1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳致元 / Chih-Yuan Chen 小魚散步 (On My Way to Buy Eggs )
陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen 小樟樹 (The Little Camphor Tree)
王家珠 / Eva Wang 七兄弟 (Seven Brothers)
陳又凌 / Yu-lin Chen 會生氣的山 (An Angry Mountain)
張上祐 / Shang-Yu Chang 發現 (Discovery)
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 持續贈與的禮物 (The Gift that Keeps on Giving)
黃郁欽 / Yi-Chin Huang 好東西 (It's a Good Thing? - About the Nuclear Plant)
官孟玄 / Meng-Hsuan Kuan 關於這個男人 (Something About a Man)
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 舞之羽 (Dancing Feathers)
黃鈴馨(九子) / Ling-Hsing Huang(Ju Tzu) 國王的新衣 (The Emperor's New Clothes)
段勻之 ( 錡蓁羊羊 ) / Yun-Jy Daunn 小桃子 (Momo)
蔡其典 / Chi-Dian Tsai 元宵 (Lantern Festival)
陳盈帆 / Ying-Fan Chen 愛的小旅行 (Little Voyage of Love)
黃雅玲 / Ya-Ling Huang 月亮人 (The Moon Man)
1994 1995
王家珠 / Eva Wang 新天糖樂園 (Candy Paradise)
陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen 腳踏車輪子 (Willie the Wheel)
張哲銘 / Che-Ming Chang 浯島四月十二日迎城隍 (The City God Reception Parade)
吳欣芷 / Cindy Wume 孤寂 (Loneliness)
劉宗慧 / Lesley Liu 元元的發財夢 (Yuan Yuan's Dream of Fortune)
楊翠玉 / Tswei-Yu Yang 兒子的大玩偶 (The Son's Big Toy)
2000 2001
潘昀珈(川貝母) / Inca Pan 拇指姑娘 (Thumb Girl)
蘇阿麗(阿力金吉兒) / Ali Ginger 有時候 (Sometimes)
周瑞萍 / Rae Chou 去誰家買空氣 (Where to Buy the Air)
施政廷 / Cheng-Ting Shih 月光 (Moonlight)
陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen 嶄新的一天 (A Brand New Day)
王家珠 / Eva Wang 虎姑婆 (Auntie Tiger)
劉鎮國(湯姆牛) / Chen-Kuo Liu 最可怕的一天 (The Scariest Day of My Life)
邱承宗 / Cheng-Tsung Chiu 蝴蝶 (Butterfly)
施宜新 / Yi-Hsin Shih 四個願望 (Four Wishes)
王家珠 / Eva Wang 星星王子 (Starry and the Little Prince)
王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang 回到那個地方 (Back to the Place)
張又然 / Yu-Jan Chang
邱承宗 / Cheng-Tsung Chiu 昆蟲新視界 - 台灣保育類昆蟲 (The New World of Insects-Protected Insects in Taiwan)
(The Forest Where Spring Fairy Dances) 龐雅文 / Ariel Pang 小狗阿疤想變羊 (Barky the Sheep Dog) 閔玉禎 / Yu-Zhen Min 青春泉 (The Fountain of Youth) 吳月娥 王美玲 / Yue-E Wu, Mei-Ling Wang 大比爾與小比利 (Big Bill and Little Billy)
2002 2003
吳欣憓 / Hsin-Huei Wu Where is Panda
崔永嬿 / Yung-Yen Tsui 小罐頭 (The Little Cans) 張哲銘 / Che-Ming Chang 小鹿 (Deer)
蘇子云 / Zi-Yun Su 台灣火車的故事 (The Story of Trains in Taiwan)
2007 2008
謝佳晏 / Chia-Yien Hsieh Where Are You, Denny 鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 炸魚薯條 (Chip & Fishes)
吳睿哲 / Jui-Che Wu 牧羊人說再見 (The Shepherd Said Goodbye) 鄧彧 / Yu Teng 回家 (Way Back Home)
安哲 / Ahn Zhe 阿河 (Aho)
洪意晴 / Iching Hung Le Visiteur
林廉恩 / Lian-En Lin 台灣印象 (Taiwan Visual)
劉旭恭 / Hsu-Kung Liu 誰的家到了? (Who's Stop is This?)
吳欣芷 / Cindy Wume The Best Sound in the World
徐銘宏 / Ming-Hung Hsu 最後三件事 (The Last Three Things)
劉旭恭 / Hsu-Kung Liu 車票去哪裡了? (Where are the Tickets?)
