Vintage a la Mode Advertising: Proposal - Madison Gottschalk

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Executive Summary


Chapter One: Situation Analysis




Business Model


Product Life Cycle




Purchase Process & Distribution


Consumer Characteristics


Chapter Two: Advertising Objectives


Chapter Three: Industry Survey


Client Survey


Customer Survey


Chapter Four: Advertising Budget


Chapter Six: Creative Strategy & Media


Chapter Seven: Advertisements



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This advertising campaign is created for the use of Vintage a la Mode. The ultimate purpose of the material is to generate a customer base & to strengthen the brand name and image. The target market statistics, advertising objectives, industry surveys for the client and customers, advertising budget, promotional strategies & creative strategy and media detail and outline the projected advertising campaign idea as well as the actuality of the campaign. The first chapters outline logistical steps and statistics that support the campaign, followed by the introduction of what the projected advertising campaign would entail. This report is complete with actual imagery used by Vintage a la Mode for advertising purposes.




The situation analysis will touch base on • Vintage a la Mode’s Heritage and History • Outline of Vintage a la Mode’s Business Model • Resale Market Statistics • Product Life Cycle • SWOT • Purchase Process and Distribution • Consumer Characteristics


Vintage a la Mode specializes in 20th century fashion for women; featuring dynamic styles that are both eclectic and contemporary, located in Pike Place Market. Opened in February of 2015, shop owners Steph and Cindy both have extensive backgrounds working within the fashion industry, both specializing in vintage retail environments. Cindy has leased the retail space that Vintage a la Mode stands for some time. Before rebranding into Vintage a la Mode Cindy operated The Powder Room where she concentrated on contemporary fashion. The two decided to embark on a business endeavor that evolved into what is now Vintage a la Mode. With their backgrounds and overall fashion knowledge they successfully resource merchandise that is attractive to both vintage connoisseurs and the vast amount of tourists (of all backgrounds) that shop their brick & mortar. Vintage a la Mode is a small business boutique, located on First & Pine downtown Seattle. This small business completes all operations in house, finding support from its core employees. From resourcing merchandise, prompting marketing and advertising campaigns, public outreach, and all other endeavors made to promote and support the business. 4

RESALE MARKET Vintage a la Mode is a small business boutique. Because of the location within Pike Place Market, they reach a multitude of customers (we will expand further on the customer profiles in upcoming sections). The business model is simple; to generate revenue from merchandise sales. All employees contribute to this process in one way or another, and this branches out from resourcing merchandise to upkeep within the storefront and other operational procedures. Vintage and resale fashion is a niche market gaining momentum in the states and especially in Seattle. Most consumers demand new products, leaving the idea of vintage and resale fashion behind. Though in recent headlines we have seen fashion leaders profess their admiration for vintage fashion, as it allows them to express their individuality in ways that fast-fashion mass-producing giants such as H&M and Zara cannot. Resale consumers are among many who made the transition from shopping mainly with contemporary brands in an effort to better budget and salvage cash. These consumers are able to find on trend pieces, that may be 6 months to 60 years old, and be able to incorporate these pieces into their wardrobes. Consumers of vintage fashion are proud to buy their resale fashion. These consumers are environmentally aware of the positives of recycling fashion, they are proud to support the many small business and charities that specialize in recycled fashion, and most importantly anxious to give a garment a second life while optimizing their wardrobe. The market for resale and vintage fashion expanded drastically following the economic downturn occurring in 2009. Individuals and families from all backgrounds found themselves in crisis, and turned

