How to Build Credit in 5 Simple Steps | Madame Money Lady
A healthy credit score can make life much easier and enjoyable. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize how important a credit score is to get the things they want most out of life, like a new car or their dream home. Missing a payment on a credit card or allowing a bill to go to collection can have long-lasting effects on a credit report. Negative marks on a credit report can cost several points and when it comes to a credit score, every point counts. It is time for everyone to learn how to build credit again and achieve those dreams that they had years ago. Make a concerted effort to pay every bill on time every month, even if it is only the minimum balance. If there is no possible way to make the payment, call the creditor and ask for an extension. A five to 10 day extension may be granted if a promise to pay is given usually with a checking account number or debit card number. Read Full Article :