A to z creatures under the sea by maddy mcdermott

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A to Z Creatures Under the Sea By: Maddy McDermott

A is for‌. Angelfish The Angelfish is a tropical fish that lives in reefs in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The Angelfish is usually yellow with blue stripes and an orange mask around its eyes. The Angelfish is about 32 centimeters long.

B is for‌. Blue Whale The Blue Whale is the largest animal on the planet. The Blue Whale can be as long as 100 feet and can weigh up to 99 tons. The Blue Whale is grey with white around its fins.

C is for‌. Coral Coral are usually clustered in compact colonies. Coral feed on small fish or plankton. Coral can be many different colors.

D is for‌. Dugong The Dugong is a medium sized marine mammal. The Dugong can live up to 70 years or more. The Dugong mostly eats sea-grass plants.

E is for‌. Eel The Eel lives in shallow waters of the ocean and bury into sand, mud, and rocks. The Eel’s body has a long shape. The Eel can swim backward by reversing the direction of the waves.

F is for‌. Flying Fish The Flying Fish can make powerful leaps out of the water and into the air. They have long wing-like fins that allow them to glide above the water. They can travel at speeds of more than 70 miles per/hour for up to 160 feet.

G is for‌. Great White Shark The Great White Shark can range from eleven feet to twenty feet. The Great White Shark is known for its powerful bite because it has many sharp teeth. The Great White shark is a major predator of the ocean.

H is for‌. Harbor Seal The Harbor Seal lives in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Baltic and North Seas. The Harbor Seal can be brown, silvery white, tan or grey. The Harbor Seal has blubber under its skin to help maintain body temperature.

I is for‌. Isopoda The Isopoda has fourteen legs or more. The Isopoda varies in color. The Isopoda can be found in shallow saltwater and freshwater.

J is for‌. Jellyfish The Jellyfish is found in every ocean. The Jellyfish has an umbrella shaped bell with tentacles attached for its body. The Jellyfish uses its tentacles to sting its prey.

K is for‌. Krill The Krill can be found in all oceans. The Krill’s diet consists of mostly plankton. Lots of large fish eat Krill.

L is for‌. Lobster The Lobster is found in all oceans. The Lobster has a hard shell over its body. The lobster can live up to 70 years.

M is for‌. Manatee The Manatee has a large stomach and paddle-like flippers. The Manatee communicates with other manatee by making a wide range of sounds. The Manatee can be found in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

N is for‌. Narwhal The Narwhal lives in cold arctic waters. The Narwhal migrates in the winter. The Narwhal has a large tusk that comes out of its head.

O is for‌. Octopus The Octopus has eight arms with suction cups on them. The Octopus is highly intelligent compared to other sea creatures. The Octopus has sharp eyesight and a good sense of touch.

P is for‌. Plankton Most Plankton are microscopic in size. Plankton are unable to swim against the current and instead float in the water. Plankton can be found in oceans, seas, lakes, and ponds. Plankton are a crucial source of food for many animals.

Q is for‌. Quahog The Quahog is a round clam with a hard shell. The Quahog varies in color from white to grey. The Quahog ranges in size from one to four inches.

R is for…. Ray The Ray has a flat body with long, flat, broad fins. The Ray lives on the seafloor. The Ray eats shells, clams, snails, and oysters on the seafloor.

S is for‌. Seahorse The Seahorse ranges from a half an inch to fourteen inches. Seahorses have bent necks, long snouted heads, a trunk and tail. Seahorses do not have scales. Instead their body is made of rings or body plates with thick skin stretched over them.

T is for…. Toadfish The Toadfish has a large mouth with lots of sharp teeth. The Toadfish makes grunting or croaking sounds underwater. The Toadfish can grow up to 16 inches.

Uis for‌. Umbrella Squid The Umbrella Squid lives in the Atlantic Ocean and between the coasts of Australia and New Zealand. The Umbrella Squid has ten tentacles. The Umbrella fish has one small eye and one large eye.

V is for‌. Viperfish The Viperfish has long needle-like teeth. The Viperfish uses its natural light producing organs to catch its prey and attract other fish. The Viperfish lives at the bottom of the ocean.

W is for‌. White-Beaked Dolphin The White-Beaked Dolphin has a short white beak. The White-Beaked Dolphin lives in cold climates. The White-Beaked Dolphin is born with two to four whiskers that fall off when it grows older.

X is for…. Xiphosura The Xiphosura can have up to four eyes. The Xiphosura can grow up to 24 inches. The Xiphosura lives on the sandy ocean floor.

Y is for…. Yelloweye Rockfish The Yelloweye Rockfish is a small fish that lives in rocky areas of the ocean.The Yelloweye Rockfish can be yellow, red, or orange. The Yelloweye Rockfish is one of the world’s longest living fish species.

Z is for‌. Zebra Shark The Zebra Shark is nocturnal. The Zebra Shark spends most of its day resting motionless on the seafloor. The Zebra Shark has ridges on the sides of its body, a spotted pattern and small eyes.

Standard: 2-LS4-l. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

Works Cited (2013). "Next Generation Science Standards: Second." Next Generation Science Standards. A Framework for K-12 Science Education Michelle. (2015). “List of Ocean Animals A through Z�. Owlcation. https://owlcation.com/stem/list-of-ocean-animals

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