005 The Brand
015 Palm Desert 023 Scottsdale 031 Miami
010 The Assets
The Zagora Resort & Spa is a collection of hotels, which are held together by an affinity for the passionate being. We aim to please our customers in every way possible by embodying the heart and soul of our surroundings, making our guests feel relaxed. We believe that hospitality is compassion and your stay with us will be a home away from home, just how you like it. Zagora Resort & Spa shows a genuine concern for others’ well-being and the ability to live with empathy. We make the basic things at our resort matter, making each guest experience unique and memorable the second they step foot on our property. All of our destinations embody the signature service and style that is Zagora Resort & Spa. Our Moroccan influences on the interior design and accents add a sense of warmth a n d v i b ra n c y to eve r y d e t a i l t h ro u g h o u t o u r g u e st s ’ s t ay.
The agave plant is native to the southern
This stylized cactus brings youth to our
This minimalistic rendition of a palm tree
United States. This graphic is the logo mark
Zagora Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, AZ. This
mirrors the simple, elegant design of the
that is applied to the Zagora Resort & Spa in
graphic freshens up our brand by appealing
Zagora Resort & Spa in Miami, FL. The
Palm Desert, CA. It represents the essence of
to a different demographic. This graphic
Miami property is covered in palm trees to
Palm Desert by encompassing sophistication
channels the essence of the Engelmann
enhance the stay of each guest by adding
and flare. The Palm Desert destination also
Prickly Pear cactus, which is found from
color and shade. Palm trees are timeless
includes an organic juicery, which only uses
California to MIssissippi. The contrasting
and the universal language for relaxation
a gave to swe e te n the i r beve rage s.
forms of round and sharp edges, make this
and vacation. This youthful logo mark is the
logo mark visually appealing.
perfect combination of day and night.
GOTHAM BOLD A a B b Cc D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s Tt U u Vv Ww X x Yy Z z
0 1 2 3 4 5 678 9
GOTHAM MEDIUM A a B b Cc D d Ee F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s Tt U u Vv Ww X x Yy Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 678 9
GOTHAM LIGHT A a B b Cc D d Ee F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s Tt U u Vv Ww X x Yy Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9
The Zagora Resort & Spa website is clean and easy to navigate through. We wanted to keep the vibe of the website congruent with the atmosphere at all three of our destinations — cool, sophisticated and rustic-yet-modern. There is a drop down button on the top left side of the website, which keeps the words displayed to a minimum. The homepage pi c tu re s ro tate eve ry few seconds, which a llows the viewers to see everything Z a gora Re sor t & Sp a has to of fe r. The clean design of our website is easy on the eyes and appeals to all ages. Every picture on the website is linked to mo re i nfo rmation, so by clicking the im a ge you will insta ntly be directed wh e re you ne e d to g o.
Our Palm Desert destination is the first established Zagora Resort & Spa. This location is designed to compliment the desert surroundings by featuring natural elements reflecting the local landscape, colors and culture. This Palm Desert luxury retreat is where guests can surrender to the serenity of a relaxing worlds away from ordinary. Our hotel fe atu re s go rge o u s, p a nora m ic views a ll a round the property, em bra cing the desert re sor t ’s c asual e le g ance. Throughout the duration of your stay, you can dive into our poolside bar, indulge in our organic juicery, and even attend a complimentary sunrise yoga class. There are also 20 private cabanas at our main pool that you may reserve, which include a private waiter. We specialize in events and we will do our best to accommodate any sized party. The Zagora Resort & Spa in Palm Desert, leaves a sensory impression that will stay with you long after your stay.
Los Angeles, CA
Santa Monica, CA
San Francisco, CA
“I love hiking Runyon Canyon on the weekends and shopping at The Grove in my free time.”
“I enjoy grabbing a few beers and playing pool after work with my buddies.”
“On Sundays, I usually read a book or blog at the Golden Gate Park.”
Mary-Kate is an aspiring actress and
James works as the creative director
Tessa is a fashion blogger, who is living in
model who lives in Los Angeles, CA. She
at an up-and-coming, men’s clothing
San Francisco, CA. She is originally from
works as a cocktail waitress during the
company. James lives in a two bedroom
Orange County, but she moved up north
we e k a n d p ro m o te s p a r t i e s o n t h e
apartment with two roommates, if you
to pursue her fashion career. She enjoys
we e ke n d s . M a r y- K a te l i ke s l i v i n g a
include is chocolate Labrador. He loves
meditating everyday to keep herself cen-
high-end lifestyle, which is why she is
taking his dog on runs at the beach
tered, since she has such a busy schedule.
working her way up in the industry.
every morning to get his exercise in.
She is currently attending Academy of
She has famous friends and great
James drives an older, black BMW around
Art University, where she is majoring in
connections, which is why she lives a
town. He is more of a dive bar type of
communications. Tessa takes the metro
fast-paced life. She drives a white, con-
guy, but has no problem getting dressed
to get from point a to point b, since it is
vertible Fiatt, which is easy to park on
up for special occasions. Since he lives so
t he q uic ke st way to t rave l in t he c it y.
the streets of LA. She loves to shop at
close to Los Angeles, he spends a lot of
Tessa loves thrift shopping to find high
the local Farmers Market because she is
his nights going out to lounges and
e nd c lot hing , at d iscounte d p r ice s.
ve g e t a r i a n a n d e a t s o rg a n i c f o o d s .
parties with friends.
