5 minute read
Confessions of a Failed Fratricide
Confessions of a Failed Fratricide
Short fiction

Madathil Narayanan Rajkumar
You may think that I was fortunate that I failed in killing my brother. You will imagine so. But I have mixed feelings.
Twice I did this grim task. And I failed and this though did not make me an honourable person in front of my family, it could win back the heart of that old block. Perhaps I was lucky, that way not counting logarithms or finding the value of µ in prison hollow.
You guessed right, I am a mathematician who carted my career off to the corporate world..
And there he pretty much died. This was on one of our treks by the Scottish trails past…Lothian hibernation in September, when the lowland lass might have cast her old tunes or Sir Walter would have his…
And I undertook that mission, which started as a simple discussion and proceeded into an altercation, and a fight of sinful nature.
What was it all about, just a predilection to certain authors. I told that Goethe is the greatest author in German literature and he said
Arno Schmidt.
He said you must read him. His Bottom’s Dream (Zettel’s Traum]
And the fight started and I stabbed him on his stomach and he just uttered a few scathing remarks about my lack of culture and just swooned.See, I always carry a knife by the cover of my dhoti, a practice I got from the college where there was more politics than education. He stooped to his knees, my wife who is a nurse before she hitched me knew how to hinder wounds from bleeding unco, did the right feat and after first aid called taxi.
And she had a lot of premonitions that morning when we three started together, and she told me before we set off-
Something will happen today, either I will fall from the cliff or fall for your misleared brother or I don’t know.., she said.
In our family, we decided things over the chessboard. Whoever will win the sport will determine the proceedings of the rest of the day, which practice our dad gave, because he was a chess champ and my mother who was a better one hid from him her talents in the earlier years of nuptials. This was because in certain segments of our society, a woman becoming a better person than the man was ranked a graver thing to happen in a family. And wives too did not aspire to hurt their beloveds by too much smartness. The fact until she learned some additional tricks from him and after a few lurches in the first years started a spree of winning in the additional years,…this part I will touch later
And you can rest assured that nothing great happened.
You know he was free from the danger.
Then it was after 13 long years when my elder brother lost his love as well as his job and he started to live with us…
And in the beginning, it was a good time, then the trivial jealousies slithered between us, and he scolded my wife in one of the volleys of rage as he could not repress it…
And my wife told me, I am here not as a domestic, but a legally wedded wife and should get respect. In the marriage, I asked a huge dowry, and her father was adamant, I will not give a copper from my poke. if he starves I will provide that son of a --.
And he told these words aloud in front of the Chaudharys next door and the lady was excessively laughing, and this I knew that I did not carry her vegetable basket while coming home..and I swallowed my anger like sugarcane juice and told her, very tasty and enlivening words, are they not, and my wife blushed…
And that night I was too spent with her and told her vehemently, I married without honour, now the fellow, meaning her father, will come to my home like a begga-. And as I predicted two of his shops were taken by the government as it was a road expansion, and I laughed from the depth of my heart, the fellow deserves, it…And I sent flowers for my mother in law and also a Kancheepuram Saree..
Let her attire well, at least…
But to my dismay, my dad in law had a great pull in high offices, and though he lost the shops in the cardinal area, he got two ones on another developing place in the city…
But you see, his only daughter is with me and I thought to reach him a lesson. But to my consternation, that was the season when my brother entered the household with a beaming head and a clean-shaven cast.
I asked him, You seem to be quite handsome, brother, you look nice without the beard. Your cheekbones shine like a man.
I know that. I just shaved from the Capitol.
You could afford it, I asked. Because the Capitol was the best saloon in the city. Only rich people could afford it.
I go there twice a year just before the Board meeting, where I had to be present in Bombay with the top investors, and the Board consisted of a daughter of a film star who invested greatly in the company…
And this film actor was the matinee icon of my college seasons. I wanted to give a good impression before his daughter, and I paid huge for the hairdresser.
Any good news I asked him
Not much, he said, I lost my job.
For that, you have dressed with so much charm and has appeared on my gate? I did not hide my vexation.
You must dress well, chinna(little one), even though you are sinking, for this body you know is a divine instrument.
Then he continued, don’t forget how I paid your fees in the last year of the M.B.A.course.