Madeline Nero Portfolio Pratt Institute GAUD ++
CONTENTS 01 ����������������������������������������������Visitors Center, El Yunque Rainforest Alexandra Barker | Spring 2011 02 ��������������������������������������������������������������Lumina:City Elderly Housing Craig Konyk | Fall 2010 03 ���������������������POPS Space (Privately +Owned +Public +Space) Alexandra Barker | Fall 2009 04 ������������������������������������������������Port Authority of Cagliari, Sardegna Ludovica Tramontin l Fall 2011 05 �������������������������������������������������������FAX NY: Farming Extreme in NY Sulan Kolatan I Spring 2012
VISITOR’S CENTER EL YUNQUE NATIONAL RAINFOREST, PUERTO RICO El Yunque’s new visitor’s center is a place of exhibition and education, featuring a gallery space, a small auditorium, administrative offices and a café. Visitors enter the site at ground level. As the building progresses along its horizontal trajectory, due to the site’s sloping terrain, the visitor experiences the changing elevation of the forest. An extended ramp leads the guest up to the mezzanine café, where the building pierces the thick canopy, revealing the extensive view of the lower elevations of the rainforest and the distant harbor.
Site ����������������������������������������������������������������������� El Yunque, Puerto Rico Professor ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Alexandra Barker Team ���������������������������������������������������� Jeffrey Autore, Christian Strom Consultants: Structural ����������������������������������������������������������������������������Matthew Clark Facade �������������������������������������������������������������������������������Sameer Kumar Landscape �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Elliott Maltby Environment ����������������������������������������������������������������� Mattew Flannery Course ��������������������������������������������� ARCH704: Design Studio IV: CAP Semester �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Spring 2011 Timeline ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Weeks
Prevailing Winds
Wind Frequency (Hrs)
Location: San Juan L M Marin Intl Ap, PRI (18.4°, -66.0°) 330° Date: 1st January - 31st December Time: 00:00 - 24:00
50 km/h
698+ 30°
628 558
40 km/h
418 349
30 km/h 300°
209 139
20 km/h
<69 285°
10 km/h
150° 195°
Average Annual Wind Direction, El Yunque National Forest
Puerto Rico Mean Annual Precipitation, 1971-2000
The proposed site for the new visitor’s center for Puerto Rico’s expansive rainforest lies in the heart of the vibrant Palo Colorado section. At +2000 feet above sea level, this area of the forest contains three distinct strata of flora and fauna created by the canopy of trees, the understory, and the emergent growth above. The site maintains a comfortable temperature and humidity throughout the year with steady cooling breezes from the trade winds out of the east. Rainfall averages 130170 inches per year.
130”-170” 90”-130” 50”-90” 30”-50”
El Yunque National Forest: 130-170 in/year
Site Average Temperature: 710 F Visitor’s Center Site Elevation: +2000ft
Temperature. F
77.5 75.0 72.5 71.0 70.0 67.5 67.0
Jan- Mar- May- Jul - Sep Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct
El YunqueMonths Average Annual Temperatures El Yunque Average Temperatures
Dwarf Forest Elevation: +3000ft
Palo Colorado Forest Elevation: +2000ft
Sierra Palm Forest Elevation: +1500ft
Tabonuco Forest Elevation: < 2000ft
Digital Model of Column Structure
Study Model of Column Structure
Conceptual Sketches of Column Structure
North Facade Rendering
Mezzanine Level +11’-0” Entry Level 0-0” Lower Level - 13-0”
Longitudinal Section
Canopy Boundary
Mezzanine Level +11’-0” Entry Level 0-0”
Understory Boundary Lower Level - 13-0”
Transverse Section
10â&#x20AC;? Steel Column
P.O.S. Concrete Footing Cap 1
Footing Section
Steel Column Base Concrete Pile Cap Steel Plate
Footing Plan
Steel and Concrete Piles
Longitudinal Section
FACADE DESIGN The site’s unique temperate climate, averaging about 71° at this elevation of the forest with steady prevailing winds from the east, provides an opportunity to use passive systems of cooling. Cool air is drawn in from operable windows along the east side while warmer air in the double height space rises and escapes through assisted vents in the roof system. Fritted ETFE (Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) panels provide a lightweight roof with an insulating shield from solar heat gain. A gradient of frit density increases as the building moves out from the protective tree canopy.