The agave plant graphic is added to each of our printed assets at the Zagora Resort & Spa in Palm Desert, CA. The graphic going off of the corner adds extra visual interest, which is captivating and engaging. This conrasting color palette was chosen because it pops off of the page, which is very memorable to all of our guests.
Our Scottsdale location is the relaxation destination for our high-end customers. Our country club sophistication and desert influence intermingle in the casual, yet elegant setting of this Zagora Resort & Spa. As one of the finest luxury golf resorts in Arizona, the Zagora Resort & Spa, Scottsdale features two stunning PGA-level golf courses which host major professional golf tournaments every year. Along with our golf amenities, there is also an divine spa on location and a luxurious shopping mall just a few minutes away. Unwind and indulge in a glass of wine at one of our weekly cheese and wine nights.
LISA, 44
AMY, 35 & NICK, 37
Newport Beach, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
La Jolla, CA
“Living by the ocean really gives me a great perspective on how lucky I am to be alive.”
“I love golfing as often as I can, even if I only play a couple holes after work.”
“At the end of the day, we love to cook dinner together, while indulging in a glass of wine.”
Lisa was born and raised in Newport
Scott is currently an eligible bachelor,
A m y a n d N i c k h ave b e e n h a p p i l y
Beach, CA and she loves it! Lisa is a wife
who is currently living in Scottsdale. Scott
married for 5 years and currently reside in
and a mother of three. Her children are
is a sales director, so he is constantly
La Jolla, CA. Amy is an accountant for a
very active with extracurricular activities,
traveling the US and Canada. Scott drives
loc al comp any and N ic k is a sale s
which keeps her very busy. Lisa is a
a bla ck Mercedes, beca use he loves
director for a leading insurance company.
stay-at-home mom and keeps busy by
looking slick and driving fast. On the
Amy loves to go to yoga classes in the
cleaning up the house, doing laundry
weekends, Scott loves to play a round of
morning and pilates classes in the evening.
and grabbing afternoon cocktails with
golf with his friends and going out for a
Amy is very fit and plans to stay happy
her friends. Lisa is very involved at her
n i g h t o n t h e tow n . S co t t h a s b e e n
and healthy for several years to come.
children’s’ school because she is on the
working with his company for 10 years
Nick enjoys watching football with his
fundraising committee. Lisa drives a white
and he is looking to settle down soon.
buddies, working on his boat and cruising
Range Rover, so she has enough room to
He loves to shop at Nordstrom and
around the harbor. They love weekend
fit all of her kids in the car. She also loves
Bloomingdales because he is very on
getaways and plan to have a baby
vacationing almost every month, so
trend and fashion conscious.
in t he nex t 5 ye ar s.
she can shop and tan.
The light green on the charcoal background really catches our guests' attention. The light green represents native desert succulents, cacti and plants. The cactus logo mark is added to all of the print assets at the Zagora Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, AZ. These designs are meant to be fun and playful, channeling a retro cactus drawing.
Our Miami destination is located in the heart of many shops, bars and clubs. This is the ultimate destination for an urban resort, Zagora Resort & Spa presents a lifestyle that incorporates tropical landscapes, the beach and sea. This location includes spectacular dining, a modern spa, beach club, large pool and numerous sporting activities. This location specializes in a fun-filled weekend escape, which incorporates an endless supply of Mai-tai's during the day, followed by a lively night out on the town.
NATE, 29
Aaron, 34
Manhattan, NY
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Los Angeles, CA
“Having a busy work schedule makes my free time that much more rewarding.”
“I love laying out and tanning at the beach, then grabbing drinks with my girls after.”
“I’m more of a night owl, since I work at night and then I go out and party afterwards.”
Nate is currently living in New York,
Brooke lives in Fort Lauderdale,
Aaron is living in Los Angeles where he
working on Wall Street as an intern at
Florida with two of her best friends.
pursues his modeling career. Since
Go l dman S ac h s. H e l i ve s a ve ry fa st
Brooke graduated from the University of
modeling isn’t a full time job, he also
paced lifestyle and doesn’t have much
Miami, with a Business degree. She is
works part time at a marketing agency.
free time during the week. He comes from
currently working at her parents real
Aaron has a lot of connections all over
a very wealthy family, but still is pursuing
estate company, until she figures out
the world, so he travels a lot and is
his career. Nate takes the subways and
where she wants to build her career.
always on the go. His modeling and
taxis to get around town, when he isn’t
Brooke drives a white Range Rover and
acting career is just starting to take off,
traveling outside of New York. Nate has
loves to travel in her free time to sur-
so he is always on call. Aaron drives a
one male roommate and lives in what you
rounding beach cities. She also enjoys
black Audi around town and he loves it.
would call a bachelor pad. He is single
Sunday brunch and mimosas with her
His favorite places to shop are Zara and
and goes out for drinks on a regular basis
closest friends. Brooke also loves to shop
Neiman Marcus. Aaron prefers the
to blow of steam with his buddies.
at Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom.
nightlife outside of Los Angeles, since it has become routine for him.
The tiny palm tree is added to all of the Zagora Resort & Spa assets in Miami. If you have ever been you Miami, you know that there are palm trees in almost every direction you look and our goal was to make our guests relate the two together. The minimalistic approach is to keep the branding of this hotel clean and corporate while still having a younger appeal.