, Delta Spirit! The theme, Red Panther Reclamation: In Search of Missing Deltas, was well executed from the fee waiver for those who have been out of the fold for a minute to the awesome parting gifts that included a personalized MAC notebook & magnifying glass and "Red Panther" chips! Sorors competed as teams to earn as many points as possible while rotating through a ten-game challenge course. There was even a Delta Escape Room! What an exciting way to kick off this new sororal year!

Photo Credits: Carolyn Cobb Jones, Felecia Renee Sims, LeCharle Harris, Dr. Qadriyyah Debnam

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Honoring Our Legacy . . . Memphis Alumnae's Past Presidents

(l-r, seated): Lucy Stansbury, Marian Morrison, Sue Roberts Foster, Bettye Coe Donahue, Patricia Jones Murphy, Charlene Turner, Mose Yvonne Brooks Hooks, Lois Gilder. (l-r, standing): Yolaundia Cofield, Annie Lewis, Hazel Jones, Minne Cook, Dr. Charlotte Freeman, President Maya Lee, Beverly Robertson, Pat Moore, Barbara Tabor Scott, Johnnie Turner, Alleshia White. (Not Pictured: Deborah Harris and Johnnie Overton)

By President Maya Lee After the May Chapter Election, I mailed invitations to each of our past presidents to attend the Installation of Officers Ceremony in June. It warmed my heart to see so many of Memphis Alumnae's Past Presidents in the front pews at Quince Church of Christ at that June meeting. After the installation, I presented each of these Jewels with a white corsage and the Past President's Pin that I designed to show my gratitude for the contributions that each one of them has made to maintaining and advancing the standard of excellence for which our chapter is known. Each of these beautiful women, in their own special way, continued to fortify this foundation during their tenure as president. I look forward to the next two years of continuing to grow in Delta as a result of their guidance and wisdom! The Delta symbol forms the base of Past President's Pin and includes a gavel and violet that represent leadership and sisterhood, respectively. The words "Memphis Alumnae Past President" are inscribed along the right side of the Delta symbol in red. Page 8

Empowering Our Communities

Get Involved Today!

Note: All volunteers (Deltas and Non-Deltas) are required to complete the Risk Management Training process before working with all youth groups. Questions? Contact Delta Kynis Douglas at riskmanagementmacdst@gmail.comÂ

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Prayer Requests & Condolences "For our sisters in mourning and our sisters in pain, our prayer is that the Lord brings you sunshine again. The process may be slow, it may take several years, but your sorors are here to wipe away your tears."Â

Soror Beverly Skipper Cassandra Beattie - uncle's and aunt's passing Mable Burchfield - recovery from surgery Phyllis Carter - aunt's passing Janice Cosey - caring for her mother Georgia Dumas-Whiting - aunt's passing Jannina Gaston - hospitalization Candi Gholson - grandfather's passing Lois Gilder - brother's passing Tracey Kyles Graham - cousin's passing LaReese Grazier - grandmother's passing, hospitalization Trina Holly - caring for her mother Rebecca Hutchinson - aunt's passing Shirley Irions - cousin's passing Lethelea Jackson - recovery from knee surgery Valencia Jeffries - cousin's passing Valencia Jeffries-Stone - cousin's passing Cheryl Jones - cousin's passing Shemika Jones - great uncle's passing Shirley Jones - cousin's passing

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Vanecia Kimbrow - mother's passing Betty Kyles - niece's passing Tia Kyles - cousin's passing Annie Lewis - aunt's passing Lynette Hall Lewis - uncle's passing Robin Mayweather - father's passing Vivian Montgomery - mother's passing, recovery from surgery Tammy Phillips - recovery from surgery Janae Pitts-Murdock - mother's passing Emma Primous - recovery from fall/surgery Sheronda Smith - cousin's passing Shawanna Tompkins - grandmother's passing Past Regional Director Cheryl Turner mother's passing Chatoya Turner-Hayden - cousin's passing Tamara Washington - aunt's passing Christine Wells - sister's passing Alleshia White - caring for husband Allie Williams - brother's and sister's passing Tevita Williams-Dumas - grandmother's passing

Celebrations! Sorors, we are "Peacock Proud" of your accomplishments! Elaine Caviness - became an ordained elder with the Church of the Living God Dr. Audrey Elion - promoted to supervisor with Memphis/Shelby Co. Juvenile Court Jami Fowler-White - promoted to Asst. Principal - Bruce Elementary Dr. LaSonya Harris-Hall - daughter, Alia Hall (Delta Pi), named as MS State Facilitator Valencia Jeffries - daughter, Morgan Jeffries (Mu Zeta), named as TN State Facilitator Tanika Lester - promoted to Shelby County School's (SCS) CTE Manager Katrina Raggs-Washington - promoted to Asst. Principal - Riverview Middle School Rev. Dr. Gina Stewart - installed as 1st Vice President of the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Missions Convention Glynis Williams - promoted to a position as one of SCS's RtI Advisor

Memphis Alumnae Chapter Goals 2018-2020 By the end of the 2018-2020 biennium, Memphis Alumnae will show evidence that we:

Maintain efficient chapter operations with at least 95% consistency and accuracy. Effectively plan, implement and evaluate chapter programming in 100% of chapter committees, especially those that fall under the Five-Point Thrust. Develop an atmosphere in which at least 85% of sorors report positively regarding their perception of "Sisterhood" in the Memphis Alumnae Chapter. Reclaim at least 100 sorors to active financial membership.

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Contact Us . . .

Do you have a great idea for the Minerva Newsletter? Do you need to get more information on something mentioned in this issue? Feel free to contact us! Corresponding Secretary Yvonne Morton Email: maccorrsec@gmail.com President Maya Lee Email: presidentmemphisalumnaedst@gmail.com Cell Phone: 901-295-9228

How Can Memphis Alumnae Help You? Access to MAC Member's Only Portal - macdsttechnology@gmail.com MAC Mail/Calling Post/Newsletter - maccorrsec@gmail.com Inform Chapter of Illnesses and Deaths - presidentmemphisalumnaedst@gmail.com Inquiries Regarding Dues/Financial Status - macfinanceteam@gmail.com Membership Services - mac2ndvicepresident@gmail.com Chapter Operations - presidentmemphisalumnaedst@gmail.com Prayer Requests - machaplainprays4u@gmail.com Publicity Events /Communications Request - macpublicity1913@gmail.com

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