10 minute read
Calendar of Events


2023 Calendar What’s happening in Fox Lake
Ongoing Events
Every Saturday January - December Boat House Pub and Eatery N10575 Chief Kuno
Trail. Live music Call (920) 928-3470 for details. Fox Lake Public Library 117 W. State St.
Story time is every Monday at 11 am. Crochet group meets every Tuesday from 10-noon.
Every Saturday April - October Fox Lake Flea Market
Saturday morning, Living Hope Food Pantry. See page 10 for more details.
Memorial Day – Labor Day
Drunken Clam – N10604 Chief Kuno Trail Friday & Saturdays and some Sundays. Live Music All Summer Long!
June to 1st weekend in October Fox Lake Historical Museum
Located at 211 W. Cordelia St. Open 1st and 3rd Sundays from 1pm-4pm See page 6 for details.
June 22, 29, July 6, 13, and 20
Activities and Crafts at the Community
Center/Fireman’s park - Thursdays at 11 am
June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26
Performances at the Community Center/ Fireman’s park - Wednesdays at 11 am
Saturdays June - August Brat Frys and Bake Sales
Legion-220 W. State St.
7—State Kitty Kat Snowmobile Races
on the ice, in front of the Boat House. Open to the public for spectating. Practice and hot laps start at 9:00 a.m. 14—Ice Softball Tournament
Held at the Boat House. Begins at 10 a.m. Only $25 per team. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470. 21—Wisconsin Elite Fishing Tournament
Held in front of the Boat House. 6:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Registration opens at 5:30 a.m. Contact Justin at (414) 406-6350. 28—Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce 20th Annual Winter Fisheree Contact the Boat
House for information at (920) 928-3470. See page 13 for details. 31—Red Cross Blood Drive
Noon - 5:30 p.m. at Fox Lake Community Center. Hosted by the American Legion Post 521
4—Ice Golf Tournament Play 9 holes of golf on the ice in front of the Boat House beginning at 1 p.m. Win fabulous prizes. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470. 4—American Legion Annual Fisheree
See page 13 for details. 5—Free Kids Ice Fisheree Free to all children 14 years and under. 7 a.m. – noon. Prizes and trophies awarded. Held at the Boat House, N10575 Chief Kuno Trail. For more information please call Pete Haupf at (608) 609-2707. 10-12—9th Annual Fish Tales Bait & Liquor Winter Jamboree Call (920) 520-0015
for further information. See page 13 for details. 11—Fox Lake Historical Society Annual Soup
Dinner 4-7 p.m. at Fox Lake American Legion. 11—FLPO Cabin Fever Social Event
This year’s event will be held at the Shores. Call 920-928-3486 for more information. 14—Treat Your Sweetheart to Dinner at
Schaumburg Supper Club. All ladies receive a box of chocolates. Call for reservations. (920) 928-3348 25—Fox Lake Charities Fisheree
12th Annual Ice Fisheree: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Boat House Pub & Eatery, N10575 Chief Kuno Trail. See page 13 for details.
12—Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Parade begins at 1 p.m. See p. 19 for details. 12—Corned Beef and Cabbage
at Schaumburg Supper Club. Call (920) 928-3348 for reservations. 12-18—Corned Beef and Cabbage
at The Boat House Pub and Eatery. Call (920) 928-3470 for additional information. 18—Fox Lake Golf Club Opening Day
(weather permitting) Call for a tee time. (920) 928-2508 www.FoxLakeChamber.com 7

