Scholastic Canada, French New Releases, January April 2011

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Prices subject to change without notice.

Index 1-100

100 blagues! Et plus... no 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 39 clés, Les. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


Adversaire, L’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Allez ouste, l’orignal!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 À table avec les monstres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Abeille et Ours deviennent amis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Agneau et Lapin font un pique-nique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Âne et Cheval jouent au parc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Araignée et Escargot sont différents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Arc-en-ciel magique, L’ Les fées des jours de la semaine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Argent, ça compte!, L’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Autobus magique, L’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Autobus magique au pays des papillons, L’ . . . . . . . . 39 Autobus magique prend le mors aux dents, L’. . . . . . 39 Avalanche de surprises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Aventures extraordinaires de Ulysse, Les. . . . . . . . . . 25 Bella adore le patin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Belle nuit étoilée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Bêtes pas bêtes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Bon dragon, Le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Brontorina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


C’est chic d’être vert!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Chair de poule Horrorland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chameau fabrique un jouet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chaton et Chiot s’amusent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chauve-souris et Paon sont sous la pluie. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chèvre et Cochon se déguisent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chien et Chat jouent à la balle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chocolat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Clifford tout p’tit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Corps humain, Le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Debout, Marmotte! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Deux mouffettes font la fête. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Diplôme pour Émilie, Un. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Dix Oiseaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Éléphant et Zèbre au marché. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 En 3D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 En avant la musique!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Enfin, te voilà! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Et si j’avais vraiment des superpouvoirs?. . . . . . . . . . 42 Fêtons le 100e jour d’école!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fort et faible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Frisson l’écureuil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Frisson l’écureuil fête son anniversaire. . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Gorille et Lama préparent un gâteau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gros et petit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gros Ours et Petite Puce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hippo et Rhino partagent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Huit jours - Un enfant à Haïti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Husky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 J’aime la Saint-Valentin!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 J’aime la Terre!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 J’aime Pâques! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 38 Je lis mes mots-outils - Série 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Je peux lire! Niveau 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 26 Je peux lire! Niveau 2 - Scooby-Doo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Joyeux anniversaire, grand méchant loup! . . . . . . . . 36 Jules, le seul et unique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Labyrinthe des squelettes, Le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Lapin et Girafe aiment les pommes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lili la vache. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Lina, la fée du lundi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lire et découvrir... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Logis d’animaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ma première... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première journée d’école. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première petite sœur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première sortie scolaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première visite à l’hôpital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première visite chez le dentiste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ma première visite chez le médecin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Matin de Papillon et Chenille, Le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Maude, la fée du mercredi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Méli-mélo d’autocollants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mes grands frères et moi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mia, la fée du Mardi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mission : Adoption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 16 Mon gros livre de super machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mon guide de la nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mon journal full-nul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mon petit amour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Mots Mystères no 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Mouton et Hibou à la bibliothèque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Noir poison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 On ne frappe pas! J’apprends à contrôler ma colère. . 5 Où est Canard?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ours polaire et Kangourou vont à l’école. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Papillons, Les. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Papillon et chenille commencent la journée. . . . . . . . . 4 Petite poule rousse, La . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Petit Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Petit pingouin frileux, Le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Petit poisson deviendra grand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Petit poisson deviendra grand - Mon premier . . . . . . 24 Pingouin et Pieuvre jouent ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Poèmes à compléter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Poèmes à compléter sur la vie de mon quartier. . . . . . 8 Poule et Serpent cuisinent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Poursuite au parc safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Raiponce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rapide et lent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Raton et Grenouille jouent au baseball. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rose bonbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Rusé et Sot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Sans toi!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sauterelles, Les. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Secret de la salle aux momies, Le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Secret trop lourd, Un. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Singe et Flamand roulent à vélo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Souris cuisine pour Canard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Souris! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 The David Beckham Academy No 4 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tigre et Lion jouent à la cachette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Troublantes coïncidences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ultime traversée vers la liberté, L’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vache et Cochon courent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

I n d e x



Prices subject to change without notice.

Cover illustration from Enfin, te voilà! Copyright © Mélanie Watt, 2011 for text and illustrations. Backcover illustration from Frisson l’écureuil fête son anniversaire. Copyright © Mélanie Watt, 2011 for text and illustrations.

Published at Éditions Scholastic, 604, King Street West, Toronto (Ontario) M5V 1E1 CANADA. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada 2222462

Picture Books Gros Ours et Petite Puce


The Very Itchy Bear

Gros Ours is here . . . and here is Petite Puce (but Petite Puce’s a little small to see). This is Petite Puce about to bite, but not because he’s impolite. He’s biting Gros Ours to say, ‘Hello!’. In Gros Ours grincheux, Gros Ours’ cave was invaded by four playful animals. In Gros Ours et Petite Puce there is just one creature bothering him: a persistent flea. Gros Ours tries to get away, but Petite Puce just won’t leave him alone. When Gros Ours finally gets rid of Petite Puce, he finds that he misses him – and a new friendship is born.

By Nick Bland

$9.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 60 Ages 0-3 • 9 ½" x 10" 24 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0497-5

Picture books by Nick Bland Gros Ours grincheux

The Very Cranky Bear $8.99 • 978-0-545-98615-1 • Ctn: 80

J’ai rendez-vous avec un monstre A Monster Wrote Me a Letter $9.99 • 978-0-439-93574-6 • Ctn: 80

Où sont tous mes bisous?

I’ve Lost My Kisses By Trudie Trewin Illustrated by Nick Bland $8.99 • 978-0-545-99280-0 • Ctn: 80

Sortez de mon livre!

The Wrong Book $8.99 • 978-0-545-98036-4 • Ctn: 24 n

Illustration from Gros Ours grincheux

Prices do not include taxes.

J a n u a r y



Picture Books Specifications

Debout Marmotte!

By Susanne Leonard Hill Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler

When groundhog Charlotte grows up, she wants to be Charles de Chambord, the official weather forecaster on Groundhog Day. Unfortunately, as her family points out, Charles de Chambord has never been a girl. Charlotte knows she can do the job, though, and when she wakes on February 2nd and recognizes the signs of an early spring that her old uncle Charles misses, everyone realizes her dreams aren’t so far-fetched. Charming, full-colour acrylic paintings detail Charlotte and other cute, clothing-clad groundhogs cozy at home and out in the snow.

Wake Up, Groundhog!

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 215 Ages 2-6 • 8" x 8" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0978-9

Also available S.O.S. Marmotte!

Substitute Groundhog By Pat Miller Illustrated by Kathi Ember $9.99 • 978-0-545-98724-0 • Ctn: 108

A Wintertime confidence -b ooster


Bella adore le patin

By Ian Whybrow Illustrated by Rosie Reeve

When Daddy Rabbit suggests skating on the frozen lake, Bella’s big brother and sister are excited. But little Bella is nervous. What if she falls over and everyone laughs at her? Gently encouraged by the others, Bella gains confidence and steps out onto the ice — and discovers that she loves skating! A wonderful book to share with any child who ever has lacked confidence in his or her ability to step out into the world — and have fun!

Bella Gets Her Skates On

$9.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 215 Ages 4-8 • 9" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0672-6

Ian Whybrow is a well-loved writer with a wonderful

talent for capturing children’s humour and imagination. He has written many successful picture books. He lives in England.

Rosie Reeve originally trained as a fine artist, but

became interested in illustrating children’s books after having her own three children. She lives in England.



2 0 1 1

Picture Books Huit jours


Eight Days

By Edwidge Danticat Illustrated by Alix Delinois

The earthquake on January 12, 2010, dramatically changed the lives of Haïti’s beautiful and precious children. Many watched others die. Others, like Junior, were stuck in the rubble of their homes and were rescued several days later. Here is the story of such a little boy. Here is a story of hopes and dreams, of courage and of survival.


Fêtons le 100e jour d’école!


Graham doesn’t like school. He really doesn’t like reading. And he’s not not impressed by his teacher’s excitement over the 100th Day of School. The one thing he looks forward to? His class birthday party. But as the year ticks by, he realizes his birthday falls on the same date as the 100th Day celebration! Will anyone remember Graham’s special birthday?

By Susan Milord Illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma

Un enfant à Haïti A Story of Haiti

Happy 100th Day!

Picture Book Hardcover • Ctn: 100 All ages • 7" x 11" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0674-0

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 90 Ages 6-9 • 10 ¼" x 11" 40 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0982-6

Prices do not include taxes.

J a n u a r y



Learning Sight Words Is a Snap! Je lis mes mots-outils - Série 2 Sight & Word Stories #2

Jumpstart learning to read with this irresistible collection of little books that introduce and reinforce the first 50 sight words. Each of these 24 delightful stories presents two must-know words in a predictable format to help ensure reading success. It’s everything you need to get children reading and writing these key words with ease!

