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Independent Action Research Research pages by Madeline Jenkins

Richard Long work really inspires me, he uses natural things to create sculpture and art. This work really inspired me when thinking about order in nature and how creating order in nature can really stand out.

Andy Goldsworthy A artist who I have admired for many years. He grew up in Yorkshire and we can see how his surroundings have really influenced his design. For example dry stone walls which are seen everywhere in the north. He creates land art using this skill.

Andres Amador Using the sand as a canvas to produce art work on, with the knowledge it will not last a long time.

Shop is called Knitalatte, in Canada Some amazing craft, crochet stones. The idea of bringing nature and craft together, to create some beautiful objects was an ideas I really liked.

Eiji Watanabe

cuts out butterflies found in field guides and books. His installation, Butterfly’s Eye View. Gave me an idea about the difference of nature indoor and outdoor.

Myoung Ho Lee South Korean photographer, He separates the trees from their surroundings by placing a blank canvas behind it, thereby pulling it out of the landscape.

Stefan Sagmeister Some work i felt was quite similar to the type i did in the woods at the beginning of the project. like how he has used found materials to create the type

Jason LaFerrera This gave me an idea of mapping journeys and where i spot animals and wildlife.

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