to resale retailers for their needs. These shifts in consumer culture and lifestyle ultimately elevated the resale market status. The Oregon Employment Department provides research expressing the growth of this market, explaining the rate of spending on resale items increased 19.6 percent from December 2007 to December 2013. Comparing this figure to the growth of retail spending increasing just 6 percent over the same time frame it is clear resale business is in high demand. The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops (NARTS) offer small business owners a platform and support in opening their small resale businesses. Their research into the resale market concludes that resale and thrift stores are experiencing a 7 percent growth annually, this figure represents the number of small business resale shops opening minus those who closed their doors. NARTS estimates there is around 25,000 resale, consignment, and not-for-profit resale business currently operating in the United States. The resale industry generates $16 billion annually, within the United States. The not-for-profit business Goodwill Industries generated $5.1 billion in 2012 collectively from the 2,900+ storefronts and online sales. Another commonly known resale business, Buffalo Exchange, generated $81.6 million in 2012 from their 45+ retail locations; and Crossroads Trading Co. generated $20 million from their 32+ retail locations. Small businesses, such as Vintage a la Mode, take advantage of their niche market. These business models offering specialty product to a local market are able to establish personalized trust and loyalty with their clientele, their customer service levels are especially strong.



Considering the nature of vintage and resale retail, Vintage a la Mode has an interesting and demanding way of controlling where their products land on the product life cycle stages.

of business from deviating consumer markets. The resale aspect and tourist location of the store allow for this range of product to be stocked.

The buyers of Vintage a la Mode must continually conduct trend research to stay up to date on the direction of fashion trends within their target market that are happening now.

The industry lifecycle stage of Vintage a la Mode falls in the introductory and growth stages of the graph; because the business opened February 2015 – not even a year has past since the opening. This stage of the business of an optimal time to begin building a foundation, develop and build a brand image.

Because the merchandise is entirely vintage and resale merchandise the buyers must resource the product themselves. With the brand image in mind the buyers continually curate a collection of women's fashion. The vintage market is growing in popularity. Nostalgia and conscious consumerism drive this growth especially. This places Vintage a la Mode at the growth stage of the overall product life cycle. The products offered in store teeter on the edge of both introductory product and mature product, though this is to done to maintain a flow

This advertising campaign will tap into the opportunities of such a young business – constructing a solid foundation that will successfully build up customer relationships is key at this stage.



The SWOT analysis outlines the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Vintage a la Mode. This information will highlight the abilities of the brand while contrasting the weaknesses – understanding the complete profile of the brand will allow for a thorough advertising campaign to be constructed and implemented. This information is equally important with Vintage a la Mode’s direct competition – understanding this profile outline of the competitors will assist in constructing a dynamic campaign that will differentiate Vintage a la Mode’s brand.

The vintage and resale market demands have grown continually following the recession – this is a market serving any type of consumer who is looking for the same product just at a frugal cost. For Vintage a la Mode this means that the fashion conscious can turn to their business as a major outlet for their retail needs. The product offering at Vintage a la Mode offer accessories, shoes, and a complete women's wardrobe. Everything Old is New Again

As any business Vintage a la Mode faces success and downfalls. These all offer the opportunity of learning from the experience. Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the brand is vital for growth and development.

Styles and fashion naturally refurbish themselves, recent trends support this. The market of young women is especially susceptible to this because of the natural feelings of nostalgia they have for past trends – obsessions with past decades and their unique characteristics fuel the desire to incorporate these fashions into their wardrobe to amplify their personal style.


Years of Experience

Store Location

Shop owners Steph and Cindy have been in the vintage, resale, and contemporary retail industry for 30 plus years. Collectively they have owned and operated multiple successfully retail businesses. The young age of Vintage a la Moe does not suffer from inexperienced owners.

Vintage a la Mode is located on 1st Ave. and Pike St. downtown Seattle. One block from Pike Place Market, undoubtedly the top attraction for groups of people both local and from around the globe. Additionally just five blocks away is Westlake center and the retail core of Seattle. Vintage Shopping in High Demand

Weaknesses Budgets


As any small business experiences in the beginning stages, there is a lack of a budget and funding for growth and development through advertising and marketing. Pulling out of pocket from the business takes away from employment opportunities and the growth that would provide the business.

need for rebranding or to mend past conceptions from their consumers.