Specifications By Shelley Harwayne

$2.99 Paperback • Ctn: 900 Ages 5-6 • 5 ½" x 5 ½" 8 pages, full-colour

Abeille et Ours deviennent amis Bee and Bear Become Friends dit • va 978-1-4431-0944-4

Agneau et Lapin font un pique-nique Lamb and Rabbit Have a Picnic où • ici 978-1-4431-0943-7

Âne et Cheval jouent au parc Donkey and Horse at the Playground peut • aller 978-1-4431-0942-0

Chèvre et Cochon se déguisent

Papillon et Chenille commencent la journée

met • à

Dog and Cat Play Ball

Butterfly and Caterpillar in the morning s'il vous plait • mon 978-1-4431-0952-9

balle • rouge


Pingouin et Pieuvre jouent ensemble

Deux mouffettes font la fête Two Skunks at a Birthday Party

Penguin and Octopus Play jouons • et 978-1-4431-0939-0


Poule et Serpent cuisinent

Goat and Pig Play Dress-up


Chien et Chat jouent à la balle

elle • jolis (es)

Araignée et Escargot sont différents Éléphant et Zèbre au marché Spiders and Snails aime • ne pas 978-1-4431-0959-8

Elephant and Zebra at the Market veux • non 978-1-4431-0938-3

Chameau fabrique un jouet

Gorille et Lama préparent un gâteau

Camel Makes a Toy aura • vert (s) 978-1-4431-0958-1

Gorilla and Llama Bake a Cake Petit • gros 978-1-4431-0955-0

Chaton et Chiot s'amusent

Hippo et Rhino partagent

Kitten and Puppy Have Fun

voici • viens


Chauve-souris et Paon sont sous la pluie Bat and Peacock in the Rain

bleu (s) • parapluie 978-1-4431-0956-7



2 0 1 1

Hippo and Rhino Share moi • toi 978-1-4431-0949-9

Lapin et Girafe aiment les pommes Bunny and Giraffe Go Apple-Picking

là-haut • vois


Chicken Cooks, Snake Helps aide • jaune 978-1-4431-0954-3

Mouton et Hibou à la bibliothèque Sheep and Owl Look For Funny Books drôle • livre 978-1-4431-0946-8

Ours polaire et Kangourou vont à l'école Polar Bear and Kangaroo Go to School il • dedans 978-1-4431-0940-6

Raton et Grenouille jouent au baseball Racoon and Frog Play Baseball saute • cours 978-1-4431-0951-2

Singe et Flamand roulent à vélo Monkey and Flamingo ride Bikes trois • deux 978-1-4431-0957-4

Souris cuisine pour Canard Mouse Bakes For Duck un • pour 978-1-4431-0947-5

Tigre et Lion jouent à la cachette Tiger and Lion Play Hideand-Seek cherche • dans 978-1-4431-0945-1

Vache et Cochon courent Cow and Pig Run courons • jusqu'à 978-1-4431-0937-6

Picture Books & Early Readers On ne frappe pas!


J’apprends à contrôler ma colère Hands Are Not for Hitting

By Martine Agassi Illustrated by Marieka Heinlen

Psychologist Martine Agassi helps young children understand that violence is never okay, that they can manage their anger and other strong feelings, and that they’re capable of positive, loving actions.

$9.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 108 Ages 4-8 • 8" x 8 " 24 pages, full-colour

Made to be read aloud, On ne frappe pas! also includes a special section for adults, with ideas for things to talk about and activities to do together.


Recommended for anyone in a caring relationship with a young child; perfect for childcare, preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary school classrooms.

Niveau 1


Hello Reader! Level 1

By Hans Wilhelm

Simple words and short sentences for the newest reader.


J’aime la Saint-Valentin!

Early Reader Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 3-6 • 6" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour

I Love Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day, but Nestor is sad. He didn’t get any cards. Doesn’t anyone love him?


Also available Aïe! J’ai mal!

Je n’aime pas les bisous!

Je n’aime pas les dodos!

Je suis grognon

J’aime la neige!

Je n’aime pas les brutes!

I Love Snow! $6.99 • 9978-0-545-98705-9

I Hate Bullies! $6.99 • 978-0-439-94787-9

Je n’aime pas les orages

Je veux aider!

J’aime l’école!

Je n’aime pas les chats

I Love School! $7.99 • 978-1-4431-0192-9

No New Pets! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98297-9

J’aime Noël!

Je n’aime pas les départs!

Ouch! It Hurts! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98128-6

I Love Christmas! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98803-2

No Kisses, Please! $6.99 • 978-0-439-94786-2

Please Don’t Go! $6.99 • 978-0-545-99297-8

I Hate Bedtime! $6.99 • 978-0-439-95842-4 I Am Brave! $6.99 • 978-0-545-99587-0

I’m So Grumpy! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98190-3 I Can Help! $6.99 • 978-0-439-96615-3

Je n’aime pas le vent!

It’s Too Windy! $7.99 • 978-1-4431-0395-4

Je n’aime pas partager!

I Won’t Share! $6.99 • 978-0-439-94094-8

Prices do not include taxes.

J a n u a r y



Chapter Books Specifications By Ellen Miles

Puppy Place


Charles and Rosalie Fortin love puppies. They have a puppy of their own named Biscuit, but they also foster dogs that need help finding new homes.

Chapter Book Paperback • Ctn: 124 Ages 7-10 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 80 pages




Rosalie Fortin and her family are on an adventurous winter vacation in snowy Vermont when she meets an adorable husky abandoned by his sled-dog racing team.Will Rosalie be able to find Husky a home where he is appreciated?

Also available Belle • Honey 978-0-545-98276-4

Cannelle • Goldie 978-0-545-99517-7

Biscuit • Buddy 978-0-545-99281-7

Carlo • Pugsley 978-0-545-99205-3

Boule de neige Snowball 978-0-545-99518-4

Glaçon • Noodle 978-0-545-98712-7

Maggie et Max Maggie and Max 978-0-545-98118-7 Margot • Scout 978-0-545-98806-3 Patou • Lucky 978-0-545-98275-7

Pico • Cody 978-0-545-98840-7

Rascal • Rascal 978-0-545-98713-4

Presto • Flash 978-0-545-98120-0

Réglisse • Shadow 978-0-545-99204-6

Princesse • Princess 978-1-4431-0178-3

Théo • Patches 978-0-545-98807-0 Tony • Jack 978-1-4431-0376-3

The David Beckham Academy


The David Beckham Academy

By Matt Crossick

At the David Beckham Academy every day is a footballing adventure!


No 4 - L’adversaire

Chapter Book Paperback • Ctn: 124 Ages 7-10 • 5" x 7 ¾" 96 pages

# 4: Bossy Boots

Arrogant Tom is used to getting his own way on and off the pitch. So when he has to turn to talented rival Kate for help to win a game he learns an important lesson about pride.


Also available No 1 - Double défi #1: Twin Trouble 978-1-4431-0329-9



2 0 1 1

No 2 - Esprit d’équipe #2: Le Football 978-1-4431-0331-2

No 3 - Gardien gagnant #3: Save the Day 978-1-4431-0609-2

Novels L’ultime traversée vers la liberté


Crossing to Freedom

By Virginia Frances Schwartz

Just 11 when he flees from his Georgia plantation, Solomon avoids the slave catchers and reaches the border separating the United States from Canada. But his grandfather — his only remaining family — has been injured and would not survive the crossing. If Solomon does reach Canada, how will he make his way without Grandpa Jacob at his side?

$16.99 Novel Paperback • Ctn: 120 Ages 9-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 240 pages 978-1-4431-0925-3

After 1850, when the Fugitive Slave Act passed, it was even more dangerous for runaway slaves to live in the United States (the Act threatened fines or imprisonment for anyone who did not turn escaping slaves over to the authorities). During this period, fugitives passed over the border into Canada. Free Blacks did live in the northern states, but even in Canada, slave catchers sometimes kidnapped them and dragged them back to the South.

Virginia Frances Schwartz was born in

Stoney Creek, Ontario, near where part of this story is set. She taught public school in New York City for 25 years. She is the author of If I Just Had Two Wings, Send One Angel Down, Initiation and 4 Kids 5E and 1 Crazy Year. Her books have received amazing reviews and numerous awards.

Captivating stories about

The Underground Railroad,

a vast network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada.

Also available Cher Journal - Du désespoir à la liberté A Desperate Road to Freedom By Karleen Bradford $18.99 • 240 pages • Ages 9 and up 978-1-4431-0100-4

Libre - Le long voyage d’Henri Henry’s Freedom Box A True Story from the Underground Railroad By Ellen Levine Illustrated by Kadir Nelson $9.99 • 40 pages • Ages 5-9 978-0-545-99582-5

Le rêve de Martin Luther King Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King By Jean Marzollo Illustrated by Brian J. Pinkney $9.99 • 32 pages • Ages 4-8 978-0-545-98701-1

Illustration from Libre — Le long voyage d'Henri

Prices do not include taxes.

J a n u a r y



Reproducible Books Poèmes à compléter


Instant Poetry Frames 40 fun and easy reproducible poetry frames that help all kids write different kinds of poems and practice rhyme, alliteration, and more...

By Betsy Franco

$9.99 Reproducible Book Ctn: 102 Ages 6-8 • 8 ½" x 11" 48 pages, full-colour,

sur la vie de mon quartier Neighborhood & Community


Poetry writing is a snap with reproducible fill-in poetry frames! Engaging writing prompts spark the imagination and foster confidence as children write different kinds of poetry about key social studies topics. Easy-to-follow directions guide children to develop skills in rhyme, alliteration, and more. A great way to meet the language arts standards!