Welded connection between roof and primary mullion members ETFE Air hose connection, typ.
STRUCTURAL SYSTEM The inspiration for the building’s structural system is derived from a biomimicry study of the Puerto Rican Parrot and the unique composition of a feather. Both strong and lightweight, feather structure is light enough for flight but also strong enough to withstand high winds. The goal is to create a maximum structural support with a minimum impact on the land, thus helping to preserve the delicate balance of life at the forest floor. The interconnected column system mimics the woven nature of a feather, supporting three levels with eleven small column footings at the ground.
ETFE pillow, typ. Line of 5x5 steel tube beyond, typ.
5x5 steel tube, typ.
Fixed louver panel set behind perforated galvanized aluminum sheet.
Aluminum sill plate, typ. Steel angle welded to primary mullion framework. Angle to be bolted to W section below slab & decking. W24, typ. Spray-applied fireproofing (typ. all beams) Suspended wood plank ceiling
Recessed LED downlight Max. slab cantilever of 2’-0” 2-1/2” rigid insulation typ. McNichols galvanized aluminum press-locked grating. Panels suspended from 1/2” S.S. anchored through aluminum panel into rigid insulation above.
Cafe Kitchen
Rainwater Collection
Flue Restroom 2 Rain Water Polisher
Water Heater
Restroom 1
Hot Water Cold Water
Water Detention Tank (Overflow released to ground)
Water collection and distribution
Finished Ceiling Air Intake
Return Air Self Contained Air Unit 12 ton capacity
Resource Center
ZONE 2 Auditorium
Supply Air
Finished Floor
HVAC System
Interior view at mezzanine ramp
Sectional model interior view
Interior view at mezzanine cafĂŠ
Interior view at entry level
Entry Level Reflected Ceiling Plan
Lower Level Floor Plan
Foundation Plan
LUMINA: CITY ELDERLY HOUSING FOR ARTISTS WITH EARLY ONSET ALZHEIMER’S Light and memory are transitory and fleeting in nature. They function as traces on our existence, snapshots and impressions left upon our minds. This connection of light and memory is the driving concept behind my structure. This center will bring together a community of artists with early stage Alzheimer’s. The artists’ work must be related to light, which may include light sculpture, light graffiti, light drawing, interactive light installations, performance light art, or any creative endeavor of their choosing related to light. Practicing light artists in residence will assist them in creating this work. The program includes living and studio spaces for the artists as well as a public corridor for exhibition and retail.
Project �������Elderly Housing, Artists with Early Onset Alzheimer’s Concept ��������������������������������������������“Remembering Before I Forget” Site �������������������������������������������������������������� Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY Program ���������������������������� 84 Living Units, Retail, Exhibition Space Professor ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Craig Konyk Course �������������������ARCH662: Design Studio III, Urban Mixed Use Semester ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Fall 2011 Timeline �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Weeks
CONEY ISLAND BROOKLYN, NY Coney Island has long been a venue for spectacular, innovative artificial light. The site was used as an experimental testing ground for electric lighting, where the Luna Park and Dreamland amusement parks sparkled from miles away in surreal spectacle. The tradition continues today with the lighting of the Parachute Jump and the new Luna Park. MTA’s Arts for Transit program sets up a precedent for Urban Art at the site with the renovation of the two train stations flanking the site. Vito Acconci’s “Wavewall” of 2005 adorns the West 8th street station, while Robert Wilson’s “Coney Island Baby” glass-silkscreen block wall (2004) forms the rear wall of the Stillwell Avenue station.
