Rotman Commerce Annual Report 2012/13

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Our Mission Rotman Commerce seeks to inspire and empower our students and alumni to become innovative leaders and engaged citizens who contribute to the success of organizations and the betterment of communities in Canada and around the world.



6 O ur P ro g r a m

12 O ur Fa cu lt y

14 O ur S tude n ts

20 c a reer serv ices

24 a l um n i e n g a g eme n t

26 co n v oc atio n 2 0 1 3

28 O ur do n ors


from our director


I am pleased to present Rotman Commerce’s 2012-13 Annual Report. The theme of this year’s annual report is “Beyond the Classroom.” In the pages that follow we are proud to share with you some of this year’s events and initiatives that took our students beyond the traditional classroom to offer vital experiential learning opportunities in research, community service, leadership development, professional skills development, conferences and competitions, and exposure to international business. Such hands-on experiences are critical to student development and success, and they complement the academic curriculum in preparing students for lifelong leadership in business and the community. More than ever, we rely on our extended network of alumni and corporate partners—in addition to faculty, staff, and students—to create and deliver this expanding set of opportunities. This year alone, over 400 individuals from this community contributed their time to connect with students outside the classroom. We couldn’t do it without you. As you read this annual report, I hope you will share in our progress and gain a sense of how important the contributions of our extended community are to our students’ success. With very best wishes,

Professor Kenneth S. Corts Director, Rotman Commerce Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education, Rotman School of Management


Our Program The Rotman Commerce Social 6, from l - r: Albert So, Yvonne Yeung, Sepehr Khanbeigi, Marina Milenkovic, Alanah Smith, Jennifer Oh

“The Rotman Commerce Social 6 group plays an integral role in connecting and engaging new and prospective students with Rotman Commerce. It’s also a fantastic platform for current students to showcase everything that our program has to offer.” Marina Milenkovic Specialist in Management, BCom ’14 Rotman Commerce Social 6


he success of our program relies in so many ways on the strengths of our students – their commitment to excellence, capacity for

leadership, and passion for the world of business. In 2012-13, we took our search for those prospective students to a new level through our peer-to-peer recruitment team: the Rotman Commerce Social 6 (RCS6). A group of six third- and fourth-years, the RCS6 worked to engage exceptional prospective students with our program through social media, personal correspondence, and face-to-face meetings throughout the recruitment and admissions cycle. Recently, we implemented a mandatory personal statement as part of the application process, which was designed to help us get a more complete view of each applicant. As a result, we have been able to select students for admission whose personal goals, experience, and abilities – in addition to their demonstrated academic acumen – make them a good fit with our program.


Applications for September 2012

6,516 Enrolment in firstyear class as of September 1, 2012


Number of countries represented in firstyear class


Breakdown of Y2-Y4 students by area of specialization



46.7% Finance and Economics






Our curriculum Rotman Commerce students worked with Friendship in Action, a charity that helps children develop empathy. From l-r: Gerry Mabin, Rui Kong, Kathleen Payne, Wenqiang Liao, Jun Lu, Ann Armstrong, Yue Lei


oing beyond the traditional classroom often requires offering students hands-on learning experiences with community and

corporate partners as part of the course requirements. This year, Professor Ann Armstrong’s Environmental and Social Responsibility for Management course paired teams of Rotman Commerce students with clients from the social sector. The students worked on an issue of importance to their client partner, and in doing so, gained the opportunity to work on a community-oriented consulting engagement that addressed real-world challenges. Our students also benefit from the recently expanded BMO Financial Group Finance Research and Trading Lab at the Rotman School of Management, a state-of-the-art facility that focuses on the integration of theory and research with practice. The lab’s research databases and real-time access to global financial resources allow students to link classroom lessons to actual securities and markets, while custom simulation software helps develop skills for making good financial decisions when faced with uncertainty about future outcomes. In addition, we introduced Business Design – a collaboration with the Rotman School of Management’s DesignWorks – which further advanced our goal of bringing both the theoretical and the practical to the classroom. This course, a staple in the MBA program, gives our students exposure to tackling the challenge of innovation in the business world through ethnographic research, product design, and business modeling tools.