Also available Poèmes à compléter au fil des mois Instant Poetry Frames Around the Year $9.99 978-1-4431-0143-1

Illustration from Poèmes à compléter au fil des mois



2 0 1 1

Humour for Everyone! 100 blagues! Et plus... Nº 27


100 Jokes! And more... #27

By Julie Lavoie Illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

The 27th joke book is now available and it promises to make everyone laugh out loud more then ever! Collect all 27 books and enjoy sharing fun facts, jokes and riddles with friends and family!

$3.99 Joke Book Paperback • Ctn: 215 Ages 7-12 • 3 ¾" x 5 ¼" 108 pages 978-1-4431-0680-1

Over 270 000 Copies Sold!

Prices do not include taxes.

J a n u a r y



Choose th Robert Munsch’s 30 book with Scholastic Canada!

Mon Munsch ‘ å moi 3 3

From September 1 to October 31, 2010, visit and help us pick a Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko book from three story outlines. The book idea with the most votes will be published in May 2011. From January 1 to March 1, 2011, fans can enter online for a chance to win a visit to their school from Robert Munsch! National print and online advertising




2 0 1 1

“Vote sch” for Mun buttons

nal o i t Na icity l pub aign p cam

Picture Books Allez ouste, l'orignal!



By Robert Munsch Illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Luke gets up early one Saturday morning and finds a moose in the backyard. He wakes up his dad, and then his mom, and each declares that “moose never come on the farm” - only to be surprised by the moose itself. Mom tries to shoo it away with a broom - but the moose eats it. Dad tries to scare it away with a hose - but the moose uses it to take a bath. Luke feeds the moose carrots and decides to keep it. But then Luke’s sister comes along with a surprising solution to the problem!

$8.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 108 Ages 3-8 • 8" x 10" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0719-8

More Munsch and Martchenko!

Also available Le croque-noirceur $7.99


Jamais je ne t’oublierai $8.99


Le monde de Munsch $24.99


La princesse dans un sac $7.99


L’univers de Munsch $24.99


Also available Beaucoup trop de bagages! $8.99 978-1-4431-0246-9 Un bébé Alligator? $8.99 978-0-590-12391-4 Le bouffon de la classe $8.99 978-0-439-93595-1 Bouh! $8.99 978-0-439-96125-7 Drôle de rose $8.99 978-0-545-99432-3 Encore un but! $8.99 978-0-545-99036-3

Grrrros lion! $8.99 978-0-545-98021-0 J’ai un beau château $8.99 978-0-439-95591-1 Ma dent ne veut pas tomber! $8.99 978-0-590-12436-2 Ma mère exagère! $7.99 978-0-439-95241-5 Une maison pour rire $7.99 978-0-439-98960-2 Maquillage à gogo $8.99 978-0-439-98897-1

Marilou casse-cou $7.99 978-0-439-98816-2 Mets-moi dans ton livre! $8.99 978-1-4431-0081-6 Mmm... des biscuits! $7.99 978-0-590-51712-6 On partage tout! $8.99 978-0-590-51451-4 Ribambelle de rubans $8.99 978-0-590-51424-8 Rien à porter! $8.99 978-0-439-93792-4

Sors du lit, Annie! $8.99 978-0-590-12474-4 Tes chaussettes sentent la mouffette! $8.99 978-0-439-96708-2 La tignasse de Max $7.99 978-0-439-98717-2 Tire le bouchon, fiston! $7.99 978-0-545-98601-4 Une tonne de tartes! $8.99 978-0-7791-1387-3 Vroum! $7.99 978-0-7791-1433-7

Please visit our web site for a detailed list of our award-winning books: hhtp://

Prices do not include taxes.

F e b r u a r y



Picture Books Enfin, te voilà!


You’re Finally Here!

By Mélanie Watt

From the creator of Frisson l’écureuil comes a hilarious picture-book commentary on tardiness. The author-illustrator behind the bestselling Frisson l’écureuil series returns with a book that both children and adults will enjoy. As soon as the reader opens the book they are greeted by a goggle-eyed bunny who is very happy to see them. However, the bunny’s been waiting long enough to learn an accordion solo, so . . . Where were you?The bunny might forget all the boredom and annoyance your lateness has caused and stop pestering you about where you’ve been . . . as long as you promise to stay. C’mon, let’s put it in writing!

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: xx Ages 3-8 • xx 40 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0908-6



2 0 1 1

Picture Books Frisson l’écureuil fête son anniversaire


Frisson l’écureuil never has birthday parties. He’d rather celebrate by himself in his nut tree than risk party crashers taking him by surprise. So he’s perfectly happy to plan his own birthday in which he’s the only life of the party. Of course, things don’t go quite as expected and Frisson’s party of one ends up growing exponentially when some uninvited guests show up...

By Mélanie Watt

Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 100 Ages 4-8 • 8" x 8" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0685-6

Mélanie Watt is a young talented author-illustrator who has won several prestigious awards for her work, including the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Award, the Blue Spruce Award and the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award. She charmed children with Augustine, the little penguin, Frisson l’écureuil, the scaredy squirrel and more recently, with Chester, the big red cat and Al Lerusé, the salesman. Mélanie began working on her first children’s book while still in university. Léon le caméléon was a class project about being different that also explored the concept of complimentary colours. Mélanie has also published Apprendre avec les animaux, a set of 5 concept board books.

Also available Frisson l’écureuil Scaredy Squirrel Ctn: 100 978-0-439-94047-4 Frisson l’écureuil se fait un ami Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend Ctn: 100 978-0-545-99806-2 Frisson l’écureuil à la plage Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach Ctn: 100 978-0-545-99228-2 Frisson l’écureuil en pleine nuit Scaredy Squirrel at Night Ctn: 120 978-0-545-98745-5

Boîte Frisson l’écureuil Ensemble marionnette, livre et théâtre Scaredy Squirrel Puppet, Book and Theatre Set

Ctn: 6 978-1-4431-0156-1 Boîte Frisson l’écureuil se fait un ami Ensemble marionnette, livre et théâtre Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend Puppet, Book and Theatre Set

Ctn: 4 978-1-4431-0166-0

$27.99 Box: 10“ x 8 ¾“ x 4” Ages 4-8

More Picture Books and Board Books by Mélanie Watt Apprendre avec les animaux


L’alphabet 6,99 $ 978-0-439-95815-8 Les chiffres 6,99 $ 978-0-439-95882-0 Les contraires 6,99 $ 978-0-439-95880-6 Les couleurs 6,99 $ 978-0-439-95814-1 Les formes 6,99 $ 978-0-439-95881-3

Chester 9,99 $ 978-0-545-99861-1 Chester - Le retour 9,99 $ 978-0-545-99147-6 Le Chef d’œuvre de Chester 9,99 $ 978-1-4431-0145-5

Augustine 8,99 $ 978-0-439-94134-1 J’ai tout un livre pour toi! 9,99 $ 978-0-545-98184-2 Léon le caméléon 8,99 $ 978-0-439-98612-0

Prices do not include taxes.

F e b r u a r y



Picture Books Specifications

Sans toi!

By Geneviève Côté

In this sweet and charming follow-up to Me and You (Comme toi! ), a fussy bunny and exuberant piggy discover that life is a little sweeter when it is shared with someone special.

Without You

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 130 Ages 2 and up • 8" x 8" 32 pages, full-colour

After falling out over a spilled wagon of toys, these two very different friends decide they don’t want to play together anymore and they contemplate all the things they can do without each other. But they soon realize that things aren’t quite as much fun when they’re on their own.


Geneviève Côté is a Governor General Award-

winning children’s author/illustrator from Montreal, Quebec. Her books include Me and You (Comme toi!) What Elephant? (Quel éléphant?) and With You Always, Little Monday (Je suis là Petit Lundi).

From the same author Comme toi!

Me and You $9.99 • 978-0-545-98183-5 • Ctn: 130

Quel éléphant?

What Elephant? $8.99 • 978-0-439-94132-7 • Ctn: 64

Je suis là, Petit Lundi

With You Always, Little Monday $9.99 • 978-0-545-99248-0 • Ctn: 120

Illustration from Comme toi!



2 0 1 1

Picture Books Mes grands frères et moi


The Book of Big Brothers

What is it like to be the youngest of three brothers? In this wonderful story, author Cary Fagan gives a true-tolife picture of growing up in such a family - from the adventure and fun to the mischief and mishaps. The brothers camp out in the backyard, accidentally set the neighbour’s tree on fire and play football in the living room. And although the older brothers can be mean sometimes, the youngest is usually in on the fun.

By Cary Fagan Illustrated by Luc Melanson

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 100 Ages 3-8 • 8 ¼" x 10 ½" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0919-2

Cary Fagan is an award-winning author of books for children and adults. He lives in Toronto, Ontario. Visit his website at

Luc Melanson has illustrated many children’s books. He won the Governor General’s Award for his illustrations in The Grand Journey of Mr. Man by Gilles Tibo as well as several other awards. Luc lives in Laval, Quebec.




Brontorina has a dream. She wants to dance. But Brontorina is rather large — too large to fit in Madame Lucille’s dance studio. Brontorina does not have the right shoes, and everyone knows you can’t dance without the proper footwear. Still, Brontorina knows, deep in her heart, that she is meant to be a ballerina. James Howe introduces a lovable dinosaur whose size is outmatched only by her determination, and whose talent is outmatched only by her charm. Accompanied by Randy Cecil’s beguiling illustrations, here is an irresistible story that proves that no problem is too big when the heart and imagination know no bounds.

Prices do not include taxes.

