1 minute read
from April 2023 News
Hello Chamber Members,
I am writing this on the First Day of Spring, which is always one of those milestones for renewal and hope that the harsh temperatures are behind us and the sun is going to be here to stay. We're ready to cast off the dulls of Winter and embrace a lighter, brighter lifestyle. We're all sprucing up our wardrobes, our homes, and our yards in true Spring Cleaning Fever. While you are challenging yourself to fill those boxes with clothes, sift through those papers. and clear the counter clutter, might we remind that this is the perfect time to also spruce up your Macomb Area Chamber business directory listing with us as well.
Maybe your business relocated, or you got a new logo, or you just don't use that website anyone. Maybe your hours changed or you added a brand new product/service that you want to show off. Head here, find your business, and look it over for us. We want to make sure that as many people can find you as possible, so if you see something that needs to be spruced up, please let me know and I would be happy to make sure we get your business listing polished up for Spring. It's that simple.
Now get out there, enjoy the season, and don't hesitate to reach out anytime you need anything.
Let's make it a great month!