Futuristic, strange and very modern, or intended or seeming to come from some imagined time in the future What does the future hold in arts? How does modernization affects art? It is a very common curiosity most people have The future is a mystery We will never know what the future holds and why
Characteristic of Futurism, a modern, mystery and, things that will eventually happen
Somewhat a futurist, illusionist, seer, visionary, a person with unusual powers of foresight
These paintings show what "futuristic" art looks like by designs and technologies It
Through this event, we look up to raising awareness of these incredibly unique artists and the strong values art can give A closer look at the other side of art We believe these works of art in this art exhibition will in-depth open your mind and imagination through truly inspiring artworks
One of the most apocalyptic of Nevinson's paintings, Bursting Shell uses the strong lines and swirling movement of Futurist and Vorticist compositions to recreate the effect of an explosion. The dark shapes, which could be shards of debris or shadows, fracture what appear to be the bricks and timber of buildings and roads
The strong focal point of the vortex - with its bright light and dizzying spiral - simulates the disorientating sensory experience of an explosion
The prints in this series were made using a mix of techniques, including sprayed paper pulp and collage. When he worked as a sign painter, Rosenquist’s job was to enlarge artwork for adverts to the size of billboards. This made him look at pictures differently: "I would take disparate images, put them together and try to make another sense out of them It was almost like the idea of listening to radio and thinking about something in the abstract"
Part of "Welcome to the Water Planet"
Acrylic paint, dye, lithograph and paper pulp on paper 2477 × 3048 mm
The Prologue and The Promise is a mural that was commissioned by Walt Disney’s EPCOT Center in Orlando, Florida for their Horizons pavilion. The mural could be seen as you exited the Horizons pavilion and exhibit. The pavilion is gone but the legacy of this great work of art still remains. The mural was completed in March of 1983 with the help of Robert’s wife Louise McCall.
Robert McCall was one of the production illustrators employed by Entertainment Effects Group, on Star Trek: The Motion Picture. A very important part of his responsibilities was the pre-production visualization for the producers of the movie and the interactions with various set pieces and concepts. One of Robert’s paintings was on display in a lounge on board the USS Enterprise in The Motion Picture.
Robert was brought in on the production team in, March of 1979 by Visual Effects Director, Douglas Trumball whom he had previously worked with on 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Oils, acrylics and watercolors
When creating this piece, Yun tapped back into his childhood and the love he had for space, the future, the unknown Growing up, Yun always had a fascination for outer space Movies such as Star Wars, Alien, Logan’s Run, 2001: A Space Odyssey captured my imagination, and as a child he would always find art as an outlet to showcase the vivid images he had in my head Fast forward years later, the inspiration behind this piece comes directly from his continued love for ’60s and ’70s science fiction movies and books
Yun's vision for the distant future is optimistic but bleak as well In his illustration there is a sense of claustrophobia as if things weren’t added in an orderly or planned out manner With all the lights glowing everywhere, it is clear this city never goes to sleep While Yun's illustration is just a fictional representation of his imagination, overpopulation, poor city planning, loss of vegetation, proliferation of light pollution are all things that we witness on Earth today It would be foolish to suggest that these things would never happen in a planet far far away in a distant future
Urban Landscape is a series of work each inspired by the city Jinhwa Jang lived in, Seoul, Hanoi, and Shanghai. “Urban Landscape 3” is a picture of fantasy about the future Her childhood memory of Shanghai is imperfect, she says When she was small she thought she didn’t want to come back to Shanghai when she left for Korea but she always loved the scenery of the city, especially the evening When she came back to Shanghai years later, she had time to enjoy the warm weather and neons of the city, and she took pictures of the city and made this image. For her, this work is like reconciling with her memory. The futuristic fantasy contains positive hope.