By James Howe Illustraded by Randy Cecil

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 48 Ages 4-8 • 9 ½" x 10 ¾" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0673-3

F e b r u a r y



Early Readers & Chapter Books Specifications

Niveau 2 Hello Reader! Level 2

By Gail Herman Illustrated by Duendes del Sur

Includes flash cards and illustrations throughout.

Poursuite au parc safari


The Scary Safari

Early Readers Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 5-7 • 6" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour

The gang is on a safari! The sightseeing turns spooky when Scooby and Shaggy are separated from the group. Soon, they are surrounded by elephant ghosts! Quick! They need to escape and find their friends to help them solve this new ghost mystery…


Je peux lire! Niveau 2  Les beignes disparus Disappearing Donuts $6.99 • Ctn: 24 978-0-439-98589-5

La carte de la Machine à mystères Map in the Mystery Machine $5.99 • Ctn: 176 978-0-439-98590-1

La course monstre The Race Car Monster $6.99 • Ctn: 192 978-0-439-97562-9

Hello Reader! Level 2

Frayeur au football

Mystère à Hollywood

Football Fright $6.99 • Ctn: 200 978-0-545-99509-2

The Movie Star Mystery $7.99 • Ctn: 200 978-1-4431-0193-6

Gare au blizzard!

Panique au musée

The Big Bad Blizzard $6.99 • Ctn: 180 978-0-545-99210-7

The Mixed-up Museum $6.99 • Ctn: 220 978-0-439-94077-1

L'horrible fête d'Halloween

Qui a volé les Scooby Snax?

Snack Snatcher $6.99 • Ctn: 160 978-0-439-95365-8

The Haunted Halloween Party $6.99 • Ctn: 200 978-0-545-99184-1

Un serpent de mer!!! Sea Monster Scare $6.99 • Ctn: 200 978-0-439-96605-4

Le vilain farceur du camping

Terreur au motel

The Camping Caper $6.99 • Ctn: 200 978-0-545-99829-1

La valentine disparue

The Apple Thief $6.99 • Ctn: 24 978-0-439-96219-3

The Haunted Road Trip $6.99 • Ctn: 200 978-0-545-98127-9

Le voleur de pommes

Valentine's Day Dognapping $6.99 • Ctn: 192 978-0-7791-1628-7

Specifications By Ellen Miles

Puppy Place


Charles and Rosalie Fortin love puppies. They have a puppy of their own named Biscuit, but they also foster dogs that need help finding new homes.

Chapter Book Paperback • Ctn: 124 Ages 7-10 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 96 pages

Chocolat Baxter


Chocolat is a Portuguese water dog whose owner has just lost her job. Rosalie offers to foster the puppy, until they can find the perfect forever home. But Chocolat can’t be left alone for more than a few minutes without getting upset. Can Rosalie help this little doggy?

Ellen Miles is the author of more than 28 books including several Scholastic Classics such as The Pied Piper, the Taylor-Made Series; and 15 other books in the Puppy Place (Mission : Adoption)series. She lives in Vermont. Also available



Belle • Honey 978-0-545-98276-4

Cannelle • Goldie 978-0-545-99517-7

Biscuit • Buddy 978-0-545-99281-7

Carlo • Pugsley 978-0-545-99205-3

Boule de neige Snowball 978-0-545-99518-4

Glaçon • Noodle 978-0-545-98712-7

2 0 1 1

Maggie et Max Maggie and Max 978-0-545-98118-7 Margot • Scout 978-0-545-98806-3 Patou • Lucky 978-0-545-98275-7

Pico • Cody 978-0-545-98840-7

Rascal • Rascal 978-0-545-98713-4

Théo • Patches 978-0-545-98807-0

Presto • Flash 978-0-545-98120-0

Réglisse • Shadow 978-0-545-99204-6

Tony • Jack 978-1-4431-0376-3

Princesse • Princess 978-1-4431-0178-3

Graphic Novels Jules, le seul et unique


Big Nate — In a Class by Himself

Jules barely survives his dad’s toxic oatmeal before rushing off to school — minus his lunch. He body slams the nononsense principal; he accidentally insults his least favourite teacher, the horrifying Mrs. Godfrey (a.k.a. Godzilla); and school has barely started! Jules keeps his cool. He knows he’s destined for greatness. A fortune cookie told him so. For fans of the ever popular, ever hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid series (Journal d'un dégonflé). Get ready to meet Jules!

By Lincoln Peirce

$18.99 Graphic Novel Paperback • Ctn: 57 Ages 8-12 • 5 ½" x 8 ¼" 224 pages 978-1-4431-0605-4

Lincoln Peirce was born in Iowa. He studied art at Colby

College in Maine, where he drew his first comic. He also studied at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, and created the comic strip Big Nate, which has been syndicated to numerous newspapers. Lincoln Peirce has also taught art at a high school in New York.

Prices do not include taxes.

F e b r u a r y



Chapter Books Specifications

Un secret trop lourd

By Nancy Wilcox Richards Illustrated by Ann Metayer

On Lexie Peters’ first day of school, the teacher announces a year-long project called Random Acts of Kindness: each week, a student will perform an act of kindness in the community. There is great excitement among the kids, but Lexie is too shy to participate in the discussion. Lexie is nervous in her new classroom, hoping to keep her epilepsy a secret. She avoids going out for recess, where she will be teased for wearing a helmet. She doesn’t want to be thought of as different. She refuses ‘forbidden’ food from a classmate (she is on a ketogenic diet for treatment of epilepsy), but then is pressured into eating something else she shouldn’t. As a result, she misses several days of school. As time passes and she makes friends among her classmates, she gains in confidence, even doing a presentation on epilepsy for the class. One day she has a seizure in the schoolyard, but by this time she has realized that most of her classmates are friendly and supportive. She has become an integral part of the class.

How to Be a Friend

$7.99 Chapter Book Paperback • Ctn: 132 Ages 8-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 96 pages 978-1-4431-0486-9

Nancy Wilcox (La belle et la brute), How to Outplay a Bully (Le bon et la brute) and How to Handle a Bully (La brave et la brute), as well as the Farmer Joe series of picture books. All are published by Scholastic Canada Ltd. She lives in Hebbville, Nova Scotia, and teaches elementary school in Mahone Bay

Ann Metayer graduated from the Cegep du Vieux

Montreal in Fine Arts. She then discovered the joy of drawing vector images while studying 3D animation at the Vancouver Film School. Moving back to her Montreal hometown, she became a graphic designer for various governmental departments. Annabelle is now using a digital graphic tablet to produce vector illustrations for various customers from the fashion industry to the "girly" tween market..

Also available La belle et la brute How to Tame a Bully Ctn: 180 • 76 pages 978-0-545-99514-6



2 0 1 1

Le bon et la brute How to Outplay a Bully Ctn: 105 • 76 pages 978-0-545-99384-5

La brave et la brute How to Handle a Bully Ctn: 132 • 96 pages 978-0-545-98598-7



Specifications By Jane B. Mason and Sarah Hines Stephens

A Candy Apple Book


ROSE BONBON books . . . Just for you. Sweet. Fresh. Fun.

Novel Paperback • Ctn: 104 Ages 9-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 144 pages

Avalanche de surprises Snowfall Surprise

Savannah can’t wait for her birthday, which she’s spending with her parents and her two best friends at a cabin in the snow — for the whole week of winter break. But when she sprains her ankle on the first day, her friends take off without her! Savannah feels left out in the cold. But soon she discovers that her friends haven’t forgotten her at all. They’ve been planning a winter wonderland surprise birthday party!


Also available Accidentellement célèbre Accidentally Famous 192 pages • Ctn: 80 978-0-545-98187-3

Double-jeu The Sister Switch 176 pages • Ctn: 24 978-0-545-98731-8

Laurence à la présidence Callie for President 176 pages • Ctn: 24 978-0-545-99199-5

Le rôle de ma vie Life, Staring Me 192 pages • Ctn: 80 978-1-4431-0168-4

Accidentellement fabuleuse Accidentally Fabulous 192 pages • Ctn: 84 978-0-545-98121-7

L’échange de Noëlle Confessions of a Bitter Secret Santa 160 pages • Ctn: 96 978-0-545-98842-1

La Nouvelle Miss Popularity 144 pages • Ctn: 120 978-0-545-99594-8

Un secret de trop I’ve Got a Secret 176 pages • Ctn: 24 978-0-545-99198-8

La Nouvelle en camping Miss Popularity Goes Camping 152 pages • Ctn: 88 978-1-4431-0167-7

Sous une mauvaise étoile Star Crossed 176 pages • Ctn: 92 978-0-545-98273-3

Accidentellement trompée Accidentally Fooled 192 pages • Ctn: 80 978-0-545-98274-0 Confusion totale Totally Crushed 176 pages • Ctn: 96 978-0-545-98732-5 Comment devenir une vraie fille en dix jours How to Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days 176 pages • Ctn: 88 978-0-545-99200-8

Elle vole la vedette The Accidental Cheerleader 176 pages • Ctn: 84 978-0-545-99522-1 Le garçon d’à côté The Boy Next Door 176 pages • Ctn: 88 978-0-545-99523-8 La guerre des gardiennes The Babysitting Wars 176 pages • Ctn: 24 978-0-545-99105-6

Quelle cachottière! Making Waves 192 pages • Ctn: 84 978-0-545-98122-4 La reine du mélodrame Drama Queen 144 pages • Ctn: 80 978-0-545-991063

Prices do not include taxes.

