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Athletic Program Reimagined for ‘New Normal’

Postponement of interscholastic competition. Virtual learning. Hybrid schedules. Athletics looks a bit different across the nation this year, but at Madeira, our students are still working hard, practicing every day, and taking part in an innovative leadership program.

Athletic Director Tavis Laws noted that the department had several goals as they re-imagined the program, regardless of whether virtual, in-person, or a hybrid of the two. “We aim to keep our girls engaged, working hard, connected to their team and the program, and accountable for their progress,” Coach Laws said. “Our ‘new normal’ means students are managing changes in their routines,” he continued, “and well-being has never been more critical.”


Establishing a daily physical routine contributes to overall wellness, and that is what the program was designed to do. With a remote start to the year, daily virtual workouts were held via Zoom sessions. The return to campus in Mod 2 brought the opportunity for drills on the fields and cardio in the workout rooms—a winning combination of sport-specific practices and general conditioning to get our athletes competition-ready. While practices looked a bit different, with masks, socially distant taped-out areas, and equipment moved outdoors, the intensity and Snail spirit were there.


Speaking of spirit—the Red and White captains kept school spirit high, even without athletic games this season. The year kicked off with the traditional Red/White sorting event, adapted to take place virtually. Continuing the hype and connection, the captains organized a spirit week and a fall festival to celebrate Madeira’s teamwork, even in the face of challenges.


Another way girls connected was through “Leadership Thursdays,” a weekly leadership program for all athletes. Beyond the daily training, athletes stepped away from the fields and workout rooms to participate in mindful leadership discussions around the athletic core values of commitment, positive mistake response, and gratitude. The goal of these weekly sessions was to prompt personal reflection and growth, and to create better players, teammates, and leaders.

“I like how decisive and introspective this program is,” said Sarah Abara ’21. “Through small group conversations, the program teaches us to dig deep within ourselves and connect with our team as if we are one big family.”

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