Photo by Madeline Nero
Mapping of Tower Locations, Old Luna Park
Aerial View Showing Towers of Luna Park, 1921
Trace of Luna Park Towers
Study Model
Conceptual Sketch of Light Corridor
LIGHT AS TRACE, LIGHT AS MEMORY The buildingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s structure will function as a blank canvas for the artists as the building itself becomes part of the residentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art. The exhibition will occur primarily in the elongated, open public circulation corridor, with additional spaces for testing among the living quarters. Interactive installations and workshops held by the artists will function to tie into the community. A throwback to Luna Park and Dreamland, the building will become a spectacle at night, viewable both from the street and by trains passing through the light zone.
Detail at Exterior Wall
Detail at Parapet
Window Head Detail
Window Sill Detail
POPS Space (Privately + Owned + Public + Space) 53RD & 6TH AVENUE, NYC New York’s Calyon building is host to one of the city’s many POPS spaces, or privately owned public spaces. A 1961 zoning regulation allows relief from height and setback restrictions to tall buildings by providing indoor or outdoor spaces for the public on their property. Few of these spaces are very successful, 53rd and 6th a good example as it seem to provide little to the public. Our challenge for this studio was to build a structure within an existing less successful POPS space for public and commercial use. This studio began as a material study, where I analyzed the properties of wire screen mesh. I was particularly attracted to the flexible nature of the screen and its ability to mold into organic forms. I created three distinct variations which transition into one another across the field, shown in the image below.
Project �������������������������������������������������POPS (Privately Owned Public Space) Site ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53rd & 6th Ave. NYC Program ����������������������������������������� Pavilion for Commerce, Subway Access Professor ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Alexandra Barker Course ���������������������������������������ARCH620: Design Studio 1, Fundamentals Semester ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fall 2009 Timeline ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Weeks
53rd & 6th Ave, NYC The tall buildings along 6th avenue soar to impressive heights, and in their wake cast long shadows at the ground level. I became aware of this effect of light while visiting the site, in which the building and its cast shadow appear as a peeling away of two layers. The slowly rising form of the new pavilion mimics this behavior of the cast shadows, as the two layers of the street and roof line peel away from one another. Light filters to the ground from the dancing forms above, transforming monotonous shadows into a playful and inviting user experience.
Shadow Play at Street Level
Shadow Play at Stubway Level
Layered Design Sketch
3D Print Study Model
Wire Mesh Morph Studies
Plan View
Morphing Plan Studies
Rendered Section at Street Level
Rendered Section at Subway Mezzanine Level
Digital Morphing Studies
PORT AUTHORITY OF CAGLIARI SARDINIA, ITALY Over the course of this studio, we investigated how to create ‘breathable spaces.’ My interpretation of how a space ‘breathes’ is how it behaves with respect to light transmittance and the circulation of air and water. I studied the material tyvek to investigate how it ‘breathes’ with respect to light, air and water. Tyvek is a material made from the irregular layering of fibers and is used for air and water resistance in buildings, safety suits, and mailing envelopes. Through a series of experiments, I found that tyvek mailing envelopes change their porosity when exposed to heat. As heat is added, dense areas shrink and pull apart, leaving a network of translucent branches between these dense areas. This process creates a gradient of enclosure and transparency in the material. I hope to achieve this gradient of enclosure and transparency within the interior of the structure. The building houses many programs under one roof, including office, auditorium, virtual meeting room, retail and public areas. These varying programs require different levels of lighting and conditioning. Using my research as inspiration, I created a gradient of interior spaces by varying the density of exterior facade treatment and creating small pods of conditioned enclosure within. This treatment reduces the cooling load on the building and takes advantage of the temperate climate and persistent breezes on the island of Cagliari.