F e b r u a r y



Spring is coming!

M Nutritioarch Is n Month


C'est le printemps $8.99

Le jardin imaginaire de grand-papa $8.99




Premier printemps

Toto et Otto


Le papillon et la chenille

De l'œuf au merle


Le tournesol et la graine

Du têtard à la grenouille

Une surprise pour Pâques

La grenouille et le têtard

Au menu

Apprentis lecteurs - Fêtes

Le kangourou et son petit


Tout sur les produits céréaliers

Le poule et l'œuf

Tout sur les légumes

Lire et découvrir

De la chenille au papillon

Tout sur les produits laitiers

De la graine à la plante

Tout sur les viandes et substituts

Bon à rien de lapin!


Clifford tout p'tit $6.99

Perdu dans les bois $19.99

Junie B. en 1re année





La journé du 1er avril

Terrier à louer

La Saint-Patrick

Trop de cocos de Pâques!

Cycle de vie

Allons à la cabane à sucre!

$9.99 $9.99 $8.99 $7.99

978-0-545-99136-0 978-0-545-99233-6 978-0-545-98757-8

$5.99 $5.99



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Le requin et son petit



978-1-4431-0112-7 978-1-4431-0111-0 978-1 4431-0110-3 978-1-4431-0107-3 978-1-4431-0108-0

978-0-545-98768-4 978-0-545-98770-7

$5.99 $5.99

978-0-545-98769-1 978-0-545-98771-4

Tout sur les fruits $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $8.99

978-1-4431-0117-2 978-1-4431-0114-1 978-1-4431-0116-5 978-1-4431-0113-4 978-1-4431-0115-8




M a r c Please h 2visit 0 our 1 1web site for a detailed list of our award-winning books :

Picture Books Ma première… My First…


Everyday experiences, such as going to the doctor, can be scary for the first time. With beautiful illustrations and easyto-read text, this series introduces children to commonplace situations in a light-hearted and informative way.

By Eve Marleau Illustrated by Michael Garton

$8.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 120 Ages 4-6 • 8" x 8" 24 pages, full-colour

Ma première journée d’école My First School Day 978-1-4431-0640-5

Going to school can be scary when you haven’t been before. Not when you make new friends, like Kai! Ma première petite sœur My first baby Brother 978-1-4431-0639-9

A new brother or sister in your family can be scary at first. Not when you help to look after him, like Lizzie! Ma première sortie scolaire My First School Trip 978-1-4431-0641-2

Going on a school trip can be scary when you haven’t been before. Not when you see lots of new things, like Emily! Ma première visite à l’hôpital My First Visit to the Hospital 978-1-4431-0644-3

Going to the hospital can be scary when you haven’t been before. Not when you have a bright green cast, like Aisha’s! Ma première visite chez le dentiste My First Visit to the Dentist 978-1-4431-0642-9

Going to the dentist can be scary when you haven’t been before. Not when you get a space rocket toothbrush, like Arun! Ma première visite chez le médecin My First Visit to the Doctor 978-1-4431-0643-6

Going to the doctor can be scary when you haven’t been before. Not when you take medicine to make you feel better, like Jamie.

Prices do not include taxes.

M a r c h



Picture Books

This Special boo k has a die cut of th e E on the front co arth ver


J’aime la Terre!

By Todd Parr

We can help protect the earth and make it feel healthy. Remember: if we take care of it, it will take care of us!

The Earth Book

$16.99 Picture Book Hardcover with die cut Ctn: 40 Ages 3-6 • 10" x 10" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0688-7

With this colourful and wonderfully engaging book, children will learn how they can make a difference to help protect their planet.

Todd Parr has created more than 30 books for children,

as well as the Emmy-nominated television show ToddWorld. His books talk about love, kindness and are sometimes silly. He lives in Berkeley, California.


Où est Canard?

By Janet A. Holmes and Jonathan Bentley

The unnamed narrator of this story assumes that Duck both loves and needs him. But when Duck goes missing, things like playing in the bath, story time and even chocolate cake lose their appeal. Great is the relief when Duck is discovered under a cushion... but even greater is the discovery that the narrator needs Canard just as much as Canard needs him!

Have You Seen Duck?

$11.99 Picture Book Hardcover • Ctn: 50 Ages 0-3 • 9" x 9" 24 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0381-7



20 1 1

Picture Books Petit Paul


Small Saul

Petit Paul is not your typical pirate - he's only waist high, he gives cookies and potted plants to those who have been looted by his crewmates, he has a bunny tattoo and he makes a delightful pineapple upside-down cake! Petit Paul might not be rough and tough like his crewmates but would they miss him if the captain decided to push him overboard?

By Ashley Spires

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 116 Ages 3-8 • 8" x 10" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0686-3

Ashley Spires was born and lives in Richmond, BC. She graduated from the Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design with BA, majoring in photography with a focus on book-making. Ashley works as a multi-media artist, creating everything from Websites to handmade books to finger puppets.

Favourite Pirate Books Comment je suis devenu pirate

J’aime mon papa pirate

Les pirates du capitaine McKee

By Melinda Long Illustrated by David Shannon

By Laura Leuck Illustrated by Kyle Stone

By Julie Lawson Illustrated by Werner Zimmermann

How I Became a Pirate $9.99


Comment les pirates changent les couches Pirates Don’t Change Diapers

By Melinda Long Illustrated by David Shannon $8.99


I love My Pirate Papa $9.99


The pirates of Captain McK-ee

La nuit des pirates

$7.99 978-0-545-99781-2

By Peter Harris Illustrated by Deborah Allwright

Pirate Peter and the Pig

The Night Pirates

$11.99 978-0-439-94051-1

Pedro le pirate et le porcelet

By Simon Grant Illustrated by Jenny Cooper $9.99 978-1-4431-0195-0

Dix oiseaux


Ten Birds

An unusual stunningly illustrated picture book that will enthrall readers of all ages. Dix oiseaux is at once a clever whitty fable about ingenuity and common sense and an inventive counting book.

Cybèle Young has illustrated several books for

$10.99 Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 90 Ages 5-8 • 9" x 11" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0687-0

children including Jack Pine and Pa’s Harvest, for which she was nominated for the Governor General’s award (illustration). She is also an award-winning fine artist and has illustrated for magazines such as MacLean’s and Elle.

By Cybèle Young

Prices do not include taxes.

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Early Readers Mon premier petit poisson Usborne Very First Reading Programme This series has been specially developed to help children learn to read. Each book of the series introduces new letters or reading patterns. Designed for an adult and child to read together, the series combines lively rhyming stories with inspiring illustrations in order to build the skills and confidence that will encourage a lifelong enjoyment of reading.

Ages 4 + • 5 ½" x 8" •

32 pages • $8.99

En avant la musique! Grizzly Bear Rock 978-1-4431-0907-9

Sal’s dream is to be in a rock band. She says she can hum and sing. She can also dance. But truly, Sal can’t sing. Will the band let her in anyway? Lili la vache Stop That Cow! 978-1-4431-0695-5

Lili the silly cow thinks the farm is dull so she wants to go far. She’s on her way in a fancy red car . . . until she crashes in a pool. Then Lily decides to fly an airplane . . . . She can even loop the loop! Can somebody stop that cow?



20 1 1

Petit poisson deviendra grand Usborne Reading Programme

This series is written especially for children who are learning to read. Developed by education specialists, it offers four different levels of difficulty to help young readers progress. Filled with delightful illustrations and great stories with simple text, this new series promises to please every young reader.

Hard Books cover for E Reade arly rs!

Short single narrative followed by reading and comprehension puzzles.

Several linked stories or one longer narrative in chapters. Direct speech and intertextual references.

Ages 4-6 • 5½" x 8" • 32 pages • $8.99

Ages 7-9 • 5½" x 8" • 48 pages • $9.99

Le petit pingouin frileux


The Chilly Little Penguin 978-1-4431-0915-4

Rapunzel 978-1-4431-0917-8

Perry the penguin has a very special reason for wanting to get warm. Can he find a way to take the chill off his frosty feathers?

Kidnapped at birth by a wicked witch, then locked up in a tower, Raiponce thinks all is lost . . . until a handsome prince comes to save her. But the witch is more cunning than they realize. Will Raiponceever escape?

Single narrative with repeated elements, plus character sheets and maps or puzzles.

Single narrative in chapters. Subjects include classic tales and myths, mystery stories and non-fiction.

Ages 5-7 • 5½" x 8" • 48 pages • $9.99

Ages 7 + • 5½" x 8" • 64 pages • $10.99

Le bon dragon

Les aventures extraordinaires de Ulysse

The Reluctant Dragon 978-1-4431-0916-1

The Amazing Adventures of Ulysses 978-1-4431-0918-5

Who ever heard of a dragon who doesn’t like fighting? And what will happen when the boldest dragon fighter of them all comes to stay?

Ulysses sets out to rescue a Greek princess and finds himself in a 10-year war. But that’s only the start of his problems. On his way home, he runs into a one-eyed giant, a witch and a many-headed whirlpool monster . . .

