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'Cows:' a graze show with mooving performances
Led bycreatorAndersonZoll,Mac?sfinest artistsmake most of chance to be scene,herd
BELOW:JuniorEllieLoudermilk(pig) poseswithher?herd,?seniorEmma Johnston(sheep)andseniorKathryn Dooley(calf)Inthemusical,thetrio foughttosavetheirfarmfriend: Betsy-May?Beinginthetriowassomuch fun,?Loudermilksaid ?Insomeparts, [AndersonZoll]wouldgiveusa random beat,andwewouldriffoffofeachother We?devenmakeuphar- monies?She saidCows:the Moosicalwasspecial becauseit wasthefirststudent-ledplay shehasbeenin.?Thebestpartwasthat wewereallsuperexcited,?Loudermilk said."Weputtheshowtogetherwithno supervision?CaptionbyJoJoBarnard
ABOVE: Junior Olive Greene made her acting debut in Cows the Moosical ? I usually do technical theater, but I have a lot of respect for Anderson [Zoll] asan artist, and it was clear that this isa project that he really cared about,?Greene said. Greene found this production more approachable than a typical McCallum production Although she enjoyed the experience, she isplanning on returning behind the scenes ? I don? t know if I?ll do it again,? Greene said. ? I think I?m better suited for hands-on stuff and just kind of prefer that kind of work I think we all brought a lot of energy and were able to actually commit and make it happen.?Caption by Kate
Photo byLucas Walker
ABOVE: SeniorAndersonZoll hugsfreshmanMaggie Brownafterthe closing night of Cows:The Moosical The real storytellerthoughwas Zoll,who transformed Cows from an idea to a full-scale production. The show wasmade possible onlythroughhard work and effort not onlyfrom Zollbut also from the manystudentswho helped him bring hisvisionto fruition.?Some of myfavorite momentswere the late nights I spent inpractice roomswithmyfriendsbuilding harmonies, accompaniment and lyrics.?Zoll said.? I had so muchfunduring the writing processof thisshow,and I am reallyhappywithhow it turned out?Captionand photo byJulia Copas
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LEFT:JuniorAddie Knight (Betsy-May)performs?Beefing withmyDestiny?duringthe opening-nightperformanceof Cows:the Moosical The opening night wasthe first fullrunof the play,asit wasdiscoveredthat the programmingof the stage lightshad beendeleted,forcing lightingdesignerjuniorLilli Gonzalesto reprogramthem only hoursbefore the performance Thisunforeseenchallenge preventedthe ensemblefrom rehearsingonstage the dayof the premiere,makingKnight nervous Despitethisdisruption, Knightremainedoptimistic. ?Personally,I knowI couldn? t havewished fora betteropening night,especiallyconsideringthe circumstances?CaptionbyLucas
Walker PhotobyLanie Sepehri
ABOVE: SeniorAtticusAdair(Samuel) standsnext to juniorHenryMayes (CowboyClyde)ashe decides betweenhisdutyand hisdesire to help Betsy-May Inadditionto playing a lead role inthe show,Adairalso helped write the music forthe show. "We had sucha big task to pull everybody[together]fora full musical, a full two acts,songs,orchestration, whatever,"Adairsaid "It wasstressful, especiallythe last week leading up to it because we were kind of scrambling to make sure everything wasready."