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Leadership: Breakfast of Champions A strong benefit of an all-girls education is that every leadership position, every club head, and every elected position is held by a girl. Supporting Madeira’s bold mission of “launching women who change the world,” the School incorporates leadership training and experience in a variety of classroom, workplace, and team settings. A Madeira education includes vast opportunities for progressive leadership responsibilities, from grade level committee chairs to club heads to team captains to dorm resident advisors, as well as student government leaders. With over 150 leadership opportunities annually, Madeira students are well mentored and supported in leadership roles.

One example of Madeira’s leadership education that ventures beyond traditional training for elected leaders is the biweekly community-wide leadership breakfast program hosted by the athletics department. Driving home the point that anyone can lead because leadership starts with leading oneself and building relationships, the breakfasts outline the virtues, characteristics, and attributes that embody a leader in the classroom, on the field, on the court, and on stage. “Leadership breakfasts have debunked the notion that a leader is the loudest, most extroverted person in the room or the most athletic. For example, two students presented on being the ‘Quiet Power,’ and showed ways they had a large impact on their team even though they are more introverted,” noted Assistant Athletic Director Kelly Chandler.


Activities and discussions range from establishing one’s values to outlining the qualities of a good person and teammate to identifying one’s individual ‘why.’ Athletic Director Katie LaRue shares, “Younger athletes attending leadership breakfasts have made an impact and allowed our programs to grow, and have taught upperclasswomen to consider how younger girls can contribute.” Emelia Marshall ’21 reflects on her experience,“Leadership breakfasts have been integral in teaching me about types of leadership and have opened my eyes to possibilities. The activities aid me in honing my ‘positive mistake response’ so that, when things happen with a teammate, I can respond in a way conducive to growth. The breakfasts provide an opportunity to connect with people I may not otherwise, and I am unendingly grateful for the skills I have gained through my attendance.”

A strong benefit of an all-girls education is that every leadership position, every club head, and every elected position is held by a girl.

Leadership Topics

GROWTH MINDSET: To embrace challenges and difficulties as something that will make one better, and not as a reflection of one’s identity/value.

POSITIVE MISTAKE RESPONSE (PMR): The physical act of responding to the challenge, setback, and mistake. Helps build a growth mindset by making students more aware of how they respond to the challenge or mistake, and changing their response to be more positive, productive, and growth-oriented.

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