Also available Level 1 • Niveau 1

Level 2 • Niveau 2

Level 3 • Niveau 3

Level 4 • Niveau 4

Le corbeau et le renard

Dino n’a plus de voix

Aladin et sa lampe magique

Les aventures extraordinaires d’Hercule

The Fox and the Crow 978-0-545-98288-7

The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar 978-0-545-98214-6

Aladdin and His Magical Lamp 978-0-545-98293-1

Le dragon et le phénix

L’énorme navet

Blanche-Neige et les sept nains

Le poisson magique

Le garçon qui criait au loup

Le Casse-Noisette

La vieille dame dans la chaussure

Pierre et les pirates

Histoires de fantômes

The Dragon and the Phoenix 978-0-545-98289-4 The Wish Fish 978-1-4431-0179-0 The Old Woman That Lived in a Shoe 978-0-545-98212-2

La sauterelle et la fourmi The Ant and the Grasshopper 978-0-545-98213-9

The Enormous Turnip 978-0-545-98215-3

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 978-1-4431-0184-4

The Boy Who Cried Wolf 978-0-545-98290-0 Percy and the Pirates 978-1-4431-0182-0

Stories of Ghosts 978-0-545-98217-7

Princesse Polly et le poney Princess Polly and the Pony 978-0-545-98291-7

The Nutcracker 978-0-545-98216-0

Histoires de princes et de princesses Stories of Princes and Princesses 978-0-545-98292-4

Prices do not include taxes.

The Amazing Adventures of Hercules

978-0-545-98295-5 Dracula Dracula 978-0-545-98219-1

Le fantôme du parc The Fairground Ghost 978-0-545-98218-4

L’incroyable cadeau The Incredible Present 978-0-545-98294-8

Le jardin secret

The Secret Garden 978-1-4431-0185-1

M a r c h



Early Readers Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy


Fancy Nancy — I Can Read!

By Jane O’Connor Illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser

Mademoiselle Nancy maintains her frilly disposition in this adorable new series featuring short sentences, familiar words and simple concepts. Perfect for little girls eager to read on their own!

$7.99 Early Reader Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 3-6 • 6" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour

C’est chic d’être vert! Every Day Is Earth Day

Being green is important to Nancy — so important that she wants her family to take care of the earth morning, noon and night!


Also available Le garçon de Paris Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris 978-1-4431-0397-8 La journée pyjama Pajama Day 978-1-4431-0398-5

Niveau 1


Hello Reader! Level 1

By Hans Wilhelm

Simple words and short sentences for the newest reader.


J’aime Pâques! I Love Easter

Early Reader Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 4-7 • 6" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour

Nestor wants to go on an Easter egg hunt with Teddy, but Teddy is nowhere to be found! Now who will he share his eggs with? His other friends, of course! And when Teddy finally turns up, there’s still one Easter egg left to share!


Also available



20 1 1

Aïe! J’ai mal! Ouch! It Hurts! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98128-6

Je n’aime pas les bisous! No Kisses Please $6.99 • 978-0-439-94786-2

Je n’aime pas les départs! Please Don’t Go! $6.99 • 978-0-545-99297-8

Je suis grognon I’m So Grumpy! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98190-3

J’aime la neige! I Love Snow $6.99 • 978-0-545-98705-9

Je n’aime pas le vent! It’s Too Windy! 978-1-4431-0395-4

Je n’aime pas les dodos! I Hate Bedtime $6.99 • 978-0-439-95842-4

Je veux aider! I Can Help $6.99 • 978-0-439-96615-3

J’aime l’école! I Love School! $7.99 • 978-1-4431-0192-9

Je n’aime pas les brutes! I Hate Bullies! $6.99 • 978-0-439-94787-9

Je n’aime pas les orages I Am Brave $6.99 • 978-0-545-99587-0

J’aime Noël! I Love Christmas! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98803-2

Je n’aime pas les chats No New Pets! $6.99 • 978-0-545-98297-9

Je n’aime pas partager! I Won’t Share $6.99 • 978-0-439-94094-8

Novels Specifications

Noir poison

By Brandi Dougherty

Poison Apple


Modelled after the successful ROSE BONBON series, these books are perfect for girls who love thrilling ghost stories, spectacular supernatural tales, and spooky mysteries.

Novel Paperback • Ctn: 80 Ages 8-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 192 pages

Troublantes coïncidences


Miss Fortune

Zoé’s never been superstitious, so when she and her best friend Mia have their fortunes read at a carnival, she doesn’t take it seriously. In fact, Zoé mocks the fortune-teller. But the woman gives Zoé a necklace to seal her fortune, and as soon as Zoé puts it on, unexplained things begin to happen to her. Her bike spins out of control, a fire starts in the oven when it isn’t on, and Zoé begins receiving threatening texts and emails. The necklace must be cursed! But when Zoé and Mia return to the site of the carnival, it’s gone! Can they break the curse before something terrible happens?

Also available Morte de peur The Dead End 978-1-4431-0342-8

Sombre secret This Totally Bites! 978-1-4431-0343-5

Fright-master R. L. Stine invites you on an all-new, all-terrifying adventure! Chair de poule Horrorland


No 6 - Le secret de la salle aux momies

By R.L. Stine

Goosebumps Horrorland #6 - Who’s Your Mummy?


Abby and Peter are staying with Uncle Jonathan in an eerie old village. Their uncle knows a lot about Egyptian pyramids, and his living room even looks like an ancient tomb. Do other secrets lurk inside Uncle Jonathan’s house?

Novel Paperback • Ctn: 48 Ages 9-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 160 pages

Also available No 1 - Monsieur Méchant-Garçon! #1: Revenge of the Living Dummy 978-0-545-98228-3 • Ctn: 36 No 2 - Fantômes en eaux profondes #2: Creep from the Deep 978-0-545-98229-0 • Ctn: 34

No 3 - Sang de monstre au petit déjeuner #3: Monster Blood for Breakfast 978-0-545-98271-9 • Ctn: 40 No 4 - Le cri du masque hanté #4: The Scream of the Haunted Mask 978-0-545-98272-6 • Ctn: 40


No 5 - L‘abominable Doc Maniac! #5: Dr Maniac vs. Robby Schwartz 978-1-4431-0377-0 • Ctn: 30

Prices do not include taxes.

M a r c h



Graphic Novel From t he New York Tim es Best Author s Raina T elgeme elling ir.



By Raina Telgemeier

A graphic novel about family, friends, boys . . . and dental drama!

$16.99 Graphic Novel Paperback • Ctn: 40 Ages 8-12 • 5 ½" x 8" 224 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0693-1


Raina just wants to be a normal sixth grader. But one night she trips and falls, severely injuring her two front teeth. What follows is a long and frustrating journey with on-again, off-again braces, surgery, embarrassing headgear, and even a retainer with fake teeth attached. And there’s still more: a major earthquake, boy confusion, and friends who turn out to be not so friendly.

Raina Telgemeier grew up in San Francisco, and

moved to New York City to study illustration at the School of Visual Arts. Her comics have been nominated for the Ignatz, Cybil, and Eisner Awards, and have appeared on the web, in magazines, and in various anthologies. She is the adaptor and illustrator of the Baby-sitters Club graphic novels, which were selected by YALSA for their Great Graphic Novels for Teens list in 2006, as well as ALA's Top 10 Graphic Novels for Youth list.



20 1 1

Les 39 clés


The 39 Clues


The Cahills are the most powerful family the world has ever known. 39 clues hidden around the globe guard the family’s power, and it’s up to the reader to find them. It's Cahill versus Cahill in an international race to find the clues . . . and beat the competition.

Novels Paperback with french flaps Ages 8-12 5" x 8 ½"

No 1 - Le labyrinthe des squelettes #1: The Maze of Bones By Rick Riordan 978-1-4431-0920-8

220 pages

Minutes before she died Grace Cahill changed her will, leaving her descendants an impossible decision: “You have a choice - one million dollars or a clue.” Grace is the last matriarch of the Cahills, the world’s most powerful family. Everyone from Napoleon to Houdini is related to the Cahills, yet the source of the family power is lost. 39 Clues hidden around the world will reveal the family's secret, but no one has been able to assemble them. Now the clues race is on, and young Amy and Dan must decide what’s important: hunting clues or uncovering what REALLY happened to their parents. No 2 - French Title to Come #2: One False Note By Gordon Korman 978-1-4431-0921-5

176 pages

Amy and Dan Cahill are back in the second exciting installment of The 39 Clues series. In the first book, the siblings are drawn into an exciting and often extremely dangerous hunt to find 39 clues. Following various leads, the kids travel all over the world to uncover hidden meanings and break secret codes. Together these clues will lead to extremely powerful secret knowledge.

French covers to come

By bestselling authors RICK RIORDAN (BOOK 1) and GORDON KORMAN ( BOOK 2 )

Rick Riordan is the author of four award-winning mystery

novels from Bantam Books. His first, BIG RED TEQUILA, won the Anthony Award for Best Original Paperback Novel and the Shamus Award for Best First Private Eye Novel. His second book, THE WIDOWER'S TWO-STEP, won the Edgar Allen Poe Award for Best Original Paperback Novel of 1999. His newest novel, THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO AUSTIN, has been nominated for both the Anthony and the Shamus Awards for Best Mystery Novel of 2001. His short fiction has appeared in Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.

