1 minute read
Tips for a Terrifc Tuscan Wedding
by Julie Rhodes
After interviewing ten, count ‘em, TEN, wedding planners, Courtney and Taylor decided on Danila from DAMA Wedding. The key to fnding Danila and the other good candidates were the Facebook groups Courtney joined. People are more than happy to give advice on social media, and it shouldn’t take long to connect with fellow romantics in the Meta-verse.
Communicate with your guests EARLY. Brace yourself: there will be a lot of “nos.” Asking people to fy to Italy for a wedding is a BIG ask, but those who really care will fnd a way to make it happen – if you catch them early enough. For an October 2023 wedding, Courtney and Taylor started sharing their grand plan with friends and family in July of 2022.
How you frame a destination wedding is important. Try suggesting that the wedding can be part of that European trip they’ve been planning since before the pandemic. If guests feel free to “choose their own adventure,” you’ll get more “yeses.”
Familiarize yourself with travel credit cards and correct documentation. If you’ve never traveled internationally, get an airline credit card with a large international presence (American, Delta, or United), and a secondary card that gives you other perks. The cards should be widely accepted in Europe but shouldn't have foreign transaction fees. Also, research the travel documentation required for the countries you’re visiting. You don’t want to show up at a foreign airport only to be told that because your passport expires in 3 months, you cannot fy home.
Julie’s Tip Within a Tip:
If there is a language difference, free apps like Duolingo are a great tool to help familiarize yourself with the language of your destination.
Go see your options. In person. I know. You’re already paying a lot of money for your terrifc Tuscan wedding, and now I’m asking you to go twice? Yes. Yes, I am.