Project ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Port Authority of Cagliari Site ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Cagliari, Sargedgna, Italy Program ��������������������������������������������������������� Office space, retail, transportation hub Professor �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ludovica Tramontin Course ��������������������������������������������������������������ARCH 624: Design Studio 5, Vertical 1 Semester ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Fall 2011 Timeline �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Weeks
CAGLIARI, SARDINIA, ITALY The predominately temperate climate of Cagliari allows for a design that creates a variety of enclosure conditions. Temperatures average around 62o at the site, with highs in the upper 70s in the summer and lows in the upper 40s in the heart of winter. Steady winds across the island create a cool and comfortable atmosphere even on the warmest days. Due to these conditions, we were given freedom to create spaces with degrees of enclosure, from fully exposed outdoor space to semi-enclosed and fully conditioned indoor space. 80.0 75.0
Temperature. F
70.0 65.0 62.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0
Jan- Mar- May- Jul - Sep Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Months
Cagliari Average Temperatures Site Average Temperature: 620 F
Schematic Site Plan
Preliminary Study Models
Conceptual Diagram
View From Dock
Level 2 Floor Plan
Exterior View Looking South
Interior View of 3D Print Model
Aerial View
Views of 3D Print Model
FAX NY: Farming Extreme in NYC This project explores the integration of residential and vertical farming units into a cohesive structure that fosters a symbiotic relationship between the building’s inhabitants, visitors, plants and their pollinators. An open structural condition emerges from the ground plane, forming a semi-enclosed market space. Residential and farming units grow towards one another, morphing into a homogeneous center where the two programs intertwine. The two towers then split once again into separate spaces for residents and farmers.
Project ������������������������������������������������������� FAX NY: Farming Extreme in NYC Site �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18th St. & 10th Ave. Program �������������Vertical farming, green market, bee research & honey harvesting Professor ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sulan Kolatan Course ��������������������������������������ARCH805: Design Studio 5, Vertical Option Semester �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Spring 2012 Timeline ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Weeks
Average Annual Wind Direction
FAX NY Within the farm units, a variety of enclosure and light conditions accommodate the needs of a variety of plant species. Carefully controlled colonies of honeybees are used for plant pollination, and honey and other bee products are harvested and sold in the open market below. Exterior terraces and semi-enclosed interior courtyards permeate the residential units, allowing inhabitants to have their own garden oasis within the living unit, as well as aiding in the circulation of air and light throughout the building. The result is a building language and lifestyle that is meant to give relief from the congestion and regularity of the surrounding city. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map 90.0 80.0
Temperature. F
70.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0
Jan- Mar- May- Jul - Sep Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Months
New York Average Temperatures York City Annual SiteNew Average Temperature: 620 FTemperatures
Cell Aggregation Studies
Shadow Study at Equinox and Solstice Dates
Tetrahedron Cell Typology
Flowers and annual crop plants - Summer Common name
Latin name
Blooming months
Cannabis sativa
White Clover
Trifolium repens
Jun - Jul
Fagopyrum esculentum
Jul - Aug
Aster spp.
Land-in-blue, Bushy Aster
Aster x dumosus
Aug - Sep
Calendula officinalis
Jun - Sep
Heather sp.
Calluna vulgaris
Jul - Aug
Cucumis spp.
Cucumis melo
Cucurbita pepo
Epilobium angustifolium
Jul - Aug
Helianthus annuus
Jun - Sep
Medicago sativa
July - Aug
Papaver orientale
May - Jul
Papaver somniverum
May - Jun
Phacelia tanacetifolia
Jun - Sep
Sweet Corn
Zea mays
Jun - Jul
Flowers and annual crop plants - Spring Common name
Latin name
Blooming months
Asparagus officinalis
May - Jun
Brassica napus
May - Jun
Yellow Crocus Crocus vernus
Onobrychis viciifolia
May - Jul
Taraxacum officinale
Apr - May
Trees and shrubs - Spring Common name
Latin name
Blooming months
Malus domestica, Malus sylvestris
Apr - May
Prunus spp.
Apr - May
Prunus amygdalus
Wild Cherry
Prunus avium
Apr - May
Cherry Plum
Prunus cerasifera
Apr - May
Sour Cherry
Prunus cerasus
Apr - May
Prunus persica
Apr - May
Pyrus communis
Apr - May
Rubus spp.
May - Jun
Rubus idaeus
May - Jun
Pollen Color
Residential Tower
Typical Residential Units
Residential Terraces
View From Ground Level
Section Through Elevator Core
133 W 82nd. St. #3 NEW YORK, NY 10024 (+1) 757-714-5427 MADELINENERO@GMAIL.COM