Lack of Brand Recognition

Vintage a la Mode is still in the introductory years of its business lifecycle, having only been open from February 2015. This poses as a threat to the growth of the business because the brand image, following, and demand are still in the works. These fundamentals require extensive work to build and maintain.

Because this business is still so young there is not a plentiful amount of brand recognition. This can be seen as a temporary weakness. Lack of Vintage and Resale Downtown Seattle Although vintage and resale markets are growing in popularity it has not made a substantial mark in the Downtown neighborhood. Vintage shoppers do not typically turn to this neighborhood to find their treasures – this is something that will change through brand recognition. Opportunities Lack of Vintage and Resale Downtown Seattle This can also be seen as an opportunity. Because there is not much direct vintage retail competition in the area Vintage a la Mode will be able to create a memorable and unique to the area shopping experience. Shoppers will be able to have a refreshing and new shopping experience amongst the mass of retail chain stores with Vintage a la Mode. Room for Growth Because Vintage a la Mode is such a young business there is the opportunity to create a strong brand image for the public. There is no

Threats Young Store

Small Scale Business Considering the size of Vintage a la Mode, operating with 5 staff members can be seen as a threat. The growth of the business depends on the work of these individuals. This is a threat because the growth is dependent on the experience, the work implemented, and creative ideas that are available to grow the business.

Competitors These retailers pose as direct competition. 2. Westlake Center 3. Pacific Place 4. Urban Outfitters 5. H&M 6. Forever 21 7. Zara 8


These fundamental steps are vitally important to the business of Vintage a la Mode. These steps are conducted in house – the success of each is dependent on the buyers, who also act as pricing specialists with financial growth in mind. The purchase process, distribution of merchandise and pricing strategies are analyzed and implemented based upon experiences doing so and considered with current and emerging market trends and demands.


Purchase Process

Pricing Strategies

The buying process for a vintage and resale boutique is vastly different than traditional retailers, and one that requires extensive work.

The prices set on merchandise within Vintage a la Mode are carefully calculated to meet all the financial needs and spending to maintain the business.

For most vintage and resale retail buyers spend their office hours out scouting thrift shops, estate sales, and other various venues offering resale merchandise. The buyers of Vintage a la Mode regularly visit and shop thrift stores such as Goodwill and Value Village. These retailers offer affordable and more contemporary styles. Estate sales offer unique and thoughtfully curated wardrobes and jewelry collections; here is the opportunity to find vintage clothing and jewelry that can be either costume themed or genuine. Buyers experience with vintage and resale merchandise is a necessary to ensure that the garments and accessories resourced are authentic, in adequate condition and most importantly in demand from consumers.

The markup strategy practiced by Vintage a la Mode typically raises the price of a product 200 to 400 percent – depending on the product, brand, and quality. For example, if a blouse was purchased for $10, it was a recognizable brand name for either vintage consumers or contemporary brands consumers, it would be sold on the retail floor at around $30. Averaging the retail prices at a profit of 300% from the cost of purchase ensures profits will be made. These prices are below that of the average retailer in the downtown neighborhood. Vintage a la Mode practices below competitors pricing. This gives Vintage a la Mode a competitive advantage as customers recognize and appreciate the affordable costs of merchandise.

Understanding fair, unreasonable, and great deals comes with experience. Being able to budget while ensuring there is enough stock flowing is important during the purchase process. Methods of Distribution The method of distribution is selective to the storefront. This is the only outlet in which consumers can purchase with Vintage a la Mode. While it may be selective it is a successful method for the young business.



The consumer characteristics outline and define our target market – understanding the lifestyles and behaviors of our target market will allow for a concisely crafted advertising campaign built from a thoughtful understanding of how to successfully communicate the advertising campaign.