王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang 星鳥 (Star Birds)
劉韻竹 / Yun-Zhu Liu 慢慢 (Slow)
林廉恩 / Lian-En Lin 光之蟲 (The Radiant Bug)
蔡達源 / Ta-Yuan Tsai 廖添丁 (Liao Tian-Ding) 蔡達源 / Ta-Yuan Tsai A Love Story in the Time
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
徐素霞 / Su-Hsia Hsu 水牛與稻草人 (Buffalo and Scarecrow)
陳又凌 / Yu-lin Chen 貓騎士 (A Cat Rider)
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 軌跡 (Trace) 王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang 火燒厝 (Paper House)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
徐素霞 / Su-Hsia Hsu 4
水牛與稻草人 (Buffalo and Scarecrow) / 台灣省政府教育廳
www.facebook.com/suhsiaplace suhsia@mail.nhcue.edu.tw 5
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen 6
小樟樹 (The Little Camphor Tree) / 東方出版社、水滴文化
eric_chenn@yahoo.com 7
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 9 8
cathy03160421@yahoo.com.tw 王家珠 / Eva Wang
七兄弟 (Seven Brothers) / 遠流
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 11 10
papaea168@yahoo.com.tw 段勻之 ( 錡蓁羊羊 ) / Yun-Jy Daunn
小桃子 (Momo)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
王家珠 / Eva Wang 12
新天糖樂園 (Candy Paradise) / 格林文化
cathy03160421@yahoo.com.tw 13
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
楊翠玉 / Tswei-Yu Yang 14
兒子的大玩偶 (The Son’s Big Toy) / 格林文化、台灣麥克
cathy03160421@yahoo.com.tw 15
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 17 16
eric_chenn@yahoo.com 陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen
嶄新的一天 (A Brand New Day)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
王家珠 / Eva Wang 18
星星王子 (Starry and the Little Prince) / 格林文化
cathy03160421@yahoo.com.tw 19
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
張又然 / Yu-Jan Chang 20
春神跳舞的森林 (The Forest Where Spring Fairy Dances) / 格林文化
www.facebook.com/100011112979626 yujan57@gmail.com 21
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
龐雅文 / Ariel Pang 22
小狗阿疤想變羊 (Barky the Sheep Dog) / 格林文化
cutearielpang@gmail.com 23
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
崔永嬿 / Yung-Yen Tsui 24
小罐頭 (The Little Cans) / 上堤文化
yungyent@gmail.com 25
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳致元 / Chih-Yuan Chen 26
小魚散步 (On My Way to Buy Eggs ) / 信誼基金出版社(汪郁潔)
chihyuan27@yahoo.com.tw 27
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
張上祐 / Shang-Yu Chang 28
發現 (Discovery)
yoyocatsneverland.wordpress.com shekouvillage@gmail.com 29
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
官孟玄 / Meng-Hsuan Kuan 30
關於這個男人 (Something About a Man)
www.facebook.com/tatamikuan tatami_7711@hotmail.com 31
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 33 32
chuoo731@gmail.com 蔡其典 / chi dian tsai
湯圓女孩 quenelle girl / 和英
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳志賢 / Chihsien Chen 34
腳踏車輪子 (Willie the Wheel) / 和英
eric_chenn@yahoo.com 35
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
潘昀珈(川貝母) / Inca Pan 36
拇指姑娘 (Thumb Girl)
www.facebook.com/inca.pan inca817@gmail.com 37
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
周瑞萍 / Rae Chou 38
去誰家買空氣 (Where to Buy the Air)
www.loverae.com rae.chou2013@gmail.com 39
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
王家珠 / Eva Wang 40
虎姑婆 (Auntie Tiger) / 格林文化、台灣麥克
cathy03160421@yahoo.com.tw 41
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
施宜新 / Yi-Hsin Shih 42
四個願望 (Four Wishes) / 小天下
www.facebook.com/364212030424219 erin216.shih@msa.hinet.net 43
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang 44
回到那個地方 (Back to the Place)
www.facebook.com/364212030424219 amanwww@gmail.com 45
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
蔡達源 / Ta-Yuan Tsai 46
廖添丁 (Liao Tian-Ding) / 青林
cplemail@ms11.hinet.net (Children's Publications) 47
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
謝佳晏 / Chia-Yien Hsieh
49 48
Where Are You, Denny miniario@gmail.com
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 51 50
pagetsou.com info@pagetsou.com 鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou
炸魚薯條 (Chip & Fishes)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 52
持續贈與的禮物 (The Gift that Keeps on Giving)
pagetsou.com info@pagetsou.com 53
