WSA2 Digital Portfolio

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Digital Portfolio Housescapes: Ecologies of Dwelling -Fluvial Erosion

Madelaine Loftus September-December 2011

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Formfinding: Fluvial Erosion

The task was to find interesting geometry in nature that connected with an element, in this case water. The following images show the dif1 ferent ways water can interact with different materials. The largest image was particularly interesting, and initiated further research in to fluvial erosion. (see last page for references).


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ormfinding: Modelling

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3D modelling the effects of fluvial erosion on a solid object:

Page 5 - Formfinding

Page 6 - Formfinding

Physically modelling the different patterns created by fluvial erosion and then the flow of water accross these different surfaces. Findings: The flow creates the pattern, but then the pattern determines the direction of the flow. Concept: Using the massing/ materiality/form of the building to guide people through the site.

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Site Analysis

Site Analysis

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Page 9 - Site Analysis

Transport links:

Page 10 - Site Analysis

Noise levels=Average

Page 11 - Site Analysis

Precedent Research: Dwelling Barcelona

Page 12 - Precedent research

Key concepts drawn from research: Porosity of the building Ground floor as public realm Elevated green space within mass

Page 13 - Precedent research




Initial Concepts: Division of the site

Page 14 - Initial Concepts

Concept 1


Page 15 - Initial Concepts

Concept 2

Chosen concept

Group initial masterplan proposal

Page 16 - Initial Concepts

Fourth Floor

Third Floor


ond Floor

Page 17 - Initial Concepts

First Floor

Ground Floor

Site flow

Flow throughout the site: Pedestrian

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Laser cut model to show general massing and types of people flow throughout the site due to this massing and site location.

Findings from model: Heavy Flow:

Leisurely Flow:

Quick Flow:

Page 19 - Site flow

Page 20 - Site flow

Eroding the site

In order to express the concept of erosion I decided to use more curved ‘eroded’ forms in the high density flow spaces. This was later also expressed in my choice of materials, as I chose to use layered sandstone in the private areas, gradually getting smoother towards the public areas.

Page 21 - Site flow

Digital Image Processing: Flows throughout site

Page 22 - Digital Image Processing

Page 23 - Digital Image Processing

Masterplan Proposal: Plans, Sections and Elevations

Page 24 - Masterplan Proposal

Page 25 - Masterplan Proposal

Unit Plan (small family size)

Unit Section

Unit Model

Page 26 - Masterplan Proposal

Model of 3 units slotted together

Page 27 - Masterplan Proposal

Second Unit-Staircase to upper floor

First Unit

Upper floor of second Unit and lower floor of third unit

Masterplan Proposal

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Lower Ground Floor

Ground Floor

First Floor


ond Floor

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Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fifth Floor

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Section looking North

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Section looking South

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Section looking East

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Front Elevation

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Proposal in context

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1.Water/ T http://www lery/39310

2.Water Is http://www doug88888/

3.http://w nar/247882


4.http://w N07/444345

5.Curves i http://www tosh/44679

Precedent 6.7.8.Herr http://www tos.html

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ng Images:

Texture/ Rain

slands /6121228923/ 52886/sizes/l/in/photostream/

in the stone

Research: rerosarquitectos, Dwelling Barcelona

Page 44 - Digital Portfolio

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