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Visit youth ag adventure


Kids of all ages can have hands-on experience with exhibits across the Farm Technology Days grounds. They’ll also earn a participation prize.

•Staying Safe – The Progressive Agriculture Foundation will feature safety and health stations – All-Terrain Vehicle and Utility Task Vehicle Safety, Grain Safety, Lawnmower and Sun Safety, and Power Take-Off and Blind Spot Safety.

•70-foot-long soil pit – The U S Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service’s soil pit will show what’s going on underground. Also offered will be Pollinator Partnership posters, native pollinatorseed packets and “soil crayons” made from recycled crayons and different soils.

•Diversity in Diesel, Trucks, Gators, Excavators and Welding – The Madison Area Technical College-Reedsburg Campus will feature a virtual welding station, autosteer on a John Deere 8521 S4 Gator on a small driving course, operation of a 600 HP Cummins dieselengine performance trainer, an excavator-skill challenge and diagnostic engine tests on a diesel engine “

•Recreational Riding, Roping and Saddling – The Wisconsin Horse Council will give kids the choice of roping a steer head or saddling a horse. Council members will answer questions about the horses.

•You’re On In 3 2 -1! – Youth are invited to learn about modern media and promotion with activities involving social media, interviewing skills and going live on the show’s Facebook channel

•Big Engines and Miniature Farmscapes – Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club will feature a miniature farmscape and many gas and steam engines.

•Button it up with the DNR! – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will share information about wildlife, forestry and water quality, and lead a button-making station

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