Rotman Commerce students have access to the state-of-the-art BMO Financial Group Finance and Research Trading Lab at the Rotman School of Management. 9

International Study J.R. Hammond, BCom ’14 - Exchange student at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

“My exchange was incredible. The year I spent in Barcelona gave me some of the most rewarding academic and personal experiences of my life. Being immersed in a Spanish-speaking country and culture while taking business courses in Spanish was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Spain offered me exposure to the European Union market during one of the region’s most interesting economic times, and helped me recognize and realize my passion for international business. I left Barcelona with a newfound confidence in my abilities, first-hand international business experience, and the motivation and drive to continue my career in international business wherever it will take me.” 10


highlight of our program this year was the launch of an optional international study module in our Globalization and Capital

Markets: Political Economy and Investment Strategy course. Through our collaboration with the Centre for International Experience, we were able to send seven students and an instructor to Istanbul, Turkey, where they made several site visits to Turkish companies and gained first-hand insight into the Turkish economy. Our program also encourages students to take advantage of the opportunities available to them to study abroad. In summer 2013, three RSM courses – International Management, History and Function of Financial Institutions, and International Management and Managerial Accounting – were offered overseas during the summer semester in Italy, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates respectively. In 2012-13, 35 Rotman Commerce students also participated in international exchanges with our partner universities. Such international exchanges can be undertaken for a single semester or for the full academic year and entail a full immersion of the exchange student into the host university’s academic and student life.

Number of Rotman Commerce students participating in 2013 Summer Abroad

Number of Rotman Commerce students participating in international exchange

Number of unique Rotman Commerce courses offered

Number of course sections offered

160 67



Number of international partner schools at which Rotman Commerce students can choose to study



Our Faculty Marketing professors Min Zhao and Dilip Soman with their Rotman Commerce research assistants, from l-r: Min Zhao, Yujung Ji, Jack Zhou, Silu Liu, Yue Zhuo, and Dilip Soman


he Rotman School of Management is one of the most prestigious business research schools in the world. Our students often

have the opportunity to work with faculty from the Rotman School as research assistants. In 2012-13, Dilip Soman, Corus Chair in Communication Strategy and Professor of Marketing, and Min Zhao, Associate Professor of Marketing, worked with two Rotman Commerce Students – Silu Liu (BCom ’13) and Yue Zhuo (BCom ’15) – to compile a report for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. Their report on consumer issues in the adoption of mobile payment systems gained wide praise. Professor Soman and several other professors frequently engage our students in their research, giving them the chance to gain valuable skills that they might not otherwise develop. We are fortunate within our program to have a talented and diverse group of professors and instructors. As both researchers and industry professionals, our faculty are dedicated to giving Rotman Commerce students the best foundation in business studies available – and they do so with a rigour, creativity, and thoughtfulness that is appreciated by students year after year. This year, 66 Rotman Commerce faculty members received Excellence in Teaching Awards from the Rotman School of Management, demonstrating the high regard that they earned from their students.


Our Faculty Dragan Stojanovic, BCom ’03, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, was appointed Acting Director of Rotman Commerce from January to June 2013 during Professor Kenneth Corts’s sabbatical leave. Mr. Stojanovic, himself a graduate of our program, has received the Rotman Excellence in Teaching Award for the last seven consecutive years.


Our STUDENTS Sonia Li (BCom ’13), Patrick Fox (BCom ’14), and John Castellarin (BCom ’15) have all received the FEDNAV scholarship, which carries a cash value of $17,500, a paid rotational internship with the company in Montreal, and the opportunity to complete an independent study with Ajaz Hussain of UofT’s Department of Economics.


rom the time they are admitted to our program, we know that our students have what it takes to succeed, and they consistently

prove us right, gaining kudos for their academic achievement in the form of scholarships and dean’s list recognition. This year, 443 Rotman Commerce students were named to the Faculty of Arts and Science Dean’s List in recognition of maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. In addition, many of our students received scholarships in acknowledgement of their academic accomplishments. Rotman Commerce students are truly diverse; they join us from all over the world and excel as student leaders, varsity and recreational athletes, musicians, scholars, mentors, community volunteers, and so much more. We are exceptionally proud of the achievements of all of our students, whether it be in class or in other areas of their lives. Their accomplishments inspire us all – students, staff, faculty, and alumni – to reach higher and contribute more.