Gordon Korman was born in Montreal. He wrote his

first book when he was 12 years old. This Can’t be Happening at MacDonald Hall (Collège MacDonald) was published in 1978, when Gordon was fourteen. The prolific author has written dozens of books for middle-grade and young adult readers, including the Slapshot series (Droit au but) the best-selling Son of the Mob, an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, and Jake, Reinvented. He is the author of the phenomenally successful Island (Naufragés), Dive (Sous la mer) and Everest (Everest) trilogies. Korman likes to travel and visit students all over North America.

Prices do not include taxes.

M a r c h



Activity Books & Non-fiction Specifications

Méli-mélo d’autocollants


This amazing educational sticker book offers a bunch of fun games as well as more than 480 removable stickers. Perfect to help kids developpe their counting and reading skills while having fun!

My Sticker Activity Book

Activity Book Paperback • Ctn: 40 Ages 3-6 • 8 ½" x 11" 84 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0694-8

Mon gros livre de super machines


The Great Book of Mighty Machines

Jean Coppendale and Ian Graham

$16.99 Non-fiction Paperback • Ctn: 80 Ages 3-8 • 9 ¾" x 10 ¾" 160 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0645-0



20 1 1

From fast cars to monster trucks, find out about the biggest, fastest and most powerful machines around. Packed with colourful photos, this book is sure to please young children.

Non-fiction L’ argent, ça compte!


Money Matters

By Sean Callery

Which is the most used currency in the world? Why do people have to pay taxes? What did people use before there was money? This awesome, photo-filled book teaches children everything they need to know about money.

$11.99 Non-fiction Paperback • Ctn: 70 Ages 8-12 • 8 ¼" x 10 ½" 48 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0647-4

Money talk Do you collect stickers or cards? How many would you swap for a chocolate bar?

There are about 180 currencies, or types of money, in the world.

The peo ple on o ne islan the Pac d in ific Oce an used feathers red as mon ey!

d eight Two thumbs an n digits. fingers make te

Prices do not include taxes.

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Non-fiction Bêtes pas bêtes


Animal Opposites

By Camilla de la Bédoyère

$9.99 Non-fiction Paperback • Ctn: 90 Ages 7-10 • 10 ½" x 8 ¼" 32 pages, full-colour

Find out about the biggest, smallest, weakest, slowest, smartest and most interesting animals on the planet. With fun facts and close-up photographs, these titles are the ultimate guides to the weird and wonderful world of the animal kingdom.

Fort et faible Strongest and Weakest 978-1-4431-0651-1

From rabbits to rhinos, be astonished by animal opposites. Gros et petit Biggest and Smallest 978-1-4431-0649-8

From blue whales to bee hummingbirds, be astonished by animal opposites. Rapide et lent Fastest and Slowest 978-1-4431-0648-1

From barnacles to bats, be astonished by animal opposites. Rusé et Sot Smartest and Silliest 978-1-4431-0650-4

From parrots to proboscis monkeys, be astonished by animal opposites.



20 1 1

Non-fiction Mon guide de la nature


Wildlife Watcher

Are you an expert wildlife spotter? Do you know which small mammal turns white in winter? Can you tell the difference between a crocus and a daffodil?

By Terry Jennings

$16.99 Non-fiction Paperback • Ctn: 80 Ages 8-12 • 7 ¼" x 10 ¼" 128 pages, full-colour

From city streets to salt marshes, young wildlife watchers will learn how to spot tracks, identify markings, and discover secret hideaways. Protected by a convenient plastic cover with a zipper, this guide is packed with fascinating facts, stunning photographs, and hands-on activities.


What is a bird? Birds are the only anim als that have feathers. A skeleton su pports their body. They lay eg gs with a hard shell. Most birds build nests to keep their eggs and young safe an d sheltered. Birds can live all over the wo rld.

With zip pered p lastic s leeve!

t Do I look a bi I like a dog? Am lour? a red-brown co shy tail Do I have a bu p? with a white ti

Prices do not include taxes.

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Protect my Planet

Don't forget

EarAth Day PR on

— Habitats en danger $19.99


— Mondes polaires $19.99


— 10 idées écolos pour sauver ma planète $16.99


— 10 idées écolos aujourd'hui je protège ma planète $16.99


— Réponse à tout Les animaux menacés en questions $9.99



— Apprentis lecteurs Opération récupération $3.99


— Petit roman La rivière au trésor $5.99



— Sauvons les animaux


— Clifford fête la terre $6.99


— L'autobus magique au recyclage $7.99


— Viser vert - J'économise l'énergie $8.99


— Viser vert - Je préserve l'eau $8.99


— Viser vert - Je protège l'environnement $8.99


— Viser vert - Je recycle $8.99


IL 22 nd

— Jeux pour un Canada vert $8.99 $4.99

— Apprentis lecteurs - Fêtes La journée de la Terre $5.99


— Apprentis lecteurs - Sciences Protégeons la forêt tropicale $5.99


o — Mots mystères n 16


A p r i lPlease 2 0visit 1 our 1 web site for a detailed list of our award-winning books :


Picture Books Mon petit amour



This little dog enjoys life to the fullest! His world is full of beautiful colours and it’s a musical place too! But the most colourful part, the most musical and the most exciting place in the world is with . . . YOU!

By Stephen Michael King

$12.99 Picture Book Hardcover Ages 0-3 • 8 ½" x 8" 32 pages, full-colour

A perfect bedtime story for little ones!


Stephen Michael King created the wonderful illustrations of this book using watercolour and ink.

La petite poule rousse


The Red Hen

One beautiful morning la petite poule rousse found a beautiful recipe for a cake. “This cake should be baked. Who will help me gather the ingredients?” she asked.

By Rebecca Emberley & Ed Emberley

“Not I”, said the cat.

Picture Book Paperback • Ctn: 60 Ages 3-8 • 10" x 10" 32 pages, full-colour


“Not I”, said the rat. “Bribbit”, said the frog. Hot on the heels of their hilarious take on Chicken Little (Petit poulet) comes Rebecca and Ed Emberley’s sparkling version of The Red Hen (La petite poule rousse). Filled with jaunty humour and eye-popping images, this hen is sure to have young children (and their parents) clucking with delight. Includes an easy-to-follow recipe for a cake! Also available Petit poulet Chicken Little $10.99 • 978-1-4431-0177-6 • Ctn: 60


Rebecca Emberley has created

more than 30 books for children, including Petit poulet published recently by Scholastic.

Ed Emberley Rebecca’s father,

has written and illustrated more than 80 books, including Petit poulet, winner of a Caldecott Medal.

Prices do not include taxes.

A p r i l



Picture Books Joyeux anniversaire, grand méchant loup!


Happy Birthday, Big Bad Wolf

By Frank Asch

$10.99 Picture Book

Paperback • Ctn: 98 Ages 3-8 • 8" x 10" 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0678-8

When the Big Bad Wolf arrives at the home of the Pig family, things take a surprising turn – Little Pig thinks he and his parents are hiding because it’s a surprise party and he jumps out from behind the sofa to wish Wolf a happy birthday! Poppa and Momma Pig decide that the only thing to do is to play along, and they end up throwing an increasingly elaborate birthday party for a wolf who's come to make the Pig family his dinner. Will the Pig family enjoy some of the birthday cake with their guest of honor or will they end up being the main course?

Frank Asch is the author and illustrator of more than 70 books for children. He lives in Middletown Springs, Vermont.


A pril


Picture Books À table avec les monstres


Monster Manners

By Hazel Hutchins Illustrated by Sampar

N'oublie pas les bonnes manières

A boy is invited to the monster’s house for dinner — and it’s an enlightening experience! With minimal text — and tell-it-all art — children will learn how best to behave in a monster house. Wash your hands first, or the slobber plant will drool on you. Pass those plates politely, or the snapping turtles will strike. Chew with your mouth closed, or the flies will clean your teeth. But when it’s time to be excused, everyone enjoys a wild and messy dessert-time in the backyard!

$8.99 Picture Book

Paperback • Ctn: 120 Ages 3-8 • 8" x 10" 24 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0016-8

Hazel Hutchins is the author of over thirty-five picture books and novels for children. Among them, the award-winning book A Second Is a Hiccup (Le carrousel) illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton. Hazel makes her home in Canmore, Alberta, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

Sampar is the pen name of Samuel Parent, a

multi-talented author and artist who specializes in caricature and illustrating children’s novels. Sampar is the illustrator of Scholastic’s Looney Bay All-Stars series (Les Étoiles de Baie-des-Coucous). He has been a finalist for many prestigious awards, including the Governor General’s Literary Award in 2004 for his illustrations in Savais-tu? Les Hyènes. He is also known for his work in the comic magazine Safarir. He lives in St.-Christophe-d’Athabaska, Quebec.

Prices do not include taxes.

A p r i l



Early Readers Specifications

Clifford tout p’tit

By Victoria Kosara Illustrated by Jim Durk

Before clifford was a big dog, he was a very small puppy.


Graduation Party

Clifford Puppy Days

Un diplôme pour Émilie Émilie is graduating! Can Clifford help with a big party?

Early Readers Paperback • Ctn: 108 Ages 3-8 • 6" x 9 " 32 pages, full-colour 978-1-4431-0698-6

Je lis avec Mademoiselle Nancy


Fancy Nancy - I Can Read!

Mademoiselle Nancy maintains her frilly disposition in this adorable new series featuring short sentences, familiar words and simple concepts. Perfect for little girls eager to read on their own!

