3 minute read
Sleep Easy
Design tips for the perfect night’s sleep from Kelly Roden, owner of Meliora Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms in Bawtry. O ur bedroom truly should be the sanctuary for a restful night’s sleep. As a room it should be the most luxurious and personal of all of the spaces in our home. Here are a few simple tips to help you create a soothing oasis that is conducive to relaxation and comfort.
1. Make it cosy We always seem to crave more space but, in our bedroom, creating that comforting cocoon is essential. Large or small, all bedrooms benefit from layering. Start with layering duvets and blankets and add in other textures such as pillows, then add throws and rugs that suit the season and time of year. The other items to consider are your pillows and mattress, both will have a huge effect of the mood in which you will wake up.
2. Clear out the clutter Too much clutter in the bedroom may be contributing to sleep deprivation. A huge feng shui no-no too. In any room too much clutter can cause anxiety and unease. There are so many storage options available to help ease the clutter and avoid the need for possible trip hazards or worry of the pre-bedtime tidy up.
3. Knock out the light Layer your window coverings for not just privacy but light control, not only for at night but for during the day too. Consider dimmable lighting for the main overhead lights and bedside lights that are directable, so you don’t disturb the other person if you want to read while they sleep. Our modern lifestyles can disrupt us from dark, calm environments. Consider the need for modern devices in the bedroom or how you can hide them if they are essential – TVs in a cupboards, mobile phone in a bedside drawer, a mechanical rather than digital alarm clock etc.
4. Have proper bedside tables A must have to hold all of your essentials like a book, lamp and a glass of water. If mess bothers you, consider a bedside with drawers to keep things a little neater. Having everything you need to hand means there is more chance of a restful night. Another essential for the bedside table is a good lavender pillow spray.

Kelly Roden Meliora Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms Tel: 01302 711007. Email: info@meliora.uk www.meliora.uk