1—Brunch with the Easter Bunny
Come and visit with the Easter Bunny at the Boat House. Enjoy a full brunch beginning at 11 a.m. For more info call (920) 928-3470. 8-9— Master’s
Watch Party
Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 9—Easter Buffet
Schaumburg Supper Club. Register to win the “Easter Basket” 11am-2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348 17—11th Annual Friends of SAGES’
Banquet & Auction -Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Dinner & Program at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Fox Lake Community Center. The public is invited for a lively evening featuring a catered meal, live and silent auctions, raffles, and special school presentations. This annual fundraiser event benefits educational efforts at the School for Agricultural and Environmental Studies (SAGES). Learn more at www.waupun.k12.wi.us/o/sages. 22—2nd Annual BHHS Earth Day
9am - 5pm. Join the crew to assist in cleaning up the Fox Lake shoreline ditches: Chief Kuno Tr., Howard Dr., Blackhawk Tr., etc. Pizza, beer and goodies to local volunteers at The Boat House afterwards. Starts at The Shores parking lot at 9 am-call ahead or meet us along the way. Call or text for more info (773) 251-8066.
6— Kentucky Derby Party
Fox Lake Golf Club - (920) 928-2508 for info. 13—Mother’s Day Celebration
Held at Hoekstra’s Market & Greenhouse. Door prizes, refreshments and lots of Mother’s Day gifts to choose from! Saturday kids plant a flower for Mom. FREE! N10348 Co. Hwy A, Fox Lake. Call for more information (920) 928-2398. 13—Fox Lake Citywide Rummage Sale
Fox Lake and the area surrounding the lake. 14—Treat Mom to Dinner at Schaumburg
Supper Club. Serving Buffet from 10:30am – 2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348. 20—2nd Annual Kids Golf Tournament
Fox Lake Golf Club - Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 28- Parade on Howard Drive
Sponsored by FLPO starting at 11:00 a.m. from the Northwest corner of lower Howard Drive following Howard Drive and ending at Cabby’s Patio and Grill. Line up is at 10:45 off of Cty A and Howard Drive. Decorate your old cars, tractors, bikes, ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, floats, pets, or just walk the route.No registration required. 31—Couples Fun League Starts

Fox Lake Golf Club - Call (920) 928-2508 for information.

10—Adult Night Golf
4 Person scramble with glow in the dark balls and a “lit up” course. Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 17—Fox Lake Preservation Organization
Special Friends Outing See page 12 for details. 19- Fox Lake Public Library
Summer reading registration starts. 20-22—Youth Golf Camp
Fox Lake Golf Club - Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 24—Tunes on the Lake
Sponsored by the FLPO from 1-5pm with a band playing off the Lorenty’s pier, off Blackhawk Trail 25—Trenton Highlights 4-H Club Fundraiser
Leroy Meats Brat Stand, Fox Lake. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Call Sherry at (920) 928-2478 for more info. 27-29—Youth Golf Camp

Fox Lake Golf Club - Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 28—Schaumburg Supper Club Music on
the Patio Join us for music on the patio from 5:30 to 9 p.m. No cover charge, call to reserve a table, (920) 928-3348.
1—Brat Fry
Put on by Living Hope Food Pantry at LeRoy Meat Market. 1—Parade on Blackhawk Trail
Sponsored by FLPO starting at 1 p.m. from Town Park. This is a family fun activity, so decorate your old cars, tractors, bikes, ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, floats, pets, wagons or just walk the route. No registration is required. 1—FLPO Boat Parade
The Fox Lake Preservation Organization is sponsoring a 4th of July boat parade starting at 5:00 p.m. from Del Bern Acres. Line up is at 4:45 pm. No registration required.

1—Fox Lake FREE Concert in the Park
City of Fox Lake Riverside Park shelter. Food, beer and soda available. Live music from 6:30 p.m. til dusk. Call the Fox Lake Chamber at (920) 928- 3777 for information. 1—Fireworks at Dusk
Fireworks show over the lake. Rain date July 2. See page 19 for details. 12—Schaumburg Supper Club Music on
the Patio Join us for music on the patio from 5:30 to 9 p.m. No cover charge. Call to reserve a table (920) 928-3348.