2012-13 Rotman Commerce Scholarship Recipients Anthony Scilipoti Undergraduate Scholarship in Commerce Douglas Tak Gam Lam Commerce and Finance Class of ’64 Scholarship Zhenbang Sun CMA Scholarship - Society of Management Accountants of Ontario Award of Merit Yifei (Leo) Zhang Congress Canada Scholarship Jessica Anne Fantozzi


David Quirin Memorial Scholarship Erik Sarkisyan Donna Zielinski Memorial Scholarship Nina Bakhtina Ernst & Young (3rd Year) Hadi Ahmad Nadeem Alnasir Merali Ce Shi Ernst & Young (4th Year) Xueying Liu Weixiang Mi

Faculty of Arts and Science Alumni Scholarship in Commerce Nina Bakhtina FEDNAV Scholarship John Castellarin Futures Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership Marina Milenkovic Honourable Ray Lawson Scholarship Huiting Zhou

Our STUDENTS Kelly O’Hanlon, BCom ’14 - Captain, Varsity Blues Women’s Ice Hockey Team

“My athletics training and my commerce education are great complements for each other. Among other things, varsity hockey has given me leadership and team skills that I know will serve me well in the business world.”

HSBC Women in Leadership Award Catherine Ruyan Qian

Man Chow Poon Scholarship Nirvani Sookdeo

HSBC LGBT Student Award Vincent George M. Ho

Martin R. Lindsay Memorial Scholarship Fund Ke Li

Institutional Equity Traders Association Scholarship in Commerce Erik Sarkisyan Lawrason Foundation Award Erik Sarkisyan Lawrason Foundation Prize for Undergraduate Students Ce Shi Lew Shoskes Memorial Scholarship Nirvani Sookdeo

Minto Foundation Scholarship in Commerce Xueying Liu Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Bursary Jia Yi Wang Peter E. McQuillan Taxation Scholarship Lok Yee Jessica Leung Philip and Irving Granovsky Scholarship Gabriela Shopova

Robert Dart Award in Commerce and Finance Nina Bakhtina Rotman Commerce Alumni Scholarship Nirvani Sookdeo Rotman Commerce GRADitude Scholarship Douglas Tak Gam Lam University of Toronto Deloitte & Touche Scholarship Ce Shi William T. Jackman Scholarship in Corporate Finance or in Transportation Economics Zhe Huang


Student Life Honghu Wang, BCom ’16 - President, Science Expo, Ontario, Canada - Business Development Intern, Appfuel, Silicon Valley, USA

“Rotman Commerce students benefit from the exceptional leadership skills training offered by our dedicated program office team. These professional development opportunities have better equipped me to lead my own not-for-profit as well as to adapt to changing business strategies common to start-ups this past summer in Silicon Valley.” 16


tudent life at Rotman Commerce is a crucial part of our students’ overall program experience. We offer a number of vital

extracurricular activities that allow students to learn more about themselves, their professional aspirations, and their peers outside of the classroom. Among the opportunities that Rotman Commerce students take advantage of are our conferences and competitions subsidy, our Jeux de Commerce team, our technical training workshops, Y1 and Y2 conferences, and our seasonal socials. The conferences and competition subsidy is one of our most popular programs. Among the events our students attended through this program were the London School of Economics Alternative Investments Conference, the African Business Conference at Harvard, the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations, and the National Investment Banking Competition and Conference in Vancouver at which the Rotman Commerce team placed second.

first-year students attending our inaugural Y1 conference, which featured workshops, panels, and social events to introduce students to their peers


subsidized places available for students to attend Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint training


STUDENT oPPORTUNITIES to attend professional technical training held by the Marquee Group


students attending international, domestic, and local events through our Conferences and Competitions subsidy program



