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São Sebastião Viewpoint

By definition, "viewpoint" or "lookout" is a high point where you can enjoy a wide panorama. But this word has never been used as well as to talk about some places that are on the island of Madeira. Located between a valley, the village of Ribeira Brava has a magnificent viewpoint, from where you can see from the length of the entire village, as well as the sea coast to the west and east, obtaining from this magnificent scenery.


The viewpoint of São Sebastião is situated on a cliff overlooking the village of Ribeira Brava and offers a fabulous view of the sea coast of Quinta Grande, Campanário, Lugar de Baixo and Ponta do Sol and also on the valley of Ribeira Brava.

It is an interesting and pleasant view that offers a preview of Ribeira Brava, a village that has made great progress in its development, adapting to the needs of the influent of tourists who visit it daily.

Por definição, "miradouro" ou "miradoiro" é um ponto elevado de onde se desfruta um largo panorama. Mas nunca esta palavra terá sido tão bem usada como para falar de alguns lugares que se encontram na ilha da Madeira.

Situado entre um vale, a Ribeira Brava possui um magnifico miradouro, de onde se pode observar desde a extensão de toda a vila, bem como a costa marítima a Oeste e Este, obtendo-se deste local magnificas paisagens.

O Miradouro de São Sebastião está situado num rochedo sobranceiro à vila da Ribeira Brava e oferece uma fabulosa vista da costa marítima da Quinta Grande, Campanário, Lugar de Baixo e Ponta do Sol e também sobre o vale da Ribeira Brava.

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