Week 04 journal

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List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page. -Client -The number of times the document has been issued -Project name (title) -Building surveyors

- Is there a grid? What system is used for identifying the grid lines? There are letters A-G going vertically and numbers 1-3 horizontally. This is a number and alphabet grid system - Why is some information found in General Notes?

-Project engineers

The general information provides us with direction and where we can refer to for information. For example, we can look at the general notes to refer to where in the document we can find door schedules

-Project director

What is the purpose of the legend?

Why might this information be important?

-The legend tells the reader where they can refer to for sections in the document. -Instead of drawing every type of window, doors and walls on each working drawing, the architect will draw them once and the legend will show the reader where they can locate theirs drawings - All parts of the working document are numbered and the reader can refer to the legend and corresponding number for details and information on parts of the drawing or finer details such as furniture and finishes

-Project architect -Project management

Provides readers with background information about the project. The background information enables people to refer to the previous work done by the people involved in the project.



- What type of information is shown in this floor plan? -General notes -Direction (North) -Scale -Legend -Internal finishes -Partition legend -Clouding - Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions? -Milometers -Scale (1:100)

Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing. Some parts of the drawing are annotated as form the drawings alone, the reader is not able to distinguish finer details including veneer, finish, furniture, glazing and fire hydrants

- Illustrate how the locations of sections are identified on the plan. What do these symbols mean? The symbols tell the reader where the section starts and in what direction (up or down)

- Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What do these symbols mean? These symbols refer to the drawing number to allow the reader to locate sections, elevations or more detailed drawings of parts of the building.

The number on this symbol, provides readers with the page number that they can locate the elevation of this section of the building - How are windows and doors identified? Provide and example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawings? Windows on the drawings look like this

The doors are shaped like this

The numbers are the measurements of the length of doorways and windows.

- Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan?

Provided on the left hand side of the document. On the drawing I observed, on the left hand side, the information provided was ERC Building, level three/SSC plan

- Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why? The clouds represent modifications and changes to the original plan



- What type of information is shown in this elevation? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan? -One major difference from the plan is that there is a different scale. The plan was 1:100, where as the elevation is 1:20 -The elevation drawings also provide the height of things and where each floor level begins -The elevations also include more finer details than the plan such as the inclusion of hand rails.

- Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevation. Dimensions include height and length of materials, which are not provided on the plan. Dimensions include the height of level one which was 42.12 FFL The Dimensions of the timber battens were also provided which were 45x45 mm - What types of levels are shown on the elevations? Illustrate how levels are shown in relation to the elevation. The levels are expressed in meters and often refer to the height above sea level. -The elevation includes finished floor levels as well as structural height of each level. The symbol for each level is expressed by this symbol:

- Is there a grid? If so, how / where is it shown? In the elevation plan we looked at there was no grid.

- Are any parts of the elevation clouded? Why? No not on the elevation page of the external veranda of the ERC

- Is there a legend? What does it identify and how is it used? The general legend -wall section -elevation -finishes -room number -door number -window number -finished floor level

Illustrate where this elevation is located in relation to the plan?

With these numbers, we can flip through to the other pages, to find the detailed drawings of the windows, doors, rooms what finishes are used and wall sections.

- What types of information on the elevations are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done. The information expressed in words describes how materials are joined together such as screw fixed. It also provides information on measurements of the materials that are being fixed together. Modifications are also expressed in words. For example, an existing handrail was extended. This information is provided at the top of the page and has arrows point to the area they are talking about.



- Illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations. Doors are expressed via this symbol. The reader is supposed to refer to the number for detailed drawings of the door on another page

Windows are expressed via this symbol. The reader is supposed to refer to the number for detailed drawings of the window on another page


- What type of information is shown in this section? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan and elevation? -Scale is shown which is 1:100 which is different to the elevation but the same as the plan -General notes and legend is included but no partition legend which is shown in the plan -RL and FFL is included, FFL is included in the elevation but RL is not and both RL and FFL are not included in the plan. Indications of floor levels and heights are included in the sections and do not appear in the plan -Clouds also appear in the section drawings which were not evident in the elevation

Other information includes -finishes structural slab level -elevation references -building section references -wall section details -finishes -window and door numbers -floor finish services

- Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the elevation? -FFL is shown and indications of each levels and their height. -The dimensions that differ are the inclusion of RL, which provides measurements on the length of the fabricated windowsill and PFC beam.

- What types of information on the sections are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done. The type of information on the sections expressed using words includes: -The material of the screens (Timber battens) -Faรงade systems positioning (east) -glass louvers -where the service entrance is located This information is provided at the side of the page and has arrows point to the area they are talking about.

- Illustrate how the section drawing differentiates between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevation (beyond). Sections are an aerial view, where as elevations you are looking at top to bottom of the building section (front on view) -It is much easier to distinguish floor level on elevation drawings

- Provide examples of how different materials are shown on the sections.

It is shown on the side of the plan and expressed in words. For example, a timber batten screen

- Find where this section is located on the plans.



- What sorts of things are detailed? Jamb detail -scale is given (1:5) -lotus number 1 -stacking track system -70x40mm PFC to head of door -50x50mm equal angle steel frame -35x35mm timber batten

- Are the details compressed using break lines? Why? Yes, the break lines indicate a feature of the jamb that has already defined. This includes measurements and materials.

- Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale. -Materials size given in mm -Each material and measurement are provided - This information is provided at the side of the page and has arrows point to the area they are talking about.

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