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 54
舞之羽 (Dancing Feathers)
pagetsou.com info@pagetsou.com 55
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳盈帆 / Ying-Fan Chen 56
愛的小旅行 (Little Voyage of Love) / 聯經出版社
yingfanchen.com catwiwi@gmail.com 57
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
蘇阿麗(阿力金吉兒) / Ali Ginger 58
有時候 (Sometimes) / 小魯文化
yingfanchen.com yulan@tienwei.com.tw (Hsiao Lu Publishing Company) 59
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 61 60
ctshih1960@gmail.com 施政廷 / Cheng-Ting Shih
月光 (Moonlight)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
劉鎮國(湯姆牛) / Chen-Kuo Liu 62
最可怕的一天 (The Scariest Day of My Life) / 小天下
aesop.tw@msa.hinet.net 63
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
洪意晴 / Iching Hung 64
©HongFei Cultures
Le Visiteur iching70@yahoo.com.tw 65
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
劉旭恭 / Hsu-Kung Liu 66
誰的家到了? (Who's Stop is This?) / 信誼基金出版社
www.facebook.com/100006793688700 hsukung1973@yahoo.com.tw 67
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
徐銘宏 / Ming-Hung Hsu 68
最後三件事 (The Last Three Things)
www.facebook.com/hankhsu6 hankhsu6@gmail.com 69
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 71 70
amanwww@gmail.com 王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang
星鳥 (Star Birds)
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
林廉恩 / Lian-En Lin 72
光之蟲 (The Radiant Bug)
www.behance.net/nonestates xu06p714@gmail.com 73
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳又凌 / Yu-lin Chen 74
貓騎士 (A Cat Rider)
www.facebook.com/bramasolo2 bramasoloster@gmail.com 75
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
鄒駿昇 / Page Tsou 76
軌跡 (Trace) / 台北市政府文化局
pagetsou.com info@pagetsou.com 77
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 79 78
amanwww@gmail.com 王書曼 / Shu-Man Wang
火燒厝 (Paper House) / 巴巴文化
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
陳又凌 / Yu-lin Chen 80
會生氣的山 (An Angry Mountain)
www.facebook.com/bramasolo2 bramasoloster@gmail.com 81
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
黃郁欽 / Yi-Chin Huang 82
好東西 (It's a Good Thing? - About the Nuclear Plant) / 小魯文化
philiplizzy1@gmail.com 83
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
黃鈴馨(九子) / Ling-Hsing Huang(Ju Tzu) 84
國王的新衣 (The Emperor's New Clothes) / 巴巴文化
www.behance.net/danmian hunter741015@gmail.com 85
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
黃雅玲 / Ya-Ling Huang 86
月亮人 (The Moon Man)
www.facebook.com/yaling.jade yaling.jade@gmail.com 87
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
吳欣芷 / Cindy Wume 88
孤寂 (Loneliness)
cindywume.tumblr.com mrbiggerr@gmail.com 89
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
吳睿哲 / Jui-Che Wu 90
牧羊人說再見 (The Shepherd Said Goodbye)
wujuiche.com wujuiche.tw@gmail.com 91
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
2017 鄧彧 / Yu Teng 92
回家 (Way Back Home) / 大塊
tengyulab.com tengyulab@gmail.com 93
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 95 94
阿河 (aho)
www.ahnzhe.com ahn_zhe@hotmail.com
2018 安哲 / Ahn Zhe
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
林廉恩 / Lian-En Lin 96
台灣印象 (Taiwan Visual)
www.behance.net/nonestates xu06p714@gmail.com 97
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
2018 98
Artwork from The Best Sound in the World by Cindy Wume, publishing in September 2018, in the UK by Frances Lincoln, part of The Quarto Group.
吳欣芷 / Cindy Wume
The Best Sound in the World cindywume.tumblr.com mrbiggerr@gmail.com
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
劉旭恭 / Hsu-Kung Liu 100
車票去哪裡了? (Where are the Tickets?) / 小天下
www.facebook.com/100006793688700 hsukung1973@yahoo.com.tw 101
1989-2018 Taiwan Illustrators Selected by Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
劉韻竹 / Yun-Zhu Liu 102
慢慢 (Slow)
www.facebook.com/deartreepapercuttinglife wawapapercut@gmail.com 103
Curator: Page Tsou
Taipei Book Fair Foundation
Design: Auspicious Design
10F, No. 180, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Taipei 110, Taiwan +886-2-2767-1268 international@taipeibookfair.org www.tibe.org.tw
First published: March 2018 Special thanks to Jender Books