Emerging Channels Emerging Prospects Technology for Building and Monitoring Social Networks
Summary Goal
Introduce core concepts, challenges and benefits of social media technology through discussion of Children’s experience in building our environment. Demonstrate technical applica?ons via a walk‐through of exis?ng social media proper?es. Discuss next steps / short term future of social media and fundraising opera?ons.
Founda?onal understanding of concepts and technical applica?ons; perspec?ve on work effort involved in administering a social media environment including security, promo?on and policy concerns.
What is Social Media? A form of web‐based communica?on that creates a pla$orm to engage visitors based on the experiences, conversa?on or ac?ons of individuals. Unlike sta?c websites, social media proper?es do not necessarily offer their own content but rather foster visitor par/cipa/on in the crea?on, filtering, sharing, contextualizing and distribu?on of content.
Not just a website…
The Social Media Landscape
How is it different? Reading
• Concept: Brochureware (Print on the Web) • Example: Any sta?c website • User Ac?on: Reading
• Concept: User‐generated content • Example: Blogs, discussion boards and wiki’s • User Ac?on: Post, comment, blog, tweet
• Concept: Life‐integrated, user‐filtered and distributed content • Example: Social Media, Social Networks • User Ac?on: Likes, social commen?ng, sharing, filtering, fan’ing
Share What? Social media users are finding new ways to share their day to day activities whether eating out, listening to music or commenting on news. Even the most banal tasks (like installing software) have become an opportunity to share to social networks. This is an opportunity for fundraising. The next slides will outline different technical tools to encourage sharing.
How It Fits Together? Board
Email List Social Media Cons?tuents
How It Fits Together? Board
Donors Volunteers
Social Media Users
Email List
Social Media Users intersect with ALL cross‐sec/ons and cons/tuencies of your organiza/on.
Case Study: Faebook at Children’s 141,987 “fans” 31,740 visits per month 2.4% click through rate 0.64% gift conversion rate
Promoting Social Media AddThis Widget
- Links on all websites - Linked from emails, eNews and transactional receipts - AddThis has been added to content posted to website to encourage sharing
Page Sharing
Internal Website Banner Ad
Social Commenting - Many software vendors - JS-KIT ECHO - Disqus - Intense Debate - Can be applied any content page and/or replace your existing Comment functionality - Users can add a comment and simultaneously share that on their Social network - Stream of comments stays on your page like a Facebook wall
Social Sharing and Events This example is the last screen of the registration process for Children’s annual walk. We are encouraging users to promote their participation on Facebook and Twitter.
Social Sharing and Giving
Lessons Learned - Social media appeals have a lower conversion rate than mail, telephone or even, email appeals. - Appeals via social media need to be shorter and more to the point than your average email or mail appeal. - Social media complements and magnifies other fundraising work in the online channel. - Doing the work is easy and does not require a large toolset. - It is MUCH harder to nail down the policies, roles and responsibilities for social media. Stakeholder education is king. - Untended social media sites disintegrate quickly. - Images that represent your mission/impact are social winners.
Management Framework
Goals Strategy Editorial Policies
Staff / Security Policies
Tools Tactics Post Content
Site Promo/on
System Integra/on
Schedule Plan
Report Analyze
What You Can Do Today - Check if your organization has a Facebook fan page. - If not, start and brand your organization’s fan page. - Before choosing where to start, check your web analytics to see what social media already direct traffic to your website. - Apply AddThis to make your existing content social. - Promote your social media presences on your main website, email and in print publications. - Add social sharing functionality to your giving processes to allow donors to Tweet or Wall Post that they’ve made a gift.
What You Can Expect Tomorrow - Social media easily complements the work that you’re already doing. - Giving from social media will increase as user adoption gains. - Facebook will become the web’s single sign-on mechanism, even for your website (Facebook Connect). - Social media features will be highlighted and improved in your online fundraising or content management software - Concerns about data privacy and ownership will increase. - Major Donors or prospects will connect with either you or your staff through social media.
Christopher L. Maddocks Director of Information Management and Technology Children’s Hospital Boston Twitter – twitter.com/clm2134 Email – Christopher.Maddocks@CHBoston.org