There is no particular resale consumer; these shoppers come from all backgrounds and means all looking for affordable (comparatively speaking), unique fashion. Vintage consumption is driven by nostalgia, the need for individuality and the thrill of treasure hunting. Resale consumption is also driven by frugality; these consumers ultimately are looking to purchase unique fashion at a good price. Shifts in consumer attitudes have driven the vintage market. These consumers, especially those younger in age, have shifted their values and found inspiration in vintage fashion trends. Current fashion designers turn to the past when conjuring their designs, trend forecasters have also revealed how consumers are keen on vintage and retro inspired trends.

greater Seattle region, the number of women who fall into this age demographic is supplemented by the numerous universities and colleges in the area, the drastically growing economy and the equally strong and growing job market of young adults. The existing resale and vintage market in Seattle is strong – each neighborhood housing multiple storefronts that operate both though brick and mortar and online. Vintage a la Mode’s prime location on 1st Avenue & Pike Street downtown Seattle is considerably optimal and easily accessible by locals and tourists alike. This location coupled with the growing desire for vintage and resale merchandise will allow for a smooth transition into the market – making a mark in this region will not be strenuous.

These consumers revel in the eco-friendly ideals behind recycling clothing, reflecting their change in values. Resale businesses and resale consumers alike prove their change in values and support for recycled fashion as a revolt against the mass-produced fast fashion retailers. This reaction adds to their desire for individuality, also reflecting their values. The American Research Group evaluated that approximately 16-18 percent of Americans will shop with a resale establishment in a given year. The better put this figure into perspective 11.4 percent of Americans will shop within an outlet mall, 19.6 percent will shop in a contemporary apparel shop, and 21.3 percent will shop within a department store. Vintage a la Mode will work this advertising campaign around the specific market women aged from 18 to 30. This is a fruitful market in the 12



Our advertising objectives are developed with the understanding of the existing business model and brand strength. These objectives layout and explain the ultimate goal and ability Vintage a la Mode will reach upon completion.

Understanding the market landscape and the targeted audiences characteristics, needs and wants we will be able to construct marketing goals that will be quantifiably and realistically measured and met.

Vintage a la Mode’s advertising objectives will ultimately….

Vintage a la Mode will use the method of testimonial advertising. This method takes a unique and specialized approach of engaging with an audience. This type of advertising highlights the benefit of the product through the demonstration of the product through a well-known and trustworthy spokesperson. Testimonial advertisements use the existing following around the spokesperson to speak to the designated audience – ultimately reaching an audience that would have been further out of reach through alternative advertising methods.


Considering the nature of Vintage a la Mode we will feature local Seattle fashion blogger Cassandra of Coco + Kelley to act as our spokesperson through the advertising campaign. We chose Cassandra of Coco + Kelley because this professional is relatable, trusted, and reliably known through the fashion community and beyond in the Northwest region. It is important for this advertising campaign to be transparent and engaging; Cassandra’s credibility will assist in reaching and grabbing the attention of the desired target market.


Cassandra will also attain the attention of a customer base that will fall under the category of a direct and secondary consumer.

Communicate to our existing and future customer base at least 30% increase; demonstratewho we are and what we offer through concise and transparent examples. Inform Inform out audience of our product, testimonial advertising will allow us to inform through a trusted figure – which will cushion and strengthen our message.

Convince the audience to engage with Vintage a la Mode. Stimulate Stimulate the audience through generated attention and buzz around the offering Vintage a la Mode provides. Motivate Motivate the audience to shop, to build and collectively maintain relationships.



The intended role of this advertising campaign to generate brand awareness, begin the fundamental necessities to maintain a brand following, be able to thoughtfully and clearly demonstrate the brand and product offering, Understanding that Vintage a la Mode is a small business and also a young business is an important factor in developing the advertising campaign. Brand recognition is a key factor that needs to be understood by the targeted market through these marketing efforts. The communication method through testimonial advertising will amplify the intention of the initial advertising efforts because it will launch from a previously existing platform of the selected spokesperson.