14—4th Annual
Fox Trot-Red, White and Brews Wine and Beer Walk
in downtown Fox Lake from 5-8 p.m. Sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce. Call for additional information (920)928-3777. 15—Leroy Meats Customer Appreciation event from 12-4pm 21—Drunken Clam Annual Casual Car
Show A preview to the main car show on July 22 in the park. Live music from 4-9 p.m. You are welcome to bring any style of vehicle to show. 22—Firefighters 21st Annual Car Show
Held at Fireman’s Park, rain or shine, at 9 a.m. See page 20 for more details. 23—Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
10am registration, 11am shotgun start. Call the Chamber for additional information or to reserve a spot (920)928-3777. 30— Fox Lake Golf Club Big Cup Golf
Outing and Sunday Brunch
4 person scramble, the cups are really big!! Call the club for more information (920) 928-2508
5—15th Annual Kuno Fest
Chief Kuno Trail on Fox Lake. Enjoy food, fun and live bands at the Boat House, The Clam and The Shores. Contact the Boat House for more information (920) 928-3470. 8—Fox Lake Ladies Shotgun for the Cure
Invitational Best ball scramble. Includes lunch, prizes and raffles. Call Fox Lake Golf Club for more information (920) 928-2508.

12—Fox Lake Preservation Organization
Annual Golf Outing Held at the Fox Lake Golf Club. Best-ball scramble that is open to the public. Complimentary lunch served at the turn and drawing for many golf prizes and raffle items. Tee time is 10 a.m. Plan to join the fun! 18—11th Annual SAGES’ Golf Outing
Held at Fox Lake Golf Club. Pull together a team, come play as an individual, or simply join us for lunch. Proceeds benefit project-based learning at the School for Agricultural & Environmental Studies (SAGES). Learn more at, www.waupun. k12.wi.us/o/sages. 20—Dog Swim
Held at Fox Lake Aquatic Center 25—Family Night Golf
Kids golf for free with a paying adult. Glow in the dark balls and a lit up course. Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information. 26—Tunes on the Lake
Sponsored by FLPO from 1–5 p.m. with a band playing off the Drury’s pier, off Howard Drive 26—Night Golf
Fox Lake Golf Club 8:30 pm. 4 person scramble with glow in the dark balls and a “lit up” course. Call (920) 928-2508 for additional information.
9—Boat House’s Annual 4-Person Scramble
Golf Outing Held at Fox Lake Golf Club. Outing and hole activities and prizes. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470. 16—Fox Lake Fire Dept. Golf Outing
Fox Lake Golf Club at Noon. Scramble. For more information call the Club at 920-928-2508 23—Snappers Golf Outing
Fox Lake Golf Club at 11. Scramble. For more information call the Club at 920-928-2508
13 —Fire Prevention Open House
Fox Lake Fire Department 14—20th Annual Boat House Hayride
Ride around the lake on hay wagons pulled by tractors. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470. 21—13th Annual
‘Spooktacular’ Event

in downtown Fox Lake. Noon to 3. Tons of kids’ activities. Sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce. See page 19 for more details. 28—Trunk or Treat
3-5 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran School, 110 Edgelawn Dr. Fox Lake (920) 928-3296 28—City of Fox Lake Trick-or-Treat
Tentatively 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
11—Veterans Day Program
Flag Memorial at 11 a.m. at American Legion. 23—Thanksgiving Dinner
at Schaumburg Supper Club 10:30am-2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348
2— Breakfast at the Legion-220 W. State St
Free breakfast for all city residents until food is gone. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in attendance. Children under 10 receive a free gift. 3—Advent by Candlelight
3:00 p.m. at St. John’s, 110 Edgelawn Dr., Fox Lake (920) 928-3296 9— “December to Remember” Christmas
12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Call (920) 928-3777 for more information. See page 19 for details.

9— Breakfast with Jesus
8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. at St. John’s Lutheran School, 110 Edgelawn Dr., Fox Lake (920) 928-3296 www.stjohnsfoxlake.org 16—Buffet Brunch with Santa
Enjoy a bit of the North Pole while visiting with Santa at the Boat House. Festivities begin at 11 a.m. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.