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Teens to receive practical training

Two 75-minute sessions will be held Wednesday exclusively for teens 15 to 18 years old.

In the “Future of Success” sessionsledbyconferenceemcee Michael Hoffman, founder and owner of Dallas-based Igniting Performance, 15- to 18-year olds will learn key communications and re l a t i o n s h i p skills In an energetic and dynamic morning session, teens will learn how their presence, conversations and ability to ask intelligent questions – in conjunction with a confident handshake can be positively influential.


In a follow-up afternoon session,Hoffman will illustrate how people-to-people interactions are at the heart of human relationships. Teens will have fun learning about themselves and others while exploring the many ways we impact one another –by choosing unsolicited acts of kindness and words well spoken In a digital age, the time deliberately spent with each other will also be addressed.

Attendees will have the opportunity Thursday to implement the tips they’ve learned by networking with others and attending sessions as active participants.

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