INDUSTRY SURVEY Our surveys are intended for the use of both clients and the clients audience. The surveys highlight the perception of the brand, quality of brand image, and the wants & needs of both parties necessary for advertising success.

CLIENT SURVEY GOAL: To understand and define the brand and the existing perception of the brand. This will assist in differentiating Vintage a la Mode and strengthen the message of the advertising campaign. The answers from this survey will help in developing a dynamic and unique advertising campaign that will best represent Vintage a la Mode.

7) What makes your business different than others?

8) What do you feel your greatest strengths are that assist in developing your business? 9) Where do you want to see your business in 5 years?

Brand Identity Survey:

10) What is ONE word you would use to best describe your brand?

1) Tell me about your dream and vision for Vintage a la Mode

11) How do you think customers perceive your brand?

2) Describe the type of consumer you want to attract and serve

12) How can we assist you in achieving your goals with our service?


Describe the style of your products


What the mission of your brand

13) The Key benefit you want to highlight in positing your brand

5) What is something you want people to know about your business? What characteristics and values of your company do you think are most important?

14) The supporting argument – the reasons consumers should believe they will receive these benefits

6) Do you think your brand image/ vision is portrayed truly and effectively, in terms of your storefront, product offering, logo, perceived brand image? Are there improvement you want to be made, and if so where?


CUSTOMER SURVEY GOAL: The answers from this survey will help in developing a dynamic and unique advertising campaign that will best represent Vintage a la Mode. This survey will be distributed in store and through an email newsletter. The purposes of this survey is to ultimately define the perception of Vintage a la Mode’s brand and to better understand how to successfully speak to the targeted audience. Customer Survey: 1. Where do you do most of your apparel shopping? a. Small businesses b. Retail chain businesses c. Department stores d. Resale/ thrift stores 2. How do you define your style? a. Casual b. Eclectic c. Trendy

3. What brought you in to shop with us today? a. A friend/ acquaintance recommended it b. I found out about the store online c. I have been here before & decided to shop here again d. I randomly walked in 4. Which is more important to you as a shopper? a. Quality b. Quantity 5. Do you think your wardrobe gives a good portrayal of your individuality and personal style/aesthetes? a. Absolutely: I purchase items knowing these will show off my personal style b. Sort of: I sometimes purchase items that show off my personal style, but these are not a priority c. No: I do not purchase items that show off my personal style

d. Other: _________



ADVERTISING BUDGET This budget will outline the projected cost of the advertising campaign. This estimation will include development and production costs. This will prepare Vintage a la Mode for the hypothetical cost an advertising campaign of this magnitude will cost for the small business.

PROJECTED BUDGET The following estimate is complete for a six hour work day to complete the campaign. Personnel


Days Hired






$50 PH

$300, 6 hours

Production Assistant



$12 PH, Store Employee

$72, 6 hours

Hair & MUA



$50 PH

$125, 2.5 hours

Photo Editor



$100 PD

$200, 2 days

Model/ Spokesperson





Studio Rental







The following estimate is for the promotional tools used to implement the advertising Personnel




Post Card


$10 per 50




$20 per 25




$25 per 20


Social Media

8 days

$100 PD




This represents the total cost of the advertising campaign upon completion Type







$2,222 20

ACTUAL BUDGET These number demonstrate the actual cost of the advertising material created. Personnel


Days Hired



Store Associate: Photographer/ Styling/ Editing



$12 PH, 6 H






PROMOTIONS These promotional strategies will elevate the advertising campaign. Offering an alternative routes for Vintage a la Mode to implement and extend use of the advertising campaign.

Pop Up Shop

Social Media Campaign – Extended

In the case of Vintage a la Mode wanting to further interact with their community and neighboring businesses, the boutique could host or be hosted to a pop up shop.

Vintage a la Mode could continue to use the imagery to represent their brand through social media platforms – considering the advertising material is a strong representation of their brand image, values, and product offering. Because the business is still generating a foundational customer base and considering the business does not have discretionary income to allot to additional advertising or marketing campaigns the brand should take full advantage of the materials available.