Student Leadership Winners of the Rotman Commerce Finance Association’s Mergers and Acquisitions Competition pose with their prize


aining first-hand leadership experience is a key part of a Rotman Commerce education. Our program hosts ten official student

organizations whose mandates cover student advocacy, specialist-specific professional development, and social and community interests. Each group has access to staff support and funding through our Student Leadership and Organizational and Development Program, which encourages self-governance and professionalism. Rotman Commerce employs one full-time staff member whose express role is to facilitate leadership learning within the groups. Every year, the student organizations organize a number of extracurricular events, such as case competitions, conferences, symposia, networking sessions, and socials that are integral to building our community and helping our students develop important skills and connections. In 2012-13, our student groups organized over 60 events, including 6 professional conferences, many of which featured prominent Rotman Commerce alumni as keynote speakers. Our ten official organizations are the Rotman Commerce Accounting Society, Rotman Commerce Beyond Business, Rotman Commerce Consulting Association, Rotman Commerce Finance Association, Rotman Commerce Law Association, Rotman Commerce Marketing Association, Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance, Rotman Commerce Students’ Association, Rotman Commerce Toastmasters, and Rotman Commerce Women in Business. The program also sponsors other campus groups whose memberships include Rotman Commerce students, or whose mandates are directly relevant to our community. One such organization is the University of Toronto Sports and Business Association (UTSBA), which was founded two years ago by Rotman Commerce graduates Avish Sood (BCom ’12) and current student Natan Levi (BCom ’14). For

the past two years, UTSBA has held an annual Sports Industry Conference, and in November 2012, launched a sports speakers series, which featured executives from several Canadian sports organizations, including Paul Beeston, President of the Toronto Blue Jays.

Number of officially supported Rotman Commerce student groups

10 18

Number of studentorganized events held by Rotman Commerce student groups


Number of students serving in executive positions in our student groups





Career Services


he Rotman Commerce Career Centre helps prepare BCom students for the job market and links prospective employers to

Rotman Commerce students through information sessions, job postings, custom recruitment programming, and interviews. The Career Centre’s relationship managers offer career coaching for second, third, and fourth-year students, and organize a number of workshops and training programs in accounting, consulting, finance, and marketing throughout the year. Among these are the Management Consulting Alumni Program (MCAP), Accounting Bootcamp, Simplify the Street, and Finance Street Smarts, each of which targets different groups of students in our specialist programs. In 2012-13, the Career Centre launched Y2 Career Month – a suite of events and presentations designed specifically for second-year students. Over 100 second-year students took advantage of this new programming, and 20 of our corporate partners participated in the month’s workshops, mock interviews, and networking reception.

Number of ONE-ON-ONE coaching appointments offered


Number of students participating in Career Centre and employer events


Number of corporate partners engaged with our Career Services team

239 20

Career Services Megan Anderson, BCom ’14 - MCAP participant - Summer 2013 management consulting intern at McKinsey and Company

“In my experience, successfully interviewing for a job in management consulting boils down to having two main skills: problem solving and communication. Rotman Commerce’s Management Consulting Alumni Program (MCAP) helped me immensely in both respects by connecting me with the tools and resources I needed to understand the process, learn the basic skills and, most importantly, practice those skills. Participating in this program allowed me to make my dream of working in consulting a reality.” 21


Every year Rotman Commerce works with some of the finest companies in Canada and around the world to provide job opportunities, information sessions, interview training, and specialized programming for our students. Our corporate partners in 2012-13 are listed below — we are grateful for their commitment to our program and students.

1datapoint A.T. Kearney Ltd. Abrahamse Berkis Pinto & Associates LLP Accenture ADR Chambers AdTelligence GmbH Agnico Eagle Mines Litd. AIL Canada Alignvest Capital Management American Capital American Express Canada Inc. AquaMobile Inc. Armstrong Partnership Aviva Canada B2B Trust Bain & Company Canada, Inc. Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of Canada Bay Street HR BDO Dunwoody LLP Beacon Corporation, Brokerage Belairdirect Bell Canada BlackRock Blair Franklin Capital Partners Inc. Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP BMO Capital Markets BMO Financial Group BMO Private Client Group BNP Paribas Boston Consulting Group Bridgeport Asset Management Inc. Brookfield Renewable Energy Group CAA Cameron Stephens Mortgage Capital Ltd. Canaccord Genuity Corp. Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate


Investment Trust Canadian Security Intelligence Services Canadian Tire Corporation Capital Canada Limited Capital One Cargo Direct International Celestica Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. Chubb Insurance CIBC CISCO Citigroup City Core Developments Clark Marketing Communications ClientInsights Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Collins Barrow Toronto LLP Corporate Knights Corus Entertainment Inc. Cossette CPG Connect CPP Investment Board CPW Group Crowe Soberman LLP David Barrett Partners LLC Deloitte Deloitte Consulting Department of Finance Canada Desjardins Securities Inc. Detecon Inc. Direct Energy Direct Media Technologies Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company East Coast Fund Management Inc. Elizabeth Arden Enbridge Ennovent

Enterprise Holdings Equity Financial Trust Company Ernst & Young Euro Pacific Canada Inc. Export Development Canada ExxonMobil FastRack Ford Canada Frontiers Foundation Fundata Canada Inc. Gatestone General Electric Company General Mills, Canada Gerdau Giffin Koerth Inc GlaxoSmithKline GM of Canada Ltd. Grant Thornton LLP Great West Life Guilfoyle Financial Hay Group Ltd. Haywood Securities HK Connex Holt Renfrew HSBC Bank Canada Hudson’s Bay Company Hydro One Networks Inc. Hydronics Team Imperial Oil Imperial Tobacco Canada Infosys Limited Investors Group ITG Canada Corp. J. Walter Thompson Janet David + Associates Inc. JCM Capital Johnson & Johnson Jones Lang LaSalle


Joylister Karma Co-op KPMG LLP Kraft Canada Inc. Laurentian Bank Securities Level5 Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Lightning Group Loblaw Companies Ltd. L’Oreal Canada Lowe Roche Loyalty One Lululemon Athletica MacLaren McCann Managing Matters Inc. Manulife Financial Mars Canada MaRS Mason Group MasterCard Canada Mattamy Homes Ltd. Maxim Partners LLC McKinsey – Asia McKinsey & Company, Inc. McRock Capital Media Dimensions Limited Mercer Consulting Meyers Norris Penny Mobile Shop & Plus Consulting Mondelez International Moody’s Investors Service Canada Morgan Stanley Canada Ltd. MTFX Foreign Exchange Solutions National Bank Financial Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Ogilvy Oliver Wyman OMERS Ontario Power Generation Ontario Public Service Ontario Securities Commission Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board

Optimus SBR Orbis Mutual Funds Origin Merchant Partners Oxford Properties Group Pal Benefits Inc. PARK Private Wealth Inc. Penghua Fund PepsiCo Canada Philips Plenary Group Plombox Porter Airlines Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Princeton Review Canada Procter & Gamble Inc. Protiviti Public Service Commission of Canada PwC China PwC Consulting Qtrade Financial Group Raymond James Ltd. RBC Capital Markets RBC Dominion Securities Real Tech Realized Worth Redwood Strategic Rexall Rise Asset Development Rogers Communications Inc. Ross Smith Asset Management Inc. Rothschild Sales Dynamics, Inc. SalesSpider Media Sapient Canada Inc. Satov Consultants Inc. Score (The) Scotia Capital Scotiabank Sears Canada Inc. Sentry Technology Corporation Shamrock Shipping & Trading Ltd. Shoppers Drug Mart

SickKids Foundation SKY Solar Canada Skyline Smucker Foods of Canada Corp. SNC-Lavalin Inc. Social Focus Consulting Société Générale Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc. Structure Research Ltd. Sun Life Financial Sustainalytics Tandem Expansion Fund Tao Asset Management Target Canada TD Bank Financial Group TD Bank Wealth Management TD Canada Trust TD Securities TELUS Teranga Titan-York Realty Corporation TJX Companies TMX Group Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Para Pan Am Games Torstar Corporation Torstar Digital Toshiba of Canada Ltd. Total Security Management Towers Watson Trimaven Capital Advisors Inc. TrojanOne Trumbull Capital Corp. U.S. Commercial Service UBS Securities Canada Vistaar Capital, LLC Vive Crop Protection Wajax Equipment Walmart Canada Inc. Walter Bak Accounting Wescast Industries Inc. Willson International Ltd. ZS Associates


ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT Vlad Tasevski CFA, BCom ’08 - Vice President, Purpose Investments - Chair, Rotman Commerce Alumni Steering Committee - Head Coach, UofT Varsity Blues Men’s Water Polo Team

“As a proud Rotman Commerce and UofT grad, I feel it’s important to stay involved with the university. I had a great experience during my time at UofT – it seems only right to give back what I can through volunteering and sharing my experiences with students.” 24

Alumni Engagement Top: Bill McFarland BCom ’80, CEO of PwC Canada Bottom: George Lewis BCom ’82, Chairman and Portfolio Manager of RBC Global Asset Management


e are incredibly fortunate to alumni who are ready and willing to come back to campus to share their experiences with our current

students. This year, we held two Leadership in Business speaking events, each of which featured an inspirational and distinguished graduate of our program. George Lewis, BCom ’82, Chairman and Portfolio Manager of RBC Global Asset Management, joined us in November 2012, and Bill McFarland, BCom ’80, CEO of PwC Canada, was interviewed by Acting Director Dragan Stojanovic in February 2013. Several other alumni generously gave their time to speak with students at our various student conferences and at our Inside the Alumni Network evenings. Still others engaged with our program through our extremely popular alumni mentorship program. In 2012-13, a record 110 alumni-student matches were made, allowing our students to build relationships with our graduates that will help them navigate their career paths, both in school and in the workforce. We are extremely grateful to Rotman Commerce Alumni Steering Committee, whose hard work and dedication to the program, our students, and our graduates make a real difference in the quality of our community. The members of the 2012-13 steering committee were: Cristina Barillari (BCom ’09), Jatinder Chera (BCom ’03), Flore Gimello (BCom ’09), Shoeb Hosain (BCom ’01), Bryn Knox (BCom ’04), William Ma (BCom ’09), Agnes Mak (BCom ’99), Nick Rogov (BCom ’07), Randy Sa’d (BCom ’03), Jennifer Schillaci (BCom ’03), Vlad Tasevski (BCom ’07), Luigi Trentadue (BCom ’03), and Frank Yong (BCom ’03).


CONVOCATION 2013 Renowned economist Paul Krugman received an honorary doctorate from the University of Toronto and delivered the convocation address at the June 2013 BCom graduation ceremonies.


n November 12, 2012, the Honourable Michael Wilson, BCom ’59, was installed as the 33rd Chancellor of the University of

Toronto. On the same day, 76 of our students graduated from our program to join Chancellor Wilson as members of the Rotman Commerce alumni community. In June of the following year, we had the honour of graduating the Rotman Commerce Class of 2013 when 473 students were awarded their BCom degrees. The convocation address was delivered by celebrated economist Paul Krugman, who received an honorary doctorate from the University of Toronto. Of the class of 2013, 216 graduated with distinction or high distinction. Following the ceremony, graduates and their families attended our annual convocation reception, at which the winners of our Director’s Awards for Academic Excellence, Innovation, Leadership, and Spirit were recognized.


DIRECTOR’S AWARDS RECIPIENTS 2012-13 From left to right: Maria Angela Bernadette Yulo, Nirvani Sookdeo, Nicholas Georgievski, Yuxi Chen, Sijin Park, Ivana Strajin, Rotman Commerce Acting Director Dragan Stojanovic, Xueying Liu, Nina Bakhtina, Yvonne Yeung, Albert So, Veronica Tam, and Raphael Wong. Not pictured: Angela Yang Hui Zi Chen, Zoya Gai, and Stephanie Danielle Pantaleo.


OUR DONORS Rotman Commerce students benefit every year from the generosity of our many donors to scholarships and to the Rotman Commerce Annual Fund. The fund directly supports some of our most popular programs and initiatives, such as the Conferences and Competitions Subsidy Fund, student organization events, and professional development opportunities. In contributing to the program financially, our donors help ensure that our graduates will be among the most sought-after and successful leaders in business – today and in the future.