By Jane O'Connor Illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser

$7.99 Early Readers Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 5-6 • 6" x 9 " 32 pages, full-colour

Belle nuit étoilée Fancy Nancy Sees Stars

Nancy absolutely adores stars. She loves how they sparkle in the sky, and she can even name the constellations. Nancy can hardly wait for her class visit to the planetarium!


Also available C'est chic d'être vert! Every day Is Earth Day! 978-1-4431-0699-3 Le garçon de Paris Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris 978-1-4431-0397-8 La journée pyjama Pajama Day 978-1-4431-0398-5


A pril


Early Readers L’autobus magique


With madame Friselis and l'autobus magique, educational school trips always become extraordinary adventures. Children love this series based on the popular television program.

Illustrated by Carolyn Bracken

The Magic School Bus

$7.99 Early Readers Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 5-7 • 6" x 9" 32 pages, full-colour

L’autobus magique prend le mors aux dents The Magic School Bus and the Missing Tooth By Jeanette Lane 978-1-4431-0971-0

A tooth is found in the back of madame Friselis’ classroom. It is small and very sharp. It doesn’t look like a human tooth. Who lost it? A field trip is in order to explore what teeth do and why they have different shapes. L’autobus magique au pays des papillons Magic School Bus and the Butterfly Bunch By Kristin Earhart 978-1-4431-0903-1

It’s spring, so madame Friselis is taking the class to a butterfly garden. They want to see firsthand how caterpillars become butterflies. But when things don’t go as planned, they’ll just have to wing it! Take flight with l’autobus magique on a butterfly field trip.

Prices do not include taxes.

A p r i l



Early Readers Specifications

Lire et découvrir

By Melvin and Gilda Berger

With great photos and simple text, these very popular books have everything to please new readers and young nature lovers.



Les papillons

Early Reader Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 4-6 • 8 ¼" x 7" 16 pages, full-colour

Butterflies 978-1-4431-0905-5

Butterflies begin as eggs. The eggs hatch into caterpillars and one day, butterflies fly away.

Les sauterelles Grasshoppers 978-1-4431-0906-2

Grasshoppers sing and jump. They are hard to catch!

Also available Les animaux de l’Arctique

Les écureuils

La Lune

Les renards

Les animaux de l’Antarctique

Les feuilles d’automne

Les merles

Le Soleil

Les araignées

La glace

La neige

Le système solaire

Les baleines

Les glaciers

De l’œuf au merle

La Terre

De la chenille au papillon

De la graine à la plante

Les ours

Du têtard à la grenouille

Les citrouilles


Les pommes

Les tortues

Les coccinelles

Les hippocampes

Que mangent les animaux polaires?

L'univers vivant

Arctic Animals 978-0-545-99178-0 Antarctic Animals 978-0-545-98280-1 Spiders 978-0-545-99175-9 Whales 978-0-545-98116-3 Caterpillar to Butterfl y 978-0-545-98768-4 Pumpkins 978-0-545-99174-2 Ladybugs 978-0-545-98114-9

Les dauphins

Dolphins 978-0-545-98113-2


A pril


Squirrels 978-0-545-99176-6 Leaves 978-0-545-99173-5 Ice 978-0-545-98167-5 Glaciers 978-0-545-99179-7 Seed to Plant 978-0-545-98770-7 Hibernation 978-0-545-98246-7 Sea Horses 978-0-545-98115-6


Winter 978-0-545-99180-3

The Moon 978-0-545-98284-9 Robins 978-0-545-98244-3 Snow 978-0-545-98279-5 Egg to Robin 978-0-545-98769-1 Bears 978-0-545-98247-4 Apples 978-0-545-98245-0 What Polar Bear Animals Eat 978-0-545-98281-8

Foxes 978-0-545-99177-3 The Sun 978-0-545-98285-6 The Solar System 978-0-545-98282-5 Earth 978-0-545-98283-2 Tadpole to Frog 978-0-545-98771-4 Turtles 978-1-4431-0349-7 Living Things 978-1-4431-0350-3

Chapter Books L’arc-en-ciel magique — Les fées des jours de la semaine


The Fun Day Fairies are each responsible for adding spunk and sparkle to one day of the week! But when Jack Frost steals their magic, they need Rachel and Kirsty’s help. Without the fairies’ special flags, every day of the week will be gloomy and glum.

By Daisy Meadows

Rainbow Magic — Fun Day Fairies

$6.99 Chapter Book Paperback • Ctn: 144 Ages 6-9 • 5 ¼" x 7 ½" 80 pages

No 1 - Lina, la fée du lundi #1: Megan the Monday Fairy 978-1-4431-0909-3

Can Rachel and Kirsty start the week off right by helping Megan the Monday Fairy find her missing flag? Or will Jack Frost and his goblins get in their way? No 2 - Mia, la fée du mardi #2: Tara the Tuesday Fairy 978-1-4431-0910-9

It’s Field Day at Rachel’s school, but no one is having any fun. Tara the Tuesday Fairy can’t help without her magic flag! What’s a fairy to do? No 3 - Maude, la fée du mercredi #3: Willow the Wednesday Fairy 978-1-4431-0911-6

Jack Frost’s goblins are on the lookout for Willow the Wednesday Fairy’s magical flag! Can Rachel and Kirsty track it down at the Arts and Crafts Fair . . . before the goblins do?

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Novels Specifications By Jim Benton

Dear Dumb Diary


Bestselling author Jamie Kelly has been keeping diaries for years . . . and each one just gets funnier! But she has no idea that anyone is reading them. So please, please, please don’t tell her.

Novel Paperback • Ctn: 200 Ages 9-12 • 5 ¼" x 7 ¼" 160 pages

Et si j’avais vraiment des superpouvoirs?


Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers

Something strange is happening at Mackerel Middle School. Even stranger than Jamie and Isabella becoming friends with Angeline. (Which is still really, really strange.) Jamie can suddenly and inexplicably understand the weirdest and most mysterious creatures around: Boys. And there’s only one logical explanation — superpowers.

Amies? Pas si sûr!

That's What Friends Aren't For $8.99 • Ctn: 84 • 128 pages 978-1-4431-0176-9

Princesse ou grenouille?

C'est pas ma faute si je sais tout

Ne sous-estime jamais ta stupidité

Inutile, ça sert à rien

Le problème, c'est que je suis d'ici

It's Not My Fault I Know Everything $8.99 • Ctn: 92 • 128 pages 978-0-545-98772-1 Never Do Anything, Ever $8.99 • Ctn: 87 • 144 pages 978-0-439-94155-6

Mon jean porte-malheur My Pants Are Haunted $8.99 • Ctn: 24 • 144 pages 978-0-439-94860-9

A pril


Let’s Pretend This Never Happened $8.99 • Ctn: 108 • 112 pages 978-0-439-94859-3

Les adultes? Une cause perdue! Can Adults Become Human? $8.99 • Ctn: 96 • 144 pages 978-0-439-94259-1


Oublie ça!

Am I the Princess or the Frog? $8.99 • Ctn: 81 • 160 pages 978-0-439-94069-6 Never Underestimate Your Dumbness $8.99 • Ctn: 84 • 160 pages 978-0-545-99123-0

The Problem With Here Is That It's Where I'm From $8.99 • Ctn: 100 • 128 pages 978-0-545-99526-9

Notre journal full nul À partager entre filles Our Dumb Diary A Journal to Share


Paperback, spiral-bound Ctn: 60 Ages 9-12 • 5“ x 7 ¼” 104 pages, full-colour 978-0-545-98822-3

Pop-ups 3D Close-Up

Logis d’animaux


Animal Homes 978-1-4431-0923-9

People want their homes to be comfortable and secure, a place where they can happily raise their children. It’s no different in the animal world! There are animal architects, animal builders, and even animal squatters — meet them all in 3-D Close Up: Animal Homes!

By Barbara Taylor Illustration by Mark Turner, Stephen Prosser Paper Engineering: Jayne Evans


With four awesome pop-up cross sections, this fascinating new book gives young readers a chance to do in-depth investigations of some dazzling dwellings — in the trees, in the water, and underground — and meet the amazing animals that live inside.

Pop-up Hardcover • Ctn: 14 Ages 5+ • 9 ¾" x 9 ¾" x1" 24 pages, full-colour

Le corps humain


The Human Body 978-1-4431-0936-9

This book gives children a unique opportunity to go beneath the skin, where they can explore the amazing hidden workings of their bodies. Kids will explore the honeycomb-like structure of bones, and will follow a bite of apple through the digestive system. Filled with cool scientific photos, detailed anatomical illustrations, kid-friendly text, and four spectacular 3-D pop-up views, the book is designed in a vertical format to best showcase the body’s primary systems. The perfect gift for future scientists and doctors.

Prices do not include taxes.

By Caroline Harris Illustration by Mark Turner, Stephen Prosser Paper Engineering: Jayne Evans

$24.99 Pop-up Hardcover • Ctn: 14 Ages 5+ • 9 ¾" x 9 ¾" x1" 24 pages, full-colour

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Activity Book Specifications

Mots mystères no 21

By Julie Lavoie Illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

The activity books from the Mots mystères series are a fabulous way to increase vocabulary and include word search puzzles, connect-the-dot drawings, fun illustrations to colour and much more. Hours of fun guaranteed!

$4.99 Activiy Book Paperback • Ctn: 125 Ages 7-12 • 8" x 10 ½" 40 pages 978-1-4431-0671-9


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Word Search #21

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