In this situation Vintage a la Mode could recycle the advertising materials produced for the original advertising campaign. If they are hosted to show in a pop up, they will have material to better visually represent their business and have tangible items for the customers to remember them buy. The business could tweak the materials as needed, but the idea remains the same. The advertising materials created are intended to draw in and engage the target market. To take this promotional strategy further, employees could attend local fashion events and network to find any leads to make this event a reality. Local fashion shows, conferences, charities, etc are all great opportunities to get the brand name out to local fashion people. Promotions and Direct Mailers Vintage a la Mode could further use the advertising materials to strengthen any special promotions they have in store or for the purposes of the direct mailers to the customer base. This could be seen as a way to extend the ad campaign. It will keep the brands name and image current with the customer base as they will have a tangible visual representation of the brand.

Fashion Show or In Store Events The business could continue to use the imagery to gain awareness for events held in store. Whether it a grand re-opening, seasonal celebration, or simply to have an exciting event held in store to generate interest and awareness of the brand.

Refurbishing or simply recycling the advertising campaign will remain familiar to the target audience, considering the business is in the introductory years of its life this is an important factor to remember and work upon. The advertising materials can be used in a multitude of ways. The goal of each clearly is to generate interest and strengthen the business. The materials taken from the campaign will give Vintage a la Mode a better understanding of how to represent their brand and speak to their audience effectively.



CREATIVE STRATEGY & MEDIA Vintage a la Mode will practice testimonial advertising through print media and digitally. These avenues of advertising are most appropriate to the target market – this demographic is mobile and particular with the opportunities they present to open communication with advertisements. This strategy will allow for optimal conversation with the target market – centering placement and timing around their



Vintage a la Mode will partner with local Seattle fashion and lifestyle blogger Coco + Kelley to act as a brand spokesperson. As discussed in the advertising objectives (see CH. 2), these advertisements will “piggy back” our spokespersons target market and consumer reach. Coco + Kelley,, owned and operated by Cassandra Lavelle self proclaims to have “a strong eye for trends, and an imagination that enjoys pushing boundaries and disregarding rules”. These are all characteristics Vintage a la Mode posses and communicates. This paring not only is strengthened from similar values and aesthetics but also by the shared target audience. Testimonial advertising can best be described and seen through advertisements with celebrity models. A good example to reference for this particular situation, of a business targeting the millennial generation, can be seen through Estee Lauders advertisements which aired Fall 2015. The brand placed Kendal Jenner as the face of their products, a move that directly targeted and gained interest of the immensely popular model and socialites fan base. Placing Coco + Kelly as the face of the brand will generate interest from her fan base, one that holds over twenty thousand followers on Instagram not to mention website hits and subscriptions she holds both locally and worldwide. The existing trust, strength of relationships in the area with target

consumer, and credibility are the reasons to chose Coco + Kelley as the spokesperson. The advertisements will play to the idea of Vintage a la Mode as a lifestyle, and a brand that can speak and understand the needs of the millennial market. The message and product offering of Vintage a la Mode will be carried and supplemented by Coco + kelley. The advertising campaign will be communicated through both digital media and print media. Digital Media Vintage a la Mode will concentrate the digital advertising through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The implementation of these ads will be simultaneous, syncing all social media accounts will allow for ease in posting. Additionally, Vintage a la Mode will budget to pay for ad placement for a particular period of time on Facebook and Instagram. This will allow for a targeted audience member (specified through age, location, likes, etc) to be reached. These ads will be placed in the feed of each social platforms stream. The targeting options will be selective and relevant to the brand, and reach the millennial market Vintage a la Mode wants to engage and build relationships with. These advertisements will be both video and still photography. This will give the audience various ways to engage, depending on their preferences


at the time. The timing and broadcast location will optimize the advertising reach.

the advertising efforts and sent to the subscribers of Coco + Kelley.