2012-13 DONORS $20,000+ Barclays Corporation Limited HSBC Bank of Canada The Lawrason Foundation The Family of Ms. Catherine M. Logie Robert D. (BCom ’66) and Joan McKeracher Professor A. Edward Safarian The Estate of Thomas Charles Scrymgeour

$1,000 - $4,999 Cynthia Anne J. Bishop Ted E. Chong (BCom ’84) Kenneth Corts and Anna-Marie Castrodale Ernst & Young Matching Gifts Program for Higher Education George (BCom ’82) and Leanne Lewis Stephens B. Lowden (BCom ’60) Allan W. Mark (BCom ’83) Nick Pantaleo (BCom ’80) Alan (BCom ’58) and Louise Redway Deanne Saunders Maureen Stapleton (MBA ’80) Dragan Stojanovic (BCom ’03) Kenneth A. Valvur (BCom ’84) Anonymous (1)

$500 - $999 Ron Bull (BCom ’69) Rosa M. Del Campo (BCom ’87) Sherry G. Firestone (BCom ’82) Brian (BCom ’81) and Colleen Johnston K. Inc Marketing Management George Kosmas (BCom ’93) Bill McFarland (BCom ’80) Michael A. Tambosso (BCom ’79) Bruce Winter (BCom ’77) Harold J. Wolfe (BCom ’63) Anonymous (1)


$250 - $499 Mark A. Caranci (BCom ’92) Freda M. Eickmeyer (BCom ’47) David W. Finlay (BCom ’84) Eileen Gaspirc (BCom ’77) Michael H. Goldstein (BCom ’68) David J. (BCom ’66) and Sandra A. Johnston Margaret H. Smuk (BCom ’57) Stephen Stewart (BCom ’02) Velan Inc. John W. L. Winder (BCom ’54) Anonymous (1)

$100 - $249 David L. Adams (BCom ’79) Lucio F. Ammerata (BCom ’82) Lyne Arseneau (BCom ’88) Sheila M. Baird (BCom ’59) Frank Bajt (BCom ’77) Mark Bank (BCom ’82) Ron N. Borkovsky Arnold Cader (BCom ’62) Dennis H. Cartwright (BCom ’65) Barry Cheung (BCom ’82) David Choi (BCom ’98) Jason Chung (BCom ’04) Jean M. Due (BCom ’46) Dennis Dussin (BCom ’95) Daniel Ellul Albert H. Fast (BCom ’49) William Donald Forsey (BCom ’59) John A. Foulds (BCom ’71) Betsie (Ewing) Gerber (BCom ’47) E. Philip Giroday (BCom ’77) Stephen R Haist (BCom ’67) Paul J. N. Halpern (BCom ’64) Susan Evelyn (Broadbent) Hogan (BCom ’81) William James Hosken (BCom ’04) Raymond Kan (MBA ’88) Enn C. Kiudorf (BCom ’88) Andrea Kwan

Brian La (BCom ’07) Cameron C. Laird (BCom ’81) Lanno Torelli LLP, Chartered Accountants Nancy B. Lee (BCom ’91) Gary S. Love (BCom ’84) Kevin Chung Pui Mak (BCom ’07) Nicholas Martin-Sperry Janice E. Mason Witkowski (BCom ’81) Brian J. McAulay (BCom ’79) Karen McLeister Terence A. McNally (BCom ’72) Robert Michaud Warren Moysey (BCom ’61) Saverio S. Nardi (BCom ’75) Robert Nicholson (BCom ’78) Aleksander Oleszkowicz (BCom ’70) Nives M. Osmokrovic (BCom ’84) Edward P. Ovsenny (BCom ’61) J. Clair Peacock (BCom ’59) Sandra Querin (BCom ’85) Duncan E. Rowland (BCom ’91) Michelle Samson-Doel (BCom ’80) Lawrence L. Schembri (BCom ’79) Tiffany Wilson J. Kenneth Stevens (BCom ’52) Arthur E. Tamaki (BCom ’69) Jeffery David Trapp Fotis Tsiribis (BCom ’88) Christine Wilhelm Samuel Yen (BCom ’94) Lawrence G. Young (BCom ’67) Dilshod Zakhidov (BCom ’10) Anonymous (10)

To renew your support, or contribute for the first time, please visit us online at and select Rotman Commerce from the list of options.

125 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E8 Tel: +1 416.978.3339 Fax: +1 416.978.5844 Email:


Rotman Commerce Alumni Network

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