3 minute read

Jennifer’s Fort Worth Faves

JK: The playlist is one of the most important parts of my class. We require a variety of beats per minute for each song… I also think about the emotional build and the fun. I want my clients to leave class empowered, knowing they achieved something really incredible for themselves. I like to incorporate songs from past and present, with a few mashups here and there to appeal to all. Music is therapy, and so is movement!

Here's my final nugget of encouragement. It’s intimidating to start an exercise routine. Exercise is a process which requires time and discipline. You have to do the work, but that work has a very powerful and beautiful outcome. It’s never too late to start.

SEVEN Tips for REAL ESTATE Success in 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a year of economic uncertainty. Inflation, the threat of a recession, and the turbulence of last year’s real estate market are making home buyers wary. However, experts are saying that the Dallas-Fort Worth real estate market will be more stable compared to others nationally, which is good news.

If you’re looking to buy a house in 2023, fear not. There are things you can do to make sure you are prepared.

If your credit isn’t in tip-top shape, find a financial advisor to help you. You’d be amazed at how simple changes can positively affect your credit score.

Find a real estate agent you trust. Realtor.com and Zillow have turned us all into “experts,” but a good real estate agent can save you thousands of dollars and help avoid any stumbling blocks along the way. Once you’ve found an agent you like, listen to them. They are the pros, and knowing the local market is their job.

Shop around for a loan. With interest rates as they are, it only makes sense to do your research and find the best loan you can afford.

Be willing to downsize your dreams a little. A smaller house means a smaller monthly payment. If you are even remotely handy, look for a house that needs a little love before it’s perfect. Which leads to our next tip…

Negotiate. Don’t be afraid of confrontation. The housing market in DFW has slowed, and sellers are more willing to do what is necessary to close a deal. Does the kitchen or bathroom need updating? Reduce your offer. Are you worried about that 18-year-old HVAC? Ask for a one-year home warranty. The sellers’ market is quickly turning into a buyers’ market.

And finally, be patient. Your home is not only the biggest financial investment, it’s your HOME! It’s your refuge and your oasis. It’s where you celebrate your family’s wins and recover from your losses. Don’t rush into a purchase just because you don’t immediately see anything in your price range.

Yes, the 2023 housing market is going to be very different that 2022’s, but with a little preparation, a bit of expert advice, and a modicum of patience, you will certainly find the home of your dreams.

We are a professional organizing company who strives to make every space beautiful, organized and functional Each project is unique and we take pride in exceeding your expectations from start to finish

M e n t i o n t h i s A d

C o m e s h o p o u r F a c t o r y S h o w r o o m , a n d y o u w i l l r e s t e a s y k n o w i n g y o u h a v e t h e b e s t q u a l i t y m a t t r e s s a t t h e b e s t p r i c e O u r s i s n o t o n l y a f a c t o r y s h o w r o o m , b u t a l s o i t ’ s a s h o w r o o m i n t h e f a c t o r y .

9 0 0 H a l t o m R o a d

F o r t W o r t h , T X


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