Coco + Kelley will also be an advertising avenue. There will be the same advertisements seen through Facebook and Instagram, as well as testimonial editorials posted throughout Coco + Kelley social media platforms and newsletter audience. Utilizing her blogging strength and audience reach will optimize the success rate of the advertising campaign. Coco + Kelley will offer a more personal and trusting advertisements to her audience, here Vintage a la Mode will be able to be seen as trusted brand by a local celebrity. Her endorsements will propel Vintage a la Mode’s brand image further than it could have landed had basic advertising methods been practiced.

This is an effective and cost efficient way to advertise beyond digital media – giving the customer physical reminders of Vintage a la Mode, these materials may reach the hands of customers beyond the reach intended.

Digital media advertisements will be something customers locally and internationally traveling to Seattle/ Pike Place Market will be able to remember and communicate through.

The print media will be a lasting, memorable, and tangible for consumers. Mood of Advertisements The goal of this advertising campaign is to generate a following, create brand recognition, and craft a foundation for Vintage a la Mode to continually use to grow their business. The advertisements will give the target audience a desire to shop with Vintage a la Mode. The audience will build a thematic association of Vintage a la Mode through the advertisement, which internally creates a relationship between them and the business.

Print Media Considering the leverage Coco + Kelley will give Vintage a la Mode in the consumers reached through digital advertising the print advertising will remain within modest means of the budget. The visuals captured for the advertisements will be collected and produced into a complete catalog and professional post card edits. These will be offered at the storefront free given to all customers who purchase merchandise. Data collected from the digital media advertising will collect the online consumers mailing addresses both physical addresses and emailing addresses. A newsletter will be compiled and sent to customers attained from

Themes of nostalgia, uniqueness, and individuality will be communicated in the advertisements. These are all characteristics of Vintage a la Mode and Coco + Kelley. It is important for the campaign to remain relevant between subjects, and a campaign that is thoughtfully crafted with these characteristics in mind will do just that. These ideas will be demonstrated completely; through colors, merchandise used, beauty, and location. Collectively the brand images of both Vintage a la Mode and Coco + Kelley will be communicated and strengthen each other.


Deliverable The advertising campaign will launch for the Winter 2015 season. All themes and characteristics of the campaign will revolve around winter trends, with of course the vintage and unique flair of the subjects. Projected Media The short video and photography advertisements will project the brand image of both subjects. Playing off of the vintage aspect, the ad campaign be a moody play off of 1920’s vintage style. The cinematic style of the ad campaign will highlight and amplify the brand image of both Vintage a la Mode and Coco + Kelley – it will be demonstrate how to take vintage trends and translate them into a contemporary style. The video advertisements will be be completed into five ten second segments. Each exemplifying various merchandise coordination's of Vintage a la Mode. Focussing on all segments of the product mix. The product mix will be sectioned into groups; footwear, jewelry, handbags, and clothing. The styling of these groups will be organized to complement the entire selection of product. There will be no dialog in the video, instead music played over each scene. This will make the action more dramatic, seeing Cassandra of Coco + Kelley working and modeling the various merchandise.

From the videos, still photography will be taken for all other print material. These will demonstrate the same message as seen in the video material. Actual Media The print media created from the resources available are a concise and clear example of the idea of the projected advertising campaign. The material can easily be used by Vintage a la Mode to further communicate with their target audience and express their brand image. While their is no spokesperson along with the material, the idea of demonstrating the merchandise is still evident. To continue the theme of nostalgia and vintage style, the coloring, set, and merchandise coupled with select props translate the main objective of the campaign. With that, the chosen graphic design style represents a them that is current and appreciated by the target audience. These print materials can be used for all advertising tactics as outlined through the creative strategy.

Collectively, the themes of vintage fashion with the current design aesthetic create a successful advertising campaign that represent Vintage a la Mode and best communicates with their target audience.





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