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Commemorative Toy
Toys reflect county heritage
SeeUsatFarm TechnologyDaysJuly12th, 13th&14th. Lot#779
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days
The 2022 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days commemorative toys are a 1/64th scale Meyer’s 8126RT Forage Box Set including a forage trailer and truck-mounted box. The boxes reflect Clark County-based Meyer Manufacturing Corporation. Alvin Meyer patented the False-Endgate box in 1951, which was later redesigned to become what is believed to be the first-ever selfunloading forage box. The 8100RT BOSS can now be seen across the country.
The 2022 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is being held July 12-14 at Roehl Acres and Rustic Occasions, N7779 County Highway K, just south of Loyal, Wisconsin. Visit www.wifarmtechdays.org for more information.

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